Psychological Test

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An Introduction

Psychometrics: An intro
Itis measurement of psychological
variables/different aspects of behaviour.

Measurement - refers to the process of

assigning numerals to attributes of
objects according to certain rules.

Psychometrics: An intro
Properties of measurement
The rules are vague and less explicit for
measuring psychological, sociological and
educational attributes

In the process of measurement, numerals

are used to represent quantities of the

Psychometrics: An intro
A brief history
Modern psychometrics dates to
Sir Francis Galton (1822-1911),
Charles Darwin’s cousin
• Interested in individual differences
and their distribution
• 1884-1890: Tested 17000 individuals
on height, weight, behavior: hand
strength, visual acuity, etc
• Demonstrated that objective tests could
provide meaningful scores
• Invented correlation
Psychometrics: An intro
James Cattell first used the term ‘mental test’ in

• His tests were in the ‘brass

instruments’ tradition of Galton

• mostly motor and acuity tests

Alfred Binet (1905) introduced the

first modern intelligence test, which
directly tested higher psychological
processes (real abilities & practical
Psychometrics: An intro
What is a psychological test?
 A test is
a series of questions on the basis of which
some information is sought.

 A psychological test is a standardized procedure to
measure quantitatively or qualitatively one or more
than one aspect of a trait by means of a sample of
verbal or nonverbal behaviour.

 A psychological test is essentially an objective and

standardized measure of sample of behaviour.
( Anastasi & Urbina; 1997)
Psychometrics: An intro
Features of a psychological test
1. Test is an organized succession of
stimuli/ items
2. Both quantitative and qualitative
measurements are possible
3. It is based upon a limited sample of
4. Tests provide scores which is interpreted
with reference to a standardized sample

Psychometrics: An intro
Two fold purpose of a psychological

1. It attempts to compare the same

individual on two or more than two
aspects of a trait

2. Two or more persons may be compared

on the same trait

Psychometrics: An intro
Characteristics of a psychological

1. Objectivity
2. Reliability
3. Validity
4. Norms
5. Practicability

Psychometrics: An intro
1. Objectivity
A test must be free from subjective element
Two aspects:-
1.Objectivity of items: Items should be phrased
in such a manner that they are interpreted
inexactly the same way by all those who take
the test
2. Objectivity of scoring: standard scoring
method so that complete uniformity can be
maintained when the test is scored by diff
experts at diff times
Psychometrics: An intro
2. Reliability
It shows the extent to which the results obtained
are consistent when the test is administered
once or more than once on the same sample
with a reasonable time gap
Two types of Consistency:-
Internal Consistency: consistency in results
obtained in a single administration of the test
Temporal Consistency: consistency in results
obtained upon testing and retesting after a time
Psychometrics: An intro
3. Validity
 It shows the extent to which the test
measures what it intends to measure
 It is the correlation of the test with some
outside independent criterion

 It depends on the PURPOSE

E.g. a ruler may be a valid measuring
device for length, but isn’t very valid for
measuring volume
 Measuring what ‘it’ is supposed to
Psychometrics: An intro
Validity and Reliability
Think in terms of ‘the purpose of tests’ and the
‘consistency’ with which the purpose is fulfilled/met

Neither Valid Reliable but not

nor Reliable Valid

Fairly Valid but Valid &

not very Reliable
4. Norms
Norms refer to the average
performance of a representative
sample on a given test

It helps in the interpretation of the

scores of the test

Psychometrics: An intro
5. Practicability

A test must be practicable from the

point of view of time taken in its
completion, length, scoring etc

A test should not be lengthy and scoring

must not be difficult

Psychometrics: An intro

Psychometrics: An intro
Classification of test
1. On the basis of the criterion of administrative
2. On the basis of the criterion of Scoring
3. On the basis of the criterion of time limit in
producing the response
4. On the basis of the criterion of the nature or
contents of items
5. On the basis of the criterion of purpose or
6. On the basis of the criterion of
Psychometrics: An intro
I) On the basis of the criterion of
administrative conditions

Two types:-
1. Individual Tests- test administered to one
person at a time. E.g. Kohs Block Design Test

2. Group Tests- Tests used with more than one

person at a time. E.g. Bell adjustment

Psychometrics: An intro
II) On the basis of the criterion of Scoring
Two types:-
1. Objective Tests
2. Subjective Tests

1. Objective Tests- test scored in such a way that no

scope for subjective judgment exists and thus it is
unambiguous . E.g. Multiple choice, True or false,
matching Test
 In such items, the problem(Stem) as well as its
answer is given along with the distractors.
 also known as New type tests or Limited answer
Psychometrics: An intro
2. Subjective Tests- Tests scored in a way in
which there exists some scope for
subjective judgment.
 Also called as Essay tests or Free answer

 E.g. What are the major goals of

Psychometrics: An intro
III)On the basis of the criterion of
time limit in producing the response
Two types:-
1. Power test
2. Speed test
1. Power Test- A Test which has generous time
limit so that most examinees are able to attempt
every item
 Items are arranged in increasing order of
E.g. Intelligence tests, aptitude tests

Psychometrics: An intro
2. Speed Test- A Test which has severe time
limits but the items are comparatively easy
so that very few examinees make errors.

 Items are of the same difficulty level

E.g. Clerical aptitude tests

 It reveals with what speed the examinees

can respond with in a given time limit

Psychometrics: An intro
IV)On the basis of the criterion of
nature or contents of items
Four types:-
1.Verbal test
2. Non verbal test
3. Performance test
4. Non language test
1. Verbal Test- A test whose items emphasize
reading, writing and oral expression as the
primary mode of communication
 paper pencil tests
eg:- Jalota group intelligence test
Psychometrics: An intro
2. Non Verbal Test- A Test whose items don’t use
language but it is used in instruction.
 Test items in the form of figures and symbols

3. Performance Test- it requires the examinees to

perform a task rather than answer some
Instruction is given orally or through gesture

Eg. Assembling a puzzle, Kohs block design and

pass along test
Psychometrics: An intro
4. Non language Test- A Test whose items don’t
depend upon any form of written, spoken or
reading communication.
 Test items in the form of figures and symbols
 Instruction is given through gesture

Eg. Tests for dumb and non communicative


Psychometrics: An intro
V) On the basis of the criterion of purpose or objective

 Intelligence tests: Assess ‘intelligence’

 Aptitude tests: Assess capability
 Achievement tests: Assess degree of accomplishment
 Creativity tests: Assess capacity for novelty
 Personality tests: Assess traits
 Interest inventories: Assess preferences for activities
 Behavioral tests: Measure behaviors and their
 Neuropsychological tests: Measure cognitive, sensory,
perceptual, or motor functions

Psychometrics: An intro
VI)On the basis of the criterion of standardization

Two types:-

1. Standardized test:- Test constructed by test

specialists which have been administered and
scored under standard and uniform testing
 It should have reliability, validity and norms

2. Teacher made test- tests constructed by teachers

for use largely with in their class room.

Psychometrics: An intro
Uses of Psychological Tests
1. To acquire knowledge about certain attributes of
an indvl/ group

2. To compare indvls/ groups

3. In the selection and classification of individuals

4. In diagnosis and planning for treatment

5. Tests enhance self understanding and personal

Psychometrics: An intro
Uses of Psychological Tests

6. In basic research to gather data

7. In evaluation of programmes
8. Prediction

Psychometrics: An intro
a. Invasion of privacy
b. It permanently categorize persons
c. It measure only limited aspects of bhvr
d. Create anxiety in the examinees
e. Penalize bright and creative examinees

Psychometrics: An intro
Thank you

Psychometrics: An intro

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