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International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 7 Issue 3, May-June 2024

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Investigation of the Properties of Concrete Roof

Tiles with Bamboo Fiber and Waste Polyethylene
Terephthalate Plastics
Jerico O. Santos1, John Lloyd A. Nulud2, Jean Grey S. Rivera3, Genevieve Eushane P. Sacdalan4, Ritamae A.
Santiago5, Sarah Angela A. Santos6, Engr. Ma. Vannerie Issa S. Eusebio7,Engr. Raul O. Duya8
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The Philippines generates significant agricultural waste due to its tropical climate, posing threats to
ecosystems and public health. Innovative efforts aim to convert this waste into valuable engineering
materials. One approach uses bamboo fiber to enhance concrete roofing tiles' strength and sustainability.
Additionally, the rising number of Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles, which contribute to
environmental issues, can be repurposed as concrete additives.Research examines the impact of bamboo
fiber and shredded PET on concrete tiles' strength and water absorption. By varying the amounts of these
materials in concrete mixtures (with specified amounts of bamboo fiber and PET), researchers create
standardized tile samples (33x42 cm) to evaluate after a 28-day curing period. Results show tiles with
0.35 kg of bamboo fiber and 0.40 kg of PET have the highest strength, although conventional tiles
absorb less water. The use of these materials also reduces tile weight, simplifying handling and transport,
thus streamlining construction processes.

Keywords: Polyethylene terephthalate, Bamboo Fiber

roof tiles have earned their reputation as one of the
I. INTRODUCTION most globally trusted roofing materials, with a
history dating back as far as 10,000 B.C. Crafted
Roofing is an essential element in every
from a natural blend of cement, sand, water, and
household, acting as a shield between the inside of
your home and the external environment. Concrete

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oxide, concrete roof tiles offer an extensive array of especially where good strength-to-weight ratios and
design options. further weight savings are needed. Due to their
The weight of concrete roof tiles is availability locally within a wide range and
an issue. Due to its weight concrete can be more adequate quantities it is highly recommended to use
difficult to install. The roof has to be reinforced in these natural fibers in the production of concrete.
order to support its weight. Furthermore compared This concept is old and hence adding such fibers for
to lighter materials like felt or fiberglass moving enhancing invulnerability with respect to brittle
concrete tiles requires more work and time. materials is not new [5].
Concrete is a composite material even though it is
strong. As a result concrete roof tiles are brittle and Due to a wide range of advantages
prone to irreversible damage if they are dropped that comprised bamboo fiber possessing good
stepped on or fall off the roof. Investing in a physical properties, the researchers show interests
concrete tile roof, especially higher-quality profiles,to utilize bamboo fiber as a structural material and
represents a significant financial commitment. as a reinforcement in concrete. Conventional
While a well-maintained concrete tile roof can concrete is subject to fatigue failure, tensile failure,
surpass the lifespan of many other roofing materials, creep and cracking. Bamboo fibers are included in
it demands a sustained and long-term commitment the concrete mix to address these problems and to
to upkeep. Homeowners should consider both the improve the ductility of the concrete. This outcome
initial investment and ongoing maintenance to is a composite material called fiber reinforced
ensure the longevity and performance of this concrete [6].Bamboo, a type of grass renowned for
durable roofing option [1]. its rapid growth and impressive stature, undergoes a
short but vigorous growth spurt in the summer.
Concrete roof tiles are known for their During this growth phase, bamboo sprouts emerge
durability and resistance to damage, making heavy from the ground and can reach their full height in as
repairs unnecessary. These tiles typically have a little as two to three months.
long lifespan, requiring minimal maintenance.
Regular cleaning to remove moss or debris It is critical to ensure the building industry
accumulation is usually the extent of necessary functions smoothly. As a result, it is crucial to
upkeep. Overall, concrete roof tiles provide a low- search for alternatives to traditional aggregates for
maintenance and long-lasting roofing solution for concrete.After mechanical treatment, several types
decades to come [2]. Not only are they affordable of waste plastic are repurposed as aggregate, fillers,
but concrete tiles also perform exemplarily well in or fibers in cement mortar and concrete[7].
seismic areas where they meet the requirements for Consequently, recycling plastic waste is emerging
load related to earthquake in building materials. as an alternative method to traditional landfill
Homeowners who want strong construction disposal. A potential solution involves
materials that will last long and give them incorporating recycled plastic materials into
flexibility of choice on their aesthetics can consider concrete construction, creating what is known as
these options [3]. "green concrete” [8]. Polyethylene terephthalate has
There has been a notable surge in the use of emerged as a recent solution in the realm of
environmentally friendly materials in construction concrete mixtures, either in shredded or fibrous
in recent years, owing to the numerous benefits they form, as an innovative means to tackle the problem
offer in building projects [4]. Natural fibers have of plastic waste.
several advantages including cheapness, wide
Review of Related Literature
availability, renewable nature, lightness, low
density, high durability, and biodegradability. A. Natural Fiber
These are seen as a good replacement for The surge in environmental
conventional reinforcements in composites consciousness has spurred a growing embrace of

