TEXT-TO-TEXT Connection

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TEXT-TO-TEXT Connection

A connection between the text

and another story or text that you have
read previously

It can be difficult to make text-to-text connections because we are searching for a

different novel that is so much like the one we are reading. We do not have to search that
hard, instead we need to think of our novels as puzzles and begin to look at each and
every piece to find good connections. Remember text-to-text connections do not always
have to connect one novel to another; there are many different forms of texts. These
include magazines, newspapers, short stories, and the list goes on!!! Some examples of
good text-to-text connections are:

The character in this novel reminds me of the character


The conflict in this novel reminds me of a similar conflict I read about….

The character in this novel is much different then_____________because…

The setting of the novel is similar to the setting of…

When reading this particular part I’m reminded of…..

This novel is very different from my what I read last because…

The issues in this novel remind me of the magazine article………….

The newspaper featured a similar topic …………….

The statements above are ways to begin thinking of different connections we can make as
readers. Use the back of this page to make three thoughtful text-to-text connections!!!

What is happening in the book… My Text-to-Text….

What is happening in the book… My Text-to-Text….

What is happening in the book… My Text-to-Text….

A connection between the text and
something in your own life
Many times it is hard to make personal connections with a novel because as readers we
think that we need to connect to the whole story. This is not true. There maybe certain
aspects of a novel that we can connect with more easily then others. Some examples of
good text-to-self connections are:

This character reminds me of……

There was a point in my life when I had a similar conflict….

When that happened in my life…

The setting of the novel helps me remember…

I can relate…..

This novel is very different from my life because…

The statements above are ways to begin thinking of different connections we can make as
readers. Use the back of this page to make three thoughtful text-to-self connections!!!

What is happening in the book… MY Text-to-Self….

What is happening in the book… My Text-to-Self….

What is happening in the book… My Text-to-Self….

A connection between the text and
something is occurring or has occurred in the world

While reading a piece of fiction we know that what we are reading is “fake” or “made-
up”. In reality, real people, real places and past/current events that have truly happened
have inspired much of what is written. While reading a piece of fiction it is important to
think about what components of the novel remind us of a story in the news, a newspaper
article, our social studies class, a certain culture, a different place in the world, a
historical event, a current event….. Some examples of good text-to-world connections

This character reminds of______________ in the news because……

The characters in this novel are experiencing a major conflict of the time period….
(Ex. Lennie and George/Great Depression)

The event in this novel reminds me of the story in the news last week…

The cultures in this novel remind me of…

In social studies I learned __________________and in this novel….

The issues in this novel are not present in our world today because…

If the conflict occurring in this novel happened today….

The novel would be better set in______________ because_____________

The statements above are ways to begin thinking of different connections we can make as
readers. Use the back of this page to make three thoughtful text-to-world connections!!!

What is happening in the book… MY Text-to-World….

What is happening in the book… My Text-to-World….

What is happening in the book… My Text-to-World….

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