Gold Pre-First Progress Test 2: Name - Class

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Name _______________________________________ Class _______________________

Gold Pre-First Progress Test 2

1 Complete the gaps with ONE word.
John and David (1) __________ up their company a year ago with very little money and only two people.
They had both given (2) __________ their jobs to follow their dream of owning their own company. They
started (3) __________ by selling people’s unwanted gifts online, taking a fifteen percent commission for
every item sold. But the company soon grew and now they specialise in luxury goods only, ranging (4)
__________ jewellery to furniture and works of art, both second-hand and new. This happened (5)
__________ chance, when an artist asked them to sell his paintings through their site. As (6) __________ as
other artists and producers of luxury goods saw what was happening, they decided to use the company too.
Although these goods sell for very high prices, John and David are not earning a big monthly (7) __________
yet because all the profits are put back into the business. They are now looking for a new web designer and
already hundreds of people have completed their online application (8) __________. John and David are
really looking (9) __________ to expanding their business and making a lot of money.

2 Choose the option (A, B, C or D) that best completes the text.
Until last year, Joshua (1) __________ to get a job. His parents (2) __________ him through college. But one
day last year, (3) __________ he was having coffee with some friends, a photographer (4) __________ him if
he had ever thought about being a model. The photographer said he could make Joshua rich and famous:
‘You’ll (5) __________ work hard, but I’m sure you (6) __________ rich and famous one day!’ he told him.
And he was right. In less than a year, Joshua has become the face of several advertising campaigns and one of
(7) __________ and most famous people in the country.

1 A never tried B was never trying C has never tried D had never tried
2 A were supporting B have supported D have been supporting D had supported
3 A during B while C as soon as D after
4 A asked B was asking C has asked D had asked
5 A must B have to C need D should
6 A are B are being C will be D are going to be
7 A the richer B the richest C the most rich D the most richest


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3 Complete the second sentence with between two and five words, including the word given, so
that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.

1 We had tickets for the concert, but Joan was ill so we didn’t go.


We ____________________ to the concert, but Joan was ill so we didn’t go.

2 I have never been as healthy as I am today.


This ____________________ I have ever been.

3 I find this new machine very difficult to use.


I ____________________ this new machine.

4 The film was less interesting than I expected.


The film ____________________ I expected.

5 It isn’t necessary to wait for me.


You ____________________ for me.


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4 Listen to part of an interview with a girl who went with her family on a year-long trip around
the world. For questions 1–5, choose the correct answer, A, B or C.

1 The year-long adventure happened because

A Jessie’s parents thought their children would benefit from a real-life experience.
B her parents had watched a TV programme about families travelling the world.
C Jessie had always wanted to visit other countries.

2 The family originally planned to travel

A by plane.
B by local bus.
C by camper van.

3 What does Jessie say about Nathan?

A He found the Chinese New Year celebrations terrifying.
B He loved swimming with dolphins.
C He wasn’t really old enough to remember much.

4 In New Zealand, Matthew

A had a dangerous accident.
B had an argument with his parents.
C went white-water rafting alone.

5 During the trip, the children

A attended local schools.
B were taught by their parents.
C refused to do any lessons.

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5 Read the article and choose from sentences A–G the one which fits each gap. There is one extra
sentence which you do not need to use.

A close shave
Many of us have come back from holiday with complaints about the hotel, the food or the weather. But that’s nothing
compared to the experience of five tourists when they went on a simple diving trip near Bali.

Five holidaymakers were looking forward to an enjoyable hour’s diving, but they certainly got more than they had
expected! (1) _____ They had no idea their short dive would turn into a terrifying 48-hour ordeal.

They had finished their dive, and they were swimming back to shore when the strong tide stopped them from reaching
the land. (2) _____ Strong currents swept them further out to sea where they knew there were sharks. Their only hope for
survival was to stay as a group, so they tied themselves together. Luckily they found a large piece of floating wood and
this probably saved their lives. After nine hours, when they were losing hope, one of them spotted a tiny island. Using the
last of their energy they managed to swim to the shore. (3) _____ Another danger was waiting for them – the Komodo
dragon, the world’s largest lizard.

The Komodo dragon is a carnivore with an enormous appetite: it eats pigs, deer and other dragons. A fully-grown dragon
can kill an animal twice its size with its 60 sharp teeth. If you try to get away, it will come after you. (4) _____. And if
this isn’t bad enough, one tiny bite can kill you. The exhausted divers were trying to rest on the beach when a group of
these terrifying creatures came towards them. (5) _____ This situation continued for two sleepless nights, but as the
dragons became more confident, they started to come closer and closer. The divers’ situation was fast becoming hopeless
and no one else knew where they were.

A helicopter search for them had to stop because there wasn’t enough fuel, but fortunately help came from another
direction. (6) _____ With amazing skill, Frank used his knowledge of the tides and currents to work out where the group
was likely to be, and sent a couple of speed boats there. One boat was passing the island when someone saw a tiny figure
waving desperately from the beach. The group was saved!

As you can imagine, the divers were absolutely exhausted, hungry and thirsty, but otherwise they had suffered just a few
cuts and bruises. (7) _____The divers soon got over the physical effects of their awful ordeal, but the psychological
effects will probably remain with them for a long time. So before we complain about a noisy hotel, or the terrible food on
our last holiday, we should remember these divers, and consider ourselves lucky.

A Their saviour was Frank Winkler, a German who ran a diving club.
B However, unknown to them, their ordeal was just beginning.
C Almost immediately, the news of their rescue was sent to their delighted families who had feared the
D As they set off on their adventure, unaware of any danger, it seemed like another day in paradise.
E Try to climb a tree and it will wait for you.
F This allowed them to fight back and protect themselves.
G The frightened divers threw rocks to drive them away.
H They struggled desperately in the water, but eventually they realised it was an impossible task.

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6 Complete the gaps in the letter with ONE word..
(1) ___________ Mr Jones,

I am writing to (2) ___________ for the job of café manager. I (3) ___________ your advertisement in the
university magazine yesterday and I believe that I (4) ___________ be a suitable applicant.

I am a twenty-one-year-old Spanish student and I have been studying English for the last year. My family runs
a restaurant back home in Spain and I am currently working as a waiter in a small Spanish restaurant at the
weekends. However, I would like to be a manager as I (5) ___________ had a lot of experience in my family
business and feel that I could bring my experience and organisational skills to the job.

I would (6) ___________ grateful if you could let me have further details about hours of work and rates of
pay, if you decide to give me an interview.

I look (7) ___________ to hearing (8) ___________ you soon.

(9) ___________ sincerely,

Alistair Bower
7 Talk about your future plans and hopes to your teacher. You should:
- say what you are going to do at the weekend
- describe what you plan to do after this course
- explain what kind of job you would like to do
- say how you think your life will change in the future
Your teacher will mark your presentation using the scorecard below. The teacher circles 1 mark if you include
the area and 2 marks if you communicate it accurately and effectively. There is a maximum of eight marks.

The student:
- said what they are going to do at the weekend 1 2
- described what they are planning to do after this course 1 2
- explained what kind of job they would like to do 1 2
- said how they thought their lives would change in the future 1 2


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