Gender Stereotypes and Performativity Analysis in Norwegian Wood Novel by Haruki Murakami Devani Adinda Putri Reg No: 2012060541

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Reg No: 2012060541

The aim of this study is to analyze the gender stereotypes and
performativity through the main female character in the Norwegian Wood Novel
by Haruki Murakami. The method used on this study is qualitative approach by
describing and analyzing the character in the novel. The theory used is gender
stereotypes and performativity by Judith Butler. Gender stereotypes phenomena
found in this novel is the stereotypical of women who always have to stay in
feminine look. Thus, the performativity evidences by the female character break
off those traditional gender stereotypes. However, Kobayashi Midori as the main
female character did the masculine traits such as rebel, wild, and tough.
Keywords: Gender Stereotypes, Performativity, Judith Butler, Norwegian Wood,
and Haruki Murakami.

Tujuan dari skripsi ini adalah untuk menganalisis gender stereotipd an

performativity melalui karakter utama wanita di novel Norwegian Wood oleh
Haruki Murakami. Metode yang digunakan dalam tesis ini adalah pendekatan
kualitatif dengan penjelaskan dan analisis dalam novel. Teori yang digunakan
adalah gender stereotip dan performativity oleh Judith Butler. Fenomena gender
stereotip yang ditemukan dalam tesis ini adalah stereotip dari wanita yang selalu
harus terlihat feminim. Jadi, bukti performativity dari karakter utama
memusnahkan stereotip tersebut. Bagaimanapun, Kobayashi Midori sebagai
karakter utama wanita melakukan perlakuan maskulin seperti pemberontak, liar,
dan kuat.

Kata Kunci: Gender Stereotip, Performativity, Judith Butler, Norwegian Wood,

dan Haruki Murakami.

INTRODUCTION is likely identifying people behaviors in

daily life situation.
Literature is the art of creative writing As Cavanagh, Gills, Keown,
that is based on various ideas, Loxley, and Stevenson (2010) point
imaginations, and experiences from out, literature gives the best impact to
human life to the written works such as people in developing human feelings
novel, short story, and poetry. by structured words. Generally, the
However, literature can spread our functions of literature are to relive
knowledge about human interests, people about what they can see and
feelings, cultures, natures, and more as think, and what they can imagine using
it is reflection from the real life story. all the senses. It is to open people’s
For instance, reading a literary work it minds about what is life connecting
with pressure emotions and arts. story. At the same time, its storyline is
Literature is the best media to express close to realism and relating to
people feelings without being interrupt everyday life in real world.
by others. By literature, people can be As Eagleton (2005) states,
real and honest about the things that novel is the best way to look up better
mostly hidden. Often, literature is not on people’s thoughts, opinions, and
the exact value that can be judge only even ideologies by the beauty of
by true or false as its meaning is always languages. Meanwhile, a novel could
improving, it has no limited range, but be the expression of happiness, joyful,
it has something to do with words to love, or even angriness, and loneliness
the worlds. from the writer’s in playful package of
There are two main categories fiction work to the society. Equally,
separating the different types of novel is a wonderful literary work to
literature: Fiction and Non-Fiction. inspire one and another from its story
Fiction in literature means the reveals to the real life issues.
exploration of imagination and fantasy, Somehow, novel is used to persuade
not presented as a fact, though it may people to have the same idea or opinion
be inspired on a true story or with the writer about something that
experience namely novel, novella, short really happened and it is the way to
story, and poem. There are tragedy, change the world to be a better place.
beauty, romance, adventure, and For the readers, novel can be
mystery stories in the world and it the best place to escape from life or a
would be great as the mirror of human mirror of reality. For instance, novel is
nature that shown in the fiction literary the creation of a new world that people
work. In contrast, non-fiction in can only see it by reading a literary
literature based on the fact as it is about work. Even though novel is based from
the thing that really happened and it is imagination, there are messages and
not the story that people made up only morals that implied on every novel
in their minds. Non-fiction work storylines that would probably attract
includes biography, essay, and report. the readers to be a better and wise
Meanwhile, literature has the view of person to face certain aspects of life.
meaningful elements that belong to There are two elements of
human desires to feel less alone. novel: Intrinsic and Extrinsic elements.
Prose is the product of fiction. Intrinsic element in novel is the main
Prose defined as the epic literature that point as the basic to construct the story.
usually written in paragraph structures It is consist of character, setting, plot,
and forming chapters. Hence, novel is theme, point of view, style, and tone.
the product of prose that constructed Character is the fundamental aspect
with long narrative text. Novel is all that makes a story becomes interesting
about the long story that has a sequence as it can be a reflection to the traits of
events leading to the next events. It is real person. In the novel, character is
the most popular literary work in the divided into two types: Major and
world that is close to people to relate it. Minor. Major character is the main
Novel, well known as the most read character that leads the whole story
literary work as it has well explained while minor character is the supporting
description of characters and complex character that rarely shows up to the

