42 Final Manuscript
42 Final Manuscript
42 Final Manuscript
Fabian Lorig
Colja A. Becker
Ingo J. Timm
Business Informatics I
Trier University
Behringstrasse 21, Trier, Germany
The aim of computer simulation studies is to answer research questions by means of experiments. For
providing reliable evidence, the procedure of the study needs to be aligned with the question and the steps
of the study need to be adjusted and combined accordingly. Supporting this process is challenging as the
identification, customization, and combination of adequate tools and techniques for the systematic design
of simulation experiments with respect to a hypothesis is not trivial. Hence, for providing computer-aided
assistance, a language for the specification of hypotheses with respect to the credible and reproducible testing
of research questions in computer simulation is needed. In this paper, we propose an approach for formally
specifying hypotheses that allows for automated hypothesis testing. Based on specified hypotheses, we
demonstrate the assistance of simulation studies in terms of model parametrization and analysis of results
with respect to the statistically sound evaluation of hypotheses.
Keywords: Formal Specification, Hypothesis Testing, Assistance System, Parametrization.
Computer simulation is a widely established means for planning, analyzing, and optimizing complex sys-
tems, e.g., in information system research (Hudert et al. 2010), sociology (Gilbert and Troitzsch 2005), and
logistics (Berndt 2013). However, due to globalization, digitalization, and technological progress, the com-
plexity of real world systems in business is increasing and so does the number of parameters influencing
corresponding simulation models. In consequence, both, specialized domain knowledge for the model-
building process as well as advanced simulation engineering skills for designing, executing, and evaluating
experiments are required when applying computer simulation (Bley et al. 2000). To support simulation
studies, a variety of frameworks and programming libraries has been developed for various scientific do-
mains and disciplines (Kleijnen 2005, Nikolai and Madey 2009). On the one hand, creating simulation
models as well as conducting simulation experiments is facilitated by these tools. But on the other hand,
most tools do not cover the entire process of a study. Instead, they are limited to individual steps or a series
of steps within the scope of a simulation study, e.g., estimation of necessary replications (Robinson 2005)
or assessing the statistical significance of the results (Lee and Arditi 2006). For conducting computer simu-
lation studies, this implies the necessity of a model-specific identification, customization, and combination
of adequate and useful tools and techniques in a suitable way. Based on a model, it is in consequence a
non-trivial, extensive, and time-consuming task to provide reliable answers to specific research questions
about the modeled system’s behavior by means of computer simulation. This is dissatisfactory, considering
that costly decisions as well as scientific theory-building processes are supported by and partially based on
computer simulation (Diallo et al. 2013).
In other areas of research, e.g., medicine or aviation, standardized procedure models are used for ensuring
the quality of the results of scientific studies. When designing new aircrafts, RTCA DO-160 (a recommenda-
tion given by the RTCA (Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics) which is used for the FAA’s (Federal
Aviation Administration) certification process) defines performance standards and environmental conditions
that must be met when conducting tests. Equivalent to this, clinical trials are standardized and well-defined
studies which aim at proving the efficiency of new medical treatments, e.g., drugs or vaccines, by perform-
ing experiments to test predefined research hypotheses (Simon 1989). In both cases, controlled conditions
are given and the procedure itself is assisted in order to receive comparable and reproducible results.
Analogously, in computer simulation, a large number of procedure models can be found which give advice
on conducting simulation studies, e.g., Law (2014) and Banks et al. (2013). Earlier research has shown
that most procedure models address similar demands and describe similar steps. Yet, specific instructions
on how to perform each step of the simulation study for answering the research question are rarely given
and the methodological appropriateness is often disregarded (Timm and Lorig 2015). To overcome these
shortcomings the integrated assistance of the entire life-cycle of a simulation study is proposed, i.e., the
design, execution, and evaluation of simulation experiments (Teran-Somohano et al. 2014). For this purpose,
existing approaches, scripts, services, and assistance functionalities for conducting simulation studies need
to be logically linked with respect to existing procedure models.
