The Effect of Holotropic Breathwork On Personality

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The Effect of Holotropic Breathwork on Personality

Binarová Denisa
Psychiatric Sanatorium in Opava, Czech Republic
Director: MUDr. I. Drábek

Summary: Binarová Denisa: The Effect of Holotropic Breathwork on Personality

The paper investigates the effect of a single or repeated holotropic breathwork session on the certain
personality properties, attitudes, and the value orientation. A total of 81 subjects participated in the
research (36 “Breathers”, 34 “Non-breathers”, and 11 “First-breathers”). The “Breathers” group
comprised individuals having participated in the at least four holotropic breathwork sessions; subjects
from the “Non-breathers” group were comparable based on the following criteria: gender, age, and
education. The experimental subjects from the “First-breathers” group were initially tested prior to
their first holotropic breathwork session and they were retested following the initial session
(approximately three weeks later). The variables examined were measured by means of Crumbaugh and
Maholick's Purpose in Life (PIL) test, Harman, Fadiman, and Mogar’s test of attitudes and values
(Value-Belief Q-Sort), and Shostrom’s Personal Orientation Dimensions (POD).

As for the “First-breathers”, a significant improvement in satisfaction of the need for the purpose in life
and significant reduction of rigidity and dogmatism were observed. The “Breathers” were found to be
less rigid and dogmatic compared with the “Non-breathers” (including scientific area), they display a
positive change in their attitude towards unusual comprehension of the reality, they profess the
conventional values to a lesser extent and apply them in a more flexible manner. In addition, their
approach towards the reality is more appropriate, they are more able to enjoy the present moment, they
are more autarchic and more independent of other people’s attitudes, they are more sensitive to their
own feelings and needs, they are more spontaneous, they express a higher self-esteem, and they show a
better capacity to establish warm interpersonal relations. All of the above differences are significant
statistically. The “Breathers” do not show a significantly better satisfaction of their need for the purpose
in life compared with the “Non-breathers”. Subjectively, all participants evaluated the experience from
the holotropic breathwork session as a contribution to a better communication with people, to a deeper
knowledge of the surrounding world, and to a higher acceptance of previously rejected opinions and
thoughts. Keywords: holotropic breathwork, transpersonal psychology, values and attitudes.

Čes. a slov. psychiat., 99. 2003. No. 8. pp. 410 - 414.

and group therapies are possible. A client plays the

INTRODUCTION major role during holotropic work. A therapist, more
often referred to as a facilitator, assumes a role of a
A wave of interest in various techniques connected with person facilitating the therapeutic process. The
the change of cognition has been observed recently application areas of the holotropic therapy are relatively
especially among the young people. These include extensive.
various types of meditations, relaxation techniques, yoga Interesting results can be achieved when working with
practice, and holotropic breathing method. I have individuals suffering from various neurotic and
decided to investigate the efficiency of the latter psychosomatic disorders, individuals trying to get rid of
technique, the holotropic breathing, since it is supported a dependence [6], or only struggling for a better self-
by a relatively comprehensive theoretical background, it recognition and seeking resolution of interpersonal
has been applied globally for a number of years, and it conflicts.
seems to produce distinctive therapeutic results. This
method was developed by Stanislav Grof, U.S. The holotropic breathing method was created on the
psychiatrist with the Czech roots, and his wife Christina theoretic basis of the transpersonal psychology, which is
after experimental application of LSD psychoactive a relatively young field reflecting primarily the
substance [2, 3, 4] had been forbidden in the U.S.A. The intellectual dimension of a human. The method covers
holotropic breathing method (holotropic therapy) phenomena of so-called extended cognition. The
comprises three basic elements: accelerated breathing, transpersonal psychology makes use of the extended
music, and bodywork. The holotropic breathing process model of the human psyche, which includes the sensory
usually takes between 2 and 2.5 hours. Both individual barrier, remembrance and biographic aspects, perinatal

Table 1. Satisfaction of need for the purpose in life (score in the PIL questionnaire) for “First-breathers”

Group N Average score - x Diff. t p<

“First- Prior After
11 4.0 3.16 0.05
breathers” 113.18 117.18

Critical value t0.05 = 2.23

Table 2. Satisfaction of the need for the purpose in life for “Breathers” and “Non-breathers” groups

Group N x Diff. t t*a p<

“Breathers” 36 112.54
-4.76 1.56 2.03 N/A
“Non-breathers” 34 107.77

Table 3. Average changes of individual elements in the Test of attitudes and values for the “First-
breathers” group during the first and second testing (N = 11).

