Internship Report On Human Resource Mana

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Internship Report

Human Resource Management Practices
Of The
United Commercial Bank Limited
Internship Report


Human Resource Management Practices of

United Commercial Bank Limited

Supervised By:

Farhana Rashid

Assistant Professor

School of Business and Economics

United International University

Submitted By:

Sayma Naznin Prova

ID: 111 151 145

Major in Human Resource Management (BBA)

Date of Submission: 14th Februry2020

Letter of Transmittal

14th February 2020

Farhana Rashid

Assistant Professor

School of Business and Economics

United International University

Subject: Submission of Internship Report on Human Resource Management Practices in

United Commercial Bank Limited.

Dear Madam,

I would like to thank you for giving me your guidance and support during the period of preparing
the report. I have just completed my internship program .This report mainly focuses on human
resource management practices in United Commercial Bank limited.

I tried to relate the theories that I taught in class into the United Commercial Bank Ltd and
understand how these theories are practiced in real life situations. I would like to say that I learn
so many things while doing this report and it gives me real life experience about whole job
activities performed in a bank. At the time of doing my internship I learn how to handle
customers and provide service to them.

I believe this paper will give an actual scenario of the present Human Resource management
practice of United Commercial Bank Ltd. I also try my best to collect all the relevant information
to make the report as reliable and organized.

Cordial thanks once again for your patience and support.

Sincerely Yours,

Sayma Naznin Prova

ID: 111 151 145

Major in HRM

School of Business and Economics


First, I would like to thank almighty Allah for help me all the way to complete my Internship
report on Human Resource management practice in United Commercial Bank Ltd. However,
it would not have been possible without the kind support and help of many individuals. I
would like to give thanks all of them. I want to give special thanks to my honorable advisor
of this internship program Farhana Rashid Assistant Professor, School of Business and
United International University. During the period of my internship work her guidance help
me and encourage me a lot. Without her support and advice I would probably fail to
complete the work.

My cordial thanks go to Altaf Ali Khan, Vice President & Head of Branch, United
Commercial Bank Ltd, Kamrangirchar Branch, for supporting me and providing me
information about the bank. Without his generous help and guidance it would be impossible
for me to accomplish this task. It was a great experience to prepare the internship report on
Human Resource management practice in United Commercial Bank Ltd.

I am very much grateful to all officer of United Commercial Bank Kamrangirchar Branch for
their support and proper guidance in completing my internship report. I am also grateful to
Zhangir Kabir, operation manager of United Commercial Bank Ltd, Kamrangirchar
Branch, for his guidance. Without his guidance it was impossible for me to complete my
report properly. It is a great pleasure to me that I have got a chance to thank a large number
of individuals for their help and encouragement to make the internship successful.

Finally, I would like to give a special thanks to the United International University authority
for making this program available for us and putting this kind of content which will help us
to fight the real world. From this internship program I have gathered practical experience
which will help me in future to buildup my career. I tried my best to prepare this report
accurately. My appreciation is extended to my friends and family, especially my mother who
helped me always.
Chapter Contents Page
1.1. Origin of the report 1
1.2. Statement of the problems 1
1.3. Objective of the report 1
1.4. Scope of the study 1
Chapter-1 1.5. Limitation of the study 1
(Introduction of the 1.6. Methodology 2
report) 1.6.1. Data collection 2
1.6.2. Sample design 3

2.1 General description of the UCBL 4-6

2.2 Mission of the UCBL 7

2.3 Vision of the UCBL 7
Chapter-2 2.4 Objective of the UCBL 7
Overview) 2.5 Corporate Culture of UCBL 7
2.6 Banking activities of UCBL 8
2.7. Organizational Hierarchy of UCBL 8-10
2.8 Product and services of UCBL 11-13
2.8.1 Imperial banking service 13-14
2.8.2 Departmental activities of UCBL 14-16
2.8.3 Rewards & Achievements 17-18
2.8.4 Career at UCBL 18
2.8.5 challenges in UCBL 19

3.1 Introduction of Human Resource Management 20

3.1.2 Objective of HRM 20-22

3.1.3 Principal of Human Resource Management 22-23

3.2 Human Resource practice in UCBL. 23-24

3.2.1 Human Resource Planning 24-25

Chapter-3 3.2.2 Recruitment and selection process 25-27

(Overview of HR
3.2.3 Training and development 27-32
3.2.4 Compensation policy 33-35

3.2.5 Bonus and Benefits 35-36

3.2.6 Leave 36-37

3.3 Performance appraisal 37-38

3.4 Green HRM 39

4.1 SWOT Analysis of the UCB Bank Limited 40-41

Chapter-4 4.2 Findings 41
(Findings &
Analysis) 4.2.1 Questionnaire analysis 42-45

Recommendation 47
(Recommendation 48
& Conclusion)

Bibliography 49

Appendix 50-52
Executive Summary
The United Commercial Bank is a well known private bank and it is working efficiently in the
banking Industry of Bangladesh. This report is prepared on the basis of my internship experience
in United Commercial Bank Ltd. I have completed my internship in Kamrangirchar branch of
UCBL. United Commercial bank provides so many benefits for the customer and their
employees. I have leaned so many things from this internship program. The major purpose of
this internship report is to provide helpful information about human resource management of
United Commercial Bank Limited. One of the first generation commercial banks in Bangladesh
is United Commercial Bank which provides expert banking services. It contributes to the social
and economical development of the country. It has almost 187 branches in different districts.

This report has been divided into five different chapters and each chapter contains necessary
information about the report. The first chapter provide introduction of the report and also
includes importance of the banking, origin of the banking, and limitation of the study.

The second chapter is all about United Commercial Bank Limited. In this part I focus on the
company overview. They have some mission and vision for their organization. They maintain
corporate culture in their every branch. UCBL has organizational hierarchy and all the senior and
junior officers follow all of the rules, system in the bank. Their product and services also explain
in this chapter.

The next and most important part of this report is chapter three. I explain overview of HRM
practices in the UCBL. I provide information about compensation policy, training and
development, leave, promotion, also performance appraisal of United Commercial Bank Ltd.
They maintain all of this from their human resource department. Their human resource
department takes decision at the time of recruitment and selection process. They care about
employee and customer. It was great experience for me to know all of this HRM policy.

In later part, I have surveyed on the employees of UCBL. The report carries out SWOT analysis
that analyzing strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats to the organization and figure out
some important factors regarding HRM practice in United Commercial Bank Ltd. I try to share
my 3 month experience in this report.

At the very last part I provide some recommendation and this end with conclusion.

Introduction of the report

1.1 Origin of the report

Mainly this report is prepared on the basis of three month internship program in United
Commercial Bank Limited. From this report it will be easy to gather knowledge about human
resource planning, training and selection process, compensation system. The report is all about
how they use their human resource practices for the growth of their bank. For that reason it will
be easy for the people to understand about the company. My supervisor Farhana Rashid madam
has assigned me the report at October 9, 2019. During my internship program I got the chance
of doing work in different areas of United Commercial bank. I try my best to collect and gather
all the necessary data which will provide proper idea about my internship program.

