Group Personal Accident (GPA) & Group Term Life (GTL)
Group Personal Accident (GPA) & Group Term Life (GTL)
Group Personal Accident (GPA) & Group Term Life (GTL)
Group Personal Accident insurance provides benefit to employee against any unforeseen injuries or
accident that may result in loss of life, disability or loss of earning.
3. Does GPA coverage include outpatient medical expenses in case of injury due to accident?
Yes, up to INR 10,000 per accident, if the injury does not result in permanent disability or
hospitalization but results in at least Temporary Total Disablement and employee being totally
incapacitated to attend to work ie. arm fracture.
4. Will I be eligible for both GPA & GTL coverage in case of accidental death?
Yes, employees will be eligible for both GPA & GTL benefit in case of accidental death.
5. What is the requirement for weekly disability compensation benefit under GPA?
Employee will need to be officially on medical leave (either paid or unpaid medical leave) in order to
be eligible for claim.
Group Term Life insurance provides benefit to the employee’s designated beneficiary (ies) in the
event of death, including both natural and accidental death.
Health insurance provides financial aid against medical expenses incurred in the event of
hospitalization due to Illness / Disease or Accident.
2. What is the minimum duration of Hospitalization for availing Health Insurance benefit?
A minimum of 24 hours hospital admission is required. This requirement does not apply for Day Care
Day Care Procedure refers to the course of medical treatment or surgical procedure in specialized
Day Care Centre which enables the patient to be discharged on the same day. For complete list of
Day Care Procedure as determined by the insurer, please login to your Mediassist.
Corporate buffer is a common pool of coverage maintained at an organization level. This can be
availed in case of any medical emergency falling under listed critical illness, after exhaustion of
individual employee’s Family Floater coverage. This is extended to Employee, Spouse & Children.
Employee will be required to submit the request along with the following supporting documents to
Doctor’s certificate of medical procedures required and estimated costs. Concerned ailment must
fall within the definition of “Critical illness”. Please note that Buffer coverage cannot be used for
Maternity or Maternity related ailment.
Medical records
The insurer will verify if the request meets the policy guidelines and inform employee of status.
Corporate Buffer cannot be used for parent claims. It is only available for Spouse & Children, in the
event of critical illness.
Any ailment which is not a planned surgery and impacts the major organs of the body is known as
critical illness. Please refer to the Employee Policy > Corporate Buffer for list of critical illnesses.
Dependent children include children of 25 yrs old or below who are financially dependent on their
parents. Children who are above 25 yrs old but dependant on their parents due to physical /mental
limitations will also be covered.
10. What happens if I choose a higher room category than the room category entitlement (Single
Private AC room) during hospital admission?
Any additional costs as a result of higher room category will need to be borne by employee.
Enrolment or changes to dependant enrolment in the middle of policy year is not allowed except for
new dependant due to change in marital status, newborn baby or new hires.
Co-pay is out-of-pocket expenses to be borne by employee for each claim. The plan requires 10%
co-pay of the claim amount approved by the Insurer for each claim.
For example, if the total hospitalization bill is INR 70,000 and the amount payable by the Insurer is
INR 68,500 (INR 1,500 deducted towards non-medical expenses), the amount payable by employee
is INR 6,850 (10% of INR 68,500) + Non-medical expenses of INR 1,500 = INR 8,350.
14. Is there any restriction on number of delivery for availing Maternity benefit?
There is no restriction on number of delivery for availing maternity benefit. Max benefit per delivery is
INR 50,000.
Expenses related to voluntary termination of pregnancy (abortion) are not covered, unless advised
by a doctor due to health reasons.
Dental expenses are covered if arising out of accidental causes only, and subject to hospitalization.
Within two weeks of your joining you will receive an enrolment notification from MediAssist. If you
wish to enroll your eligible parent(s), you will need to complete the enrolment according to the
instruction & timeline provided in the email. No further enrolment is allowed once the enrolment
window closes.