Element Diff. t p<
Prior After
Rigidity and dogmatism -11.18 -15.64 -4.46 2.68 0.05
Psychedelic spectrum 49.18 52.27 3.09 1.44
Conventional values 28.82 24.45 -4.37 1.98
Inadequate approach to reality 24.18 24.45 0.27 0.15
Scientific rigidity 1.45 -0.36 -1.81 1.12

Critical value t0.05 = 2.23

Table 4. Average score in individual categories of the Test of attitudes and values for the “Breathers” and
“Non-breathers” groups

“Breathers” “Non-breathers”
Element Diff. t p<
N = 36 N = 34
Rigidity and dogmatism -9.28 1.77 11.05 7.01 0.001
Psychedelic spectrum 52.33 33.18 -19.15 9.49 0.001
Conventional values 27.61 34.68 7.07 3.42 0.01
Inadequate approach to reality 26.53 29.5 2.97 2.71 0.01
Scientific rigidity 0.89 10.32 9.43 6.97 0.001

t0.001 = 3.45, t0.01 = 2.65

area connected with experience concerning birth and

death, and transpersonal area. MATERIAL, METHOD
This somewhat controversial branch of modern
psychology is criticized sharply for its alleged irrational The research project was divided into two, to a certain
approach, overestimation of the biological childbirth extent independent, sections. The first of them involved
significance, and attempts to unify science and comparison of subjects, who had taken part in the
mysticism. The major deficiency of the transpersonal holotropic breathing sessions for at least four times
psychology consists in the fact that its theories and (“Breathers”), with individuals who had never
conclusions are not based on the scientific research; experienced this method (“Non-breathers”). Both groups
these are pure speculations unsupported by actual are comparable based on the following criteria: gender,
evidence [8]. age, and education. The second section of the project
involved comparison of test results obtained for subjects,
A very few research projects have been published up to who had been tested before their initial holotropic
the present time covering the efficiency of the holotropic breathing session and retested after the initial session
breathing method. Thus, in my paper I aimed at the (“First-breathers”). The sessions were supervised by the
experimental verification of effects of the holotropic certified holotropic breathing instructors.
breathing session on certain personality aspects.

Table 5. Average changes of individual elements in the POI questionnaire for the “First-breathers” group
during the first and second testing (N = 11).

Element Diff. t p<
Prior After
Time competence 17.45 17.91 0.46 0.79
Orientation of conduct 84.00 85.64 1.64 0.84
Self-fulfillment values 21.09 20.64 -0.45 1.17
Existentialism 23.27 23.55 0.28 0.56
Emotional reactivity 15.64 16.00 0.36 0.48
Spontaneity 13.55 14.82 1.27 1.59
Self-esteem 11.73 12.64 0.91 2.09
Self-acceptance 15.18 15.09 -0.09 0.17
Human nature 11.73 12.64 0.91 1.99
Synergy 7.64 7.55 -0.09 0.21
Acceptance of aggressiveness 14.45 14.00 -0.45 0.68
Intimate contact ability 18.27 19.27 1.00 1.29

Table 6. Average score in individual categories of the POI questionnaire for the “Breathers” and “Non-
breathers” groups

Element breathers” Diff. t p<
N = 36 N = 34
Time competence 16.97 15.32 -1.65 3.05 0.01
Orientation of conduct 85.78 79.97 -5.84 2.44 0.05
Self-fulfillment values 20.47 19.56 -0.91 1.65
Existentialism 23.19 20.50 -2.69 3.21 0.01
Emotional reactivity 16.03 14.65 -1.38 2.00 0.05
Spontaneity 13.89 11.26 -2.63 4.24 0.001
Self-esteem 12.44 11.32 -1.12 2.28 0.05
Self-acceptance 15.69 14.79 -0.9 1.07
Human nature 11.75 11.79 0.04 0.11
Synergy 7.64 7.06 -0.58 1.78
Acceptance of aggressiveness 13.97 15.18 1.21 1.59
Intimate contact ability 18.39 16.44 -1.95 2.39 0.05

