Grade 8 Holiday Home Work

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South Valley International School

Holiday Homework (2021

Grade: VIII

Dear Parents,

Jai Bharat!

"The holiday season is a perfect time to reflect on blessings and take out ways to make life better for those
around us". Summer Vacation is the most awaited time for parents and kids alike. However, this time it is
different due to second wave of COVID
COVID-19 as youngsters are already not going to school. Thus, our
responsibilities get double to keep our children active. We, at SVIS, understand it very well that presently
our access to resources is limited. Considering this, we have tried to keep "Summer Holid
Holidays Homework"
simple and informative but interesting as well, so that our kids love to spend their time in completing it.
The objective of holidays homework is to enable our toddlers work independently and also to improve their
academic skills.

Here are few suggestions for parents: -

· Make sure that you are spending quality time with your wards amidst in this tensed environment.
· It is very important to keep their anxiety at minimum.
· Giving them small responsibilities in household chores will aid them to be independent.
· Teach them the importance of moral values in their life.
· Motivate them to read good books.
· Keeping in view the prevailing situation indulge yourself in various indoor games with them.
We cannot overlook the fact that the Summer Holi
days are the time to relax and revive. While the entire
world is struggling hard in recovering from the pandemic COVID
19, we together will have to make it sure
that our youth is least effected from the panic around. So, make these holidays memorable for tthem by
providing a nurtured and stimulated environment at home which is full of fun, excitement, and learning.

Please note:

Ø Use resources (rough notebook, ruled/colored sheets) only which are available at home to complete all
Holidays Homework including craft work. Prepare a systematic timetable and follow it religiously from
the very first day.
Ø Allow them to complete homework on their own under your guidance.
Holidayss Homework is an interesting way to utilize our kids time in the most fruitful way. Wish you all a fun
filled, safe and healthy holidays ahead. Also, Let us not forget to express our gratitude to the brave hearts,
who have been working all over the world. Their selfless service is commendable.

Thanks & Regards

South Valley International School

Class VIII
“Together we can, together we will bring a change”.
COVID-19, We shall overcome!!

“Inspiration comes from within. One has to be POSITIVE. When you

‟re positive, good things happen”

General Instructions:

· Revise all the work done till date in all the subjects.
· Do the given activity digitally. Remember to write your Name, Class and Section.

English: -
Activity- List some new activities which you have tried during this pandemic of Corona virus. (during
lockdown) Paste or draw the pictures related to the topic.

Activity – Make a short video (not more than 30

30-60sec.) on the topic: COVID-19- We Shall
Overcome!!! The
e video should be creative with a strong message on fighting COVID
19 pandemic
bravely. (You can mention the measures to be taken to keep everyone safe)

Hindi: -
च̉ को दे खकर एक छोटÜ सी कहनी wलखो
Maths: -
1. Based on the COVID-19 global pandemic, make a Bar graph representing the number of CORONA
VIRUS patients of 5 different countries as per the data on 30 April 2021.

2. Make a Bar graph representing the recovered patients of 5 different countries in March 2021&
April 2021. (Students would make two bar graphs, one for each month.)

Science: -
Find out some information about Yogasanas that act as immunity boosters for COVID-19. Write the
names of asanas along with their pictures or drawings and mention their benefits.

Prepare a brief research report on COVID-19 virus outbreak. You may include the following points.
• Causal organism
• Origin
• Mode of Transmission
• Symptoms
• Treatment
• Preventive measures, giving DOs and DON’Ts.
•At the end, pen down a write-up on “Life after COVID-19 Era”
If possible, justify your research report with pictures/ diagrams.

Social Science: -
1. Make a list of any five countries you’ve heard about that are affected by the Corona virus. List the
three red zones, yellow zone and green zones on map of India.

2. Activity – Prepare an awareness flyer/pamphlet with attractive drawings and messages mentioning
5 ways to fight the COVID-19 pandemic.

Design a poster to increase awareness among the people on COVID-19and the precautions that should
be taken to prevent it. Also give a catchy slogan.

Computer Science: -
Activity: - Make an attractive Power Point Presentation including pictures and different animations
on the topic ‘COVID-19’usingthe information included in your above project.

(1) संtकृ त a× एनटÜnेटेट—1 से 50 तक गनती को अंको म ,'हंदÜ म ,अंnेजी म, संtकृ त म wलखे व चाटi तैयार करे ।
(2) पोटi फोwलयो-- वतiमान समtया कोरोना वायरस पर फोटो के साथ लेख डिजटल प से तैयार करे ।
(3) स जे एन
ट रचम--''पयाi
ट वरण दूषण'' के कार,हा ,नउपाय ,आ'द पर अपने वचारको सूचीब करे , कायi डिजटल पसे पूणi कर।

Holiday Portfolio Activity
Class 8
Prepare a E-dictionary using mathematical terms from your textbook.

Activity 1:
Character of different synthetic fibres from daily life Find out the characteristics of different
synthetic fibres used in daily life and categorise them according to their properties.
1. Collect atleast 10 different types of synthetic fibres used in household work in day to day life.
2. Find out their physical characteristics, and enlist them in tabular form.
3. On the basis of their properties catagorise them and try to find out the type of synthetic fibre.
4. Write their use in daily life.

Activity 2:
Harmful effect of Plastic (Hindi and science) (Do this activity in Hindi)
Slogan and poster writing on "Say no to Plastics".
Imagine you have been asked by the government to develop a campaign "Say no to Plastics and give up
plastic bags". Think about how you will convince people who have no science background about harmful
effect of plastic. You can include following points:
1. Use of plastics has increased in developing countries.
2. Non-biodegradable nature of plastics.
3. Harmful gases extracted after burning of plastics.
4. Environmental effect of plastics.
5. Pollution
Write a slogan and design a poster for your campaign.

Activity 3:
Action Story(English and Science)
Student will create an action story where examples of different types of forces must be mentioned.
They have to underline the phrases in the story where examples of forces are mentioned.

Example: In a football match, first player kicks a ball and passes on to second player. Second player
passes the ball to the goal, where the goal keeper catches it and throws to the other team. In this
story, they have to find the examples of the forces mentioned and underline it/them.
Activity 4:
Collect information about various heritage buildings that are being affected by air pollution.

Activity 5:Map Activity

Locate the major rivers in the Map of India. Identify and also locate the industrial cities situated
near them. Which of these cities are a major source of water pollution?

Social Science:- Map Work

1-On an outline map of India mark the following dams and also draw the rivers
across which they have been built-
i-Damodar Valley
ii-Bhakra Nangal

2-On an outline map of India locate the places that became part of the British
empire through the subsidiary alliance and the doctrine of lapse

3- On an outline map of India locate the places where primitive tribal

communities reside in modern day India.

4-Many parts of India face water scarcity, especially during summer. Collect
newspaper reports, pictures etc.. to prepare your own report on ‘Water scarcity
in India’ and make a collage.

5-Organise a ‘Best out of Waste’ competition in online class in which students will
be participate individually .each student to make a useful item out of old and
discarded materials.

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