Asl50 Online 40012 f21 Di Pietro

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Berkeley City College – Spring 2021

ASL 50: American Sign Language 1 (4 Credits)

Class Code: ASL-50-B4 (lecture) (40012) and ASL-50-BL (laboratory) (40013)
August 23 to December 17, 2021
Tuesdays and Thursdays 6:00 to 8:45 pm
Course Online
Gerardo Di Pietro, M.A., Instructor Office Hour: Arranged as via e-mail
Email: [email protected] (Emergency) Canvas email (Questions/Exams)
Zoom ID: 98300576365 Passcode: asl50g
or click this

ASL 50 (American Sign Language 1) is an introductory course for the American Sign Language degree and certificate. It
is transferable as part of General Education requirements for UC and CSU schools. It also meets foreign language
transfer requirements for high school students (for details, meet with a counselor). The ASL program offers either a
degree or certificate option. The program prepares students to enter an interpreter training program after graduation. In
addition, knowledge of ASL provides new skill-building opportunities for any organization’s staff and it may make you
eligible for bilingual pay if American Sign Language is used at your workplace.

Required Materials
• Signing Naturally Units 1-6 Student Set by Cheri Smith, Ella Mae Lentz, Ken Mikos. ISBN: 978-1-58121-2105

Berkeley City College Bookstore for course material online (Click)

• Student Workbook comes with 2 CDs. Also, you have an access code card in the pocket inside the back of workbook.
(Check for a free access code for the Online Video Library.)
• Computer and/or Laptop with webcam (iPad, tablets, iPhone, Android devices are not recommended.)
If you don’t have a computer or laptop, there is a survey link that you need to fill in order to borrow a Chromebook
laptop/Hotspot Program from BCC. Link to the survey: Survey for the device online (Click)

Required Learning Management System: Canvas

You are required to use Canvas to obtain copies of the syllabus, homework assignments, due dates, schedule
instructions, study guides, handouts, information, and so on. You will be asked to submit videos or typed assignments via
Canvas; therefore, you must know how to use Canvas. If you don’t know how, there are several how-to instructions
posted on Canvas. You must be able to login to your Peralta email in order to access to your Canvas account. If you
have trouble with accessing your Canvas account, email [email protected] for help.

Student Learning Outcome

Upon completion of this class, students will be able to:

Demonstrate the basic expressive and receptive functions in ASL.

Course Description
Everyday communication is the centerpiece of every lesson. Topics revolve around sharing information about our
environment and ourselves. Grammar is introduced in context, with an emphasis on developing question and answering
skills. You learn conversational strategies to help you maintain a conversation. Interactive activities allow you to rehearse
what you’ve learned.

Course Outline
Unit 1: Introducing oneself Unit 4: Talking about family
Unit 2: Exchanging personal information Unit 5: Talking about everyday activities
Unit 3: Talking about where you live Unit 6: Storytelling

ASL 50: American Sign Language 1 1

Zoom Classroom Etiquette & Student Behavior Guidelines
Respect the VISUAL learning environment:
• NO VOICE policy: instruction and Zoom class conversations will be conducted solely in ASL as voicing in English
will be interference with your learning process. Turn on “mute” on your zoom.

As part of our culture, we expect that hearing people (who can sign) sign at all times in a Deaf environment and/or in the
presence of Deaf people, regardless if they are participating in the conversation or not. It provides equal access to

When you use Zoom to meet with other students—whether it is for a study group or a conversation, it is strongly
encouraged that you sign at all times. You gain another opportunity to practice your skills other than in the classroom. It
will help you see people’s different signing styles and develop your receptive skills.
• Only use a computer/laptop to login to Zoom Classroom sessions
• Come to class on-time and prepared
• Bring only your ASL textbook, pen/pencil and paper/notebook to the Zoom Classroom every time –don’t bring
anything else.
• No talking on your phone, texting, or listening to music.
• No private conversations (chat) and no sleeping
Every classmate deserves respect and support. Rude comments and disruptive behavior to the instructor and/or other
students are not allowed.
**Inability to abide the guidelines above may result in being asked to leave the classroom for the day**

If you don't comply with this policy, you will not be able to return until you have met with the Dean of Student Services.
Continuing violations of the no-talking policy after being referred to the dean can result in you being removed from the
class, regardless of the number of absences.