As first step, most procedure models define the formulation of a research question or hypothesis that is to
be tested during the simulation study. In terms of complex models with a large number of parameters, the
identification and design of relevant experiments (i.e., the parametrization of the model) with respect to
the research question (hypothesis) is challenging. However, the importance of a detailed characterization
of the goals, hypothesis, and experiments of simulation studies and their interdependencies is emphasized
(Yilmaz et al. 2016). Consequently, the first step towards an integrated assistance of simulation studies is to
formally specify hypotheses for the systematic design of the study. By deriving the design of a study from
its underlying hypothesis, conducting simulation studies becomes more reliable and targeted. This allows
for an automated evaluation of hypotheses as well-established statistical hypothesis tests can be applied for
answering research questions objectively and reproducibly based on simulation results. Furthermore, the
documentation of the study is facilitated as the complete and unambiguous description of the experimenter’s
hypothesis is enabled.
The aim of this paper is the formal specification of hypotheses in computer simulation with respect to their
automated evaluation. This allows for the systematic parametrization and evaluation of computer simulation
studies. For achieving this, the characteristics and components of hypotheses need to be identified and
formally described. Furthermore, an assistance needs to be developed that supports the transformation from
research questions given in natural language to formally specified hypotheses that are machine-readable and
testable by means of computer simulation.
The paper is structured as follows: First, foundations of the scientific use of hypothesis and statistical tech-
niques for testing hypothesis are provided (Section 2). Following this, in Section 3, a review of the current
state of the art is given. It focuses on the automation of science in terms of the generation, formalization,
and testing of hypotheses and the assistance of simulation experiments. In Section 4, a concept for the
formal specification of statistical hypotheses in simulation (FITS) is presented. Subsequently, in Section 5,
the implementation of the concept as an assistance system is outlined followed by an evaluation. Finally, in
Section 6, conclusions are drawn and an outlook on potential future work is provided.
Lorig, Becker, and Timm
aims at the formation of biochemical hypotheses, too, and makes use of reasoning on a knowledge-based
system. The approach of Gonçalves and Porto (2015) enables hypothesis management and testing for large-
scale simulation data. These approaches assist the process of hypothesis formation. However, hypotheses in
this frameworks are too specific compared to the requirements from computer simulation and a straightfor-
ward application of statistical hypothesis tests is not possible.
Similar approaches for systematically assisting the research process can be found in computer simulation.
Three decades ago, Ören et al. (1984) described the potential for assisting and automating monotonous
tasks in simulation and stated that various activities which are associated with simulation can be supported
by computer assistance. Nowadays, partial and specialized assistance is available for most steps of simula-
tion studies, i.e., design, execution, and evaluation of experiments. During the design phase of simulation
experiments, the choice and variation of input parameters as well as the number of replications need to be
determined. For one thing, assistance can support the selection and preparation of input data (Bogon et al.
2012) and provide an assessment of the results’ significance that can be expected from a concrete set of input
data (Lattner et al. 2011). For another thing, the number of replications that are required for a given set of
input data can be estimated (Hoad et al. 2010). Furthermore, assistance can make use of results of previous
simulation runs for optimizing the simulation, e.g., by guiding the process of searching optimal values for
the input parameters (Better et al. 2007). Scripts exist for assisting the execution of simulation experiments.
Griffin et al. (2002) developed a set of Perl scripts which facilitate the process of conducting a large number
of simulation experiments, focusing the systematic variation of inputs as well as the management of output
data in communication network simulation. Similar collections of scripts are also available for other do-
mains, e.g., flow simulation (Croucher 2011) or semiconductor manifacturing (Wagner et al. 2014), where
domain specific ontologies are used. Additionally, in other types of simulation, e.g., stochastic simulation
(Ewing et al. 1999) or Monte Carlo Simulation (Verburg et al. 2016), assistance exists. For evaluating the
results of simulation runs, a number of assistance functionalities has been proposed, too. These include the
automated analysis of simulation output data, e.g., for recommending the duration of the warm-up period
or the run-length (Robinson 2005), and the automated statistical evaluation of the results, e.g., significance
(Lee and Arditi 2006) or independence (Steiger and Wilson 2002). Also domain specific approaches, e.g.,
for agent-based simulation (Schruben and Singham 2011), exist.
Finally, there are frameworks for assisting simulation experiments that combine multiple assistance func-
tionalities. Perrone et al. (2012) developed the SAFE (Simulation Automation Framework for Experiments)
framework for defining, deploying, and controlling communication network simulation experiments. An-
other network simulation framework is STARS (Framework for Statistically Rigorous Simulation-Based
Network Research) which, given an experiment, infers and conducts experiments that need to be run next
(Millman et al. 2011). Also cross-domain frameworks exist, e.g., JAMES II (Himmelspach and Uhrmacher
2007), that provides a large amount of custom plug-ins for integrating individual features.