1.2 Statement of the problems

While working on the HR practices of UCBL many HR policies have been looked away by the
respective branch. So it create incomplete scenario of the United Commercial Bank HR system.
Above all of this main concentration were Human resource practices of UCBL.

So I try to explain their employee HR practices in the branch. How they maintain their HR
policies. How they provide best customer service for their customer. I also try to explain how
they motivate their employee and manage their overall HR practices in the bank.

1.3 Objective of the report

The main objective of this report is to experience about overall HRM practices of the UCBL and
also know about overall banking system of the UCBL.

Broad objective

The main purpose of this internship program is to know about the working environment in a
company and know about their HR practices. It is important to know about internal and external
situation of the corporate world.

Specific objective

The main specific objective of this report is to relate the theoretical knowledge with the real life
situation and apply all experience of BBA program. Other important objectives are to know the
overall training and selection process, compensation system, performance appraisal and
recruitment policy. I also try to find out UCBL strength and weakness.

1.4 Scope of the study

We know that how much human resource practices play a major role in an organization. In a
developing organization human resource practices save the money and keep organization up-to-
date. Also it does maintain employee and customer satisfaction. Every organization faces so
many difficulties. So human resource practices save organization money and prepare the

organization for the future. Through this report we can learn about so many challenges. This
report will give clear explanations about how they manage and provide customer service. Do
they maintain HR policies properly? What types of benefits they offer to their customer and
employee. Do they give proper training to their employee? So they have to face all of these
questions? From my three month internship program I learn their HR practices and banking

1.5 Limitation of the study

I try to gather all the necessary data. It was difficult to collect all the information because without
being attached to the HR department. All the staff remains busy all the time but they helped me a
lot to collect and know about necessary data for the report. So the source of the information
collected from the different staff of the UCBL. Some of the limitations are given below:-

 Every organization has some rules, so they cannot give all the information because of
they did not disclose their policies with others. The main reason is it will hamper their
 UCBL Kamrangirchar branch is very much busy branch. They tried their best to provide
me necessary data for the report but employee is very much busy so it’s hard for me to
get all the information.
 Lack of actual knowledge of future human resource practices.
 Being an intern it was difficult to know about all the HRM practices of the bank. So
learning all the general banking system for only three months program it creates
 UCBL does not have all the HR related practices in their website

1.6 Methodology

In this report I have collected both primary and secondary data. All the information has been
collected from observation; also I collected data from formal and oral discussion. I have done my
intern at United Commercial Bank, Kamrangirchar branch. In this branch they have total 15
employees. Most of the employee helped me a lot during my internship period.

1.6.1 Data collection

Two types of data I have collected for this report those are given below:-

Primary Data

All the primary data had been collected from various sources.

 Individual discussion with the employees of UCBL.

 Formal and informal interview.
 Questionnaires- I give 20 questions about compensation and HR related.
 Personal interview and collected information from the customer.

Secondary Data

 Annual reports.
 From the internet and journals, books etc.
 Official website of the UCBL.
 From the different files of UCBL.

1.6.2 Sample design

 Population – United Commercial Bank Limited employees have been considered as the
 Sampling Unit- all the employees who is working in UCBL.
 Sample size- In the UCBL, Kamrangirchar Branch has 15 employees.
 Sample design- all the sampling is necessary for this report.


Overview of the United Commercial

Bank Ltd.

2.1 General description of the United Commercial Bank Ltd (UCBL)

We know that bank is a financial institution which deals with loan services, deposits, remittance,
currency exchange, wealth management and also provide many financial services. All the bank
regulated by central bank of country. United Commercial Bank Ltd is one of the largest private
bank in Bangladesh. UCBL started its journey in mid 1983. All the rules and regulation
determined by Bangladesh bank. They started their banking with the purpose of developing the
economic and social condition of the country. United Commercial Bank listed in Dhaka stock
exchange and Chattagram stock exchange. UCBL is a public limited company and started under
the company act1994. Current United Commercial Bank has 193 branches and it has also 521
ATM all over the Bangladesh. The chairman of UCBL is Mrs. Rukhmila Zaman. The bank
provide many services like loans, SME banking, Retail banking, corporate banking, Imperial

Offs-shore banking, credit card, online banking, and money transfer services etc. UCBL always
has great impact on the economy of our country. It helps to grow the economy of Bangladesh.
With a firm commitment to promote SME sector, the Bank is also assessing and monitoring
business loans, managing business financing risks, pricing products and working for further
development of SME. Its Corporate banking service consists of simple business of issuing loans
to more complex matters, such as helping minimize taxes paid by overseas subsidiaries,
managing changes in foreign exchange rates or working out the details of financing packages
necessary for the construction of a new office, plant or other facility. Its area of expertise is in-
depth knowledge in financial analysis with analytical capability of financing large project

including RMG and infrastructure development projects. It’s a first generation commercial
private bank in a banking sector. UCBL also includes account opening, closing, checking
balance; debit card, personal loans etc. UCBL give the best value to their customers. They think
about entrepreneurs also. They give SME banking system to their customers. They have both
incoming and outgoing remittance system in the bank. Their most popular is retail banking and
they provide all the services from the local branches. UCBL uses all the software for their
banking services. United commercial bank gives the first priority to their customer need and
wants. They have the best employees for maintain all the banking services. I worked in their
Kamrangirchar branch. In UCBL, Kamrangirchar branch has 2 sections, one is general banking
section and another one is credit section. In these 3 months I worked in general banking section
side. UCBL gave me the all the opportunity for knowing more about the company. They gave me
the opportunity to know about loan department also LC department. All the time they share with
me the knowledge and information about their human resource department.

Corporate information

Name of the company United Commercial Bank Limited

Legal form It is a public limited company incorporated in

Bangladesh on 26th June 1983 under the
companies act 1994 and listed in Dhaka stock
Exchange limited and Chittagong stock
exchange limited
Head office Bulus Center, plot- CWS-(A)-1, road no-34,
Gulshan avenue, Dhaka-1212.
No. of ATM booth 521+

Branches 195+

Agent banking 97+

UCB express outlet 18+

customers 11 Lac+

No of employees 4,988 (as on 31.12.2019)

Off-shore banking unit 1
No. of SME centers 2

2.2 Mission of the UCBL
To provide everyone best bank service and financial service. This will provide the best customer service
and also increase the economic welfare of Bangladesh.

2.3 Vision of the UCBL

To be the bank of first choice that will provide economic growth. The bank aim is to play a major role in
all the economic activities, commerce and industry by investing in network expansion and new
technology adaption to have competitive advantage.

2.4 Objective of the UCBL

 To contribute in the economy in Bangladesh and maintaining customer value.
 To provide the customer financial solution and they want to give the customer fast service
 To create their own image in the banking industry of country and maintain the good
relationship with shareholders, customers.
 In this new era they want to provide the best innovative service with the new and innovative
 By using different kind of network, software they are involving in the development of industry,
business, commerce.
 To ensure the best service they use flex cube software and Sylvia software for the HRMD.

2.5 Corporate Culture of UCBL

The United Commercial Bank full motto is (United we grow).