Your parent coverage is voluntary and will commence from the first day of your employment,
provided the enrolment is submitted within the given timeline. The cost of coverage shall be fully
borne by employee.
The coverage amount will remain the same (INR 200,000) regardless of whether employee enrolls
one or both parents, as it is Family floater coverage.
If admission to a hospital is mainly for diagnosis or investigation of an ailment which can be carried
out as an outpatient or for a routine evaluation of the patient and the treatment involves few oral
medications only, it will not be covered under Hospitalization benefits
This year employees have an option to include In-Laws as separate cover, however combination is
not allowed under the policy (Ex. Employee cannot add one parent & one In-Law)
7. My parents are retiring. When can I enroll them under the Voluntary Parent Cover?
You can enroll your retiring parents during annual renewal in June each year.
9. Can I enroll or cancel my parent cover anytime during the policy year?
You can only enroll or cancel your parent cover during annual renewal each year. Additionally,
employee can only cancel his/her parent cover if there is no claim incurred during the policy year.
10. Will the employee get refund if one of his insured parents passes away during the current
policy period?
This is a Floater policy covering both parents; hence the unfortunate death of one parent will not
result in any refund as Floater Sum Insured is available for full use by either parent
11. What is the difference between Group Parent Cover and individual/retail parent policy?
Following are the general differences between Group Parent Cover and a normal retail/Individual
parent policy:
Health check-up Typically required for persons over 45 No health check-up is required
years of age, at own cost
Sum Insured Limited Sum Insured particularly for Sum insured is according to the
senior citizens (age over 60 years) group Healthcare plan
12. What happens if I choose a higher room category than the room category entitlement (Single
Private AC room) during hospital admission?
Any additional costs as a result of higher room category will need to be borne by employee
Premium deducted will be eligible for tax exemption, subject to India tax guidelines. The premium
amount will be incorporated in Form 16 by Honeywell Payroll, you are not required to submit any
additional documentation for availing tax exemption.
The recovery will be done in multiple equal installments from date of enrollment.
15. Will there be premium refund if I resign from Honeywell in the middle of policy year?
Yes, the prorated premium amount will be refunded provided there are no claims. There will be no
premium refund if you have incurred parent claim.
Your Parent Cover will cease effective the termination date. However employee can opt to convert
the Parent Cover into a retail policy (portability benefit) with the same insurer, subject to the
applicable terms, conditions, and rates from insurer as well as IRDA (Insurance Regulatory and
Development Authority).
17. What are the terms and conditions for converting my Parent Cover into a retail policy
(portability benefit) in the event that I resign from Honeywell?
In order to continue with the healthcare policy after leaving Honeywell India, you need to port the policy
at retail premium rates.
Employee or his insured family members can migrate from the Group Corporate Policy to an
Individual/Family Health Policy with the same Insurer on similar terms and Sum Insured as available.
Please note that the existing Insurance policy with Honeywell will be terminated effective your Last
Working Day.
Please download the portability kit from HR Online under the How do I section
Group Health Insurance – Medical Card, Cashless Facility & Claim Reimbursement
Medical card will be issued within 3 weeks from your hire date or the date your dependant details are
updated into MyEmployeeFile. The electronic medical card will be available for download on the
MediAssist website.
The same applies for parent medical card, which will be issued within 3 weeks upon your parent
enrolment in MediAssist website.
Your medical card, including dependant cards, will be valid up to the end of policy year.New medical
card will be issued in each year.
For planned admission, you will need to submit Pre-Authorization request to MediAssist at least 3
working days prior to admission.
There is no limit to the number of times you can avail the cashless facility, subject to the Family
Floater coverage of INR.250,000 per year.
5. Where can I find the list of network hospitals with cashless facility?
All claims, including the supporting documents required, will need to be submitted to MediAssist
within 20 days from date of discharge or treatment.
7. The Policy number is required for claim submission. Where can I find this info?
You can find the Policy number indicated on your medical card.