Concluding, it can be said that a wide range of assistance functionalities is available for simulation, yet,
they do not integrate the full extent of simulation studies. Certainly the initial research questions which
guides the entire study and which is often stated in natural language is not considered. Other disciplines that
pursue hypothesis-driven research approaches developed formalisms for the integrated specification and
assisted testing of hypotheses. Also in computer simulation, experimental frames that contain information
on experimental conditions (Zeigler et al. 2000, Daum and Sargent 2001) and domain-specific languages for
specifying, designing, and executing experiments were proposed (Teran-Somohano et al. 2015). However, a
logical connection of assistance functionalities and formalisms with respect to a leading research hypothesis
is not provided and the process of hypothesis formalization is not considered. Nonetheless, formalized
hypotheses as they were proposed by King et al. (2009) are demanded in computer simulation for providing
systematic assistance (Lattner et al. 2011). Consequently, a research gap can be identified such that an
approach for the formal specification of research hypotheses in computer simulation is needed.
Lorig, Becker, and Timm
When considering a null hypothesis h0 and an alternative hypothesis h1 , the component b must be equal
in both tuples to refer a statement to the same parametrization of the simulation model. Likewise, the
component s must be equal. The component z differs solely, so that the alternative hypothesis contains
a contrary relation sign to the null hypothesis (e.g., “>” and “≤”). Furthermore the specification of the
significance level α and the sample size n is necessary (see (9)).
α ∈ R≥0 n ∈ N+ (9)
With regard to the representation of the content of a hypothesis, the question of the usage of a language
arises. Here, a trade-off between the expressive power and the efficiency of the reasoning needs to be made.
The natural language in writing (e.g., English) is capable of completely expressing a desired content. How-
ever, the natural language is too complex for a computer-aided processing. In order to formulate hypotheses
about a system to be examined, we develop a language which can be used by researchers irrespectively of
their subjects. Futher on, the language is used to conduct a parametrization of the simulation model and to
decide which significance test is appropriate. For the name of the language the acronym FITS was chosen
which stands for “Formulating, Integrating and Testing of Hypotheses in Computer Simulation”. Further-
more, the language can be used without a connected simulation system just to formulate hypotheses and to
share them with other researches. Hereafter, a hypothesis expression in FITS is considered as a user input
for a computer system which is connected to a simulation and integrates content of the hypothesis in this
simulation by the use of parametrization. Additionally, the computer system is able to produce sample data
by performing simulation runs and uses that data to execute a significance test for the entered hypothesis.
The structure of a FITS expression is shown in Figure 1. The expression comprises the user’s hypothesis and
the definition of related test properties for testing the hypothesis with the simulation model. It consists of
three parts: parametrization, hypothesis information, and test constraints. The parametrization part includes
the assignment (function ψ) of the variables which are described by the set V . If the simulation is connected
to an ontology, where an ontology is an explicit specification of a conceptualization with at least some
minimal common vocabulary (Schreiber 2008), this part will contain statements about classes or individual
instances in the simulation model.
Since this part can be extensive due to a vast number of variables in the simulation model, it is possible to
shorten that assignment by using the number sign (“#”). Here, the symbol has the meaning “ceteris paribus”
and so an initial assignment is used for the remaining variables (alternatively a previously performed assign-
ment could be used). After this part, a separator follows and the hypothesis information part which defines
properties of the hypothesis. For the first separator here, an arrow is used, which is known for describing
implications in logics. This is reminiscent of the formal structure of a conditional clause which a scientific
hypothesis is (at least implicitly) based on.
