Effectiveness of Modular Distance Learning To The SHS Students in PEQNHS 1

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A Quantitative Research

presented to the Faculty of President Elpidio Quirino National High School


San Agustin East, Agoo, La Union

In partial fulfilment of the requirements in


Cabradilla, Josephine O.

Carreon, Kris Angeli D.

Fontanilla, Jan Patrick M.

Grade 12- HUMSS B

Ms. Sherilyn G. de Castro

Research Adviser

July 2021


Face-to-face learning engagement of students and teachers within the school

has been suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This pandemic has paved the

way to the implementation of Modular Distance Learning Modality as an urgent

response to ensure continuity of education. The Philippines is in the process of

adapting to the new normal form of education at present, and continuous innovations

of educators and active involvement of other stakeholders are the driving force for its

success. The key purpose of this research is to find out the effectiveness, challenges

encountered, opinions, and recommendations of students in the Modular Distance

Learning Modality to the Senior High School Students in President Elpidio Quirino

National High School (PEQNHS) during the School Year 2020-2021. These

effectiveness, challenges, opinions and recommendations were identified through a

quantitative approach by conducting surveys to the 30 participants in the selected

school through quota and purposive sampling. Deductive thematic analysis was used

in the interpretation and coding of data. The main challenges that emerged were lack

of school funding in the production and delivery of modules; students struggle with

self-learning, and parents' lack of knowledge to academically guide their

child/children. On the other hand, most of the students found Modular Distance

learning Modality not effective. In conclusion, the study was able to determine the

prevailing challenges of the participants in terms of resources, preparedness, and

communication. The result of this study may serve as a springboard for the future

improvements of the schools' existing programs and guidelines on the implementation

of modular distance learning.

Keywords: Distance learning modalities, modular approach in learning, modular

distance learning, Education in COVID-19 pandemic


First and foremost, special thanks to God Almighty for His goodness to us

without those Grace and Blessings, it would have been difficult for us to complete our

studies. I thank Him for the good health he granted us during our studies.

We are very grateful to our adviser, Ms. Sherilyn G. de Castro, who gave us

the opportunity to pursue our studies. We do appreciate all the support accorded us;

moral, spiritual and financial.

Our special thanks to our parents and all of our family members for their

encouragement, guidance, and support during our studies.

To the respondents of this study, we truly appreciate your cooperation,

honesty, patience and understanding on the request of researchers to gather

information from you for this study.

Lastly, I wish to extend my sincere gratitude to all who contributed in any way

towards our academic achievement. To all of you, we say God bless you.




TITLE PAGE …………………………………………………………………….. 1

ABSTRACT ……………………………………………………………………… 2

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT……………………………………………………. 3

TABLE OF CONTENTS ………………………………………………………… 4



Background of the Study……..…………………………………........... 6

Statement of the Problem …………………………………………… 7

Significance of the Study …………………………………………… 7

Scope and Delimitation ……………………………………………… 8


Related Literature …………………………………………………....... 10

Conceptual framework…………………...………………………......... 13

Research Hypothesis………………...…………………………........... 14

Definition of Terms………………………………………………..... 14


Research Design………..……………………………………………. 16

The Sample……………………………......………………………… 16

The Instruments…………………………………………………….... 16

Intervention………………………………………………………..... 17

Data Collection Procedure………………………………………… 17

Plan for Data Analysis……………………………………………… 18


………………………………………………………………….. 19


Conclusions ………………………………………………………..... 24

Recommendations …………………………………………………... 25

REFERENCES……….…………………………………………… 27

A Letter to the Head of Institution……………………………… 28

B Letter to the Respondents…………………………….............. 29

C Research Questionnaire……………………………………… 30


Figure 1……………………………………………………………................20


Table 1………………………………………………………………………..19

Chapter 1



The outbreak of the new coronavirus infection known as COVID-19 has first

occurred at Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan city of China in December 2019

(Wikipedia, 2020), and within a couple of months it has turned out to be a global

health emergency. It has rapidly affected thousands of people, who are sick or being

killed due to the spread of this disease. The COVID-19 pandemic also resulted in a

widespread disruption such as travel restrictions, closure of schools and global

economic recession.

