Ecl Kidolgozott Tételek

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1. The individual 1.

Az egyén
 ambition/career building  ambíciók/karrierépítés
 the individual and the society  az egyén és a társadalom
 problems of social integration  beilleszkedési problémák 

 Nowadays there are not so many differences between the rights and the jobs of a man
and a woman not like about hundred years ago! "n the past people didn#t like the idea
of a learning or a working woman because their task was to stay at home cook meals
care for the old and the children! $hey didn#t have so many rights either! %ater
women started to open their eyes and said it#s not enough and not fair against them!
$hey wanted to go to school and to work to provide their families and even themselves
a better life!
&o now a very big percent of the ladies are working but not just because they wanted
 but because they need
n eed to work to get enough money in the family wallet! &ome people
say it#s not good for the children as they got less care from their parents while they are
going into kindergarten and see their family only on the late afternoons! 'f course this
is hard for their parents too as they miss their children and can focus less on their jobs
while they are apart from each other!
$here is an other important problem about the working women too! (ust imagine a
company with two jobs which are perfectly similar with the same tasks same time
and everything is the same! )hen a man does it he gets let#s say four hundred *uros
 per month! )hen the boss decides to give the job to a woman she gets only three
hundred and fifty *uros for the same job even though it may be harder for her!
$heree are
are brav
bravee wom
women who who star
d to dem
ate again
st wome
on and fight against their problems
problems which are basically
basically because they had
 borned as a woman and not a man! &ometimes it can be a really big disadvantage
di sadvantage for 
womem who are more careerists!
&ince there are women even in the hospitals and the army we showed the society that
we are not so weak! " consider myself as a little feminist since " got discriminations of 
who and what " am! ,eople don#t understand why " am single woman and almost
hundred percent of them asks me- don#t you want a child. )ell " can tell them that
nowadays that reuires some doing! "n my opinion before you#ll become a mother you
need to build your carrier! Not just your carrier
carrier your life! 0ou
0ou need to have determined
idea about your future!
$o talk about
abou t an other topic
topi c let#s see other cases! )hen somebody goes to a new place
p lace
and joins a new group of people a new society they have to fight with several
integration problems! *ven the colour of their skin can make troubles or their religion!
 Not all of the society are tolerant with differences and some of them have problems
with accepting new cultures or new attributions in their closeness!
$hat#s why these e1cluded people start to search for others who are they similar to and
make their own little societies like the different uarters in New 0ork- 2hinatown
%ittle "taly and other places! "f people like diversity so much on the shleves of 
supermarkets why don#t they like it on the streets.

*ven the overpopulation or the underpopulation can be a problem! ,eople want
 privacy so they decide to live alone in a house or they want a big family
family but they
can#t live their lives in small flats both are problems! 'ne of my acuaintances said
that the number of your children is inversely proportional to your living standards! "
see the point in her words because when you have a child you may give everything he
or she could need but if you have two children you split your money into two and
now you can#t afford every need of your family! *ven the ancient 4reek people knew
these disadvantages that#s why they didn#t have so many children!
5nd in the not so wealthy families they try to help each other and to find the other#s
company so they start to move closer to each other! $his may be the beginning of a
slum! 5nd even if you were born into a place like this you can try to do your best to
learn and work as hard as you can as long as they see your address on your papers!
0ou won#t get the best jobs because the employers would give the jobs for somebody
else who may be less clever and intelligent but can show a better living environment! "
am conscious of this problem because " live in 67szárhegy and when " apply for a job
employers prefer somebody else who is resident!
*ven in 2hina the overpopulations
overpopulations has a very important
important role in the 2hinese
2hinese families#
lives! $hey are supposed to have only one child because the 2hinese society grows
 bigger and bigger each minute until not just the government but the *arth can#t
 provide enough things for their needs! $hat#s why
wh y the families with one child can get
g et
supplies and different aids and bill reductions! ,arents with two children are supposed
to pay everything and they don#t get anything from the government! "n families with
more children from the third kid they can#t even go to school and get educated! $his is
how the government tries to stop or at least reduce a bit the 2hinese overpopulation
5ll in all people should solve the social integration and acceptance problems before
starting with the individual#s problems!

2. Partnership 2. Társas kapcsolatok  
 forms of partnership  egy9ttélési formák 
 nationalities/minorities  nemzetiségek/kisebbségek 

,eople are living together in families groups of friends working or studying in the
same atmosph
ere they are making
making differ
ent societ
ies of themse
s! $hey
$hey make
 partnerships with each other!
&ometimes we can make so different connections between us! :asically there are
 people who have a partner and there are people who haven#t! "f somebody is alone it
can be because currently he or she doesn#t have anybody or their partner died they are
divorced or they are separated which means that they are not divorced yet but they are
not living together! "f somebody has a partner they can be just partners lovers they
can be married be in an open relationship or be engaged!
"t mostly depends on what people want but sometimes there can be different obstacles
to be together with the person you chose like the distance or family problems or 
sometimes one of the partners is married and doesn#t want to get divorced!
"f we talk about partnership
partnership we must mention other forms of it because our personal
and closest relations are not all under the meaning of this word! $here are different
nationalities living together! 5s the world is developing it is becoming more and more
opened for the other cultures
cultures and people from further places!
places! " mean that a country
country is
not just for itself but because travelling and business connects us we start to discover 
the whole world meet new friends and also we are moving away from our places!
;or e1ample an 5merican man has to move to an other country one in *urope
 because of his job! $hen there he meets a woman who is from an other country but is
there because of her job too! $hey fall in love and decide to move away to a fourth
country which probably is closer to their original countries!
&o in a country there are a lot of people who have other nationalities or were born
somewhere else but were raised there! %et#s see the case of <ungary! :asically we
would say
say that
that there
there are
are not many
many immi
ts but
but peop
le can
can be surp
sed if 
somebody tells them that there much more minorities than they could ever imagine!
5ctually <ungary has thirteen minorities! (ust for e1amples there are 4erman 4reek
,olish =omanian and >kranian people! $here are minorities in every country all over 
the world! 5 lot of people immigrating
immigrating into *ngland
*ngland to work who genuinely
genuinely do want
to work!
$he people
people from
from differ
ent culture
culturess have
have their
their differ
ent religio
ns! "t causes
causes ethnic
tensions between people who were born and bred in their country and people who
immigrated to that country!
country! $here are thousands
thousands of cultures on the edge of e1tinction
 but due to the human#s
human#s creativity
creativity there always are and always will be new ones to
replace the lost ones!
$here are people who believe in more gods the polytheists like the ancient 4reek 
 people monotheists like the 2hristian religions and the atheists just to mention the
$aoists or the :uddhists! Nowadays the numbers of the atheist are increasing probably
 because the people are having other
o ther interests!
int erests! ?ostly our parents# will determines our 
religion because they can raise us up in their own religions or decide they don#t want

to christen us! 'f course
course as the children are growing they are getting more educated
about the world and the different things to believe in and they can change their 
 parents# will and choose an other faith which suits them better!
<ere in <ungary
<ungary most of the people are =oman 2atholics!
2atholics! :ased on a two thousand
and nine
nine A8BBC
A8BBCDD cens
us their
their numb
er is aroun
aroundd fift
two perce
nt and
and this
this was
followed by the reformathics with si1teen percent! "t is a significant difference!
$his whole religion thing mostly depends on our parents but as we get older we can
change it! No matter how we decide one thing is sure- we can change almost
everything e1cept for the family we were born in!

3. Family 3. salád
 the social status of families 5 családok szociális helyzete
/the system of family allowances /a családi támogatások
 family/career   család/karrier 

"f we think about a family different things can be brought up in our minds depending
on our own family or our ideas about a perfect or imperfect family models! *ven the
smallest chidren can plan their future families in the kindergarten!
$here are small families with one two or no children and there are big ones with
more than two children! $he number of the members can be influenced by the other 
relatives living with their children grandchildren uncles aunts cousins and so on!
*ven an unmarried couple can count as a family whether they have children or not!
*verything depends on our different points of view!
"n these days the family models are so familiar in developed and developing countries!
 Not just the father but the mother works too in order to insure a happier and better 
 Nowadays there are not so many differences between the rights and the jobs of a man
and a woman not like about hundred years ago! "n the past people didn#t like the idea
of a learning or a working woman because their task was to stay at home cook meals
care for the old and the children! $hey didn#t have so many rights either! %ater
women started to open their eyes and said it#s not enough and not fair against them!
$hey wanted to go to school and to work to provide their families and even themselves
a better life!
&o now a very big percent of the ladies are working but not just because they wanted
 but because they need
n eed to work to get enough money in the family wallet! &ome people
say it#s not good for the children as they get less care from their parents while they are
going into kindergarten and see their family only on the late afternoons! 'f course this
is hard for their parents too as they miss their children and can focus less on their jobs
while they are apart from each other!
5nd again career or children. "f a child is born who will stay at home to care for 
him/her. "t used to be the mother but in these days when everybody is in a shortage
of money people started to decide based upon their salary! 5n other problem is the
reputation! (ust imagine that both of the parents are beginner doctors! $hey have to
make a strong and reliable basis before they just pause it or give it up! 5 state+of+the+
art solution is that the grandmother stays at home because she can care about the
young ones as she also raised up her owns she is retired
retired and she gets money without
working not like her daughter who just started working and brought a baby to life at
almost the same time!
$he ne1t problem is the bringing up of the new life! 2lothing feeding educating
everything costs money e1cept for the love and the goodwill! "f you want to care about
your beloved ones and you do care about them it doesn#t mean that you can afford
everything they need! 'ne of my acuaintanc
es said that the number of your children
is inversely proportional to your living standards! " see the point in her words because
when you have a child you may give everything he or she could need but if you have

two children you split your money into two and now you can#t afford every need of 
your family! *ven the ancient 4reek people knew these disadvantages that#s why they
didn#t have so many children because they were afraid of that they could not give the
 best to them!
$he numbe
numberr of thethe popul
on grow
growss only
only in not deve
d and
and disadv
countries such as in 5frica! "t#s not because they would be so wealthy or could care a
lot about children but it#s because they can#t afford medicines and the statistics of the
child mortality show deterrent numbers!
)hile in the better+situated countries the population seems more lowering! " think first
time marriages are later than they used to be generally! 0ounger people don#t see
much point in getting married earlier! $hey#re going to university starting career and "
honestly believe that they are leaving marriage and starting a family a bit later!
"n <ungary the couples don#t want to have a lot of children! "t#s not because the idea of 
a big family is not coded deeply in their genes it#s because they don#t even have
enough money to raise up just one child! $hat#s why the *uropean society is said to get
older while in 5frica "ndia and 5sia becomes younger!
5nd here comes the other problem the overpopulation! $his can be seen mostly in the
5sian countries
countries the most outstanding
outstanding e1ample is probably 2hina! "f a couple has one
child they get reductions and aids if they have two they have to pay a fine and for 
the third child it is abolished
abolished to go to school and get educated! $his
$his is how they try to
reduce the overpopulation and find a solution for the overgrowing society!
$here are seven billion people on this planet and all of us have different plans and
models of family but in the end we make compromises and have similar kinds of 
connections to each other!

!. Place o" living !. #akás$lak%hely
 housing situation/ 5 családok szociális helyzete
difficulties of building a house
 homelessness/causes/problems 

 settling down at home or abroad  hazai/k9lfHldi lakóhely

,eople move away because they have grown out of the old family house and want to
live in a new place further
further from their parents or they have to move because they got
an other job somewhere else or just need a change around themselves!
<owever it is a very special thing the situations are not always very good! 0ou
0ou have
to think about the price the environment neighbours the perfect building enough
space for everybody you want to live with enough space for your stuff and even the
distance from your schools and workplaces!
5lso if you don#t want to buy somebody else#s old house you can build or rent one
 but this probably is the harder way to get a place to live where! ;rom personal
e1periences " know it can cost a lot take lot of time you can have tons of different
 problems with the blueprints the builders and even with the people you trust and give
your money to do the things for you the contructors! Nowadays there are a lot of 
unreliable people you can lose your money and even your new house! :ut that#s just
one opinion and some bad e1periences!
;irst you find out which is more comfortable and better for you living in a city or 
living in a village! ,eople from the city say that a village life is so much better as it is
less bright and much more silent in the nights people are not crammed together in
small flats they can have a garden where their children can play and they think it#s
more beautiful! ,eople from villages may think the opposite that living in the city
would be bette
betterr beca
usee their
their work
cess and
and schoo
ls the
the hospi
talss and
and other 
important buildings are in the city and they have to travel each day back and forth at
least one time! 5nd if they would like to go and buy something they also have to go in
the city because shops in the villages are not so big and they don#t sell everything that
may be important in ones household!
5fter you took into consideration every little reason and decided where you would like
to build your house you buy the thing for the construction find some people who plan
the perfect house for you and usually your constructors find the builders too! "f 
everything goes well the building#s finished in less than a year! 5fter that you can buy
the furniture
furniture and all the household appliances
appliances you would like to use or you will need
later! 0ou can now personalize your house and use your own taste! (ust be careful if 
you have had borrowed money from a bank for the house project make sure that you
will have enough money to pay everything back in time or the bank will take your 
 brand new flat and sell in on the price it wants just to get some money back!
"f you would like to rent a house or a flat there are also other things you should know
about! ;irst you have to look around and check some websites or estate agencies for 
available places! $hey can help you figuring out the best price and size for you then

they can give you some advice which one you should rent! 5gents can show you
around the houses which makes the decision easier whether you like the place or not!
"f you decide to rent the flat you talk with the owner and leave some deposit which
may be around 3 to @ months! "t is like an insurance against any damage you may
make in the house or its furniture!
'f course there are other costs in any case not depending on buying building or 
renting your place of living! 0ou have to pay for the gas electricity and water you use!
"f you rent a house the owner can decide if he or she wants to get the bills on your 
name or on their name and after getting the bills you pay for the owner! 5lso you
write a contract which is the evidence that you live there and you use the place!
5lso if you want a temporary place of living you can still go to a hotel or a student
hostel which is much cheaper but definitely not as comfortable and certain as a
$he other problem is the homelessness and it#s causes! $here are two main groups of 
 people! $he one who became homeless because they wanted to and the others who
lost their homes because of something else like a natural
natural disaster
disaster such as flood fire
hurricane or because they couldn#t pay their debt! $hey had to sell their house or even
a bank took it from them or maybe they got divorced and one of them got the house
and told their partner to go! &o the whole topic is very complicated
complicated there are a lot of 
advantages and disadvantages for both buying and building a new home!
 Nowadays most of the people don#t have so much money in their pockets or bank 
accounts so there are significantly less new houses built! "n these times it#s not worth
selling but worth buying one!
5nd to talk about the differences of moving in different countries well there are loads
of! (ust for an e1ample if you are living in 5merica and your boss tells you that you
will work in an other city about GBB kilometers away you just pack up your things
your family and move on! :ut in <ungary it#s much different! ,eople here are very
comfortable and if they are told to move they just give up their work and search for an
other one which is closer even if they would have to move only FB kilometers away! "
understand it is hard to give up a whole life somewhere but " think in our economic
situation it is necessary!