sequences of the story. In addition, but it might be positive ones depend on
setting of a literary work includes the the condition.
time, place, and social that creates the According to Dulin (2007:105):
playful mood of a story. As Bennet and Gender stereotypes
Royle (2004) claim, plot is the are stereotypes that
structure of events that has a particular people believe about
purpose of the storyline. There are five men and women. Sex
differences, as defined
steps of plot namely exposition, raising
by some
action, climax, falling action, and psychologists, make
resolution. up biological
Further, theme is the main point differences, and
of underlying idea in a literary work. It gender differences
refers to the central message and embody
purpose that could be state directly or environmental
indirectly. Point of view is the way the differences.
story served from the writer to the
reader. There are three types of point of From the statement above,
view: Internal, Omniscient, and gender and sex are two different things.
Limited Narrator. Internal narrator is Gender is what people have to do in
the first point of view where the society while sex is all about the
narrator use “I” to refers himself also biological phenomena. However, it is
as the main character. Omniscient an inaccurate judgment to simply put
narrator is when the narrator knows the male and female only by their
everything about the story includes the attributes. While most people are
feelings and thoughts of any characters believe that gender is similar to sex,
and the limited narrator is the way the this kind of stereotyping still alive to
story narrates by the third person point make assumptions that all female
of view. Moreover, style refers to the should have long silky hair and male is
word choice that spoken by characters great in short hair.
through the dialogues, while tone in a In other words, gender
story refers to the manner of stereotypes begin the second when a
expression. In contrast, extrinsic person was born and the sex founds
elements is the outside influences that out. If someone is a female, then the
build a literary work such as biography, following stereotyping to dress her up
society, and philosophy. in all pink and bring the Barbie doll
Thus, novel as the product of goes on. The assumption that a female
literature is written as the form of must be feminist with all the rules to
expression, ideologies, and issues. One follow starts since the first day of life
of the issues that can be found in novel and it makes female to be the
is gender stereotypes and stereotypical women.
performativity. Gender stereotypes are Concurrently, it is natural for
generalization about the characteristics women to stay home and do the clean
of people based on gender role in jobs. As there are several traditional
society. Gender stereotypes have been gender stereotypes of women: Female
an issue that has negative connotation, is dependent, submissive, passive,
home-oriented, talkative, sensitive,

emotional, and nurturing. While male primarily a library research. It means
stereotypic is a person who will lead that this study is compiled by collecting
the world. The stereotypes of male are data from books, not from a survey. As
independent, dominant, active, worldly, Hancock, Ockleford, and Windridge
not at all talkative, and logical. (2009:6) state that qualitative method
Besides gender stereotypes that focuses on the experiences as the data
can be found in novel, there is also using description and interpretation that
pervormativity evidences. cannot be collected numerically. It
Performativity is the theory by Judith means that qualitative approach is the
Butler. research that uses words, sentences,
According to Butler (1990:32): photos, or symbol to prove the
Clearly this project certainty data. This approach tends to
does not propose to focus on communication of
layout within observation, develops theory,
traditional individual interpretation, and
philosophical terms
an ontology of gender
According to Creswell
whereby the meaning
of being woman or a (1998:15):
man is elucidated “Qualitative research
within the terms of is an inquiry prose of
phenomenology. understanding based
on distinct
Indeed, performativity evidence traditions of inquiry
is the opposite actions that break off that explore a social
the traditional stereotypes gender. In or human problem.
order to show that gender is different The research builds
with sex, performativity theory by complex, holistic
Judith butler gives the signal to explore pictures, analyzes
that sex, as the biological aspect is not words, reports, the
following the real gender as society tailed views of
rules on human being. It proposes that informants, and
gender cannot be put only by set of conducted the study
in natural setting.”
clothes, gestures, or the appearances of
someone’s body. Gender is much more Qualitative research used to
than just how people look like and it is dive deeper to the problems of the
important to believe that people can study and it is always taken from text.
choose the acts do not follow the Qualitative research is the method to
gender. Thus, gender does not define complete understanding about social
people. phenomena or human behaviors. Thus,
this approach helps to solve the
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY problems of this study.
This study uses qualitative method, DATA
which is based on the information with In collecting data for this study,
developing explanations written in the the most important observation is by
essay forms. Qualitative method is reading the novel as the primary data

