Unit 4 Selected Activities

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Elementary A1

Unit 4

Learning objectives

 Talking about daily routines

 Asking about daily routines
 Expressing frequency
 Expressing likes, dislikes and preference
 Asking for and telling the time
 Choosing objects
 Reproducing a simple e-mail

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Class activities 4.1

Simple (habitual) present

Every day I wake up at 7:00.

I never drive to work.
I always have many things to do at the office.
I usually leave the office at 6:00, but sometimes I stay working until 7:30
Do you have breakfast at home?
Yes, I do.
Do you have lunch at a restaurant?
No, I don’t have lunch at a restaurant.
What time do you arrive at work?
What do you do in the evening?

What do all these sentences express?

What expressions of time indicate that?
What is the position of never, always, usually, sometimes in the sentences?
What do you notice in the interrogative sentences?

In interrogative

In English we only use a question mark at the end of the sentence.

We use an auxiliary verb (in this case, do) before the subject (I, you, we, they) In these
sentences this do only has a grammatical function, to make a sentence interrogative, and for a
short answer (Yes, I do)

But observe:

In What do you do in the evening? The first do is only an auxiliary to make the sentence
interrogative; the second do (hacer) is the principal verb in the sentence (¿Qué haces por la

For negative sentences

For negative sentences (with I, you, we and they), we use don’t.

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I. Choose the most appropriate options.

1. You and your family have lots of activities every day?

Do you and your family have lots of activities every day?

2. We don’t have breakfast together.

We no have breakfast together.

3. My daughter Claudia and my son Bill go always to school in the morning.

My daughter Claudia and my son Bill always go to school in the morning.

4. Your children study Math at school?

Do your children study Math at school?

5. I always drive to my office.

I drive always to my office.

6. What Paul and Marcia do at work?

What do Paul and Marcia do at work?

7. My coworkers not bring their lunch to the office.

My coworkers don’t bring their lunch to the office.

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What time is it?

It’s two o’clock. It’s three o’clock. It’s twenty-five past nine.

It’s half past two. It’s ten past ten. It’s ten to two.

I. What time is it?

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I. In pairs ask your partner these questions. Take turns asking.

1. What time do you wake up every day?

2. Do you prepare your breakfast?

3. What do you usually have for breakfast?

4. How do you go to work?

5. What time do you start your work every day?

6. Where do you have lunch?

7. Do you sometimes work at home?

8. What do you do in the evening?

9. Do you prefer to stay in the city or to go out of town on weekends?

10. How often do you travel out of the city?

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Extra class activities 4.1
I. Resolve language at work, Unit 2: Simple present

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Class activities 4.2

I. Check the extra-class activity.

II. Resolve Language at work, Unit 4: Freq. Adv.

One & ones

One and ones substitute nouns not to repeat them.

In the first dialogue:

The one on 10th Avenue refers to the restaurant.

The ones on Madox Square refer to the bars.

In the second dialogue:

The long one and the short one refer to the proposals.

III. Write under each heading what you like, love, and hate, as in the example. In
pairs, share your answers with your partners. Then share them in class.

Eg. staying at home going to the movies walking in the sun

I like I love I hate

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IV. Substitute the nouns for the one or the ones. Then read the dialogues out

Clerk: Which shirt do you prefer, Sir?

Frank: I prefer the blue shirt.

Tina: Could you bring me the files, Tom, please?

Tom: Which files?
Tina: The files on the table.

Mario: Which gentleman is your director?

Sandra: The gentleman on the right.

Jake: Which movie theater do you often go to?

Mary: I go to the movie theater near my place.

Susan: Which notebooks do you generally use?

Dan: I use the small notebooks.


/ɑ/ - a
hot not block car arm palm

/θ/ - th
thanks think thing three thirteen Elizabeth

V. Dictation.

1. The coffee is very hot.

2. In live on this block.

3. My car is not in the parking lot.

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4. I think Elizabeth is thirteen years old.

5. Thank you very much for those things.

VI. Reproduce sample e-mail, Unit 3 by changing some elements

VII. Answer progress Test 4: Question words. Frequency adverbs

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Extra class activities 4.2
I. Ask questions according to the answer. Then read the sentences out loud.

1. What ________ do ________?

We check the reports on Fridays.

2. How often _________?

I often watch TV at night.

3. When ____________?
I go to the movies every weekend.

4. ________________________?
Yes, my parents speak Italian.

5. Where __________________?
We often go to the movies on weekends.

6. _______________________?
No, I don’t work at home.

7. How often___________________?
I sometimes watch TV in the evening.

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