EL 109 Survey of Philippine Literature in English: 13 Plays by Wilfredo Ma. Guerrero

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Republic of the Philippines

Tarlac State University

Lucinda Campus, Tarlac City
Tel. No. (045) 493-0182; Fax No. (045) 982-0110
Re-accredited Level III BY the Accrediting Agency of
Chartered Colleges and
Universities of the Philippines (AACUP), Inc.

EL 109
Survey of Philippine Literature in English


13 Plays By Wilfredo Ma. Guerrero

Submitted by:

BSED English 2D

Submitted to:

April 2021


 Yolanda - a fifteen-year-old, thin, always misunderstood, and was regarded as a

bad girl by the Mother Superior. She was afraid of her father. Protagonist.
 Mother Superior – a severe looking face, wanted to expel Yolanda from the
school and regarded Yolanda as a bad girl based on the misconduct she has been
doing. Antagonist.
 Sister Vitalis – she was the one who understand and closest to Yolanda. She
always defends Yolanda from Mother Superior. Stock Character
 Sister Theresa - she was small and fat, who is asked to accompany Yolanda from
the dormitory to pack her things before going home. Tertiary Character.


The story started with Sister Vitalis defending Yolanda to Mother Superior. She
was trying to convince Mother Superior not to expel Yolanda and that she is not a bad
girl. But Mother Superior disagree saying that Yolanda has committed multiple mistakes
that are prohibited by the rule. Mother Superior also mentioned Elsa, the girl that was
expelled because of disobedient and unpleasant behavior and that Yolanda is not an
excuse from it. Mother Superior talked to Yolanda and discussed the thing she
committed. From her disobeying rules like giving letters to a boy servant, not performing
well with her class, having complaints with from other sisters, and fighting with her
classmates. Yolanda tries to explain herself, but Mother Superior didn’t believe her.
They talked for some time, and Yolanda cannot help but to behave unpleasantly
with how she answered Mother Superior. Then Sister Theresa went to the room and said
that Yolanda’s father has arrived. What Yolanda didn’t know is that Mother Superior
telegrammed her father to talked to him. Yolanda was left in the room with Sister Vitalis
looking after her. She explained everything that she doesn’t know what exactly is
happening to her. That Yolanda was looking for affection that is why she was talking to
the servant thru letters because it was him and Sister Vitalis are the only people who
understand her. She was afraid that her father will brought her to the province. That her
father will only punish her with especially with what she did to the school. He asked for
Sister Vitalis to talked to Mother Superior not to expel her.
Mother Superior went back to the room asking Yolanda to pack her things for she
will be pick up b her father and wanted to have 4:15 ride. Yolanda is asking for Mother
Superior not to expel her while crying. She also asked for Sister Vitalis to help her
convince Mother Superior. But they failed to convince the Mother Superior. Sister
Theresa was asked to accompany Yolanda to her room. Sister Theresa went to Sister
Vitalis rushed and telling her that Yolanda jumped from the stairs and died. Sister Vitalis
pity Yolanda saying that until the end she was misunderstood.


The themes that I observed in the play are: Understanding, Openness, and Adjustment. I
think these three are the main idea that the story portrays. In the situation of Yolanda, a typical
15-year-old teenager explores and very curious about the surroundings so she tries and
experiment how things will go. But the superior seems like she is not open for misconduct and so
understanding lacks and it is where the story revolves.


In my perspective, the message that the play wants to impose is that, if you have a
teenager offspring, you should observe, ask him/her what his/her the emotional state. Emotional
issues are harder to deal with rather than physical, just like in iron, the only thing that can destroy
it is its own rust, and so human. Let us have time to our beloved, and do not always focus on the
wrong, rather ask what’s the reason behind every misconduct. With that we can be able to
understand one’s misery and possibly help to encourage and to regain self-esteem.

The lesson that I learned about the play is that, I realized that in the near future, when I
became a parent, I must be aware of my offspring’s emotional state, why they behave like that?
What causes them to act accordingly? Specially when the stage of teenage years, where curiosity
rises. Being a parent who can support, guide and understand its daughter/son is a must. The
youth changes throughout generation, so must parents must be aware of the actions of their child.
A child full of affection, does not desire something more.