&. Travelling$transport &. 'tazás$k(zlekedés
 problems of city traffic/ városi kHzlekedés problémái/

 public transport versus using cars tHmegkHzlekedés kontra

 transport and environmental protection kHzlekedés és

 tourism as a source of income az idegenforgalom mint

 bevételi forrás
 aspects of traffic development kHzlekedésfejlesztés/szempontjai

$he first and probably the most important problem of the travelling and transportation
is the pollution! 2ars use fuel which is hard and costs a lot of money to produce and it
is harmful for the environment! )hile the cars are rolling on the streets they spew
their e1haust fumes with dangerous and polluting gases into the air! :esides it pollutes
the air destroy the ozone layer and through the steam in the air and the rain it goes
down deeply in the ground which is polluting the ground the water inside of it and
through the water and the dirt the plants and by the plants the animals and the
)e have to take this hazard into consideration when we are travelling anywhere
 because it#s
it#s not the same when there is a car with only one person or when you#re
going with two three or four people in your car! "t#s even more environmental friendly
if you use public transport! "t may not be the same comfortable as you won#t always
get enough personal space or a seat but it#s definitely less dangerous to your living
 place and for yourself! 0ou
0ou can even reduce the pollution if you go by bicycle or on
foot and it#s much healthier too!
" use different kinds of public transportation and from personal e1periences " can say
that it#s not always as bad as some people may think! Kuring the past ten years the
trains and the buses became much more comfortable clean and safe than it was a long
time ago!
$he problem about going by train or bus is that people can#t take as many bags and
 packages as they would like to they have to travel with strangers the stations may not
 be close to the place they want to get to! 5nd the timing is an other problem like when
you would have to arrive to your workplace at I-FB a!m! but the train station is in a 8B
minutes walk from the place the trains go by an hour and you can wait such a long
time if you go with the earlier train but you will be late if you choose the other one
an hour later! 'f course you may not choose public transportation because it is not as
clean and hygienic as your own car!
:y the way as we mention the cars we also have to think about the driving license
which people can get in <ungary after they became 3J years old or with parental
 permission at the age of 3I! :ut this is not enough if you have a driving license you
still need a car to go where you want! "f you get it you can go with anyone
anyone anything
and anywhere totally independent from anything! $he only things you should be
afraid of are the traffic jam and the accidents!

$o talk a bit more about the transportation not just the travelling there#s even a FB
kilometres diet which is about that you are buying vegetables
vegetables fruits and any kinds of 
food you can if it has been grown or produced in FB kilometres zone around you! "t
again protects the environment because transporting food costs money time and fuel
which again pollutes the environment! $hings that we import from abroad can be a bit
cheaper but it definitely is much more harmful for the environment and the living
 beings on earth! 'ther important thing is the
t he organic gardening! :asically it means that
you don#t use any artificial and chemical things to protect your plants or make them
 bigger or grow faster!
faster! $his is again a good point why you should buy homegrown
vegetables and fruits from your nearest area!
:ack to travelling an other form of it is when people travel to see new sights
 probably in new countries or in new cities they#ve never been before or just to buy
things they wouldn#t get at home! ?y country <ungary is very famous for its cuisine
wellness centers spas and our hospitality! )e try to do our best and give the best to
our guests that one may give this is the secret of why the guests like to come back 
here year to year!
(ust for an e1ample lake :alaton is a very popular holiday destination because it#s
 big the food is nice the entrance+fee are low low the sun is warm and the summer 
weather is perfect here! )e hold very famous festivals which attract many people
from abroad like ;*L*N &ziget :alaton &ound the ;lower festival in Kebrecen all
in all we have very different festivals during almost the whole year for all ages and all
tastes! $his is a great advantage of our little but lovely country!
'f course the <ungarians like to chill out too so we are travelling to different
countries to see and meet the world! ?ostly we are looking for sea sand and hot
climate after the cold and windy but beautiful winter!
)e like the fairs and the markets and we organize them several times a year! ;or 
e1amplee the 2hristm
as ;air
;air in &zékes
ár is very
very well+kn
own and popular
thousands of people come here every year to see the beautiful things! $he lights on the
streets on the evening are so kind and lovely so heart+warming!
Kuring the fairs lots of craftsmen try to sell their handmade and beautiful things
which can be both sweet presents or useful things! $his again attracts people from
abroad that we share our culture and traditions through our productions! " have
worked at the 2ristmas ;air twice in the
t he same stall! )e
)e sell ceramics!

). *hopping$shops ). +ásárlás$,zletek  
 consumer society ·fogyasztói társadalom
  buying on credit/with credit cards/on the
the "nternet · vásárlás hitelre/kártyával/interneten
 shopping tourism bevásárló turizmus

'ur society is growing bigger and bigger each moment and we all have our personal needs like food clothes
 places to live and of course water
water electricity and other things! )e
)e get them by shopping! )e
)e can go to shopping
centers or small shops or we can decide to order something to our house and there are people whose job is to
deliver it!
0ears ago there were smart men in the industry who realized that people buy what they need in the best uality
they can afford! :ut what if their things have long lifetimes! <ere came the planned obsolescence! "ts basic idea
is to influence the people to buy a little better a little more e1pensive things a little sooner than they actually
need just to keep the industry working! $hey can do it in two ways- the first is that they make their products#
lifetimes shorter
shorter but just a little bit longer than their guarantees so they buy new things when some single little
tricks would solve the whole problemproblem like taking
taking out a microchip!
microchip! $he other way is to find out what the
customer would like! $hey make lots of advertiseadvertisements
ments designs
designs which look better
better and cooler
cooler than the older 
ones and they take action and sale signs out in their windows as bait for the people!
*ven the product#s place on the shelf influences a single person in the shop- if something is in the height of our 
eyes we notice it sooner and think that it#s somehow better than the one on the bottom of the shelf which may
 be a bit cheaper
cheaper and sometimes better!
:ut in these times we also have to think about the rate of the price and the value! $here might be some famous
 brands which are very e1pensive but may not know as much or last as long as a bit cheaper and less known
 brand! 5nd also factories try to compete with each other and the smaller ones are making thing with the bigger 
ones# logos! "t is called forgery! $here are some ways to find out which is the original because sometimes the
difference can be very obvious but sometimes it#s
it#s very hard to distinguish them!
5nd there are the sales which attract many people to the shops! 0ou#d rather go into a shop which says on its
windows that you can buy a sweater for F dollars which would originally cost 3B dollars than into a shop which
offers thing for their original price! :ut there are even cases when the original price is what they write on the
 price tag as the sale price and the price they write as the original is just for showing people that now it#s
it#s really
worth buying it!
5nother problem of the sales it about the different
different kitchen clothing and other sets! 0ou
0ou may want to buy a pair of 
 jeans but if you go to the shop you find a shirt which matches it perfectly
perfectly of in the window
window you see a nice
 blouse with a jacket and as you go in you find out that it#s
it#s not a set you have to buy them separately! $he third
 but probably not last problem is the pay one and take two or maybe pay for two and take three sales! $his way
you can also be fooled! (ust see for an e1ample that you would like to eat some grapes but as you go inside the
shop you see that you can get three bo1es of grapes at the price of two bo1es! "n the beginning you wanted to
eat just some and decided to buy a bo1 but at the end you end up buying two taking three and throwing all
away to the garbage because you couldn#t eat all just a half bo1 and all the rest got rotten! $he sale sounds
nice but the results are not that great!
%et#s talk about the wrapping! "t can be a good feeling to see cute children playing happily on the bo1es of the
toys but does your child really need that e1pensive thing which would end up in the garbage ne1t to the grapes.
&ometimes just the wrapping inspires us to buy things because it looks good or you may think that yes one day
you may need it for something or even the bo1 can send messages to your brain Mbuy me buy me!
$hese things are all the cause why people borrow a lot of money for gifts around *aster 2hristmas and other 
holidays! "f we thing it over again that did we or the people whom we gave the thing really needed this or that
"#m sure we would find some things that were not so necessary to be bought!
" buy so manymany things
things on the "nternet
"nternet for an e1ampl
e1amplee from
from e+:ay
e+:ay!! *+:ay
*+:ay is an 5meric
an multin
corporation and e+commerce company! 'n their websites you can buy things from all over the world! 5nd the
 best is it#s
it#s cheap and safe! ;or e1ample " ordered headset to my mobile phone several times from 2hina! "t was
 perfect and its price with shipping was a fraction of the orginal price! " honestly believe that online shopping is a
very comfortable and brilliant!
)hen " go shopping " prefer to buy with my credit card because " don#t need a lot of money in my wallet! )hat
" just need a small and slim card!
5fter <ungary#s
<ungary#s accession to the *> shopping tourism has increased! $he <ungarians visit the neighbouring
countries mainly
mainly to buy consumer
consumer goods but the top seller is fuel from &lovakia
&lovakia =omania
=omania and the >kraine!
5ustria has been mainly the destination to buy uality clothes and electronic articles!

&hopping tourism causes a serious loss to <ungarian economy in ta1es and by avoiding to buy more e1pensive
<ungarian products! "n 5ustria a <ungarian tourist leaves an average of 83B euros when shopping!

-. ommu
ommun nicat
ing in con
tact -. ommu
 the "nternet in business communication ·az "nternet az 9zleti
 ;a1 e+mail versus traditional letter writing ·;a1 e+mail kontra hagyományos
 less widely used languages ·  Nemzeti AkisD nyelvek kontra angol
vs! *nglish national cultures

 Nowadays communication is very important not just between us and our friends familyfamily etc! but between
companies cities and even countries! "f there would not be the "nternet the telephone or the letter there could
not be the big variet
y of food
food clothi
ng house
holdd applia
ncess and other things in the shops
shops becaus
becausee the
companies are keeping in contact with each other that#s why we can eat bananas oranges and food like these in
$o help these great systems going there are a lot of interpreters translators and language courses available for 
everyone not just the kids in the schools!
$hese days almost everything we can write to somebody else from a single thank you note through a letter for 
an old friend to official documents are typed in the computers! "t is much easier because others can get our 
messages almost in a minute and don#t have to wait a week or so for a traditional letter to arrive! &ome people
say that it is not a good thing since it is less personal and alienates us from each other! :ut even if there would
not be the "nternet to send our messages there definitely would be less successful companies as the replies to
important uestions may arrive later or if there would something bad happen it would take at least one week to
send a message asking for help from the directorate for the subsidiary which would need some more money but
if it arrives later it might be too late and that part of the company may bankrupt!
5n other important thing about the "nternet is the fact that it is absolutely multilingual so everyone can use it
even if they don#t speak any other language e1cept from their mother tongue! 5nd also it gives e1cellent
opportunities to learn other languages because there are many free software programs and courses that are
running on the worldwide web which are available for everybody
everybody who have "nternet access! 'f course you can
even practice your language#s dialects and similar old languages which are spoken in other parts of your country
or may be in use somewhere else!else! "n addition you can still find languages which are on the edge of e1tinction or 
are already e1tinct but are still in use somehow
somehow like %atin! "n my opinion it really is a great thing because " can
speak on more languages with my international friends with the help of the "nternet since there are specific
translator programs where you can type something and the computer translates it in no time! >nfortunately
these resolutions are not always good but there can be found very nice programs on the "nternet!
*ven if your language is not as well+known as like *nglish or 2hinese you can still find your favorite websites
and pages on languages
languages that you know!
know! (ust to mention
mention an interestin
g thing-
thing- *nglish
*nglish is currently
currently the most
widely /széles kHrben/ used language on the "nternet but some people say that as the number of 2hinese people
is constantly
constantly /folyamatosa
n/ increasi
ng in a few years 2hinese language more precisely
precisely /pontosabba
n/ the
mandarin dialect will take control over the web! $his is how the cultures spread /kiterjed/ here!
$he e+mails
e+mails are really easy to type and send not only because
because the correctio
correction n /javítás/
/javítás/ of one#s
one#s mistakes
mistakes but
 because if someone#s
someone#s handwriting is not the prettiest everyone can read it
i t because it#s clear! 5 big advantage
/el7ny/ that if once you finished your e+mail the addressee /címzett/ will get it appro1imately /kHr9lbel9l/ in 3B
minutes independently /f9ggetlen9l/ from where he or she lives while if you write a traditional letter or on its
other name a snail mail it takes two days to arrive even if the person you#ve sent the letter to lives only 3B
kilometers away!
5lso there is an other solution /megoldás/ the fa1! $his is kind of like when you take a picture of what you
would like to show or send to someone and send the photo itself! $here are special kinds of printers which can be
used for scanning and fa1ing! 0ou put your sheet face up or face down inside of the machine then you send the
fa1 message to a phone number which is in connection with a printer and that printer prints your fa1 out! $his
way both of you the sender and the receiver /vev7/ will get a copy from the paper! "n <ungary the fa1 had no
long lifetime because the fa1 and the "nternet appeared /megjelent/ at almost the same time and people chose
the easier way to communicate with the others! &ending messages and documents with the help of the "nternet is
definitely much faster than in the traditional way but " can tell from personal e1periences that it is much more
less personal and kind! " have some penpals from other countries! 5nd it is very interesting they prefer snail mail!
" think it is so humourous to see handwriting habits of other nations!

