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Name: Rikki Mae P.

Grade/Section/Strand: 12-STEM 2 EINSTEIN


Test I. Multiple Choice. Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.
Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. It refers to the invisible enemy that causes global health crisis at present time.
a. COVID-19 c. SARS-CoV
b. MERS-CoV d. SARS-CoV 2
2. The following are best practices to avoid COVID-19 transmission, EXCEPT:
a. Hand-washing c. Staying at home
b. Malling d. Wearing of mask
3. Which of the following government agencies head the IATF-EID?
b. DOH d. DSWD
4. It generally refers to the people who are directly involved in the COVID-19 response
a. Barbers c. Front desk officers
b. Entertainers d. Frontliners
5. The following recreational activities can be done at home during this pandemic,
a. Doing Exercise c. Urban gardening
b. Shopping Watching movies d. Watching movies

Test II. Give the meaning of the acronyms

6. COVID-19- Coronavirus Disease 2019

7. IATF-EID- Inter-Agency Task Force on Emerging Infectious Diseases
8. DOH- Department of Health
9. ECQ- Enhance Community Quarantine
10. GCQ- General Community Quarantine
11. DOLE- Department of Labor and Employment
12. DBM- Department of Budget and Management
13. DA- Department of Agriculture
14. DTI- Department of Trade and Industry
15. DFA- Department of Foreign Affairs

Facing the Giants -- I Can Do It

(Full Psychosocial Interventions)
Activity 1: KNOW ME WELL

Find the meaning of the acronyms below.

1. COVID- Corona Virus Disease

2. DOH- Department of Health
3 IATF-EID- Inter-Agency Task Force on Emerging Infectious Diseases
4 LGU- Local Government Unit
5 DOLE- Department of Labor and Employment

What Is It?

Corona Virus Disease (COVID)-19 is an invisible enemy. We do not know

where it is coming from, when it will hit, who its vector (nagdadala) is and how it will
end. Until now, a very big question of uncertainty keeps on ringing in our minds ---
“When will it end? (Kailan ba ito matatapos?’). How about you? Did you ask yourself
the same question? Yes or No, feel free to
share your thoughts in the space provided below. https://tinyurl.com/y8kx667h

Yes, every single day I always ask and wonder we’re experiencing this. Its like
you are in a war with invisible opponents. This greatly affect and test the mental
health of every person especially us students. As a student who got used to
normal life and always go out every day, face to face classes, bonding with friends
and then suddenly everything change in just one snap of virus. This give me hard
time staying at home which makes me think how will this end since there where
really lot of struggles on answering modules and dealing stuff I can’t handle alone
which makes our life more unconvinient and hard.

1. Look around you. Choose an object to represent yourself. Draw it.

2. Based on the concepts in Lesson 1, describe your drawing and make a
connection by discussing your thoughts and feelings about your experiences
during the quarantine period.
3. Use one (1) long bond paper for your drawing and explanation.
4. Picture and send your artwork through google classroom.

I represented myself as a mirror because as days go by during quarantine

I never rise above my own self image. I may outwardly look somehow good but
inside I cant have peace of mind I needed. Mirror reflects a lot as well as myself
which make me realize great things. During quarantine I discover things where
the reflection of you in the mirror cannot be limited and defined. How I see myself,
my self-steem does impact your confidence and how I led my life. Also this
reminds me that as you look in the mirror with eyes of compassion and admiration
for who God has create us uniquely and that’s how you should look to yourself.

1. Reflect on the sacrifices of the frontliners in our community.

2. Write a letter of appreciation to them for serving selflessly and risking their lives
(buwis-buhay) just to give us a better and safer life during the pandemic.

To our dearest frontliners who sacrifices their lives to our fellow

Filipinoes, thank you for being brave and saving thousands of life. You are
indeed heroes in the times of pandemic. Thank you to the Doctors and nurses
who suffered a lot but still fight even they know the risk in their health and
lives just to make sure we are safe. To all frontliners we are so greatful and
thankful because without you we cant survive this situation. Your service
made it possible for us to have easy and comportable life today. We our
sending our loves and warm hugs to all of you. You are indeed the brave and
best ones. We are appreciate your tireless efforts. Words are not enough to
thank for all of your sacrifices. Stay safe. I am rooting for all of you. May you
get what you desires in Life. God will always be with you. Thank you.

What I Have Learned


1. Describe your role as a citizen-student during this pandemic.

My role as citizen student during this pandemic is to become
awareness and cooperative member of our community. Spreading
awareness and reminding people to always follow the rules for our
safety. Also by simply wearing a mask and staying at home can be a
great help to minimize the threat of the virus and that simple efforts
can make us a good citizen

1. List down the things you can do at home as a citizen-student during this
The things that you can at home as a good citizen students during this
pandemic are:
• Always have a positive mindset in life for us to be able face our
problem wisely
• Always pray for others life specially the frontliners and be grateful for
what you have
• Educate yourself to have enough knowledge on how to handle things
in this kind of situation
• Help the parents in everything

Finding Joy in the “New Normal”
2 (Integration of Psychosocial Activities in the Lessons)

Activity 1: GUESS WHAT?

Arrange the jumbled letters until you get the right term.