They want to ensure the happy banking system in the banking industry. It established itself one
of the first generation bank in the banking industry. In the private sector banking they provide
the best service with their innovative practice, dynamic approaches and efficient team
management. They maintain corporate social responsibility. As a responsible corporate body
UCBL adopted CSR practices in a formal , structured manner in line with their organization
vision to help the disadvantaged population of the country by taking social initiative. UCBL
maintain corporate environment. All the officers and the staffs wear formal dress in the office.
The bank which is maintaining corporate culture can create good relationship and customer
loyalty with their customer. Corporate culture is important for maintaining good relationship
with the stakeholders. UCBL give the higher priority to their employees so that employee and
top level can achieve their corporate goal together. It also encourages employees to work hard
and give the best for the organization. It helps to develop organizational strategies, values, ethics,
goals, investors and greater community.

2.6 Banking activities of UCBL

Strategies of UCBL- UCBL main slogan is united we achieve because they think if they work
together, they can achieve together. They have the best team to make the resource available for
the better performance. United Commercial bank has own strategic goal. They think about
shareholders, so that they can increase the value of shareholders. UCBL follow the strategic plan
to achieve strategic goal.

Corporate philosophy-

For the customers:-

 To provide the innovative and efficient service for the development of banking areas.
 To delivered fast service for the customer and provide update information for the better
performance of the organization.

For the employees:-

 By buildup good staff morale through proper employee training and development and
create the opportunity for career development.
 Provide the employee good environment and others benefits.

For the shareholders:-

 By giving shareholders benefits, profits and fair return on their investment.

Core values of UCBL-

 Put their customer first
 Maintain quality
 Maintain professional ethics

2.7. Organizational Hierarchy of UCBL

 Board of directors: - The Chairman of United commercial bank is Mrs Rukhmila
Zaman. She is a young woman entrepreneur of the country. She is also involved in
different social activities. She encourages young women in the main stream of economy.
UCBL all the board of director is highly qualified. Board of directors well designed
because they want to achieve the ultimate goal. They are also very renowned

 Management:- UCBL has young and dedicated managers who has experienced in
banking sector. So UCBL has skilled management and they work efficiently for the
success of the organization. Their management thinks about how to increase the asset of
shareholders and they think about how to give the best services for their customers.
UCBL recruits experienced people in their bank and arrange training for every employee
for the better performance. United Commercial Bank organizational hierarchy is given


Additional Managing director

Managing Director

Deputy Managing Director

SR. Executive Vice President

Executive Vice President

Senior Vice President

First Vice President

Vice President

First Assistant Vice President

Assistant Vice President

Senior Executive Officer

Executive Officer

Junior Officer

2.8 Product and services of UCBL
The bank offers all of this product and services. UCBL product and services are given below:-

Deposit account
 Saving deposit
 Fixed deposit
 UCB women savings account
 UCB youngsters savings
 Special note deposit
 Short term deposit
 Foreign currency deposit
 RFCD ( Resident foreign currency deposit)
 NFCD (Non-resident foreign currency deposit account)
 Dynamic benefits savings
 UCB NRB savings
 UCB retail deposits

Deposit schemes
 UCB Multi Millionaire
 UCB Earning Plus
 UCB Money Maximize
 Time Deposit Scheme
 Monthly savings scheme
 Deposit insurance scheme
 Consumer credit scheme
 UCB women’s DPS plus
 Super flex DPS

Investment schemes
 Import finance
 Working capital finance
 Trade finance
 Industrial finance
 Export finance
 Under writing and bridge finance

Card service
 UCBL debit card
 UCBL credit card
 UCB master card
 UCBL VISA classic blue- local/dual/international
 VISA Gold-dual/international
 VISA classic black-local/dual
 VISA classic pink-local/ dual
 Supple card-local gold/dual/international/classic
 Supple card –dual/international gold

Computer service
 SMS banking service
 Online banking service
 Any branch banking service
 Signature verification

UCB SME product details/loan products

 Continuous loan
 Demand loan
 Term loan
 Short-term agricultural and micro credit
 SME non-funded loan products
 SME deposit products

Digital services

 Ucash
 Upay
 Cards
 Unet
 Agent banking

Other service

 Travelers cheques
 Lockers service
 Inward and outward remittance
 SMS banking

2.8.1 UCB Imperial banking service

At UCB Imperial they value their relationship with the customers. They give customer
impeccable services, status recognitions, and privileged accesses. They provide true imperial
service. UCB Imperial is the preferred way of banking and reserved for the privileged few. It is
about identifying needs and making customer’s wealth come alive through Returns, Rewards and
Relationships. UCBL offer highly tailored banking experience that is distinguished by their
assurance to assist customers makes the most of their wealth. To meet customers’ specific needs
they design products that offer banking, borrowing, protection and investment, exclusive new
products along with a high level of service by professional relationship managers. All the
dedicated, skilled and trained managers work together for the imperial customers of UCBL.
When person is a imperial customer foreign exchange, insurance, lending is always ready for
their service.

Imperial customers

Convenient threshold requirements for enrolling as a priority customer (minimum balance

requirement for being an Imperial banking customer. Imperial savings a/c monthly avg. balance.
BDT 25 lacs or 40 lacs in FDR along with 10 lacs in imperial savings)

Special privileges/ benefits

 Dedicated relationship managers with top-tier priority banking experience.

 Access to all the state-of-the-art UCB Imperial Lounges for banking is style and comfort.
 Highly rewarding Imperial savings account with interest accrual on daily basis and
interest payment on monthly basis (one of the best savings deposit interest rates is on
 Attractive interest rate on fixed deposit products of different tenors.
 Platinum credit card (with complimentary priority pass and attractive reward points)
along with lifetime annual fee waiver.
 Up to 03 supplementary credit cards against each primary card of Imperial customer
(with annual fee waiver for lifetime for 01 supplementary card)
 Access to exclusive airport lounge along with companions for relaxing and enjoying
special food items (catering by Westin Dhaka) while waiting to catch an international
 Meet. Greet & assist service at the airport.
 Complimentary priority pass membership to access more than 600 airport lounges across
the world.
 Business meeting facilities
 Specially design Imperial branded cheque book (free issuance for life-time)
 Exclusive Imperial branded debit card with life-time annual fee waiver.
 Higher ATM cash withdrawal limit against Imperial Debit Card (up to BDT 1.50 Lac per
 Higher POS payment Limit against imperial Debit card (up to BDT 2.00 lac per day.
 80% waiver on loan processing fee.
 Free insurance of bank solvency certificate/balance confirmation certificate/account
 Online/inner-city transaction charge: waived.
 Free endorsement of foreign currency along with preferential exchange rate.
 Free internet banking SMS banking.
 Account maintenance fee/minimum balance fee: waived
 No pay order issuance charges.
 Joint names/minor/NRB CAN ALSOOPEN Imperial savings account.
 They can avail lots of exciting offers from their strategic partners across various

Features and benefits of corporate executive package:

 Quick & efficient salary processing.

 Dedicated relationship manager and team.
 Fast-track processing of all products and service requests.
 Customized offer.
 Account opening at zero balance.
 Salary accounts with zero maintenance fee.
 Lifetime free debit card.
 Special interest rate on salary accounts.
 Credit card with 1st year annual fee waived.
 Discounted interest rate on retail loans.
 50% discounts on processing fees of retail loans.
 Large network of UCB branches for all types of services.

