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Reviewing the fundamentals of supercapacitors and the difficulties involving

the analysis of the electrochemical findings obtained for porous electrode

Article  in  Energy Storage Materials · December 2019

DOI: 10.1016/j.ensm.2019.12.015


40 1,067

9 authors, including:

Leonardo Morais Da Silva Reinaldo Cesar

Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri University of Campinas


Bruno Morandi Pires Rafael Vicentini

University of Campinas University of Campinas


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New electrode materials for supercapacitor devices: synthesis and characterzation. View project

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Reviewing the fundamentals of supercapacitors and the difficulties

involving the analysis of the electrochemical findings obtained for
porous electrode materials
Leonardo M. Da Silva a, **, Reinaldo Cesar b, Cassio M.R. Moreira a, Jeferson H.M. Santos a,
Lindomar G. De Souza a, Bruno Morandi Pires b, Rafael Vicentini b, Willian Nunes b,
Hudson Zanin b, *
Department of Chemistry, Laboratory of Fundamental and Applied Electrochemistry, Federal University of Jequitinhonha and Mucuri’s Valley, Highway MGT 367, Km
583, No 5000, Alto da Jacuba, Diamantina, MG, 39100-000, Brazil
Advanced Energy Storage Division, Center for Innovation on New Energies, University of Campinas, Av. Albert Einstein 400, Campinas, SP, 13083-852, Brazil


Keywords: After a brief presentation of the major aspects involving supercapacitors, their fundamental aspects were reviewed
Supercapacitors with special emphasis on recent advances accounting for the electric double layer models proposed for porous
Electrochemical methods carbon-based electrodes containing electrochemically active sub-nanometer pores. Despite these important con-
Porous electrodes
siderations, the main focus of this review is concerned with the major difficulties found in trying to interpret the
Anomalous diffusion
electrochemical findings obtained for porous electrodes in the presence and absence of a pseudocapacitance (e.g.,
Faradaic process) due to presence of distributed and dispersion capacitance effects. In this sense, we present a
comprehensive analysis concerned with the misuse of the classic electrochemical methods initially proposed for
the study of ideally flat and/or spherical electrodes that are commonly adapted to evaluate the specific capaci-
tance exhibited by porous electrodes. We critically discussed the main pitfalls arising from the incorrect inter-
pretation of the electrochemical findings obtained in the time and frequency domains using different
electrochemical characterization methods. For the sake of reuniting our better understanding of the electro-
chemistry of porous electrodes used in supercapacitors, we investigated the most relevant and recent papers in the
field. Finally, we highlight some specific electrochemical methodologies proposed for the study of porous elec-
trodes and some guidelines to establish a laboratory protocol to collect the most relevant information about the
supercapacitors are presented.

1. Introduction Therefore, the development and improvement of high-performance

energy storage devices have attracted the attention of the scientific com-
1.1. Energy demand for our society and eco-friendly energy storage devices munity and environmental protection agencies of different countries. In
this context, various types of hybrid electro-mechanical devices have
Since the Industrial Revolution, modern societies have witnessed been developed in the last three decades aiming for efficient storage and
rapid technological development for several different activities, as well rapid release of the electric energy confined in the modern batteries (e.g.,
as uncontrolled population growth, which strongly increased demand for fuel cells, lithium batteries, etc.). In these hybrid systems, the chemical
foods and energy [1]. Recently, our society is requiring eco-friendly energy confined in the redox reactions occurring in two distinct elec-
technologies to sustain its lifestyle and reduce the environmental trodes can be efficiently converted into mechanical work for its use in
impact of human activities. In this scenario, the widespread use of fossil several different applications (e.g., electric cars and buses, etc.) [2,8,9].
fuels has raised concerns, and alternatives have been explored and There are significant environmental and technological advantages in
developed on renewable energy sources [2–7]. the use of electric motors since these machines exhibit high efficiency for

* Corresponding author.
** Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (L.M. Da Silva), [email protected] (H. Zanin).
Received 19 August 2019; Received in revised form 5 November 2019; Accepted 7 December 2019
Available online xxxx
2405-8297/© 2019 Published by Elsevier B.V.

Please cite this article as: L.M. Da Silva et al., Reviewing the fundamentals of supercapacitors and the difficulties involving the analysis of the
electrochemical findings obtained for porous electrode materials, Energy Storage Materials,
L.M. Da Silva et al. Energy Storage Materials xxx (xxxx) xxx

conversion of the electrical energy into mechanical work, i.e., electric

motors (energy conversion machines) are not subject to the same ther-
modynamic constraints that drastically limit the efficiency of the internal
combustion engines, i.e., the high entropy production caused by the
intense heat release [10]. Thus, in the case of the use of hydrogen-based
fuel cells as the primary source of energy, the chemical energy confined
in the gaseous substances (e.g., H2 and O2) is firstly efficiently converted
into electric energy which in turns is finally converted into the me-
chanical work using an electrical motor to move the vehicle. An essential
further aspect to be considered is that during the periods of speed
reduction and/or braking in electric vehicles, the mechanical energy
received from the wheels due to reduction of the vehicle momentum (p ¼
mv) can be reused (accumulated) in supercapacitor devices, thus creating a
regenerative braking process that saves a lot of energy [8].
We must highlight at this point the paramount importance of the
electrochemical devices called supercapacitors (e.g., electrochemical ca-
pacitors or ultra-capacitors) which are energy storage systems that can be
used alone or in combination with modern batteries to improve the
overall performance of an electric system, i.e., the combination between
batteries and supercapacitors permits the rapid release of high amounts
of electrical energy resulting in very high specific power (P/W kg1)
values [4,6,8,11-51]. Besides, supercapacitors have nearly five times the Fig. 1. Scheme of an electric double-layer capacitor (EDLC) using carbon
specific power exhibited by the conventional lead-acid batteries. There- electrodes and the voltage drop at the electrode/electrolyte interface region.
Adapted from Ref. [8].
fore, under high power conditions (e.g., high discharge rates), the
supercapacitors exhibit higher specific energy than these batteries. In
addition, supercapacitors can be incorporated to a battery-based energy
storage system to decouple its energy and power characteristics, thus
leading to the improvement of the sizing properties while fulfilling the
energy and power requirements, as well as enlarging the entire lifetime of
the whole energy storage system [52].
Supercapacitors are also extremely useful for applications involving
the use of photovoltaic panels [3]. Also, in applications involving some
portable electronic devices, supercapacitors can be used as the primary
source of energy with the advantage that these devices can be rapidly
recharged. Besides, supercapacitors can be used over a wide temperature
range (40 to 85  C) while the conventional batteries have their use
restricted to a narrower temperature [9,53]. Since the electrode materials
used in supercapacitors are not likely to undergo phase and/or chemical
changes during the charge-discharge processes as does in the case of
some batteries, it is commonly noted that supercapacitors can exhibit a
very high cyclability (life span) due to their intrinsic reversible mode of
operation [8].
The fundamental principle of operation behind an ideal electric
double-layer capacitor (EDLC) is the spatial separation of the electronic
and ionic charges at an interface where a complex molecular-ionic
structure called the electrical double-layer (dedl ~ 1–2 nm) acts as the
dielectric thus blocking the charge-transfer (Faradaic process) during
polarization using a power source [2,8,54]. Using activated carbons (AC)
synthesized in the laboratory that exhibit a very high specific surface area
(SSA (typically > 2500 m2 g1), the values of the specific capacitance can
be as high as ~ 300 F g1 [7,55–57]. However, according to the literature
[6,58], most of the commercial AC supercapacitors exhibit practical
(actual) specific capacitances of ~100 F g1 and 200 F g1 in organic (V 
2.7 V) and aqueous (V  1.0 V) electrolytes, respectively. Fig. 1 shows a
representative scheme of an EDLC composed of finely dispersed carbon
particles immersed in an electrolyte.
Fig. 2 shows a plot contrasting the behavior of supercapacitors and Fig. 2. Comparison of the galvanostatic charge-discharge processes for super-
capacitors and batteries devices, where: (i) tc and td are the charge and discharge
batteries during the charge-discharge processes [59]. As can be seen, in
times, respectively; (ii) Vw is the voltage of the supercapacitor equivalent to the
the case of batteries, the voltage remains practically constant over a long
open circuit voltage analogous to the case of a battery; (iii) Vmax and Vmin
time interval resulting in a plateau profile during the galvanostatic represent the maximum and minimum voltages achieved in the end of the
charge-discharge processes. In contrast, in the case of ideal super- charge and discharge processes, respectively, and (iv) ESR is the equivalent
capacitors, there is a linear variation of the voltage during these processes series resistance. Adapted from Ref. [59].
[22,43,60]. These different electrochemical behaviors exhibited by bat-
teries and supercapacitors are welcomed for several different practical stored energy. On the contrary, for specific applications where super-
situations since they can permit the development of different techno- capacitors are candidates to substitute the conventional batteries, the
logical applications involving the accumulation and rapid release of the

L.M. Da Silva et al. Energy Storage Materials xxx (xxxx) xxx

electrochemical properties of supercapacitors can be tailored using of the electrochemical energy storage devices have risen considerably in
pseudocapacitive materials to obtain a more stable (invariant) voltage the last years.
profile during the discharge process similar to a ‘pseudo-battery’. The
fundamentals of the electrochemical energy storage devices were 1.2. Technological aspects and the main market niches for supercapacitors
recently reviewed by Chen [22], focusing on the clarification of some
literature confusions such as the differences between capacitive and In general, the technological applications of supercapacitors can be
non-capacitive Faradaic charge-storage mechanisms, and between the categorized into two basic types: (i) recovery processes (backup) of the
cathode and a positive electrode (e.g., positrode), and between the anode energy coming from the main (primary) energy source, and (ii) as the
and the negative electrode (e.g., negatrode). In addition, Chen discussed primary energy source. In the case of backup applications, the super-
the concept and origin of pseudocapacitance and its correlation with the capacitor is connected in parallel to the primary power source (e.g.,
band model for semiconductors. battery). Thus, despite the power outages due to the main power supply
It is crucial noting that one of the great issues in the current literature disconnection, voltage drops, contact problems, shocks, etc., the super-
is concerned with the incorrect characterization of battery-like systems as capacitors ensure the power supply to the desired electronic device. It is
they were well-behaved supercapacitors. Thus, unreliable (very high) in this type of application that most of the supercapacitors have been
specific capacitances (e.g., C/F g1) have been incorrectly reported in used up to now (e.g., a backup source for memories, microcomputers,
substitution of the real specific capacities (e.g., C*/A h g1) that are electronic systems boards, clocks, etc.) [6,27]. However, due to the sig-
intrinsic to these systems [22,43,47]. nificant increase of the specific energy that can be obtained with the
The performance of different electrochemical energy storage devices modern state-of-art supercapacitors, we have that these devices can also
represented by the specific energy and power can be contrasted using a be used in several additional applications of technological interest (e.g.,
Ragone plot, as shown in Fig. 3. portable electronic devices, electric vehicles, industrial equipment, etc.).
Fig. 3 reveals that batteries and fuel cells can provide a very high In the case of electric vehicles, supercapacitors serve as an auxiliary
specific energy but with a low specific power. In contrast, conventional source of energy providing high energy efficiency, high specific power,
capacitors that exhibit high specific power due to the rapid mobility of and a great capacity to recover energy losses during braking [5,63].
electrons in the conductive plates are not capable of delivering high Although batteries and fuel cells serve as the primary energy storage
specific energy to meet a variety of long-term applications [7]. Therefore, devices for the electric vehicles, they are not indicated for rapidly
it is evident from the analysis of Fig. 3 that supercapacitors fill the gap in releasing the energy needed to achieve rapid acceleration of the vehicle
the Ragone plot existing between the two types of devices mentioned during downturns. However, since supercapacitors have the ability to
above, that is, the supercapacitors exhibit a high specific power when quickly charge-discharge their energy and also enable the regenerative
compared to the batteries and fuel cells and high specific energy when braking process, which reduces the fuel consumption of the electric
compared to conventional capacitors. vehicle by about 15%, supercapacitors are devices that can be naturally
Thanks to the nanotechnology accomplishments in the last three combined with batteries and fuel cells so that the electric vehicles have a
decades, different advanced nanostructured materials can now be fabri- higher performance during their acceleration in different driving situa-
cated for applications in high-performance electrochemical energy stor- tions [63].
age devices, as is the case of hydrogen-based fuel cells, secondary
(rechargeable) batteries, and supercapacitors [5–7,61,62]. Therefore, 1.3. Classification of supercapacitors according to their principle of
several technological strategies have been adopted to fulfill the global operation and the principal electrode materials
demand for high-performance energy storage devices, as well as the
distribution networks for urban and industrial applications. In this sense, Based on the particular charge-storage mechanism, supercapacitors
the development of new electrochemical devices has been mainly based can be classified into three types [2,58,64,65]: (i) electric double-layer
on the fabrication of different nanostructured electrode materials with capacitors (EDLCs), (ii) pseudocapacitors (PCs), and (iii) hybrid capacitors
tailored properties for particular applications. In addition, the discovery (HCs). In the case of EDLCs, the charge-storage mechanism is based on
of new electrolytes (e.g., ionic liquids, organic salts, etc.) has permitted the interfacial electrostatic separation of the electronic and ionic charges
enlarging cell voltage working window, thus allowing increasing the having as the dielectric the oriented dipole layer and the specifically
specific energy and power features. As a result, the niches of application adsorbed ions present in the molecular structure of the so-called electrical
double-layer. On the contrary, in the case of PCs and HCs, the
charge-storage process is mainly governed by the reversible solid-state
redox reactions (Faradaic processes) occurring simultaneously with the
electrostatic contribution (physical process) characteristic of EDLCs (see
further discussion).
Due to the electrostatic nature of EDLCs, the accumulation and
depletion of anions and cations at the electrode/solution interface (e.g.,
charge-discharge processes) can be rapidly achieved through inverting
the electrode polarity. Since the hydrated ions in solution have a finite
non-negligible volume, the electrolytes composed of ions exhibiting a
reduced hydration shell are highly recommended for supercapacitors to
achieve high charge mobility in the electrolyte and deep penetration
inside the nanostructured porous electrodes containing sub-nanometer
pores. Ideally, the voltammetric curves (VCs) obtained for EDLCs in
different electrolytes are quite symmetric exhibiting a ‘rectangular profile’
when a small ESR is present [2]. In addition, for low ESR values, ‘sym-
metric triangular form’ characterizes the profiles of the galvanostatic
charge-discharge (GCD) curves. As recently reported by Vicentini et al.
[66], the voltage-drop observed on the GCD curves during the polarity
inversion, which permits the evaluation of the ESR value, is correctly
Fig. 3. Ragone plot for different types of electrochemical energy storage de- characterized by the relation ESR ¼ ΔV/2I, where ΔV is the voltage-drop,
vices. Adapted from Ref. [8]. I is the applied current, and 2 is the normalization factor intrinsic to this

L.M. Da Silva et al. Energy Storage Materials xxx (xxxx) xxx

process as demonstrated by these authors. battery-like (or PC) electrode. Again, it must be stressed that strong de-
Commonly, commercial EDLCs use AC electrodes and they exhibit a viations from the findings predicted for EDLCs verified for PCs and HCs
practical specific capacitance of ~100 F g1 in organic electrolytes (V  due to the appearance of a ’battery-like’ behavior imply in the existence
2.7 V) or 200 F g1 in aqueous electrolytes (V  1.0 V) [58,65,67–72]. of capacity instead of a capacitance [22,43,47].
Specific capacitances obtained in the laboratory with carbon nanotubes We can have two distinct situations arising from the origin of the
(CNTs) and aerogel carbon ranged from 20 to 100 F g1 [52,65,73]. elementary processes governing the charge-storage process. Firstly, if the
However, for the improvement of the specific capacitance, several PCs voltage signal verified in the VCs for symmetric devices (e.g., identical
were developed using different transition metal oxides (TMOs) to incor- electrodes) is mainly due to a more sluggish (mass-transport controlled)
porate the important contribution of the reversible solid-state Faradaic battery-like (Faradaic) reaction instead of a very rapid electrostatic
reactions to the overall charge-storage process [2,4–7]. Due to cost process, we can verify the presence of a pair of well-defined redox bands
considerations, some transition metal oxides are commonly preferred in the voltammetric profiles [7]. Accordingly, in this case, the GCD
(e.g., MnO2, NiO, Co3O4, NiCo2O4) as candidates for developing different curves are commonly characterized by a voltage plateau (e.g., an almost
PCs or HCs. In short, very high specific capacitance values of 2104 F g1 constant voltage) during the discharge step similar to the case verified for
and 3152 F g1 were obtained for the Co(0.72)Ni(0.28)Oy (e.g., batteries. The principal strategy used in the development of HCs is the
cobalt-nickel layered double hydroxides) and Ni(OH)2 systems, respec- intent to design devices where the cathode (e.g., a porous carbon elec-
tively [74–77]. An enormous capacitance value of 3560 F g1 was re- trode) exhibits a high voltage window in aqueous solution, which oper-
ported for the Co3O4 electrode [78–80]. Besides, it was verified for the ates connected to the anode (e.g., a battery-like electrode) using a
spinel NiCo2O4@carbon fabric composite a very high specific capaci- relatively short voltage range of the latter, i.e., the restriction of the depth
tance of 2658 F g1 [81]. Also, nickel foam/graphene/NiCo2O4 graphene of discharge of the anode is the crucial factor in obtaining a very high
and other graphene-based composites can exhibit capacitance as high as cyclability (long lifespan) [128]. Recent studies revealed that HCs could
of 1950 F g1 [61,62,82–86]. The advances on multi-component hybrid yield high specific energy and power in the ranges of ~36–61 W h kg1
nanostructures regarding integrating carbon materials, metal oxide- and ~500–1250 W kg1, respectively [129–131].
s/hydroxides, and intrinsic conducting polymers (ICPs) for enhancing en- As already mentioned, the main difference between EDLCs and bat-
ergy storage performance were reviewed by Xiong et al. [87]. In general, teries is that during the galvanostatic discharge the former is character-
the survey of the literature revealed that TMOs, as well as their combi- ized by a linear voltage decrease while in the latter case one verify an
nation with nanostructured or activated carbon materials, can result in almost constant voltage due to the thermodynamic nature of the
excellent electrode materials for the charge-storage process in super- reversible Faradaic processes [5,132]. In the other situation, we have for
capacitors [24,88-110]. It is worth mentioning that unlike a lithium asymmetric devices (e.g., supercapacitors using dissimilar electrodes –
battery in which the Li-ions are intercalated in the lattice of the host see further discussion) that the electrochemical response (e.g., VC and
material, in the case of TMOs the pseudocapacitance is originated from GCD profiles) will depend on the relative voltage-drop occurring on the
the weakly attached surface (or near-surface) ions (see further discus- positive and negative electrodes, i.e., if the voltage of the device is mainly
sion). In this sense, the surface functional groups, the defects, and grain governed by the positive electrode having a Faradaic (e.g., battery-like -
boundaries work as the redox centers for the charge-storage process in PCs) process, we will verify an electrochemical behavior quite similar to
TMOs [65]. Another class of PCs that exhibit pronounced pseudocapa- a battery. Conversely, if the negative electrode mainly dictates the
citive properties for applications in supercapacitors is the ICPs. However, voltage behavior (e.g., activated carbon - EDLCs), we found that the
the practical use of these materials has been restricted by their poor electrochemical response resembles that commonly verified for EDLCs.
performance during the cyclability tests, i.e., in general, the maximum For application purposes, the amount of the electrode material and its
cyclability is less than 10,000 cycles [111-126]. composition present in each electrode of a supercapacitor must be
It is important to emphasize that in the case of PCs and HCs, the balanced in order to obtain the desired overall performance. Therefore,
charge-storage mechanism is a combination of that described above for the adjustment of the cathode and anode properties is of paramount
EDLCs with the additional contribution from the reversible solid-state importance in the case of asymmetric devices [132–136].
redox reactions [4]. Thus, the use of PCs and HCs involves the transit
of electrons across the electrical double-layer originating the presence of
a leakage current [2]. As a result, the oxidation-reduction processes in the 1.4. The nature of the charge-storage mechanism on supercapacitors:
case of PCs and HCs can require the transport of ions by diffusion across electrostatic and Faradaic processes, and their combined effects to the
the porous electrode structure followed by the adsorption-desorption of overall capacitance verified for flat and porous electrodes
these species to promote the local electroneutrality conditions. Also, the
transport of the electrolyte species across the irregular electrode struc- 1.4.1. Electrostatic models for the canonic electrode/electrolyte flat interface
ture (e.g., rough/porous surface morphologies) can occur either by From the viewpoint of electrostatics, the electrical double-layer
normal diffusion (e.g., a Fickian process) as by an anomalous diffusion capacitor model, proposed a long time ago by Helmholtz-Perrin for the
process characterized by a fractal dimension [127]. Thus, since a Faradaic study of colloidal systems and then further applied in the field of elec-
process intermediates the accommodation of ionic charges on the elec- trochemistry, is based on the classical parallel-plate capacitor model whose
trode surface, we have that the charge-discharge processes in the case of capacitance (Cdl) is represented by eq. (1) [137–139]:
PCs and HCs commonly occur at longer times in comparison with the εr ε0 A
ideal EDLCs devices where, at least in principle, only an electrostatic Cdl ¼ (1)
(physical) process govern the charge-storage process. Also, normally the
VCs are not perfectly rectangular for PCs even in the presence of a where εr is the local relative permittivity of the double-layer (e.g., εr 
negligible ESR since the presence of a Faradaic process can lead to the 6–10 very close to the polarized interface in aqueous media while εr(bulk)
appearance of a pair of “shoulders” on the voltammetric profile [127]. In  78.4 [140]), ε0 is the electric vacuum permittivity, A is the electrode
addition, for small values of the ESR, an almost symmetric triangular surface area, and d is the average thickness of the double-layer structure
profile can characterize the GCD curves in the case of well-behaved PCs (e.g., d  1–2 nm, depending on the concentration, temperature, and
and HCs that exhibit rapid (reversible) Faradaic reactions. Therefore, we nature of the electrolyte [141,142]).
have that PCs and HCs can exhibit very high specific capacitances in Fig. 4 shows the classical electrical double-layer (EDL) models (e.g.,
comparison to EDCLs, thus improving the energy and power capabilities electrostatic models) initially used in the study of the mercury/electro-
of these devices. To clarify for the reader, HCs are asymmetric devices lyte interface (e.g., canonic system) according to the Lippmann’s ther-
composed of one EDLC-type electrode connected in series with a modynamic treatment using the contact angle method for measuring the