Attendance Policy
Participation in Zoom class activities is crucial to your success in this course. The class forms a small community and
your effort impacts the success of the group. Please make every effort to come to every class with homework done and
be ready to learn and participate. A roll call will be done at the beginning of every class. If you come late or leave early,
you will be marked absent. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to check your CANVAS or ask other classmates for
what you missed in class. Do not contact me for a lesson review; I will not repeat lessons you miss.

You can be absent up to 4 times. On the 5th, you can be dropped.

Please reserve your absences for emergencies only.

Class Participation and Exercises

Before you come to class, you should:
• View teacher’s recorded lectures in Canvas and review the Signing Naturally lessons and vocabulary assigned in
the Signing Naturally “Vocabulary Review”.
• Watch and practice the assigned Signing Naturally videos and/or workbook, especially Key Grammar, Mini
Dialogues and Vocabulary Review.
• Read all the Grammar Notes from your workbook.
• Participation or contributing to a conversation with your partner or group: Class activities require that you have
completed your homework prior to the activity. Make every effort to come to every class with your homework
done. If you have not completed your homework for one of these activities, in fairness to other students, you
cannot participate in that activity

Class participation and exercises included:

• Presentations: Use narratives and the Signing Naturally workbook as your guides. Presentations will be done on
Canvas, Canvas’ video recordings and in the Zoom Classroom.
• Remember that you learned and used language(s) through your ears and mouth. ASL requires you to use
different modalities: your eyes and your hands.
• Canvas: Be prepared to access CANVAS every day. It is where you will find recorded lectures, assignments,
schedule, and so on.

ASL 50: American Sign Language 1 2

• Homework: You will have homework every class on zoom and Canvas. It will take you about 1-2 hours of work.
Submit all homework via CANVAS; do not email them to me. Homework helps you to comprehend (“receptive
skills”) and prepares you with the steps necessary to take exams via Canvas. You must complete the homework
on time because in the following class, you will learn new material that builds on the content from the previous
class. Don’t fall behind!

Academic Integrity and Honesty

You are expected to adhere to BCC’s policy on academic integrity and to take the necessary steps to avoid plagiarism
and cheating. You will be held responsible for submitting original work when it comes to all assignments.

Policy Violations
I reserve the right to question any student who I suspect to have violated academic integrity and honesty policies. If it is
determined that you have engaged in dishonest behavior, intentionally or not, you will be contacted by me, earn a zero
that assessment and/or assignment, be reported to the Dean, and possibly to the disciplinary officer.

For more information about your rights and the College’s expectations of you as a student, please review BCC’s catalog
regarding policies on academic integrity and honestly.

Classroom & Test Accommodations

If you are seeking classroom and/or test accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act, you are required to
register with Student Accessibility Services (SAS), formerly Programs & Services for Students with Disabilities (PSSD).
1. Student Accessibility Services (Click)
2. SAS Student Handbook (Click)

Contact them by emailing [email protected] and include your student ID# in every email. A SAS/PSSD counselor
should arrange an Instructor Notification Letter for you to give to me at the beginning of the semester in order to receive
accommodations. I encourage any students, who think they may have a disability, to contact SAS/PSSD for assistance:
Contact Information (Click)

Student Responsibilities
If you have to /will miss a class, it is your responsibility to notify me immediately. If you fail to notify me of your tardiness
or absence(s), you will be automatically dropped from my class and/or get an “F” for the course. If you think you will
exceed the limited number of absences, please communicate with me ASAP and we may come up with alternative
arrangements. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) prevents me from discussing your academic
progress with your parents. Therefore, I will not respond to emails from your parents. I deal directly with you.

Student Services Available to Student

Online student services such as Career Services, Counseling, EOPS, CARE, Veteran Services, AFROTC, Financial Aid,
etc. Online Student Services (Click)

Syllabus Contract
REQUIRED: Your first assignment! Download the contract from your CANVAS.
If you cannot access your Canvas, PLEASE get help by emailing [email protected] right away.

