Listening LP1
Listening LP1
Listening LP1
I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the discussion, the Grade-7 students are able to:
A. Subject Matter
Learning about Prosodic Features: Volume, Projection, Pitch, Stress, Intonations,
Juncture, and Speech Rate that serves as Carriers of Meaning
B. References
%20prosody%20is%20concerned,elements%20are%20known%20as%20suprasegmentals. (An Audiobook of Legend of the Waves a Literary Piece from
the Pre-Colonial Period)
C. Materials
1. Audio Speaker
2. An audiobook material of the Legend of the Waves a Literary Piece from the Pre-
Colonial Period
3. Laptop/Smart Phone
4. PowerPoint Presentation
5. Pentel Pens, Pencils, Coloring Materials
6. ¼ Cardboard
G. Values
1. Teamwork
2. Efficiency
3. Orderliness
4. Humility
5. Honesty
H. Skills Developed
1. Listening
2. Analyzing
3. Identifying
4. Focusing
C. Presentation
The teacher will formally start the lesson by letting the students pay attention and
get them ready in listening to the audiobook entitled Legend of the Waves a Literary
Piece from the Pre-Colonial Period.
D. Discussion/Content
After the audiobook presentation, the teacher will then start the discussion by
posting questions in corresponds with the audiobook entitled Legend of the Waves a
Literary Piece from the Pre-Colonial Period and integrate the prosodic features found in
the story and how it is used to convey meaning.
The following questions shall be asked:
Does the volume used by the speaker loud or soft?
Did the speaker used a loud volume when he or she was angry? Or did
the speaker used a soft volume when he was speaking to his little
Does the intonation used by the speaker rising or falling?
Did the speaker used a rising intonation when he or she asked a
Did the speaker used a falling intonation when he or she expressed a
Does the pitch used by the speaker high or low?
Did the speaker used a high pitch when he sang the song? Or did he used
a low pitch?
Did the speaker used a strong or weak projection of tone?
Did the King of the Sea use a strong projection of tone when he speaks?
Did the narrator used stress on words for emphasis while speaking?
Does the juncture used by the speaker has a slight delay or in a
continuous flow?
Did the narrator used a slight or continuous juncture when narrating a
suspense action?
Does the rate of speech used by the speaker fast or slow?
Did the speaker talk fast or talks slow?
The teacher will the show a PowerPoint Presentation of the definitions of the Prosodic
Features and explain it to them. Further, the students will be asked to listen to the discussion and
respond when they asked, as well as give their own examples.
Prosodic Features
What is prosody?
- Prosody is concerned with those elements of speech that are not individual phonetic segments (vowels
and consonants) but are properties of syllables and larger units of speech, including linguistic functions such
as intonation, tone, stress, and rhythm etc. Such elements are known as suprasegmental.
What are prosodic features or elements?
- are suprasegmentals, includes the features of speech such as stress, tone, or word juncture that
accompanies or is added over consonants and vowels; these features are not limited to single sounds but often
extend over syllables, words, or phrases.
Type of Prosodic Features Definitions
Volume Loudness or softness of sounds. Used to show emotions. In
writing, it is emphasized by punctuation marks.
Ex. I hate you! (angry emotion)
The collective term used to emphasize the variations of speech,
either falling or rising.
Intonation Ex: Is this your umbrella? (questions make use of rising intonation
at the end of the sentence.)
Pitch refers to the perception of relative frequency (e.g.,
Pitch perceptually high-pitched, or low-pitched). This is highly
integrated in music or singing. It also refers to the way the voice
goes either up or down at the end of the sentence.
Projection Refers to the strength of speaking in order to resonate better the
message and boost impact.
It is the degree of emphasis given a sound or syllable in speech.
Further, it is used to make words more understandable on the
word level and is especially apparent in the pronunciation of
Stress individual words and their parts. It is also known as accent which
refers to the greater or lesser force given to a certain syllables or
Juncture A pause or a slight delay in a continuous flow of speech. Sound
transitions characterized the movement from sound to sound
within a word or phrase. the manner or transition or mode of
relationship between two consecutive sounds in speech.
It has two classification;
E. Generalization
The teacher presumes that the students have already understood the prosodic
features, as well as their retention capacity had been measured. At this juncture, review of
the topic shall be done.
The following are some of the review questions:
What is prosody?
What are suprasegmentals?
What are the elements of types of prosodic features?
Explain each of the elements.
F. Valuing
The teacher shall ask the students about their realization regarding about
the topic. The questions stated below should be raised by the teacher to measure
whether they had understood better the topic by integrating the lesson in real life.
How important are the prosodic features in real life?
What struck you most in the lesson about prosodic features and connect it to
What can you say about the Philippine Culture after the audiobook entitled
Legend of the Waves a Literary Piece from the Pre-Colonial Period?
G. Fixing skills
Before the teacher give them the assessment, the teacher will give an activity that
will fix their skills. The teacher shall then group the students into four groups. Each
group will be given ¼ carboard and provide them with pentel pen, coloring materials, and
pencils. They will be asked to accomplish a performance task. The teacher will read to
them a short passage and they will be asked to identify the prosodic features as a way to
visualized actions, meanings, and emotions. Further they will be asked to draw what they
had listened and color the output based on the foreseen scenario. (The output will be
analyzed by the teacher afterwards.)
B. Directions: Listen intently to the teacher’s intonation as she read the following sentences
and underline the words being stressed. Further, tell what is being emphasized.
What is being emphasized?
Sentences What is the intonation at the end of the
sentence? key:
The following are the sentences that the teacher shall only read twice/answer
1. Romeo, my classmate, gave me a
Romeobox, myof classmate,
cookies gave me a box of (emphasis on the giver/subject)
2. Romeo, my classmate, gave me a
cookies. Statement: Falling Intonation
box of cookies
Romeo, my classmate, gave me a box of (emphasis on the relationship of the giver to
3. Romeo, my classmate, gave me a
cookies? the person.)
box of cookies Question: Rising Intonation
C. Romeo, my classmate, gave me a box of (emphasis on what is given)
cookies! Statement which coveys a strong sense of
emotion: Rising Intonation)
Directions: Listen to the teacher intently and identify whether the uttered stressed sounds
indicate a high pitch or low pitch. Put a check unto which pitch they belong. Add
appropriate punctuation marks at the end of the words or phrases to emphasized emotion.
The following are the sentences that the teacher shall only read twice/answer key:
Words/Phrases High Pitch Low Pitch
It is my fault.
Forgive me.
It is fine.
I want you back.
Yes! I did it!
D. Enumerate all the prosodic elements/ features and add a brief description.
E. Essay.
What is the significance of prosodic features/ elements? Explain briefly.
How can you identify emotions of the characters just by learning about
the prosodic features used in the story? Explain briefly.
Described the Philippine Culture during the Pre-Colonial period in terms
of its literary piece.
Direction: Choose a partner and read the summary of the story Dead Stars by Paz
Marquez Benítez to each other alternately. The activity should be done through mobile phone call
or in messenger (audio-call only). Each other shall listen upon one another intently and with
utmost focus. Recognized and identify the prosodic features used in the story.