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natural fiber composites. Additionally, their cost- many houses constructed with these earliest
effectiveness, lightweight properties, favorable concrete roof tiles are still standing today,
specific characteristics, easy separability, enhanced demonstrating their exceptional durability [13].
energy recovery, carbon neutrality, There is a significant lot of aesthetic flexibility in
biodegradability, and recyclability have recently the concrete tiles' ability to mimic other roofing
garnered considerable attention for integrating textures, such as wood and slate. A range of roof
natural fibers into composite materials. These shapes and slopes can be accommodated by using
materials, known for their durability, reliability, different systems and profiles[13].
lightweight nature, and superior mechanical
properties compared to traditional materials, are Maintenance for roof tiles is minimal to
driving the growing demand for natural fibers in nonexistent. Before being released, these tiles
industries like automotive, construction, and undergo rigorous quality assurance assessments to
building [9]. ensure they can withstand the harshest conditions,
exceeding expectations. Their natural strength and
B. Bamboo Fiber durability translate to rare maintenance
There are many advantages over other requirements, making them a sound long-term
reinforcing materials including greater toughness investment. Furthermore, due to their effective
and lower cost of natural fibers like bamboo [10]. thermal properties, roof tiles help regulate
Phong et al. extracted bamboo fiber from raw temperature, providing cooler interiors in summer
bamboo of various ages using a combination of and warmer ones in winter [14]. Moreover, roof
steam explosion, mechanical extraction, and tiles are highly regarded for their fire resistance,
alkaline treatment techniques. Furthermore, boasting a Class A rating for fire performance,
research was done on how CO2 gas affected the pH which not only guards against external fires like
of alkaline effluent. In conclusion, a scanning bushfires but also protects home-based fires [14].
electron microscope study of the microstructures of
bamboo fiber showed that the individual fibers were During the pre-World War era,research findings
flatly aligned longitudinally. Both hemicelluloses indicate that there are significant advantages
and lignin, with varying degrees of bonding, held associated with the development of lighter-weight
these fibers together [11]. fiber-reinforced concrete tiles. These added benefits
C. Synthetic Fiber
encompass a reduction of 30% in transportation
The synthetic fibers, which are approached expenses and a 40% savings in installation costs.
explicitly for the use in concrete based on the Moreover, it delivers a 50% enhancement in impact
"Concrete in Practice" article of 2014 are known to resistance. The reduced weight of these tiles
show outstanding toughness in alkaline enables them to be affixed to a smaller support
environment of concrete. These fibers are made up structure, thereby further lowering construction
of tailored polymer-based materials like expenses. Additionally, this weight reduction
polypropylene, nylon, or polyethylene. They contributes to a decreased seismic risk for the roof
provide benefits for concrete both at plastic and structure and makes it highly suitable for re-roofing
hardened states. Concrete when reinforced with projects [15].
synthetic fibers can improve its tensile strength
[12]. Roof tiles are centuries-old construction material,
and were used in various parts of the world. Both
the connection to architectural tradition and
D. Concrete Roof Tile maintaining workability of structures from one
During the mid-19th century in Bavaria, a nation to the next are reasons why this method is
blend of cement, sand, and water was initially important. Its ongoing nature reminds us of the
employed to create concrete roof tiles. Remarkably, importance in the practice of both cultural

