Speaking - Unit 1

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Unit 1

Speaking skills Exam information

In Part 1 of the Speaking test the examiner will ask
Part 1: Talking about familiar topics you questions on familiar topics such as your home
town, your family, your studies and interests
1 • .5-1.10 Listen to six candidates answering
questions from Part 1 of the Speaking test. What question do you think the examiner
asked in each case? Complete the examiner's questions.

a How 9

b What
c Do 9

How 9

I Do 9

Listen carefully to how the examiner starts the question. This will help you decide
what type of answer you should give, e.g. if a question starts with Why...?, you will
be expected to give a reason.

2 The candidates in I use linking expressions (e.g. and, so, because) to link
ideas and sentences together and help them give extended answers.
Complete Candidate l's answer below with linking expressions, then
listen again to check your answers.

I came by bus. 1 I had to take two different buses 2

my home is on the other side of the city and the whole journey took about 45 minutes. I like travelling
by bus 3 I don't do it very often 4 I usually walk or
cycle to school, 5 is really near my home. I only use it if I want to go on a
longer joumey 6 into the city centre. Today I had quite a long distance to
travel and 7 I came by bus.

3 Which items in 2 have the following functions?

a to give a reason Always try to give extended answers by giving
b to give an example reasons, examples and any other extra information
that is relevant. Do not memorize long speeches as
c to add extra information this will sound unnatural and will lose you marks.
to give a consequence
to show contrast

Life choices
4 Look at the audio script and find other examples of linking words.
Add the examples to the list in 3.

5 With a partner, ask and answer the questions in 1.

Make sure you give extended answers.

Giving extended answers

6 Write 10 questions using the prompts, one for each of the topics below.
Who do you live with? (accommodation)
How often do you eat in a restaurant? (food)

accommodation • daily routines • entertainment • family

food • holidays • interests • shopping • studies • work

a Who
b How long
c Do 9

When 9

How often 9

i Why
j Would

7 Look at the possible questions in 6. Match the extended answers below to four of the questions.
Then mark the linking words.
1 I like going to the cinema if it's a new film or a film that has special effects because it's much
better to see it on a large screen and going with friends means we can talk about it afterwards.
I live in a small village 30 km from the nearest cinema though, so going to the cinema is quite
expensive. I also have to go in the early evening as the last bus to my village leaves the town at
10.30 pm. And watching at home is much cheaper than going to the cinema!
2 I'm a student so most of my time is spent at lectures and in the library. But! have ajob in a local
café near the university to help pay for things. I work three evenings a week serving customers
and I also help out in the kitchen. I can eat there on the evenings I work, which also helps with my
finances! I sometimes work on Saturday too, but I like to keep the weekend free ill can
3 I play badminton and I'm a member of my college team — we play against other college teams and
we're quite good. As a spectator! enjoy going to see my local football team and watching bigger
matches on television. I like watching tennis tournaments too — it's really interesting to see
players who play very well on one surface but not necessarily on another.
4 I like going shopping with my sister. There's a big shopping.centre in the town where we live
and we often go there at the weekend to look around the shops and have coffee. There's an ice
rink there too, so we sometimes take my little brother, but he doesn't like shopping! III need to
buy something expensive like new shoes then I'll go with my mum, because she can pay for

8 With a partner, ask and answer the questions you made in 6.

Give extended answers using the words and phrases from 4.

Unit 1
Pronunciation: word linking
1 When a word begins with a vowel sound and the previous word ends in a
consonant sound, we link the two sounds together in continuous natural
speech. Listen again to candidate 2 on page 10 speaking and note how he links
his words.

What() like mostis the fact that it's near the coast becausej love the sea.
I always try to go therejt weekends. I also think, has good facilities —
there's plenty to do, particularly for young people as there's, leisure
centrund swimming pool, two cinemasiandis large shopping centre.
One thing] don't likej.s that we don't have many parkur green spaces so
thereusren't many nice places to wallow play.

2 Mark the linking in these statements.

a I'd like to get a place of my own as soon as I can.
b I hope I can take early retirement before I'm sixty.
c I'd like to start a family when I'm about thirty years old.
Next year I'm planning to take a sabbatical so that I can
travel to South America.
I've always wanted to get a degree in electronic engineering.
f I can't afford to take a gap year unless I can get ajob and save up

ljnking your words together will make you sound more natural and fluent.
Remember it is the sounds that link, not the letters, e.g. like is links together
because the final sound of /lark/ links with the initial sound of hz./ to give ilailuz/.

3 1.11 Listen and repeat the statements in 2, paying attention to the linking.

4 Complete the statements so that they are true for you.

a A place I'd like to visit is
b I've always enjoyed
c I don't often eat
What! like about my home is
Learning English is
f I've always wanted to
When! get up in the morning

5 Identify and mark the linking in the statements.

6 Practise saying the statements.


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