t0.001 = 3.45, t0.01 = 2.65, t0.05 = 1.99

A total of 81 subjects participated in the research; of “Breathers” group were asked to describe some of their
these 36 subjects in the “Breathers” group, 34 in the experience in a more detailed manner.
“Non-breathers” group, and 11 in the “First-breathers”
group. All experimental subjects completed a set of tests
having comprised the following: Shostrom’s Personal
Orientation Dimensions (POD) questionnaire measuring RESULTS
the level of similarity between the participant’s score
and the score of the self-updated subject (as per A. Purpose in Life test
Maslow), Crumbaugh and Maholick's Purpose in Life
(PIL) test identifying the level of satisfaction of the need Statistically significant increase of the score in the PIL
for the purpose in life [1], and Harman, Fadiman and questionnaire and thus also statistically significant
Mogar’s Value-Belief Q-Sort questionnaire determining increase of the satisfaction level of need for the purpose
certain approaches and opinions [5]. In addition, the in life occurred in the “First-breathers” group due to the
subjects from the “First-breathers” group completed the holotropic breathing session (see Table 1).
Ditman and Hayman’s questionnaire, the purpose of From Table 2 it follows that subjects from the
which is to record the subjective evaluation of “Breathers” group showed a higher average scope in the
contribution of experience gathered during the PIL questionnaire, and thus higher purpose in life
holotropic session. The experimental subjects from the

satisfaction level, compared with the “Non-breathers” it that way. When moving (dancing), the level in the pipe
group, however, the difference did not reach the was splashing, and when emptying myself (urinating) I
statistical significance. had to laugh loudly. When I was taken past a mirror, the
pipe inside of me turned towards the mirror.”
Value-Belief Q-Sort test
R. G.: “...I engaged the whole body in that dance while
Statistically significant reduction of rigidity and sitting, I felt the energy waves in various parts of my
dogmatism occurred in the “First-breathers” group due body – warmth in the abdomen area, chill in the cervical
to the holotropic breathing session. As for other spine, and so on.”
elements, the differences are not significant statistically
H. C.: I am sinking into the darkness, the black spiral is
(see Table 3).
dragging me into its center. The chill and small space is
From Table 4 it follows that the subjects from the getting smaller and smaller and I can perceive a strong
“Breathers” group show statistically significant essence of feelings of inconclusiveness, despair, and
reduction of rigidity and dogmatism compared with the approaching death. I fell in panic since I knew that I
subjects from the “Non-breathers” group. In addition, would have died if I had not gone out. However, there
the “Breathers” tend more to the magic comprehension was no light to show the path, just the diminishing
of the reality and mystic way of thinking, they profess space, I could not fit in. Suddenly something broke
the conventional values to a lesser extent, their approach inside of me and I felt an enormous will to fight – at that
towards the reality is more appropriate, and they are also moment I understood that the spontaneous ambition to
less rigid in the field of science. All of the above die is wrong; I was saved by the will, whose exact
differences are significant statistically. meaning was unknown to me. My desperation grew
bigger; I was screaming that I wanted to go out or I
Personal Orientation Inventory (POI) questionnaire would have died. The deeper was my desperation, the
bigger was my will to get out – TO BE BORN.”
Table 5 indicates clearly that the subjects from the
“First-breathers” group did not show statistically L. H.: “During one breathing session I was
significant change in any of the categories due to the underground and I had depressive thoughts. Suddenly I
holotropic breathing session. felt that a shoot is growing from me towards the surface
and then a beautiful white flower further to the sky. At
Compared with the “Non-breathers”, the subjects from
that moment there was nothing more important in the
the “Breathers” group (see Table 6) are significantly
world than that beautiful white flower in bloom. At the
more able to enjoy the present moment, they are more
same time I felt, saw and perceived to have become a
independent of other people’s beliefs, they are more
plant, how the nutrients are wandering from the roots to
flexible in their approach towards values, they are more
the flower on the cellular level, how the new cells are
sensitive to their needs and feelings, they are more
clustering and dividing to form that beautiful white
spontaneous, they have a higher self-esteem, and show a
flower. The flower was the most beautiful and most
better capacity of establishing warm interpersonal
relations All of the above differences are significant
statistically. J. Č.: “At one moment I become a drop of dew. I was
unbelievably clean, I was able to reflect all colors of a
The differences in other categories did not the reach the
rainbow sent to me by the Sun, and I could feel the
statistical significance.
moisture and life I was giving to the Earth. Then I was
flowing down the grass or I evaporated to the air. But I
did not feel sorry about that – I knew I would fall down
QUALITATIVE ASSESSMENT again the next morning, at a different place.”