source and collecting the related Indeed, there are many gender
theories or quotations from the experts stereotypes that happen through the
on the books. storylines and performativity that
As for the steps in compiling performs by Midori.
the qualitative approach, the following On this chapter, the writer gives
steps are reading the novel at least the brief finding and analysis of gender
three times to get a better stereotypes and performativity
understanding of the story, finding the evidences in Norwegian Wood Novel
characterization of female character by Haruki Murakami through the
that can be analyzed using the related female character named Kobayashi
issues, writing the dialogues by explicit Midori.
and implicit approach, and applying the ANALYSIS
theories on how gender stereotype T here are brief analysis to give
revolving her life and how the more explanation about this
performativity evidences represented phenomena and relate it to Kobayashi
the female character traits in the novel. Midori’s life on how she used to deal
RESEARCH FINDING AND with the gender stereotypes lists and
DISCUSSION performativity evidences.
This chapter discusses about the 1. Feminine Look
result of data finding and analysis of Feminine look is the way
gender stereotypes and performativity woman seen from their physical
evidences using Norwegian Wood appearance with all girly things. The
novel as the object observation. This stereotypes of feminine look are
chapter is used to display the findings women must have long hair and wear
along with the analysis solved through all pinky outfits. Those stereotypes
dissecting the intrinsic elements of have been in people’s mind since a
selected novel. long ago as women’s identity. A
However, it is necessary to give woman who has long hair considers as
short information about Norwegian the most beautiful than they are who do
Wood novel before analyzing it. not have. Indeed, most women noted as
Importantly, Norwegian Wood novel is pinky figure, wear all pinky stuff, as
the first masterpiece from a Japanese the symbol of women’s color.
writer named Haruki Murakami. This Meanwhile, here are the gender
novel first published in Japan in 1987 stereotypes of feminine look that found
and it published by Vintage Book, New through Midori’s characters.
York in English version in 2000.
Indeed, this novel narrates a story of a  Long Hair
young boy named Watanabe Toru and On chapter 4, page 68-69, and
two young girls named Naoko and line 150, Midori asks her friend named
Midori. They are all in desperate, Watanabe about this stereotypic of why
lonely, complicated, and romantic love do boys love girls with long hair and
story. Norwegian Wood now is a why do boys think they are the
motion major picture. Meanwhile, this sweetest and the most feminine. As she
analysis only focused on Midori concerns that not all girls with long
character that relates to gender hair she ever meets are the best ones,
stereotypes and performativity issues. still this kind of stereotypes would not

end and girls would be afraid to have “My sister's name is
their hair cut off. Momoko: "Peach
Data 1 (Page 68-69) girl'."
"…Not one guy likes "Does she look good
it, though. They all in pink?"
tell me I look like a "She looks great in
concentration camp pink! She was born to
survivor. What's this wear pink. It's totally
thing that guys have unfair."
for girls with long On this novel chapter 4, page
hair? Fascists, the 71, and line 235, Midori has a very
whole bunch of them! beautiful sister named Momoko and
Why do guys all think she loves pink so much. In Japanese,
girls with long hair Momoko means a peace girl and pinky
are the classiest, the person. Midori jokes it that her sister
sweetest, the most looks good in pink and she is not, it
feminine? I mean, I
means that the place where Midori and
myself know at least
250 unclassy girls
Momoko live in still believe in those
with long hair. lovely-pink-girly-stereotypes.
Really." Nevertheless, no one knows how long
The quotation from the novel it has been in the history that pink is
above proves that most men in the female color. In fact, pink symbolizes
world believe that feminine look is all as romantic, weak, and fragile just like
about long hair only. Typically, women the traditional female stereotypes that
must have long hair and men love it. the society hold.
That is the very basic stereotypic of 2. Feminine Personalities
female physical look. People agree that People consider that being
a girl is beautiful only if they have long feminine means women must follow
hair. As the many sayings state that those gender stereotypes
hair is a girl’s crown and that becomes characterizations namely beautiful,
the most popular gender stereotypes in elegant, behave good and more.
the universe now and then. Women, no matter where they are
 Pink from, must always look beautiful and
This is the world’s biggest elegant to everyone in order to be
stereotypic of female thingy. ‘Pink’ is feminine. Thus, having feminine
female identity and ‘blue’ belongs to personalities for women is necessary.
male color. Pink addresses as soft, Meanwhile, here are gender stereotypes
lovely, and girly stuff. That is why pink of feminine personalities that found
connects to all about girl. through Midori’s characters.
Data 2 (Page 71)  Beautiful
The next basic stereotype of
female is they must have a beautiful
face and that is ultimate.
Data 3 (Page 84)

