Psychological Test
Psychological Test
Psychological Test
An Introduction
Psychometrics: An intro
Itis measurement of psychological
variables/different aspects of behaviour.
Psychometrics: An intro
Properties of measurement
The rules are vague and less explicit for
measuring psychological, sociological and
educational attributes
Psychometrics: An intro
A brief history
Modern psychometrics dates to
Sir Francis Galton (1822-1911),
Charles Darwin’s cousin
• Interested in individual differences
and their distribution
• 1884-1890: Tested 17000 individuals
on height, weight, behavior: hand
strength, visual acuity, etc
• Demonstrated that objective tests could
provide meaningful scores
• Invented correlation
Psychometrics: An intro
James Cattell first used the term ‘mental test’ in
A psychological test is a standardized procedure to
measure quantitatively or qualitatively one or more
than one aspect of a trait by means of a sample of
verbal or nonverbal behaviour.
Psychometrics: An intro
Two fold purpose of a psychological
Psychometrics: An intro
Characteristics of a psychological
1. Objectivity
2. Reliability
3. Validity
4. Norms
5. Practicability
Psychometrics: An intro
1. Objectivity
A test must be free from subjective element
Two aspects:-
1.Objectivity of items: Items should be phrased
in such a manner that they are interpreted
inexactly the same way by all those who take
the test
2. Objectivity of scoring: standard scoring
method so that complete uniformity can be
maintained when the test is scored by diff
experts at diff times
Psychometrics: An intro
2. Reliability
It shows the extent to which the results obtained
are consistent when the test is administered
once or more than once on the same sample
with a reasonable time gap
Two types of Consistency:-
Internal Consistency: consistency in results
obtained in a single administration of the test
Temporal Consistency: consistency in results
obtained upon testing and retesting after a time
Psychometrics: An intro
3. Validity
It shows the extent to which the test
measures what it intends to measure
It is the correlation of the test with some
outside independent criterion
Psychometrics: An intro
5. Practicability
Psychometrics: An intro
Psychometrics: An intro
Classification of test
1. On the basis of the criterion of administrative
2. On the basis of the criterion of Scoring
3. On the basis of the criterion of time limit in
producing the response
4. On the basis of the criterion of the nature or
contents of items
5. On the basis of the criterion of purpose or
6. On the basis of the criterion of
Psychometrics: An intro
I) On the basis of the criterion of
administrative conditions
Two types:-
1. Individual Tests- test administered to one
person at a time. E.g. Kohs Block Design Test
Psychometrics: An intro
II) On the basis of the criterion of Scoring
Two types:-
1. Objective Tests
2. Subjective Tests
Psychometrics: An intro
2. Speed Test- A Test which has severe time
limits but the items are comparatively easy
so that very few examinees make errors.
Psychometrics: An intro
IV)On the basis of the criterion of
nature or contents of items
Four types:-
1.Verbal test
2. Non verbal test
3. Performance test
4. Non language test
1. Verbal Test- A test whose items emphasize
reading, writing and oral expression as the
primary mode of communication
paper pencil tests
eg:- Jalota group intelligence test
Psychometrics: An intro
2. Non Verbal Test- A Test whose items don’t use
language but it is used in instruction.
Test items in the form of figures and symbols
Psychometrics: An intro
V) On the basis of the criterion of purpose or objective
Psychometrics: An intro
VI)On the basis of the criterion of standardization
Two types:-
Psychometrics: An intro
Uses of Psychological Tests
1. To acquire knowledge about certain attributes of
an indvl/ group
Psychometrics: An intro
a. Invasion of privacy
b. It permanently categorize persons
c. It measure only limited aspects of bhvr
d. Create anxiety in the examinees
e. Penalize bright and creative examinees
Psychometrics: An intro
Thank you
Psychometrics: An intro