/. *ervices /. *zolgáltatások  
·uality/guarantee of services · szolgáltatások min7sége/garanciáj a
· role significance of service industry · szolgáltatóipar szerepe jelent7sége
· electronic services/online ordering · elektronikus szolgáltatások/on+line

&hopping malls /bevásárlókHzpont/ attract /vonz/ hundreds of customers each day because they are close to the
city centre organize /szervez/ different programs for almost every week or month for all ages and tastes /ízlés/
or in ,laza
,laza there is a cinema! 5ll of the shopping
shopping centers have some fast food restaura
nts clothes
clothes stores
/ruha9zlet/ like Kon ,epe New 0orker and so on! :esides the shopping we can find places where we can chill
out /lehiggad/ like hairdressers beauty salons shoe repairers /cip7javító/ cloth cleaners mobile services even
car washes and so on with the list! 2hemists /gyógyszertár/ gym /edz7terem/ post office and adventure /kaland/
center ne1t to each other seems to be a great advantage and the cinemas and the casinos are nice tools /eszkHzHk/
for attracting /vonzás/ people to these centers but also sometimes we should think about the disadvantages too!
,ersonally " don#t really like to go shopping the only store " really like is the bookstore! *very time "#m there "
am definitely /kétségtelen9l/ going to spend at least five minutes to go in and look around!
$hese places have a lot of advantages like closed and climatized /klimatizált/ area /ter9let/ different shops to
fulfil /szolgál/ all needs and also if you get tired of wandering /vándorlás/ around all day you can find a place
to sit down and have a nice coffee with your friends or eat a good meal with your family!
"n my opinion it is a great idea to combine free time activity with the daily shopping when you go to a
supermarket to buy food for the dinner cleaning stuff /tisztítószer/ to do the housework and then you take a
stroll /kószál/ on the long passages /folyosó/ window+shop /kirakatot nézeget/ laugh with your friends and you
can even buy some clothes for the ne1t party!
$hough /bár/ a lot of people like to go there not just during /alatt folyamán/ the week but at the weekends too
 but if we ask somebody who#s working there they definitely would say it is a hard work because they hardly
have any time to care for /foglalkozik/ their family! $hey have to work a lot each day to get a small amount
/Hsszeg/ of money!
money! "n the morning the stores /áruház/ open around eight or nine but they have to be there at least
an hour earlier to organize /gondozkodik vmir7l/ everything before the shop opens!
 Not everyone likes crowded /zsOfolt/ places and that#s
that#s why a lot of people want to go there just in the hours
when there#s
there#s nobody else or they don#t go there at all /egyáltalán/! :esides the more people there are the bigger 
chance it means for shoplifters /bolti tolvaj/ because they can use other people to help them unless /kivéve ha/
they talk to those people or ask them to help! )e can easily become victims /áldozat/ in these situations when
somebody puts like a pack of chewing gum /rágógumi/ in our pocket we don#t notice /észrevesz/ it! 5fter we go
to pay
pay and when we would
would like to leave the shop the alarm
alarm system /riasztórends
zer/ turns on and we get
 punishment while the real
real thief simply walks
walks out ne1t to us when the alarm
alarm is still on!
"n big shoppi
shoppingng center
centerss there
there##s always
always a rush
rush /tolon
gás// right
right before
before /kHzve
n9l el7tte
el7tte// and right
right after 
/kHzvetlen9l utána/ the important celebrations like 2hristmas and *aster when almost everyone celebrates and
gives gifts to others! )ell these presents are not always the appropriate /megfelel7/ ones that#s why we like to
keep the bill and then return our gifts and change them for more useful ones! 5t these times there are huge sales
 because the shops have
have to sell the things they got back or stayed there!
$en thousands or hundred thousands including me prefer to order and buy from the "nternet as it definitely costs
less energy and time not mentioning that we don#t have to go anywhere so we can spare fuel and money too!
)e get what we wanted in two or three days ma1imum a week and we didn#t even had to go out of our house or 
stand up from our comfortable armchair! $here are many websites selling food pieces of clothing household
appliances /háztartási eszkHz/ books entertaining things and so on just to fulfill our needs of every kind and
taste! )e type in the name of the thing we#re looking for and search through millions of pages and sites choose
the best shop place price uality even guarantee and we order whatever we would like to!
5lso we can organize almost our whole life through websites! )e can report /AbeDjelent/ the amount of water
gas and electricity we used together with our ta1 returns while we ask for a meeting with our dentist and take
 part in /résztvenni/ an auction
auction at the same time!
0ears ago there were smart men in the industry /ipar/ who realized /rájHtt/ that people buy what they need in the
 best uality /min7ség/ they
they can afford /nyOjt/! :ut what
what if their things have long lifetimes! <ere
<ere came the planned
obsolescence /elavulás/! "ts basic idea is to influence /befolyásol/ the people to buy a little better a little more
e1pensive things a little sooner than they actually need just to keep the industry working! $hey can do it in two
ways- the first is that they make their products# lifetimes shorter but just a little bit longer than their guarantees
so they buy new things
things when some
some single
single little tricks would solve /megold/
/megold/ the whole problem
problem like taking

out /kivesz/ a microchip! $he other way is to find out what the customer would like! $hey make lots of 
advertisements /reklámok/ designs /modellek/ which look better and cooler than the older ones and they take
action /akcióba lép/ and sale signs out /kiír/ in their windows as bait /csali/ for the people!
*ven the product#s place on the shelf influences a single person in the shop- if something is in the height of our 
eyes we notice /észrevesz/ it sooner and think that it#s somehow better than the one on the bottom of the shelf
which may be a bit cheaper and sometimes better!
)henever we would like to use the guarantee to get something repaired we need the thing#s warranty /garancia/
or unless /kivéve ha/ we won#t be able to hand it in /benyOjt/! $here are problems which can be solved /megold/
 but there are cases when we don#t have an other solution /megoldás/ just to buy a new one because it would
cost less time and money for us! )hile we are in time according /vmivel kapcsolatban/ to the warranty
warranty we have
three options- usually in the first three workdays if we have any problems with the product we show the
warranty and our newly bought thing let#s say a camera will be changed for a brand new one from the shelf! "n
the first one two or three months our camera will be sent to a head office /kHzponti iroda/ where if it#s possible
it gets repaired! )ith the clothes we can give them back and choose new things at the price of the piece we had
given back previously /korábban/!
Kespite /vmi ellenére/ this "#ve heard that in 5merica and *ngland they change back almost everything even
meat /hOs/ that was bought a few days ago but wasn#t good enough for the consumer#s taste /ízlés/! &ometimes "
feel that as time goes on people besides
besides the laziness
laziness /lustaság/
/lustaság/ will have so many idiot ideas like the one "
mentioned before in connection with the meat!

0. ulture$entertainment 0. ultra$sz%rakozás
·role of arts in the past and present · mPvészetek szerepe egykor és ma
·  public collections and their maintenance/ · kHzgyPjtemények és fenntartásuk/
historic sites mPvészeti/ tHrténelmi emlékek  
· mentorship/sponsorship/promotion · mecenatOra/szponzoráció/reklámozás

"n ancient times art was for reasons that are not at least similar to nowadays# sense! %ike the wall paintings in the
caves the arts were used to spread information share knowledge or collect memories to show them to others!
$hese days we mean theater dance film music writing and other methods of entertainment by arts! $he reason
why we turn to art is because we would like to rela1 enjoy something that we found beautiful or useful or the
artists would like to get some money with what they loves the most! )hat " can perfectly understand! ?y biggest
dream is to live off writing!
)e can see the moments of everyday life like clothing hunting eating child+raising food production or even
love and connections in the past on the paintings and drawings or hear about them in old songs! 5lso while we
are analyzing the old pieces of art we even can see the current beliefs /kHzhiedelem/ and facts that were there at
the time when the pieces were made! ;rom the 4regorian music we know that in the ?iddle 5ges 4od was a
very important topic from the cave paintings we know how our first ancestors /7sHk/ lived from the paintings
we know what were people wearing and from the buildings we can track /nyomon kHvet/ construction /szerkezet/
of the evolution and so on!
$hese days " would say that the arts# role /szerep/
/szerep/ changed
changed from giving information
information to help rela1ing
rela1ing and
entertain people! 5s we are walking on the streets we plug /bedug/ our ears in and listen to our favourite music
to chill out or to speed up the time until we get to a place from another! )hen we see a painting on showcase
/tárlat/ we think M)ell
M)ell that would look nice on my wall " like the landscapes /tájképek/ instead of /vmi helyett/
trying to figure out which biblical scene we can see or from what age is that picture from!
5lso there are different styles for different tastes /ízlés/- everyone can find the art form or style that suits their 
needs /megfele
/megfelell az igényeinek/
igényeinek/ most!
most! ;or me it is hardly e1pressib
le /kifejezhe
t7/ as " enjoy drawing
drawing and
 painting as much as singing or writing novels lyrics and poems too like learning to play on different musical
instruments! 5lthough /noha/ it is very important to keep in mind that because we are not similar our tastes are
different too! $his way there are things that " really love while my best friend may think that#s not her cup of 
tea! 5rt
5rt itself is really subjective
subjective /egyéni/
/egyéni/ as it satisfies
satisfies /kielégít/
/kielégít/ everyone#
everyone#s taste at the same time but on
different ways with different
different tools /eszkHzHk/ and productions!
$he greatest arts are usually showed in museums or their copies are on display /ki van állítva/ to show people
 pieces from older cultures! 5 very
very big percentage of the important and or e1pensive creations /alkotások/ are in
 public collections which mean that museums possess /rendelkezik vmivel/ them not average /átlag/ people!
$hese masterpieces /remekmP/ have special needs and are very hard to maintain /fenntart/! $hese tasks /feladat/
need e1perienced /tapasztalt/ and trustworthy /megbízható/ restaurateurs and professors to restore them to a uite
good condition maybe even better than the original state! 5lso they cost incredible amounts /Hsszeg/ of money
and if something
something goes wrong breaks down /tHnkreme
gy/ and can#t
can#t be fi1ed on an original piece the damage
/kár/ is irreparable
irreparable /helyrehozha
n/ as we lost a piece of culture and history
history!! $he other way to impair 
/megrongál/ the masterpieces is when somebody wants to get rich soon steal one from a museum or from a
 personal collection and sells it on the black market! Kuring /alatt folyamán/ this progress /fejl7dés/ the
artworks /mPalkotások/ can go through incredible /hihetetlen/ trials / megpróbáltatásokon/
megpróbáltatásokon/ and can be losen easily
for ever!
$his was about the older ones but we have to mention the artists of these days! Not everyone of them has
enough money to do artworks so some richer people may help them with giving money to work but as a trade
/9zlet/ they can get whatever /bármit/ they want from the artists! $hese mentors# and/or sponsors# task too is to
help their mentored /mentorál/ ones to show their works on e1hibition /kiállítás/ in galleries or museums! $his
way more and more people can be informed about the new talents be interested in their works and who knows
maybe buy some masterpieces!
)hen somebody wants to get a piece of art basically /alapjában véve/ there are two ways to do it- the first one is
when they sell and buy things directly at a discussed /megbeszélt/ price the other way is to organize /szervez/ an
auction! "n the second case moremore possible
possible consumer
consumerss /fogyaszt
ók/ may show up /megjelen
ik/ and they race
against each other by who can give more money for a thing they would like to! ?ostly on auctions we can see
antiuities /antikvitás/ or pieces of art from private collections which were hidden /rejtett/ from the world until
they got to the auction because maybe their owner died or couldn#t pay their debts /adósság/ so decided to sell
some Munnecessary /sz9kségtelen/ things!