“Like, if a pretty girl "Girls are supposed to
says "I look terrible be a little more
today, I don't want to elegant when they put
go out,' that's OK, but out their cigarettes.
if an ugly girl says the You did that like a
same thing people lumberjack. You
laugh at her. That's shouldn't just cram it
what the world was down in the ashtray
like for me. For six but press it lightly
years, until last year." around the edges of
On chapter 4, page 84, and line the ash. Then it
667, Midori gives a metaphor for her doesn't get all bent
world into two things; beautiful and up. And girls are
ugly. It is as female recognizes only by never supposed to
blow smoke through
their look. If they are beautiful, people
their noses. And most
will respect them yet if they are ugly, girls wouldn't talk
people will just run away and never about how they wore
come back again. It is so hard to follow the same bra for three
the stereotypes because it is terrible to months when they're
judge a book only by its cover. Beauty eating alone with a
on the outside does not mean beauty on man."
the inside. For Midori, it is terribly On Chapter 4, page 94-95, and
unfair and she gives up on things line 1018, Midori’s friend named
following the society culture as Watanabe gives her lists of what
women. In addition, beautiful is a Midori suppose and not suppose to do
general word where it is not only about in order to be an elegant girl. “Girls
the looks but the stereotype wants it are supposed to be a little more
what they think it is true. On one hand, elegant…” That is the broadly sayings
the standard of being beautiful by by male point of view about female
female must be unlimited. stereotypes. Also, that means that a girl
 Elegant must always look elegant even when
Elegant is an important word they are doing something unusual such
for female to follow. This sounds like a as put out a cigarette. Girls must keep
hard job by the society given to all the everything in manner and control their
girls in the world. attitude in all situations.
Data 4 (Page 94-95) “…And girls are never
supposed to blow smoke through their
noses. And most girls wouldn't talk
about how they wore the same bra for
three months when they're eating alone
with a man." Watanabe says it to
Midori in a serious look. It might be
something about politeness about what
topics that girls can talk about with a
man. The female stereotype that
happen in society is female cannot talk
about taboo things such as bra because

it is impolite. However, it implies that “This may not be the
there are many rules female should most normal way to
follow and if they do not, people would look at things,
call her as a lumberjack. Meanwhile, though. Girls my age
never use the word
that is one of the most popular
"fair". Ordinary girls
stereotypes of female. as young as I am are
 Behave basically indifferent
In fact, female was born to have to whether things are
a good behavior, as they also need to fair or not. The
have brain and beauty from inside and central question for
out. No one can deny this stereotype them is not whether
package. something is fair but
Data 5 (Page 95) whether or not it's
"Girls don't smoke beautiful or will make
Marlboro," I said.” them happy. "Fair" is
On Chapter 4 in line 1029, it a man's word,
implies the society theory about good finally.”
girls are the kindest ones. They do not On the quotation above from
smoke because smoking, cigarettes, chapter 5, page 114-115, and line 21, it
and Marlboro are male thingy. They do says that teenage girls do not use such a
not even allowed to buy such a thing. word ‘fair.’ Fair is male thingy and
In other words, female is better to stay female prefers things like what things
home, cooking, and nurturing, not that would make them feel happy and
smoking Marlboro because that is too beautiful. Concurrently, both things are
bad. the traditional of male and female
Moreover, female cannot do stereotypes. Most female use their
bad things because they must keep the emotion instead of their logical mind. It
behavior on the sweetest track. That is implies that what female think is all
the general stereotypic. Once female do about the looks and they do not even
something oppositely from the care about what is fair or not. That is
traditional gender stereotype lists, they not on their lives. Hence, this finding
would be judge wrong for like forever. proves that gender stereotypes
Female must have a very good phenomena happen in people’s mind
behavior and that is what the society that female mostly use their feeling
wants. Indeed, that is only gender instead of their brain.
3. Sex Discrimination
Gender stereotypes create such
 Emotional
a gap between male and female.
Data 6 (Page 114-115)
Moreover, it creates sex discrimination
in public. This is the world’s worst
point of stereotyping people only by
their sex and gender. People agree that
men is powerful and female is
Data 7 (Page 237-238)

