English: Quarter 4 - Module 1 Technical Terms in Research

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Quarter 4 - Module 1
Technical Terms in Research

English – Grade 10
Self-Learning Module
Quarter 4 – Module 1: Technical Terms in Research
First Edition, 2021

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English 0
Quarter 4 - Module 1
Technical Terms in Research

Introductory Message

For the facilitator:

Welcome to the English – Grade 10 Self-Learning Module on Technical

Terms in Research.

This module was collaboratively designed, developed, and reviewed by

educators both from public and private institutions to assist you, the teacher
or facilitator in helping the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12
Curriculum while overcoming their personal, social, and economic
constraints in schooling.

This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and
independent learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this
also aims to help learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking
into consideration their needs and circumstances.

Notes to the Teacher: This contains helpful tips or strategies that will
help you in guiding the learners.

As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use

this module. You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while
allowing them to manage their own learning. Furthermore, you are expected
to encourage and assist the learners as they do the tasks included in the

For the learner: Welcome to the English – Grade 10 Self-Learning Module on

Technical Terms in Research.

This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful
opportunities for guided and independent learning at your own pace and time.
You will be enabled to process the contents of the learning resource while
being an active learner. This module has the following parts and
corresponding icons:

This will give you an idea of the skills or
What I Need to Know
competencies you are expected to learn in the
This part includes an activity that aims to check
what you already know about the lesson to take. If
What I Know
you get all the answers correct (100%), you may
decide to skip this module.

What’s In This is a brief drill or review to help you link the

current lesson with the previous on
In this portion, the new lesson will be introduced to
What’s New you in various ways; a story, a song, a poem, a
problem opener, an activity or a situation.
This section provides a brief discussion of the lesson.
What Is It This aims to help you discover and understand new
concepts and skills.
This comprises activities for independent practice to
solidify your understanding and skills of the topic.
What’s More
You may check the answers to the exercises using
the Answer Key at the end of the module.
This includes questions or blank
What I Have Learned
sentence/paragraph to be filled in to process what
you learned from the lesson.
This section provides an activity which will help you
What I Can Do transfer your new knowledge or skill into real life
situations or concerns.
Assessment This is a task which aims to evaluate your level of
mastery in achieving the learning competency.
In this portion, another activity will be given to you
Additional Activities
to enrich your knowledge or skill of the lesson

Answer Key This contains answers to all activities in the module.

At the end of this module, you will also find:

References. This is a list of all sources used in developing this module.

The following are some reminders in using this module:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part
of the module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other
activities included in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through
with it.

If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module,

do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that
you are not alone.

We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful

learning and gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can
do it!

What I Need to Know

This learning module will provide you with opportunities to enhance the
different competencies in English through a variety of contextualized and
differentiated learning activities.
In this module, you will be guided to distinguish technical terms used
in research (Quarter IV MELC no. 1).
After going through this module, you are expected to attain the following
• be acquainted with technical terms used in research; and
• define research terminologies.

What I Know

Test Yourself. This activity diagnoses your stock knowledge on the basic
technical terms used in research.

Directions: Tell whether the following technical terms are used in research
or not. Write RESEARCH if it is a research term or NOPE if it is not.

_________ 1. Setting
_________ 2. Interviewee
_________ 3. Quality
_________ 4. Data
_________ 5. Law of gravity

What’s In

Research has served us well and improved the quality of our life. In this
activity, try to recall the scientists and their brilliant inventions as products
of their research by matching column A with column B.

1. Thomas Alva Edison A. Telephone
2. Alexander Graham Bell B. Incandescent Light Bulb
3. Sir Isaac Newton C. Gravity
4. Marie Curie D. Electromagnetic Induction
5. Michael Faraday E. Radium
6. Wilhelm Röntgen F. X-Ray Photography
7. Benjamin Franklin G. Lightning is Electricity
8. Allesandro Volta H. Electric Battery
9. Lord Kelvin I. Thermodynamics
10. William Crookes J. Thallium

What’s New

Directions: Distinguish some research terminologies by identifying the

elements of a research title. Identify the terms used in the given title to point
out the elements of a research title. Then, write your revised version of the
title. Use the given sample as your guide.