1. Time$eather 1. 4d5$id56árás
 natural catastrophes and · természeti katasztrófák és
their conseuences kHvetkezményeik  
 hole in the ozone layer/ · az ózonlyuk/
dangers of global warming a globális felmelegedés veszélyei

 Nowadays is very rich in natural disasters such as earthuakes /fHldrengések/ wildfires /futót9zek/ hurricanes
and tsunamis! $o
$o the best of my knowledge two thousand and eleven A8B33D was the costliest year on record /fel
van jegyezve/ in terms of /vminek a szempontjából!/ property /ingatlan/ damage /kár/ referring to /hivatkozva
vmire/ natural disasters across the globe /világszerte/! (ust in the first two months of that year there were several
reports about billions of fish and birds found dead everywhere! $here also were a lot of strong earthuakes with
more than F!B magnitude!
$o talk a bit more about these thing with the viewpoint of a businessman the insurance companies were not in
such bad positions for long years! $he more catastrophes there are the more damage people have on their 
 property /tulajdon ingatlan/ and the more damages the insurance companies have to pay! pay! $his all can be
e1plained by the global warming of course which is a huge problem!
$o start this topic from the beginning " should e1plain what is global warming why it develops and is
harmful /káros/ for the environment! :asically /alapjában véve/ it was caused by the different gases the humans
 produce /termel/ with their factories cars burning and even with household appliances /háztartási eszkHz/ like
the refrigerator /hPt7szekrény/
/hPt7szekrény/ or even only with a simple deodorant /dezodor/!
4ases like ;reon start to devastate /elpusztít/ the ozone layer part by part and this is what should not happen!
$he ozone layer /ózonréteg/ is like an enormous /hatalmas/ bubble around the *arth and it is what keeps most of 
the gases like the o1ygen inside! 5lso this layer stops the dangerous ultra violet rays /sugárzás/ which can burn
the skin or cause skin cancer! )ithout
)ithout the ozone layer we would not be able to breathe to go out of the house or 
even to find a green
green spot /hely
/hely folt/
folt/ somewher
somewheree around
around because it prevents
prevents the planet
planet from /megakadál
drought /szárazság/!
:ut not everyone cares about it as the whole layer keeps growing thinner and thinner which causes serious
 problems as " mentioned
mentioned before!
$here is another important problem in connection with the ozone layer case which we should talk about too!
$his one is the global warming!
:asically it is when we produce several kinds of gases like carbon+dio1ide during a day and some of these
gases reflect /visszaver7dik/ from the ozone layer and get stuck /bennragad/ inside of it! 5lso it keeps the heat
/h7/ inside too! $his way the average /átlag/ temperature raises /megemel/ everywhere! $he conseuences are
the melting polar ice caps /az olvadó sarki jégsapkák/ and glaciers /gleccserek/ the rising sea and ocean levels
e1tinction /kihalás/ of animals and more and more species /fajok/ becoming endangered /veszélyeztetett/! 4lobal
warming is a very dangerous thing that we should be aware of /tudatában van vminek/ or instead /inkább/ we
will be able to swim in our back garden!
 Now we can#t always see its marks /jeleit/ but if we notice /észrevesz/ them like the snowless warm winter in
<ungary we start worrying! $his is the time when we should really talk about these problems and try to slower 
the process /folyamat/ because in my opinion it is already too late to stop it! $he only thing we can do is to
reduce the rising /emelked7/ amount /mennyiség/ harmful gases in the air use public transport instead of cars
use the renewable /megOjuló alternatív/ energy resources /er7forrás/
/er7forrás/ try to recycle /Ojrahasznosít/ instead of 
/ahelyett/ burning and burying /elás/ everything in our back garden and we can even reduce the deforestation
/erd7irtás/! :y cutting out all the rainforests we don#t just take away the habitat /természetes kHrnyezet/ from
various species /fajok/ of animals and plants but we reduce the natural cleaning of the air! "f we just cut the trees
out and don#t plant anything instead of in in a few decades /néhány évtizeden bel9l/ there won#t be enough clean
air in the earth#s atmosphere! 5lso the forest fires are dangerous and important too because they might damage
 people#s property
property too!
5ll in all we really should think future of us and our Q because seeing the plants blooming /virágzás/ in the
middle of winter may be a heartwarming /szívmelenget7/ feeling but it#s hundred precent not natural!

11. 7ealth$illnesses 11. 8gészség$9etegségek  
 science/research serving medical care/genetics · a tudomány/kutatás az egészség9gy
szolgálatában / genetika
 alternative methods of healing · alternatív irányzatok a gyógyításban
 health tourism · egészségturizmus

"n the last few decades /az elmOlt néhány évtizetben/ there have been many developments /fejl7dés/ in scientific
fields /tudományos ter9let/! =esearches /kutatások/ and e1periments /kísérletek/ help us improve /fejleszt/ our 
knowledge about our bodies health and diseases
diseases /betegségek/!
/betegségek/! :ased on the results
results /eredmén
yek/ scientists
/tudósok/ and doctors can invent /feltalál/ new medicines tools /eszkHzHk/ and methods /módszerek/ which can
 be much more effective
effective /hatásos/ and useful
useful even against the most+feared
most+feared /rettegett/ cancer
cancer <"R
<"R and 5"K&!
ing that the best techniues
techniues and ideas
ideas were
were invented
invented for military
military technology
technology but later spreaded
spreaded out
/szétterjed/! "t means that we care much more about /tHr7dik vmivel/ fighting each other than curing /gyógyítás/
and healing /orvoslás/ even our own nation! ;or me it is a bit hard to understand but if powerful /befolyásos/
/befolyásos/ and
influential /tekintélyes/ people see it as the right way to go let it be this way!
5s " see the things there are three main groups of illnesses! $he curable ones the incurable ones and the ones
which can be cured but will appear /megjelenik/ again in a period of time /id7kHzHnként/! $he incurable diseases
/betegségek/ can be life+threatening /életveszélyes/ like cancer
cancer but luckily not every case ends up in death!
$o talk a bit more about them there are different options to choose from when you got one! $he first is that you
 become devastated /elpusztított/ not care about it at all /egyáltalán/ and slowly but surely surely it consumes
/elfogyaszt/ you little by little! $he second option is that you want to stay alive so you go to a doctor and ask for 
help! 0ou
0ou can get different types of medicinesS go to several therapies and treatments /gyógykezelések/! &ome of 
my family members had different
different types of cancer and as it is hardly curable unfortunately they met their end!
*uthanasia is a method
method for gracious
gracious /kegyes/
/kegyes/ death
death when somebody
somebody is suffer
ing /szenved/
/szenved/ from something
which is unuestiona
bly /vitathata
l/ lethal
lethal /halálos/
/halálos/ like cancer
cancer or <"R/5"K&!
<"R/5"K&! $his type of death is
reuested /kér/ by the suffering people who are not able to live with the fact /tény/ that they would die in any
moment like in the last period
period of cancer
cancer or have so serious and life+thre
ng injuries
injuries /sér9lések/
/sér9lések/ or other 
$hough /bár/
/bár/ in some
some countries
countries and states
states it is forbidden
forbidden /tilos/ people firmly /határozottan
/határozottan// and completely
/teljes mértékben/ have the rights to their own lives and even death which can#t be taken by others! 5ccording
/vmi vonatkozásában/ to the law people can take their own life by suicide /Hngyilkosság/ or euthanasia! "f one#s
forbidden they choose the other awfulness /szHrnyPség/!
:y suicide people can be prevented
prevented /megakadály
oz/ from suffer
ing at the end of their life from low living
s even from abusement
abusement /megaláztatá
s/ and forced
forced /kikénysze
t/ prostitutio
n! "t may be a relief 
/megkHnnyeb9lés/ in these situations and can free up more medical funds /ApénzDalap/ to others who really need
it who wants to stay alive!
5lso people who live in places where euthanasia is forbidden they invented /feltalál/ the Meuthanasia+tourism
which is about that they go to a country where it is legal and according to their wish they die there! $his is
another method for being free! &witzerland the Netherlands!
5s " see it euthanasia is not a bad thing as it keeps away people from suffering and everything is happening as
they want it to be like! "n front of me the only one thing that would deter /elrettent/ me from it if " would be so
ill like in the last period of cancer the fact that my beloved ones may forgive it to me as they could understand
it! :ut suicide is different! "t is very selfish even if everything is hopeless in your life!
5lso there are other alternative methods of healing like the homeopathic medicines which are based on
hundred precent natural components /Hsszetev7/ like herbs /gyógynHvény/ which were used since the human
appeared /megjelenik/ on *arth! *ven a few decades ago there were no special medicines drugs pills and other 
stuff but there
there were
were the nature
nature which
which people
people would
would believ
believee in! $here
$here were
were some
some reall
reallyy nice
nice sample
/mintapélda/ when someone#s belief /hit/ was strong enough to get well! $his is the base idea of placebo pills!
$hey are simply made of glucose and mostly used as fake antidepressant /antidepresszáns/
/antidepresszáns/ pills!
'f course if we don#t want to fill ourselves with any kinds of pills or medicines there are other alternatives like
ic massag
es energ
energyy therap
ies essent
ial oils /illóo
ok/ mind
mind thera
s or if whole
whole body
body parts
parts /
ész/ are injured /megsér9l/
/megsér9l/ we can go and take up /hozzáfog
/hozzáfog vmihez/
vmihez/ some kind of sport! 5s " had
 problems with my spine " had to go swimming and took part in a physiotherapy class each week! 5lone it
wouldn#t be so enjoyable but as "#m going as a member of a group made mostly of girls from my school and at
my age it#s much more fun than work for my health!

$o see things from the healthy side we all should do some sports at least as a hobby because it is very good for 
the lungs /t9d7k/
/t9d7k/ heart
heart muscle
muscless and bones
bones and for our whole being!
being! 5t least
least we feel that
that we are doing
something for our own health and everybody can find something which he or she would like in a sport and
attract /vonz/ them to do that!
:esides the sport we should protect our immune system too as it is weak /gyenge/ it can#t protect us from
diseases /betegségek/ which we are in touch every day! )earing warmer clothes in the cold weather or drinking
at least one and a half two litres of liuids /folyadék/ a day is one of the best things we can do and it is not so
hard to fill /megtHlt/ a glass with water and drink it!
5voiding /elker9lés/ alcohol and smoking also is a great thing as we don#t destroy /elpusztít/ our own body by
all those harmful chemicals and other thing! )ould
)ould you eat a piece of asphalt /aszfalt/ each day
day then breathe in a
 bottle of air freshener /légfrissít7/. No. $hen why do we smoke if the same things can be found in a cigarette or 
a cigar. )ell
)ell people have strange habits in connection with their bodies!

12. *port 12. *port
 first+class sports T mass sports/doping · élsport T tHmegsport/dopping
  professionalism/amateurism in sport/e1treme ·  profi/amat7r sport/e1trém sport
 sport and women Achess bo1ing weightliftingD · sport és a n7k Asakk HkHlvívás
sOlyemelés futballD
 sports and marketing · sport és reklám

&port is a very important
important thing is one#s
one#s life! "t can protect
protect our health our body
body refresh the mind strengthe
strengthen n
ít/ us inside and outside
outside not to talk about the reduction
reduction /csHkkenés/
/csHkkenés/ of the daily stress!
stress! 5s we are
different we can#t all be in just one specific sport so during the centuries and millenniums /ezredév/ people
invented /feltalál/ several kinds of sports with different moves rules euipment /képesség/ and reuirements
nyek/!! &ome are dangerous
dangerous some are not your choice may depend depend on your physical
physical abilities
/képességek/ and the fact that how adventurous /vakmer7/ you are! $here are e1treme sports for the adrenaline
lovers like hiking /tOrázás/ windsurfing scuba diving or parachuting /ejt7erny7zés/ slow sports which need
more concentration and more use of your brain like chess and golf there are the martial arts /harcmPvészetek/
and their branches /ágazatai/ and the list could go on for long pages!
;or me " tried lots of sports as a hobby and/or a form to keep fit folkdance Lumba running horse riding etc!
5s " see it women might like doing sport more than men as we are considered to be more worried about our 
health and shape so small wonder that we have at least the same number of girls as boys on each training! ?en
are said to be lazier /lustább/ and " would say we can see less men running on the streets alone!
<ealth problems can be a causecause why people take up /belekezd
/belekezd// differe
nt sports
sports like jogging
jogging against
against obesity
ság/ and heart
heart problems
problems!! &ports
&ports can do wonders
wonders for our health by strengthen
ing /meger7s
ítés/ our 
muscles bones heart and lungs /t9d7k/! 5n other cause why we choose them as our free time activities is that the
fact that it reduces the daily stress and the chance of getting a heart attack!
"n <ungary soccer /labdarOgás/ is definitely /kétségtelen9l/ one of the most popular sports besides handball
which shows increasing statistics! " would say that a very big percentage about JBU of the young boys play
soccer regularly and if we ask a little boy what would he like to become he would answer- soccer player! 5 lot
of boys practice it as their favourite activity during their scholar years but when they finish their schools they
give it up and find a suitable /testhez álló/ job!
&ome boys still keep running after their dreams and they become soccer players until they can! 5s a player you
won#t be able to be on the pitch /pálya/
/pálya/ until the end of your life because
because as a forty+year+
old man you are
considered to be a veteran a very old player! )hen you get too old you uit the team and have to find another 
 job which is a very unlucky situation unless you would make a good leader /vezet7/ and teacher
teacher and a team
would need your help as a couch /edz7/!
 ;or women it#s usually not the same though we really do like sports! $here are many e1ceptions /kivétel/ that
show we can be even better than the males! (ust for an e1ample the first <ungarian world champion in karate
was a female not a male! *ven there are the very famous chess+player girls the three ,olgár sisters! $heir father 
taught them how to play chess at a very young age and they become so great professionals that they and their 
father had to invent /feltalál/ other more difficult ways to play this black and white but not at all boring game!
5nd once if we talk about chess we should also mention some idiot sports like chess bo1ing! "#ve first heard
about it a few years ago! "t is made up of several turns one game of chess and a bo1 match! $he player who
wants to win has to be very fit both in body and mind!
5lso there is the so famous wife+carrying competition which was invented in ;inland as has the basic idea that
the husbands
husbands have to carry
carry their wives on /folytat/ their back at the fastest
fastest speed
speed they can through several
obstacles /akadály/! )ho is the fastest and doesn#t hurt drop /eldob/ or leave his wife wins!
5n other idiot sport which spreads /elterjed/ around the world with the speed of light /fénysebesség/ is the cell
 phone throwing! 0ou just have to toss /dob/ it in the air the goal is that it has to fly a long distance /nagy
távolságok/ up /felrep9l/ so high and land at the furthest point! &ometimes " can#t see a clever point in a game or 
its rules but it still can be very enjoyable /élvezetes/ for someone!