L.M. Da Silva et al. Energy Storage Materials xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 4. Evolution of the classical EDL models initially

proposed for the mercury/electrolyte interface: (a)
Helmholtz-Perrin parallel-plate model, (b) Gouy-
Chapman diffuse model, and (c) Stern combined
model including the modification proposed by Gra-
hame with the inclusion of the specific adsorbed layer
of anions. IHP and OHP refer to the distance of the
closest approach of the specifically adsorbed anions
and the non-specifically adsorbed cations, respec-
tively. It is considered that the diffuse layer starts
from OHP with a thickness in the range of 10–100 nm,
while the compact Helmholtz layer have an average
thickness of 1–2 nm. Adapted from Ref. [67].

surface tension, charge, and capacitance [137]. In these electrostatic and Price [150]. However, the most relevant electrostatic model already
models, we have the following important aspects [137,143–145]: (a) the developed for flat electrodes is that proposed by BDM. In short, these
Helmholtz-Perrin (HP) compact layer having a thickness d is not affected authors used Boltzmann statistics and adsorption isotherms to represent
by the thermal energy (e.g., Ethermal ¼ kT) due to the strong electrostatic the super-equivalent adsorption phenomena in order to account for the
forces, and a linear decrease potential characterizes it (e.g., constant influence of the water dipole orientations on the overall capacitance
capacitance); (b) the HP compact layer is presented in series with the taking into account the real value of the local relative permittivity (εr)
Gouy-Chapman (GC) diffuse layer which is affected by the thermal en- [147], i.e., these authors demonstrated that the arrange of dipoles at the
ergy according to the Maxwell-Boltzmann’s distribution (e.g., the GC electrode/electrolyte interface which is affected by polarization affects
layer exhibits a variable capacitance affected by the ionic strength, the overall capacitance.
temperature, and type of ions), and (c) the Stern model combines the HP Fig. 5 shows a scheme of the BDM model updated in 1983 by Hansen
and GC models in series and considers the finite size of the solvated ions [151].
introducing the concept of a distance (plane) of closest approach of As discussed by B€ ockris and Reddy [139], completely oriented water
finite-sized ions separating the center of the adsorbed solvated ions from dipoles present in the primary water layer of Fig. 5 correspond to a satu-
the electrode surface. For electrolyte concentrations higher than ca. 0.1 rated dielectric (εL ¼ 6). In addition, since the secondary water layer is
M, the contribution of the GC layer can be ignored, and the HP compact only partially oriented, its dielectric constant would be between 6 and
layer dominates the overall capacitance (see further discussion). There- 78.4 (e.g., normal water structure). Detailed theoretical analysis revealed
fore, in the case of supercapacitors, where concentrated electrolytes are that εH ¼ 32 in this layer. These two layers of water dipoles arranged in
commonly used (e.g., 1.0 M), the overall capacitance is dictated by the series form two parallel-plate capacitors with two distinct relative
HP compact layer, which in turns is affected by the intimate interaction permittivity. Therefore, in the absence of specific adsorption and consid-
of the electrode material with the ions and dipoles. Unfortunately, this ering a plane surface immersed in a concentrated electrolyte (>0.1 M),
important aspect is sometimes ignored in the literature. where the contribution of the diffuse layer is negligible, the overall
A further improvement of the EDL electrostatic model for flat elec- capacitance (C) can be theoretically given as follows [139]:
trodes was made by Grahame [145], who considered the influence of the pffiffiffi
specifically adsorbed ionic species due to the action of strong chemical 1 4π 2rW 4π 3rW 4π ri
¼ þ þ (2)
interactions and the subdivision (distinction) of the compact layer into C εL εH εH
inner (IHP) and outer (OHP) Helmholtz planes, the former corresponding
to the different distances of closest approach that can arise for where 2rW is the thickness of the primary water layer and ri is the radius
non-solvated anions (e.g., specifically adsorbed anions) in comparison to of the unhydrated ion at the OHP. As can be seen, the lower relative
the strongly solvated cations. The model developed by Stern (1924) and permittivity (εL ¼ 6), referring to the oriented water dipoles in direct
Grahame (1947) is usually referred to as Stern’s model [54]. contact with the electrode surface, governs the overall capacitance.
After these pioneering works, B€ ockris and Potter [146] proposed in On the contrary, for dilute solutions (<0.01 M) at 298 K, the capac-
1952 that dipolar properties of water would bring about an oriented layer itance due to the diffuse layer is given as follows [139]:
of water on the electrode, which would contribute meaningfully to the  
CGC μF=cm2 ¼ 228zcbulk coshð19:5zΔφÞ
potential across the interface. B€ockris, Devanathan, and Müller (BDM)
proposed in 1963 how this layer of oriented water dipoles would influ-
where z is the ion charge for a symmetric electrolyte (e.g., NaCl, HCl,
ence the properties of the EDL [147]. Subsequent studies using solid
etc.) and Δφ is the potential difference between the OHP and the bulk of
electrodes based on electrochemical measurements and/or theoretical
electrolyte where a constant potential is reached. In addition, for water
calculations have been performed by Trasatti et al. [148,149] and Halley

L.M. Da Silva et al. Energy Storage Materials xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 5. Detailed scheme of the EDL electrostatic model proposed by BDM where the potential (φ) change is superimposed from the surface to the shear plane and
through the shear layer to the bulk electrolyte. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [151].

solutions (εr ffi 78.4) at 298 K, the characteristic thickness of the diffuse [156–162]; (4) NMR [163], and others (e.g., Scanning Probe Microscopy,
layer of Gouy-Chapman is given by dGC ¼ 3.04  108 z1 c1/2 bulk , i.e., if EQCM (quartz microbalance), Non-Linear Optics, Synchrotron X-ray
cbulk ¼ 1.0 M and z ¼ 1 then dGC ¼ 0.3 nm. On the contrary, the average diffraction, X-ray standing waves, Extended X-ray absorption, and
thickness of the compact layer lies between 1 and 2 nm. ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Density Functional
Theory, and Molecular Dynamic Simulations) [141,142,164–171].
1.4.2. . Modern studies of the EDL on solid electrodes and the importance of For instance, it was verified in some modern studies that: (i) micro-
the ex situ and in situ characterization techniques porous carbons can be used to maximize the capacitance of super-
All electrostatic models already discussed in this review present severe capacitors owing to the desolvation of the ions in sub-nanometer pores
drawbacks, especially in the case of solid electrodes exhibiting surface [172]; (ii) the Density Functional Theory (DFT) is a very important
irregularities and/or chemical inhomogeneities. It is quite evident from the method for characterizing the surface of microporous carbons [169]; (iii)
earlier studies that electrochemical methods alone are not able to resolve the use of the Quartz Microbalance (EQCM) technique can permit to
the question of the EDL structure and its properties. Thus, several authors monitor the gravimetric response of microporous carbons during the ion
have attempted to address the common limitations of the aforementioned adsorption inside the pores [170]; (iv) the use of the extended X-ray
electrostatic models using different in situ and ex situ techniques to absorption technique can permit to monitor the desolvation of aqueous
obtain addition information, such as the lack of detailed knowledge of ions occurring under extreme confinement [171], (v) the verification of
the specific interactions between the ionic species in the bulk solution, as the capacitance increase in microporous carbons due to formation of
well as within the electrified layers close the electrode [141,152]. In this image charges on the walls which screen the electrostatic interactions
sense, several different ancillary techniques have been used combined or between the ions thus leading to the formation of a ‘superionic’ state
not with theoretical calculations (e.g., Molecular Dynamic Simulation) to [173], and (vi) the importance of the relation between the ion size and
obtain new insights about the EDL. Modern studies of the EDL are mainly pore size for EDLCs [174]. Other interesting findings regarding the
based on the following techniques: (1) infrared absorption [153]; (2) behavior of the electrical double-layer in the case of solid electrodes can
Raman scattering [154,155]; (3) X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy be found in the several different references cited above (see further

L.M. Da Silva et al. Energy Storage Materials xxx (xxxx) xxx

discussions in this review). nm and discovered that their CDC-based electrodes exhibit an anomalous
increase in capacitance compared to others with pore sizes above 2.0 nm.
1.4.3. The importance of sub-nanometer pores for the charge-storage process Therefore, Chmiola et al. [172] challenge the long-held presumption that
in supercapacitors using advanced carbon-based electrode materials pores smaller than the size of the solvated electrolyte ions do not
The subject regarding the importance of sub-nanometer micropores contribute to the charge-storage process in EDLCs.
(e.g., <1.0 nm) present in carbon-based materials on the charge-storage Recently, Salanne et al. [163] reviewed the importance of the
mechanism in supercapacitors was the motif of intense discussion by the sub-nanometer pores for the charge-storage process in EDLCs, as well the
scientific community. Therefore, we highlight in this section of the re- chemical and physical aspects of the capacitive storage mechanism in
view the main points involving this important subject. carbon- and oxide-based supercapacitors. The importance of under-
As discussed earlier by Conway and Pell [175], the porosity relevant standing the physical mechanisms underlying the charge-storage process
to the fabrication of high-performance supercapacitors is itself not a in supercapacitors was discussed by these authors emphasizing that the
simple matter since it involves pore sizes and pore-size distribution for a development of in situ experiments (e.g., spectroscopy and diffraction),
given specific surface area (SSA/m2 g1) of the material. In several cases, as well as advanced simulation techniques are of special interest for the
the presence of a high concentration of sub-nanometer micropores (dp < realistic description of the complex interfacial processes occurring in
1 nm) on the surface of carbon-based electrodes can be considered carbon-based supercapacitors. On the contrary, it was discussed by Sal-
inadequate for the fabrication of supercapacitors since these micropores anne et al. [163] that fundamental studies on pseudocapacitors (PCs) still
are, in principle, inactive for the formation of an electrical double-layer remain rather scarce, owing to the difficulty of characterizing the oxide
where the charge-storage process must occur at appreciating rates, i.e., surfaces and determining the details of the charge-transfer mechanism,
sub-nanometer pores commonly show a fall-off in capacitance at i.e., the intrinsic properties accounting for the reversible solid-state
discharge currents higher than ca. 100 mA cm2, especially in the case of Faradaic reactions contributing to the overall capacitance.
organic electrolytes [128,176]. As a result, the energy stored at the Fig. 6 shows the capacitance determined for different carbon elec-
electrode/electrolyte interface can be withdrawn only at low frequencies trodes and normalized by the specific surface area (SSA/m2 g1) [184].
or by d.c. techniques where the reversible transit of the cations and an- As seen, for a pore size (dp) of 1 nm, the normalized capacitance
ions is permitted to occur at appreciating rates [72]. decreased as the pore size is reduced following the expected (traditional
As reported by Frackowiak and Beguin [72], the ideal attainable view) behavior represented by the dotted line. By contrast, in the
capacitance for carbon electrodes would be  250 F g1. However, the opposite direction of the conventional case, for narrow (sub-nanometer)
practically obtained values are of a few dozen up to ~100 F g1 due to micropores (e.g., dp < 1 nm) the normalized capacitance undergoes a
the limited accessibility of carbon surface to electrolyte since the devel- great increase, i.e., when the pore size (dp) decreases to a value smaller
oped surface area of carbon primarily composed of micropores (<2 nm) than that verified for the solvated ions, the capacitance increases in an
is, in principle, often hard or non-accessible for the solvated ions. Also, the unusual way. In principle, this behavior reveals the important contribu-
micropores can be blocked by the binder agents used in the electrode tion of the sub-nanometer (dp < 1 nm) pores to the overall capacitance.
preparation process (e.g., PVDF or PTFE) [177]. Regarding the use of the According to the innovative ideas of these authors [172,174,180], as
BET method to determine the specific surface area (SSA) of carbon ma- well as those earlier presented by Koresh and Soffer [179], these unusual
terials, it was concluded that the size of a single molecule is similar to that findings are due to the distortion of the ion solvation shell accompanied
verified for the hydrated OH and Kþ ions [178]. In this sense, those by partial desolvation of the ions, thus enabling the ions to access very
micropores that can adsorb the nitrogen molecules at 77 K are also narrow pores. Further experimental findings obtained using organic
available for the accommodation of these small ions during the electrolytes have confirmed the aforementioned hypothesis [180,185,
charge-discharge processes. Thus, the micropores can participate in the 186]. In addition, the study of the carbide-derived carbons (CDCs)
charge-storage processes but wide pathways composed of mesopores are immersed in ionic liquids showed that in the case of a solvent-free
necessary for fast accessibility of ions during inversion of the electrode electrolyte, the maximum capacitance could be obtained when dp is
polarity [72]. close to the ion size [174]. As a result, it was proposed a new mechanism
Our survey of the literature revealed that Koresh and Soffer [179] first accounting for the charge-storage process in the sub-nanometer pores in
verified that the sub-nanometer micropores present in porous carbons the absence of a diffuse (Gouy-Chapman) layer [184].
with average sizes as small as ca. 0.37 nm could be assessed by the In this sense, the classic electrostatic scenario incorporated in the
electrolyte due to the removal of the hydration shells of ions occurring original Helmholtz-Perrin and BDM models was substituted by a new
during the charging process. However, according to these authors, the proposal where the bare ions can remain stacked into the pores along the
drawback in this case is that the mobility of ions from the electrolyte in pore axis, i.e., it becomes necessary to consider a charge-storage mech-
the sub-nanometer micropores can be several orders of magnitude anism where the partial or complete removal of the solvation shell with
smaller than that in the bulk solution outside the pores, thus considerably increased confinement of the ions from the electrolyte results in
retarding the charge-discharge processes. increased capacitance values [4]. In this sense, a theoretical model was
Despite the above considerations expressed several years ago by proposed by Huang et al. [187] considering the separation of the overall
different authors, according to some modern findings obtained by other capacitive behavior in two distinct contributions depending on the pore
prominent authors [172,174,180,181] we must consider the experi- size (see further discussion).
mental fact that some types of carbon-based electrode materials exhib-
iting sub-nanometer pores can be highly active for the charge-storage 1.4.4. Modern EDL electrostatic models proposed for porous carbon
process in EDLCs. Until 2005, it was believed that the best strategy for electrodes containing sub-nanometer pores and mesopores
increasing capacitance of EDLCs consisted in maximizing the As will be discussed in this review, in the impedance section, the
double-layer charging with focus on new mesoporous carbon electrodes complex inhomogeneous surface morphology of solid electrodes exhib-
with the highest specific surface area [163]. Then, considering the iting deep and narrow cracks, fractures, interconnected and isolated
original work of Aurbach et al. [182], the discovery of a different, more pores, etc., is commonly modeled considering a homogenous distribution
efficient charge-storage mechanism in sub-nanometer micropores (dp < on the electrode surface of identical cylindrical pores. Similarly, Huang
1.0 nm), led to a change in the current opinion of the scientific com- et al. [187] adapted the well-known model from electrostatics initially
munity, i.e., not only the surface but also [183] the pore size and the developed for a surface electron distribution on pore walls replacing
carbon nanostructure are responsible for the charge-storage process. At these species by finite charged species (e.g., ions) where the proposed
that time, in their break-through work, Chmiola et al. [172] synthesized cylindrical capacitor, in reality, consists of two coaxial cylinders instead of
carbide-derived carbons (CDCs) with unimodal micropores smaller than 1.0 cylindrical pores [188].

L.M. Da Silva et al. Energy Storage Materials xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 6. (a) Specific capacitance normalized by SSA for carbon materials (e.g., TiC & CDC (red circles) and natural (NPAC) and synthetic (SPAC) porous activated
carbons (blue triangles)) and other studies obtained using identical electrolytes (open circles and open diamonds). Scheme of solvated ions present inside the pores
with variable distance (d) between the pore walls: (b) d > 2 nm, (c) 1 nm  d  2 nm, and (d) d < 1 nm. Adapted from Ref. [184].

