Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges: Republic of The Philippines Nabua, Camarines Sur A.Y. 2020-2021 2 Semester

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Republic of the Philippines


Nabua, Camarines Sur
ISO 9001:2015 A.Y. 2020-2021 2nd Semester


Innovative Infrastructure Design
Final Requirement

Project title BIO-FORTRESS

For its geography, the Bicol Region is particularly prone to typhoons, floods, drought, and
Project descriptions volcanic activity. The municipality of Nabua in Camarines Sur is situated on basin-shaped
(Features, terrain, which causes flooding even after light rainfall. Natural disasters can cause serious
Function(s) and/or property and infrastructure damage, as well as loss of lives. Water damage from floods
Relevance) accounts for 90% of all damage caused by natural catastrophes. Homes, businesses,
automobiles, possessions, and equipment... Nothing is immune. Just a few inches of water
may do significant damage to your house or business's contents, as well as structures and
property. Infrastructure damage also has long-term repercussions, such as disruptions in clean
water supplies, wastewater treatment, power, transportation, communication, education, and
health care. Communities on floodplains may be economically susceptible due to the loss of
livelihoods, reduced buying power, and decreased land value. Floods can also cause long-
term stress to victims and their families. The loss of a loved one has a tremendous effect on
children. Displacement from one's home, loss of possessions, and disruptions to one's career
and social life may all add to one's stress level.
This project, was inspired by the waffle box infrastructure invented by a Philippine
construction company, called Solidcon. The structure's function is to provide shelter for
individuals who would like to reduce their carbon footprint while ensuring their safety from
earthquakes and storms. This project will be self-sustaining and off-grid, and each module
will include solar panels for power, rain water, and tanks with water purifiers for clean water
and biogas. These factory-made modules are plug-in units that are ready-finished, extendable
sidewards or upwards, durable, green (does not use wood, therefore requires less cement and
steel but is equally as strong), and also may be insulated. Bio-fortress will be comprised of
huge, structural, ribbed panels of reinforced precast concrete that will be bolted together and
caulked to form the walls, floors, and pitched or flat roofs of buildings. It may be elevated to
the level desired by the customer, keeping it secure from flooding. The walls are made up of
152 mm thick precast reinforced dense concrete wall panels. A professional engineer is
responsible for the design of buildings, including the foundations. Where there is a risk of
water or wind erosion of the ground close to the structure, a concrete apron must be
constructed around the perimeter. The walls shall be supported by conventional cast-in-situ
concrete strip footings if the engineer determines that the building site is inappropriate for
suspended floors and grade beams. Metal or wood window and door frames must be
integrated into the wall panels during casting or installed after erection into holes created
during casting. Casting may be done in the casting yard while the foundation is being built,
cutting down on construction time. By capturing the moisture created by the concrete, the
curing period is shortened. Because the structure is linked by bolt connections, the building
may be moved once it has been constructed.
Project proponents
This project used the following materials:
Materials Description Quantity Cost

Materials needed Solar Panels - it absorbs sunlight and convert 8-10 pcs Php 54, 400 (8 pcs)
it into power. Php 68,000 (10 pcs)
and costs
Inverter - solar inverter works by taking 1 pc Php 31,360
in the variable direct current
output from the solar panels and
transforming it into alternating
120V/240V current.
Wire mesh (4ft x 8ft) - is a versatile metal product 20 pcs Php 20,000
that can be used effectively in
countless applications globally.
 Concrete Debris - it is a used concrete wherein 36.5 cu.m Php 1045.323
it can be utilized again as a
replacement of gravel.
 Post-consumer glass - glass being versatile inert 8.5 cu.m Php 561.9775
material, is a suitable aggregate
replacement for concrete.
 Plastic waste - it is easily recycled, and can 8.5 cu.m Php 561.9775
easily replace up to 20% traditional
aggregate material.
 Composite cement - it is a composite material and 298 bags Php 74,500
foam beads, the buatex wall system
is a strong and less energy requiring
alternative to traditional concrete.
 Methane Generator - it is a machine that convert organic 1pc Php 29,920
wastes into biogas energy.
 Organic wastes - is any material that is biodegradable - -
and comes from either plants or
Water Purifier
 Tank purifier - it removes dust and dirt particles 1pc Php 10,000
rainwater; prevents clogging of
pipeline, tap and showers.
Window frames - is the portion of the window 2 pcs Php 299.88
that holds the glazing and sits
between the glazing and the wall
of the building when installed
Door frames - is the entire framework supporting 4 pcs Php 5,500
the door, including the sill, jamb
and head.
 12mm x 6 m steel bars - it is a mesh steel wire used 165 pcs Php 36, 465
as tension device in reinforced
concrete structures.
 #16 G.I wire -it is used extensively in the 14 kg Php 224
construction sector for tying the
rebar at the joints so as to keep
the structure intact.