Elements of a Research Title

“Improving Reading and Comprehension Skills of MNHS Grade 7 Learners
through Supplementary Video Tutorial: Basis for DepEd TV Content.”
1. Research Process/Method: Improving
2. Topic as Point of Inquiry: Reading and Comprehension Skills
3. Participants/Respondents/Subjects: MNHS Grade 7 Learners
4. Intervention (if applicable): through Supplementary Video Tutorial
5. Research Output (if applicable): Deped TV Content.
6. Catchphrase: Watch and Learn

Revised/Improved Title:
Watch and Learn: Improving Reading and Comprehension Skills of MNHS
Grade 7 Learners through Supplementary Video Tutorial

“Sikat Ako: How to be famous on Social Media according to the Junior

High School Learners (Social media use among Junior High School
1. Research Process/Method _________________________________
2. Topic as point of Inquiry _________________________________
3. Participants/Respondents/Subjects _________________________________
4. Intervention (If applicable) _________________________________
5. Research Output (If applicable) _________________________________
6. Catchphrase _________________________________

Revised/Improved Title:

Do you find the following research terminologies confusing? Now, find

them out on the next phase of this module.

What is It?

Doing research or writing a research paper can be an exciting hobby

especially if we are well-acquainted with technical terms used. Let us
understand these research terminologies.

Identifying research terminologies is the very basic step before you get
hooked into a research work. Knowing, defining, and understanding these
technical terms will lead you to a successful research.

Pay keen attention to the following terms:

1. Research Methodology
This includes theoretical and philosophical assumptions upon
which research is based and the implications of these for the method
or methods adopted (S. Aunders, 2007).

2. Research Paradigm/Philosophy of Research

This refers to the entire constellation of values, techniques, and
so on shared by members of a given community. This dictates the
natures or types of research such as positivism, post positivism, and

3. Research Design
According to Saccharin, a research design is set up to decide on,
among other issues, how to collect further data, analyze and interpret
them, and finally to provide an answer to the problem.
Saccharin has identified six elements of research design: (1)
purpose of the study (2) type of investigation (3) extent of research
interference (4) study setting (5) unit of analysis and (6) time horizon.
It is a bounded system. It involves techniques and procedures
used to obtain and analyze research data; should be selected based on
the purpose of research. For example, the experimental research
method, survey research method or a case study research.

4. Research Techniques
These are techniques/approaches applied within the method to
collect data. A single method could employ a number of techniques. For
instance, survey is a method and questionnaire is a technique.

5. Research Instrument
It is a device to collect data such as lab instrument,
questionnaire, researcher, interview guide, and camera. Research is all
about making right decisions while planning. Researchers need to
decide upon what shall be their research methodology based on the
nature of the research problem.

6. Theoretical Framework
A study is based on an existing theory or theories. For an example,
a theory of motivation. It helps in relating your identified/specified
variables. It represents context of studies which are based on theories –
testing them or explaining them based on previous studies. It is basically a
plan of your study.

7. Conceptual framework
This is something you can develop yourself based on the theory.
Conceptual framework is developed by the researcher to solve a
particular problem that he or she wants to find solution.
A general understanding is that conceptual framework is used
more often with qualitative research while theoretical framework is
often used with quantitative research.


The following are common research terms that are usually discussed
during your defense. Familiarize yourself with the following research terms so
you will be confident enough to face your panelists when you will be asked.
1. Research Proposal
A written presentation on the planned investigation of a research
problem or issue which the thesis writer contemplates to undertake for his
2. Research/ Thesis
It is a scholarly report of an investigation – the product of which
contributes to general knowledge. It has practical value and contributes to

an area of specialization, and most importantly, a requirement for
3. Variable
It is anything in a research situation that varies and can be
measured. It can be human characteristics, or it can be a characteristics
of teaching methods or strategies.
4. Hypothesis
A tentative statement about how two or more variables are related.
This is an intelligent guess on what the output of a research prior to its
conduct would be.
In current practice, hypothesis stated as no relations among
variables is otherwise known as null hypothesis.
5. Related Literature
It is a discussion on the secondary sources of data taken from local
and foreign references, observing proper documentation.
6. Related Studies
Discussion on the primary sources of data taken from foreign and
local research such as thesis and dissertations. Take note that related
literature is different from related studies.