Despite the apparent discrepancies between the aforementioned normalized capacitance (C/A) as a function of the pore size (zone III). It is
geometric structures, Huang et al. [187] considered the presence of worth mentioning that theoretical calculations using the density func-
‘cylindrical mesopores’ (dp > 2 nm) where the solvated ions from the tional theory (DFT) resulted in consistent values for aeff [67,187]. In
electrolyte enter the pores and approach their walls to form an ‘electric addition, a further study conducted using CDCs immersed in a
double-cylinder capacitor’ (EDCC) instead of an ‘electric two-coaxial cylin- solvent-free electrolyte (e.g., [EMIþ,TFSI–] ionic liquid at 60  C), where
ders capacitor’. According to the classic electrostatics, as a Gaussian sur- both ions have a maximum size of 0.7 nm, showed maximum capacitance
face construct a coaxial cylinder of radius R and length L closed by plane values for carbon-based samples exhibiting a 0.7-nm pore size [174].
caps, the capacitance accounting for a cylindrical capacitor with inner and Therefore, it was proposed that a single ion per pore can result in
outer conductive walls is given by the following equation [188]: maximum capacitance value [4]. As emphasized by Huang et al. [187],
carbon materials commonly have contributions to capacitance from both
2π LAεr ε0
Cmeso ¼   (4) micropores and mesopores and, therefore, it is not possible the use of one
ln RRinn set of parameters in the aforementioned theoretical models to investigate
different carbon systems. Also, carbon surface morphology is normally
different for carbon materials obtained synthesized using different
where εr is the local relative permittivity, ε0 is the permittivity of a
vacuum, L is the cylinder length, A is the total area of the coaxial cylinder
An alternative model for microporous carbons was presented by Feng
walls, and Rout and Rinn are the radii of the outer and inner cylinders,
et al. [190], who considered a ‘slit-shaped geometry’ for micropores to
propose the so-called sandwich capacitance model represented by eq. (6):
In principle, like the relation for the classic parallel-plate capacitor
model proposed by Helmholtz-Perrin, eq. (4) also depends only on geo- Aεr ε0
Csan: ¼ (6)
metric factors. However, we must emphasize that in the case of electro- deff
chemical systems εr is not constant in the vicinity of the conductive walls
[139,189]. In any case, the experimental findings showed in Fig. 6 for the where deff is the effective separation between the electrode surface and
mesoporous range (zone I) were successfully fitted using an equation the counterions.
equivalent to eq. (4) (e.g., the traditional view of electrostatics). Based on the Kþ ion distribution verified in the slits, and considering
On the contrary, in the case of sub-nanometer pores (dp < 1 nm – zone the thickness of the sandwich model (W) in the interval of 1.00 nm < W
III) where the narrow pores do not allow the formation of a double- < 1.47 nm, Feng et al. [190] predicted the scaling of the slit pore
cylinder structure, Huang et al. [187] considered the effective size of capacitance as a function of its pore width. It was assumed that this
the counterions (aeff) (e.g., the extent of electron density around the ions) model could predict the anomalous enhancement of capacitance verified
as the key parameter for the so-called ‘electric wire in cylinder’ capacitor for micropores with similar widths. However, as these authors empha-
model. Thus, the capacitance for different carbon-based electrodes was sized it, ‘curvature effects’ are indispensable for a quantitative descrip-
represented using an equation equivalent to eq. (5) [67,187]: tion of the experimental capacitance values, meaning that the
microporous carbons studied by Lota et al. [191] have a local pore ge-
2π LAεr ε0 ometry similar to a cylinder-shaped instead of a slit-shaped.
Cmicro ¼  ; (5)
ln Rainn The effect of diffuse layer and pore shapes on the electrical double-
layer behavior in mesoporous carbon supercapacitors was initially
The ‘electric wire in cylinder’ capacitor model was capable of fitting the studied by Huang et al. [192]. These authors considered the replacement

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of the simplified Helmholtz-Perrin parallel-plate model by the more the solvated ions and the GC layer is no longer really diffuse [194].
advanced Gouy-Chapman-Stern (GCS) model where the latter model is Factors which contribute to failures of the GCS theory under these con-
composed of a compact (Helmholtz) layer in series with the diffuse (GC) ditions include the non-ideality of the solvent as a dielectric, the polar-
layer. In this sense, these authors studied the influence of the diffuse layer izability of the ions, and the presence of short-range repulsion effects
on the capacitance of mesoporous carbon electrodes by solving the Pois- [195].
son–Boltzmann equation and considering mesopore diameters ranging Even so, Huang et al. [192] reported the use of the Stern’s model to
from 2 to 20 nm. In addition, for evaluation of the effect of pore shape, study the effects of the shape and geometry of a single nanopore on the
both ‘slit’ and ‘cylindrical pores’ were considered in the numeric simula- specific area capacitance of EDLCs, i.e., these authors explored
tions. The theoretical analysis performed by Huang et al. [192] revealed two-dimensional “slit” and cylindrical pores with width and diameter
that the diffuse layer did not considerably affect the overall capacitance. ranging from 2 to 16 nm where a local relative permittivity (εR) of 9.73
Fig. 7 shows the electric double-layer models proposed for flat and was imposed empirically for the Stern layer based on their previous
porous surfaces containing mesopores in contact with the electrolyte. findings [196,197], i.e., the local relative permittivity (εR) was assumed
Some findings obtained in the numerical simulation were presented to be constant and in some cases was treated as a simple fitting parameter
in Figs. 3 and 4 of ref. [192]. It was verified by Huang et al. [192] that for to obtain agreement with the experiment findings reported by Chmiola
slit pores the area-normalized capacitance is almost independent of pore et al. [172]. However, it is well-known that the local relative permittivity
size, in contradiction to the experimental findings observed for template exhibited by polar electrolytes significantly decreases as a function of the
carbons. On the contrary, it was verified for cylindrical pores a trend of a applied electric field due to the high orientation (saturation) of the sol-
small increase of the area-normalized capacitance with the pore size, vent dipoles [198]. As a further consideration, the simulations accom-
similar to that depicted by the electric double-cylinder capacitor model plished by Huang et al. [192] only focused on one- or two-dimensional
already discussed in this review. Finally, these authors concluded that is electrode geometry. Therefore, at least in principle, these findings
appropriate to approximate the pore shape of mesoporous carbons as cannot be used with confidence for the purpose of the designing new
being cylindrical and the electric double-cylinder capacitor model should types of three-dimensional mesoporous electrodes aiming to enhance the
be used for mesoporous carbons as a replacement of the traditional energy density of EDLCs [54].
Helmholtz-Perrin model. From the above considerations, one has that accurate and rigorous
As discussed by Varghese et al. [54], the previous EDL electrostatic numerical strategies must be used to systematically identifying (i) the
models reported by Huang et al. [192] can suffer from serious drawbacks physical phenomenon controlling the behavior of EDLCs and (ii) the
since the original EDL model proposed by Gouy-Chapman-Stern (GCS) is design parameters affecting their performance. In this sense, Varghese
not valid for real EDLCs using concentrated electrolytes (>0.1 M) [193]. et al. [54] carried out detailed numerical simulations of the electrical
At this point, it is worth mentioning that the GCS theory is in reality a double-layer considering a mesoporous electrode model composed of cy-
dilute solution theory valid at low potential values measured in relation to lindrical pores to verify the effects of non-aqueous electrolytes (TEMA-BF4
the potential of zero charge (PZC). Thus, the GCS theory fails at practical in PC electrolyte, considering the effective ion diameter as a ¼ 0.69 nm
concentrations (0.1 M) and high surface potentials (~1.0 V) since for and 1.0 M) and electrode morphology on the capacitance of EDLCs. The
these conditions the Debye length (¼ 1/κ) approaches the dimensions of theoretical background used by these authors was based on the

Fig. 7. Electric double-layer models at planar surfaces

and in mesopores. The Helmholtz-Perrin model is
shown in (a) with an electric double-layer capacitor
established at the negatively polarized electrode/
electrolyte interface where the counterions in the
Helmholtz plane completely screen the negative
charges and is separated from the electrode surface by
the double-layer thickness (d). The Gouy-Chapman-
Stern model is shown in (b) where a “diffuse layer”
instead of a “compact layer” of counterions develops
in the electrolyte. An ‘electric double-cylinder capacitor
model’ is shown in (c) by a negatively charged cylin-
drical mesopore of radius b with solvated cations
forming a compact cylindrical layer of radius a.
Analogous to (b), counterions in mesopores may
diffuse into the pore center, driven by their thermal
motions (d). Reprinted with permission from
Ref. [192].

L.M. Da Silva et al. Energy Storage Materials xxx (xxxx) xxx

three-dimensional modified Poisson-Boltzmann model considering the

finite-sized ions and a field-dependent electrolyte relative permittivity.
Parameters of particular interest in the model included the pore radius,
the electrode porosity, the electrolyte effective ion diameter, and local
relative permittivity (e.g., local relative dielectric constant).
Fig. 8 shows the scheme of the porous electrode model consisting of
identical cylindrical pores with axes perpendicular to the planar current
It was verified by Varghese et al. [54] that reducing the ion effective
diameter and the pore radius resulted in the strongest increase in diffuse
layer gravimetric capacitance (CDg) up to a critical radius below which the
capacitance reaches a plateau. The use of more realistic field-dependent
relative permittivity resulted in a significant reduction of the diffuse layer
gravimetric capacitance. In addition, these authors observed that the
contribution of the Stern layer to the overall capacitance is essential in
predicting experimental data for a wide range of porous activated carbon
electrodes and non-aqueous electrolytes.
Fig. 9 shows that CDg was systematically smaller when considering Fig. 9. Effect of field-dependent relative permittivity on the diffuse layer
the field-dependent local relative permittivity compared with constant gravimetric capacitance CDg as a function of specific surface area Asp for TEMA-
permittivity (εR ¼ 64.4). BF4 in PC electrolyte. The relative permittivity was assumed to be either con-
Fig. 10 compares the predicted total gravimetric capacitance (Cg) as a stant (εR ¼ 64.4) or field-dependent (Booth model). Here, a ¼ 0.7 nm, Ψ ¼ 1.35
function of specific surface area (Asp) with experimental results of the V, c ¼ 1.0 M, and φ ¼ 0.55. The specific surface area was varied by changing the
literature [199]. As seen, the numerical simulations are in good agree- pore diameter (r) from 0.5 to 10 nm. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [54].
ment with the experimental values even considering that the experi-
mental data cover a wide range of porosity and pore size.
It is worth mentioning that the stationary capacitance (CSts) was
assumed to be connected in series with the diffuse layer as recommended
in the literature [200]. As proposed by Varghese et al., their theoretical
approach could reduce the amount of extensive experimental testing
required and aid in designing new EDLCs.
Recently, several efforts have been reported by different authors to
address the question regarding the structure and behavior of electric
double-layer on microporous and mesoporous carbon materials
[201–207]. In this sense, theoretical works have indicated that initially
empty pores (e.g., ionophobic pores) should charge more quickly than
initially filled pores (e.g., ionophilic pores) [205]. Accordingly, it is ex-
pected that ion adsorption, ion exchange, and ion desorption mecha-
nisms from initially filled pores should each result in different
supercapacitor performances and, therefore, studies must be accom-
plished to establish which mechanism is optimal for a fast charging
process. Purely counter-ion adsorption processes might be expected to
allow fast charging in a front-like manner, with net migration of ions into
the interior of the carbon nanoporosity, while ion exchange requires Fig. 10. Comparison of experimental [199] and numerically predicted total
ionic migration in opposite directions. At the same time, these different gravimetric capacitance Cg as a function of specific surface area for TEMA-BF4 in
PC electrolyte using field-dependent relative permittivity (Booth model) with a
¼ 0.7 nm, c ¼ 1.0 M, φ ¼ 0.55, and CSts ¼ 10 μF cm2. Reprinted with
permission from Ref. [54].

mechanisms will bring about changes of in-pore ionic density, and

therefore packing during charging, which will also affect the charging
rate. For example, counter-ion adsorption mechanisms will increase the
number of ions inside the carbon pores, and recent theoretical work has
suggested that more densely packed pores result in slower ionic diffusion
[206]. As well as ion packing effects, interactions of the different ions
with charged carbon surfaces will also affect in-pore transport processes
[207]. Therefore, experimental measurements and simulations of diffu-
sion and migration processes in charged carbon nanopores is quite
important for future developments in the field of supercapacitors.
From the above considerations, Kalluri et al. [201] tried unraveling
the potential and pore-size dependent capacitance of slit-shaped
graphitic carbon pores in aqueous electrolytes. In this sense, these au-
thors reported on a combination of electrochemical experiments and
fully atomistic simulations to study the effect of pore size and surface
Fig. 8. (a) Schematic of EDLC configuration with mesoporous cylindrical pores of
radius r arranged in simple cubic lattice and (b) computational domain simu-
charge density on the capacitance of graphitic nanoporous carbon elec-
lated. Electrode porosity is given by φ ¼ π/4f2, where f ¼ 1.2. Reprinted with trodes. These authors investigated using CV and EIS the effect of potential
permission from Ref. [54]. and pore size on the capacitance of nanoporous carbon foams while with

L.M. Da Silva et al. Energy Storage Materials xxx (xxxx) xxx

the use of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations they studied the pores, and the energy that is necessary to distort the solvation shell adds
pore-size dependent accumulation of aqueous electrolytes in ‘slit-shaped’ to electrical work needed to charge the EDLC, i.e., this undesired effect
graphitic carbon pores of different widths (e.g., 0.65–1.6 nm). may decrease the energy efficiency if the energy that is stored in the
Fig. 11 presented the scheme of the simulation box used in the MD distortion of the solvation is dissipated as heat (e.g., not recovered during
simulations showing ten graphene layers, organized in two graphitic the discharging step). From these considerations, one has that future
slabs while two carbon-slit pores separate the graphitic slabs (left-hand research will identify how the optimum pore size depends on the applied
side) and the representative snapshot of the simulated system. voltage, on the electrolyte composition, and also on the functionalization
The average concentration of sodium and chloride ions, as well as the of the pore openings, which might affect the molecular mechanism by
average number of water molecules found within the simulated pores as a which ions enter/exit the pores.
function of the surface charge density was presented in Fig. 5 of ref. The ‘electric double-cylinder capacitor’ (EDCC), ‘electric wire-in-cylinder
[201]. The analysis of these findings revealed that through a combination capacitor’ (EWCC), and the ‘slit-pore’ (SP) models discussed previously in
of electrochemical experiments and molecular dynamics simulations, it this review are all Helmholtz-Perrin-like models that can be considered
was possible to verify pronounced pore size effects on the capacitance of for concentrated electrolytes. As a result, these models commonly fit the
nanocarbon foam electrodes that go beyond those previously reported for experimental findings very well [202]. However, some earlier studies
organic electrolytes. Specifically, it was observed a pore and ion-size contradicted the application of the ‘electric wire-in-cylinder capacitor’
dependent threshold-like charging behavior in pores whose width is (EWCC) model since the carbon micropores are actually ‘slit-shaped’
smaller, yet comparable to the size of the hydrated ions. Ions that enter rather than ‘cylindrical’ [208]. Thus, considering carbon micropores as
these sub-nanometer pores have to partially deform their hydration shell, slits with varying widths is more consistent with the real experimental
and this can only occur if the chemical potential driving force is large conditions, even considering the carbons have a strongly disordered
enough to offset the associated energy penalty. In addition, the concen- structure [202].
tration of cations within negatively charged pores, and anions within It is well-known that the presence of micropores in EDLCs (<2 nm)
positively charged pores increases as the applied surface charge density provides a large surface area for accommodating ions, while the presence
increases. It was observed a pore- and ion-size dependent threshold-like of mesopores (2–50 nm) and macropores (>50 nm) facilitates the rapid
charging behavior when the pore width becomes comparable to the size ion transport under dynamic polarizations conditions [202,209–212].
of the hydrated ion (e.g., 0.65 nm pores for Naþ and 0.79 nm pores for Thus, appropriate pore size distribution plays a crucial role on optimi-
Cl ions). However, complete charge compensation is only achieved for zation of the specific energy and power in supercapacitors. In this sense,
wider pores at low surface charge densities. On the contrary, for higher the Density Functional Theory (DFT) provides a more realistic analysis of
charge densities, the wall charge is only partially compensated by the the surface area of porous carbons since the BET method fails when
ions accumulated in the pores, and the degree of charge compensation is analyzing very small pores [213]. Thus, non-local DFT (NLDFT) simu-
lower in narrow pores than that in wider pores. The results of Kalluri lations, which modifies fluid properties in confined spaces, is commonly
et al. [201] also revealed that higher surface charge densities are recommended for analysis of small pores [214]. From these consider-
required for the ions to enter the smaller pores, i.e., the performance of ations, Hsieh et al. [202] have endeavored to develop the means to
EDLCs depends not only on pore size, but also on the applied voltage. In predict the capacitance of carbon-based electrode materials using
agreement with the findings of Chmiola et al. [172], these authors aqueous and organic electrolytes. These authors proposed a method of
verified that the area-specific capacitance of sub-nanometer pores sur- analysis based on Helmholtz-Perrin-like models for simulating the elec-
passes that of larger pores. This effect can be explained taking into ac- tric double-layer capacitance of different carbons in aqueous (e.g., H2SO4
count the distortion of the solvation shell of ions entering sub-nanometer and KOH) and organic (e.g., tetraethylammonium tetra-
pores, which leads to smaller ion-electrode separation. Despite these fluoroborate/acetonitrile) electrolytes. It was considered in this study an
considerations, it was emphasized by Kalluri et al. [201] that the gain in alternative EDL model comprising the combination of cylindrical pore
storage capacity of ions in sub-nanometer pores could come with an ef- models for macropores and mesopores while the slit-pore model was used
ficiency penalty as the degree of charge compensation is lower in narrow for micropores exhibiting constant surface-based capacitance (C/S).
Fig. 12 shows the scheme of a porous carbon particle containing
micropores and mesopores and emphasizing the EDCC model, cylindrical
mesopores, and the slit-pore model proposed for micropores.
Most of the carbon electrodes used in EDLCs contain pores of various
sizes in order to optimize energy and power applications [196,197]. The
NLDFT model has an advantage in the simultaneous analysis of pores
over a wide range of sizes. Combining the above Helmholtz-Perrin-like
models for distinct pore size regimes results in a general model of elec-
trodes with a multimodal pore size distribution represented by the following
relationship [202]:

2π LAεr ε0 εε
C ¼ Σ micro ðC = SÞ  Smic þ Σ meso    Smes þ Σ macro r 0  Smac (7)
Rinn d
ln Rout

Equation (7) includes the information that the C/S values in micro-
Fig. 11. Left: Schematic of the simulation box showing ten graphene layers, pores are constant, irrespective of pore size. This alternative model was
organized in two graphitic slabs. Two carbon-slit pores separate the graphitic
used to fit experimental data obtained for specific carbon electrodes,
slabs. Grey spheres represent neutral carbon atoms; green spheres represent
including activated mesophase pitch (aMP) featuring an hierarchical
carbon atoms that can bear partial positive charges to mimic the application of
external voltages. Red spheres represent carbon atoms that can bear negative pore structure [215], microporous activated carbon fiber (aCF) [216],
partial charges. Ions and solvent molecules are not shown for clarity. Right: and templated mesoporous carbon (tMC) [217]. The surface area and
Representative snapshot of the simulated system with neutral pores of width 1.6 pore size derived by the NLDFT method was incorporated in the proposed
nm. Orange spheres represent carbon atoms, blue spheres represent sodium model for predicting the capacitance of carbons containing multimodal
ions, green spheres represent chloride ions, oxygen and hydrogen of water are pores in aqueous and organic electrolytes.
shown as red and grey spheres, respectively. Reprinted with permission The predicted C/S values as a function of pore size obtained by
from Ref. [201].

