English 10 Q4 Module 4

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Quarter 4 – Module 4:
Compose a Research Report on a
Relevant Social Issue
English – Grade 10
Quarter 4–Module 4: Compose a research report on a relevant social issue
First Edition, 2021

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Quarter 4 – Module 4:
Compose a research report on a
relevant social issue
Introductory Message
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear learners,
can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions,
directions, exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to
understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-
step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each

SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module or if
you need to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better
understanding of the lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer
the post-test to self-check your learning. Answer keys are provided for each
activity and test. We trust that you will be honest in using these.

In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are also
provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how
they can best help you on your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part
of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises and
tests. And read the instructions carefully before performing each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the
tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.

Thank you.

Let Us Learn!

After all the topics we have learned from the past modules in this last
quarter, it is finally time to apply those for this final module at hand. We are
now on the last topic before we finally end our journey for the school year.

At the end of this module, we are expected to joggle through the different
skills that we acquired at the course of the school year by writing our own
research report. Hence, we are expected to:

1. identify the essential parts of a research report;

2. apply the guidelines on how to select and limit a research topic;
3. observe the language of research, campaigns, and advocacies; and
4. compose a research report on a relevant social issue
MELCS: (EN10SS-IVe-2.3)

Lesson Parts of a Research
1 Report

Let Us Try!

Activity 1: Multiple Choice

1. The part of a research report which presents background information on

the research topic and explains the purpose and motivation for conducting
the research.
A. Methodology C. Results and Discussion
B. Introduction D Abstract
2. This refers to the part of a research report which presents the results and
interpretation of the data gathered.
A. Methodology C. Results and Discussion
B. Introduction D. Abstract
3. This includes the procedure employed by the researcher/s in the conduct
of the research.
A. Methodology C. Results and Discussion
B. Introduction D. Abstract
4. Written in this part of a research report are the list of all the sources or
references consulted in writing.
A. References C. Table of Contents
B. Introduction D. Abstract
5. In writing this part of your research, you have to think of lines that may
catch the interest of your reader.
A. References C. Table of Contents
B. Introduction D. Abstract

Let Us Study

Activity 2: Anagram

Form words out of the word RESEARCH. Write at least 10 words you
can find.

Example: Reach
Your answer:
1. ___________________________ 6. ____________________________
2. ___________________________ 7. ____________________________
3. ___________________________ 8. ____________________________
4. ___________________________ 9. ____________________________
5. ___________________________ 10. __________________________

As you have gone through different stages of being a student, you might
have noticed that you are tasked to make a report of any topic that your
teacher might have assigned to you from time to time. One of these reports
includes a research report. A research report is a “report of your research” –
a detailed account about your research topic written clearly and concisely.
The table below shows different parts of a standard research report.
Read the table below to understand what is written in each part.

Parts Description

Title Page The title page provides the main idea of the
research report and the name and affiliation of the

Table of Contents It is a list of the different parts of the paper along

with the corresponding page number

Abstract/Synopsis It is a summary (about 100-500 words) of the key

points (goals and objectives, results, and
conclusions) of the research.

Introduction It presents background information on the
research topic and explains the purpose and
motivation for conducting the research.
Sometimes, the review of literature is included in
this part. (The Review of Literature presents
other researchers done related to the study.)
Methodology It explains the procedures employed in doing the
research and describes the data collection
Results and Discussion It presents the results of the study, along with
the interpretation and analysis of the gathered
data. These data are compared and contrasted to
the findings discussed in the Review of
Conclusions and The conclusion gives a short explanation of what
Recommendations is discovered from the study conducted. The
recommendations provide suggestions or
solutions to problems based on the results or
References This is a list of all the sources or references
consulted in writing the research report.
Appendices These are the important materials used in the
conduct of the study as questionnaires, interview
sheets, and survey sheets, among others.

Source: English for the 21st Century Learners 10 (p.372)

Let Us Practice

Activity 3

As preliminary steps in writing your research report, accomplish the

table below. You may reach your teacher for any recommendation or
Three possible research titles: (Example: Experiences of Kindergarten
Parents in Modular Distance Learning in the New Normal Education Setting)

1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

Three possible steps that you could employ in conducting your research
/Methodology: (Example: Interviewing, Observation)
1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

Three possible materials you can consult in writing your study

/References: (Example: Internet Sources, Books)
1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

Outline of Research

Activity 4: Make a Match

Match the descriptions in Column A with the corresponding section

names and research terms listed in Column B.