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International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 7 Issue 3, May-June 2024
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preservation and physical architecture that gives life ordinary concrete. This proposes a viable approach
to place [16].Roof tiles' different shapes, portions, to the use of more environmentally friendly
and accessories produce a wide range of aesthetic building materials. [20].
effects. Variations in design, color, and texture The findings indicate that when it comes to
allow for artistic expression and customization of plastic composite tiles, substituting them with
building styles. [17]. recycled PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) yields
superior results compared to using Ordinary
Cady (2021) opines that ordinary roofing Portland Cement (OPC) after 28 days. In summary,
materials are not always the best for your seaside these plastic composite tiles exhibit both impressive
home because winds, rain, sunlight, and salty air strength and exceptional water-absorbing properties
from the sea are harmful to roofs[18]. In doing so, suitable for roofing [21].
Clay Tiles are often featured commonly among
coastal homes owing to their sheer compatibility F. Bamboo Fiber as an Additive on Reinforced Concrete
with some coastlines that tend to have the There was a 2% increase in compressive
Mediterranean-inspired architecture in few coastal strength with bamboo fiber-reinforced concrete.
regions. Clay tiles not also look more beautiful but The findings showed that adding bamboo fiber to
also help the homes situated in the coastal regions. concrete increased bending strength up to 2%, but
They are extremely durable by nature and it enables then decreased slightly beyond that level in terms of
them to hold up against the weathering effect of flexural strength. In conclusion, the research
water and sea air [18]. findings indicated that bamboo fiber-reinforced
concrete offers increased strength in comparison to
Additionally,these tiles are also strong and traditional concrete, especially when bamboo fiber
can withstand torrential rains, which is very helpful is included at a 2% ratio. [6].
for places with typhoons where everyone is worried
about roof leaks or strong wind attacks during rainy Since the 1960s, the employment of
season[18]. fibre-reinforced concrete has been growing to
address these deficiencies. Fibers have historically
E. PET Plastic as Aggregate in Concrete been used in various types of mortars and concretes
Study findings indicate that PET aggregates to give them added strength and stability.
yield high-quality mixtures with reduced volume Traditional fibre materials are such as steel, glass,
weight, exhibiting mechanical properties similar to carbon, asbestos and cellulose. Bamboo fibres can
those of natural concrete with suitable particle sizes be deployed in place of synthetic ones in concrete
[19]. PET-infused concrete does not experience the thereby improving its properties. Flowability and
same heat-related issues as traditional concrete. performance of the concrete may affect by the ratio
However, it is worth noting that the cement
consumption is higher in PET-infused light II. METHODOLOGY
concrete compared to natural concrete [19]. A. Research Design
To find out the effects of bamboo fiber and
The addition of waste PET to concrete waste polyethylene terephthalate plastics on the
mixtures has been extensively examined, generating strength of concrete roof tiles, quantitative and
several conclusions. One particularly intriguing experimental methods of research were used. By
finding was that when 5% of the fine aggregate using different instruments and apparatuses, data
(natural sand) in the concrete was replaced with an are gathered. American Society for Testing and
equivalent weight of PET aggregates, the Waste- Materials (ASTM Standards) was used as a
PET concrete showed comparable workability, a reference in the study.
slightly lower compressive strength, and a
marginally lower splitting tensile strength than the