L.M. Da Silva et al. Energy Storage Materials xxx (xxxx) xxx

TEABF4/AN. Also, previous studies revealed that the affinities between

the ions and solvent molecules are ranked as follows: aqueous-H2SO4 >
aqueous-KOH > TEABF4/AN [220]. Thus, the stronger the affinity,
smaller is the interfacial distance for the stabilization of the naked ions
inside micropores. Also, it was verified [202] that the interfacial εr values
for micropores of the same size ranked as follows: aqueous-H2SO4 >
aqueous-KOH > TEABF4/AN, which is in agreement with the order of the
micropore C/S values in these electrolytes. In addition, it was verified
that εr values in micropores at distances close to 2 nm is close to those
values verified for mesopores and macropores. Nevertheless, for aqueous
electrolytes, εr in micropores at distances close to 2 nm is somewhat
larger than its counterpart for mesopores and macropores. The constant
capacitance value observed for micropores indicates that the local
dielectric permittivity of the electrode/ion interface decreases with the
pore size, in accordance with the ‘slit-pore model’ [221].
In addition, some numeric simulations on EDLCs have showed that
the pore-width dependent local relative permittivity, due to varying
thickness of the solvation shell, may modulate the capacitance resulting
in a constant C/S value for micropores [222]. On the contrary, numeric
simulations considering pure ionic liquids revealed a capacitance increase
with decreasing pore size [223]. Therefore, the constant C/S values re-
Fig. 12. The scheme of a porous carbon particle containing micropores and ported by Hsieh et al. [202] permit to proposed that the εr/deff ratio is
mesopores where the electrical double-layer is established according to the essentially constant for micropores since the local relative permittivity is
EDCC and SP models. The carbon particle is composed of stacked lamellar proportional to the thickness of the solvation shell for ions. This linear
graphene sheets. Mesopores behave as an EDCC. For the slit-shaped micropores, correlation indicates that the concentration of solvent molecules in such a
a layer of counter-ions stay between two flat graphene sheets to form a sandwich
confined space decreases with a decrease in the width of the slit, thus
capacitor when the pores are charged. Reprinted with permission
weakening the polarizability of the interface. It was verified by Hsieh
from Ref. [202].
et al. [202] that the εr/deff ratio of micropores change as follows:
TEABF4/AN (0.125 F m2), aqueous H2SO4 (0.194 F m2), and KOH
applying the εr and d values to the EDCC model (see eq. (4)) for meso-
(0.174 F m2).
pores (e.g., 2–50 nm) was presented in Fig. 3 of ref. [202]. It was verified
From the above considerations, one has that the simulated capaci-
constant C/S values calculated for macropores (e.g., >50 nm) by
tance for three distinct forms of carbon showed excellent agreement with
applying the EDLC model (see eq. (7)) using the εr and d values previ-
the experimental findings thus revealing the reliability and feasibility of
ously reported in the literature [218,219]. For large mesopores (e.g.,
the proposed model. In addition, the proposed model also shed light on
~50 nm), the EDCC model produced capacitance values asymptotically
the mechanism underlying the formation of EDL. The numeric simulation
close to the values obtained for macropores using the EDLC model. In
permitted to interpret the double-layer formation mechanism and reveals
addition, the capacitance of mesopores exhibited a decreasing trend with
properties of the electrode-electrolyte interface that govern the charge
a decrease in the pore size due to the enhanced influence of wall cur-
storage performance. According to Hsieh et al. [202], the alternative
vature on the ion layer over the pore walls. Also, it was verified by Hsieh
Helmholtz-Perrin-like model proposed for porous electrodes provides a
et al. [202] that when the size of the pores decreased from the mesopore
facile means for elucidating the double-layer formation mechanism in
to the micropore regime (e.g., <2 nm) a dramatic change in the C/S value
carbons with wide pore size distribution, since the model parameters
is verified at the regime border (2 nm). This behavior can be understood
explicitly elucidate the interface properties associated with the solvation
considering the transformation in the configuration of pores from cy-
layers for ions.
lindrical to slit-shaped, as illustrated in Fig. 12.
Recently, Heimb€ ockel et al. [204] discussed that the formation of the
The variation of the cumulative capacitance with pore size simulated
electrical double-layer in EDLCs is governed by ion electrosorption at the
by incorporating the pore size distribution and C/S data into eq. (7) for
electrode surface. According to these authors, it is a matter of debate
different electrolytes was reported in Fig. 5 of ref. [202]. It was verified
whether pores provide the same contribution to the capacitance
that micropores contributed 95% of the total capacitance in the case of
regardless of the size, or if sub-nanometer pores lead to an anomalous
aCF and most of the capacitance in the case of aMP. On the contrary, most
increase of capacitance. Thus, Heimb€ ockel et al. [204] proposed a new
of the contribution to capacitance in the case of tMC comes from meso-
model for the normalized capacitance depending on pore sizes, using a
pores. The accuracy attained for predicting the capacitance values using
combination of a ‘sandwich type capacitor’ for micropores and ‘double--
various forms of carbon justifies the existence of the molecule-sieving
cylinder capacitor model’ for larger pores. Modification factors for each
effect for using organic electrolytes in supercapacitors. It was verified
capacitance value were calculated using the nonlinear generalized
that the simulated findings are in good agreement with the experimental
reduced gradient method to obtain a ‘modified electric sandwich
data thus confirming the feasibility of the proposed
double-cylinder capacitor’ (MESDCC) model. The model was validated by
Helmholtz-Perrin-like model represented by eq. (7). The alternative
comparing the measured capacitance values of a set of prepared activated
model proposed by Hsieh et al. [202], thus explicitly elucidated the in-
carbons in organic electrolytes with simulated values according to the
fluence of the electrolyte type on the capacitive behavior verified for
MESDCC model. These authors verified a non-constant capacitive
different carbon electrodes.
contribution from pores having the size of bare cations contributing to
The variations in εr with deff (e.g., deff ¼ L/2 – a0, where L is the pore
the capacitance to a larger extent, and mesopores with the size of three
width, is the effective thickness of the electrical double-layer) was pre-
solvated ions providing an unusual low contribution to the overall
sented in Fig. 6 of ref. [202]. It was postulated by Hsieh et al. [202] that
ions at the interface are entirely desolvated when εr ¼ 1, i.e., the deff
Fig. 13 shows the scheme of the MESDCC model.
value when εr ¼ 1 represents the interfacial distance between naked ions
Using the MESDCC model, Heimb€ ockel et al. [204] verified that pores
and pore walls. It was verified that the interfacial distances as a function
below 1.0 nm provide the largest contribution to the overall capacitance,
of the electrolytes ranked as follows: aqueous-H2SO4 < aqueous-KOH <
especially pores around 0.74 nm and 0.90 nm, thus confirming the effect

L.M. Da Silva et al. Energy Storage Materials xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 13. Scheme of the MESDCC model: (a) the

sandwich double-layer capacitor with deff, and
the average ion radius a0 ¼ 0.278 nm for pore
diameters between 0.66 and 0.90 nm; (b) the
sandwich double-layer capacitor for pores with
diameters between 0.90 and 1.83 nm, and the
double-layer thickness d equals to the pore
radius; (c) the confined double-cylinder capacitor
with restricted access for solvated ions, and
thinner double-layer thickness d ¼ 0.820 nm for
pores with radius b and a diameter between 1.83
and 2.60 nm, and (d) the common double
cylinder-capacitor model with the double-layer
thickness d ¼ 1.050 nm for pores with radius b
and diameters larger than 2.60 nm. Reprinted
with permission from Ref. [204].

of an anomalous increase of capacitance for pores with the size of bare advances, Forse et al. [203] identified new directions for supercapacitor
TEAþ ions, while pores between 3.4 and 3.7 nm provide the lowest research. As emphasized by these authors, further experimental and
contribution to the capacitance. These findings can be supported by the computational work is needed to explain the factors that control super-
fact that the surface capacitance decreases with increasing pore volume capacitor charging mechanisms, and to establish the links between
of the carbon samples generated by larger pores. However, the accessible mechanisms and performance.
surface area remains a key factor regarding the capacitance. Although Fig. 14 shows the different possible charging mechanisms proposed
specific surface area and average pore sizes are not linearly dependent on for carbon pores filled with electrolyte.
each other, it was observed that synthesis parameters leading to carbons It is worth mentioning that charging by purely co-ion desorption (X ¼
with high specific surface areas also lead to larger pores. 1) has not yet been observed, indicating that other factors beyond
Therefore, maximizing the capacitance is difficult, as an increase in simple arguments are important. Thus, according to Forse et al. [203],
specific surface area is associated with a simultaneous enlargement of additional works must be accomplished to understand the interplay be-
pore sizes, which neutralize their effects on the capacitance. As a result, tween supercapacitor charging mechanisms and capacitance. For
the capacitance decrease which was demonstrated refer to the carbon instance, under kinetic control the charging mechanism will depend on
materials HSAC-300-5 and HSAC-400-5 [204]. Also, with the MESDCC the relative rates of in-pore motion of the anions and cations. If the
model, it was possible to simulate the gravimetric capacitance values for diffusion rates of the different in-pore ions can be controlled, then it
activated carbon materials on the basis of physisorption-derived data should be possible to control the kinetic charging mechanism and thus
from carbon dioxide and nitrogen in combination. The model was suc- improve the capacitance. In this sense, the structural complexity [224,
cessfully applied for EDLCs with TEABF4 dissolved in acetonitrile. 225] of porous carbon electrodes poses a significant challenge as one try
However, it can be expected that the factor modification approach of the to design enhanced supercapacitors. Ideally, the electrode structure
ESDCC model can also be applied to other carbon/electrolyte systems for would be modified in a controlled way to study its performance, though
the optimization of EDLCs with regard to energy performance due to the for this to happen new tools must be developed to characterize and model
following reasons: (1) the MESDCC model was developed and applied for amorphous carbon structures [226]. Beyond activated carbons, more
various carbons with different ranges of pore sizes and the capacitance of ordered carbon materials based on nanotubes, graphene, and template
both purely microporous carbons as well as carbons with additional materials may serve as model systems to probe structure-property
mesopores up to 5 nm was simulated adequately; (2) it was possible to relationships.
assign any feature of capacitance dependency on pore size a physical It is worth mentioning that despite the enormous efforts devoted up to
meaning considering the ion size as an important factor and, therefore, now to develop a reliable model for the electrical double-layer present in
the basic assumptions of the ESDCC model can be applied to other porous electrode materials, the important aspects related to the pseu-
electrolyte systems, and (3) the pore size dependence of the relative docapacitance (e.g., presence of Faradaic reactions) were not successfully
permittivity was also considered in the ESDCC model, which is an included in these models due to the inherent theoretical complications.
important factor for the capacitance that can be adjusted to other Thus, in the case of the pseudocapacitive materials used in super-
solvents. capacitors, the models mentioned above are not appropriate, i.e., even in
A different theoretical approach presented by Forse et al. [203] also the case of carbon-based EDLCs containing oxygenated surface groups
permitted to study the charge-storage at the interface between porous that are electrochemically active the presence of Faradaic contributions
carbon electrodes and an electrolyte solution. These authors bring recent cannot be disregarded thus restricting the use of the aforementioned
findings from a range of experimental and computational studies to give electrostatic models. In this sense, the EDL models discussed in this topic
a detailed picture of the charge-storage mechanisms of supercapacitors. of the review are highly idealized even in the case of carbon-based
In this sense, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments and mo- materials.
lecular dynamics (MD) simulations revealed that the electrode pores One has in the case of real solid electrodes containing different types
contain a considerable number of ions in the absence of an applied po- of interconnected pores (e.g., carbon-based materials), owing to their
tential. Experiments and computer simulations showed that different very complex surface morphology and the almost inevitable influence of
charging mechanisms can then operate when a potential is applied, going the Faradaic processes, that a comprehensive theoretical analysis of the
beyond the traditional view of charging by counter-ion adsorption. It was specific capacitance is not a facile task, i.e., porous solid electrodes
verified that charging processes almost always involve ion exchange commonly exhibits a ‘distributed capacitance’ due to the existence of hi-
(e.g., swapping of co-ions for counter-ions), and rarely occurs by erarchically interconnected pores of different sizes, as well as the pres-
counter-ion adsorption alone. As a result, Forse et al. [203] introduced a ence of different Faradaic (redox) processes due to the oxidation-
‘charging mechanism parameter (X)’ that quantifies the mechanism and reduction of the electrochemically active oxygenated surface groups
allows comparisons between different systems. It was verified that the [227]. As a result, the overall capacitance verified for real EDLCs is, in
mechanism strongly depends on the polarization conditions, as well as reality, not ‘single-valued’ and composed of electrostatic and chemical
the choice of the electrolyte and electrode materials. In light of these (Faradaic) contributions [2]. Unfortunately, these important aspects are

L.M. Da Silva et al. Energy Storage Materials xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 14. Different possible charging

mechanisms proposed for carbon pores
filled with electrolyte: counter-ion
adsorption, ion exchange, and co-ion
desorption. The different charging
mechanisms may be described by the
charging mechanism parameter, X.
Example calculations of X using an
appropriate model (please, see the orig-
inal article) are shown for the three
depicted charging mechanisms with V
¼ 0 V. A value of X ¼ þ1 is obtained for
charging solely by counter-ion adsorp-
tion, while X ¼ 0 is obtained for ion
exchange, and X ¼ 1 for co-ion
desorption. As indicated by the scale
on the right, X is a continuous variable
(e.g., the X-values intermediate between
1 and 0 would indicate that both ion-
exchange and counter-ion adsorption
processes occur during charging).
Reprinted with permission from
Ref. [203].

sometimes ignored in the literature (see further discussion). intrinsic conducting polymers), and (iii) intercalation pseudocapacitance
In the ideal case of EDLCs (e.g., a series connection of two ideally (e.g., Liþ-ions into host materials).
polarizable electrodes), where only electrostatic forces are considered to be The scheme of these fundamental processes is presented in Fig. 15
present, we must recognize that the mechanism accounting for the [24].
charge-storage process at the electrode/electrolyte interface includes the The electrochemical phenomenon called underpotential deposition can
surface dissociation, as well as the ion adsorption from both the elec- be verified when metal ions form an adsorbed monolayer onto a dis-
trolyte and crystal lattice defects, while the electrode/electrolyte inter- similar metal substrate at potentials above the standard redox potential
face is blocked for the electron transfer across the double-layer structure [24]. For example, a typical underpotential deposition process can be
[181,228–231]. In addition, in the case of EDLCs, no net ion exchanges verified when lead is deposited onto the surface of a gold substrate [234].
occur between the electrodes and the electrolyte and, therefore, the The redox pseudocapacitance occurs when ions that are present in the solid
electrolyte concentration remains constant during the charge-discharge phase (e.g., adsorbed onto the surface or near the surface of a metal oxide
processes, i.e., mass-transport limitations can be ruled out in this case. electrode) results in the occurrence of a Faradaic (redox) process. In this
In this sense, if the surfaces of the two electrodes of the electrochemical case, a classic example is the oxidation-reduction of the Ru(III)/Ru(IV)
cell can be represented as ES1 and ES2, the anion as A, the cation as Cþ, redox couple present in hydrated ruthenium dioxide (RuO2⋅xH2O) elec-
and the electrode/electrolyte interface as//, the charge-discharge pro- trodes [235]. Alternatively, intercalation pseudocapacitance occurs with
cesses for ideal EDLCs can be represented by eqs. (8) and (9) [229,230]: the insertion of ions into the channels or layers of a redox-active material
without changes in the crystalline structure of the hostage material and
ES1 þ ES2 þ A þ Cþ → Eþ   þ
S1//A þ ES2//C (charge) (8)
with a concomitant charge-transfer (Faradaic) process. The example, in
Eþ   þ  þ
S1//A þ ES2//C → ES1 þ ES2 þ A þ C (discharge) (9) this case, is the insertion (intercalation) of Liþ-ions into the structure of
Nb2O5 or MnO2 [236,237].
It is evident from the analysis of eq. (1) that for a given electrolyte the When there is leakage current across the double-layer structure as a
use of electrode materials with a high specific surface area is necessary to result of a Faradaic process, a pseudocapacitive process can develop
obtain high Cdl values. Therefore, the use of electrode materials with a where the extents of the charge passed (q) are some function of the
high specific surface area (e.g., activated carbon exhibiting 2000 m2 g1) electrode potential (E) so that a derivative dq/dE arises that is electrically
is very important. In the case of the carbon-based electrodes containing indistinguishable from a true capacitance [2]. Distinct processes causing
oxygenated groups that are not electrochemically active, a reversible the appearance of a pseudocapacitance can be represented by a
electrostatic process can take place at the carbon/solution interface as Nernst-like expression where the electrode potential (E) is related to
follows [72,232,233]: >CxO þ Hþ ↔ CxO//Hþ, where CxO//Hþ repre- changes in chemical activity of the potential-determining ionic species,
sents a proton adsorbed by a carbonyl or quinone-type site, basically i.e., there is a functional relation between the electrode potential and the
derived from an ion-dipole attraction. This specific adsorption process, extent of the charge transferred during the adsorption/desorption pro-
which is different from the formation of >Cx//Hþ on nonspecific sites cesses at the electrode/electrolyte interface or within the inner surface of
through dispersion interactions, generate an enhanced double-layer the hostage material [24,238]. These Nernst-like processes can be
capacitance due to the local changes in electronic charge density. Obvi- generically represented by eq. (10):
ously, in the presence of Liþ ions, the following reversible electrostatic  
process is also possible: >CxO þ Liþ ↔ CxO//Liþ. RT X
E ¼ E0  ln ; (10)
nF 1X
1.4.5. Electrostatic models for the electrode/electrolyte interface in the
presence of Faradaic processes where E is the electrode potential (V), R is the ideal gas constant (8.314 J
The introduction of redox-active pseudocapacitive materials in the mol1 K1), T is the absolute temperature (K), n is the number of elec-
electrode composition can result in significant improvement of the trons involved in the Faradaic process, F is the Faraday’s constant
overall capacitance. According to Conway [2], different fundamental (96485 C mol1), and X is the extent of fractional coverage of the surface
processes can result in a pseudocapacitive behavior: (i) underpotential or inner structure occupied by the potential-determining ionic species.
deposition, (ii) redox pseudocapacitance (e.g., transition metal oxides and In light of these considerations, a specific (gravimetric) capacitance
(C/F g1) can be defined for those regions where the E vs. X plot is linear

L.M. Da Silva et al. Energy Storage Materials xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 15. Different fundamental processes resulting in the appearance of a pseudocapacitive behavior: (a) underpotential deposition, (b) redox pseudocapacitance, and
(c) intercalation pseudocapacitance. Adapted from Ref. [24].

[24]: behavior represented by eq. (13) can be investigated considering a

  particular model for the variation of the surface coverage (θ) referring to
nF X the oxidized and reduced species as a function of the applied voltage (V).
C¼ ; (11)
m E In this sense, the electric charge present on the surface of the electrode
material exhibiting metallic conductivity (qm) due to a purely electro-
where m is the molecular weight of the active (pseudocapacitive) mate- static process can be represented by the following expression [2,238]:
rial. However, considering that the E vs. X plot is not truly linear as in the
case of an ideal supercapacitor, the measured capacitance is then called qm ¼ q0 ð1  θÞ þ q1 θ; (14)
the specific pseudocapacitance.
In addition to the thermodynamics aspects discussed above, we must where q1 is the charge associated with the surface coverage (θ) of the
emphasize that the intrinsic kinetic processes related to the appearance adsorbed species and q0 is the charge related to the uncovered surface
of a pseudocapacitance are of paramount importance for the overall represented by the fraction of the surface area (1θ). Therefore, the
performance of the charge-storage device since the surface, near surface, electrostatic capacitance (Cdl) can be described by eq. (15):
and bulk Faradaic processes occur at different rates, i.e., while the surface
and near-surface Faradaic processes are commonly not limited by mass- Cdl ¼ C1 ð1  θÞ þ C2 θ þ ðq1  q0 Þ½dθ = dV ; (15)
transport of the active ionic species, one has that the occurrence of bulk
where C1 ¼ dq0/dV and C2 ¼ dq1/dV.
Faradaic processes can be severely affected by a slow solid-state diffusion
On the contrary, when the repulsive interactions between the ad-
sorbates are negligible, it is possible to demonstrate using a Langmuir-
According to Conway [2], the overall capacitance (C) of PCs where
type isotherm that the pseudocapacitance (Cφ) can be represented by
reversible Faradaic (redox) processes present a crucial role can be rep-
eq. (16) [238]:
resented by eq. (12) which describes the theoretical arrangement of two
capacitors connected in parallel:    
Cφ ¼ ½ðq1  q0 Þ2 RTΓ m θ 1  θ ; (16)
C ¼ Cdl þ Cφ ; (12)
where the parameter Γ m is the surface excess of ions, R is the gas con-
where Cdl is the capacitance originated from the electrostatic contribu- stant, and T is the absolute temperature.
tion of the electrical double-layer (EDL) that is always present in any In general, it is theoretically verified that the typical values of Cφ refer
electrochemical system, and Cφ is pseudocapacitance associated with the to a surface charge density (qφ) of 220 μC cm2 while the typical values
presence of a leakage current across the EDL structure due to the of Cdl are due to a surface charge (qdl) of 20 μC cm2. Thus, it can be
occurrence of a Faradaic process. estimated for an ideal EDLC that the specific energy (E, in W h kg1) is
In the case of the pseudocapacitance (Cφ), the charge stored at the ~28 W h kg1 when a pure electrostatic charge-storage process occurs
electrode/solution interface is derived from electron transfer due to the (e.g., ΔV ¼ 1.0 V and AS ¼ 1000 m2 g1). On the contrary, assuming that
reversible solid-state redox reactions (SSRR) and/or the ion intercalation this same electrode behaves as a PC, it is theoretically estimated that the
process in the bulk of the electrode material occurring during the SSRR. specific energy is ~1876 W h kg1, i.e., 67 times higher than that ex-
The overall Faradaic process can be represented in this case by the pected for EDLCs. It is important to note that the theoretical limit values
following generic redox process: predicted for the interfacial capacitance according to the models repre-
sented by eqs. (15) and (16) serve as a guide for the development of new
O(ads.) þ ne → R(ads.), (13) high-performance electrode materials. In principle, the properties of the
electrode materials can be tailored in practice using nanostructured
where O(ads.) and R(ads.) are the oxidized and reduced states of the
functionalized carbon structures, nanostructured metal oxides supported
adsorbed species, respectively, present in the electrode material in con-
on porous supports, activated carbons decorated with metal oxides, etc.
tact with the electrolyte. The term ne refers to the number of electrons
We have that high Cφ values are closely linked with a high electron
exchanged per active site.
transfer rate per unit mass of the electrode material normally available in
From the theoretical viewpoint, the overall pseudocapacitive