1. Presents background information, A. Methodology

scope, and focus of the research paper

2. Provides a review of what others have

written or researched on concerning the B. Literature review

3. Explains how the research was

C. Introduction

4. Presents the information gathered D. Reference

through the research

5. Evaluates the results of the study or

E. Discussion

6. Provides the summary of the research F. Conclusion

7. Lists all the sources used in the

G. Results

8. Contains other related information

H. Research
such as graphs, charts, tables, lists

9. Summarizes all sections and helps

readers decide whether or not to read I. Abstract
the entire report

10. A systematic investigation to

contribute to an existing body of J. Appendix

Activity 5

Let us try some more to sharpen your learning! Are you ready?
Parts of a Research
Complete the table below by describing the major parts of a research.
(Title, Abstract)

(Methodology, Results and Discussion)


Lesson Selecting, Limiting, and
2 Writing Research Report

Let Us Try!

Activity 1:
Explain the following using your own understanding in each tip on how
to select and limit a research topic. Use the graphic organizer below.

Brainstorm for Ideas

Identify the Sources of

General Background

Focus on Your topic

Make a List of Useful


Be Flexible

Define Your Topic as a

Focused Research

Let Us Study
In order to successfully complete a research report, you have to
develop and limit a good research topic. Your teacher might assign a topic to
you, but most of the time your teacher will allow you select a topic of interest.
You have to realize that selecting and limiting a good research topic may not
be as easy as it sounds. The research topic must be focused enough to be
significant and interesting, and comprehensive enough for you to find
adequate information.

A. How to Select and Limit a Research Topic

1. Brainstorm for Ideas – What topic that relates to you or any relevant
issues that today’s society relates to? What do you want to know more
about it? Do you have any opinion about it?

2. Identify the Sources of General Background Information – What sources

of information can you use to gather information? Who can help you in
providing information about the topic? Can you use library, magazines,
journals, periodicals, or the internet to collect information? Do you
know any organization that can help you in gathering information?

3. Focus on Your Topic – What specific area or factor of the topic would
you focus your research on? Why did you decide to focus on that
specific area or aspect? Who is affected by the topic?

4. Make a List of Useful Keywords – What are the keywords that you can
use to best describe your topic?

5. Be Flexible – What are the considerations or adjustments that you

would do if ever there is a need to modify your research topic?

6. Define Your Topic as a Focused Research Question – What is the

primary question that your research topic wants to answer?

B. Writing the Draft

Using what you have learned about research report and the notes that
you have gathered in the previous learning segments, you can now write the
draft of your research. Remember that writing is a recursive process; it entails

gathering more information and using these to support a claim. Review the
different sections that you may employ in writing your report.

Writing the Introduction

Let us start with the first goal by reviewing the essential parts of the
A. A brief Background: Provides an overview of the scope of the research.

B. Objectives of the Study: Articulate what you intend to find out or achieve
in the study. Some researchers use research question that they intend to
address in the report. Others articulate the objectives of the study. Either
way, research questions or objectives are tools to guide readers in knowing
the direction of the research.

C. Significance of the Study: Discuss the relevance of the study to your

intended audience. Cite the specific benefits that they can get from the
findings of the research.

D. Literature Review: Discuss previous studies done on the chosen topic.

Relate how your research relates to these previous researches.

In writing the introduction, you also have to think of catchy devices or

hooks that would get the interest of your readers. This can be done through the
use of questions, direct quotation, a startling fact, or vivid description

Writing the Body

The body of the research reports contains the substantial amount of

information that needs to be clearly and accurately presented and analyzed. The
data that will be presented in this section are meant to address the research
questions or objectives. In presenting the gathered information you can use pie
charts, graphs, or tables. Note that you must introduce each illustration
appropriately followed by an adequate discussion of the data presented.

Moreover, you need to use related studies to support or refute the findings.
You can do this by incorporating notes (summary, quote, paraphrase) that you
have gathered. Remember to cite your sources using the recommended system
of documentation. Also, introduce and explain the direct quotation, paraphrase,
or summary that you have incorporated in the discussions.

Writing the Conclusion
The conclusion is important in bringing home the highlights of the research
paper. A well-written conclusion allows readers to take on a new perspective
about the thesis. Moreover, it provides readers with recommendations that can
be explored.