 Corinta – twenty-five years old, tall woman, wife of Leogardo, and is engaged in
social works. She believed that women are the one who rule the families.
 Leogardo – husband of Corinta, he always generalized women that the house is
always their place. He is longing for some attention from his wife. Antagonist.
Round Character.
 Tia Carlita – Corinta’s Aunt, and force to stay with Corinta after the death of her
husband. He served Corinta’s family. Stock Character.
 Jesusa – a woman of imitation. She always imitates what he see whether from
clothes, furniture, and even in how he treated her husband being superior to him.
Stock Character.
 Alberto – husband of Jesusa, always do what her wife wanted even for sometimes
he cannot afford the expenses of her wife. Sttock Character.
The story started with Tia Carlita and Leogardo quarreling about the food to eat
for their lunch. Leogardo’s wife forgot to leave the money for marketing to buy
ingredients for their food. Leogardo always generalize women saying that all of them are
obsess with their works and forget their responsibilities in their home. Which Tia Carlita
disagreed telling not all women are like that. Leogardo also tells Carlita to be resourceful
by borrow by their neighborhood or use her own money first and he’ll just pay it. But
none from those is possible. Leogardo also compared women in some animals like
cockroaches. Then he asked their boy to buy food from the store.
The couple Berto and Jesusa arrived to their house, and they checked the newly
purchased refrigerator. Jesusa appeared with a beautiful dress which she said is an
imitation from vouge. They also talked about Filipino type of dresses which Leogardo’s
wife likes to wear. The two men had the chance to talked about their wives errands. That
Jesusa always acquire products which Alberto somehow cannot afford, while Leogardo is
problematic with how much engaged with her work and changed. Leogardo invited the
couple to stay for them to have lunch. They refuse to, but in the end they stay since
Corinta will be home in some time. Corinta arrived to their house and asked Berto and
Jesusa to wash their hands and ready themselves to eat.
Leogardo and Corinta talked about her not leaving any money for the marketing
of foods, and Corinta responded telling that he forget it while laughing. Leogardo then
said that it is not a funny thing which somehow starts a conversation between the two.
They talked in many things including her work. That she should only stay in house since
that is the primary responsibility of a woman. Corinta then explains that having the talent
given to her, she must use it to help others and as well doing things she knows will help
many. Tia Carlita knocked the door and said that food delivery has arrived. That was the
surprise that she was telling to her husband. That he tries to learn to cook in a place near
in her field using her own money. This somehow makes Leonardo felt guilty. Jesusa
overheard the couple, and this leads her asking Corinta if how she manage to be the ruler
of their family. Corinta gives advised Jesusa which she then tried to her husband but did
not effect. More than that surprise, Corinta has a great news for her husband, that after
seven years, she is now pregnant and is expecting a baby. Then Leogardo said that, truly,
women are extraordinary. Corinta corrected him saying that all women are extraordinary.

I think the most visible theme that was depicted in the story is that the: Women
discrimination and Women Empowerment. Women was depicted as soft, fragile and emotional
one, while men are seen as strong, capable and steadfast. The thing here is that, gender will not
be the basis of one’s capabilities so do not limit women.

I think the message depicted in the story was to never under estimate the capabilities of a
woman. A woman that is empowered, fearless, and has own vision in her life is a woman who
does not needs validity among men. Woman who stays either home or site is an empowered one.
No one can ever dictate ones worth and put borders on its capacity.


Women are not only women. They are clothed with determination, strength, intelligence,
and aspects that not only man can possess. Women is essential in a way that they are capable of
doing work outside and inside shelter. They deserve praises, and empowerment. Not
discouragement and pity.