Most countries around the world have temporarily closed educational

institutions to contain the spread of the virus and reduce infections (Tria, 2020). Face

to face engagement of students and teachers within the school has also been

suspended. The Philippines is in the process of adapting to the new normal form of

education at present, and continuous innovations of educators and active involvement

of other stakeholders are the driving force for its success. For the continuity of

education and for every school to still attain its mission and vision which is to provide

quality education to every Filipino learner, the Department of Education implemented

the Modular Distance Learning.

The aim of this research is to provide useful information to educational leaders

(secondary education stakeholders) in order to assist them in making critical decisions

about the introduction of Modular Distance Learning in public schools in the

Philippines. Modular Distance Learning has been seen to have significant capacity for

resolving a variety of issues confronting the effects of the pandemic.

The use of Modular Distance Learning as part of a school’s overall program

will alleviate issues such as continuing quality education of the learners in this New

Normal Education and offering an appropriate selection of tracks and strands for the

Senior High School students of President Elpidio Quirino National High School. The

research will produce a series of recommendations for introducing effective and

viable initiatives in comparable schools to the target school. Additionally, there is a

dearth of studies comparing parents’ students’ expectations for modular distance

learning implemented by educational leaders, including local school boards. This

project aims to contribute useful knowledge to this field as well


The study will be conducted to determine the Effectiveness of Modular

Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Senior High School Students of

President Elpidio National High School.

Specifically, this study sought to answers the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of Senior High School learners of President

Elpidio Quirino National High School in terms of age, sex, and year level?

2. How effective the Modular Distance Learning Modality to Senior High School

learners of President Elpidio Quirino National High School?

3. Do the Senior High School students find Modular Distance Learning

Modality effective?


Owing to the suspension of face-to-face learning participation of students and

teachers inside the school due to the COVID-19 pandemic, distance learning is poised

to challenge the current educational model.

Distance learning refers to a Learning delivery modality, where Learning takes

place between the teacher and the learners who are geographically remote from each

other during instruction. This modality has three types: Modular Distance Learning

(MDL), Online Distance Learning (ODL), and TV/Radio-Based Instruo (Quinones,


Modular learning is the most popular type of Distance Learning. In the

Philippines, this Learning modality is currently used by all public schools because

according to survey conducted by the Department of Education (DepEd), learning

through printed and digital modules emerged as the most preferred distance learning

method of parents with children who are enrolled this academic year (Bernardo, J).

This is also in consideration of the learners in rural areas where internet is not

accessible for online learning.

The use of Modules facilitates self-directed learning. One of the advantages of

using Modules for instruction is that students develop stronger self-study or learning

skills. Students actively participate in understanding the concepts discussed in the

module. With little or no assistance from others, the learners progress on their own.

Other benefits of modular teaching include improved adaptability of

instructional resources, more choice and self-pacing for students, and more variety

and flexibility for teachers and staff.


With the objective in mind, certain delimitations are defined to set the scope of

this research. To prevent misperception and misunderstanding rise up in this study,

the researcher gives scope and delimitation. The scope of the study covers on the

effectiveness of modular distance learning to the learners. By determining the scope

and delimitation, the researcher will easily find out the main focus of this study about

the modular distance learning and discover the effectives of modular distance learning

at President Elpidio Quirino National High School. The respondents of the study will

be the Senior High School students of President Elpidio Quirino National High


Chapter 2




According to Bala (2011), teachers across disciplines can make a difference by

producing instructional materials for use on the classroom and also for reference of

other teachers in their specialized areas in the academe.

Meanwhile, instructional materials or audio-visual materials of course are not

a substitute for effective instruction. They are aids and complementary materials

which assist the teacher in the teaching-learning process.