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International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 7 Issue 3, May-June 2024
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B. Materials to avoid any contact with the chemical solution that
The following materials were collected and used to can bring harm to the human skin. By applying
develop concrete roof tile samples; cement; sand; force using bare hands to the pipe against the
bamboo fiber; water; waste PET plastics; and plyboard with the bamboo in between, the fibers
caustic soda. were extracted. The researchers flattened the
bamboo until the fiber was extracted, and then
C. Tools and Equipment proceeded to the separation process of the fibers.
The following tools and equipment were used by The fibers are required to be thin, the researchers
the researchers to perform the experiment; masonry manually separated the flattened bamboo into thin
trowel; shovel; sand sifter; pail; drum; gloves; GI strands of fibers. After the separation process, the
pipes; plyboard; basin; molder; measuring tape; bamboo fibers were trimmed to lengths of 25mm-
weighing scale; knife and reciprocating saw; 50mm and the researchers placed the extracted
universal testing machine; oven; and plastic- bamboo fibers into a cool and dry place without
shredding machine. direct contact with sunlight.
The collected pet bottles were sanitized first
D. Material Gathering
by using dishwashing liquid soap and a brush. After
The bamboo used in this study was gathered
the sanitizing process, the researchers placed all the
from Santos Farm in Sta. Barbara Bacolor,
bottles in a room without direct sunlight and let
Pampanga. Kawayan tinik (bambusa blumeana)
them dry for 24 hours. After the plastic bottles were
only was used in this research. The Polyethylene
dried for 24 hours, the researcher started to shred
Terephthalate (PET) bottles were collected around
the plastic bottles into smaller pieces between 5mm
the premises of Don Honorio Ventura State
and 10mm. By using a shredding machine, the
University. The researchers collected PET bottles
researchers cut the plastic bottles into smaller
inside the DHVSU campus because of the increase
pieces and created aggregates made of plastic. After
in the volume of plastic bottle waste from the
the shredding process, the researchers stored the
students. Garbage bags, protective gloves, and
plastic bottle aggregates in a dry place without
sanitizing equipment were used by the researchers
sunlight to avoid any expansion.
to gather the plastic bottles safely. Only clear
mineral water bottles were picked and used in this F. Design Mixture of Specimen
study. i. Ordinary Concrete Roof Tile
The production utilized Ordinary Portland
E. Preparation of Materials Cement and readily available fine aggregates (sand).
Bamboo cutting adhered to the standardized The test procedure involved employing a concrete
length of roof tiles, maintaining an average gap of mix with a ratio of 1:1.5, meaning for every part of
7-10cm between nodes. Researchers cut the cement, one and a half parts of sand were used.
bamboo into two halves and exposed it to sunlight
for approximately 24 hours, aiming to eliminate ii. Modified Concrete Roof Tile
excess moisture and safeguard against decay and For the modified concrete roof tiles same
mold formation. In the process of treating bamboo, approach was followed as for the regular concrete
the researcher employed a caustic soda solution to mix. A ratio of 1:1.5 was maintained, incorporating
ease the separation of bamboo strands, converting an admixture of bamboo fibers and replacing
them into fibers. A solution consisting of caustic certain portions of the sand (10%, 15%, and 20%)
soda and water was prepared, and the bamboos with shredded PET bottles. Three design mixtures
were submerged in the mixture for exactly 48 hours. of specimens containing bamboo fiber and PET
The Bamboo fibers were separated through were then prepared.
the use of steel pipe and plyboard. First, the
researchers used plastic gloves as a safety material

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Table 1 I. Testing
Details of the Concrete Rooftile Mixtures

Shredded The data used in the study are results from
PET Laboratory tests conducted at two different
Cement Sand Fiber
Proportion Plastic
locations: Universal Testing Laboratory and
(kg) (kg) Content
(kg) Inspection, Inc. in Barangay Bagong Ilog, Pasig
Control 1.75 2.625 0 0City, and ASTEC Material Testing Corporation
#2 1.75 2.3625 0.175 in San Fernando, Pampanga. Var
0.2625 Various tests were
#3 1.75 2.225 0.35 performed on the concrete roof tile, including
#4 1.75 2.1 0.525 transverse rupture strength, water absorption, and
unit weight tests, to assess its mechanical and
G. Production of Specimen physical properties. These tests were conducted
All the materials were mixed properly as indoors within the laboratory to ensure precis precise and
water was added to the concrete mix. Bamboo fiber reliable results.
and PET were added to the concrete mix. Concrete
fiber reinforced Concrete mixture was poured into • Transverse Rupture Strength
the roof tile mold with dimensions 33 cm x 42 cm. The determination of the transverse rupture
strength for roofing tiles typically follows standards
Figure 1
Profile drawing of the Concrete Roof Tiles
such as ASTM 1167-11 11 / ASTM C-78.
C This test,
which was conducted in the laboratory, aimed to
estimate thee breaking transverse load for the roofing
Test Procedure:
1. Set up the testing machine with the roofing tile to
be tested.
2. The test span will be 30.5 cm or 2/3 of the tile
3. Conduct a three-point
point bending test.
4. Apply a uniform and continuous
tinuous load on the tile,
not exceeding 2000 N/min, until fracture.
5. Document the load, measured in kilograms, at the
The roof tiles were designed based on the point of fracture for each tile.
tegula roofing tile having dimensions of 42 cm in
length, 32 cm in width, and 3.43 cm in thickness. It The transverse strength (f) can be calculated using
has two fastening holes and an overlock with a the equation:
recess for receiving a ridge of an underlock of a
neighboring tile. =
H. Curing of Specimen f- the modulus of rupture (MPa),
The samples were kept in a temperature P- the breaking load,
range of 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit (15 to 27 L- the span length (mm),
degrees Celsius) in a setting that prevents prevent moisture b- the tile width where the load is applied (mm),
loss for a maximum of 48 hours. They were taken d- the tile depth where the load is applied (mm).
out of the molds 24 hours post-casting casting and lightly
sprayed with water the following day. The tiles Based on Testing Application Standard
were stacked but continued to undergo moisture (TAS) No. 112-95 95 (Standard Requirement for
curing daily for 28 days before testing. Concretee Roof Tiles), the classification of the tested