13. :edia 13. :édia
 objectivity/impartiality of providing information a tájékoztatás objektivitása

 stars/celebrities sztárság/celebség

5s this age is considered /megfontolt/ to be the age of information media plays a very important role in our daily
lives! $he television the radio newspapers and the "nternet are just a few e1amples of communication!
)hen we wake up in the morning we turn on the $R $R watch the news or the weather forecast /el7rejelzés/! )hile
having breakfast a lot of people like to read their favorite newspaper
newspaper and when they set off to work they turn on
the radio in their car! 5t
5t their workplace or after they got home they use their computers to surf the "nternet!
'f course we can#t
can#t stay out of the current political topics or not be influenced /befolyás/ by one of the parties as
every single form of media reflects /reagál/ the interests of one party
party at least! None of the tools /eszkHzHk/ of the
media can be considered to be objective though /bár/ we still keep using them as we form our opinion based on
our own ideas interests and needs not really on what others may say!
"n <ungary " would say that the most used form of media is the "nternet as it is available almost everywhere it
is fast and by the time /amikorra/ we get the daily newspaper in our hands there are already at least five updates
about the same topic we read in the morning! $he more people use the web to search for information the age of 
 printed news is about its end because we can choose what we want to be informed about and what is out of our 
interest! $hat probably is the reason why there is a significant difference in the number of newspaper ordering
 between these days and a decade /évtized/ ago!
$his is not the same with the $R as it was and still is very popular! 5s soon as we get home turn it on we can
listen to music watch a film or sit down in front of fascinating /lebilincsel7/ series! 5ccording to our own taste
/ízlés/ we can choose whether we would like to watch something on a public or a commercial /kereskedelmi/
channel! $he main difference between them is that the public channels run on the money of the government and
are mostly available for everybody while the commercial channels use the commercials for their living! $he
highest price of a commercial is at the time when a channel gets a punishment for something like the program
 proved /bizonyul/ to be harmful /káros/ for younger kids or the age mark /korhatár/ at the corner /sarok/ is not
good! "t has a psychological reason- when people hear that there will be a break at programs they switch the $R
to that
that channe
channell and watch
watch the clock counti
ng /számo
l/ back!
back! $he first seconds
seconds and minut
es are very
influencing /hatásos/ when everything starts again as people see those advertisements /hirdetés reklám/ first!
5n other great source /forrás/ of income /bevétel/ are the reality shows and other programs which are based on
the viewers /néz7/ votes! ,eople sit down in front of the screen and send te1t messages to keep their favorite
characters in the game or competition /verseny/ they are watching! &ometimes the money we spend on sending
those messages can be incredibly /hihetetlen9l/ much and this money goes only to the founders /alapító/ and the
show runs on /folytatódik/! )e should think about that it could me much more useful if we would send that
money to a charity /jótékonyság/ but as it#s a human habit we like to spend money what entertains /szórakoztat/
us not on things that would be good for others like orphans /árvák/ too!
5lso while we are await /várakozik/ the show to go on there are other long commercials which are usually very
 boring and annoying /bosszantó/ for an average /átlag/ person but this is the price of our favorite programs t o
run! Kuring the five or ten minute long advertisement /reklám hirdetés/ time we switch to an other channel and
watch the news which is usually about the bad things that happened in the world! )e rarely hear about the
opening ceremony of a new school or hospital because not everybody thinks it to be important but likes to hear 
more about natural disasters and other sad things like protesting /tiltakozás/ ended up in catastrophe! 5lso we
can#t hear a lot about the current political issues though it is sure that all of the channels writers and speakers
have their own opinion and tell the stories from their viewpoints /álláspont/ sometimes influencing our decisions
and feelings about the political parties!
)hen somebody decides /AelDdHnt/ to work as a writer reporter /riporter tudosító/ or editor /szerkeszt7/ they
have to participate /részt vesz kHzremPkHdik/ in different style classes and practice a lot of different styles! "#ve
heard from one of my acuaintances /ismer7s/ that she worked for a television channel for a short time and they
had to write articles /AOjságDcikkek/ in the styles of specific newspapers for practicing! "n <ungary
<ungary we can easily
tell apart which newspaper
newspaper website or $R channel reflects / reagál/ which political party#s interests! $hat#s
$hat#s why "
say there is no objectivity /tárgyilagosság/ and it can never be as people may try not to take their personal
feelings interests and thoughts in a report or an opinion+piece as hard as they can but yes there still is at least a
tiny /apró pici/ piece of it in their products!
$he government
government always takes control
control over public channels
channels just for an e1ample
e1ample <ír$R is for the right
right wing
5$R is for the left wing party! " found it a dirty thing to take advantage of our everyday habits and influence us

through daily routines like reading listening to radio or watching $R! $hey use our time of relay /kHzvetít/ for 
their own interests!
" don#t watch news or other programmes like that! " watch a lot series! 'ne of my favourites is &upernatural! $his
television drama is about two brothers &am and Kean who were raised /felnevel/ by their father (ohn to hunt
and kill all things that go Mbump in the night /az éjszaka rejtélyes/félelmetes zajai/! $he two leading men are
(ared ,adalecki and (ensen 5ckles! (ensen is very attractive and handsome! " know about him he is married and
he has a daughter because " heard or read it but honestly " don#t care! ?any people want to know everything
about their favourites! "n my opinion they should care about their life not others! $hat#s way celebrities can be!
$hey are ridiculous! ,ersonally " think that we are a too small country to this many celebrities!
&tars are maybe different or maybe not! :ut " think some singers actors authors etc! are very different from
celebrities! $hey try to move to your heart by t heir songs movies or books not their scandals /botrány/!

1!. 7o99y 1!. 7o99i
  preserving traditions · hagyomány7rzés
 e1clusive hobbies Agolf riding scuba diving etc!D · e1kluzív hobbik Agolf lovaglás
 bOvárkodás stb!D
 hobby and/or professionalism. · hobbi és/vagy profizmus.

"n this running world not everyone has the time they would need to chill out /lehiggad/ but we still have our 
interests in sports art and other rela1ing opportunities! " would say that almost everybody has a hobby that he or 
she really likes to do! ;or some t his hobby is their work for others their hobby begins after work time or at the
5 lot of the hobbies are based on old traditions and their practice like painting martial arts /harcmPvészetek/
and singing! ;or me " have a lot of hobbies but mostly based on old traditional ones such as drawing painting
and writing! )riting is not just a hobby for me! "t is lifestyle! " write short stories novels and poems!  )hen "
start to write in 8B3B " was also writing $wilight fanfictions! ;anfiction is when someone takes either /egyik/ the
story or characters Aor bothD of a certain /bizonyos/ piece of work whether /akár/ it be a novel tv show movie
etc! /et cetera/ and create their own story based on /alapul vmin/ it! " publish my writings on my website and a
couple times a year in anthologies! >nfortunately in <ungary it is almost impossible to live off writing!
5lso there are e1clusive hobbies such as golf horse riding scuba diving and others which are not practiced by
every second or third person since they need very special euipment /képesség/ and personality /személyiség/
" rare
ly ride
ride a horse!
horse! " adore
adore it but " unfort
y " can#t
can#t do it regularl
y! <orses
<orses can be a realreal passio
/szenvedély/ to us since these animals look at us as their partner not as their boss like dogs and not as their 
servant /szolga/ as cats! $hey are not pets but partners! " don#t know who can#t imagine to ride freely in a grassy
area /f9ves ter9let/ full of beauty trees song of the birds scent /illat/ of the freshness! "t really is a pleasure
/HrHm/ for the riders and for the horses too as they like to be free and simply run out of the grey everydays!
5t one time " tried scuba diving! "t was amazing dive in the water and see the beautiful underwater life! "t can be
a breathtaking /lélegzetellátító/ e1perience /tapasztalat/ while you swim with colorful and interesting fish see
the outside world from under you don#t even feel your own weight just the easiness of your body! %ike you
would be flying!
;or a lot of people who are really into their hobbies which is their true and only passion they might /lehet/
choose it as their profession! <umans like to do what they love to do not obeying /engedelmeskedve/ the rules of 
the society! $here are many people who became famous because they did what they wanted!
$here are two ways for a hobby to become someone#s
someone#s job! $he first is when you do something and you love it so
much that you would like to live off money or benefit you can make out of it!
$he other way is when you take something
something up /vmilyen
/vmilyen tevékenységb
tevékenységbee kezd/
kezd/ like painting or singing as a
 profession and later you start to love it more and more so this becomes even your hobby and you do it even at
home or vacation not just in work time!
'f course we should make a difference
difference between obsession /megszállottság/ and passion as obsession sometimes
may not be as pleasant /kellemes/ as it can easily turn into something that can be harmful /káros/ or make a fool
out /kiakaszt/
/kiakaszt/ of the obsessed
obsessed people! $hose ones can easily
easily hand out /szétoszt/
/szétoszt/ money on things
things that are
connected with their obsession and they do it without any control! :ut this is just the financial side as they
might take greater risks /veszélyek/ than they could overcome /lek9zd/!

1&. *tudying$ork 1&. Tanulás$munka
 AoverDualification/chances on the labour market AtOlDképzettség/munkaer7piaci

 lifelong education 5z élethosszig tartó tanulás

 employment opportunities/mobility · *lhelyezkedési lehet7ségek/mobilitás

 chances of disadvantaged individuals/groups · 5 hátrányos helyzetPek esélyei

"n almost /majdnem/ all countries there is a law about what age children must study! "n <ungary we have to go to
school until the age of 3G!
te /vmi
/vmi ellené
re/ our plans
plans dreams
dreams and e1pece1pectat
ionss /várak
/ futur
futuree may
may hold
hold une1pe
/meglepetésszerP/ twists /fordulat/ and can easily leave us disappointed /elégedetlen csalódott/! $hese days it is
very hard to find a job in <ungary as the payouts /kifizetés/ are low and the ta1es are high not to mention the
 price of the food clothing gas electricity
electricity water
water and so on! )e have to improve /fejleszt/ ourselves study as
much as we can and " would add /hozzátesz/ as much as we can afford /megtehet módjában van/!
$hree years ago there were drastic changes in the education system! 5 lot more less sponsored places are
available /rendelkezésre áll/ and if you get a scholarship /HsztHndíj/ you have to pay it back when you go to
work abroad or in the case if you don#t want to pay you have to work in <ungary twice as long as you studied
and you have to work out your debt in twenty years!
5lso it#s not always enough if you have a job because you can lose it every day and you don#t have to make a
mistake to become unemployed! $hat is why we have to study study and study not just the things that we are
interested in but all the things we might /lehet talán/ need as it gives us more opportunity to find another job!
"t#s never too late t o study and to update or widen /kib7vít/ our knowledge!
$o speak a little more about working we should mention how we can get a job! :asically we can do different
things while we are studying but these jobs are mostly available for only students and young people like in
?cKonalds! 'r when you go to a specific kind of school or course you have to spend some time practicing the
 job itself to go to a company
company and apply /alkalmaz/ as a student
student worker!
"n other ways like when you lose your job you search the "nternet leaf through /át kereszt9l/ the newspapers or 
go to an office where you can talk with a person who informs you about the things on the job market where
you can go to work or what should you learn more et cetera!
0ou have to write a 2R which contains /tartalmas/ your personal details /személyes adatok/ studies previous
/el7z7/ job e1periences /tapasztalatok/ and maybe some reasons why would you be the appropriate person for 
the job! 0ou
0ou hand it in /bead/ to the company
company where you would like to work and based on /alapul vmin/ it they
can decide /AelDdHnt/ whether they would like to interview you or not! "f they call you in you have to talk about
the same things as you had written in your 2R
2R and you have to show your knowledge about the company too as
it will be very important if you got selected for the job!
"f you get it you will have to sign a contract
contract /szerz7dés/
/szerz7dés/ that yes you are there working and serving
serving the
company! "n most places you have probation /próbaid7/ which is about 3 to @ months long! "f you and your 
yer are both
both conten
contentt /elége
t/ you will
will stay
stay there
there sign
sign anothe
anotherr contra
ct that
that you are
are a proved
/bizonyított/ worker and you will get a bit more salary!
'f course as you go upper the ladder /ranglétra/ you will have more important and maybe difficult jobs and
maybe a different work time also with more and more payout! "t is called promotion /el7léptetés/ but if you
aren#t working hard enough you can easily get fired or your boss can decide if they put you back to your old
workplace! "f you get a promotion you may have to move to another place! $hese habits are very different in
each country!
%et#s take <ungary for an e1ample! "f somebody would have to move to somewhere else to get more money
even just or @B kilometers away they rather /inkább/ stay and find another job nearer or stay content /elégedett/
with their current /jelenlegi aktuális/ work! "n another country it#s not such a problem like the $urkish and the
4erman would go even to an other continent
continent just to get enough money to maintain
maintain /fenntart/
/fenntart/ a good living
standard! $hese migrants
migrants would do even t he dirtiest jobs instead of /vmi helyett/ the people born to that country!
$o look at the things from the companies# side they don#t have a big variety /választék/ to choose from as they
must employ /alkalmaz/ disadvantaged /hátrányos helyzetP/ people too! $hey have to pay attention to /figyelmet
szentel/ them keep at least one handicapped /fogyatékos/ parking build ramps /rámpa/ ne1t to the stairs or use a
lift to make the disabled /mozgássér9lt/ people#s working circumstances /kHr9lmények/ easier!