However, Pekrun, et.al. (2010) showed that academic emotions are

significantly related to students’ motivation, learning strategies, cognitive resources,

self-regulation, and academic achievement as well as to personality and classroom


According to Johnson (2011), instructional materials are specially designed

classroom tools which contain instructions for learners or teachers’ specifications for

each increment of learning such as content to be learned, techniques of presentation,

the practice and use of that content and the modes of teaching associated with those


Rizavi (2012), education occupies a central place in Philippine political,

economic, social and cultural life. It is a strategic priority to power economic progress

and ignites a forward-looking tolerant and inclusive society. Education is an

‘expectation builder’ and a ‘force multiplier’.Rizavi, 2012

Nardo, M.T.B, (2017), students engage themselves in learning the concepts

presented in the module. They develop a sense of responsibility in accomplishing the

tasks provided in the module. They are learning how to learn; they are empowered.

The teacher assumes responsibility for tracking the students’ progress. The

instructor may be contacted via e-mail, mobile, text message, or instant messaging,

among other methods.

Wherever practicable, the teacher may accompany students who need

remediation or help at their homes (Llego, n.d.). Teachers or Local Government

Officials will distribute printed modules to pupils, parents, or guardians.

Since education is no longer held within the school, parents serve as partners

of teachers in education. Parents play a vital role as home facilitators. Their primary

role in modular learning is to establish a connection and guide the child. (FlipScience,


The Department of Education (DepEd) notes that parents and guardians play a

variety of roles in modular learning, including Module-ator, Bundy-clock, and Home

Innovator. As a Module-ator, they are responsible for collecting and submitting

printed Self-Learning Modules (SLMs) from and to schools or barangay halls at the

start and end of each week, as agreed upon by parents and school. As a Bundy-clock,

they are responsible for monitoring their child’s timetable and workweek plan.

Due to the volume of topics or tasks required, they must ensure that the

schedule is adhered to in order to prevent cramming or delays in submission, which

could impair the child’s results. Finally, as a Home Innovator, they must have a

positive learning experience that enables their child to concentrate further on learning.

It must be a well-lit, well-ventilated room with few to no distractions in the building.

Roisin Donnelly and Marian Fitzmaurice (2005) for academic staff, there are

incremented pressures through incremented edifying loads, growing reporting and

administrative requisites and pressure to develop and reinforce their research profile.

According to Jeremiah Joven B. Joaquin, et al (October 2020), “Distance

education is broadly characterized as any form of learning experience where the

learner and the instructor are physically separated from each other (not only by place

but also by time).

Use of self-learning modules in teaching is another form of individual used

instructions. This is called modular approach of teaching and learning (K. Jaya Sree,

2004) if self-learning modules are available on some topics, they can be given to the

students as assignments for self-learning. Scientific attitude refers to an individual’s

outlook towards life.

According to Ethel Reyes-Chua, et al (May 13, 2020), “Chua, Sibbaluca,

Mack, et.al, suggested using the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) as a technical

tool for promoting the process of teaching and learning. According to them, teachers

should be innovative in developing such an analytical learning atmosphere that will

best fit the needs of today's generation of students.

Perhaps, some teachers might go back to basics and distribute annotated

physical textbooks to their students through courier services. As long as the education

sector is engaged, teachers and students have ample support, the curriculum and

content of the learning modules are well-defined and personalized, technological

limitations are acknowledged, and user-friendly and enjoyable materials are present,

education will continue one way or another (Ramos et al., 2007; Ali, 2020).


The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of a modular

distance learning modality on the performance of President Elpidio Quirino National

High School Senior High School students. The study's dependent variable is the

Performance, while the independent variable includes modular distance learning is

one of the variables examined in this study and learners' modality and socio-

demographic characteristics.

The demographic profile has four components such as age, sex, parents’

educational background and parents’ occupation. These independent variables are

perceived as factors which can be utilized to influence the English Performance of the


This study is based on the idea that the respondents' socio-demographic profile

and the efficiency of the modular distance learning modality have an impact on their


The independent and dependent variables are also thought to have a

substantial link, according to the conceptual framework.

The schematic diagram of the study, Figure 1 is shown below.

Dependent Variables Independent Variable




Year Level


Modular Distance Learning

Based on the aforementioned problems, the following hypothesis will be considered:

1. There are significant difficulties encountered by the Senior High School

students because of the Effectiveness of Modular Distance Learning Modality.