Your final grade will be based on your ability to demonstrate specific comprehension and expressive language skills.
Those skills will be tested and your grade will be determined as follows: TBA will be notified by Canvas.
Elements Exam Schedule Languages Weight
Comprehension Exam #1 (Unit 1-3) TBA English 20%
Narrative Exam #2 (Gum) TBA ASL 20%
Comprehension Exam #3 (Units4-5) TBA English 25%
Narrative Exam #4 (Childhood) TBA ASL 25%
Interview Exam #5 (Peer Dialogue) TBA ASL 10%
Total: 100%
Notes: Canvas Announcement: Important Dates, Exams, and Rubrics for Narratives Information and etc.
IMPORTANT Teacher-Student Communication is so important. When student engagement is high, each student feels known and valued.
Grading Distribution
ASL 50: American Sign Language 1 3
Note: Please read about Letter Grade Percent Range
Grading Procedures. Grades (Click) A 100%-90%
B 89% - 80%
C 79% - 70%
D 69% - 60%
F 59% or below
Fall 2021 - Important Dates and Deadlines
Date Day Description
August 9 M Drop for nonpayment of Tuition and Enrollment Fees
Aug 23 M Day and Evening Instruction Begins
Aug 28 Sa Saturday Instruction Begins
Aug 29 Su Last Day to Add without a Permission Number or Add card

September 3 F Last Day to Add Regular Session Classes in person with a Permission Number on Add Card
Sept 6 M Labor Day – Holiday Observance (No Class)

Sept 6 * M Last Day to Drop Regular Session Classes and Received A Refund
Note: Short-term and open-entry classes must be dropped within 10% of the first class
meeting to receive a refund. >>>2020 Fall Refund Drop Deadline Schedule. (Click underline)

Sept 6 M Census Roster Due “Online and On Time” for Faculty

Sept 10 F Last Day to File for PASS/NO PASS Grading Option for Regular Session Classes

October 8 F Last Day to File Petitions for AA, AS, or ADT Degree/Certificate
Oct 20 W Professional Day – No instruction (No Class)
Nov 11 Th Veteran’s Day – Holiday Observance (No Class)

Nov 19 * F Last Day to Withdraw from Regular Session Classes with a grade of “W”.
All outstanding feeds are due even if classes are dropped on this day.

Nov 19 F Attendance Verification Day – Instructors Verify Enrollment and Submit Rosters
“Online and On Time”
Nov 25-28 Th-Su Thanksgiving – Holiday Observance (No Class)
December 11 S Saturday Instruction Ends
Dec 12-17 Su-F Final Examinations
Dec 17 F Fall Semester Ends
January 3 M Final Grade Due

ASL Tutors
BCC Learning Resources Center provides tutors to students on

Want to meet with a tutor? Book an appointment

Make an appointment on

Or Stop by the Online Front Desk:

Go to BCC tutoring page to schedule a tutor appointment-- the link is:

If you have any questions, email LRC at [email protected]