L.M. Da Silva et al. Energy Storage Materials xxx (xxxx) xxx

the form of thin films, i.e., the electrode material must be highly rough/
porous to expose to the electrolyte the maximum number of active sites in
order to maximize the SSRR. In addition, each active surface site must be
able to rapidly and reversibly transfer a significant number of electrons.
In the case of some carbon materials, the Cφ values can amount to 5–10%
of the overall capacitance [2].
Because of residual ‘surface valences’, most carbon-based electrode
materials that were previously exposed to air contain chemisorbed oxy-
gen, which can result in several O-based surface functionalities (e.g.,
ketonic, peroxyl, hydroxyl, quinonoid) that can be further modified in
the presence of thermal treatment [239]. These surface functionalities
can improve the wettability of the carbon materials, enhancing the access
of the electrolyte inside the interconnected micropores and mesopores. In Fig. 16. Scheme of an asymmetric supercapacitor (A) and the different types of
the case of carbon-based electrodes, the reversible SSRR commonly voltage and charge contributions from the dissimilar electrodes (B), where qNF,
involve the oxidation-reduction of different oxygenated functional ENF, and ΔVNF are the charge, energy, and voltage for the non-faradic (EDLC)
groups [26,232,233]: >CxO þ Hþ þ e ↔ CxOH, where >CxO represents electrode, respectively. QF, EF, and ΔVF are the charge, energy, and voltage for
a carbonyl- or quinone-type complex. Other possibilities include the the Faradaic (PC) electrode, respectively. ΔVmax is the overall cell voltage.
following Faradaic processes: >C–OH ↔ >C– – O þ Hþ þ e, –COOH ↔ Adapted from Ref. [80].
þ  –
COO þ H þ e , and >C– O þ e ↔ >C–O. Therefore, the overall

capacitance verified for ‘real’ carbon-based electrodes is composed of non-Faradaic electrode is connected to a Faradaic electrode. As shown in
contributions from the electrostatic (Cdl) and Faradaic (Cφ) processes. Fig. 16(B), for the Faradaic (pseudocapacitor - PC) electrode the voltage
In the case of the oxide electrodes containing transition metals is almost constant during the occurrence of the redox reaction (e.g.,
(TMOs), the main mechanism responsible for the accumulation of charge Nernst-like behavior) while in the case of the non-Faradaic (EDLC)
at the electrode/solution interface is the pseudocapacitance (Cφ) origi- electrode the voltage increases linearly during the electrostatic charging
nated from the SSRR, i.e., the oxidation states of the transition metals (M) process. As seen, it is very important the use of a higher working voltage
present in the hydrated oxides are modified as the cell voltage is changed. together with the non-Faradaic electrode during the onset of the charging
Using the Trasatti’s notation, this type of SSRR occurring in aqueous process in order to increase the stored energy in comparison to the
media can be generically represented by eq. (17) [235,240]: symmetric case using identical electrodes. Special attention must be paid
to the charge balancing process that must be carried out for each elec-
MOx ðOHÞy þ δHþ þ δe ⇋ MOxδ ðOHÞyþδ ; (17) trode in the case of asymmetric electrodes. Indeed, an equivalent amount
of charge must be exchanged between the different electrodes (e.g.,
where M is the metal present in the active sites of the oxide matrix, and anode (þ) and cathode ()) using appropriate masses of the active ma-
δHþ represents the electrochemical protonation occurring on the surface terials to avoid the water electrolysis at the lower capacitance electrode
and near-surface (bulk) regions of the hydrated oxide layer (e.g., gel- (EDLC) during the charge-discharge processes occurring at the higher
layer) [241,242]. A notable case of electrode material exhibiting the capacitance electrode (PC) [80,133]. The anode commonly exhibits a
desired properties specified above for the PCs is the hydrated ruthenium narrower voltage window than that verified for the cathode.
dioxide (RuO2⋅xH2O), since with δ ¼ 2 and ΔV ¼ 1.0 V a theoretical Therefore, the use of EDLCs and PCs as the cathode and anode,
specific pseudocapacitance (Cteor.) of 1450 F g1 is predicted (e.g., Cteor. respectively, can improve the stored energy (E ¼ CU2/2, where C is the
¼ nF/MΔV, where n is the number of electrons involved in the Faradaic capacitance and U is the cell voltage, respectively) since a given amount
process, F is the Faraday’s constant, M is the molar mass of the of the exchanged charge between the dissimilar electrodes will result in a
redox-active material, and ΔV is the operating voltage window [65]). high cell voltage in comparison to the symmetric case. The unequalization
In principle, the RuO2⋅xH2O might be used in the form of thin porous/ of electrode capacitances in asymmetrical supercapacitors, using elec-
rough films supported on porous metal support or as finely dispersed trodes made of the same material (e.g., carbon-carbon cells), aiming for
powder anchored onto a carbon scaffold. However, the high cost of the increase in the stored energy, was previously discussed by Chen et al.
ruthenium does not permit the large-scale production of supercapacitors [136]. As mentioned by these authors, the operating cell voltage is only
based on this material. Therefore, several types of pure and mixed oxides restricted by solvent decomposition and/or over-oxidation/reduction of
containing different transition metals have been intensively investigated the electrode materials. Therefore, the electric charge (Q) stored in the
for the fabrication of supercapacitors [40,73,77,108,243,244]. anode and cathode assembled in asymmetric supercapacitors must be
equal (e.g., Q ¼ CcUc ¼ CaUa), i.e., the working voltage range (Uc or Ua) of
1.4.6. The use of asymmetric devices to extend the cell voltage and the one electrode must decreases while its capacitance (Cc or Ca) increases in
importance of the electrolyte conditions order to inhibit the electrolyte decomposition (e.g., water electrolysis). In
A very useful strategy to increase the specific energy (E) of super- this sense, the cell voltage (U) and the specific energy (E) of super-
capacitors, preserving the intrinsic properties of the electrode materials capacitors can be increased by unequalizing the anode (Ca) and cathode
in aqueous electrolytes, is to obtain a higher cell voltage using an (Cc) capacitances using appropriate masses of the active electrode ma-
asymmetric cell configuration where the anode and cathode operate on terial. It was demonstrated by Chen et al. [136] that an increase of 72.6%
different voltage windows during the charge-discharge processes (e.g., for the specific energy can be achieved when the electrode capacitance
the connection of battery-like and capacitor-like electrodes with no sig- ratio was changed from 1.0 to 1.3. It is important to highlight that even
nificant overlapping voltage ranges can afford an asymmetrical super- using electrodes with equal capacitances assembled in coin cells the
capacitor with high capacitance) [80,245–249]). The asymmetric anode can be charged to its maximum positive voltage before the cathode
supercapacitors can be fabricated using different configurations: (i) two reaches its negative voltage limit [135]. As a result, the operating voltage
electrodes composed of the same carbons but having different thickness range of a symmetric cell can be smaller than the sum of the achievable
(masses), (ii) two different carbon electrodes, or (iii) making use of individual potential windows verified for the anode and cathode using
dissimilar materials (e.g., EDLC and PC electrodes). The fundamental conventional three-electrode cells. To circumvent this drawback, Chae
aspects regarding the asymmetric supercapacitors can be understood and Chen [135] reported a strategy for increasing the working potential
considering the scheme shown in Fig. 16. window of supercapacitors utilizing an extension of the cathodic (nega-
Fig. 16(A) shows the general scheme of an asymmetric cell where the tive) side of the working potential window. In short, these authors

L.M. Da Silva et al. Energy Storage Materials xxx (xxxx) xxx

proposed the scheme presented in Fig. 17 to represent the process called electrolyte (WISE). The galvanostatic charge-discharge (GCD) study
unequalization of capacitance used to span the overall cell potential accomplished by these authors revealed that a carbon-based super-
(voltage). capacitor using SSPAS was stable within 5% deviation during 10,000
As can be seen in the Case A shown in Fig. 17, the working potential cycles using the operating voltage of 3.2 V. In addition, the SSPAS was
window controls the overall performance of supercapacitors. In this also applied in an asymmetric capacitor composed of MnO2 and Fe3O4 in
sense, using the unequalization of the electrode capacitance mentioned the positive and negative electrodes, respectively, resulting in a very high
above the potential window in the cathodic (negative) side can be specific energy of 36.3 W h kg1. Due to these very promising findings, a
extended considering that Q ¼ CcUc ¼ CaUa, i.e., in this way we can comprehensive review on WISE is under way on our research group.
extend the working potential window by using the negative potential
region considered by these authors as the wasted applied potential. Thus, 2. Difficulties in trying to interpret the electrochemical findings
the use of electrode materials exhibiting high overpotentials for the obtained for porous electrodes used in supercapacitors
hydrogen evolution reaction (e.g., carbon electrodes) can permit to
extend the work potential window from the cathodic (negative) side of Commonly, electrochemical characterization of the supercapacitor
the entire potential (voltage) range. devices can be accomplished using a coin cell (e.g., a two-electrode
Despite the above considerations on the existence of a wasted applied system) which contains a porous separator (e.g., cellulosic filter paper)
potential, we must bear in mind that the only practical restriction for the soaked with the electrolyte [254–260]. This cell operates under similar
choice of the voltage range using coin cell devices (e.g., supercapacitor experimental conditions verified for real commercial devices. Fig. 18
prototypes) is the chemical stability of the electrolyte and the inertness of shows the scheme of a model CR2032 coin cell as example [255].
the electrode material against wear processes. Even so, the vast majority A comprehensive electrochemical characterization of supercapacitors
of the literature reports considered only the application of positive requires the use of cyclic voltammetry (CV), galvanostatic charge-discharge
voltages in relation to the resting value. Only a few studies exploited the (GCD), and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) techniques. In
use of negative voltages in supercapacitors devices (e.g., coin cells) principle, the ‘single potential step chronoamperometry’ (SSC) technique
[250–254]. In this sense, Nunes et al. [254] recently presented a can also be used for the characterization of the electrode materials. The
comprehensive discussion about the use of negative voltages in symmetric combination of these different electrochemical techniques is highly rec-
coin cell devices using an aqueous electrolyte. These authors concluded ommended to obtain a more trustable characterization study since each
from the analysis of both two- and three-electrode cells that even in the of them has benefits and drawbacks [127,261]. From the above consid-
case of the application of negative voltages the anodic and cathodic erations, we will discuss in this review some important issues involving
voltammetric charges are given by the area enclosed by the positive and the non-ideal electrochemical behavior verified for the porous electrode
negative currents normalized by the scan rate. Therefore, at least in materials used in supercapacitor devices in the presence and absence of
principle, the application of negative voltages does not preclude to obtain the pseudocapacitance phenomenon (e.g., a Faradaic process). We must
reliable electrochemical findings for symmetric supercapacitors. be aware that in most of the cases involving the use of porous electrode
Recent studies showed that the voltage window can also be drastically materials there is not a straightforward answer for the simple question:
increased for aqueous based supercapacitors through manipulation of the what is the real (constant) value of the overall capacitance verified for a
electrolyte conditions. In this regard, Li et al. [249] demonstrated using a symmetric coin cell? We can affirm that this apparently trivial question
special alkaline-acidic electrolyte (e.g., 2.0 M KOH (0.25 M K2SO4) and has not a simple answer after considering the nature of the electrode
1.0 M H2SO4 (0.25 M K2SO4)) separated by Kþ-conducting Nafion® materials and the outcomes from the electrochemical characterization
membrane that aqueous symmetric carbon-based supercapacitors can techniques. This seemingly strange assertion emerges from the fact that
exhibit exceptional electrochemical performance with a high stable the electrode materials used in supercapacitors are necessarily highly
working voltage of 2.0 V which resulted on high specific energy and porous and, therefore, they exhibit a non-ideal electrochemical behavior
power values of 36.9 W h kg1 and 248 W kg1, respectively. However, due to the presence of a distributed capacitance in the time and frequency
even considering the importance of an expansion of the voltage window domains during the charge-discharge processes.
for aqueous-based electrolytes to 2.0 V, one has that this voltage range is As will be seen, in the case of the CV technique, the measured
still not high enough to compete with those ranges verified for capacitance does not exhibit a unique value (e.g., single-valued) due to a
non-aqueous electrolytes. Tomiyasu et al. [129] also reported an decrease of the specific capacitance when the scan rate is increased, even
outstanding study where the potential window was increased to 3.2 V considering the presence of a negligible ESR, due to the presence of a
using an aqueous-based electrolyte composed of a saturated solution of distributed capacitance in the time domain. Accordingly, in the case of
sodium perchlorate denoted as SSPAS, also known as water-in-salt the analysis carried out using the EIS technique, we will verify that a

Fig. 17. The unequalization of capacitance as a

strategy to increase the working potential window of
supercapacitors with the same material for both the
positive and negative electrodes. Symbols: C and Q are
the capacitance and the charge, respectively; U is the
cell voltage or electrode potential; v is the scan rate of
voltage or electrode potential; the subscripts “P” and
“N” indicate positive and negative electrodes,
respectively. The orange box (QP) in Case B indicates a
higher “charge density” than that of the other (QN).
Adapted from Ref. [135].

L.M. Da Silva et al. Energy Storage Materials xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 18. Scheme of the CR2032 coin cell used in the electrochemical characterization of supercapacitors. Adapted from Ref. [255].

single-valued specific capacitance cannot be strictly evaluated even at 254,266,267]:

low frequencies where the capacitive behavior (e.g., the capacitive
reactance) dominates the electrode response, i.e., the specific capaci- ΔV
j ¼ C ν 1  exp ; (18)
tance is frequency-dependent due to a distribution in the frequency νRESR C
domain of the time constants. Also, using the SSC technique, we will
verify that some complications can arise in the case of pseudocapacitive where j is the gravimetric current (A g1), C is the specific overall
materials due to the influence at long polarization times of an anomalous capacitance (e.g., EDLC and/or PC) (F g1), ν is the scan rate (V s1), RESR
diffusion. Finally, in the case of the GCD technique, we will find that the is the equivalent series resistance (Ω g), and ΔV (¼ V  V0) (V) is the
measurement of a single-valued capacitance can be severely restricted by capacitive voltage range where the electrolyte and the electrode material
the occurrence of a non-linear voltage transient profile caused by the are stable. It can be easily verified using a simple numeric simulation that
presence of a distributed capacitance in the time domain. In drastic sit- when RESR → 0 we have j ¼ Cν and the voltammetric profile is perfectly
uations, where strong deviations from the behavior expected for EDLCs (ideal) rectangular [264,268,269]. This type of CV profile is indeed
are verified with the presence of a voltage plateau, the GCD technique verified for several EDLCs and PCs [270–272], i.e., it is sometimes
permits to evaluate the capacity instead of a capacitance since the coin cell difficult (if not impossible) to discern capacitive and reversible Faradaic
resembles more a battery than a supercapacitor. events occurring during the charge-discharge processes in super-
For the reasons specified above, each of the aforementioned elec- capacitors since in both cases the voltammetric current measured as a
trochemical techniques will be discussed in the present review. Some function of the scan rate can show the same functional relationship (e.g.,
directions will be given for the correct interpretation of the electro- j ¼ constant  ν) [127,273]. This important matter was recently reviewed
chemical findings obtained using symmetric coin cell devices. To the best by Chen [22]. In addition, in this ideal case, the integral and differential
of our knowledge, a review focusing on the advantages and drawbacks capacitances are identical. On the contrary, the integral capacitance
inherent to a comprehensive electrochemical characterization of porous values are underestimated when the contribution of RESR is significant
electrode materials used in supercapacitors has not been reported yet in since the voltammetric profile exhibits curved borders and, therefore, the
the literature. numerical values of the integral and differential capacitances are not the
same [127,254,267,274,275]. Allagui et al. [276] reported an improved
RC-model incorporating the concept of a fractional-order circuit where
2.1. Cyclic voltammetry: its benefits and some pitfalls the capacitance is substituted by a constant phase element (CPE) to
consider the influence of the frequency dispersion phenomenon (see further
As a rule of thumb, for the study of supercapacitive materials, the discussion in the impedance section).
voltammetric curves (VCs) must be registered as a function of the scan Thus, there is no difficulty for evaluation of the voltammetric charge
rate of the cell voltage covering a large voltage interval where the elec- and the integral capacitance for the ideal flat electrodes in the absence of
trolyte is stable, known as the capacitive (or pseudocapacitive) polari- adsorptive and Faradaic processes. On the contrary, if the electrode is
zation region [2,262]. Thus, using the cyclic voltammetry (CV), we can porous and/or there is the influence of Faradaic processes, the mathe-
evaluate the average specific cell capacitance and obtain information matics become quite cumbersome and numerical methods are commonly
accounting for the capacitance stability (retention) as a function of the used for simulation of the CV profiles [54] [264,268,269] [275,
dynamic variable (the scan rate) and the number of cycles [263]. This 277–283]. As discussed by Pell and Conway [175,264], the porous nature
experimental approach is very important since the eventual hindrance of of the electrode structures used in supercapacitors introduces a distri-
the ionic transport across the porous electrode structure and/or the bution of resistive and capacitive elements similar to a transmission line
presence of a high ESR commonly results in a strong decrease of the (e.g., De Levie brush electrode model) with a resulting complex power
charge/capacitance with the scan rate [127,254,258]. spectrum depending on charging and discharging rates. According to De
From the theoretical viewpoint, the CV profiles for ideal super- Levie [284], these characteristic effects of porous electrodes are quanti-
capacitors can be obtained considering a simplified interface model (e.g., tatively related to the so-called “penetration-depth” of the modulating
the so-called RC model) that can be derived considering the evolution of signal down to the pore length.
the voltammetric current during application of a linear scan function An important property regarding the supercapacitors is their ability to
(e.g., V ¼ V0
νt) of the cell voltage (V) [264,265]. This capacitive retain the charge (q) or capacitance (C) as the scan rate is increased in the
voltammetric model is represented by the following relationship [127,