2. There are no significant differences in the academic performance of the

respondents when based on Modular Distance Modality.

3. There is a significant relationship between the Effectiveness of Modular

Distance Learning to the internet connection of the respondents.


 Corona Virus – Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease

caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. Most people who fall sick with

COVID-19 will experience mild to moderate symptoms and recover without

special treatment.

 Modular Distance Learning - Modular Distance Learning features

individualized instruction that allows learners to use self-learning modules

(SLMs) in print or digital format/electronic copy, whichever is applicable to

the learner. Learners under Modular Distance Learning can also use other

resources such as Learner’s Materials, textbooks, activity sheets, study guides,

and other study materials.

 Online Distance learning - Distance learning is an educational process where

students receive instruction through online classes, video recordings, video

conferencing, or any other audio/visual technology medium. It enables people

to receive education without having to be physically present in a classroom.

 Face-to-face Learning - face-to-face learning is an instructional method

where course content and learning material are taught in person to a group of

students. This allows for a live interaction between a learner and an instructor.

It is the most traditional type of learning instruction. Learners benefit from a

greater level of interaction with their fellow students as well. In face-to-face

learning, students are held accountable for their progress at the class’s specific

meeting date and time. Face-to-face learning ensures a better understanding

and recollection of lesson content and gives class members a chance to bond

with one another. Conventional way of teaching which uses variety of

strategies and different Instructional/learning materials.

 Television-basedIinstructions – Television-Based Instruction is one of

DepEd’s learning modalities along with Radio-Based Instruction, online, and

modular learning in the absence of face-to-face learning due to Covid


 Radio-based Instruction – Utilizes local community and other modes of

broadcast, the core learning modules are transformed into radio scripts which

were produced for public broadcast.




The purpose of this study is to see how effective Modular Distance Learning is

in senior high school students of President Elpdio Quirino National High School. In

this examination, the quantitative research method will be used. Correlation was used

in the quantitative method. Descriptive design will be used also in identifying the

different solutions to these challenges. The quantitative approach entails gathering

data that focuses on describing a phenomenon across a larger number of people,

allowing for the summarization of characteristics across groups or relationships.


The study's participants will be President Elpidio Quirino National High

School Senior High School Learners. The final participants of the study will be ten

(10) Grade 11 students and twenty (20) Grade 12 students of the selected tracks or

strands as key informants through purposive and quota sampling.


To collect data or information, researchers will create and modify study

instruments. The opinions and recommendations of students were gathered through a

survey, particularly using questionnaires with open-ended questions. Part I will

consist of a researcher-created questionnaire that includes the respondents' personal

profiles. Part II will consist of modified questionnaires to assess the effectiveness of

President Elpidio Quirino National High School's Modular Distance Learning

Modality to students' academic performances. The instrument will be subjected to

face and content validation by experts prior to its implementation in data collection to

determine the suitability of each item in measuring the given construct.


In several nations, modules are increasingly being used to organize language

curricula. As a result, many course books now use "modules" rather than "units" to

organize their content. The term "module" is synonymous with the concept of a

modular language curriculum. Taneja (1989) defined a module as a nearly self-

contained unit of work in a course of instruction and a teaching approach based on the

concept of discretely gaining skills and knowledge. Various teaching approaches will

focus on accumulating methods that can best achieve creative and constructive

involvement with learning activities that leads to comprehending Ramsden (1992).

Even well-designed modules with well-defined learning outcomes can fail if the

edifying tactics used to motivate and encourage learners fail to inspire and support

them in achieving the necessary learning outcomes.

Data Collection Procedures

A letter of request to the principal was required before any research could

begin at a school in the district that operates the target school. The principal conferred

with the division superintendent after receiving the research request letter, and

permission to perform the research was given. The assistant superintendent of

instruction wanted to know how long the research would take, what resources would

be needed, and whether or not students would be involved.