Total cost = Php 264,838.158

This project followed the following manufacturing steps:

i. Components of Waffle-Crete must be cast on-site or at a casting yard. As a basis for
casting the components, an inverted panel or a concrete surface bed should be
Procedure utilized.
ii. Holes for bolted connections between components are often created during
component casting. However, the position of some bolted connections in the structure
may demand drilling the hole on site, either through the prepared hole in the rib of
the panel, into the neighboring panel, or into the cast-in-situ concrete component.
iii. In the block-outs left for this purpose, metal, RCC, or timber window and door
frames must be installed. 
iv. The professional engineer in charge of the building's design must specify the
placement of steel rod and mesh reinforcement in the mold. To guarantee that the
necessary concrete cover is obtained, spacer blocks must be utilized to precisely
place the reinforcement.
v. The professional engineer in charge of the building's design must specify the
placement of steel rod and mesh reinforcement in the mold. To guarantee that the
necessary concrete cover is obtained, spacer blocks must be utilized to precisely
place the reinforcement.
vi. Concrete containing a mixture of post-consumer glass, plastic waste, concrete debris,
and composite cement will be put into the molds using ready mix trucks / dumpers or
other appropriate ways.
vii. In order to strike off and compact the concrete in one operation, a specially
developed vibrator will be utilized. The surface of floor panels may be hand polished
if necessary to provide a surface on which floor finishes may be applied easily.
viii. During the curing of the panels, the insulated plastics and aluminum covers on the
molds keep the heat and moisture out. Because of the retained heat and moisture, the
curing process is accelerated, and most components cure overnight.
ix. The concrete components must be raised using a specially constructed lifting beam or
cable slings with integrated lifting anchors in strategic locations. The components
must be elevated about 100 mm above the casting bed with the mold connected, the
cover removed, the corner bolts released, and the mold peeled from the panel by
applying downward pressure on the mold sides.
x. The panels must be placed horizontally on top of one another, supported by timber
spacers, and kept in the casting yard until they are needed on site.
xi. After inspecting the results with a rebound hammer, the panels will be demolded.
xii. The panels will be carried by trailer to the erection site.
xiii. Following that, finishing elements such as flooring, door and window installation,
and painting will be completed.
xiv. Solar panels, water tanks, and biogas are the last things to be installed.

It's a reinforced concrete shell design, with a concrete floor, walls, and roof deck (ceiling)
strengthened with steel bars and poured uniformly in one go. It doesn't have the (poor)
connections of wall-panels or hollow blocks between posts and/or pre-cast roof panels. Its
structural integrity is comparable to that of an airplane body or a ship vessel. Every 60-
centimeter distance, it contains ‘portal frames,' which are steel bars inserted into the poured
concrete and resemble a ‘door jamb'. Each portal frame is made out of a 'ring of steel bars'
that is poured into your concrete floor, walls, and roof deck all at once (ceiling) that’s why it
can withstand strong earthquakes. You may also elevate it to keep it safe from flooding.

Significance of the This project will benefit the following:

PEOPLE The people that will use this Waffle Box will not endure so much destruction from
different natural phenomenon such earthquakes, storms, storm surge, tidal waves, tornado and
floods. They will not also rely in water supply of their community water system because this
project has feature of purifying rainfall water that could be consumed safely. They will also
avoid paying higher electricity bill because it has solar panels included that could supply their
needs to electricity. There will be less casualties (deaths) and damages when there are severe
calamities happened.
ENVIRONMENT The widespread use of this Waffle Box will decrease the effect of climate
change on earth, because all the harmful waste of people such as bio gas will be purified
before it will be emitted. This project will also help in decreasing solid waste accumulated in
the environment. This project will also decrease the number of trees being cut every year for
construction of residential and business building.
ECONOMY It is less expensive than constructing using concrete hollow blocks. It is more
economical than other construction activities because it has less waste of building materials
and building site is clean and quiet. It does not also require larger space for you to build. This
project will also decrease numbers of homeless people because of its lower building cost that
will result in decrease of the adverse effects of poverty in the country.
Teacher’s Uniqueness (25%) ___________
Evaluation Resourcefulness (25%) ___________
Creativity (25%) ___________
Presentation skills (25%) ___________
Jaymark D. Samson Total =

WALL PANEL (height – 2.7m)


FLOOR SLAB (6m × 6m)


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