L.M. Da Silva et al. Energy Storage Materials xxx (xxxx) xxx

presence of an RESR [127,246,254]. In this sense, the integration of eq. specific capacitance, is not correct, leading to unreliable findings. The
(18) results in the theoretical expression for the q vs. ν dependence given voltammetric response obtained from porous electrode materials can
by eq. (19) [266]: exhibit more than one value for the differential capacitance as a function

  of the scan rate (e.g., two distinct linear segments in the j vs. ν plot) due to
ΔV the presence of the surface irregularities (e.g., pores, narrow cracks, etc.)
q ¼ CΔV  vC2 RESR 1  exp (19)
νCRESR which originate the ‘inner/internal’ and ‘outer/external’ active surface
As was previously verified using a numerical simulation [266], eq. regions [127,254,266,267,274,293]. As discussed by Pell and Conway
(19) predicts a constant value of q when RESR → 0. On the contrary, we [264], this behavior commonly verified for porous electrodes is charac-
can have an almost exponential decrease of q when the value of RESR is teristic of several different types of surface morphologies (e.g., De Levie
significant. Therefore, for ideal flat electrodes in the absence of adsorptive brush electrode model) since with progressively decreasing time scales
and Faradaic processes, poor retention of the charge or capacitance as a (e.g., the scan rate) the internal distributed resistance in the multiple RC
function of ν is a natural consequence of the existence of an ESR coupled elements present in the transmission line model progressively restricts
to the electrical double-layer charge-discharge processes. Thus, it must be completion of the overall capacitive charging process in a given time
stressed that the ohmic components present in supercapacitors (e.g., coin interval (see further discussion in this work). In this sense, these authors
cells) must be kept to a minimum to ensure a good charge (or capaci- verified the occurrence of two linear segments in the experimental
tance) retention under dynamic voltage conditions. The electrochemical ‘voltage vs. extent of charge passed’ profiles for the constant-current dis-
behavior predicted by eq. (19) was also verified for porous carbon-based charging process of a gold brush electrode, i.e., the overall capacitance is
EDLCs [285]. not constant (e.g., distributed) over the potential ranges during the
From the experimental viewpoint, the specific voltammetric charge discharge.
(q/C g1) can be determined from the numerical integration of VCs using In this sense, with the use of eq. (22) we can determine the total (Ct)
eq. (20) [127,254,264,266]: and outer (Co) differential specific capacitances from the current values
obtained in the low and high scan rate domains, respectively [266]. As
1 Vf proposed by Da Silva et al. [266], the inner differential specific pseu-
q¼ jdV; (20) docapacitance (Ci) is extracted considering that Ci ¼ Ct  Co, while the ‘in
ν Vi
situ’ surface parameter denoted as the morphology factor (ϕ) is deter-
where Vi and Vf are the limits of integration corresponding to the initial mined using the relation ϕ ¼ Ci/Ct [266]. This parameter represents the
and final (vertex) voltages, respectively. Accordingly, the specific integral contribution of the inner (internal) surface regions of the porous elec-
capacitance (Cint.(cv)/F g1) can be determined from the specific voltam- trode structure to the overall specific capacitance. This methodology has
metric charge (q) using eq. (21) [127,254]: been used by different authors to characterize the pseudocapacitive
properties and/or the charge-storage process, referring to different types
Cint:ðcvÞ ¼ ; (21) of porous electrodes [254,294,295] [296–304]. The major drawback
regarding the application of the methodology proposed by Da Silva et al.
where m is the mass of the active material (cathode and anode). [266], initially intended for the study of metal oxide electrodes, is con-
It is worth mentioning that some undesired artifacts can be found in cerned with use of not well-behaved VC profiles due to presence of a large
the CV experiments when the automatic numerical integration process ESR, i.e., in these cases a voltammetric plateau is commonly not verified
available in the equipment (e.g., potentiostat) yields the charge value, close to the vertex potential (or voltage) where the capacitive current
which is further used for the calculation of the specific integral capaci- must be measured and, therefore, the methodology cannot be correctly
tance, i.e., in several cases the software does not take into account the applied.
distortions verified at the borders of the voltammetric curves caused by Fig. 19 shows the dependence of the gravimetric current (j*) obtained
the presence of a large ESR. The presence of severe distorted (curved) in the presence of a pseudocapacitance as a function of the scan rate for a
edges in the VCs is associated with the typical ’banana profile’ verified in mixed metal oxide electrode. As can be seen, there are two distinct linear
several cases [138,275,286–292], instead of the desired rectangular pro- regions in this plot (e.g., distributed capacitance) due to the porous
file that is characteristic of well-behaved supercapacitors [5]. Actions can electrode behavior.
be taken using commercial software (e.g., Origin®, Matlab®, etc.) to The CV technique can also be used to discriminate the contributions
eliminate the undesirable contribution of the ohmic resistance on the
voltammetric profile. In principle, when the ESR is significant, only the
quasi-stationary current values located far from the vertex voltages must
be used in the numerical integration procedure to obtain reliable values
of the integral capacitance, i.e., values very close to those found for the
differential capacitance (see further discussion). Unfortunately, these
important precautions are commonly ignored in the literature resulting
in the publication of unreliable charge and capacitance values.
As previously discussed in the literature [127,254,266,267], in the
case of the differential specific capacitance (Cd(cv)/F g1) making use of the
quasi-stationary current values (e.g., j ffi Cν  see the limiting case of eq.
(18)) obtained as a function of the scan rate, and measured at a fixed
voltage (V*) close to the vertex value, one can get ‘reliable capacitance
values’ since these currents are practically free from the influence of the
ESR. Thus, the Cd(cv) values can be determined using eq. (22):
1 ∂j
CdðcvÞ ¼ (22)
m ∂ν V*

From the above considerations, it is worth mentioning that the

Fig. 19. Dependence of gravimetric current (j*) as a function of the scan rate
common practice adopted in the literature, where the current values are
(ν). Conditions were the following: 1.0 M H2SO4, ΔV ¼ 0.29–0.39 V; V* ¼ 0.39
sampled over the entire capacitive potential range, to determine the
V, and T ¼ 24  C. The electrode was Ti/[Sn0.5Ir0.5]O2. Adapted from Ref. [127].

L.M. Da Silva et al. Energy Storage Materials xxx (xxxx) xxx

of capacitive and Faradaic processes to the overall pseudocapacitance Another treatment for the study of porous solid electrodes using the
using a semi-empirical approach initially proposed by Conway et al. CV technique, which was initially developed for the study of transition
[305]. Different research groups have adopted this experimental metal oxide electrodes, was earlier proposed by Trasatti et al. [313,314]
approach [40,306,307]. In this case, the specific voltammetric current (j) using a semi-empirical approach inspired in the Fick’s law (e.g.,
referring to a particular voltage (V) was assumed by Conway et al. [305] semi-infinite linear diffusion) accounting for the ionic transport of the
to relate to the scan rate ν according to the following expression: active species involved in the solid-state Faradaic reactions (see eq. (17)).
In principle, applying this semi-empirical approach, the inner, outer,
jðVÞ and total voltammetric charges intrinsic to porous electrodes can be
¼ k1 ðVÞ þ k2 ðVÞν1=2 ; (23)
ν1=2 determined as a function of the scan rate using two distinct extrapolation
procedures based on eqs. (25) and (26). A common criticism for this type
where k1(V) and k2(V) are the parameters independent of ν. These pa-
of semi-empirical treatment is the ad hoc assumption of the pertinent
rameters correspond to the intercept and slope in the j(V)/ν1/2 vs. ν1/2
equations, i.e., the model was not formally derived from the basic elec-
plot, respectively. This phenomenological model is based on the
trochemical laws. As criticized by Vogt [315], this semi-empirical
following assumptions [40,305–307]: (i) the capacitive current jC, asso-
method can be misleading since although experimental data points
ciated with the electrical double-layer (EDL) varies linearly with ν in the
may be correlated satisfactorily in a limited range of the scan rate using
absence of Faradaic reactions, and (ii) the Faradaic current jF, due to the
different correlation functions (e.g., eqs. (25) and (26)) the pertinent
redox reactions under semi-infinite linear diffusion, is proportional to
equations may be contradictory beyond a short scan rate interval, i.e., the
ν1/2 with the assumption that the presence of the EDL and the corre-
major issue in this semi-empirical treatment is concerned with extrapo-
sponding capacitive current can be disregarded.
lation beyond the experimentally verified scan rates. These criticisms
In principle, from the values of k1(V) and k2(V), it is possible to
were elegantly addressed by Trasatti et al. [316] who argued, for
discriminate the individual contributions to the overall voltammetric
example, that there are several examples of extrapolations in the litera-
current arising from mass-transport of the ionic species during a pseu-
ture based on graphical correlations, which are linear only in a limited
docapacitive process from that due to a pure capacitive process or a
range of the variable. In addition, these authors sustained, using the
pseudocapacitance not affected by diffusion [40]. Despite these consid-
previous literature, the fundamentals behind the use of eqs. (25) and
erations, the presence of redox peaks in the voltammetric curves reveals
that different processes can govern the overall current as a function of the
The fundamental premise of the aforementioned semi-empirical
applied voltage [307]. Thus, there is another semi-empirical approach for
methodology is that the total pseudocapacitive voltammetric charge
analyzing the experimental findings when the voltammetric curves
(qT*) must decrease as a function of the scan rate (ν) [317] similar to the
exhibit well-defined peaks/bands (e.g., battery-like systems) instead of a
behavior observed for Faradaic currents under diffusion control as a
rectangular shape characteristics of true capacitive systems. In this sense,
function of the square root of time (e.g., the Cottrell’s equation). In this
assuming that the overall specific current at a given voltage is governed
sense, Trasatti et al. [313,314,318,319] assumed that qT* ¼ qi* þ qe*,
by either a capacitive or a Faradaic process, then eq. (23) can be replaced
where qi* and qe* are the ‘internal/inner’ and ‘external/outer’ pseudo-
by eq. (24) [308–312]:
capacitive voltammetric charges, respectively. In light of these consid-
jðVÞ ¼ kðVÞνb ; (24) erations, the following equations were postulated by these authors:
where the exponent b is expected to vary between b ¼ ½ in the case of a q*
¼ q*e þA
ffi ; (25)
mass-transport controlled process (e.g., Fickian behavior), and b ¼ 1 for a ν
strong capacitive (or pseudocapacitive) process not affected by the mass-
transport of the ionic species. It is worth noting that a minimum is where “A” (in C V1/2 s1/2 cm2) is considered to be a constant for a
commonly verified when the b-values are determined as a function of the particular pseudocapacitive electrode material. As a result, a linear
applied voltage [307]. This behavior has been correlated to the presence regression can yield the value of qe* at ν → ∞.
of redox peaks in the CV profiles. As previously discussed in the literature Accordingly, one has that [313,314,318,319]:
[307], despite its extensive usage [308–312], this semi-empirical anal-
1 1 pffiffiffi
ysis based on eq. (24) and its physical interpretation has not been ¼ þ B ν; (26)
rigorously demonstrated, particularly for simultaneous electric q* q T
double-layer formation, redox reactions, and ion insertion in the pseu-
where “B” (in C1 V1/2 s1/2 cm2) is another constant. The numerical
docapacitive electrodes. In addition, we must consider that these
value of “B” is not merely the inverse of “A”. The linear plot yields the
semi-empirical approaches based on eqs. (23) and (24) do not take into
value of qT* at ν → 0. Finally, the value of qi* is calculated using the
account the anomalous diffusion commonly verified in the case of porous
relation qi* ¼ qT*  qe*. In addition, Trasatti et al. [313,314] defined the
electrodes and the presence of a distributed capacitance [127] (see
important intensive parameter denoted as Electrochemical Porosity (φ ¼
further discussion).
qi*/qT*) used to discriminate the contribution of the inner surface re-
Despite the above criticisms, recently, Mei et al. [277] used numerical
gions to the overall voltammetric charge.
simulations to validate for the first time the semi-empirical treatments
This methodology has been applied in several different studies
discussed above based on the CV technique disregarding the influences of
involving electrocatalysts, supercapacitors, and batteries [24,320–328]
anomalous diffusion and the distributed capacitance. These authors
[329]. In some cases, the application of this methodology was extended
performed two-dimensional numerical simulations of ordered con-
for the study of the intercalation of Liþ-ions into metal oxides [24,324,
ducting nanorods coated with a thin film of pseudocapacitive material.
325]. However, we must stress that this methodology was initially
This study was accomplished based on a continuum model derived from
devised for the study of the pseudocapacitance exhibited by porous
first principles, being verified that at low scan rates the capacitance
transition metal oxide electrodes. As can be verified in the literature
attributed to EDL formation remained constant and independent of
[320,323,326,327,329], the main difficulty to apply this methodology
electrode dimensions while at high scan rates the capacitance decreased
resides in the fact that the linearized plot represented by eq. (26)
with decreasing conducting nanorod radius. On the contrary, the Fara-
commonly exhibits only a very narrow range of the scan rate values
daic capacitance (pseudocapacitance), due to reversible Faradaic re-
where a straight line can be used to evaluate the value of qT*, i.e., the use
actions, decreased continuously with increasing scan rate but was
with confidence of this methodology can be drastically restricted by
independent of conducting nanorod radius.
statistic limitations inherent to the linear regression method. In addition,

L.M. Da Silva et al. Energy Storage Materials xxx (xxxx) xxx

in the cases where the ESR is pronounced, the VC profiles are progres- approach permit quantitative analysis of the following parameters: (i) the
sively distorted as the scan is increased thus affecting the reliability of the electrolyte resistance inside the pores (Rp), (ii) the anomalous (non-
methodology since even for ideal EDLCs the q-values are affected by the Fickian) diffusion, (iii) the ESR, (iv) the finite electrode resistance (e.g.,
ohmic influence (see eq. (19)). the case of semiconductor and polymeric materials), and (v) the overall
capacitance. Depending on the particular porous electrode model, other
2.2. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy: the use of pertinent transfer additional parameters can also be determined [335,336]. Despite the
function models for porous electrode systems apparent complexity of these models, we have as a guide that for most of
the porous blocked electrodes (e.g., the absence of Faradaic reactions)
Important electrochemical information is obtained from the fre- the impedance response is characterized by a short inclined line (ϕ 
quency domain analysis using the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy 45 ) verified at high frequencies and an almost vertical line (ϕ  90 )
(EIS) technique, which is a stationary technique based on the generalized verified at low frequencies. In fact, this is the commonly behavior found
linear system theory (LST) [330]. The linearization of the electro- for several different EDLCs [2,6,7]. The presence of Faradaic processes in
chemical response to avoid the appearance of harmonics of the funda- the case of PCs commonly requires the use of unblocked transmission
mental frequency on the measured currents can be achieved using a small lines to account for the presence of a leakage resistance representing the
sinusoidal perturbation (e.g., wave amplitude (ΔV)  10 mV (peak-to-- charge-transfer process [290,336].
peak)) superimposed on a fixed d.c. voltage located in the capaciti- Unfortunately, in several cases, the EIS findings obtained for sym-
ve/pseudocapacitive domain. Thus, the impedance data presented in metric coin cells are analyzed using inappropriate (incorrect) equivalent
different formats (e.g., Nyquist/complex-plane, Bode plot, etc.) are circuit (EC) models making use of an ‘ad hoc’ assumption where the
registered as a function of the a.c. voltage frequency (e.g., 100 kHz to 10 circuit elements are arbitrarily combined in serial and/or parallel ar-
mHz) to obtain information of the distinct fundamental processes char- rangements to permit the simulation of the experimental impedance
acterized by different relaxation (time) constants (τ) [330]. Since the response [115,343,344] [345–352]. In addition, from the fundamental
electrochemical cells are intrinsically non-linear systems due to the viewpoint, crucial mistakes can be committed in cases involving asym-
non-passive nature of the electrode/solution interface, the experimental metric coin cells (e.g., the use of dissimilar electrodes). These mistakes
findings (e.g., real and imaginary impedances) must be subjected to the are due to the erroneous assumption that in this case the overall cell
Kramers-Kr€ onig (K–K) transforms using the ideal (passive) linear circuit impedance can be simulated using a single equivalent circuit representing
model incorporated in the commercially available software for the the behavior of the two eletrodes as is permitted for a working electrode
impedance analysis (e.g., FRA®, NOVA®, ZView®, etc.). Low values of (WE) in conventional three-electrode cells or in the case of the symmetric
the statistical chi-square parameter (e.g., χ 2 < 104) obtained after the coin cells. In this sense, a meaningful discussion was recently presented
K–K transforms are indicative of the reliability of the impedance findings. by Holze et al. [285] highlighting the imperative necessity to distinguish
The impedance data can only be adequately analyzed after this statistical between cell and electrode impedances since erroneous simulations can
analysis. be found in the literature where a single interface model is incorrectly
The greatest difficulty verified with the EIS technique resides on the used for simulating the two distinct interfaces present in asymmetric coin
rationalization requested for the quantitative analysis of the impedance cells [353].
data in order to obtain the numerical values of the different electrical In general, the EC models can be composed of ohmic (Rs ¼ solution
parameters present in the particular model representing the investigated resistance) and non-ohmic (Rct ¼ charge-transfer resistance) resistors,
electrode system [330]. In principle, different transfer functions can be ideal capacitors (C), constant-phase elements representing the behavior
used to represent the same impedance response [331]. Therefore, a of non-ideal capacitors (CPEs: ZCPE ¼ 1/Y0(jω)n, where Y0 is the apparent
rational approach based on the Occam’s razor is commonly adopted for admittance, ω is the angular frequency, j ¼ (1)1/2, and n ~ 1), and the
the choice of the particular theoretical model [138,330,332]. In this Warburg impedance (W ¼ σ /(jω)n, where n ¼ ½ and σ is the coefficient
sense, the simplest model having a physical meaning and providing a incorporating the average diffusion coefficient) representing the semi-
good simulation of the impedance data must be used in detriment of the infinite linear diffusion of the ionic species coupled to a Faradaic pro-
other candidate models. cess. On the contrary, in the case of a finite linear diffusion occurring in
Since the electrode materials commonly used in supercapacitors are restricted barriers, the mass-transport of the ionic species can be
highly porous [2,6,7], it is entirely rational to adopt as the primary described by the finite-space Warburg (FSW or T-element) in the case of a
candidates the porous electrode models based on the single- and blocked interface for the charge-transfer process (e.g., Rct → ∞ when ω →
two-channel blocked transmission lines [132,284,333–339]. Further 0) or by the finite-length Warburg (FLW or O-element) in the case of an
experimental confirmation of the predicted porous electrode behavior in unblocked interface [330,332,354].
the frequency domain was recently presented by Sharma et al. [340]. The crucial point here deserving special attention resides in the fact
Alternatively, Fletcher et al. [138] proposed a “universal equivalent that the diffusional mass-transport elements (e.g., W, FSW, and FLW)
circuit” for carbon-based supercapacitors (EDLCs) where any set of were initially derived considering the premise that the diffusion of the
non-uniform pores occurring in parallel and having non-branching pores electroactive ionic species is intrinsically coupled to a charge-transfer
can be modeled as a vertical ladder network of RC-series components, process (Faradaic reaction) [330,354]. Therefore, the simple accommo-
each of which has a different time constant from the others, and a solitary dation (movement) of the inert ions from the electrolyte at the electro-
RC-parallel network which represents the resistance of the bulk solution de/solution interface imposed by the external polarization conditions in
shunted by the capacitance (e.g., dielectric polarization) of the solution. the absence of Faradaic processes (e.g., EDLCs) cannot be correctly
The major drawback of this particular model is the prediction of a described by the aforementioned diffusional elements, i.e., the occurrence of
semicircle in the high-frequency domain, which is commonly absent in charge-transfer processes at the electrode/solution interface is the real
the experimental findings obtained for porous blocked electrodes. A ca- source of the diffusing ionic species considered in the impedance models
nonical model to characterize the impedance of flat and porous electrodes represented by W, FSW, and FLW.
in the presence of a pseudocapacitance was proposed by Tilak et al. Despite these considerations, in several different reports [115,
[341]. This model was recently applied by Vicentini et al. [255] and by 343–346] [347–349,352], the impedance response of EDLCs was incor-
Nunes et al. [258] for the study of nanostructured porous electrodes. The rectly represented by EC models containing the W-element. The primary
complex matter comprising the effect of pore size distribution on the source of confusion in the literature is that depending on the particular
frequency dispersion inherent to porous electrodes was addressed by arrangement of the individual elements the inclusion of the W-element in
Song et al. [342]. an EC model can permit very good simulations of the experimental
Some of the porous electrode models based on the transmission line findings obtained for porous electrodes housed in symmetric coin cells.