 Don Francisco – about sixty years old, Don Francisco is Donya Petra’s husband
and is fond with how the current generation act with attending parties and the way
they court the girls. Stock Character. Protagonist.
 Donya Petra – wife of Don Francisco, a mother to Roberting and Nena. She
asked the servant to make a signboard with words Wanted: a chaperon. Stock
Character. Protagonist.
 Roberting – Don Francisco and Donya Petra’s son, who asked for her old
allowance to afford to go to his girlfriend and buy some gifts. Protagonist. Stock
 Nena – Don Francisco and Donya Petra’s daughter, and was studying at
University of Santo Tomas. Her father wants to secure her safety with a chaperon.
Protagonist. Stock Character.
 Donya Dolores – Fred’s mother, insisting that there something happen between
her son and Nena when they attended the party. Stock character.
 Fred – Donya Dolores’ son, he attended the party together with Nena and her
other friends. Stock character
 Servant – work as muchacho for Don Petra’s family. He have the same name
with Don Francisco. Stock Character
 Pablo - he applied and get the work as Muchacho, but wanted to be called as
Myordomo instead. Tertiary Character.


The story started with Roberting asking from his Father for extra money or simply
to have her old allowance. But her father disagrees telling him that he earns 800 pesos
without giving anything to them yet he still cannot save anything to finance his taxi’s fair.
Donya Petra advise him to use jeepney instead of taxi if he don’t have the money, but he
refused saying that it’s embarrassing to his girlfriend. There comes this servant which
forgot what Donya Petra asked him, and that is for the signboard with the words looking
for Muchacho.
Pablo, wearing formal clothes went to apply for the position but wanted to be
called as Mayordomo rather than Muchacho which Donya Petra agreed. He was then
asked wash the dishes. Don Francisco and Donya Petra quarreled about Nena attending a
party last night without any chaperon but with her friends from other countries and with
Fred. Donya Petra tell her that it is okay since their daughter is educated and today’s
generation is different, but still Don Francisco disagrees. Also, Don Francisco asked
Roberting if he attended party with her girlfriend without chaperon. This gives an idea
that Don Francisco is concern with the safety of her children. He doesn’t want to be
compared with other countries, because Philippines is different from others especially
with traditions, culture, and ways of living.

Donya Dolores together with her son Fred went to the house of Don Francisco.
Pablo was covering his face. That is because he used to be a muchacho for Donya
Dolores. Donya Dolores talked with Don Francisco, Donya Petra, Roberting, and Nena.
She keeps on insisting that there’s something that happen between Fred and Nena even
though both of them already told her that nothing happened. Dolores was embarrassed
and tries to regain her dignity. They then leave the house of Don Francisco. Nena was
crying and told her parents that she had a quarrel with fred then leave him and went home
together with her friends. Pablo also said that he was paid more with 80 pesos compare to
only 50 pesos from Donya Dolores. Donya Petra asked the servant to make a signboard
with wanted chaperon on it, but Lia, Roberting’s girlfriend, together with her father went
to the Don Francisco’s hpuse with a gun. Then Don Petra asked the servant to do two
instead both for Nena and Roberting.

I think the major theme in this play is, Security, safety and the Filipino old Tradition. I
think the tittle itself; Chaperone portrays as the security of an individual if they are not insight of
their parents. Also, I noticed their way of speaking, it seems like they are living in a ancient
setting in the Philippines, and the tradition that women should be accompanied by trusted person
when going out because, a woman in that time must be respected and they have high reputation.


I think the message that the play wants to imply is to preserve the culture and have high
respect with women. Respect is an intrinsic trait that everyone of us must possess. However, in
the history of the Philippines, women must be accompanied by chaperon when going out, it does
not mean that the parents do not have trust to their daughter, but it is also a way to protect their
name and daughter from scandalous issues and mis-understanding as well as for security and