“Well, one time they issue. Simultaneously, it is not what
called a late-night she wants when the seniors, the male,
political meeting, and ask all the female members to bring
they told each girl to twenty rice balls each student instead
make 20 rice balls for of bring them books. She asks what is
midnight snacks. I
this and the answer is, they still hold
mean, talk about sex
discrimination! I the stereotypes point tightly about
decided to keep quiet female only belongs to the kitchen
for a change, though, cooking twenty delicious rice balls
and showed up like a complete with salmon, thick slices, and
good girl with my 20 fried eggs. Another point to consider is
rice balls, complete it implies that male and most people
with umeboshi inside around the world believe that female is
and nori outside. And not as smart as the male to have the
what do you think I chance to talk about revolution or the
got for my efforts?
current issues.
Afterwards people
Furthermore, simply saying that
complained because
my rice balls had only the world underestimate female
umeboshi inside, and knowledge and power. On this novel,
I hadn't brought they hire female members only to store
anything along to go free tasty meals instead of the
with them! The other opportunity to have the equal rights to
girls stuffed theirs speak up and give them space to share
with cod roe and their arguments and ideas. Indeed, that
salmon, and they is sex discrimination where people
included nice, thick agree that man is powerful and woman
slices of fried egg. I is powerless. This is the danger of
got so furious I
gender stereotypes that people have to
couldn't talk! Who the
hell do know.
these ,revolution'- Overall, there are many female
mongers think they stereotypes that sticks on society and it
are making afuss over followed by the cultures. No one can
rice balls? They deny it that those kind of stereotypes
should be grateful for would always chase the individual by
umeboshi and nori. their gender and sex. Meanwhile, on
Think of the children this novel there are several lists of
starving in India!" female traditional gender stereotypes
On this quotation in chapter 7, through Kobayashi Midori traits.
page 237-238, and line 502, Midori is Kobayashi Midori feels not really good
at the late night political meeting with about those stereotypes that tracks her
her company in college. Midori joins to have a feminine looks and behaviors.
an organization and they are about to Again, gender stereotypes tend to be a
talk about revolution things. Midori is bad example of sex discrimination.
so excited as she is a smart and open-
minded student wanting to share her
thoughts about the world’s revolution

4.2.2 Performativity Found in “She wore slim blue
Female Character in Norwegian jeans and a navy T-
Wood Novel shirt. An Apple
Kobayashi Midori breaks off Records logo nearly
covered the back of
the traditional gender stereotypes of
the shirt.”
female. Midori is a rule breaker girl
On the novel quotations in
where she really does not care about
chapter 4 are the evidences that Midori
what people think about her. She asks
prefer to wear dark blue sport and navy
herself about what she must do as a
T-shirt than sparkling dress or girly
little girl, yet that is out of stereotypes
pairs. Most of girls wear girly outfit
point. She gets really confused about
with floral patterns and pins to look
how feminine things work for her. At
beautiful, but that is not on Midori’s
the same time, she is way too different
mind. Midori looks beautiful even in
with most of the girls that follows the
masculine style, still, so amazing just
female stereotypes. Where another girls
the way she is.
are dying to have long hair to be
Data 3 (Page 291)
beautiful, she is just okay with short “She wore a man's
manly hair and she loves to wear wrinkled, white
masculine outfit such as navy jacket balmacaan coat, a thin
and dark jeans. Likewise, she is not yellow jumper, blue
afraid of anything at all. She is tough, jeans, and two
independent, and worldly. Another girl bracelets on one
would cry over simple things, but it is wrist.”
not for her. Indeed, she lives her life As a corollary, the question is
like she knows that no gender thingy why Midori wear masculine outfit and
can drag her up. forget her nature as female. Basically,
1. Masculine Look the answer is Midori does not follow
The stereotypes provide that the stereotypes where physical look is
female outfits are all about short skirt, everything. Whether male or female,
mini dress, pastel blouse, and five they can wear what they want to wear,
inches high heels regarding the as wearing masculine outfit would not
beautiful feminine look. In contrast, make female only less of a girl.
Midori never really use that kind of As a result, this is the
feminine style. performativity evidence that female
Data 1 (Page 76) also have freedom to choose their
“She was wearing a styles and what they want to look like
dark blue sports shirt, to express herself. Hence, there is
cream coloured cotton unknown words that sound like, ‘you
trousers and her usual are what you wear.’ To this end,
sunglasses. After Midori wears masculine outfit to show
flashing a "sorry I'm
the world that she is a strong, active,
late" kind of smile at
the professor, she sat
and an independent cool girl.
down next to me.” 2. Masculine Personalities
Data 2 (Page 90)  Independent
It is nice to see there is an
independent girl where the stereotypes