2.8.2 Departmental activities of UCBL

United commercial bank divided into three branches:-

General credit foreign
banking management exchange

General banking

General banking department is directly connected with the customers. All the banking activities
started from here. We know that general banking known as retail banking. In retail banking
customer can use all the services from local branches of commercial banks. In general banking
section United Commercial bank offers so many services for the customer. They open account
for the customer and they also provide pay order, endorsement, checking account, issues bank
draft, inward and outward collection for customer, locker facilities and other customer services.
In the kamrangirchar branch they don’t have any locker service system. In UCBL, kamrangirchar
Branch they provide all of this general banking service those are given below:-

 Account opening section

 Cash section
 Remittance section
 Accounts section
 Clearing section
 Deposit section
 Works with account closing
 Provide account information
 Other customer services

Credit management

United Commercial Bank makes credit for their corporate customer that means RMG sector for
their business. They offer individual loan system such as home loan, utility loan, furniture loan,
auto loan and they also have SME loan for the new entrepreneurs. Whoever has small business
they can take SME loan from the bank. There are four categories of SME loan products in their
bank. They are continuous loan, demand loan, term loan, short-term agricultural and micro
credit. For the women entrepreneur UCBL loan limit is 5 crore. They also give SME installment
loan. UCBL plays important role in international trade by providing credit and facilitating

payment, against trade with other countries. In UCBL I worked two week in this department. My
work was to prepare file for the applicants with the corresponding papers (applicant’s
information, TIN, VAT certificate, credit report, company invoices, etc.) and support them to fill
up it. They taught me attached stamp in some of the papers like as Demand Promissory Note and
then gave some seals like as Signature Verifying seal. I also fill up SME (Small Midterm
Enterprise) forms. SME form is different from savings account form. They help me and give
proper instructions how to fill up some personal loan and CD accounts forms. I try to help them
to calculate some debit and credit numbers.

Credit risk

Credit risk begins when the customer not paying the credit that has been made for the borrower.
Risk start when the customers doesn’t fulfill their financial obligation and also contractual
obligation. Credit risk is the loss of revenue and loss can be arising from different circumstances.
They are given below:-

 If the consumer fail to make the payment.

 If the company don’t give the repay amounts.
 If insolvent insurance company does not pay a policy obligation.
 If an insolvent bank don’t return funds to depositors.
 If the corporate consumer not pay the trade invoice within the due time.

To cut down the credit risk, the borrower can perform a credit check. The higher the credit risk
the higher will be the interest rate. In UCBL the manage credit risk through a policies and
procedure. All the credit policies authorized by board of directors. Credit risk is the important
part of the bank because a large amount of money goes from the bank and creates bank risk.

Foreign exchange

They also provide me the experience about foreign exchange department. From this department I
learned about LC (Letter of credit). It is one kind of bank grantee that if in case employer can not
able to give the money to the exporter. In this case bank will give the money to the exporter.
Bangladesh bank give the permission to do foreign exchange trade. This means open LC, import,
export. From LC register I learn about that I need to write date, name of the LC opener with the
address, foreign currency amount, and rate of conversion, license no, items of import, country of
origin, percentage of margin, amount of margin, commission of bank, vat amount. There are
three type of LC:-

 Sight LC
 Deferred LC
 Usance LC

From the three months internship training I learned all this three department of UCBL.

2.8.3 Awards & Achievements

2.8.4 Career at UCBL
At UCB they reward employee as an individual and team performance with competitive
remuneration and incentive programs and they inspire their employee to mature and progress
with comprehensive learning.
They reassure their staff to move between different areas of the business, and they help employee
to bring together distinct skills and various expertise to discover innovative, high-performing
With UCB employee will enjoy a challenging, stimulating and highly rewarding career in a
working environment.
If you explore their website and discover more about UCBL culture and people and see this is a
place of possibilities. This is the place where you can demonstrate and promote your talents and
determine what you want from your career and be cheered to achieve it.

2.8.5 Challenges in UCBL

We know that bank is a busy place and if you don’t try to learn from yourself no one will come
to help you all the time. But they tried their best to help me and provide me necessary

When I was in general banking department and the officer did give me the account opening form
to fill up. I also learn about online banking operation from watching the procedure because
officer was busy all the time.

AT the time of clearing I have to wait when the officer became free and I could learn from them.
I learned how to verify a cheque and how to receive checques and put sill on the cheque. When I
learned about it, I started my work on it.

In bills and remittance section the officer was busy all the time but when he was free, he tried
best to help me. I learned about pay order and wrote pay order.

In the letter of credit section all the work was paper and computer based. They don’t let a intern
to do this because it is a important part of a bank but they gave me idea about letter of credit.

Loan section was the busiest section of the bank. In this section officers didn't enough free time
to teach me. They were so much busy with their work and they become free after this
section, I learned about how many type of loan they provide that means loan giving procedure
and I also learned which are corporate loan, which loan is called retail loan and SME.


Overview of HR department

3.1 Introduction of Human Resource Management

Human resource planning is the process of, planning, recruiting, selecting employees and
providing proper training and developing employee skill.

Gray Dessler: “The policies and practices one needs to carry out the people or human resource
aspects of a management position, including recruiting, screening, training, rewarding, and

M. J. Jucious: “The field of HRM involves planning, organization, directing and controlling
functions of procuring, developing, maintaining and utilizing a labor force.”

In an organization human resource plays a big role because it helps employee to gain knowledge
and provide employee training, developing employee compensation process. Human resource
ensures commitment with the employee. Every organization human resource provide basic
information about compensation and employee.

Scope of HRM
The scope of HRM is very large and it has all the function. The different functions are given
Human Resources Planning
It provides information about current and future human resource because future human resource
is important for achieving the goal of an organization. It has link with human resource
management and organization strategic goal.

Job Analysis Design

Job analysis provides information about current employee and which employee is best for the
organization. So job analysis means collecting information about job duties, responsibilities,
necessary skills, outcome and also work environment of a job.

Recruitment and Selection

Recruitment specify to the overall practice of attracting, selecting and appointing relevant
candidates for the jobs. Employee can be permanent or temporary in an organization. It is a
process of selecting the best candidate.
Selection depends on job analysis. Selecting the best and qualified candidate for the job.also
ensure the best quality for the organization.

Orientation and Induction
Induction means introducing new employee to the organization. It also helping employee to align
with the new position, responsibilities and culture in the organization. Orientation provides the
newcomers all the information about the organization.

Training and Development

Training is necessary for the organization because it provide growth and performance for the
organization. From the training employee can ensure satisfactory performance. It prepares the
employee for the current and future situation.

Performance Appraisal
Performance appraisal measure a employee performance in the organization. If the performance
is good employee will get the benefits from the organization. If the performance is bad employee
also face the negative result.

Compensation Planning and Remuneration

Compensation provide in return of employees work in the organization. Compensation combine
payments like bonuses, profit sharing, overtime pay, recognition rewards and sales commission,

Remuneration paid to the employee when the employees work daily basis, weekly basis, or
monthly basis. Remuneration is different from the job to job.