L.M. Da Silva et al. Energy Storage Materials xxx (xxxx) xxx

However, we must stress that this type of simulation analysis suffers from fitting-simulation of the impedance data using the conventional imped-
a lack of physical significance. This apparent ambiguity is caused by the ance functions (e.g., FSW or T element) available in different commercial
fact that an n ¼ ½ for the W-element corresponds to a phase angle (ϕ) of software. In this sense, the transfer function ZDL representing the
45 , which is the same outcome predicted by different porous blocked impedance of porous blocked electrodes in symmetric coin cells is described
electrode models [132,284,333–339]. Therefore, we can have a by eq. (28):
dangerous situation arising from the misinterpretation of the physical  
origin of the inclined line verified at high frequencies and characterized Rp  
ZDL ¼ RESR þ coth BðjωÞ1=2 ; (28)
by ϕ   45 . BðjωÞ1=2

In principle, the general characteristics of the capacitive behavior

exhibited by the electrode/electrolyte interface in the case of blocked where B ¼ ð2ρl2 Cdl =rÞ1=2 and Cdl ¼ Cp/2πnprl.
electrodes can be analyzed from the dependency of the imaginary The parameters r and l are the radius and the pore length, respec-
impedance (Z//) on the applied frequency (f). In this sense, using the tively, ρ is the specific electrolyte resistivity, Rp is the electrolyte resis-
concept of a CPE as mentioned above (ZCPE ¼ 1/Y0(jω)n), we can use the tance within the pore, np is the number of identical cylindrical pores, Cdl
following linear relationship: is the capacitance of the electrical double-layer referring to a single pore,
and Cp is the overall capacitance corresponding to the assembly of pores.

ln ZCPE ¼ lnðY0 Þ  n  lnð2π f Þ (27) In addition to the direct use of eq. (28) in the fitting-simulation
process, we must consider that the impedance analysis based on the
== high- and low-frequency limits, excluding the medium-frequency region,
Thus, from inspection of the linear plot (e.g., lnðZ CPE Þvs:lnð2π f Þ) we
can identify the frequency range where a straight line is verified (e.g., r2 can be advantageous since in this approach we can circumvent the un-
 0.998) characterizing the capacitive behavior. Two particular cases desirable theoretical complications inherent to the fact that in real cases
can be verified from this simple analysis: (i) n ffi 1 (e.g., 0.9  n  1) for the pores are not perfectly cylindrical and not evenly distributed on the
well-behaved capacitive systems (strong capacitive character), and (ii) rough electrode surface [127,254,355]. In light of these considerations,
0.80 < n < 0.9 for systems exhibiting a pronounced influence of the one has at low frequencies that coth(x1/2)/(x1/2) ffi 1/3 þ 1/x. There-
frequency dispersion phenomenon intrinsic to porous/rough electrodes due fore, the transfer function at low frequencies is given by the following
to the presence of surface inhomogeneities at the atomic level [332]. This equation [330]:
simple graphical analysis can permit to evaluate the overall capacitance  
without the assumptions regarding a particular equivalent circuit model ZDL ¼ RESR þ R*  j ; (29)
for the electrified interface. However, this analysis does not yield addi-
tional information regarding the physicochemical events occurring in the
where R* ¼ Rp/3. The overall ohmic resistance R (¼ RESR þ R*) is ob-
medium- and high-frequency domains, as is the case of the frequency
tained by extrapolation of the almost vertical capacitive line on the real
dispersion caused by the porous electrode behavior (see further
axis (Z/) of the complex-plane or Nyquist plot. This transfer function can
be represented by a simple equivalent circuit containing the resistance R
A comprehensive discussion regarding the use of porous electrode
connected in series with the overall capacitance Cp. In practice, the RESR
models for the impedance analysis of supercapacitors was recently pre-
value obtained from extrapolation at high frequencies must be subtracted
sented in the literature [127,254,256,257]. Some basic concepts will be
to obtain the true value of R*. Due to the frequency dispersion phe-
discussed here due to the importance of the transmission line (TLs)
nomenon inherent to solid electrodes, the capacitor Cp must be replaced
models for the study of porous electrodes. In this sense, we have as the
by a constant phase element (CPE) (e.g., ZCPE ¼ 1/Y0(jω)n) in order to
starting point for the study of porous electrodes the use of the
obtain a good simulation.
single-channel transmission line blocked for the charge-transfer showed
The apparent capacitance represented by Y0 can yield the true capaci-
in Fig. 20, which was initially proposed by De Levie [284,339]. This
tance using the following relationship [330]:
model accounts for the impedance of a highly conductive (equipotential)
cylindrical pore and whose base is considered as electrochemically  ð11=nÞ
Cdl ¼ Y0
inactive. (30)
De Levie’s model represented by a transfer-function ZDL was further
reformulated in a more straightforward style by Gassa et al. [333] who At high frequencies, one has that coth(x1/2) ffi 1, and the transfer
provided the explicit inclusion of the pore parameters aiming for nu- function is given as follows [330]:
merical applications based on the fitting-simulation routine using the
Rp 1
complex nonlinear least squares (CNLS) method. In addition, these au- ZDL ¼ RESR þ ¼ RESR þ (31)
thors validated the implementation of De Levie’s model for the study of BðjωÞ1=2 Y0ðHFÞ ðjωÞ1=2
real porous electrodes under different polarization conditions. pffiffiffi 1=2
Recently, it was proposed by Da Silva et al. [127,254,257] a simple where Y0ðHFÞ ¼ 2π np r 3=2 Cdl =ρ1=2 and B ¼ Rp  Y0(HF). Thus, the
adaptation of the De Levie’s model in order to carry out the transfer function can be represented by a circuit containing the RESR
connected in series with the impedance ZCPE(HF) ¼ 1/Y0(HF)(jω)n, where n
 ½. At least in principle, Y0(HF) includes information about the pores
(e.g., np and r). However, the parameters r and np cannot be determined
separately using the numerical simulation-fitting procedure since only
the product npr3/2 can be obtained in practice [332].
The porous electrode model and its limiting cases represented by eqs.
(28), (29) and (31) were recently applied with success in the study of
different porous electrodes housed in symmetric coin cells, as well as in
the case of porous electrodes present in conventional three-electrode
cells [127,254,257]. Fig. 21 shows the complex-plane plots obtained
for a porous mixed metal oxide electrode containing Sn and Ir.
Fig. 20. A single cylindrical pore and the corresponding single-channel trans- In the particular case where there is influence of the anomalous (e.g.,
mission line blocked for the charge-transfer as proposed by De Levie. Adapted non-Fickian) diffusion on the impedance response, a more robust model
from Ref. [138]. must be used to obtain a good simulation of the experimental findings

L.M. Da Silva et al. Energy Storage Materials xxx (xxxx) xxx

constant phase element (CPE).

As demonstrated by Bisquert [336], the generic impedance of the
above transmission line, commonly known as Bisquert’s TL #2 (B2), can
be represented by the following transfer function (ZB2):
2 3
χ χ 6 2λ 7 χ þ χ 22 L
ZB2 ¼ RESR þ 1 2 4L þ  5 þ λ 1 coth ; (32)
χ1 þ χ2 L χ1 þ χ2 λ
sinh λ

where: λ ¼ χ 1 þχ 2 , χ 1 ¼ 1þr1 qr11 ðjωÞn , χ 2 ¼ 1þr2 qr22 ðjωÞs , and ζ ¼ 1þr r3
β .
3 q3 ðjωÞ
The units of the elements χ 1 and χ 2 are Ω m whereas in the case of
the element ζ the units are Ω m. The overall individual (macroscopic)
parameters measured are: R1 ¼ Lr1 (e.g., pore electrolyte resistance), Q1
¼ q1/L (e.g., anomalous electrolyte transport or transverse capacitance),
R2 ¼ Lr2 (e.g., electrode resistance), Q2 ¼ q2/L (e.g., anomalous transport
in the electrode material), R3 ¼ L/r3 (e.g., charge-transfer resistance at
the electrode/electrolyte interface, Rct), and Q3 ¼ q3L (e.g., constant
Fig. 21. Complex-plane plots obtained at different d.c. potentials (Edc ¼
0.2–0.8 V/SCE). Conditions were the following: 1.0 M H2SO4 and T ¼ 24  C. The phase element (CPE ¼ Q) which is representative of the electrical double-
electrode was Ti/[Sn0.5Ir0.5]O2. Adapted from Ref. [127]. layer capacitance, Qdl). It is worth mentioning that the element χ 2 rep-
resents a single transport mechanism rather a conventional association of
resistive and capacitive elements used in pure electrostatic processes
[330,334–337]. Fig. 22 shows the cylindrical pore model and the
[336]. From the point of view of the fitting-simulation adjustment using
respective generic two-channel transmission line model proposed by
the CNLS method, we have that the generalized model commonly known
Bisquert [336].
as Bisquert’s TL #2 (B2) in its original format has nine adjustable pa-
In this model, both the electrolyte and electrode phases, besides the
rameters (e.g., R1, Q1, n, R2, Q2, s, R3, Q3, and β). Therefore, this generic
interfacial impedance, can be responsible for the voltage drop along the
impedance model is highly versatile for the numeric simulation of the
pore length L (e.g., pore depth). The interfaces A and B are represented by
experimental findings obtained for different types of porous electrodes,
the impedances ZB at x ¼ 0 (e.g., pore mouth) and ZA at x ¼ L (e.g., pore
as is the case of supercapacitors (for further details see Ref. [336]).
bottom), respectively. Along the pore, the transmission line is charac-
The complete (generic) model represented by eq. (32) has been
terized by the repetition of the impedance elements χ and ζ. The χ1
applied in the study of different porous electrode materials, as is the case
element represents the resistance of the electrolyte within the pore, while
of the conducting polymers, dye-sensitized solar cells, etc. [356,357]. In
the χ2 element represents the impedance of the electrode material. The
addition, it is possible to obtain several limiting cases of practical interest
element ζ represents the interfacial impedance of the pore in the presence
from the generic model, such as impedance models for EDLCs and PCs.
or absence of the Faradaic processes. Therefore, the element ζ can be
For example, considering χ2 ¼ 0 (equipotential electrode), we obtain a
described simply by a capacitor (C) in the case of blocked electrodes (e.g.,
single-channel transmission line representing the behavior of porous
ideally polarizable electrodes) or by a capacitor in parallel with a resistor
electrode materials exhibiting a very high conductivity. In addition,
(R/C) when the interface is unblocked for the charge-transfer process.
considering the electrode blocked for the charge-transfer (r3 → ∞), and
The physical origin of the element ζ will depend on the domain of the
neglecting the effects of the anomalous transport (q1 ¼ q2 ¼ 0), we obtain
applied d.c. potential and the intrinsic nature of the electrode material. It
the simplified (canonic) model proposed by De Levie for blocked elec-
is assumed that the elements χ1, χ2, and ζ are independent of the position
trodes (see the previous discussion).
(x) inside the pores (e.g., homogeneously distributed). In practice, the
A further important application of the EIS technique in the study of
elements χ and ζ are commonly described by an R/Q circuit, where Q ¼
supercapacitors is based on the concept of the complex impedance analysis
(e.g., C/vs. C//) [65,358–360]. In this case, from the complex capacitance,
we can evaluate the magnitude and frequency range of the reactive
capacitance that causes energy dissipation in the system. In this
approach, the real and imaginary parts of the complex capacitance can be
obtained from the impedance data and calculated using the following

CðωÞ ¼ C = ðωÞ  jC== ðωÞ; (33)


Z == ðωÞ
C = ðωÞ ¼ (34)

Z = ðωÞ
C == ðωÞ ¼ (35)
The imaginary part of the capacitance (C//(ω)) corresponds to the
irreversible dissipation of energy in the supercapacitor and represents the
relaxation process during the accommodation of the ions at the elec-
Fig. 22. The cylindrical pore model and the generic two-channel transmission trode/electrolyte interface [71]. The relaxation time-constant (τR) of the
line incorporating the influence of the anomalous diffusion proposed by Bis- supercapacitor is determined from the peak frequency called the
quert. Adapted from Ref. [336].

L.M. Da Silva et al. Energy Storage Materials xxx (xxxx) xxx

relaxation frequency (τR ¼ 1/2πfR) and used to obtain information con- uncompensated ohmic resistance (RΩ) (or the ESR in the case of sym-
cerned with the ionic transport through the microstructure of the porous metric coin cells) connected in series with the electrical double-layer
electrodes [358,359]. More specifically, the relaxation time is the mini- capacitance (Cdl), i.e., the so-called RC-model. This simplified theoret-
mum time required to discharge all of the energy stored in the super- ical model in the linearized form is described by eq. (36) [2,127]:
capacitor with more than 50% efficiency [70].  
Fig. 23(a) shows the real part of capacitance (C/) change vs. fre- δE t
lnðiÞ ¼ ln  (36)
quency, according to eq. (34), previously reported by Taberna et al. RΩ RΩ Cedl
[358]. As can be seen, when the frequency decreases, C/sharply increases It is recommended the application of different single potential steps
and it is less frequency dependent. This important feature is character- (e.g., δE ¼ 5–100 mV) located in the capacitive potential range to verify
istic of the porous electrode structure and the electrode/electrolyte the behavior of the capacitance as a function of the applied potential
interface. Fig. 23(b) shows the evolution of C//vs. frequency (see eq. [127]. In all cases, before application of the potential step, the electrode
(35)). As verified, the imaginary part of the capacitance passes through a must be preconditioned at the some desired potential in the double-layer
maximum at a frequency f0, thus defining a time constant as τ0 ¼ 1/f0 ¼ region for 300 s to obtain a negligible background current at t ¼ 0.
10 s. It is worth mentioning that the normalized active power represents Fig. 24 shows the linear plots (r2  0.998) obtained according to eq.
the power dissipated in the supercapacitor, i.e., all the power gets (36) as a function of the potential step (δE) for mixed metal oxide elec-
dissipated at higher frequencies since the change from capacitive to trodes containing Sn, Ru, and Ir.
resistive behavior occurs as the frequency is increased. Also, the Fig. 25 shows the electrical double-layer capacitance (Cedl) deter-
normalized reactive power increases with a decrease in frequency since mined using eq. (36) for different TMOs as a function of the potential step
the reactive power is due to pure capacitance, which dominates at lower (δE) [124]. As can be seen, the SSC technique can permit the discrimi-
frequencies [70]. nation of the electrostatic contribution to the overall capacitance in the
case of PCs, which, in principle, is hardly achievable using other elec-
2.3. Single potential step chronoamperometry (SSC) technique: the trochemical techniques. In this sense, Teles et al. [127] verified that the
pseudocapacitance and the presence of anomalous diffusion EDL capacitance contributes about 15–30% to the overall capacitance in
the case of different TMOs.
For short times (e.g., t < 50 ms) after application of a single potential As can be seen, there was a constant increase in the electrical double-
step (δE) using a conventional three-electrode cell containing a pseudo- layer capacitance of ~5 F g1 for the different TMOs when δE increased
capacitor material as the working electrode, for example, the electrical from 5 to 100 mV. In this sense, the linear behavior verified in Fig. 25
double-layer charging process involving the accumulation of ions at the indicates that Cedl cannot be represented by the ideal parallel-plate model
electrode/solution interface completely dominates the current response of Helmholtz-Perrin [127,189] since the capacitance is
[261], i.e., the influence of pseudocapacitance (Faradaic process) on potential-dependent. According to the modern theories of the electrical
current response occur only at long times since the SSRR present in PCs double-layer [139,189], in concentrated electrolytes, the capacitance of
involve the mass-transport of ionic species. It is commonly assumed that the electrode/solution interface is governed by the hydrated ions and
the electrode/solution interface can be represented by the water dipoles present in the compact region called the Helmholtz layer.
Therefore, the behavior verified in Fig. 25 indicates that the orientation
and distribution of water dipoles change as a function of the polarization,
thus altering the value of the local relative permittivity (εr) in the
compact region of the electrical double-layer [189].
It is worth mentioning that for long times, the pseudocapacitive
processes (see eq. (17)) govern the electrochemical response [361]. As a
result, the transient current incorporating the Faradaic current did not
follow the pure electrostatic model represented by eq. (36). In principle,
for long times (e.g., 0.1 s < t < 3 s) after application of a single potential
step, the presence of a reversible redox reaction under diffusion control

Fig. 23. Evolution of the (a) real part and (b) imaginary capacitance vs. fre- Fig. 24. Chronoamperometric data obtained for different single potential steps
quency for 4 cm2 cells assembled with two electrodes containing 15 mg cm2 of (δE ¼ 5–100 mV). Conditions were the following: 1.0 M H2SO4 and T ¼ 24  C.
PICACTIF SC activated carbon in AN with 1.5 M NET4BF4. Reprinted with The electrode was Ti/[Sn0.5Ru0.9Ir0.1]O2. Reprinted with permission
permission from Ref. [358]. from Ref. [127].

L.M. Da Silva et al. Energy Storage Materials xxx (xxxx) xxx

where z is the number of electrons, A is the electrode area, F is Faraday’s

constant, D and Δ[Hþ] are the diffusion coefficient of the Hþ ions and the
concentration change generated by the interfacial potential step,
respectively, and t is the time referring to the transient current. There-
fore, one has that i ¼ k⋅t1/2, where k is a constant depending on the
effective value of the diffusion coefficient (DH) [127].
It must be highlighted that the electrodes must be preconditioned for
300 s at the fixed (rest) potential in the double-layer region [1–382] (or
voltage in the case of symmetric coin cells) until a negligible background
current is obtained in order to get a quasi-equilibrium potential for the
Faradaic process at t ¼ 0 [127]. In addition, the verification that the
transient currents are independent on the stirring of the solution present
in the three-electrode cell indicates that the diffusion of ions during the
SSRR (see eq. (17)) proceeds into the hydrated oxide sub-layers (e.g.,
gel-layers) [127,362,363].
To confirm the validity of eq. (37) for studying the origin of the
pseudocapacitance, the plot (i vs. t1/2) should be linear and should pass
through the origin. More general, in order to discriminate the true nature
Fig. 25. Dependence of the electrical double-layer capacitance (Cedl) obtained of the transient currents obtained for long times, different graphical tests
for TMO electrodes as a function of the potential step (δE). Conditions were the must be accomplished [127]. In this sense, Fig. 26 shows the different
following: 1.0 M H2SO4 and T ¼ 24  C. Nominal electrode composition: Ti/ plots obtained for TMOs of nominal composition Ti/[Sn0.5Ru(0.5x)Ir(x)]
[Sn0.5Ru(0.5x)Ir(x)]O2. Adapted from Ref. [127]. O2 using the single potential step chronoamperometry technique [127].
As can be seen, for long times, the current transients are not governed
can be identified using the well-known Cottrell’s equation [127,361, by a pure capacitive process (see Fig. 26(B)–eq. (36)). In addition, normal
362]: Cottrell behavior was not verified (see Fig. 26(C)–eq. (37)). Therefore,
pffiffiffiffi these findings indicate the presence of the anomalous diffusion commonly
zFA DΔ½Hþ verified for porous electrodes [364]. In this sense, the generalized Cot-
iðtÞ ¼ pffiffiffipffi ; (37)
π t trell equation is given by eq. (38) [365]:

Fig. 26. Different plots obtained for TMO electrodes (Ti/[Sn0.5Ru(0.5x)Ir(x)]O2) using the single potential step chronoamperometry technique. (A) Transient currents
(raw data); (B) graphical test based on the capacitive model represented by eq. (36); (C) graphical test based on eq. (37) to verify the Cottrellian diffusion, and (D)
graphical test to verify the presence of anomalous diffusion based on eq. (38). Conditions were the following: 0.1 s  t  3 s, δE ¼ 100 mV, 1.0 M H2SO4, and T ¼ 24

C. Adapted from Ref. [127].

L.M. Da Silva et al. Energy Storage Materials xxx (xxxx) xxx

  of the AC particles [52,128,246,367].