I think, the lesson that I have learned in the play is that, protect, and watch out your
children, most especially when in that period of time in the Philippines where it is a very
conservative era. However, in this period, or in the present time, women are more open, wild,
and free. We women must not forget the true essence of a Filipina. A woman embodied with
respect, firm and class. It is okay to change, and go with the world trend but with respect to the
old tradition that we must treasure and preserve because that is our identity as a Filipina.
 Maria Teresa – wife of Ernesto, unofficially annulled, is twenty-eight. rather tall,
poised, holding her head up almost defiantly. Her eyes are large and penetrating. She
speaks in a soft, low voice. Foil Character. ANtagonist
 Ernesto - is about thirty-two, tall, rather slim, careless in his way of wearing clothes.
Brother of Consuelo. Left his wife and son for another woman. Antagonist
 Ernesting – son of Ernesto and Maria Theresa. Foil Character, Stock Character
 Consuelo - is about forty, sister of Ernesto, Maria’s companion in raising his son
ERnesting. Stock Character
 Oscar – a good friend and an officemate of Maria Theresa and Ernesting like him very
much, He is a tall, presentable man of thirty-five. Tertiary Character.

The story started with Consuelo and Ernesto having a fight between telling or not to
Maria Theresa that the second wife of Ernesto have died two weeks ago. Maria and Ernesto
separated due to misunderstanding while Ernesing their son, is 3 years old. And now, Ernesting
is 11 and Ernesto is coming back begging for another one last chance to Maria with a letter from
his bereaved second wife saying that Ernesto never loved her and it is always Maria who
Ersnesto loved.

They talk and reminisce the past how their relationship failed—and that’s because of
pride. Ernesto kept begging for another chance and Maria refuses. She keeps telling him that she
once loved him, and was happy living without him. She also tells her son Ernesting that his
father died a long time ago so he can’t be able to recognize Ernesto as his father now.

Later, Consuelo called Maria saying that Oscar a good friend and an officemate of Maria
is in their house due to unfinished work. Oscar and Ernesto met and seem to be rival for Maria’s

Ernesting a curious and an innocent child suggested that his mom should marry again
with Oscar, but she refused and told him tha he was just a friend. And Maria introduced
Ernesting to Ernesto, and the two had a short conversation about the map, homework and being
Ernesto and Maria had a deal, if Ernesting can be able to recognize his father, they will
be back together, but if its not, then there is no coming back. And it turned out that the kid did
not recognize his father. And so, Ernesto decided to go to Agusan for good and never return


I think the theme in the story was Regret. Regret in the part of Ernesto who left his wife
for other woman, for pleasure, for something that he cannot get from his wife. And later, feels
the regret upon the death of his mistress, and being rejected for begging to come back, and that
he was not able to recognize by his own son.


The message here is that, regret is always at the end. Do not do such impulsive action out
of strong emotion. Do not be swayed by the pleasure and assurance that will only last
temporarily. Love thy wife wholeheartedly and do not cheat. A one good woman, will never be
surpassed by thousand bitches.


Not all man deserves a second chance. A woman who picks herself alone is unbothered,
stronger and brave. A cheating spouse should learn from its mistakes and let regret hunt him for
the rest of his life.


 Pablo Gonzalez – prisoner, about to be executed, angry toward his mother, 24, tall, well-
built, practiced lots of bad doings. Protagonist and a Dynamic character.
 Angela Gonzalez– Pablo’s mother, unhappily married Pablo’s father out of family’s
arrangement, 45. Dynamic Character.
 Cristina– Pablo’s fiancé, and later became his wife. 21, pretty, shy; and quiet. Stock
 Tia Chedeng Gonzalez– Pablo’s aunt, 60, white haired, he took care of Pablo until he
run away. Stock Character.
 Andres Gorospe – an old friend of Pablo, about 26, settled down early in life, ambitious
and modest. Stock Character.
 Simeon Serano- another old friend of Pablo, companion and dragged him to the gutter,
longing for his mother, most trusted friend of Pablo, later changed his behavior and
doings for the girl he loves. 25. Round Character.
 Father Lim – he was a prison chaplain, 40, soft-voiced. Stock Character
 Warden – the security in charged to the visitors of Pablo. Stock Character.