The hypothesis information includes the components s, z and γ(s) of both null and alternative hypothesis as
well as the function τ with the denotation of treated features (members of the set M). Between the hypothesis
information and the test constraints another separator is inserted. In the test constraints part, the user defines
the significance level α and the sample size n for the subsequent execution of a significance test. Within the
three mentioned parts the symbol “∧” is used to concatenate multiple subexpressions. The symbol “∨” is
Lorig, Becker, and Timm
used to separate the null hypothesis from the alternative hypothesis. We defined the syntax of the language
more precisely with the aid of the Backus-Naur form. In the following, an example of a FITS expression is
speed(a1, 4) ∧ position(a1, 61) ∧ rows(env, 180) ∧ breakTime(Agent, 20) ∧ #
⇒ μ(operationTime) ∧ (H0 (μ ≥ 7) ∨ H1 (μ < 7)) | α(5) ∧ n(100)
This expression refers to a simulation system with a connected ontology. Hence, in the first part, the mem-
bers of the set V are not named by an identifier. Instead, the names of classes (starting with a capital letter)
and instances (starting with a lowercase letter) of the simulation model are used in combination with a name
of one of their attributes and a value for the assignment. The translation of the example in natural language
reads as follows: If agent “a1” moves with a speed level of 4 and starts at position number 61 and the
environment contains 180 rows and all agents take a maximum break of 20 minutes ceteris paribus, then
the measured operation time (feature) will be lower than 7 hours on average and this will be tested with
a significance level of 5 percent and 100 simulation runs (sample size of 100). The character “μ” denotes
the expected value of a random variable which is the operation time in the example and also the feature of
investigation. The subexpression of the null hypothesis H0 and the alternative hypothesis H1 contains the
statement about that feature.
Figure 2: Concept of the research assistance system and its stepwise execution.
In Figure 2, the architecture of the developed computer system is shown. With aid of the graphical user
interface (GUI), the user can build a hypothesis with predefined building blocks and an input assistance
(step 1). If the simulation model is connected to an ontology, an interactive visualization of the ontology can
be used to support the hypothesis building process. Otherwise, the user can select predefined variables of
the simulation model from a list to insert them into the hypothesis. After the input process of the hypothesis,
the computer system extracts the tuple b from the input (step 2), performs a new parametrization of the
simulation model (step 3), and starts the simulation runs to accomplish the demanded sample size (step
4). The sample size n is read automatically from the last part of the hypothesis. The simulation runs are
executed in an external replaceable simulation. The measurements of the declared feature or features (in the
second part of the hypothesis) are realized by the assistance system and stored in a database. After every
simulation run, output data is analyzed and the necessary data of the features are stored in the database
(step 5) for the computations when testing the hypothesis. Following this, the appropriate significance test
Lorig, Becker, and Timm
is chosen (step 6) based on the user’s input in the parts hypothesis information and test constraints. If more
information is required for this decision (e.g., the distribution of a feature), the system starts a user dialog and
asks simple questions. Finally, the result is calculated (step 7) and presented to the user with an additional
report of all measured data and all partial results. In the following section, more details are described and a
prototypical implementation is presented.
For evaluating the functionality of the prototype, we constructed a simulation with an established computer
simulation framework independently from the research assistance system. We chose the multi-agent simu-
lation environment MASON and created a simulation in the context of logistics. For the connection of the
two systems we adapted the start command of the simulation in the assistance system and followed the use
of the input and output interfaces.
=== REPORT ===
INPUT : l o a d S i z e ( a1 , 1 ) ∧ s l e e p T i m e ( Agent , 0 ) ∧ # ⇒ μ ( s O p e r a t i o n T i m e ) ∧ ( H0 ( μ ≥ 5 0 0 ) ∨ H1 ( μ < 5 0 0 ) ) ) | α ( 5 ) ∧ n ( 1 0 )
−− V a r i a n c e o f t h e d i s t r i b u t i o n o f t h e f e a t u r e o f i n v e s t i g a t i o n i n t h e p o p u l a t i o n i s unknown
−− F e a t u r e o f i n v e s t i g a t i o n i s normally distributed i n p o p u l a t i o n
−− Model v a r i a b l e o f t h e f e a t u r e o f i n v e s t i g a t i o n i n s i m u l a t i o n : s O p e r a t i o n T i m e
−− A r i t h m e t i c mean o f m e a s u r e d f e a t u r e o f i n v e s t i g a t i o n : 4 8 5 . 1
−− S a m p l i n g v a r i a n c e : 2 , 3 5 2 . 5 4 4 ( s t a n d a r d d e v i a t i o n : 4 8 . 5 0 3 )
−− D e c i s i o n r u l e : r e j e c t H0 f o r H1 i n c a s e v < −t _ {1− a l p h a , n−1}
−− −t _ {1− a l p h a , n−1} = −t _ { 0 . 9 5 , n−1} = −1.833
−− v = ( 4 8 5 . 1 − 5 0 0 . 0 ) / ( 4 8 . 5 0 5 / 3 . 1 6 2 ) = −0.971
RESULT : The n u l l h y p o t h e s i s H0 ( μ ≥ 5 0 0 ) i s NOT r e j e c t e d i n f a v o r o f t h e a l t e r n a t i v e h y p o t h e s i s H1 ( μ < 5 0 0 )
We entered different hypotheses about the measured behavior of agents in the simulation model and analyzed
the corresponding results. After checking the correctness of the model’s parametrizations as well as the
selection of the sample data, we performed the process manually without the usage of the research assistance
system. Thereafter, we compared all auxiliary calculations and results. We used the generated reports of the
research assistance system to get more detailed information for the comparison. In Figure 4, a snippet of a
report as generated by the prototype is presented. The conclusion was satisfying: Both the manual process
and the application of the prototype of the research assistance system came to the same results.