Source: Celebrating Diversity through World Literature – Grade 10 English

Learning Manual (pages: 471-472)

Final Task
Activity 2 Write it Out
Write a simple research report on any relevant social issue. Use the
guide below in writing the draft of your research report.
Note: You may ask your teacher for suggestions and advice as you write.
I – Introduction
Discuss the following:
Incorporate a grabber or
A. Background Information
hook in this segment of your
B. Objectives of the Study
C. Significance of the Study
D. Related Literature

I – Body
Think of catch titles for the
This includes the presentation and
sub-headings of the paper.
analyzation of your research data or
information. You may incorporate some
Remember! It is perfectly
notes, summary, paraphrase, and direct
fine to use the ideas of
quotations that you wrote during the pre-
others as long as you cite
writing phase. Do not forget to avoid citing
their names properly.
your sources to avoid plagiarism.

III – Conclusion
This portion consists of summarization of
your findings. Moreover, a set of
recommendations addressing the issue or
concern that you have tackled in your
research paper must be included

Read Closely the scoring guide or rubric below. Underline the key words
found on the Proficient column. Compare with the standards under the
Excellent column. Take note of what you need to accomplish in order to
achieve your target score.

Criteria 4 3 2 1
Excellent Proficient Developing Beginning
Catchy Exceptional Proficient Basic Weak or no
Introduction introduction that introduction introduction introduction
grabs interest of that is that states of topic
reader and states interesting topic but
topic and states lacks interest
Credible Exceptionally Information Information Information
researched; relates to the relates to the has little or
Detailed and main topic/ main topic, nothing to do
accurate thesis/ few details with the
information; objectives; and/or thesis;
Information Well- examples are Information
clearly relates to researched in given; has weak or
the thesis or the detail and Uses limited no connection
research from a variety sources to the thesis
questions/ of sources
Well- Exceptionally Consistent Some Limited or no
Explained critical, relevant, connections connections connections
and consistent made between made between made between
connections evidence and evidence and evidence and
made between thesis; thesis; thesis;
evidence; Good analysis Some analysis Lacks
Excellent analysus
Well- Exceptionally Clear and Somewhat Lacks
Organized clear, logical, logical order clear and development
mature, and that supports logical of ideas with
thorough the topic with development weak or no
development of good with basic transitions
the topic with transitions transitions between and
excellent between and between and within
transitions within within paragraphs
between and paragraphs paragraphs

Compelling Excellent Good Basic Lacks
Conclusion summary of topic summary of summary of summary of
with concluding topic with topic with topic
ideas that impact clear some final
reader; concluding concluding
Introduces no ideas; ideas;
new information Introduces no Introduces no
new new
information information
Well-written Control of Contains few Contains So many
grammar, usage, spelling, several spelling
and mechanics; punctuation, spelling, punctuation,
Almost entirely and punctuation, and
free of spelling, grammatical and grammatical
punctuation, and errors grammatical errors that
grammatical errors that the paper
errors which detract cannot be
from the understood.

Let Us Reflect
Congratulations! You finished this module and is able to write a
sample research report. You are now ready to learn and apply these lessons
to any higher and more complex written activities on your next academic
journey. Remember always that should you encounter difficulties in all of
these writing activities, you can always ask your teachers to clarify any
difficulties you may have. To end this endeavor, you may write a simple
reflection below on your experience or any difficulties you have encountered.


Let us Try! Let us Try!
Activity: A (Multiple Choice) Activity: B (Anagram)
1. C. Introduction Possible Answers:
2. B. Results and Discussion 1. ARE 11. Ear 21. Rear 31. Hears
3. A. Methodology 2. SEE 12. Her 22. Case 32. Chase
4. A. References 3. SEA 13. Has 23. Care 33. Arch
4. ace 14. Ears 24. Cars 34. Aches
5. C. Introduction
5. she 15. Arch 25. Cash 35. Erase
6. car 16. Ache 26. Hare 36. Career
7. rad 17. Aces 27. Hares 37. Shear
8. red 18. Race 28. Cares 38. Eraser
9. arc 19. Hear 29. Crash 39. Searcher
Let us Practice! 10. ear 20. Races 30. Racers
Activity: D (Make a Match)
1. C. Introduction
2. B. Literature Review
3. A. Methodology
4. G. Results
5. E. Discussion
6. F. Conclusion
7. D. References
8. J. Appendix
9. I. Abstract
10. Research
Answer key to Activities

Chua, Rina G. et. al. English for the 21st Century Learners 10. DIWA

Almonte, Liza et. al. English 10 Teacher's Guide. Philippines:

Department of Education, 2015.
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Division of Tagum City

Office Address: Energy Park, Apokon, Tagum City, 8100

Telefax: (084) 216-3504

E-mail Address: [email protected]

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