The story is all about the man named Pablo which was condemned and punished
with death penalty after he murdered someone in revenge for her love Cristina. He was
schedule at six, and right before then there are people who visited him. Fr Lim, who he
asked for help visited him and read book for him. They also talked about her mother and
he had some resentment to her. The warden told him that he has visitor named Andres.
Andres was a childhood friend of Pablo and went to visit him after he read to a paper
about what happen to Pablo. Pablo was thankful with Andres visiting him and said that he
never expected him to come and visit him. Andres also suggested Pablo to marry her
lover, but Pablo refuses since he was already subjected for death.
Following Andres was the closest friend of Pablo named Simeon. Pablo told
Simeon that he partly was angry with him since it was from him that he learned how to
murder, steal, and do unpleasant things. They also shared some secrets of them like
Simeon being an orphan, and Pablo having resentment to her mother and that she is still
alive. They are happy that they ended with them understanding each other. Next to visit
Pablo was her Aunt Tia Chedeng. Tia Chedeng was sorry that she already went to the
President but cannot find him. Pablo was thankful to her Aunt with all the sacrifices that
he did for him.
Tia Chedeng gives a rosary to Pablo and asked him to fear God and to forgive her
mother which Pablo disagreed to do. Next was her lover, Cristina. Cristina was sorry that
Pablo committed what he had done because of her. That she wanted to be married to him.
Pablo don’t want to for the reason that he doesn’t want her being tied to someone which
she can’t be together for the long time. That when she find someone, she will regret
marrying him. But after a while, Pablo asked Fr. Lim to do their wedding. Fr Lim then
asked for witnesses and facilitated the wedding.
Five minutes left before Pablo face the officials, her mother Angela went inside to
talk to him. They did talk and Pablo told her mother that she was the reason why she
ended up with this. That because of her shortcoming for him, like being selfish and
moving out with her new husband. Pablo was full of anger and that he can’t call her
mother as her mother. Angela then explained her side saying that she was forced to marry
Pablo’s father even though she doesn’t love him. That her married life is lonely, and her
Tia Chedeng was aware of it. When she met Marcos-her new husband, she finally found
the outlet for those lonely years. Pablo was still angry to his mom until the time has
come. He was accompanied by the warden to his cell. The process was made, and Fr. Lim
said that it’s over. Pablo had died with his final words Cristina, Tia, and Mother.

The themes portrayed in the play are: Love, Forgiveness, Death, Faith, Tragedy and
Anger. These themes were clearly depicted and where the story is all about. These were the
backbone of the story which is visibly depicted in the situation of the protagonist namely Pablo.


The story of Pablo tells us the reality of life, in some people this story is relatable.
However, a tragic one. Nevertheless, this leaves every reader a lesson, realization that life is
short, we should live accordingly and properly, live to the fullest without violating the rule of
man and God, because it is death is unavoidable, the regret will always be at the end, and not in
the beginning.


The play entitled “Condemned” literally sway in my heart where it leaves pain, agony
and melancholic feeling. Upon reading the entire play, I learned that life is really short, we can’t
decide until when, where, and how, will this life ends. It is indeed true that this gift of life is
completely borrowed from the Almighty. We should fill our hearts with positivity, forgiveness,
kindness, unconditional love: aspects that cannot be purchased. Being in the shoes of Pablo, I felt
the weigh in his heart, the anger, yearning of mother’s arms, regret and sadness. But with the
short period of time, he was well aware of the wrong doings that he has done. The enemy knows
our name, but calls by our sins, but the Lord Jesus, knows our sins, but calls us by our name.
Repent, and live the way that God has planned. The earthly doings have an end, but the love of
God is eternal.


 Dr. Ric De Castro – a doctor by profession, a husband, 35 years old, and was in a
complicated relationship with two women, Isabel, and Nina. He was defined as a
somewhat irresponsible and careless lacking vanity. Protagonist.
 Dr. Isabel De Castro – Dr. Ric’s wife and loss her child because of diphtheria
which makes her change her attitude because of her grief to her late child.
 Nina – is mistress without knowing, she was in a relationship with Dr. Ric
without knowing that Ric has his wife. She was also once married but got
separated. Foil Character
 Mario – the owner of the restaurant and was humiliated by Felisa. He can also be
considered as a friend of Dr. Ric. Stock Character
 Felisa – David’s wife, a talkative, overthinker, and a jealous wife. She always
complains that his husband cannot give what she wanted. Tertiary Character.
 David – Felisa’s wife, staying silent until he breaks the cup of coffee. Tertiary
 Tirso – a man sitting in the restaurant and was waiting for someone. He was
aware about Dr. Ric’s relationship with his wife and Nina. Tertiary Character.