5lso employing disadvantaged people mean advantages /el7nyHk/ too like ta1 reductions /csHkkenés/ and some
financial /pénz9gyi/ support /támogatás/ from the government! $aking this into consideration /megfontolás/ it
might be more worthwhile /megéri a fáradtságot/ to have some of those people in our company!
$he connection between the employer ant the employed is a very important thing! )hen someone is annoyed
/bosszantó/ each day by their boss they can#t do their best at their workplaces because they#re under great
 pressure /nyomás/ and stress! $he employers should be e1amples for how to work and how to work well! 5s an
employer we shouldn#t e1pect /elvár/ more from our workers
workers than we are able to do! "f the see that we are asking
for things we can#t do they will be upset /zaklatott/ and soon we can find ourselves alone in our own company!

1). 8uropean 'nion 1). Az 8ur%pai 'ni%
 the role of the *> in world politics · az *> szerepe a világpolitikában
 common/national currency · egységes/nemzeti valuta

$he *uropean >nion is an economic and political union of 8I independent member states which are located
 primarily in *urope!
$he *> was born in 3CF3 to end enmity /ellenségeskedés/ and guarantee a more peaceful future for the old
:ack then it was called the *uropean 2oal and &teel 2ommunity
2ommunity set up by :elgium ;rance "taly %u1embourg
and the Netherlands! $he rules of co+operation were set out /kiemel/ in the $reaty
$reaty of ,aris /,árizsi &zerz7dés/!
ry joined
joined on 3st ?ay AofDAofD 8BBE
8BBE with
with the entry of nine
nine other
other countr
ies this
this has been the biggest
enlargement in the *>#s history!
2andidate /pályázó/ countries
countries had been guided
guided through
through /végigveze
t/ the accession
accession /csatlakozás
/csatlakozás bejutás/
 process /folyamat/
/folyamat/ under the ,<5=*
,<5=* program!
$he single market /piac/ was the *>#s first achievement /eredmény/ completed in 3CC@! 2ompanies are able to
sell /elad/ their goods anywhere and professional services can be offered
offered /felajánl/ in any member state! $he
single market has led /vezet/ to increased /megn7tt/ competition /verseny/ of business resulting /eredményesség/
in lower prices and a greater choice of goods and services! $he objective /cél/ of the *> is to enhance /nHvel/
compatitiveness /versenyképesség/
/versenyképesség/ in the world market!
$he second major milestone /mérfHldk7/ of integration /integrációS beillesztés/ was the establishment /alapítás/
of the *conomic and ?onetary >nion which aims to /igyekszik tHrekszik/ coordinate /Hsszehangol/ economic
 policy and integrate /integrál beilleszt/ the economies of member countries in the interest /érdekeltség/ of 
steady /egyenletes/ growth!
"n the *> G millio
n jobs
jobs were
were creat
ed betwe
betweenen 3CCC
3CCC and 8BB@! $he aim /cél/
/cél/ is to raise
raise /megem
i/ the
employment level /foglalkoztatási szintet/ guarantee eual /egyenl7/ opportunities and encourage /HsztHnHz/ job+
creating /munkahelyteremt7/ investments /beruházás/!
$he *> has instituted
instituted /alapít/ various
various crossbor
der /határokon
/határokon átível7/ programmes
programmes to e1pand
e1pand /kiterjesz
t/ the
scope /lehet7ség/ of learning opportunities for the citizens /állampolgár/! A%eonardo Ka Rinci/*rasmus
Rinci/*rasmus ,rogramD!
$he goal is to provide opportunities for lifelong learning to make people more competitive /verseny/ in the job
$he *> has establishe
d a comprehe
nsive /széleskH
rP átfogó/
átfogó/ framew
ork /váz
/váz szerkeze
t/ for environmen
 protection and *> participates /kHzremPkHdik részt vesz/ in a lot of international environmental programs! $he
*>#s objective is to involve the public in /részt vesz vmiben/ protecting the environment!
<uman rights
rights democr
acy and the rule
rule of law are the *>#
*>#s core
core values
values /alapé
/! &ince
&ince 3CC8
3CC8 all
agreementsts /megállap
odás/ on trade
trade /kereske
delem// and cooperati
on /egy9ttmPkH
dés/ contain
contain /tartalm
az/ a
clause /záradék/ on safeguarding /megvédés/ human rights!
:eside financial /pénz9gyi/ help the *> promotes /támogat el7segít/ economic growth!

1-. ulture and civilisation ; 1-. <rszágismeret ;  
The hom
homee cou
ry and
and the
the targ
et lang
ge coun
tryy A forr
ás-- és
és a céln
lvii ors

 fame/recognition in the world/ · ismertsége/e
sége a világban/
their relationship to each other egymáshoz fPz7d7 kapcsolataik  
· · országimázs
 differences in traditions/ customs /ideology · elté
k a hagyo
szokásokban/ világfelfogásban

A$he >nited 6ingdom

6ingdom A>6D consists
consists of *ngland
*ngland )ales
)ales &cotland
&cotland Awhich collective
ly /egy9ttese
n/ make up
/alkot/ 4reat :ritainD and Northern "reland! $he >6#s>6#s geography is varied /változatos/ and includes /magába
foglal/ cliffs
cliffs /sziklák/
/sziklák/ along /mentén/ some coastlines
coastlines /partvonal/
/partvonal/ highlands
highlands /felvidék
/felvidék// and lowlands
lowlands /síkság
alfHld/ and hundreds of islands off /távoli/ the western and northern coasts /partvidék/ of &cotland!
$he most important
important sectors
sectors of the >6#s
>6#s economy
economy in 8B3E were public administr
ation defence
defence /védelem/
education human health and social work activities /tevékenység/ A3J!@ UD wholesale /nagykereskedelem/ and
retail /kiskereskedelem/
/kiskereskedelem/ trade /9zlet/ transport accommodation /szállás/ and food services A3J!E UD and industry
/ipar/ A3@!F UD!D
$he >6#s main e1port partners are 4ermany the >nited &tates and the Netherlands while its main import
 partners are 4ermany
4ermany 2hina and >&5!
$he >nited 6ingdom is a recognized /elismert/ state with strong economy and deep+rooted /mélyen gyHkerez7/
traditions! &ystem of government of >6 is kingdom and the citizens respect the royalties /a királyi család tagjai/
so much!
>6 is one of the founding members
members /alapító
/alapító tag/ of the *uropean
*uropean >nion but they didn#t changeover
changeover their 
currency the ,ound to the *uro! :ecause of ,ound is strong enough even stronger than *uro! $he other reason
of that if they changeover to the *uro the Vueen should smile from the back of their currency!
'fficial currency of <ungary is not *uro neither but the reasons are more serious! " see the things that are going
around me <ungary is going deeper and deeper on the slope /lejt7/! ?ore and more countries and monetary
/pénz9gyi/ unions and companies say that our little country will end up with /végzi vhol/ bankrupt /cs7d/ soon!
:ut " hope something will happen instead of /vmi helyett/ that!
5ll the same
same our country
country is small
small and in opinion of many nations
nations it#s
it#s insignifica
nt /jelentékte
len/ we are
 professional in sports!
sports! ;or e1ample time after time /id7r7l id7re/
id7re/ we are medalist
medalist in 'lympic 4ames!
%et me talk about a little bit ideology of these two countries! " think *nglish people are more kind polite and
helpful than <ungarians! " honestly believe that the reason of it the our economic situation! :ecause if you have
enough money to live off you become happier and hopeful!
?ore and more <ungarians immigrate to the >nited 6ingdom to take their chance! <ungarians in the >nited
6ingdom include /beleértve/ A<ungarian born immigrants to the >6 and their descendants /leszármazott/
/leszármazott/ of 
which there are a substantial number /jelent7s számO/!D &ince <ungary joined the *uropean >nion in 8BBE the
>6#s <ungarian
<ungarian population
population has grown
grown significa
ntly /jelent7se
n/ with the <ungarian
+born population rising
/felemelkedik/ from 3@BBB in 8BB3 to F8BBB in 8B33!
:esidess <unga
n immigr
antss there
there are
are ,olis
h "ndia
n 5rabi
an &yrian
&yrian and so on! Number
Number of ;renc
immigrants is also substantial and what is more /s7t mi tHbb/ there are ;rench schools! $here is more tolerant
attitude towards
towards /iránt
/iránt szemben
szemben kapcsolat
ban vkivel/vmi
vel/ minorities
minorities /kisebbség
ek/ and immigran
ts as
compared /Hsszehasonlítva/ to other countries in *urope! $he reason that %ondon works as a multi+cultural
international city is that everybody#s
everybody#s there! 'f course everybody speak or learn *nglish!
*nglish and <ungarian tranditions and customs are little bit different! ?aybe the biggest difference /k9lHnbség/
of celebrations connected to /kapcsolódik vmihez/ 2hristmas! "n *ngland when children go to bed on 2hristmas
*ve they hang up /felakaszt/ an old sock /zokni/ at the head /támla/ of their bed for ;ather 2hristmas also called
&anta 2laus to put presents in! "n <ungary &anta 2laus comes on Gth of Kecember!
Kecember! *aster and namedays are not
so impor
tantt in >6 suchsuch as over
over here!
here! :ut the Vueen#
Vueen#ss birthd
ay is very
very signif
nt /jelen
t7s// there
there!! "n
traditionally on second &unday in (une hundreds of people go to watch the W$rooping of the 2olour# /menetelés
a színekben
színekben// that is the Vueen inspecting
inspecting /megtekint/
/megtekint/ the troops
troops /katonákat
/katonákat// parading
parading their regimenta
regimentall flag
/ezredzászló/! $his is a colourful ceremony which takes place on the <orse 4uards ,arade in central %ondon!

1/. Pu9lic li"e 1/. Pu9lic li"e
 the purity of public life · a kHzélet tisztasága/korrupció
  political parties/elections/referendum ·  politikai pártok/

 Nowadays the economy and society changes moment by moment leaving changes in people#s life too! 5 lot of 
 bad thing are happening also but these crimes are caused by the people who don#t want to agree on
/megegyezik vmiben/ and accept /elfogad/ everything that the government or the laws say!
$hese days corruption grows to greater sizes and a lot of policemen politicians and other people are being sent
to jail because they#ve been charged /vádol/ with corruption!
:esides corruption there#s very often smuggling /csempészés/ which is the clandestine /illegális/ transportation
of goods or people such as out of a building into a prison
prison or across
across an internation
al border
border in violation
/megsértés/ of applicable /érvényes/ laws or other regulations /el7írások/!
$here are a lot of economic crimes like corruption! "n economy corruption is payment for services or material
/anyagi/ which is not due /nem jogosult vmire/ to the recipient /elfogadó/ under law! %ike when you go at a
higher speed somewhere that it is not allowed /tilos/ at that place and a policeman arrests /megállít/ you you
give money to the man to let you go this way you don#t have to pay a fine /bírság/ give him your driving license
or serve time /letHlti az idejét/ in prison! "f it turns out that you bribed /megveszteget/ a policeman both of you
will be arrested and have to go to jail!
2orruption is dishonesty /tisztességtelen/ and illegal behaviour /viselkedés/ by people in positions of power! $his
is certainly
certainly /biztosan/
/biztosan/ one of today#
today#ss much+dis
cussedd /tOlbeszélt
/tOlbeszélt// and over+disp
uted /tOlvitatot
t/ topics!
topics! 5nd
talking about corruption it seems that the first institution /intézmény/ that comes to mind is the police and the
field of politics hand+in+hand with security guards /tHrvény 7rei/!
&o corruption
corruption is surely
surely /biztosan/
/biztosan/ everywher
e and as long as /amíg/
/amíg/ human inhabit
inhabit /tartózko
dik él vhol/ the
world it will be an inherent /benne rejl7/ phenomenon /jelenség/ of our life!
"n <ungary
<ungary elections
elections /választás/
/választás/ are held every
every four years
years and it is a recurren
recurrentt /visszaté
r7/ uestion for the
whole nation whether to go votingS if it really counts /számít/ to give votes and which party is likely to win
:efore the electi
ons during
during the campai
gn trail
trail /kampá
t/ all candid
atess promi
se the world
world to the
electors /választó/! 5nd if the leading /vezet7/ party changes every four years there is always someone else to
 blame /hibáztat/ and it is always the previous /korábbi/ government! "n the promised wonder /csoda/ years we
are flatte
d /kecse
t/ to get higher
higher wages
wages /munka
/ more
more income
income and pensio
n /nyugd
íj/ better 
circumstances /kHr9lmények/ for life and less ta1es! ?oney means the basic source /forrás/ of life and livelihood
/megélhetés/! &o it is material wealth /anyagi jólét/ that is the appealing /megnyer7/ pulling power /hOzóer7/ and
not just in western societies since money makes the world go round!
<owever we shouldn#t forget that whenever new election times arrive in spite of enticing /csábító/ promises
and hopes the hands of the governments are tied /megkHt/ to a certain e1tent /egy bizonyos fokig/ and too much
 promise is always
always dubious /kétséges/ when
when trying to be carried out /teljesít/
/teljesít/ too uickly!
$he age limit to vote is eightteen but " think a person at this age is not old enough to form /alkot/ their own
opinion and see the world without the manipulating /manipuláció befolyás/ influence /befolyás/ of family and
friends! 5t that age " think it is a specially reappearing /OjrafeltPnés/ phenomenon for the teen to depend on and
follow a group or just individuals /egyéni/ they idolize /bálványoz/! )hatever they hear at home is mostly mind+
forming for them!
*veryone should be well aware of /tudatában
/tudatában van/ the fact
fact that having become a fully conscious
conscious /tudatos
megfontolt/ constituent /választópolgár/ of the nation it is not only a right but also an obligation /kHtelesség/ for 
the electors to go and give their votes!
2onsidering /megfontolni/ the various ways citizens /állampolgárok/ can e1press /kimond/ their opinions affairs
state /állam9gyek/ a referendum /népszavazás/ can be regarded /tart vmilyennek/ as an evident /nyilvánvaló/
solution /megoldás/! "t develops a sense /érzés/ of political awareness /tudatosság/ and responsibility /felel7sség/
in people! &ince the result /eredmény/ is held as sacred /szent/ a referendum is a perfect way for citizens to have
an active role in decision /dHntés/ making!
$he very same thing however
however can also be considere
consideredd /megfonto
/megfontol/l/ as a way of weakenin
weakeningg /gyeng9l7/
/gyeng9l7/ the
significance /jelent7ség/ of the elected /választott/ representatives /képvisel7knek/! Kespite /vmi ellenére/ all
drawbackss /hátrány/
/hátrány/ <ungarian
<ungarian legislation
legislation /tHrvényhozás
/tHrvényhozás// enables
enables /lehet7vé
/lehet7vé tesz/ every voter to initiate
/kezdeményez/ a referendum himself provided 8BB!BBB signatures are gathered /gyPjt/!