3.1.2 Objective of HRM

HRM is the process of achieve efficiency and effectiveness. HRM is not only creating value for
the organization but it also helps employee to provide better performance for the organization.
Selecting the right man for the right place is important for the organization. Human resource
management helps to meeting the organizational goals. It ensures employee satisfaction in the
organization. It maintains the workforce in an organization. Objective of human resource
management are given below:-

societal objective

structure organizational
maintenance objective

personal functional
objective objective

3.1.3 Principal of Human Resource Management

An organization wants to succeed principal is important in an organization. Organization looking

for talents. Human resource management ensures the employee quality and growth. It has to
perform number of function effectively and efficiently. There are many principle of human
resource management. Here I explain about l some of human resource management principle:-

Deal with people as complete individual

Human resource management is all about dealing with employees and ensures them good
facilities in the organization. It covers selection, training, planning, performance appraisal,
promotion, transfer, controlling, directing etc.

Supply employee with relevant information

Human resource management supply capable employee which is match with the organization
need. Organization always searches for relevant information because if human resource ensure or
supply efficient employee for the organization in future it will increase the growth of

Treat all employees with justice

Human resource main principal is treating all the employees with justice. If you treat employee
equal and aware of employee rights, it will help to grow employee. Treating all the employees
fairly is important in an organization. Some organizations treat their employees as a machine.
Even they don’t think bout employee benefits and rights.

Provides opportunity of growth within the organization

In a organization growth is necessary without growth organization cannot grow. So organizations

should provide proper facilities to their employees because employee is main thing in an
organization. By providing opportunity organization can develop them. Keep employee happy
because growth provide employee do better in a organization.

Reward should be earned, not to be given

Reward is like a motivation. Organizations provide reward on the basis of employee

performance. Reward means money or others benefit. By giving rewards an organization can
motivate their employees. By providing promotion, bonus, accommodation, gratuity, incentives
organization can improve employee performance. Reward should be given on the basis of an
employee good performance, positivity, behavior, overall performance in the organization. If
organization provides reward without any good performance in future they will face problem.

3.2 Human Resource practice in UCBL.

In every organization human resource management play an important role. United Commercial
Bank Ltd is financial institution that provides financial services. In a organization human
resource management concerned for the employee. United Commercial Bank Ltd has placed
equal priority on all the 4 key functions of the development of HRM-acquisition, development,
retention, motivation. UCBL upgrade the quality of human resource management. UCBL main
target is developing employee skill and knowledge through training and development. They want
to provide the best services to their customer.

As well they provide training to their top management by giving them opportunity of going
abroad. A large number of officers take training at Bangladesh Bank Training Academy (BBTA)
and Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management (BIBM). Today Human Resource areas create
value in the organization and it is important for the success of any organization. United
Commercial Bank has nicely decorated computer based HRM division. UCBL implement the
HRIS software in the bank. It provides details on payroll, recruitment, training, administration.
This system provides or delivers valuable results to human resource department also
organization. UCBL Human Resource department helps to take the strategic decision. It
improves communication throughout the company and the employees. UCBL human resource
department allows the HR department to focus on projects rather than paperwork.

Human Resource Division’s:-

Human resource division of United Commercial Bank:-

 Administration
 Recruitment

 Training
 Performance appraisal
 HRIS and strategic planning
 Benefits

Development plan of UCBL for current year

 Select employee with good educational background

 Upgrade HR through training and development
 Customer service, safety, environment, skill etc.
 Progress computer skill
 Training for all the new comers
 Development of leadership
 Cross functional training and job rotation
 Development of managerial development
 Learning culture

3.2.1 Human Resource Planning

Before recruiting and selection Human Resource planning (HRP) is the first step. It is the most
valuable asset in organization. It is also important for managerial function. It is a process of
evaluation and identifying the need or availability of manpower or resources. So that
organization can meet with its goal and objective. By human resource organization ensures right
people, right place, and right time.

According to E.W. Vetter, human resource planning is “the process by which a management
determines how an organization should make from its current manpower position to its desired
manpower position.

Importance of Human Resource Planning

A few information are given below-

 It provides the company the right kind of workforce at the right frame and the right time.
 In compelling a balance between demand for supply and supply of resources, HRP
supports in the best usage of resources and also in reducing labor cost.
 It creates internal promotion by developing succession plan for its employees.
 It can evaluate organization strength and weakness and it also increase productivity.
 Carefully forecasting the future helps to supervise manpower in better way, so dangers
can be avoided.

HR planning process

Objective of Human Resource Planning

The objective of human resource planning is managing individual fields such as finance,
production, marketing and sales. It also allows the idea about the work to be done in the

Current manpower inventory

The second step is to analyze the current manpower supply in the organization and gathered
information about employees. The information is necessary to perform a particular job.
Organization can estimate their vacancy and they can hire employee from the outside also from
the inside of the organization. The HR strength of an organization includes skill, experience,
performance, numbers and compensation.

Forecasting demand and supply

When the inventory of talented manpower is maintained properly and the next step is forecasting
the demand for the future manpower. Human Resource Planning thinks about the supply and the
available resource of the organization. There are some factors those factors affect human
resource planning. So the factors are layoff, retirement, promotion etc.

Manpower gaps

Organizations can know about their manpower gaps, when the forecasting the demand and
supply. If the demand is more than the supply of human resources that means there is a deficit.

So the new employees are to be hired. In the case the demand is less than the supply, so the
surplus will arise in the human resource. The employees have to be detached either in the form of
termination, layoff, retirement, transfer etc.

Employee plan

When the manpower gaps are calculated, the employee plan is to be formulated correspondingly.
If there is any deficit, the organization may go either for, training, interdepartmental transfer,
recruitment plans. If there is a surplus, the voluntary retirement schemes, redeployment, transfer,
layoff, could be pursue.

Training and development

Training is necessary for external employees’ also internal employees. Training and development
is important for the old employee if they want to develop their skill and position in the
organization. Training and development gives the idea about the job to the new employees
before they join the organization.

Manpower planning

In this human resource planning provide manpower for the particular job. Human Resource
Planning started with the organization objective and end with the feedback of proper human
resource planning in the organization. In an organization human resource is necessary for
performing particular job.

3.2.2 Recruitment and selection process of UCBL

Human Resource Management important part is employee recruitment and selection. Placing the
right people in the right place is the most essential part of any organization. By recruitment
process organization choose best candidate for their organization. United commercial Bank
recruits and select candidate by Human Resource Management. They have a human resource
department for doing all the recruitment and selection process. Their Human Resource
department follows some rules and policies while the select the candidate.

Recruitment philosophy of United Commercial Bank

 UCBL recruit candidates when the need appear and they also hires from outside for
vacancies at all level.
 UCBL always accentuate hiring employee for the long duration. UCBL select and recruit
those employees who will help to achieve the organizational goals, also who will move
forward through the organizational hierarchy for the senior level positions.

 The treated employees as a family, so that together they can develop organizational

Types of recruitment

 Yearly recruitment process by HR department

 Demand based recruitments when there is any vacancies arise.