say that woman is dependent and hang "Let me know if
in on everything to men’s shoulders. there's something I
Here is Midori the independent girl can do," I said, just in
who fights the best for her life. There case.
"That's OK," said
are four supporting quotations that
Midori with a smile in
prove it. my direction. "I'm
Data 4 (Page 84-85) used to doing
"Do you have a job?" everything alone."
I asked.
The second quotation above
"Yeah, I write map
notes. You know
narrates in chapter 4, page 90, and line
those little pamphlets 871 is about Midori avoiding her
that come with maps? friend’s help when he concerns that
With descriptions of Midori is literally not feeling okay.
the different However, Midori keeps smiling while
neighbourhoods and she gives a sight that there is no big
population figures deal to worry about. It implies that
and points of interest. Midori do not really need someone to
Here there's so-and-so carry her or care about her as she
hiking trail or such- maintains to stand on her own. She
and-such a legend, or
again shows her independent side that
some special flower
or bird. I write the
she used to do everything alone, on her
texts for those things. feet. She can solve her problems and
It's so easy! Takes no not afraid to take the risk to do what
time at all.” she can hold.
The first quotation on chapter 4, Date 6 (Page 93)
page 84-85, and line 677 is how Midori “I saved up my
takes a part-time job as a map writer to allowance and bought
real… and stuff. Can
earn money. As a map writer, she have
you believe it? Here's
to be focus on things such as describing a 15-year-old girl
population figures and hiking trails or pinching pennies to
such a legend. From this point, Midori buy… when all the
is independent to earn money to pay other girls at school
her things, instead of asking money to are getting huge
her parents or people around her. She allowances and
loves her job and it gives her more buying beautiful
challenge to not depending on another. dresses and shoes.
Data 5 (Page 90) Don't you feel sorry
for me?"
Another point to consider from
the third quotation above is the time of
Midori’s teenage uneasy life. She was
only fifteen years old when she first
learnt how to be an independent girl
from the very basic thing. She used to
save her allowance to buy her
necessary. She was not be able to ask it

to her parents. As the other girls at her and distress to others. Unfortunately,
age would probably happy because Midori is not the kind of girl who
they have enough money to spend for refuses to produce pain.
beautiful dresses or stuff, Midori had to Data 8 (Page 93)
cry herself day by day pinching pennies "I know I shouldn't
and no one really cared. say this, but actually
Here comes the point of the it was kind of a relief
independent person where they do not to me when my
mother died. I could
chasing after someone to fill their life.
run the family budget
An independent person is the ones who my way. I could buy
can do every single thing alone even in what I liked…”
the very worst time. Meanwhile, From the quotation above in
Midori had been trained to stand on chapter 4 and line 90, Midori is cruel
herself. When she wants something, enough to tell her feeling that her
she does it. In other words, Midori is a mother’s death is a kind of good thing
real fighter. for her. She wants to run the family
Data 7 (Page 302) budget as her mother leaving forever.
“We ought to make Indeed, she has no concern for her
enough to see us
family at all. She is rather to thinking
through that much at
least. I'll keep my about money than praying for her
part-time job, too. mother’s peace in heaven. Midori
Once the place is knows she should not say that, a way
sold, I'll live with my too cruel, yet her mother’s death has
sister in a flat for a been the thing she has been waiting for.
while." Data 9 (Page 96)
The last quotation from chapter "He went off to
9 and line 407 is about Midori’s part- Uruguay in June last
time job as a map writer, still. year and he's been
Moreover, this the way Midori survives there ever since."
for her own life. This the way Midori "Uruguay?! Why
fights to stay alive. Midori could ask
"He was thinking of
her family to help her to complete her settling there, believe
allowance, but she does not do that. As it or not...”
Midori is the independent girl, she Importantly, the quotation
would never really want to ask above from chapter 4, page 96, and line
someone’s help when she can manage 1066 is from Midori conversation to
it by her own. As long as she can her friend named Watanabe who asks
handle things, even in the bad about where her father is. With a very
moments, she would do it by herself. serious look, Midori tells people that
Overall, this is how Midori breaks off her father is dropping off to Uruguay to
the stereotypes that female is always calm himself after her mother’s death
dependent. and he is not coming back in short
 Cruel period. However, the truth is she is
Cruel is a bad word in female’s lying to comfort herself from the truth.
dictionary as most of them are perfectly Indeed, Midori’s father is
kind. Cruel is the thing causing pain hospitalized from months suffering a