zFAd K 2d Dð3d Þ=2 CB ðd* 1Þ=2
* * *

iðtÞ ¼ t ; (38) The different factors mentioned above can result in distortions of the
Γ½ð3  d Þ=2

discharge curve (e.g., V vs. t), i.e., the appearance of two distinct linear
where z is the valence of the diffusing ions, F is Faraday’s constant, d* is regions, thus restricting the use with confidence of the GCD method to
the fractal dimension, Ad* is the time-independent electrochemical sur- determine a single-valued capacitance for EDLCs, PCs, and HCs [83,86,
face area of the flat interface, K2d* is a constant used in the definition of 104,368–372]. Therefore, only an average capacitance can be evaluated
the fractional diffusivity (D(3d*)/2), CB is the bulk concentration of the in this non-ideal case.
diffusing species, and Γ[(3d*)/2] is the Gamma function. Obviously, for In the case of EDLCs, it is commonly verified the presence of a curved
a flat two-dimensional interface (e.g., d* ¼ 2 and Γ[1/2] ¼ π1/2) one has line during the discharge due to sluggish penetration of the ions from the
the Cottrell behavior (i ∝ t1/2). electrolyte in the narrower micropores exhibiting different dimensions
According to eq. (38), the ln(i) vs. ln(t) plot must be characterized by a and keeping contact with the larger mesopores acting as an electrolyte
linear region as was indeed verified in Fig. 26D, i.e., good straight lines reservoir [2,178,264]. As already mentioned, the presence of a distrib-
were obtained in all cases (r2  0.997) for long times (t > 0.6 s) [127]. uted capacitance in EDLCs caused by the porous electrode characteristics
This anomalous behavior can be understood considering the can also be confirmed by the EIS analysis when a phase angle (ϕ) of  
non-homogenous distribution of the thickness of the oxide layer due to 45 is verified at high frequencies and, therefore, the impedance data can
the presence of large cracks, which results in a rather complicated sce- only be correctly described (simulated) using a transmission line model
nario for ion transport since in the thicker regions of the oxide layer containing distributed RC (or R-CPE) elements [334–336]. Obviously, for
semi-infinite diffusion can take place (e.g., Cottrellian diffusion) while in the non-ideal EDLCs discussed above the quantitative analysis based on
the thinner regions (e.g., the bottom of cracks and/or pores) the proton the use of a derivative (e.g., dV/dt – see eq. (39)) is strongly restricted
intercalation/deintercalation processes reach an equilibrium [127,366]. and, therefore, only a rough evaluation of the coin cell capacitance is
As seen, the accurate experimental findings obtained using the SSC possible based on the measurement of the non-linear voltage decrease
technique invalidate the use of the previous methodologies based on eqs. during the discharge process [72,83,373].
(2326) to characterize these TMOs since normal (Cottrellian) diffusion Further experimental complications can appear in the case of PCs and
was strictly assumed in these models. HCs since the presence of pronounced Faradaic processes can consider-
ably affects the voltage profile during the discharge step resulting in the
appearance of a voltage plateau characteristic of battery-like processes
2.4. Galvanostatic charge-discharge experiments: the overall capacitance
[81]. Thus, it is highly recommended in these cases to consider the ex-
and deviations from the ideal case due to the presence of Faradaic reactions
istence of true capacity (C*/A h g1) using an integration method instead
of a misleading capacitance (C/F g1) determined using a derivative [22,
The specific capacitance of the symmetric and asymmetric coin cell
43,47]. Unfortunately, these precautions were not considered by several
devices is commonly evaluated using a robust electrochemical approach
authors resulting in the publication of very high (illusory) capacitances
denoted as the galvanostatic charge-discharge (GCD) method [6,7]. In
[70–82] for devices that are not true supercapacitors from the funda-
this case, a square current wave function is applied for a given time
mental viewpoint.
where the electrolyte remains stable, using a particular value in modulus
Table 1 summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of the avail-
for the anodic (þI) and cathodic (I) currents. As a result, an almost
able electrochemical methodologies for the study of porous electrodes
symmetric triangular voltage transient is verified for EDLCs as the elec-
used in supercapacitors.
trochemical response for well-behaved systems exhibiting a negligible
distributed capacitance [2].
2.5. Ragone plot: the error propagation on the specific energy and power
From the analysis of the discharge (cathodic) branch of the voltage
due to the inadequate evaluation of the specific capacitance values
transient, the specific capacitance (C(gcd)) can be determined using eq.
(39) [5–7]:
Burke and Miller [374] discussed different electrochemical-based test
I procedures for supercapacitors, and they observed that the difference in
CespðgcdÞ ¼  ; (39)
test procedures have a minor effect on capacitance, but larger effects on
m dV
dt resistance and energy density. The choice of the better stability test for
supercapacitors was also discussed by Weingarth et al. [375]. However,
where I is the negative (cathodic) current in amperes and dV/dt is the the important issue regarding the common absence of a single-valued
negative slope of the discharge curve measured in volts per second. specific capacitance for porous electrodes used in supercapacitors and its
The significant advantage inherent to the application of the GCD influence on the device performance were not properly addressed in the
method for the study of EDLCs is its similarity with one of the methods literature.
commonly adopted by manufacturers to characterize their commercial Power (P) is the amount of energy (E) stored for a given time interval.
devices. In addition, from the voltage-drop (ΔV) verified immediately Therefore, at least in principle, the Ragone plot which relates specific
after inversion of the current polarity, where the triangular voltage energy (E/Wh kg1) and specific power (P/W kg1) (for instance, see
function exhibits a discontinuity, the equivalent series resistance (ESR ¼ Fig. 3) can be constructed for the particular energy storage device using
ΔV/2I) can be determined with good precision as recently discussed by the numerical values of E and P to permit a comparison with the per-
Vicentini et al. [66]. formance exhibited by different energy-storage devices. In this sense, the
Despite the above considerations, in several cases the well-behaved so-called time constant (τ ¼ RC) of the device plays a key role on the
experimental findings expected for supercapacitors are not verified due device performance. The trade-off existing between the specific energy
to the following factors [2,81,132,178,264]: (i) the presence in the (E) and the time constant (τ ¼ RC) of the device is very important for
carbon-based materials, especially in the activated carbons (AC), of a practical applications of supercapacitors since, in general, a balance in E
distributed capacitance in the time domain due to the presence of a large is required to obtain a great reduction in the time constant and, therefore,
concentration of micropores (d < 2 nm) with different sizes in contact a large increase in power capability [128,376–378].
with the larger mesopores (2 nm  d  50 nm), and (ii) the presence in Despite these considerations, R and, mainly, C may exhibit different
the case of PCs and HCs of pronounced battery-like (Faradaic) reactions. values depending on the type of experiment performed (e.g., CV, EIS, and
The effects of a distributed capacitance can be further complicated in the GCD) [374,375]. In addition, as already discussed in this review, a
case of PCs and HCs when the electrodes present in the coin cell contains single-valued specific capacitance is unexpected due to the inherent re-
redox-active materials (e.g., TMOs and ICPs) decorating the outer regions strictions imposed by the porous nature of the electrode materials used

L.M. Da Silva et al. Energy Storage Materials xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 1 GCD experiments using eqs. (41) and (42), respectively [5–7]:
Advantages and disadvantages of the different electrochemical methodologies
applied on the study of porous electrodes. EðgcdÞ
PðgcdÞ ¼ ; (41)
Advantages Disadvantages
Cyclic voltammetry (CV)
Permits to evaluate the integral and The voltammetric profile can be
where Δt is the interval for the discharging process.
differential specific capacitances of severely affected by the ESR, leading to
EðcvÞ νEðcvÞ
porous electrodes exhibiting an almost underestimated values of the integral PðcvÞ ¼ ; (42)
rectangular profile. For perfect specific capacitance. Special Δt ΔV
rectangular profiles in absence of an ESR, integration methods considering only
the integral and differential capacitances the almost constant voltammetric where ν is the voltage scan rate [254].
are identical. For real systems, the current must be used to circumvent this In this sense, at least in principle, the use of the above equations in
differential capacitance is free from the drawback. The decrease of the addition to those used to calculate the average specific capacitance
influence of the equivalent series voltammetric charge as a function of
resistance, thus yielding meaningful the scan rate can be caused by the ESR
already discussed in this review is essential to verify an internal consis-
findings. The methodology proposed by and/or by the difficult assessment of tency of the calculated parameters using different experimental tech-
Trasatti et al. and by Da Silva et al. [266,the electrolyte species inside the niques (e.g., CV, EIS, and GCD).
267] can be further applied to determine micropores. A single-valued The comparison of the experimental findings obtained in different
the contribution of the inner and outer capacitance cannot be determined
laboratories can become highly restricted due to different causes. In
surface regions to the distributed using the CV technique when a
capacitance. distributed capacitance behavior is principle, this drawback can be circumvented by the adoption of a lab-
verified. oratory protocol aiming for the equalization of the experimental findings
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) obtained in different laboratories, i.e., the average specific capacitance
Using a pertinent model for the electrode/ The use of inadequate equivalent values verified for porous electrode materials used in supercapacitors can
solution interface, the EIS permits to circuit (EC) models can lead to
determine with great accuracy several misleading findings. The presence of a
be referred to particular values of the pertinent dynamic variable
parameters from a single experiment. phase angle close to 45 can be considering the ‘slow’ and ‘rapid’ charging-discharging conditions (CV
ESR values can be accurately measured. incorrectly identified as a Warburg (e.g., ν ¼ 1 mV s1 and ν ¼ 200 mV s1), GCD (e.g., I ¼ 1 A g1 and I ¼ 20
Transmission line models can yield impedance instead of a porous A g1), and EIS (e.g., f ¼ 10 mHz and f ¼ 1 kHz)). In this sense, we can
information about the electrolyte behavior. A single-valued capacitance
evaluate the reliable average capacitance values accounting for the
resistance inside pores and the overall cannot be determined using EIS when
(average) capacitance. The dissipation the frequency dispersion and supercapacitor device operating at rapid and slow charging-discharging
effects can be verified from the analysis distributed capacitance effects are rates. A literature survey revealed that the lack of a protocol for the
of the complex capacitance. present. The use of constant phase electrochemical characterization studies and the incorrect use of the
elements (CPEs) can obscure the classic electrochemical methods in the study of porous electrode systems
physical meaning of the capacitive and
diffusive events for systems exhibiting
can result in discrepant findings for a given class of electrode material
a strong deviation from the ideal cases. (e.g., EDLCs and PCs) [132,276,374,379–381].
Galvanostatic charge-discharge (GCD) Even so, some important issues still remains to be clarified in future
Permits a clear distinction between Significant deviations from the ideal studies. Although the Ragone plot is an important source of information
capacitance and capacity (battery-like) triangular profile make the evaluation
for designing new devices, the survey of the literature revealed that
phenomena. The experiments are of a single-valued capacitance quite
conducted under conditions similar to difficult. The presence of a plateau several articles commonly report nonrealistic device features, mostly
those used in practical applications. The implies the existence of capacity because of the confusion on how to calculate and which equations should
presence of two well-defined linear instead of capacitance, i.e., these be applied to extract meaningful findings for E and P. It this sense, it is
regions in the discharge curves can be findings cannot be used to determine a worth mentioning that for proper E and P calculations we must bear in
correlated with the different accessibility real specific capacitance.
of the inner and outer surface regions by
mind that we must consider, in addition to the average specific capaci-
the electrolyte species resulting a tances determined under rapid and slow charging-discharging conditions,
distributed capacitance. the other devices features such as weight, density, and thickness of the
Single potential step chronoamperometry (SSC) electrode material. It is worth mentioning that Gogotsi and Simon [376]
The electrical double-layer capacitance can The presence of anomalous diffusion
previously reported on this important topic discussing the use of more
be separated (decoupled) at short completely invalidates the use of the
polarization times from the overall different electrochemical methods reliable metrics for characterizing electrochemical energy storage de-
pseudocapacitance. The presence of based on the semi-infinite linear vices. In this sense, these authors suggested that more realistic values for
normal (Cottrellian) diffusion can be (normal) diffusion. The diffusion the specific energy and power may be determined using a normalization
verified at long polarization times to coefficient of the ionic species cannot factor ranging from 4 up to 12. Another example can be found in the
validate the use with the confidence of be easily determined in the presence of
the methodologies proposed by Trasatti anomalous diffusion.
Maxwell data sheet BCAP0025 P300 X11/X12 [382] where was sug-
et al. [313, 314] and by Conway et al. gested the use of the parameter Usable Specific Power obtained using a
[305]. normalization factor of ~2 for Pmax.
We have also observed in some literature reports the misuse of the
maximum power output (Pmax) equation for constructing the Ragone plot
on coin cells, i.e., only average specific capacitance values can be obtained
which can be given by the following relationship:
in practice. As a result, serious error propagation can be present in the
calculations of E and P. U 2C
In principle, the specific energy (E) referring to the CV and GCD ex- Pmax ¼ (43)
periments can be determined using eq. (40) [5–7]:
where Uc is the total voltage referring to the equivalent series resistance
CðΔVÞ2 103 (ESR).
Eðcv=gcdÞ ¼  (40)
2 3600 First, as can be seen, eq. (43) is not a function of the applied current
(GCD) or the scan rate (CV). In addition, it is only meaningful when a
where C (¼ Cesp(cv) or Cesp(gcd)) is the average specific capacitance deter- load resistance (RL) is equivalent to ESR. Thus that yields just one point in
mined for the particular ‘dynamic variable’ accounting for the charging- the Ragone plot. There are two options to overcome this drawback. One
discharging processes (see further discussion) and ΔV (¼ Vf  Vi) is the is to follow eqs. (40)–(42), which is the simplest way. However, for our
voltage range referring to CV or GCD experiments [254]. best understanding, the other option is more concise since it involves a
In addition, the specific power (P) can be determined from the CV and

L.M. Da Silva et al. Energy Storage Materials xxx (xxxx) xxx

more realistic analysis of the system performance making use of the currents as a function of the scan rate, can be only applied with confi-
pertinent equations normalized by the load resistance (RL). In this sense, dence when the SILD behavior is confirmed. Also, deviations from the
we can easily demonstrate using a circuit containing a supercapacitor as SILD behavior completely invalidate the application of the well-known
the power source and RL that PL, EL, and Emax are given by the following Randles-Sevcik equation (e.g., i ∝ ν1/2), which is formally based on the
equations: assumption of SILD to verify the presence of a Faradaic current limited by
 2 diffusion. In principle, a fractal model could also be adapted to the CV
Uc technique. Even so, the accurate discrimination between diffusional and
PL ¼ RL (44)
ESR þ RL capacitive currents for fractal exponents not very close to ½ (pure diffu-
sion) or 1 (pure capacitance-pseudocapacitance) can hardly be achieved.
RL In this sense, the SSC technique can be accurately applied to verify
EL ¼ Emax (45)
RL þ ESR normal or anomalous SILD behaviors (e.g., i ∝ tn), i.e., we can easily
verify deviations from SILD using the ln(i) vs.  n  ln(t) relationship
3 since n 6¼ ½ reveals the presence of anomalous diffusion while n ¼ ½
Emax ¼ C  U 2c ¼ EESR þ EL (46) confirm the occurrence of normal diffusion. Considering the theoretical
analysis proposed by Da Silva et al. [266,267], which is based on a simple
Combining these equations, we obtain eq. (47):
RC-model proposed for the electrode/electrolyte interface, we can verify
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi that from measurements of the differential capacitance using voltammetric
Emax PL
EL ¼ (47) currents close to the vertex potential (or voltage) the distinct values of the
2 Pmax
distributed capacitance can be determined with confidence when the
Therefore, only when PL ¼ Pmax is that the energy involved in the equivalent series resistance (ESR) is not so pronounced to affect the almost
charging process is Emax/2. Finally, the form that describes the useful rectangular CV profile.
energy as a function of the available power is given by eq. (48): As discussed, the use of the GCD method can only be used with
 rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi  confidence when the discharge curve (e.g., V vs. t) is linear over the entire
1 PL range of the discharging time. On the contrary, when two or more linear
EL ¼ Emax 1 þ 1  (48)
2 Pmax segments are verified in the GCD profile we must consider the existence
All the above ‘normalizing factors’ and equations are under investi- of a distributed capacitance in the time domain due to the presence of
gation by our research group and a detailed work addressing this electrochemically active micropores having different degrees of accessi-
controversial subject will be the theme of a forthcoming paper. bility by the ions of the electrolyte, i.e., only an average specific capaci-
tance can be evaluated in these cases since the accurate determination of
3. Conclusions and perspectives a single-valued capacitance is no longer possible. In this case, different
regression analyses of the experimental findings must be accomplished to
The great technological advances associated with the development of determine the specific capacitance values distribute at short and long
high-performance supercapacitors devices are mainly due to the develop- discharging times. Obviously, the practical significance of these
ment of several different conductive porous electrode materials. There- individual-specific capacitances will depend on the particular application
fore, it is of paramount importance the use of appropriate electrochemical of the supercapacitor, i.e., for applications involving a ‘rapid’ charge-
characterization methods and alternative models for the electrical double- discharge rate the specific capacitance determined at short times will
layer (EDL) to obtain meaningful findings for the measured electrical play the major role on the device, while in the case of applications
quantities. In this sense, the misuse of the classic electrochemical models involving a ‘slow’ charge-discharge rate the capacitance verified at long
proposed for ideal flat or spherical electrified interfaces and the appli- times will govern the device performance.
cation of inappropriate electrochemical methods can be a great source of The use of inappropriate impedance models to describe the electrode/
error during evaluation of the specific charge and capacitance of a electrolyte interface using simplified equivalent circuits (ECs), which are
supercapacitor, as well as the associated figure of merits (e.g., specific commonly proposed without a sound theoretical base, must be strongly
energy and power). Thus, the use of modern electrical double-layer avoided for studies involving porous electrodes containing electro-
models and appropriate methodologies proposed for the study of chemically accessible pores. In this sense, even the well-known Randle’s
porous electrodes are necessary to investigate the true influence of the circuit model used to determine the different impedance parameters
electrode porosity on the electrochemical response. Thus, we presented a must be restricted to well-behaved supercapacitor systems where the
comprehensive revision of the EDL models proposed for microporous presence of the anomalous diffusion and/or the capacitance dispersion is
electrode materials, as well as a critical analysis of the misuse of the practically negligible. In principle, the presence of non-ideal impedance
traditional electrochemical methods using different techniques (e.g., findings due to a distributed capacitance in the frequency domain in-
cyclic voltammetry (CV), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), hibits the determination of a single-valued capacitance referring to a single
galvanostatic charge-discharge (GCD), and single potential step chro- time constant. However, deviations from the ideal capacitive behavior due
noamperometry (SSC)). In particular, we discussed the study of porous to frequency dispersion effects can be quantified using constant phase
electrode materials that exhibit a distributed capacitance in the time (CV & elements (CPE) in substitution of the ideal (passive) capacitors. Thus, an
GCD) and/or frequency (EIS) domains. We emphasized that the appro- average capacitance can be determined for porous electrodes despite the
priate use of the CV and GCD techniques must be accompanied by existence of a distributed function for the time constants represented by a
complementary studies involving the SSC technique since the latter fractal exponent (e.g., ½ < nCPE < 1). Despite these considerations, the use
permits clear identification of the anomalous diffusion accounting for a of CPEs can considerably obscure the physical meaning of the frequency-
fractal behavior in the case of pseudocapacitors. Using this approach, the dependent parameters (e.g., the capacitance-pseudocapacitance and the
validity of the semi-infinite linear diffusion (SILD) conditions incorporated Warburg resistance due to SILD) when the nCPE-values are not very close
in the Cottrellian (e.g., Fickian) model can be verified to approve or to ½ or 1. In addition, the presence of a phase angle of 45 verified at
disapprove the experimental findings obtained using the classic CV high frequencies due to the well-known porous electrode behavior (e.g., the
technique (see eqs. (2326)). De Levie model) must be clearly distinguished from the well-known
For the study of pseudocapacitors, the phenomenological equations diffusion effects due to SILD (e.g., the Warburg impedance), which is
initially proposed by Conway et al. [305] and by Trasatti et al. [313,314] also predicted by a phase angle of 45 , but exclusively verified at low
using the CV technique to discriminate normal capacitive and diffusional frequencies. In addition, the Warburg behavior can only appear when the
interfacial concentration of the electrochemically active species is very

L.M. Da Silva et al. Energy Storage Materials xxx (xxxx) xxx

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