Employment types

 Full time employment

 HR contractual
 Internship programs

Recruitment sources

United Commercial bank recruitment source is two types. One is internal sources and another
one is external sources. They always look for the best candidate from the market that can help
the organization become more powerful.

Internal recruitment-

 Job position- UCBL Job position requires publishing job openings to all current
employees. This announcement transfer information about the nature of the position, also
the qualification requires. If any employee who is interested may did on the job.

 Employee referrals- UCBL find applicant by department, informal communication

because informal communication between managers can drive to the revelation that the
best employee already working in the different section of the bank.

 Skills inventories- UCBL HRD have all the employee information. Their skill, education,
work history and other important information stored in the UCBL data base. From this
they can select employee for particular job.

External recruitment-

 Advertisement and online source- one of the popular method is advertisement. When
an organization wants to communicate with the candidates that time the most useful way
is advertisement. Through advertisement organization can describe about job position,
requirements and other information. UCBL communicates with the people through
advertisement. They use online advertisement. The online advertisement are-
 Facebook, LinkedIn, Bdjobs.
 They also give ad in the Newspaper.

 Internship- internship gives the chance to the candidates. So it is a win-win situation.

There are also five type of recruitment

 Direct recruitment- UCBL HR department select shortlist of CV for the direct

 Promotion- UCBL provides promotion on the basis of merit and no employee shall be
promoted on the basis of their seniority.
 Lateral appointment- in the lateral appointment, the specialized and skillful candidates
are selected based on their age
 Contractual- candidates are selected based on contract

Recruitment and selection process

1. Advertisement
2. HRD, send application in head office
3. Select the application
4. Reject-because of mistake, lack of skill
5. Primary list of all application
6. make a time for written test
7. Take the written test
8. Arrange the list of oral test
9. Issue the interview card
10. Complete the oral test
11. Reject candidates for lack of general knowledge
12. Form a list of selected candidates
13. Accept the permission of authorities
14. Collect medical certificate
15. Reject because of physical problem
16. Announce the appointment letter

UCBL probationary officer job circular

Job Requirements:

Academic Qualification: candidates should have post-graduate degree with 4 years honors/
engineering in any subjects from UGC approved any reputed University with at least CGPA 3.00
out of 4.00 or First Class (equivalent result) in both graduation and post-graduation level and
minimum GPA 4.00 out of 5.00 in SSC and HSC levels or minimum 5B in O level and 2B in A

Age: Not over 30 years as on November 27, 2019

Nationality: Applicants must be Bangladeshi citizens

Selection procedure:- the selection process will be on merit basis, short listed applicants will
have to sit for competitive written test and successful candidates will be called for interview.
Salary: selected Probationary Officers shall continue on probation for a period of one year with
a stabilize salary of 41,900/- per month. On satisfactory achievement of the probationary period,
Probationary Officer will be confirmed as Senior Officer in the formal scale of the Bank of Taka
52.000/- per month with other profits.
At UCBL we reward individual and team performance with ambitious remuneration and
incentive programs and we inspire our people to mature and progress with broad learning and
expansion opportunities.

We boost our staff to move between different areas of the business and help us deliver together
distinct skills and disparate expertise to create innovative, high-performing teams.

With UCB Bank job you will relish a stimulating, challenging, and highly rewarding career in a
working environment that is fast-paced, exciting and empowering.

3.2.3 Training and development

United Commercial Bank Ltd Human Resource Department focuses on training and
development of its employees. Employees can know about their job related skill, duties and
performance from the training. Training will help to the new employees to know about all the
skills that will help to perform a job. Training is a learning experience and it will improve
individual to perform a job. UCBL also organized a month long foundation course for its
executives. UCBL has learning and development center for the purpose of training. Its HR
department arranges all the training programs for the employees. UCBL human resource
department ensures that all the employee get benefits from the training program for the customer
service. Various training program are offered to the employees according to the bank rules. They
believe if employee trained well they will provide best services. After the orientation program
UCBL furnish both probationary officer and management trainee officer with foundation course.
In foundation course they cover specific and general training of the bank. All the training arrange
by HRD. Training duration 30-45 days long. After the training program both probationary and
management trainee officer commit with their task. United Commercial Bank offer BIBM
(Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management) training to all the officers.

Types of training

United Commercial Bank has two type training. One is specific training and another one is
general bank training.

Specific training

 SME banking

 Treasury operation
 Money laundering policies
 HR management
 Credit management
 Foreign trade payment
 Retail banking
 Housekeeping
 CIB reporting

General training

 General banking
 Cash management
 Asset, liability, risk management
 Bank laws
 IT securities
 Foundation course
 Basic accounting concept
 Customer service
 Foreign exchange regulatory
 Workshop
Level of training in UCBL

 Top level (directors and  Internal training

managing directors)
 External training
 Mid level ( executives, officers)
Employee training method

When the organization decides that they want to provide training for their employees and they
have identifies their goals than the organization has to design training programs for their
employees. This two type of method used by UCBL for the training:-

 On-the-job-training- this is the most used training methods in all organization. In this
employees can learn the work in actual work floor. From on-the-job-training employee
can perform their work in actual way. They can know about the environment and
situation. In this training process they carry out the job and they take help from the
manager, peers. So that they can perform well in the organization. On-the-job-training
method is given below:-

Coaching Mentoring Job Rotation

Apprenticeship Understudy Job-instructional-


 Off-the-job-training- in this training process employees learn their job roles aside from
the actual work floor. So in this training organization will take employee another location
to enroll or achieve essential knowledge. Off-the-job training is expensive. Employees
can concentration on the learning because this learning process provides them stress free
Off-the-job training method

Lectures Conference Case study Role


Programmed University Field trip Computer

Instruction related based
programs training

3.2.4 Compensation and Benefits

It is the most important area of human resource management. It provides the best benefits to all
the employees and delivers the best to the organization from the employee performance.
Compensation and benefits specify to the compensation/salary also other monetary and
nonmonetary benefits. Today humans are the valuable resource for the organization.
Organizations use some tools to attract and retain employees. An employee also wants non
monetary extra benefits from the organization and these extra benefits known as compensation.

 Basic salary
 Bonus
 Wages
 Incentive


 Housing facilities
 Transportation
 Medical
 Vacation and festival bonus
 Insurance and loan

 Provident fund
 Profit bonus
 Gratuity
 Deposit target bonus
 Performance bonus

Compensation and Benefits of UCBL

Basic salary

Basic salary does not include any extra payment and it is the amount of money that a employee
earns every year in their job. So this is the main margin in the salary. UCBL board reviews salary
at least once every two or three year.


The bonus can be paid in various ways. Bonus can be fixed percentage on the basic wage paid
annually and a portion to the profitability. UCBL provides their bonus on the basis of good
performance. So it is added with the wages as a reward. All permanent employees of United
Commercial Bank limited are entitled to one annual bonus each corresponding to basic salary
under the following case-

Attendance in the calendar year Bonus entitlement
200 days+ 100%
90 days+ 50%

Festival bonus

In United Commercial Bank they provide two type of festival bonus. One is EID-UL-FITR and
another on is EID-UL-AZHA. They also provide performance base bonus system and it
maintained by the compensation pay and benefits wing.