very bad disease but Midori seems do As Watanabe has no chance to not
not care at all. Midori keeps telling follow her. Indeed, Midori wants him
people that her father is in Uruguay but to cancel all his plan and lists her name
he is actually never been in Uruguay. It as the priority. She even asks Watanabe
is the cruel trait that Midori has done to eat again in the very mean way when
and it proves that Midori has no feeling Watanabe have already eaten.
to her father’s pain. Naturally, a real Watanabe cannot avoid her and this
good daughter will stand by the father’s boy is being submissive to listen what
hand when he is not feeling good, but she says.
Midori does the other thing. Further, it is out of the
Indeed, Midori helps to cause stereotype that a girl can rule things
suffering for her father’s end life. She over a boy. Even from the very small
is not even feeling sorry for the big fat thing, a girl being dominant over a boy
lies about her father. She is not even is the performativity action that is now
feeling regret to not covering and a real thing to believe in. As the world
holding her father to get well soon. goes on, being dominant is not only
Moreover, she is willfully creating male thing, however, when the time is
unpleasant, pain, and distress moment right female can be dominant too.
to herself and her unloved father. Data 10 (Page 78)
“Midori took me by
 Dominant bus to Yotsuya and
Dominant is the power to rule showed me to a fancy
someone or something by the hand. boxed lunch
speciality shop in a
However, being dominant has been
sheltered spot just
always a thing done by men as female behind the station.”
is being submissive as always to be The next evidence is when
controlled over the dominant ones. Midori leads Watanabe to all places she
Meanwhile, Midori crosses that loves to visit. Watanabe have no idea
stereotype and here is the about it. Watanabe follows Midori
performativity evidences: every steps and he walks behind
Data 10 (Page 222) Midori.
"Where you going?"
Naturally, this thing is usually
she asked.
"Lit. library," I said.
done by men in order to look as a
"Why don't you forget gentleman making his girl visiting
it and come have beautiful places. Men are usually walk
lunch with me?" "I've in front of women to lead, guide, and
already eaten." care them. Men is naturally the leader
"So what? Eat again." and women as the follower. In
The quotation above is from contrasts, Midori shows off the
chapter 4 line 459. It is the simple dominance as female who can drag a
evidence when Watanabe wants to go boy like Watanabe to be her follower.
to the library as Midori asks him for Data 11 (Page 103)
lunch together. On the novel, Midori is
being dominant over Watanabe. She
always rules Watanabe to do what she
wants and to go where she wants to go.

“…Like, say I tell "I'm glad I ran into
you I want to eat you," I said. "I think
strawberry I'm a little more
shortbread. And you adapted to the world
stop everything you're now."
doing and run out and Midori stopped short
buy it for me. And and peered at me. "It's
you come back out of true," she said. "Your
breath and get down eyes are much more
on your knees and in focus than they
hold this strawberry were. See? Hanging
shortbread out to me. out with me does you
And I say I don't want good."
it anymore and throw Further, Midori influences
it out of the window. Watanabe for more. When Watanabe is
That's what I'm with Midori, he feels more adopted to
looking for." the world because Midori tells him
Meanwhile, Midori knows it what to do and shows him the new
well how to take control over better world. Midori runs into
Watanabe by the hand. Either Watanabe’s world too much. Watanabe
Watanabe loves her or he just tries to was so lonely, but when Midori comes
be nice to everyone, Watanabe always to his life, everything goes better and
shakes his head ‘yes’ and never brags sweeter.
about Midori’s dominance. Indeed, if Furthermore, the general thing
Watanabe is doing something as is a man’s job who can take control
suddenly Midori wants to eat a cake, over woman. It is usually man who fills
Watanabe have to leave his job and run the female’s world with his things. As
faster to bring Midori the cake no man is usually dominant, inside and
matter how busy he is. Midori wants to out, he can take a woman to obey or
be loved that way like he begs on his follow them. However, it is not it is for
knees to please Midori all the way. Midori and Watanabe. There is a
However, that is the kind of switch in their relationship where
Midori’s dominance. She wants Midori is more dominant than
everyone to obey her and follow her Watanabe. It implies that Midori breaks
egoism. She seems always want to be off the stereotype that confirms if
the powerful girl who wishes men to female was made to be under contol by
apologize to her for every single male.
mistake. She wants to hold everything Data 13 (Page 299)
and everyone right in her hands. She do
not look at the gender, she can be
dominant even when it is not in the
right place. Meanwhile, Midori’s
dominance turns to be something mean
Data 12 (Page 229)