Note: Currently ASL Department Co-Chair has been working with LRC for tutoring arrangement. Let me know
that you need a tutor immediately during learning process. I strongly encouraged you to check the website for
preparing if you need a tutor.
ASL 50: American Sign Language 1 4
Class Schedule
August Topic Assignments & Exams
24 Introduction/Syllabus/Canvas & Zoom Activity, Unit 1 Canvas: Syllabus Contract, Textbook, Read1:1
26 Kahoot, Unit 1 – Getting to Know You HWK 1.2-1.3 in Virtual Class Activity--all schedules
31 Unit 1 Read 1.4, HWK 1.5-1.6
2 Unit 1 Read 1.7, HWK1.8-1.10
7 Unit 1, Unit 6: Timber Story 1.10-1.11, R1.12, H6.1 Timber, U1R (Unit1Review)
9 Unit 2 – Exchanging Personal Information, Unit 6 2.1-2.3, H6:2 Timber
14 Unit 2, Unit 6 2.4-2.5, H6:3 & 6:4 Timber
16 Unit 2 & Unit 6: Gum Story 2.6-2.8, Record Timber
21 Unit 2 & Unit 6 2.9-2.10, Read 2.11, Intro Gum
23 Unit 3 – Discussing Living Situations, Unit 6 2.11-2.12, Read Gum 6:5, Gum Segment 1
28 Unit 3 – Discussing Living Situations, Unit 6 3.1-3.2, Read6:6 Gum, U2R, Gum Segment 2
30 Unit 3, Unit 6 3.3-3.4, Read3.3, Gum Segment 3
5 Unit 3, Unit 6 3.5-3.6, Review6:6 Segment 4, Intro Shadowing
7 Unit 3, Unit 6: Gum 3.7-3.8, Review 6.6 Segment 5
12 Unit 3, Unit 6: Gum 3.9-3.10 Review 6.7, Story practice
14 Unit 3 & Unit 6 Gum Role-shift 3.11-3.12, Gum “Shadowing” Story, Film
19 Unit 3 & Unit 6: Gum 3.13-3.14, H3.15, R3.16, U3R, R6:8 Story Cohesion
21 Review Units, Rehearse gum, Mock Exam, Group Study Review Units 1-3, Gum “Memorize” Practice
26 Comprehension Exam #1 (Units 1-3) Canvas Exam, if miss exam, no makeup
28 Narrative Exam #2 – Film Gum Story Canvas record video at once, Read Unit 4
2 Unit 4 – Talking About Family 4.1 & 4.3, R4.2, R4.4, 6.13A “Wrong Name”,
4 Unit 4 & Unit 6 4.5-4.7, Dialogue
9 Unit 4 & Unit 6: Childhood, Your Own Childhood Story Draft 4.8-4.10, Dialogue
16 Unit 4 & Unit 6: Childhood, Your Story Final Draft 4.11-4.12, 6.13B “If Only I Could Fly”, Dialogue
18 Unit 5 – Talking About Activities & Unit 6, Dialogue Practice 4.13-4.14, R4.15, U4R, 6.14 “A True Fish Story”, Dialogue
23 Unit 5 & Unit 6, Practice Story Guideline 5.1-5.2, 6.15 “I Wanna Be Different”, Dialogue
30 Unit 5 & Unit 6 5.3-5.4, 6.16 “Ghost In My Room”, 6.17 Guideline
2 Unit 5 & Unit 6: Childhood, Dialogue Practice 5.5-5.6, Childhood “memorize”, Dialogue Recording1
7 Unit 5 & Unit 6: Childhood, Dialogue Practice 5.7-5.9, Childhood Practice, Dialogue Recording2
9 Unit 5 & Unit 6: Childhood, Narrative & Dialogue Practice Unit 4-5 Study, Exam Mock, Childhood & Dialogue Practice
14 Comprehension Exam #3 (Units 4-5) Canvas Exam, if miss exam, no makeup
16 Narrative Exam #4 – Childhood Story (Film) Canvas Exam Video Submission
16 Interview Exam #5, Required zoom, peer assignment Zoom Exam Video Submission
Make up/Student Meeting if needed No Class

Attendance is mandatory and class participation is crucial to your success in this course. The class forms a
small community and your effort impacts the success of the group. Make every effort to be ready to learn and
participate in all pair, small group, and interactive activities.

Studying ASL promotes better awareness of and sensitivity to the deaf community. As someone proficient in ASL, you
will develop a strong appreciation for Deaf culture, and you can promote understanding and acceptance of
the language among others.

ASL 50: American Sign Language 1 5

Tips for Video Background:
Since ASL is a visual language, it is important to reduce visual noises while maintaining academic quality. When
recording, ensure that you adhere to the following:

1. I highly recommend that you use your computer webcam for video assignments. If you must use your phone, set
your phone horizontally, not vertically as shown above.

2. When recording yourself, I should be able to see you from head to waist with little head space between the top of
your head and the top of the camera view as shown above. Raise your arms and fold in with your elbows. Your
elbows should be almost touching the sides of the camera view as shown above. This will give you ample signing
space. Make sure that all signs are visible in the camera view. Signs that go outside of camera view will be
marked incorrect. Do not sign too close or too far from the camera. Avoid too much head space.
3. Be aware of lighting. You do not want to appear bright or dark making it difficult to see you.
4. Wear a solid one-colored shirt and free of logos or text. Your attire should contrast your skin tone. Avoid wearing
red, orange, and yellow.
5. Use a plain background or a collapsible background screen. Your background should contrast your attire and
skin tone.
6. Hats are not permitted. Hair should not obstruct your face. If necessary, pull back your hair with a rubber band or
a hair clip.
7. Remove excessive jewelry. One or two simple rings and small earrings are acceptable.
8. If you have tattoos on your arms, wear a long-sleeved shirt.
9. Beds are not appropriate for video recording.
10. If your chair swivels, do not swivel.
11. Reduce all visual noises. Use a plain background. Turn off electronics. Avoid having pets or people interrupt your

Gerardo’s ePortfolio:

ASL 50: American Sign Language 1 6

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