House rent allowances

House rent allowances may be compensated to the employees at such rates and on such
conditions as may be prescribed by the authority. This is provide for the employee so that
employee can feel motivate in their workplace. On the basis of position every employee gets
their basic house rent allowance.

Medical allowance

United Commercial Bank thinks about their health of employees. Their medical allowance
includes health insurance and treatment. Payment of the cost will be restricted to the treatment of
the spouse and children. Not every employee shall get the treatment benefits from the UCBL.

Car purchase and loan scheme

United Commercial Bank Limited paid transportation cost to its board of directors. Also
company paid driver cost, fuel cost and all necessary maintenance for the car. If a employee want
to buy a car they have loan facility from the bank. All the employees are acceptable to any
purpose loan provided if they have served the company for two years.

Provident fund

All permanent employees are entitled to get the provident fund. The employee contribution equal
to 10% of the basic salary, it deducted each month through the payroll. So it is a funded scheme.
The employees and company contributions are authorized to the individuals employees account.


A gratuity is granted to or on account in the in the event of:

 Death in the time of service
 Termination of service or required retirement come from permanent incapacity due to
physical or mental affliction provided this has not been caused by the erratic or
inappropriate habits.
 Termination of service or early retirement required from the abrogation of his post or
bona-fide retirement.

The following categories of employees are not acceptable for gratuity:

 Those who are discharged from the organization or

 Those who left or canceled their service without the permission of the organization.

The amount of gratuity admissible to an employee is a sum equal to two month's basic pay for
each completed year at the rate of last pay drawn.

Merit based pay system

UCBL follow merit based pay system and they select on the basis of merit. All the applicants are
evaluating based on their performance in a certain probation period. They are examined by their
working ability. Employee initial salary will be increased after completion of probation period.

3.2.6 Leave

United Commercial Bank Limited followed all the leave policies and the types of leaves are
given below:-

Casual leave-It is entitled for the executives and branch site and it is 15 days based on each
calendar year. An employee is entitled to exert casual leave from the very next day of joining. It
can be taken with weekends, holidays, earned leave etc. it is limited to only three days.

Sick leave- The entitlement to sick leave for employees, it is 15 days on the basis of each
calendar year. Employee is entitled to exert the sick leave benefit from the date of joining. This
entitlements show the maximum number of day sick leave that an employee can avail in a year.
If an employee is sick on weekend or any public holiday, that day will not be counted as a sick

Earned leave- for the executives, branch site and head office earned leave is 15 days on the
basis of each completed year of service. It is exclusive for weekends and public holidays. Earned
leave is estimated from the date of joining. It cannot be taken if employees don’t pass the
probationary period receiving confirmation.

Maternity leave- The period of maternity leave for a women worker shall be 84 actual days of
absence which shall include weekends, public holidays, also including the day of delivery.
Married woman employees are entitled to maternity leave benefits as per “The Maternity Benefit
Act 1939”.

 42 days or six weeks immediately preceding and including the day of delivery.
 42 days or six weeks immediately following the day of delivery.
 Any woman employee shall not be entitled to maternity leave unless she has been
employed by the bank for a period of not less than nine months immediately preceding
the date of delivery.

Study leave- Any employee cannot avail the study leave for up to maximum two years. Study
leave is normally acknowledged if the course of study which the employee expects to pursue is
likely to benefit the bank.

Hajj leave- A permanent executives who wants to perform a hajj at own expenses, may be
allowed for a 45 days hajj leave with pay. This leave can be availed once in a entire period of

Special leave- The application for special leave should be forwarded to HR department, over the
applicable departmental head and along with appropriate reasons. The example of special leave
may be for death of close person, marriage etc.

3.3 Performance appraisal

Performance appraisal means regular analysis of an employee’s job performance and overall
contribution in the company. From Performance Appraisal Company can know about employee
skills, growth, achievement and lack. It is also known as employee appraisal or annual review.

Purposes of performance appraisal in the UCBL

 Measure performance accurately

 Review past performance
 Determine training and development needs
 Provide career path
 Evaluate effectiveness of HRM functions
 Set target for future performance
 Decide salary and rewards
 Improve decision making ability
 Improve company performance

UCBL follow some of this appraisal method-

 Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS)
 Paired Comparison Method
 Critical incidents
 Management By Objective (MBO)

3.4 Green HRM

Green HRM is becoming popular day by day all over the world. So it means use of HRM
policies to build up the sustainable use of resources within business organizations and also
promotes the cause of environmental sustainability. Green HRM cut down the pollution
produced by business, home and general living habits. It reduces the negative impact on the
environment. Establishing a green culture can affect employee behavior, also build up internal

Benefits of Green HRM

 Promote employee morale.

 Contraction in the environmental impact of the company.
 Helping companies cut their cost without losing their talents.
 Organization can reduce their carbon footprints and they can create friendly environment.
 Increased overall performance and competitiveness.
 Reduce the environmental damage and reduce the use of environmentally damaging
 Improvement in the retention rate of the employees.

Green Banking at UCBL

The country and nations get environmental benefits from the Green Banking and it also promotes
environmental friendly practices. It mutually beneficial for the bank, economy, environment and
reduce carbon footprints banking activities. Green banking thinks about environment so that they
can promote social activities. Some of following strategies reflected in their banking business is
given below-

Paperless banking- all banks are moving on ATM and carbon credit business. UCBL also
provide ATM and electronic banking services. So they now follow paperless banking services.
They come up with new policies so that they can use less paper activities in their bank.

Green banking financial products- UCBL can develop innovative green based products and
they can provide green loans on low rate of interest.

Energy consciousness- UCBL have to install energy efficient equipments in their office. UCBL
have to convert this green banking in waste management and energy efficient technology
products. UCBL also donate energy saving equipment.

UCBL social responsibility services- UCBL also promotes various social services like tree
plantation, maintenance of parks and camp.

Carbon credit business (CBS) - UCBL is on the verge of selecting a robust Core Banking
Software (CBS) covering all banking operations including delivery channels as well as Offshore
Banking and Islamic Banking. With the implementation of CBS, UCB will be equipped to offer
more paperless and eco friendly banking services.

To automate work flow, increase operational efficiency and to reduce carbon emission, UCB has
also taken the following measures and projects which are underway for implementation of
corporate objectives on green banking:

Implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software for Office Automation

Implementation of Corporate Intranet Portal

Implementation of a new Green Disaster Recovery Site (DRS)

UCBL exerts utmost effort to implement Green Banking and always eager to embrace latest
technology any methods to ensure eco-friendly banking operation.


Findings & Analysis

4.1 SWOT Analysis of the UCB Bank Limited

 UCBL has perfect guidelines to maintain their employees. UCBL has a large number of
employees but they maintain and control huge number of workforce properly.
 Human Resource Division use ‘x’ ‘y’ motivational theories
 They maintained all the CV in their database so that they can easily collect the
 Their team members support each other properly because of that they can achieve
organizational goal.
 They have internal and external recruitment opportunity.
 The bank provides all the kind of product to its customer.
 Bank pays the dividends to its shareholder properly.
 They arrange training facilities for their employee so that employee can cover every
necessary topic. From the training employees can perform well in every department of
the organization
 UCBL have proper communication system in every department of their bank.