These exchanges took place over email. The researchers printed and saved all

communications related to obtaining permission to conduct this research project on

my personal flash drive. Because learners will be involved in the interview,

observation, and document collection and analysis phases of this research, permission

was sought from my dissertation committee (via the acceptance of a final version of

this proposal) after gaining permission from administrators. Because learners will be

included in the interview, observation, and document collection and analysis phases

of this research, it was necessary to have all of the above permissions in place prior to


After obtaining the necessary clearances, study began. The three major data

points (interviews, document review, and on-site observations) were all collected at

the same time as practicable. The data was evaluated as it was acquired, with periodic

inferences about what the data meant being made along the way. Final conclusions

were formed after all data had been collected, and the results are published in

Chapters 4 and 5 of this paper.

Finally, we built a study notebook to aid in data analysis and to record the

views we formed as a result of the data. Personal bias, as well as early conclusions

were identified in this journal. These initial conclusions were then compared to data

from this study and other studies mentioned in Chapter 2 of this paper. The journal

was used to explain why certain data results were reached.


In this study, the quantitative research method will be used. Correlation was

used in the quantitative method. The quantitative approach entails obtaining data that

focuses on describing a phenomenon over a larger number of people, allowing for the

summarization of features across groups or relationships. Correlation study, on the

other hand, seeks to identify whether and to what extent two or more quantitative

variables are related (Frio, 2019).



From the survey, various challenges were encountered by Senior High School

students in the implementation of Modular Distance Learning Modality.

Table 1 Students Profile

Total n of
16 years old 17 years old
12 18 30

Male Female
11 19 30

Grade 11 Grade 12
Year level
10 20 30

Table 1 show the total number of students who participated in this study. Most

of the participants are 17 years old which are 18, and the next are 16 years old which

are 12. Most of the respondents are females. Also, most of the participants are Grade

12 students which are 20, followed by Grade 11 students which are 10. The table

shows that this study has the total of 30 respondents.

Figure 1










0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

The questions listed below contain the total percentages of responses and the

total number of respondents who did not respond to the specific question.

Q1. The way the module materials were presented helped to maintain my

interest. 41% of them agreed while 59% disagreed.

Q2. The instructions on how to complete the assessed tasks were easy to follow.

40% of the participants agreed while 60% contradicted.

Q3. The study workload on this module fitted with my personal circumstances.

21% learners admitted about the study workload of modules. On the other hand, 79%


Q4. Can you answer all your modules on your own?

Based on the learners’ answer, 23% of them agreed, while 77% disagreed.

Q5. Sufficient opportunities were provided to check my understanding on the


21% learners accede that they were given sufficient opportunities were provided to

monitor their understanding on the module while 79% of them contradicted.

Q6. I have clear idea about my next module choice.

40% of the learners agreed while 60% disagreed.

Q7. I was satisfied with the quality of the module.

Among the learners, 15% of the learners were satisfied with the quality of module

while 85% of them contradicted.

Q8. My studies have helped me developed my self-confidence.

41% of the participants agreed while 59% contradicted.

Q9. There was enough time in the study planner to prepare for the end of

module assessment.

35% learners accede that they were given sufficient opportunities were provided to

monitor their understanding on the module while 65% of them contradicted.

Q10. I was satisfied with the opportunities I had to attend tutorials online.

21% of them agreed while 79% disagreed.

From Fig. 1, it could be seen that most of the learners are having difficulty in

this new learning modality of the participants had a hard time answering their

modules. Half of them do not have enough time to accomplish all their modules

within a week. They often receive at least 8 modules in all subjects and each module
has 5-7 activities. The subjects that they are having greatest difficulty with are subject

connected to Mathematics, followed by History, Entrepreneurship, and Applied

Economics. In Mathematics, some students said that most of the Math problems are

difficult to solve and no detailed explanation is provided. Problem Solving does not

only include and require computation but there is a need to understand and analyze

the problem, it is important that students comprehend the problems (Salma &

Rodrigues, 2012). In History, some learners said that this subject has lengthy readings

and many of the students cannot understand some of the terms used. The questions are

hard as well and there are not enough examples provided. Students have difficulty in

understanding the lessons and history books are lengthy (Tok, B. R 2016). Lastly,

some students have difficulty in Entrepreneurship and Practical Research because

they lack knowledge about business.