The story started with Tirso sitting in the restaurant owned by Mario and was
waiting for someone. Afterwards, Dr Ric and Isabel also arrived to the restaurant as it
drizzled outside and they’re celebrating for their 3rd Anniversary. Isabel excuses herself
into the ladies’ room. He then had a conversation with Tirso, and surprisingly, Tirso was
aware about Ric’s little secret. Ric ordered two coffee for him and for her wife, then he
came to the office and had a phone call. Then there was this couple who came to the
place after watching from the street, it was Felisa and David. Felisa is talkative
complaining to his husband about the things he cannot give to her. She also humiliated
Mario with the service and the coffee she ordered. She just keeps on talking until the girl
named Nina went back to the restaurant as she forgets her compact. He had a little chat
with Felisa then went to the bathroom. David, with his irritation, he tossed the cup of
coffee to the floor and broke. Felisa reasoned to Mario that the cup slipped accidentally.
But Mario did not believe her. Then the couple leave the restaurant.

Isabel and Nina met at the bathroom, and Isabel helps Nina with her errands in her
hair. Then they have a conversation and talked about their personal life. Isabel offers a
coffee to Nina and asked her to stay as she waits for her husband. They talked about their
lover and some other stuffs. Isabel also talked about her late child that died due to
diphtheria and that his husband is currently treating a patient with the same condition.
There are similarities with the description of their men, not knowing that it is just the
same man they are referring to. they did not get to mention the name of their lovers, not
until Isabel stated her husband’s name and Ric appeared from the Mario’s office. It was
now Ric and her two women in an awkward moment. Ric tries to explain it to her wife,
but there is nothing to explain since everything is clear with Ric’s affair with Nina, and
Nina not being aware about her being a mistress.

The mother of the Ric’s patient keeps on calling, leaving Ric with no option but to
answer. Nina and Isabel then talked about it for once. Nina insisted not to fight for her
love to Ric, and that Isabel has all the right to fight for her husband for he is the legal
wife. But it seems like Isabel is also hesitant knowing that her partner cheated on her.
Nina leaved the place and asked Isabel to give the note and the key to Ric. With sad look
on his face, Ric said that the patient died. He also got to read Nina’s notes telling him to
win her wife. He crushed the paper with disappointment. Isabel asked Ric to go and
comfort the mother, right then they went out from the restaurant and walked with the
little drizzle.

The play manifest themes namely: Love, Honesty, Pain, Faithfulness, and Marriage. The
story focuses on the changes happened in the marriage of the protagonist Dr. Ric De Castro and
Isabel, the central idea of the play became the tool which makes the play realistic and relatable to
other people with the same situation with the characters.


In my perspective, the message of the play that is being depicted is that, be consistent,
faithful partner and strong. Life might bring us many challenges, such as death of dearly relative,
which surely put us into grief. However, new morning is inevitable, and so hope. Married couple
became one, the suffering that one has, affects the other one. So, it is a must that they must be
steadfast with one another. Conquer difficult things together just like how they vowed. Some
things might change, but the love for one another must be eternal.


Upon reading the play, I learned that having a partner means having someone who will be
with you until death, or other half of your soul. Being in this relationship requires trust,
unconditional love, and most importantly the faithfulness. However, relationship will not go as
smoothly as planned, there will always be the conflicts and misunderstanding, but the thing here
is that, partners must be able to discuss thoroughly one’s perspective and accepting it
wholeheartedly. They are one, and should act as one. Vows are promises not only in man’s
satisfactory, but most importantly a sacred word which man had promised with the blessing of
the Almighty God.


 Ramon – the head of the family. Antagonist. Round Character.