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tile based on the transverse strength test is provided Based on Testing Application Standard
in a table. (TAS) No. 112-95 (Standard Requirement for
Concrete Roof Tiles), the classification of the tested
Table 2
Classification of Roofing Tiles based on Transverse Strength tile based on the water absorption test is provided in
Transverse Breaking Strength, min, N a table.
Tile Profile Individual Tile
High Profile 1557 Table 3
Classification of Roof Tiles Based on Water Absorption
Low Profile 1157
Tile Ratings and Maximum Water Absorption
Flat Profile 956
Maximum Water
Weight Classification
Absorption (kg/ )
• Water Absorption Class I 288
The water absorption test is carried out to Class II 240
Class III 208
assess the amount of moisture that concrete roofing
tiles may absorb under defined conditions.
According to ASTM C67, the results are reported as • Unit Weight
a percentage of the weight of water absorbed Procedure:
relative to the dry weight of each tile. In alignment 1. Weigh the Concrete Roof Tile - record the
with IS 13801, the chosen dimensions for the test value to the nearest tenth.
are 33 x 42 cm.
Test Procedure: 2. Measure the length, width, and thickness of
1. Submerge the tile specimen in fresh, clean water the concrete roof tile
at room temperature (27±2°C) for 24 hours.
2. Take the specimens out of the water and let them 3. Divide the weight of concrete by the known
drain for 1 minute. Eliminate any apparent surface volume = density or fresh unit weight
water using a damp cloth, and promptly weigh the
specimens to the nearest gram (M1) within 3 =
minutes of removal from the tank. ρ = density
3. After saturation, dry all specimens in a well- m = mass in kg
ventilated oven at temperatures ranging from 212 to v = volume ( Length x Width x Thickness )
239°F (100 to 115°C) for at least 24 hours until a
consistent weight is achieved. Subsequently, allow ASTM C 1492- 03
the specimens to cool to room temperature and Standard Specification for Concrete Roof Tile
reweigh them (M2).
Table 4
Classification of Roof Tiles Based on Dry Unit Weight
The percentage of water absorption can be
Weight Classification
calculated using the following equation: Weight Classification Oven Dry Weight of Tile
= (lb/ )
Normal Greater than 125
Medium 105 to 125
Where: Lightweight Less than 105
W – the water absorption of the specimen expressed
as a percentage
M1 – is the initial weight of the specimen after
removing surface water (in grams).
M2 – is the weight of the specimen after drying (in

