OET Online Offers An Online Speaking Course To Existing Students and It Is

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OET Online offers an online speaking course to existing students

and it is done using skype. The course will provide you with the
opportunity to practise a variety of common scenarios and in the
process gradually improve your speaking skills and test taking
strategies. As a result you will be able to approach the speaking test
prepared and with confidence. After each task you will receive
detailed advice on your performance, with a focus on the following

 Overall communicative effectiveness

 Grammar & Expression
 Pronunciation & clarity of speech
 Fluency
 Appropriateness of language

Homework and targeted practice on your weak areas will also be

included in the course, depending on your needs.
There are 2 course options:

 Short course consisting of 2 separate I hour lessons with

3~4 different role-play scenarios per lesson, depending on
your level and how much feedback is required and what
skills are practiced: Fee $120
 Full course consisting of 4 separate 1 hour lessons with
3~4 different role-play scenarios per lesson, depending on
your level and how much feedback is required and what
skills are practiced:Fee $240

All you need is to have is skype installed on your computer.

Please contact Steve if you would like tuition in this area:

 skype: steve.macphail
 Email: oetonline@gmail.com

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