 Encarna - submissive wife. Stock Character, Dynamic Character
 Teresita – eldest daughter, most self-possessed of the children. Stock Character,
Dynamic Character.
 Clemencia - tiny and weak of constitution, nervous by temperament. Stock Character,
Dynamic Character.
 Adeling - pretty, strong-willed and impulsive, librarian in a University
 Jorge - the eldest brother. Stock Character and Dynamic Character.
 Flavio - most reserved of the brothers, his reserved nature is dangerous, his brooding
eyes reveal strange longings and desires which led him to become a black smith. Stock
Character and Dynamic Character.
 Gonzalo - the youngest of the family and had sex with a prostitute. Stock Character and
Dynamic Character
 Tony - the prodigal son who ran away to the U.S and is said to be gay. Stock Character
and dynamic Character.


The conflict of the plot revolved around the character of Ramon. As the father, Ramon is
absolutely convinced that it is only his will that must be obeyed by all the members of his family.
His rigidity provoked a miniature revolt among his children.

Tony, a character vaguely described in the story was the first to express his outrage
against the severity of the condition. He decided to leave and settle in the United States. As a
result, his father considers him no longer as his son and forbids his name to be mentioned in the
house.  Act one started with the obvious abhorrence expressed by the children by seeking an
explanation from their mother why they were treated as if they were irresponsible adults devoid
of judgment. All the children felt their existences were restricted within the confines of their

Encarna reasoned with the children, telling them that their father knew what is best for
them and was simply protecting them from the wickedness of the outside world. The comfort and
luxury of the house, she insisted, should be good enough to spend their extra time. The children
thought otherwise and demanded their mother to persuade their father to grant them more
freedom and to live life without his lingering presence.

The argument the children had with their mother was an overture to the coming tragedy.
The children were all resigned that their fate was solely controlled by their father and only
through radical actions that they can recover and ultimately discover themselves.


I think the theme in this play is the male dominance, that men are the most powerful and
the head of the family. As per the character of Ramon, he manifests the selfishness, control and
rule over his family in many aspects. And women tend to follow her husbands will and so


Let your children do what they love and do not make them do what they didn’t like so
that they will not rebel to their parents. Children who do not have freedom and peace at home
will suffer mental and emotional issues indeed. So, it is a must that parents should impose that
peace at home. Do net let your child experience chaos outside and inside of home, be the home
where they can breathe well.


I learned that a parent who is very strict will raise a rebellious child. And I think this is
very timely and relevant in our culture here in the Philippines, parents tend to control their sons
and daughters according to what they want regardless of the feelings and perspective of their
child. And I think, if I were to become a parent, I would not want to imply that kind of set up
with my kids. I want them to be freely happy with my support.
 Gonzalo - is tall, with a compelling personality. About twenty-seven, he possesses a
warm and attractive charm, except for his piercing eyes which can flash with contempt
when the occasion demands. Being cheated by his wife and best friend. Protagonist,
Dynamic Character.
 Nita – Gonzalo’s wife. An attractive woman of nineteen. She is rather short, with
laughing eyes and a gentle voice. Her expression is innocent, and there is a subtle air of
adolescence about her. She wears a striking evening gown. Antagonist. Foil Character
 Adrian - is twenty-five, with a boyish personality. He smokes incessantly. His voice is
slightly highpitched but pleasant. Best friend of Gonzalo. Antagonist. Foil Character.