By formally specifying hypotheses, we aim at enabling the automated evaluation of hypotheses through the
assistance of the parametrization of models and the evaluation of simulation results. We deem an integrated
assistance for all steps of a simulation study is necessary as the complexity of simulation models as well
as the amount of individual tools for supporting specific steps of simulation studies is increasing. Thus,
the task of adequately identifying and combining existing tools for objectively and reproducibly testing
research hypotheses by means of simulation becomes more challenging and time-consuming. The formal
specification of hypotheses enables the assistance and automation of simulation studies as necessary steps
are derived from the hypothesis, applied systematically, and executed experiments can be repeated easily.
FITS, the language proposed here, can be used for specifying hypotheses that contain statements regarding
the behavior of a model or components of it. The assistance system uses the formalized hypothesis to execute
necessary experiments, analyze the output by means of a suitable statistical hypothesis tests, and provide a
statement whether or not the hypothesis holds based on the simulation results. With the developed GUI, the
researcher is aided in the formal specification process as information on the variables of the model are given
and an input assistance for creating hypothesis is provided.
The concept and the prototype presented in this paper constitute a first step towards the integrated assis-
tance and replication of simulation studies. It is limited to the formal specification of hypotheses that are
testable by a predefined set of parametric tests as well as the execution of simulation runs in order to meet
the demanded sample size. In future work, the assistance provided by the system shall be further improved
and elaborated. This includes the process of hypothesis generation, i.e., systematically deriving important
factors, e.g., by means of automated sensitivity analysis, and relevant experiments from the hypothesis. Fur-
thermore, it includes the design, i.e., intelligent limitation of the parameter space by the use of experimental
Lorig, Becker, and Timm
designs, execution, i.e., distribution of runs as well as efficient utilization of existing hardware, and eval-
uation, i.e., optimization and documentation of the results, of simulation experiments. This will not only
facilitate the statistically sound evaluation of hypotheses in simulation studies but also splitting the pro-
cesses of model creation and simulation such that an expertise in model creation does not enforce detailed
knowledge in simulation engineering and vice versa. Thus, an integrated assistance enables a wider public
to conduct objective and reproducible simulation studies for answering model-related hypotheses.
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FABIAN LORIG started studying Business Information Systems at Trier University in 2009. He received
his Bachelor’s degree (B.Sc.) in 2012 and his Master’s degree (M.Sc.) in 2014, focussing on multi-agent
systems and artificial intelligence. Since 2014 he is research assistant (PhD student) at the chair of Ingo J.
Timm and works on an intelligent assistance for the design and execution of simulation experiments. His
email address is [email protected].
COLJA A. BECKER studied Business Informatics at the University of Trier from 2010 to 2015. At the
end of 2015, he received a Master’s degree. At the beginning of 2016 he started working at the chair of
Ingo J. Timm as a research assistant and doctoral candidate. His work focus on agent technology as well as
simulation technology. His email address is [email protected].
INGO J. TIMM received Diploma degree (1997), PhD (2004), and venia legendi (professoral thesis) (2006)
in computer science from University of Bremen. From 1998 to 2006, Ingo has been PhD student, research
assistant, visiting and senior researcher, and managing director at University of Bremen, Technical Univer-
sity Ilmenau, and Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI). In 2006, Ingo was appointed
full professor for Information Systems and Simulation at Goethe-University Frankfurt. Since fall 2010,
he holds a chair for Business Informatics at Trier University. In 2016 he founded and is now heading the
Center for Informatics Research and Technology (CIRT) and its Research Lab on Simulation. He is author,
co-author as well as editor of more than 100 scientific publications on simulation, information systems,
knowledge-based systems for environmental protection, decision support in medicine, and theories and ap-
plications of multi-agent systems, especially in logistics. His email address is [email protected].