The following should also be given attention in order to better

understand the facets of research.

Information gathered during the research process.

Data ‘Raw’ data is information which has not yet been analyzed.
Research based on first-hand gathering of data
Empirical through interviews, questionnaires, ethnographies,
Research participant observation, action research, and so on.
The direct observation, description and analysis of the
Ethnography activities and behavior of members of a social group.
Someone that participates in a research project,
Informant generally through interview. Also referred to as research
participant or interviewee.

The tools used to gather research data, for instance a
Methods phone questionnaire, face to face interview, gathering
census data.
Research discovering facts about social experiences
and trends where data is collected through measuring
things and is analyzed through numerical comparisons and
statistical inferences.
Data is represented numerically as a percentage, a
mean, an average etc. Commonly, data appears as a table,
graph, or a pie or line chart.
As data is presented as representative, the sample,
that is the source of the data, is extremely important.
Research that is not presented as representative but
as offering people’s reflections or perspectives on an issue
or experience. It is traditionally conducted via interviews or
Qualitative Data is analyzed by themes drawn from informants’
Research descriptions.
Also referred to as ‘interpretive’ and ‘grounded’,
qualitative research is more interested in questions of how
and why than in how many.
A substantiated (evidence based) explanation for the
way something is as it is.
Theory The body of rules, ideas, principles, and techniques
that applies to a particular subject.
The typed record of an interview obtained from audio
Transcript or video recordings.
A group of individuals selected by a researcher because
they possess attributes of interest to the research project.
Sample A representative sample is one which is representative
of a larger group. If the sample is selected carefully, the
resulting data can be applied to the group as a whole.
Observation is the systematic noting and recording of
events, behaviors and objects in the social setting chosen
for the study. The observational record is referred to as field
notes, which are detailed, non-judgmental, concrete
Observation descriptions of what is being observed. A participant
observer is someone who is a part of the activity as well as
making the observations.

What’s More

Directions: Arrange the scrambled letters in column A to form the correct

research terminology by writing your answer in column B. Then match the
research terminology in column B with the appropriate description/definition
in column C.


A. Also referred to as research

1. Hotgyoldoem participant or interviewee
2. Uerltiarte B. Provides a review of what others
Vwerie have written or researched on
concerning the topic
C. Explains how the research was
3. Tamnniorf conducted

D. Refers to the worldview about

4. Toniraineseuq conducting a research

E. Anything in a research situation

5. Rhcersae that varies and can be measured

F. A tentative statement or
6. Midgaarp intelligent guess on what the
output of a research would be
G. A research that is also referred
7. Pyohssithe to as interpretive or grounded

H. A type of research technique in

8. Temnrutsin collecting data

I. A device used to collect data

9. Aquilttavie

J. A systematic investigation to
10. Lebiavra contribute to an existing body of

What I Have Learned
Directions: Check your understanding with the information you read above.
Complete the sentence by providing the correct term in the blank.

1. Unanalyzed information in research is technically called ______data.

2. Observing, describing, and analyzing activities and behavior of members of
a social group is technically called _____ in research.
3. Tools used to gather research data is called ______.
4. _____ is a kind of research where data is represented numerically as a
percentage, a mean, and an average.
5. When a research wants to find people’s reflections or perspectives on an
issue or experience, the research is called _____.
6. _____ is an evidence-based explanation.
7. A _____ is made when researcher types her record of interview from audio
or video.
8. Group of individuals possessing attributes of interest can be a _____ in
9. A _____ is one which is representative of a larger group.
10. A _____ is a scholarly report of an investigation.

What I Can Do

Directions: Supposed you are given by your teacher a research activity. You
and your research team will begin by identifying what research terminology
you will most work on during its conduct. Write the correct research term in
column B that is described in each statement in column A.

1. You need to submit a written presentation on
the planned investigation of a research
problem or issue which you intend to work on.

2. You will be able to have a thorough investigation

if you study the discussion on the primary
sources of data taken from foreign and local
researches such as theses and dissertations.