 In UCBL too much work pressure on the employees makes them depressed towards their
 Few position salary structure not that much high for the employee. This discourage to the
employee to work hard.
 Sometimes it’s difficult to maintain large number of employees.
 Online recruitment system should be upgraded.

 From the large number of workforces UCBL get lots of benefits. This huge number of
workforce benefits this bank to get various ideas and plans to increase productivity.
 UCBL Human Resource Division always thinks about the employee growth and tries to
do something new for the employee so that employee can motivate them in the workplace
towards the work.

 It’s difficult to maintain the huge number of employees for the bank.

 It’s also difficult for the Human Resource Division to maintain the large number of
 Reference control creates threat for UCBL.

4.2 Findings

 Bank recruitment and selection process system is well designed.

 UCBL provide training to their employees in the training institute, from the training they
learn about theoretical and practical idea. Their training course is also well designed and
they also learn from the on the job training.
 Their performance appraisal system also well designed and they get promotion from the
 Their Human Resource Department maintains good compensation policy system.
 Lack of fair entrepreneur class.
 The management and employees are well qualified.
 Customers are satisfies with the bank service and interest rate should be increased.
Sometimes employees cannot give proper attention to the employees.
 The need to advertise so that customer can know about themselves well.
 Customers are impressed with the bank working hour and online service system should
be better for the customer.
 Senior management should consult with the customer that what kind of problem they are
facing while giving the customer service. So that they can better their customer service.

4.2.1 Questionnaire analysis

1. Working ability of the employees of your organization is good enough.

Remarks Number of respondent

Strongly agree 8
agree 4
Neither agree or disagree 3
disagree 0
Strongly disagree 0
Total 15

2. The practice of the liable person for planning the HRM/PM in your organization is up to
the mark.

Remarks Number of respondent

Strongly agree 3

agree 3
Neither agree or disagree 8
disagree 1
Strongly disagree 0
Total 15

3. In the recruitment process internal and external source is perfectly managed by your

Remarks Number of respondent

Strongly agree 7
agree 5
Neither agree or disagree 3
disagree 0
Strongly disagree 0
Total 15

4. Your organization can manage to select the best candidate from the entire available

Remarks Number of respondent

Strongly agree 3
agree 4
Neither agree or disagree 7
disagree 0
Strongly disagree 0
Total 15

5. In case of job analysis you face a little problem.

Remarks Number of respondent

Strongly agree 7
agree 5
Neither agree or disagree 0
disagree 3
Strongly disagree 0
Total 15

6. Your organization arranged training program for the employee once in a month for the
better performance.

Remarks Number of respondent

Strongly agree 4
agree 4
Neither agree or disagree 4
disagree 3
Strongly disagree 0
Total 15
7. For motivating the employees, financial reward is executed by your organization.

Remarks Number of respondent

Strongly agree 8
agree 4
Neither agree or disagree 3
disagree 0
Strongly disagree 0
Total 15

8. Your organization can be a perfect example for maintaining a well-organized

Remarks Number of respondent
Strongly agree 8
agree 4
Neither agree or disagree 3
disagree 0
Strongly disagree 0
Total 15

9. Employee Promotion policy is enough transparent in your organization.

Remarks Number of respondent
Strongly agree 4
agree 4
Neither agree or disagree 3
disagree 2
Strongly disagree 1
Total 15

10. For recruitment the employee Advertisement & Campus Recruitment is perfectly
followed by your organization?

Remarks Number of respondent

Strongly agree 0
agree 6
Neither agree or disagree 6
disagree 2
Strongly disagree 1
Total 15


Recommendation & conclusion

On the basis of the findings and analysis of the study, my recommendations are given below-

 The management authority of UCBL needs to look some major issues like allowance and
transfer policies, compensation policies. They should follow the modern HR system so
that they can maintain their large manpower.
 We know that success and development depends on Organization Human Resource
Management so UCBL have to care full of the accuracy of Human Resource
 Temporary employees at UCBL do not have the security and stability that permanent
employees have. They should be provided with little health care, pensions or other
similar benefits. UCBL should also set a production; distribution and sales target and any
employee belonging to the particular area reaching a desired target in the first quarter
should be selected as a permanent employee.
 Training should be provided by professional consultation.
 The authority of the UCBL should establish a structural performance appraisal policy.
HRD manager also avoid the biasness so that employee can get the reward for their

 UCBL HRM authority should try to reduce the extra workload of the employees in order
to reduce employee unrest and turnover.

 UCBL should improve their compensation program to keep highly qualified, competent
and promising employees.

The United Commercial Bank ensures the best service for their clients and in addition to the
representatives by Human Resource Division. It is the quickest developing bank in Bangladesh.
This internship report has been focused on the overall Human Resource Management in the
United Commercial Bank Limited. I focus on UCBL background, values, mission, vision,
organizational structure and services offerings. Then I took closure look at UCBL Human
Resource Management, its compensation system, performance appraisal, training and
development. In the current market United Commercial Bank performing well financially.

At the time of working in the UCBL, while I end up with some observation and based on these
observations some recommendation has been given in this report. Hopefully these
recommendations will help to the bank to continue its progress. I review some of the
compensation management system and I tried to relate them with the bank practices. I learnt so
many things from the UCBL and I also learnt how they manage their day to day activities.

Book reference

(Dessler, Human resource management, ©2017) Pearson Education Limited.

(Garrick, 2002) Informal learning in the workplace. London: Routledge

(Stephen P. Robbins, Prentice Hall, 2002) Human Resource Management

(Herman Aguinis, ©2013• Pearson 3rd edition) Performance Management

(Richard Lynch, ©2015 • Pearson) Strategic Management

Web References-

1. (
2. (
3. (
4. (


1. Annual report of the United Commercial Bank

2. Direct interaction with the employee
3. Different document of the UCBL, Kamrangirchar Branch
4. HR related report from the senior


1. Working ability of the employees of your organization is good enough.

o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Neither Agree or Disagree
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

2. The practice of the liable person for planning the HRM/PM in your organization is up to
the mark.

o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Neither Agree or Disagree
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

3. In the recruitment process internal and external source is perfectly managed by your

o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Neither Agree or Disagree
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

4. Your organization can manage to select the best candidate from the entire available

o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Neither Agree or Disagree
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

5. In case of job analysis you face a little problem.

o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Neither Agree or Disagree
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

6. Your organization arranged training program for the employee once in a month for the
better performance.

o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Neither Agree or Disagree
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

7. For motivating the employees, financial reward is executed by your organization.

o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Neither Agree or Disagree
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

8. Your organization can be a perfect example for maintaining a well-organized HRM/PM?

o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Neither Agree or Disagree
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

9. Employee Promotion policy is enough transparent in your organization.

o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Neither Agree or Disagree
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

10. For recruitment the employee Advertisement & Campus Recruitment is perfectly
followed by your organization?

o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Neither Agree or Disagree
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree


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