10. 8nvironmental protection 10. (rnyezetvédelem
  prevention in environmental protection
protection megel7zés/elhárítás a kHrnyezet+

 environmental catastrophes and their conseuences kHrnyezeti
· katasztrófák és

,eople who have money usually like to spend it on things that are cheap to their wallets and sometimes think 
that the amount /mennyiség/ they currently /jelenleg/ have is not enough if they can have more from that! )e
don#t even notice /észrevesz/ it but we are wasting /pazarol/ in every moment of our life mostly energy water 
and of course with that money! (ust for an e1ample of waste /pazarlás/- an average /átlag/ person throws away
the amount of food as their body weight multiplied /sokszorosít/ by FBB during their lifetime!
;ortunately people are aware of /tudatában van vminek/ the waste and it#s harmful /káros/ effects on nature and
now a lot of us is trying to help the environment and save the *arth before it#s too late! "n my opinion the
appropriate /megfelel7/ education /nevelés/ plays a very important role /szerep/ in protecting our planet! )hen "
will be a mother " would definitely /kétségtelen9l/ teach my children to the green lifestyle! )hat does the @=s
mean- reduce /csHkkent/ reuse /Ojra felhasznál/ and recycle /Ojrahasznosít/! "n order /vminek a sorrendjében/ to
keep water
water and air clean
clean we should
should use less dishwa
sherr aeroso
aerosoll sprays
sprays cars
cars and so on! *ven
*ven reduc
/csHkkentés/ the number of the smokers would help as the more people who give up this harmful /káros/ habit
the less dangerous smoke flies up in the air to poison us and to help destroying /elpusztítani/ the ozone layer!
$his layer basically is made of ozone and protects us from the harmful ultra violet rays /ultra viola sugárzás/ but
keeps all the carbon dio1ide inside of it which causes the global warming by not letting the air cool down!
:ack to recycling /Ojrahasznosítás/ more and more recycling bins are put out on the streets helping to collect
garbage /szemét hulladék/ separately /k9lHn+k9lHn/- paper plastic glass and metal /fém/! "t makes a l ot easier to
reuse things like bottles which are going into the factories separately and people don#t have to spend time on
 picking out /kiválaszt/ the different
different ones all of them can melt down /beolvaszt/ to be born again maybe in an
other form! $his is how we can make toys for children from nylon bags!
*nvironmental protection is a practice of protecting the environment and can be done on three different levels-
individual organizational or governmental and all these are for the benefit of the natural environment and/or 
the humans!
*normous /hatalmas/ factories like leather /b7r/ factories use a lot of water and they can#t store /tárol/ or reuse
it so they have to give it back to nature which in this dirty status is very dangerous for any living being! &o
 people started to invent /feltalál/ things that would help them cleaning /megtisztít/ water
water using differ
di fferent
ent filters
/szPr7k/ like sand chambers
chambers /homokkam
/homokkamra/ ra/ and chemicals
chemicals like germicide
germicidess /fert7tlen
/ disinfecta
/fert7tlenít7szerek/ and so on with also dangerous and harmful things!
)e are using cars and motorcycles more than public transportation and this is a great hazard /kockázat/ to us!
)e pollute the air and also cause noise pollution! 5t least we should try the carpool /kHzHs gépkocsihasználat/
thing which means when more people want to go somewhere they don#t go all alone but use as less cars as they
can by fitting /bepréselés/ more people in one machine taking into consideration /mérlegelés megfontolás/ the
allowed /AmegDenged/
/AmegDenged/ amount /mennyiség/ of people sitting in the same car at a time!
'f course
course public
public transpor
transportt may
may not be the same comfor
le but it is cheape
cheaperr and means signif
/jelent7sen/ less damage /kár/ to the environment!
5nd because we don#t pay enough attention /figyelem/ to nature it keeps warming us that it won#t last until the
end of humanity by sending us natural disasters as signs! %ast years was very rich in natural disasters such as
tsunamis hurricanes and earthuakes!
$here also environmenta
environmentall catastro
phes which are caused
caused by humans
humans like oil spills /olajfoltok/
/olajfoltok/ on the ocean
when a ship capsizes /felborul/ or like forest fires caused by arson! $hese things leave a lot of damage behind
them like
like homele
ss and hurt
hurt people
people destro
yed /elpus
t/ forest
s fields
fields and planta
ns /9ltet
starvation /éhezés/ and death both for humans and animals! " think the time has come to face with our faults and
their conseuences and try to protect what#s left or we can lose it at a glance /rHgtHn/!

2. urrent topics$events 2. Aktuális témák$események  
 public life/politics/N4's · kHzélet/politika/civil szervezetek 
economy/arts/sport · gazdaság/mPvészetek/sport

 N4' is a catch+all
catch+all /mindent megvizsgáló/
megvizsgáló/ vague /bizonytalan/ term /kifejezés/
/kifejezés/ which refers
refers to /céloz vmire/ any
independent nt /f9ggetlen
/f9ggetlen// voluntary
voluntary /Hnkéntes/
/Hnkéntes/ association
association /egyes9let
/egyes9let// of people
people acting
acting /cseleksz
ik/ together
together to
achieve /elér/ common /kHzHs/ purpose /cél/ either /egyik/ to the benefit /haszon/ of their own members /tagok/
or in the interests of their fellow countrymen /honfitárs/!
=eligious organisations /szervezetek/ scientific bodies /tudományos csoportok/ and trade unions /szakszervezet/
are also treated /bánik vmivel/ as N4's by the >nited Nations!
 National N4's champion /síkra száll/ their causes /9gyek/ at national level /nemzeti/! "nternational N4's such
as 4reenpeace conduct /vezet/ their programmes worldwide Aand serve /nyOjt/ their members and the universal
 public by disseminating /elterjesztés/ information designing /tervezés/ and implementing /végrehajtás/ projects
and conducting /irányítás/ research /kutatás/D!
"t is better to say it in the very beginning that " do not have any political views /vélemény/ or interests before we
would start! " don#t watch news but " hear things about the current political situations!
$hese days so many things are happening and running on $R like the *urope migrant crisis or visiting of the
 president of 2hina in the >&5! 5ll of them are so important because every step of humanity have
conseuences /kHvetkezmény/
/kHvetkezmény/ and if we do something it not only affects /hat/ our own life but it has influence
on /hatással van vmire/vkire/ others too!
5bout two weeks ago the president of 2hina was on his first official state visit to the >nited &tates! <e discussed
about the fighting cybercrime and the climate change with :arack 'bama! $he president of the >nited &tates
said for the world#s two largest economies /gazdaságok/ energy consumers /fogyasztók/ and carbon emitters
/szénkibocsátók/ to came together like this there was no reason for other countries T whether developed or 
developing T to not do so as well! AM;or the world#s two largest economies energy consumers and carbon
emitters to come together like this there is no reason for other countries T whether developed or developing T to
not do so as well /ne így tegyenek/!D
=ecently /mostanában/ the other huge problem is the migrant crisis! $he eyes of the world are upon us! $he
migrant people come here without registration they don#t let them register! &ome of the migrants try to go
forward to 4ermany with fake documents! %ately our government has beefed up /meger7sít/ the border between
<ungary and &erbia with army and has built a fence /akadály
/akadály kerítés/!
$he illegal crossing
crossing of the countryXs
countryXs border
border is a crime
crime punishable
punishable by imprisonm
ent /bHrtHnb9nt
sel járó
 bPncselekmény/! %ike in the case of 5merica people staying in the states illegally are being e1pellee
t/ when it turns out /kider9l/ that they are illegal immigrants
immigrants and they might be punished /lehet
megb9ntetik/ for it as for working without any documents or permission /endegély/!
5ll in all as " see the things that are going around me <ungary is going deeper and deeper on the slope /lejt7/!
?ore and more countries and monetary /pénz9gyi/ unions and companies say that our little country will end up
with /végzi vhol/ bankrupt /cs7d/ soon! :ut " hope something will happen instead of /vmi helyett/ that!
%et#s talk about a more neutral /semleges/ topic like sports! "n 8B38 the 'lympic 4ames were held in %ondon!
$hat was the third time it was organized /AmegDrendez/ there and the @Bth 'lympics at all!
"t is a very important event in history
history as it is held every fourth year in different countries and it involves /magába
foglal/ a lot of people
people from differen
differentt countries!
countries! "n my opinion involving
involving /kiterjedés
/kiterjedés érintés/
érintés/ so many nations
/nemzetek/ symbolizes a kind of peace between them as they are racing /versenyez/ each other friendly friendly and
those who do not play a fair fair game
game were
were attacked
attacked by each
each /mind
en/ group
group even
even if he or she is their best
competitor /versenyz7/
/versenyz7/!! )hoever
)hoever /bárki/ takes any drug or triestries to dope /doppingol/
/doppingol/ automatica
lly e1cludes
/kizár/ themselves!
themselves! "n 8B38 @8 kinds of sport and @B8 competitio
ns /versenyAszá
mD/ were held! 8BF nations
attended with 3BFBB competitors!
competitors! " honestly believe
believe that this is a very good thing to hear
hear because
because at least
/legalább/ in sports we can join /csatlakozik Hsszekapcsolódik/ each other!
$he ,aralympics are also important though /bár/ less /kevesebb/ people watch it on $R! :asically ,aralympics
are held for the disabled /mozgássér9lt/ all around the globe who do sports! "t all began in 3CJE when professor 
Kr %udwig 4ottmann
4ottmann who was working
working with soldiers
soldiers who came back from war with spine /gerinc/
/gerinc/ injuries
/sér9lés/ organized
organized an archery
archery /íjászat/ competition
competition for the injured
injured /sér9lt/
/sér9lt/ people! "t was a great
great e1perienc
lat/ for the competitors
competitors and the beginning of the developme
developmentnt /fejl7dés
/fejl7dés// of parasport
s! $he doctors
working in the same hospital soon /hamarosan/ recognized /felismer/ how much the sport means to the people
they cure /gyógyít/ daily /naponta/ and how effectively /hatékonyan/ sports help them with making the recovery

 progress /felép9lési folyamat/ faster!
faster! Kue to /vmi kHvetkeztében/ the combination of sport and medical help in a
rehabilitation /rehabilitáció/ program the war+damaged
war+damaged /háborOs sér9lt/ men could keep their physical and mental
conditions fit and helped them overcoming /fel9lkerekedni/ their bad e1periences!
$o talk a little about art- in ancient times art was for reasons that are not at least /legalább/ similar to nowadays#
sense /értelme vminek/! %ike the wall paintings in the caves /barlangok/ the arts were used to spread /kiterjed/
information share knowledge or collect memories to show them to others! $hese days we mean theater dance
film music writing and other methods of entertainment by arts! $he reason why we turn to art is because we
would like to rela1 enjoy something that we found beautiful or useful or the artists would like to get some
money with what they loves the most! )hat " can perfectly understand! ?y biggest dream is to live off writing!
&o there are many things going on this year in art! (ust for an e1ample on 3@th AofD ;ebruary the ;ifty &hades of 
4rey was presented! "t was originally written as a $wilight
$wilight fanfiction called M?aster of the >niverse! ;anfiction
is when someone takes either /egyik/
/egyik/ the story or character
characterss Aor bothD of a certain
certain /bizonyos/
/bizonyos/ piece of work
whether /akár/ it be a novel tv show movie etc! /et cetera/ and create their own story based on /alapul vmin/ it!
" am an author and when " was start t o write in 8B3B " was also writing $wilight
$wilight fanfictions!
'f course besides movies the books are also important in my life! "f " can " read a lot! ?y favourite hungarian
author is Ravyan ;able! ;irst " met her in 8B38 and she signed my book! &he told me my nickname 5by
reminded her of a fictitious character from the 5ddams ;amily! :ut " don#t know which character she spoke