3. You need to read a discussion on the secondary

sources of data taken from local and foreign
references, observing proper documentation.

4. You will decide on the appropriate tools in

gathering your research data, for instance, a
phone questionnaire face-to-face interview or
census-gathering data.

5. Of course, you need to record each and every

information gathered during the research

6. There is also a necessity that you take good care

of the typed record of an interview you obtain
from audio or video recordings.

7. You should likewise identify the approach that

you will apply in the collection of data, for
instance, survey.

8. You need the systematic noting and recording

of events, behaviors and objects in the social
setting chosen for your study.

9. You might probably be working on a research

that is more interested in knowing how and
why than in how many.

10. You need to select a group of individuals who

possesses particular attributes of interest to
the research project.


I. Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. This is a written presentation of a research problem you intend to
A. Research Proposal B. Research Instrument C. Hypothesis
2. These are the pieces of information gathered during the research
A. Analysis B. Data C. Interview
3. Research discovering facts about social experiences and trends
where data is collected through measuring things and is analyzed
through numerical comparisons and statistical inferences.
A. Qualitative B. Quantitative C. Empirical
4. The body of rules, ideas, principles, and techniques that applies to
a particular subject.
A. Method B. Technique C. Theory
5. It represents context of studies which are based on theories testing
or explaining them based on previous studies.
A. Research design B. Theoretical framework C. Methods

II. TRUE or FALSE: Write TRUE if the statement states fact about the
research terms and FALSE if the statement is incorrect.
1. Related studies is the discussion on the primary sources of data
taken from foreign and local researches such as dissertations and
2. Survey is a technique and questionnaire is a method.
3. Research paradigm determines the natures of research such as
positivism, interpretivism, and so on.
4. Theoretical framework gives the variables, measures and indicators
of the research
5. Human characteristics cannot be measured as a variable.


Additional Activities

Directions: Read the clues below and fill in the correct answer.

1 2

1. A research based on first-hand gathering of data through interviews,
questionnaires, observation
3. A written presentation on the planned investigation of a research problem
4. Any data which has not been analyzed yet
5. Dictates the natures of research such as positivism and interpretivism
2. Any device used in data collection

Answer Key
5. FALSE Sample 10. 10. Rsearch/Thesis
4. FALSE Qualitative 9. 9. Representative sample
3. TRUE Observation 8. 8. Sample
2. FALSE Research technique 7. 7. Transcript
1. TRUE Transcript 6. 6. Theory
II. Data 5. 5. Qualitative
5. B Method 4. 4. Quantitative
4. C Related literature 3. 3. Methods
3. B Related studies 2. 2. Ethnography
2. B Research proposal 1. 1. Raw
1. A
I. What I Can Do What I Have Learned
E Variable 9. 10.J
G Qualitative 8. 9. I
I Instrument 7. 8. H
F Hypothesis 6. 7. G
D Paradigm 5. 6. F
J Research 4. 5. D
H Questionnaire 3. 4. E
What I Know
A Informant 2. 3. C
Key Answers
B Literarure Review 1. 2. A
C Methodology 1. 1. B

What’s More What’s In


Almonte, L. R., Flandez. L. L., Hermosa, A. A., Lagustan, N.,Mangaluz, L. A., Miranda.
E. R., Mendoza. P. B., Palomar, L. A., Soriano, G. B., & Villanueva, K. B. (2015).
Celebrating diversity through world literature [Learner’s Material]. Department of

Almonte, L. R., Flandez. L. L., Hermosa, A. A., Lagustan, N.,Mangaluz, L. A., Miranda.
E. R., Mendoza. P. B., Palomar, L. A., Soriano, G. B., & Villanueva, K. B. (2015).
Celebrating diversity through world literature [Teacher’s Guide]. Department of

Research Tube. (2019, July 21). Different research terms [Video]. Youtube.

wikiHow. (2020, February 14). How to Develop a Questionnaire for Research.


ALEX A. PARANE. (2020, August 19). Research terminologies [Video]. Youtube.

kimypedia. (2020, January 11). 1/6 Sample Qualitative Research Titles | Social Media,
ICT| Practical Research 1[Video]. Youtube.



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