Vectors: Fundamentals of Physics 10th Edition

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Chapter 3


Jearl Walker, Halliday & Resnick
Fundamentals of Physics 10th Edition
© 2014. John Wiley Publishing
3-1 Vectors and Their Components

⚫ Physics deals with quantities that have both size and

⚫ A vector is a mathematical object with size and
⚫ A vector quantity is a quantity that can be
represented by a vector
⚫ Examples: position, velocity, acceleration
⚫ Vectors have their own rules for manipulation

⚫ A scalar is a quantity that does not have a direction

⚫ Examples: time, temperature, energy, mass
⚫ Scalars are manipulated with ordinary algebra
3-1 Vectors and Their Components

⚫ The simplest example is a displacement vector

⚫ If a particle changes position from A to B, we
represent this by a vector arrow pointing from A
to B
⚫ In (a) we see that all three arrows have
the same magnitude and direction: they
are identical displacement vectors.
⚫ In (b) we see that all three paths
correspond to the same displacement
vector. The vector tells us nothing about
the actual path that was taken between A
and B.
Figure 3-1
3-1 Vectors and Their Components

⚫ The vector sum, or resultant

o Is the result of performing vector
o Represents the net displacement of
two or more displacement vectors

Eq. (3-1)

o Can be added graphically as shown.

Figure 3-2
3-1 Vectors and Their Components

⚫ Vector addition is commutative

o We can add vectors in any order

Eq. (3-2)

Figure (3-3)
3-1 Vectors and Their Components

⚫ Vector addition is associative

o We can group vector addition however we like

Eq. (3-3)

Figure (3-4)
3-1 Vectors and Their Components

⚫ A negative sign reverses vector


Figure (3-5)

⚫ We use this to define vector


Eq. (3-4)

Figure (3-6)
3-1 Vectors and Their Components

⚫ Rather than using a graphical method, vectors can be

added by components
o A component is the projection of a vector on an axis
⚫ The process of finding components is called resolving
the vector
⚫ The components of a vector
can be positive or negative.
⚫ They are unchanged if the
vector is shifted in any
Figure (3-8)
direction (but not rotated).
3-1 Vectors and Their Components

⚫ Components in two dimensions can be found by:

Eq. (3-5)

⚫ Where 𝜃 is the angle the vector makes with the

positive 𝑥 axis, and 𝑎 is the vector length
⚫ The length and angle can also be found if the
components are known

Eq. (3-6)
3-1 Vectors and Their Components

⚫ Angles may be measured in degrees or radians

⚫ Recall that a full circle is 360˚, or 2π rad
⚫ Know the three basic trigonometric functions

Figure (3-11)
3-1 Vectors and Their Components

SW 1.2 [01]
A small airplane leaves an airport on
an overcast day and is later sighted
215 km away, in a direction making
an angle of 22° east of due north.
This means that the direction is not
due north (directly toward the north)
but is rotated 22° toward the east
from due north. How far east and
north is the airplane from the airport
when sighted?
3-2 Unit Vectors, Adding Vectors by Components

⚫ A unit vector
Eq. (3-7)
o Has magnitude 1
Eq. (3-8)
o Has a particular direction
o Lacks both dimension and unit
o Is labeled with a hat: ^
⚫ We use a right-handed
coordinate system
o Remains right-handed when

Figure (3-13)
3-2 Unit Vectors, Adding Vectors by Components

⚫ The quantities axi and ayj are vector components

Eq. (3-7)

Eq. (3-8)

⚫ The quantities ax and ay alone are scalar

o Or just “components” as before
3-2 Unit Vectors, Adding Vectors by Components

⚫ Vectors can be added using components

Eq. (3-9) → Eq. (3-10)

Eq. (3-11)

Eq. (3-12)

⚫ ToUnit
subtract two vectors,
Vectors, we subtract
Adding Vectors components
by Components

Eq. (3-13)
3-2 Unit Vectors, Adding Vectors by Components

SW 1.2 [02]
Find the magnitude and direction of the vector sum 𝒓 of
the following vectors:

𝒂 = 4.2 m 𝑖Ƹ − 1.5 m 𝑗Ƹ

𝒃 = −1.6 m 𝑖Ƹ + (2.9 m)𝑗Ƹ

Unit Vectors, Adding Vectors by Components
𝒄 = −3.7 m 𝑗Ƹ .
3-3 Multiplying Vectors

⚫ Multiplying two vectors: the scalar product

o Also called the dot product
o Results in a scalar, where 𝑎 and 𝑏 are magnitudes and 𝜙 is
the angle between the directions of the two vectors:

Eq. (3-20)

⚫ The commutative law applies, and we can do the dot

product in component form
Eq. (3-22)

Eq. (3-23)
3-3 Multiplying Vectors

⚫ A dot product is the product of the

magnitude of one vector times the
scalar component of the other vector
in the direction of the first vector

Eq. (3-21)

⚫ Either projection of one vector

onto the other can be used
⚫ To multiply a vector by the
projection, multiply the
Figure (3-18)
3-3 Multiplying Vectors

⚫ Multiplying two vectors: the vector product

o The cross product of two vectors with magnitudes a & b,
separated by angle φ, produces a vector with magnitude:
Eq. (3-24)

o And a direction perpendicular to both original vectors

⚫ Direction is determined by the right-hand rule

3-3 Multiplying Vectors

The upper shows vector

a cross vector b.

The lower shows vector

b cross vector a.

Figure (3-19)
3-3 Multiplying Vectors

⚫ The cross product is not commutative

Eq. (3-25)

⚫ To evaluate, we distribute over components:

Eq. (3-26)

⚫ Therefore, by expanding (3-26):

Eq. (3-27)
3-3 Multiplying Vectors

SW 1.2 [03]
What is the angle 𝜙 between 𝒂 = 3.0 𝑖Ƹ − 4.0 𝑗Ƹ and 𝒃 =
− 2.0 𝑖Ƹ + 3.0 𝑘෠ ? (Hint: Use the definition of dot product.)
3-3 Multiplying Vectors

SW 1.2 [04]
෠ what is 𝒄 = 𝒂 × 𝒃?
If 𝒂 = 3 𝑖Ƹ − 4 𝑗Ƹ and 𝒃 = −2 𝑖Ƹ + 3 𝑘,
3 Summary

Scalars and Vectors Adding Geometrically

⚫ Scalars have magnitude only ⚫ Obeys commutative and
associative laws
⚫ Vectors have magnitude and
Eq. (3-2)
Eq. (3-3)
Vector Components
⚫ Given by Unit Vector Notation
Eq. (3-5)
⚫ We can write vectors in terms
⚫ Related back by of unit vectors
Eq. (3-7)

Eq. (3-6)
3 Summary

Adding by Components Scalar Times a Vector

⚫ Add component-by-component ⚫ Product is a new vector
⚫ Magnitude is multiplied by
Eqs. (3-10) - (3-12) ⚫ Direction is same or opposite

Scalar Product Cross Product

⚫ Dot product ⚫ Produces a new vector in
perpendicular direction
Eq. (3-20) ⚫ Direction determined by right-
hand rule
Eq. (3-24)
Eq. (3-22)

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