Ch10 صور 5 8waste Water

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1. Compute the overflow rate required to remove the particle on the trajectory shown
using Eq. 10-17:
ho 0.6 m ( 3600 s )
vc = = = 108 m/h
τ 4 m (100 cm)/ ( 20 cm/s )

To convert to gpm/ft2, 1 ft = 3.048 m and 1 gallon = 0.00378 m3, thus:

108 m (1000 ) + ( 0.3048 m )


= 44.2 gpm/ft 2
h ( 3.78•60 min )

2. Calculate the length of basin required to achieve complete removal of particles.

A 4m • 0.9m
Required length = = =6m
ho 0.6m
The overflow rate and required length for the particles are shown:

Parameter A B C D E
Fluid velocity, cm/s 20 1.4 0.5 1 0.28
Dimension a, m 4 100 72 80 30
Dimension b, m 0.6 3.5 1.7 0.85 3.6
Dimension c, m 0.9 4.2 3.5 1 4.2
Overflow rate, m/h 108 1.764 0.425 0.383 1.210
Overflow rate, gpm/ft 44.2 0.7 0.2 0.2 0.5
Required length, m 6 120 148.24 94.12 35


Instructors Note: This problem is similar to Example 10-3.

Problem Statement - For the particle settling data shown in Example 10-3, plot the
removal efficiency as a function of overflow rate for overflow rates ranging from 0.5
to 4 m/h. Determine the overflow rate required to achieve 75 percent removal. If
the depth of the basin is 4 m, what is the corresponding detention time?

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MWH’s Water Treatment: Principles and Design, 3rd ed. Version 1
Chapter 10 - Gravity Separation
Settling Velocity, m/h Number of Particles, #/mL
0–0.4 511
0.4–0.8 657
0.8–1.2 876
1.2–1.6 1168
1.6–2.0 1460
2.0–2.4 1314
2.4–2.8 657
2.8–3.2 438
3.2–3.6 292
3.6–4.0 292
Total 7665

1. Plot the removal efficiency for a variety of overflow rates.
a. At a given overflow rate, the fraction of particles removed is Vs/OR for each
average settling velocity. When the fraction removed greater than 1, a value
of 1 is used. Then the total fraction removed at this overflow rate is
n n

i=1 OR
∑N .
i (See the following table which is an example at overflow rate

of 2 m3/m2∙h).

Settling Avg. Settling No. of No. of No. of

Velocity Velocity effluent Real Fraction particles particles
(m/h) (m/h) particles OR Removed removed in effluent
0 to 0.4 0.2 511 2 10% 51 460
0.4 to 0.8 0.6 657 2 30% 197 460
0.8 to 1.2 1 876 2 50% 438 438
1.2 to 1.6 1.4 1168 2 70% 818 350
1.6 to 2.0 1.8 1460 2 90% 1314 146
2.0 to 2.4 2.2 1314 2 100% 1314 0
2.4 to 2.8 2.6 657 2 100% 657 0
2.8 to 3.2 3 438 2 100% 438 0
3.2 to 3.6 3.4 292 2 100% 292 0
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MWH’s Water Treatment: Principles and Design, 3rd ed. Version 1
Chapter 10 - Gravity Separation
3.6 to 4.0 3.8 292 2 100% 292 0
Total 7665 5810.8 1854.2

b. Repeat this on overflow rates from 0.5 to 4 m3/m2∙h to obtain the results in the
table below.

Overflow rate, m/h Removal efficiency,%

0.5 96
1 91.24
1.5 84.25
2 75.81
2.5 66.4
3 57.84
3.5 50.56
4 44.71

c. Plot removal efficiency as a function of overflow rate.

2. Determine the required detention time and overflow rate for a removal efficiency of
75 percent. Assuming depth of the sedimentation basin does not change (h = 4 m),
the detention time is h/OR.

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MWH’s Water Treatment: Principles and Design, 3rd ed. Version 1
Chapter 10 - Gravity Separation
a. From the above table, when OR = 2.0 m/h, the fraction removed is 0.7581;
when OR = 2.5 m/h, the fraction removed is 0.664. The required overflow rate
for a removal fraction of 0.75 is:
( 0.7581- 0.75 )
OR for 75% removal =+
2.0 ⋅ ( 2.5 - 2 ) =
2.043 m3 /m2 ⋅ h
( 0.7581- 0.664 )
b. For a basin 4 m deep, the required detention time is:
τ for 75%=
removal = 1.958 hr
2.043 m h


Instructors Note: This problem is similar to Example 10-3. The solution is complete for
Problem A. Solutions to the other problems are summarized at the end of this solution.

Problem Statement - For the rectangular horizontal-flow sedimentation basin and

influent particle-settling characteristics given (to be selected by instructor),
calculate the particle removal efficiency and plot the influent and effluent particle
concentrations as a function of particle size.

Parameter A B C D E
Flow rate, m /d 7,570 19,000 19,000 56,800 56,800
Length, m 30 72 60 100 80
Width, m 5 12 8 18 12

Settling Number of Particles, #/mL

Velocity, m/h A B C D E
0 - 0.4 511 511 460 560 255

0.4 - 0.8 657 657 578 720 314

0.8 - 1.2 876 876 891 880 454

1.2 - 1.6 1168 1168 1285 1110 584

1.6 - 2.0 1460 1460 1748 1320 761

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MWH’s Water Treatment: Principles and Design, 3rd ed. Version 1
Chapter 10 - Gravity Separation

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