The testimonies of subjects who had participated in the

holotropic breathing sessions for at least four times were DISCUSSION
classified into eight categories according to any of the
following elements that predominated in the respective
With respect to statistically significant changes having
experience: physical feelings, body motions, emotions,
occurred between the first and second testing of subjects
energy, insights, life of the experiencing individual,
from the “First-breathers” group we may claim that the
circumstances concerning birth, and crossing the limits
holotropic breathing method lead to the reduction of
of the common reality. The latter three categories
rigidity and dogmatism and temporary increase in
correspond to the Grof’s classification of experience into
satisfaction of the need for the purpose in life.
biographic, perinatal, and transpersonal.
It remains questionable whether the changes occurred
Selected examples between the “Breathers” and “Non-breathers” groups are
caused by the holotropic breathing method, or whether
R. J.: “The experience consisted in the fact that I felt a
these personality properties, attitudes, and values are
kind of pipe inside of myself (in the area of chest,
already present in individuals who decide to take part in
abdomen, and lower abdomen), which was twisted at the
the holotropic breathing session. To answer this question
bottom just like bowels. It was alive for sure and it was
I would be necessary to perform a long-term research,
very pleasant and mainly funny. I totally enjoyed
which would monitor the experimental subjects from the
pouring water into that pipe (drinking) and trying to fill
time prior to the initial holotropic breathing session

through to the subsequent sessions. Subjects without any “Non-breathers” groups does not reach the statistical
experience with the holotropic breathing session would significance it can be assumed that it would be necessary
be monitored during the same period. Preliminarily we to take part in multiple holotropic breathing sessions to
can state that the research indicates that the above ensure a positive change in approach towards the
mentioned personality properties and tendencies are unusual and magic comprehension of the reality, while
already present in individuals who decide to take part in one session only would suffice in case of the LSD
the holotropic breathing session and that this method intoxication. It can be concluded that despite the
ensures a certain development in the indicated direction experience invoked by these two different methods are
in these areas. This would mean that the holotropic basically identical, the resulting changes are not
breathing method attracts individuals, who already show identical even though they display similar trends.
certain tendencies and that it is not coincidental that just
these people take part in the holotropic breathing
Our results can be compared with the research of the
single LSD intoxication effect, which was performed at The research showed that a significant increase of
the time when this method was applied experimentally satisfaction level of needs for the purpose in life and
in the Czech Republic (Hrůza et al., [5]). It is interesting reduction of rigidity and dogmatism occur after taking
that while statistically significant increase of satisfaction part in a single holotropic breathing session. Compared
of need for the purpose in life (score in the Purpose in to the “Non-breathers”, the subjects who have
Life test) occurred in the “First-breathers” group after participated in the holotropic breathing session for at
taking part in a single holotropic breathing session, no least four times were less rigid and dogmatic, including
statistically significant changes occurred in this test after the field of science. These individuals display a positive
the single LSD intoxication. Nevertheless, the difference change of attitude towards the unusual and magic
between the scores achieved in this test for “Breathers” comprehension of the reality, they profess the
and “Non-breathers” groups does not reach the statistical conventional values to a lesser extent, their approach
significance. Thus, the holotropic breathing method towards the reality is more appropriate, they are more
leads (contrary to the single-time LSD intoxication) to able to enjoy the present moment, they are more
temporarily increased satisfaction of the need for the autarchic and more independent of other people’s
purpose in life. However, the satisfaction level later attitudes, they are more flexible with respect to values,
returns to the original level and does not differ they are more sensitive to their own feelings and needs,
significantly from the score achieved by the subjects they are more spontaneous, they express a higher self-
who had never participated in the holotropic breathing esteem, and they show a better capacity to establish
session. Statistically significant reduction of rigidity and warm interpersonal relations. All of the above
dogmatism occurs after taking part in one holotropic differences are significant statistically. The subjects
breathing session, which conforms to the results from the “Breathers” group do not show a significantly
achieved by Hrůza at al., who identified reduction of better satisfaction level of their need for the purpose in
rigidity and dogmatism after the single-time LSD life compared with the individuals from the “Non-
intoxication. Moreover, Hrůza et al. discovered a breathers” group.
significant positive change in approach towards the
unusual and mystic comprehension of the reality The experience from the holotropic breathing session
(psychedelic category in the Value-Belief Q-Sort was considered beneficial by the majority of
questionnaire). The experimental subjects from the experimental subjects. The benefits included a better
“First-breathers” group, however, did not show a ability to treat other people, deeper understanding of the
significant increase in this category. As the difference surrounding world, and better acceptance of previously
between the scores obtained for the “Breathers” and rejected ideas and opinions.


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Submitted to the editor’s office: 7.2.2003 Psychology. Cs. Psychiat., 87, 1991, pp 17-22.
02/07/2003 28.8.2003
Mgr. Denisa Binarová
Jurečkova 31, 746 01 Opava, Czech Republic
E-mail: [email protected]


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