Furthermore, most of the students cannot answer all their modules

independently; that is why they badly need the assistance of others. The family

members, relatives and friends of the learners play a vital role in education today.

Siblings are at the top of the list helping the learners in answering the modules

followed by friends and classmates. Although 83% of the students said that the

teachers were approachable, some said that the teachers do not immediately respond

to the queries regarding the lessons. Majority (93%) of the learners have gadgets that

could be useful in learning.

In addition, senior high school students in a mountainous area of the President

Elpidio Qurino National High School (PEQNHS) do not have a reliable internet

connection. Nevertheless, most of the senior high school students still prefer Modular

Learning over Online Learning. Hence, from a total of thirty respondents, twenty-

seven of them have chosen Modular Distance Learning. The main challenges that the

students have encountered are self-studying, poor internet connection, lack of sleep

and time to answer all the modules due to the great number of activities, distractions,

and lack of focus.




The great number of activities in each module is one of the main problems that

emerged in the implementation of Modular Distance Learning Modality. The

Department of Education should consider this problem, reduce the activities, and take

out the unnecessary topics so that mastery will be attained as much as possible.

As what some of the respondents said the lesser the better. One of the

concerns of the students is that they do not have enough time to answer all the

modules within a week. Therefore, if DepEd cannot extend the duration of

accomplishing the modules, they must lessen the activities. We all know that mistakes

cannot be avoided at times.

Thus, teachers should re-evaluate the modules, and they must make sure that

all the lessons or activities are appropriate to the needs of the learners. The students

are right; the instructions in every exercise must be clear enough for the learners to

understand. The topics must be simplified, and teachers must give more examples.

Moreover, all the printed pictures in the modules should be clear. The cases of

COVID-19 in the Philippines are still in great number, so face to face learning is not

yet possible.

In addition, the Division Office must implement other modality to lead the

students to more effective learning. We, as researchers, seems that they should also

implement Blended Learning by which some students will enroll Modular Distance

Learning with Online Class. In this way, the students could clearly understand what

are the topics on their module.

However, the researchers think that Blended Learning is also possible for

places that are not infected by the virus. This can be applied to some schools located

in rural areas like PEQNHS. Online Learning approach could be implemented in

urban areas since most of the learners there have an internet connection. For the

students who still cannot access the internet, they will be given special consideration

by home visitation as an example. Aside from text and call, social media particularly

on messenger is one of the most used modes of communication between teachers,

parents, and students.

Therefore, teachers are recommended to be active online most of the time.

They must be able to address the sentiments of some parents and students, which is to

be patient enough in attending to the needs and to respond to the queries immediately

with regards to learning. The Department of Education and the government must

collaborate together towards the success of Philippine Educational System despite the

COVID-19 pandemic. It is imperative that every school must be provided with

support and enough funds. The Department of Education should give autonomy and

freedom to teachers in every school to do their own modules. However, the modules

must be validated for the quality assurance and the progress will be monitored.


From the survey conducted, several recommendations were gathered. The

methods and strategies suggested by the students to school to further improve the

Modular Distance Learning Modality are reduction of activities from the modules,

more examples for each subject, home visitation once a week, limited face-to-face

class or Blended Learning, provision of colored printed modules, immediate

information given by teachers on what to answer in the modules, online consultation

with students, responsiveness of teachers through the use of social media platform,

and leniency of teachers in the submission of students’ outputs.

Another proposed solutions to the identified challenges in Modular Distance

Learning are reduce/lessen activities in the modules, take out the unnecessary

exercises, Online Learning (a Zoom meeting with the whole class with the teacher

going through the modules with the students, answering questions and learning the

topics together), simplify the modules, implement blended learning, consistent

instructions in the modules and as much as possible, limit group activities, give each

student ample time to complete all the modules, and give more examples and

explanations to each of the given activity.