The story started as introducing the newlywed couple namely Gonzalo and Nita. Nita
approached her husband with coffee and her husband does not even put an effort to lift his head
to see his wife. Nita started having a random conversation with her husband pertain to their maid
which she dismissed due to her insolence and moved to the topic to Menchu an embroiderer who
brought towels with their initials on.
Along the way, Gonzalo puts down his paper and Nita sat. Gonzalo noticed her wife
being exquisite and asked her what does that dress are for. Upon hearing does, Nita told him that
she was preparing for the big day—tomorrow, their wedding anniversary per month which
Gonzalo has forgotten.
Nita and Gonzalo had a little chit-chat about where they went on their past anniversary
and ask his wife what would be the gift she wanted for tomorrow and Nita jokingly said the
watch that costs 10 thousand pesos. Furthermore, when Nita lifted up the cp of coffee on the
table, she noticed that her husband has a paper which he unfolded and found out that it was a
Cyanide—a drug. Gonzalo has a medical condition Hyperthyroid he was advised by the doctor to
take care of himself and to avoid emotional stress.
Adrian, the best friend of Gonzalo, visited in their house and had a conversation with the
married couple, they reminisce the wedding day, their schooling days and up to the murder of an
unfaithful wife. Gonzalo, called them as rats, because they were violating the rule of man and
Nita, brough coffee but forgot to bring a cup so, he used the used cup of Gonzalo with
cyanide in it. Nita is very upset with that, and Gonzalo purposely spill coffee on Adrian’s shirt.
Gonzalo made that action so that Nita and Adrian will be caught on the spot. He knew that
Adrian knows the way around the house because he used to go there every afternoon, but Nita
always tells to her husband that no one goes in their house, so for her not to get caught, she
dismissed her maid so that she will not tell it ho her husband--- that she is being unfaithful with
his husband’s best friend.
Adrian is still un aware that he was poisoned by his own best friend. Until his last
moment, he was very thankful that he had a friend like Gonzalo, not knowingly he is being killed
little by little like a rat.
The story ended Gonzalo calling police to their place and calling themselves as rats.

The theme on the story titled Three Rats are: Friendship, Revenge, Love, Cheating. This
story evolves with the Husband, wife, and lastly the husband’s best friend. Gonzalo’s best friend
and wife cheated on him which made him decide to kill his beloved best friend in front of his
cheating wife in that way, he took his revenge. For he loves his wife dearly, he did not kill as per
his revenge, he lets her live-in agony. Like a rat.

I think the message of the story is to be honest, faithful and loyal partner. Marriage is a
sacred thing to do. It was a ceremony of two people becoming one, but there was this misfortune
where faithfulness was not achieved. And worst by someone who you dearly trust. So do not
trust anyone except for yourself.


The lesson that I learned in the play was, even the most trusted can be cheater. Be
faithful spouse, there is no good on doing wrong things. Living short but in a proper manner is
more precious than living a long life with a lie.


 Florencia Aragon de caracoles – came from rugs to richest, materialistic,

arrogant, and boastful. Ver well know at the name “Flory”
 Juan Caracoles - husband of Flory, he is making money out of Japanese people
to become rich.
 Matilde - engaged with charity works, helps people generous, and indeed has a
good heart, genuinely came from a rich family and marry a business man.
 Osang - the maid of Matilde, neighbor of Flory when she was poor. Quite
talkative but honest.


The story takes place in San Lorenzo village in the Phillipines. "Flory" is Florencia

Aragain de Caracoles, a woman who was raised in the slums but becomes rich after marrying a

wealthy man who does business with the Japanese. Marrying into money turns Flory into a

boastful, arrogant person who tries to bury her past.

Matilde, also rich but humbled and heavily involved in charity work, invites Flory to

participate in a charity program for the impoverished people from the area where Flory grew up.

Matilde's embroider, Osange, was Flory's neighbor as a child, so Matilde is aware of Flory's less

glamorous past.
Flory accepts the invitation with an ulterior motive; she intends to use the opportunity to

meet well-known rich and influential personalities. Unfortunately for her, Flory's past catches up

to her as she puts her dishonest plan into action.


I think the theme here in the story is to be Humble. Money does give all the material that
we wanted and needed but it does not give the attitude and the good manners. It comes from


The message I get from the story was to be grateful and do not ever forget where we
came from.


Just like Flory, I also envision my self as successful as I can. However, there was this
thought that comes in my mind saying “when I get there, will my attitude change?” I mean, there
are a lot of incidents in reality that some rugs to richest people tend to be arrogant, and boastful
where originally, they don’t possess those kinds of attitude. So, as early as now, I am grateful for
I have and let the plan of God be done.

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