Jumbled Words Answer

1. NRARIETCOE Recreation
2. EWN RNLOAM New Normal
3. TRUEQNAAIN Quarantine

The quarantine level in each area is changing every fifteen days as decided by
the government and the IATF-EID. Depending on the risk level, changing the
quarantine status (i.e. ECQ, MECQ, GCQ, MGCQ) may vary from one place to
another. This means that the way of life in a certain place must also conform to
the existing rules and regulations. Honestly, community quarantine affects us all.
We are still facing the uncertainties of tomorrow. The COVID-19 pandemic forces
the government to implement the “new normal” in order to move forward.
Programs and policies are made to help the society adapt to this. Still, we need to
practice social distancing, continue to wear masks and wash hands more often as
we continue to face this battle. How about you? Have you adjusted already to the
“new normal”? What did you do at home during quarantine period? Did you gain
weight? Did you use your free time wisely? Did you sleep well? Did you still
exercise? What recreational activities did you do? How did you feel about your so-
long-stay at home? Did you feel bored? Were you happy for not going out with
friends like what you were used to do? How about the people around you and your
family? Did you spend more time with them in doing recreational and positive
activities to relax and to have fun? Feel free to briefly share your most
unforgettable experience during the quarantine period in the space provided

During quarantine, things for me are really difficult because everything is

new. The first month of the pandemic seems fun and fine because you have
lot of free time, I whether eat, sleep or making myself busy just to avoid
boredom. Those time our financial was unstable because we don’t have
income but as the days go by we finally overcome and adjusted to this new
normal like its just a matter of time for us to finally adjust in this kind of
situation. We just cope up because everyday things are just repeating. But
also as the time pass by, I do miss my friends a lot especially the hangouts
and bonding. All I can say is those time makes me realize so many things
and enabling to focus on myself. This teaches me a lot and I think if this
situation didn’t happened, I may not become the better version of myself

Activity 2. ME AND MY FAMILY

1. Think of the recreational/positive activities you and your family did during the
quarantine period.
We do chess boards and puzzle games activities and sometimes we
sing along to avoid getting bored which is very fun and gives good
impact in my mental health
2. Describe how you and your family support and help each other to move
forward through these activities. Did you find enjoyment in what you did at
home? Write your observations below.
We make sure no one left behind and make ourselves adjust in this kind
of situations. We do enjoy it and cherish every single moment for us to
have a good memory during quarantine.

Activity 3. #COVID-FREE

1. Think of a recreational activity that you dream of doing when the pandemic
is over.
2. Draw it inside the box.
3. Write your reflection below your drawing
After this pandemic end the first thing that that came from my mind that I dream
of doing is Youth camp where the experience of faith and the love of God through
the camp, the singing and praising where even you’re tired you cant feel it
because you are full of the love and presence of the Lord is in your heart like
your spirit is renewed. I miss the feeling of having bond with your fellow youths
and enjoying the night sharing stories and listening to others testimony. Those
perfect time to have great connection with God and thanks him for giving us the
opportunity to wake up every morning and shower us blessings. The perfect time
where you will learn and realize about great things that the Lord will touch your
heart and show you how great your life will be if you accept him whole heartedly.
What I Have Learned?


1. Visit and observe your neighbourhood by the window.. Based on your

observation, write a reflection on how the people there do things that bring
significant changes and contributions in the society during this pandemic. Did
they follow the existing rules and regulations set by the local government unit
for everybody’s safety? How?
The things that I notice during pandemic in my neighborhood is that they
do participate in different programs where they give donations and
foods to our fellow kabarangays. Although I see fears and doubt in their
eyes they don’t hesitate to give what they have. Also they follow the
simple rules for their own safety.

1. During this time, list down positive activities that you can do at home. You
may consider planning for an urban garden, starting to do changes in the
arrangements of your furniture, house repainting, general cleaning, and the
like. Somehow, these are ways to see change in this trying time. These
activities will help you move forward. Invite your family in this new normal
and enjoy every minute of your recreation with them. Have fun!

During this time the positive activities that I do is Reading bible which
give me a great help specially when I have problem where it feels like
the problem your facing gives answer through reading bible. I also listen
to music whenever I have bad day to lessen and give peace in my mind.
Also I do help my parents in doing chores and bond with them to have
good relationship with them
Test I. Multiple Choice. Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.
Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
13. It refers to the invisible enemy that causes global health crisis at present time.
a. COVID-19 c. SARS-CoV
b. MERS-CoV d. SARS-CoV 2
14. The following are best practices to avoid COVID-19 transmission, EXCEPT:
a. Hand-washing c. Staying at home
b. Malling d. Wearing of mask
15. Which of the following government agencies head the IATF-EID?
b. DOH d. DSWD
16. It generally refers to the people who are directly involved in the COVID-19 response
a. Barbers c. Front desk officers
b. Entertainers d. Frontliners
17. The following recreational activities can be done at home during this pandemic,
a. Doing Exercise c. Urban gardening
b. Shopping Watching movies d. Watching movies

Test II. Give the meaning of the acronyms

18. COVID-19- Coronavirus Disease 2019

19. IATF-EID- Inter-Agency Task Force on Emerging Infectious Diseases
20. DOH- Department of Health
21. ECQ- Enhance Community Quarantine
22. GCQ- General Community Quarantine
23. DOLE- Department of Labor and Employment
24. DBM- Department of Budget and Management
16. DA- Department of Agriculture
17. DTI- Department of Trade and Industry
18. DFA- Department of Foreign Affairs

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