21. =lo9alisation 21. =lo9alizáci%
 uniformity · uniformizálódás
ing eati
ng cu
e cons
er produ
s etc
etc!D AHltH
és étk
és ku
fogyasztás stb!D
 globalisation/maintaining national characteristics · globalizáció/a nemzeti sajátosságok

5s ancient /7si/ people started

started to e1plore
e1plore /felfedez/
/felfedez/ the world they didn#t
didn#t know
know they met new cultures and
traditions /hagyományok
/hagyományok/ / as they found other ones living
living further
further /tovább/ from them! :y /által/
/által/ conuerin
/meghódított/ new areas /ter9letek/ slowly they started to adapt to /alkalmazkodik vmihez/ the new things and
take the more
more improved
improved /tHkéletes
ített/ nationalities#
nationalities# habits
habits and traditions
traditions like the 5rabic
5rabic numbers
numbers the
medical /egészség
9gyi orvosi/ and healing
healing /gyógyítási
/gyógyítási// traditions
traditions all in all /mindent
/mindent egybevetve
/ they
adopted /átvesz/ everything that could be useful them sooner or later /el7bb vagy utóbb/! "t is how the habits and
traditions got mi1ed /Hsszekeveredik/ and the bounds /határok/ blurred /elmosódtak/ little by little /apránként/!
$hese days it is the same way but with little changes! )e
)e are not trying to conuer /meghódít/ others but we still
take the other#s habits we move from a place to an other
other change even our country and nothing is fi1ed /állandó/
in our lives only our relatives!
"f we take an 5merican
5merican and a <ungaria
<ungarian n boy and a girl for an e1ample
e1ample probably
probably /valószínPleg
/valószínPleg// there#
there#s no
difference between them e1cept from their mother language! )hy. :ecause as globalization spreads /kiterjed/
the youth /fiatalok/ try to be similar to each other we forget about our old traditions make or adopt new ones
from other cultures! )e may be against something in our country so we move to an other maybe to a new
continent! *verything
*verything can be changed and changes
changes from moment
moment to moment
moment not taking into considera
/figyelembe vesz valamit/ the color of our skin the religions the origins /származás/ the backgrounds and we
don#t even notice /észrevesz/ it when we cook a traditional ;rench dish /fogás/ or go to a 2hinese restaurant in
&pain even though /még akkor is ha/ we are 4ermans who originally /eredetileg/ were born in <ungary
<ungary and so
"f somebody would ask about the languages well there are hardly any bounds these days as in the schools kids
start to learn foreign ones before they could even speak write and think well on their mother tongue! $hanks to
globalization we hardly can tell apart /megk9lHnbHztet/ a ;rench a &panish a 4erman and a <ungarian girl
 because everyone can change their body so drastically /drasztikusan/ that even their mother could not
recognize /felismer/ them!
'n the "nternet
"nternet we can find te1ts in all the languages
languages that e1ist now
now but sometimes
sometimes e1tinct
e1tinct /holt kihalt/
languages can show up which T despite the fact that /annak ellenére hogy/ officially /hivatalkosan/ are not used
 T may be in use like %atin
%atin which primarily /els7sorban/
/els7sorban/ is used in medical fields
fields /orvosi ter9let/!
$here are multinational companies which were born in a place and then became too big for even the whole
country and as it collected /gyPjt/ more and more money decided /AelDdHnt/ to spread /kiterjed/ a l ittle and built a
new branch
branch /leányváll
alat ágazat/
ágazat/ in a near country
country!! (ust to mention
mention some of them
them there
there is 5udi in the car 
 business! "t is a 4erman company but there is a factory in <ungary
<ungary in 4y7r!
4y7r! $hese multinational companies
make it available /lehet7vé tesz/ to buy their products at lower prices as they try to produce /gyárt termel/ the
 parts /részek/ in the places it worth the most /legjobban megéri/! 5lso by spreading /terjesztés által/ it gives
 people more opportunities /lehet7ségek/ to work and they don#t always need a lot of e1perience /tapasztalat/!
$his way we can keep our nationality and traditions without any change or influence /hatás/ made by the other 
countries we could have work if we would want to work for a specific /speciális/ company or work in a specific
'f course be letting /beengedése/ those factories into our countries also means that they pollute /szennyez/ our 
environment /kHrnyezet/ too which is a problem but people don#t usually like to think about it as they see the
lower prices and the influence of those products! $his is a form of uniformity as we dress eat and use almost
/majdnem szinte/ in the same way every time! 5fter these everyone can decide whether /vajon/ globalization is
good for them or not!

22. urrent >uestions o" ethics 22. Aktuális etikai kérdések  
 animal e1periments · állatkísérletek 
 nuclear e1periments · nukleáris kísérletek 

:ig compan
ies and factor
ies test
test cosme
ticss and other
other chemic
als /vegys
zer// on anima
ls! 5nd during
e1perimentsnts /kísérlete
k/ of genetic
genetic engineeri
ng /genetikai
/genetikai kutatás/ they also might involve
involve /érint
/érint kiterjed/
animals because of the fact /tény/ that some plants or their engineered versions may be harmful /ártalmas/ or 
 poisonous /mérgez7/
/mérgez7/ to human beings so scientists /tudósok/ use animals first to decide /AelDdHnt/ whether 
/vajon/ real people can test it or not! $here
$here are a lot of animal+r
ights activists
activists who try to protest
protest against at
/tiltakozás vmi miatt/ these animal e1periments as they think that the animals also have feelings and rights for 
the life for a healthy and liveable /élhet7/ life! ;or e1ample ,*$5 is an organization /szervezet/ for the animal
rights! &ome people are interested in it some don#t know anything about it but bigger percentage /százalék/ of 
 people simply just don#t care about it and buy the things they see on the shelves and in the advertisements
<owever /azonban/ there are companies which don#t do any e1periments on animals and they are still famous
for their products! ?ostly they don#t use any chemicals just plants and herbs /gyógynHvények/ as it was in the
 past when people hadn#t have great knowledge of the things but had known if something was or was not good
for them! A4"4" <imalaya <erbalsD
"f we care about the animals rights a bit we can search after buy and use cosmetics which were not tested on
dogs cats rodents /rágcsálók/ and on other pets! " just use natural cosmetics! :ecause they test chemicals on
smaller animals which may even happen to be our favorite family dog#s puppy
puppy who we sold last week to a kind
5lso /szintén/ people want to be ready for everything even if somebody attacks them! $hey invent /feltalál/ and
 produce /el7állít/ more and more dangerous
dangerous weapons /fegyverek/
/fegyverek/ like the nuclear ones!
$here are many e1periments on them and in my opinion they are really disgusting /visszataszító/ and not for 
enicc /gyeng
/gyengee idegze
tP/ people
people or the ones living
living in famil
ies!! " have
have heard
heard that
that there
there were
were even
e1periments on babies and stillborns without the permission of the parents! Kespite /vminek ellenére/ of the fact
that some got Nobel+prizes for their e1periments
e1periments it is still an unbearable /elviselhetetlen/ thing for me and " was
not even able to read or hear anything else about this topic! " don#t feel myself able to talk a lot about this since
it made a deep and bad impression /benyomás/ on me and it caused me really unpleasant /kellemetlen/ dreams!
" have a friend
friend whose mother was pregnant with her when 2hernobyl2hernobyl was happened! &he has omnifario
/mindenféle/ allergies
allergies and baby teeth /tejfog/ at the age of twenty+nine /8C évesen/!
:ut there were other terrible events in the history of the nuclear e1periments like in <iroshima and Nagasaki
during the &econd )orld )ar! 5ccording /vmi vonatkozásában/ to a few years ago released /kHzzétesz/ reports
/jelentés riport/ about EFBBB people mainly /f7leg/ &oviet soldiers were deliberately /szándékosan/ e1posed to
radiation /sugárártalomnak tesz ki/ from a bomb twice as powerful as the one dropped on <iroshima just nine
years before! 5t C-@@ a!m! Anine thirty+three a!m!D on 3E  th  AofD &eptember 3CFE a &oviet bomber plane dropped
an atomic
atomic weapon!
weapon! $he bomb e1ploded /felrobbant/
/felrobbant/ above /felett/
/felett/ $otskoye
$otskoye testing range /térség/
/térség/ near the
 provincial /vidéki/ town of 'renburg!
'renburg! $housands
$housands are believed to have died in the immediate aftermath
aftermath /kHzvetlen
utóhatása/ and in the years following! $he pilot flying the bomber developed /betegséget megkap/ leukemia and
his co+pilot developed bone cancer!
$he e1periment
e1periment was designed /tervezett/
/tervezett/ to test the performa
nce /teljesítmé
ny/ of military
military hardware
hardware /katonai
fegyverzet/ and soldiers in the event /esemény/ of a nuclear war! $here are no official figures showing how many
of the EFBBB people sent to $otskoye testing range died as a result /emaitt/ of the test! $housands died! $hese
 people were used as guinea pigs /tengerimalac/ tested and then left to die slowly of cancer! $he state does not
want their tragedy recognised /elismer/ because it would cost money! Nobody wants to know!

23. urr
entt >ues
onss on econ
ty 23.
23. Aktu
is gazd
 smuggling goods/people · áru+ és embercsempészet
 dangers of smoking/taking drogs · dohányzás/drogfogyasztás

$here are various /k9lHnféle/ motivations to smuggle /csempészik/! $hese include /tartalmaz/ the participation
el/ in illegal
illegal trade
trade /kereske
delem// such as in the drug trade
trade in illegal immigrat
ion /bevándorlás/
/bevándorlás/ or 
illegal emigration /kivándorlás/ ta1 evasion /adókiker9lés/ providing contraband /csempészet/ to inmates of the
 prison /bHrtHnlakók/ or the theft /lopás/ of the items /áruk/ being smuggled! *1amples of non+financial /nem
anyagi/ motivations include bringing banned /tiltott/ items past /átvisz/ a security checkpoint T such as airline
security T or the removal
removal /eltávolítás/
/eltávolítás/ of classified
classified /bizalmas/
/bizalmas/ documents
documents from a governmen
governmentt or a corporate
/vállalati/ office!
5 lot of smuggling happens in our country too especially from the >krainian and &erbian side! <undreds of 
=oma people and different families benefit /haszon/ from smuggling and even they live on the money or other 
 benefits they get from it! "ncredible /hihetetlen/ amounts /Hsszegek/ can be smuggled through /át kereszt9l/ the
 borders /határokon/ and unfortunately
unfortunately the smugglers are not always get noticed /észrevéve lef9lelve/ as they
worked out different tricks /tr9kk/ against the checks! $hey transport /szállít/ not only cigarettes and drugs but
even petrol /benzin/ and small animals like rare /ritka/ birds which are illegal to hunt for in a country but are
eaten and bought at a high price in other places where these species /fajok/ can#t be found! ?ostly the animal
smuggling people get the animals here in <ungary and usually transport the rare species to ;rance!
5lso they can smuggle people who T in a hope of a newnew good life T would sacrifice /feláldoz/ everything that is
theirs but usually are caught /catchS becsap/! $his is why they started to immigrate illegally! $hough /bár/ they
still /még/ had to eat so they started to work also not legally!
legally! $oday
$oday this has become a huge problem again! $he
eyes of the world are upon us because of the migrant crisis! $he migrant people come here without registration
they don#t let them register! &ome of the migrants try to go forward to 4ermany with fake documents! %ately our 
government has beefed up /meger7sít/ the border between <ungary and &erbia with army and has built a fence
$he illegal crossing
crossing of the countryXs
countryXs border
border is a crime
crime punishable
punishable by imprisonm
imprisonmentent /bHrtHnb9nt
sel járó
 bPncselekmény! %ike in the case of 5merica
5merica people staying in the states illegally are being e1pellee /számPzHtt/
when it turns out /kider9l/ that they are illegal immigrants and they might be punished /lehet megb9ntetik/ for 
it as for working without any documents or permission /endegély/!
%et me to talk about an other topic- dangers of smoking and taking drugs! ,eople like to try out dangerous things
especially /k9lHnHsen/ when they are young they feel that they are strong and powerful from every viewpoint
and they think they can let themselves do anything! Rery often they try out smoking and drinking alcoholic
drinks and sometimes even drugs! "f somebody does this more than they should they can easily become
addicted /f9gg7/ and these kinds of obsessions /szenvedély/ mean great health hazards /kockázat/ and people
can easily die because of overdose /tOladagolás/ or something like that! " don#t do drugs! " have never tried any
of them! " was smoking years but " gave it up! 'f course smoking is not good for the passive+smokers neither!
$hese are
are the people
people that
that basica
lly are not smoki
ng but are breathin
breathingg in the air that
that somebo
dy pollut
/szennyezett/ with the smoke of their cigarettes! &erious measurements /méreteket/ have been taken in <ungary
and from the 3 st (anuary 8B38 smoking is banned /tilos/ and punished in public places!


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