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III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION of 125 Psi compared to Proportion 1 (standard), 2,
and 4. As indicated in the table, Proportion 4
A. Transverse Rupture Strength Test (ASTM 1167- achieved a flexural strength of 81 Psi higher than
11/ASTM C-78) the standard roof tile and Proportion 2 but lower
The examination of the transverse strength than Proportion 3. Notably, despite incorporating
of concrete roofing tiles stands as a crucial additional admixtures, Proportion 1 (standard)
prerequisite for ensuring the project's objectives are demonstrated superior flexural strength compared
upheld. To meet this requirement, tests were carried to Proportion 2. Among the four samples,
out, altering the proportions of bamboo fiber and Proportion 2 registered the lowest flexural strength
shredded PET plastics within the mixture. Roof in Psi.
tiles were formed incorporating varying amounts of To classify the different proportions of
fiber (0, 0.175, 0.35, and 0.525 kg) and PET concrete roofing tiles, based on Testing Application
plastics (0, 0.2625, 0.40, and 0.525 kg). The table Standard (TAS) No. 112-95 (Standard Requirement
illustrates the diverse transverse rupture strength for Concrete Roof Tiles), a classification system
test results at 28 days for the different proportions. based on breaking strength was utilized. According
to the table 2, a roof tile is categorized as High
Table 5
Transverse Rupture Strength Obtained in 28 Days Profile if its breaking strength is equal to or above
Sample Breaking Transverse 1557 N, Low Profile if it falls between 1157 N to
Proportion Represented Strength Rupture 1556 N, and Flat Profile if it ranges from 956 N to
(Kg) (N) Strength 1156 N.
MPa Psi Proportion 1, with a breaking strength of
1 BF =0 1600 0.54 78 1600 N, is classified as High Profile. Similarly,
PET = 0 Proportions 3 and 4, with breaking strengths of
2 BF =0.175 900 0.24 35 2700 N and 2100 N respectively, also fall under the
PET=0.2625 High Profile category. In contrast, Proportion 2
3 BF =0.35 2700 0.86 125 achieved the lowest breaking strength among
PE = 0.40
4 BF=0.525 2100
Proportion 1, 3, and 4.Proportion 2 with 900 N does
0.56 81
PE =0.525
not reach the minimum breaking strength. In
summary, all three samples are classified as High
Profile tiles based on their breaking strengths.
Figure 2 B. Water Absorption Test
Transverse Rupture Strength Obtained in 28 Days
This test evaluates the suitability of the
roofing tile for use. Excessive water absorption
TRANSVERSE RUPTURE STRENGTH OBTAINED AT 28 could lead to undesired cracking in the tile. Factors
DAYS (Psi) influencing water absorption may encompass the
type of plastic, natural fibers utilized, temperature,
PROPORTION 3 (BF=0.35kg,PET=0.40kg) PROPORTION 4 (BF=0.525kg,PET=0.525kg)
and duration of exposure. The data provides
insights into the material's performance in water or
100 125 humid conditions. Roof tiles were formed
78 81 incorporating varying amounts of fiber (0, 0.175,
35 0.35, and 0.525 kg) and PET plastics (0, 0.2625,
0 0.40, and 0.525 kg). The table illustrates the
different water absorption test results at 28 days for
As depicted in the figure, the outcome after the different proportions.
twenty-eight days of curing revealed that The data provides insights into the
Proportion 3 exhibited the highest flexural strength material's performance in water or humid

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conditions. Roof tiles were formed incorporating
varying amounts of fiber (0, 0.175, 0.35, and 0.525 C. Unit Weight Test
kg) and PET plastics (0, 0.2625, 0.40, and 0.525 kg). This test shows the difference between
The table illustrates the different water absorption ordinary concrete roof tiles and various samples
test results at 28 days for the different proportions. with different proportions in terms of density.
Table 6
Water Absorbtion Obtained in 28 Days
Lightweight roof tiles should be easier to handle,
Propor Sample Saturated Oven Absorption transport, install, and can help reduce the overall
tion Represented Weight Dry kg/m³ % structural load on buildings. Roof tiles were formed
(Kg) (kg) Weight
incorporating varying amounts of fiber (0, 0.175,
1 BF =0 5.45 5.15 76. 5.83 0.35, and 0.525 kg) and PET plastics (0, 0.2625,
PET = 0 18 0.40, and 0.525 kg). The table illustrates the
2 BF =0.175 4.4 3.51 221. 25. different densities of concrete roof tiles at 28 days.
PET=0.2625 9 36
Table 7
3 BF =0.35 4.85 3.77 262. 28. Unit Weight Obtained in 28 Days
PET=0.40 59 65 Proportion Sample Weight Unit Weight
Represented (kg) lb/ kg/m3
4 BF=0.525 4.44 3.38 271. 31. (Kg)
PET=0.525 02 36 1 BF =0 5.150 81.64 1307.74
PET = 0
Figure 3
Water Absorbtion Obtained in 28 Days
2 BF =0.175 3.510 54.63 875.13
WATER ABSORBTION OBTAINED AT 28 DAYS 3 BF =0.35 3.770 57.22 916.64
(kg/m³) PE = 0.40
300 4 BF=0.525 3.380 53.95 864.209
PE =0.525
200 262.592 271.02
100 Figure 4
76.18 Unit Weight Obtained in 28 Days