Accordingly, the donations, solicitations, and assistance of PTA and other

stakeholders were some of the ways to augment the financial needs of the school; the

government must make the modules as textbooks, and the DepEd must allocate

additional funds for modules. The appropriate interventions to be provided for

struggling learners according to teachers are consistent consultation through text, call,

and through other social media platforms, organization of Community Learning

Facilitators (CLF), home visitation for direct tutorials, simplification of modules, and

immediate note/feedback made by teachers which are written in vernacular language.

For the students, teachers can give them assistance through text and call, community

facilitating, consultation and posting updates on social media, and by giving them

words of encouragement.


Quinones, M. T. (2020, July 3). DepEd clarifies blended, distance learning modalities
for SY 20202021. Philippine Information Agency
Tria, J. Z. (2020, June 3). The COVID-19 Pandemic through the Lens of Education in
the Philippines: The New Normal. ResearchGate.
Wikipedia contributors. (2020, October 30). COVID-19 pandemic. Wikipedia.
Bernardo, J. (2020, July 30). Modular Learning most preferred parents: DepEd. ABS-
CBN News. https://news.abs-cbn.com/news/07/30/20/modular-learning-most-
FlipScience. (2020, October 5). 'Tagapagdaloy’: How Filipino parents can help ensure
successful modular distance learning. FlipScience - Top Philippine Science News and
Features for the Inquisitive Filipino. https://www.flipscience.ph/news/features-
Llego, MA. (n.d). DepEd Learning Delivery Modalities for School Year 2020-2021.
TeacherPh. https://www.teacherph.com/deped-learning-delivery-modalities/
Nardo, M. T. B. (2017, October 20). Modular Instruction Enhances Learner
Autonomy. Sciepub.http://pubs.sciepub.com/education/5/10/3/index.html#:
%7E:text=The%20use%20 of%20modules%20is,in%20doing%20their%20individual
%20tasks.&text=It%20directs% 20students%20to%20practice%20or%20rehearse


Letter to the Head of Institution

July 2021

Emelyn C. Hobayan, Ph.D.

The Principal, PEQNHS
San Agustin East, Agoo, La Union


The undersigned researcher is currently undertaking a research entitled

Effectiveness of Modular Distance Learning Modality to the Senior High School

in PEQNHS for School Year 2020-2021. This is one of their requirements in their

strand, Humanities and Social Sciences.

Relative to this study, may I request permission from your good office to

allow me to administer my questionnaires to the students of PEQNHS.

Your favorable action regarding this matter is really highly appreciated. Thank

you very much for your assistance. God Bless.

Sincerely Yours,

Josephine O. Cabradilla

Research Leader



Research Adviser


Letter to the Respondents

July 2021

To the Respondents:

The undersigned researcher is currently undertaking a research entitled

Effectiveness of Modular Distance Learning Modality to the Senior High School

in PEQNHS for School Year 2019-2020.

In this study, may I request to please furnish the necessary information and

rate the following items that correspond to your answer.

Your honest responses to this questionnaire are highly solicited in order that

the findings of this study will be valid. Your responses will be treated with utmost

care and confidentiality

Thank you very much for your assistance. God Bless.

Sincerely Yours,
Josephine O. Cabradilla
Research Leader



Thesis Adviser Principal



I. Personal Profile. Please fill out all the needed information

Name: __________________________________________ Year Level: ________

Please check the items that best described you.
A. Age ____ 16 years old
____ 17 years old
____ 18 years old
B. Sex
____ Female

____ Male

II. Please indicate how much you agree with each of the following statements
by marking the appropriate box for each question.


Q1. The way the module materials were presented

helped to maintain my interest.

Q2. The instructions on how to complete the assessed

tasks were easy to follow.

Q3. The study workload on this module fitted with

my personal circumstances.

Q4. Can you answer all your modules on your own?

Q5. Sufficient opportunities were provided to check

my understanding on the module.

Q6. I have clear idea about my next module choice.

Q7. I was satisfied with the quality of the module.

Q8. My studies have helped me developed my self-


Q9. There was enough time in the study planner to

prepare for the end of module assessment.

Q10. I was satisfied with the opportunities I had to

attend tutorials online.


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