Tile utilized in the High-Velocity Hurricane 81.64

Zone jurisdiction shall be rated and shall meet the 50
54.63 57.22 53.95
absorption requirements noted in the classification
of roof tile based on water absorption. Based on
Testing Application Standard (TAS) No. 112-95
(Standard Requirement for Concrete Roof Tiles),
the table 3 illustrates that a roof tile is under Class I
if it is equal to 288 kg/m³, and Class II if it ranges This unit weight test evaluates the weight of
from 240 to 287 kg/m³. And lastly, falls under Class the roof tile samples. According to table 4, ASTM
III if it ranges from 208 to 239 kg/m³. C1492-03 weight classification, if a roof tile weighs
Proportion 1 (Ordinary) with 76.18 kg/m³ more than 125 lb/ , it is considered normal
falls behind Class III. Proportion 2 falls behind weight. If the weight falls between 105 and 125
Class II with 221.9 kg/m³ While Proportion 3 and 4 lb/ , it is classified as medium weight. Anything
with 262.59 kg/m³ and 271.02 kg/m³ maximum under 105 lb/ is considered lightweight.
water absorption, respectively, fall under the Class After 28 days of curing the concrete roof tile
I category. samples, variations in density values were observed.
All samples showed values below 105 lb/

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indicating lightweight properties. The control ACKNOWLEDGMENT
sample had the highest density at 81.640 lb/ , We would like to extend our heartfelt
followed by the second sample at 54.633 lb/ , the gratitude and appreciation to everyone who
third at 57.224 lb/ , and the fourth at 53.951 supported and assisted us throughout the process of
lb/ . Despite the control sample falling under the writing this research.
lightweight classification, the samples of roof tiles Firstly, we owe our deepest thanks to our
with different proportions of added bamboo fiber esteemed thesis adviser, Engr. Ma. Vannerie Issa S.
and PET plastic still have lighter weights. Eusebio, for her guidance, support, and the
considerable time she dedicated to us during the
III. CONCLUSION entire study. Despite her busy schedule, she
1. The flexural strength of the regular concrete managed to guide us, and for that, we are
roof tile mixture is increased by adding 0.35 immensely grateful for her patience, understanding,
kg of Bamboo Fiber and 0.40 kg of and encouragement. This research would not have
shredded PET plastic. This indicated that been possible without her invaluable contributions.
Proportion 3 is the appropriate weight of To our thesis coordinator, Engr. Raul O.
admixtures to be added to concrete roof tiles Duya, we are thankful for his assistance in
among the proportions given. providing the necessary information and references
2. The modified roof tiles (Proportions 2, 3, related to our study. His kind words and motivation
and 4) exhibited fewer cracks and remained have been instrumental in shaping our thesis into its
intact after reaching the maximum breaking current form.
load, primarily due to the addition of We also want to express our gratitude to our
bamboo fiber. In contrast, Proportion 1, parents and families for their unwavering support,
which had no admixtures, broke into pieces without which none of this would have been
due to its less intact material. achievable. A special mention goes to the Santos
3. In conclusion, after 28 days of curing, the Family for their kindness in welcoming us warmly
concrete roof tile samples demonstrated each time we conducted our experiments at their
lightweight properties, with densities below place.
105 lb/ft³. Although the control sample had Special thanks to Universal Testing
the highest density at 81.640 lb/ft³, the Laboratory and Inspection, Inc., and ASTEC
samples with added bamboo fiber and PET Material Testing Corp. for their testing services,
plastic still showed lighter weights. This assistance, and the time they devoted to helping us
suggests that the incorporation of these with our study.
materials can further enhance the We are particularly grateful to FSK Builders
lightweight characteristics of the roof tiles. for their invaluable help in shredding the PET
4. The incorporation of fiber and PET resulted bottles into small pieces using their shredding
in the production of lightweight roof tiles. machine. Their expertise and generosity have
Analysis of the recorded weights revealed significantly contributed to the success of our
that the weight of the specimen decreases as project, and we deeply appreciate their support and
the amount of fiber and PET added collaboration.
increases. We would also like to thank Vera Cruz Art
5. However, the modified roofing tiles and Mr. Jim Cruz for assisting and teaching us the
absorbed more water compared to the production of concrete roof tiles and for the
control sample due to the presence of voids valuable advice he shared with us as engineering
and improper curing of bamboo fiber, which students.
led to higher water absorption rates in the Above all, we extend our deepest gratitude
modified tiles. to Almighty God, who made this work possible and

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