"Go to some love “I know I'm doing
hotel around here and terrible things to you,
sleep with your arms making demands and
around me all night. not giving you
Like a log. Tomorrow anything in return,
morning we'll have saying whatever pops
breakfast somewhere into my head,
and go to lectures dragging you out of
together." your room and
"You were planning forcing you to take
this all along, weren't me everywhere, but
you? That's why you you're the only one I
called me." can do stuff like that
"Of course.” to!”
Again, Midori is always having Another point to consider from
big and bad plans on what to do with the last quotation above is, Midori
Watanabe. Watanabe knows if the realizes how bad she controls,
plans are always the worst plans, still influences, and rules Watanabe to be in
he does not mind to be with Midori and her side all the time. Yet, Midori is not
accept her crazy ideas. Likewise, feeling sorry to treat him like that as if
Midori have a plan to rent a hotel room he is the kind of doll with no feelings.
and stay the whole day with Watanabe Midori is being so powerful over him
till the morning light. Watanabe smells because Watanabe is the only one she
a big trap there but she cannot have. Midori never gives Watanabe a
disappoint Midori by saying ‘no.’ He chance or space as she is being
keeps on Midori’s eyes and again dominant all the days and nights.
follow her even when he do not want to However, in life there will be a
do that. great moment when gender and sex has
Meanwhile, men always make nothing to do with individual. The
the plans when they are hanging out physical look is nothing but the inside
together or dating a girl. Men are power is much more important to think
usually the ones who take decision about. Midori, meanwhile, is just a
where to go and what to do. Women little girl with so much weakness, but
are usually the ones who just nod and she can take control over Watanabe
cannot even give a suggestion. because she knows what is right to do.
However, it is Midori’s mind who rules Watanabe, meanwhile, is a straight boy
everything and anything. Midori is who gets submissive when it comes to
excessively much for her plans, for her Midori’s dominance for their relation.
little devil dominance.  Tough
Data 14 (Page 300) There is rumor in the world that
there is only male who can be tough.
As they have a bigger body size and
stronger muscle, people think that male
is tougher and than what female is.
Meanwhile, being tough is not only the
physical thingy or what sex and gender
that is, but it is how far we can deal and

solve the problems in life. Indeed, there "Sometimes, when
is Midori qualified as a tough girl by the world gets too
these two supporting quotations. hard to live in, I come
Data 15 (Page 78) here for a vodka and
"Tired?" I asked. tonic."
"Kind of. I'm not "Does the world get
getting enough sleep. hard to live in?"
But I'm OK, don't "Sometimes," said
worry," Midori. "I've got my
own special little
The first quotation above is
problems." "Like
from chapter 4, page 78 in line 473. It what?"
tells about how tough Midori is. She is "Like family, like
able to do a very hard work until she boyfriends, like
forgets that she also need at least seven irregular periods.
hours to sleep in a day. Still, she do not Stuff." "So have
want to complain or brag about bad another drink."
things that happen through her hard The next quotation in chapter 7
life. She do not blame anyone for it and line 473 is about Midori takes this life
can deal with it wisely. She has been as simple as it is. Even the world gets
trained to be a tough cookie in this too hard to live in, she tries to nail it
unfair luncbox. with her own style. She carries pains
Meanwhile, this is the perks of and weights on her shoulders, yet she is
being a tough person. Midori keeps not easily broken. She tries to handle it
moving on even though there is many by drinking and smoking, it might be a
bad things chasing her steps. She is bad idea, yet she just want to feel okay
actually feel so tired, but she do not again. She mentions her special little
want to stop running. She keeps problems that drag her life uneasy are
smiling, pretends as she is just okay family, boyfriend, and regular period,
when she is literary not feeling fine, but that is just the fake ones. The fact is
and stays stand on her bleeding feet in deep in her eyes, there is a bleeding
front of people. She do not let anyone look and the dark days, but she just
to see her flaws or weakness. She do shakes it off to feel better. However,
not let people to see how exhausted she she can deal with harsh moments and
has been doing. Indeed, here comes the conflicts as she takes it not for granted
tough one. as a natural life lessons.
Data 16 (Page 224) Indeed, the truth is there are so
many bricks that people throw at her
brutally beating her in the chest as she
bleeds inside and out. She wants to
figure it out by drinking and smoking
as much as she can, yet her original
traits can solve it. Meanwhile, Midori
is a tough girl. The one who is strong
physically and emotionally.
Overall, being tough is the
men’s goal for life. However, tough is
not only about gender covering those

unbreakable figures. Being tough is “You know, when I
every species’ goal to keep alive. As went to university I
the world becomes cruel and crueler joined a folk-music
every single day, everyone have to be club.”
tough. Even a little girl or an Further, she moves to university
underrated women, becomes the tough and keeps shining there. She joins
generation is naturally the everyday job many college organizations to denoting
for every single human being in the her voice of ideas. One of the
world. organization is she joins a folk music
 Active club. She performs as the lead guitarist.
Active relates the action to Active and amazing. She also joins in
work or do something for personal or college meeting club to discuss or
society. Hence, the definition of active debate the current issues as she makes
is always related to male because they new friends and good relation with
usually do more things more than people. Indeed, Midori spread her
female. However, active now is not wings, knowledge, and experiences.
only about what male can do, but it is Meanwhile, Midori is an active
something outside the individual that girl. Somehow, she is hyperactive.
female can be active too and not Whether as a student or when she is
forbidden to do things. Here is the outside, Midori love doing something
evidence of Midori being active in her out of the box as she cannot just stay
activities through the days. silent and passive at the home like the
Data 17 (Page 81) stereotypes of female. In this time,
“When I left they there is no limitation for female to joins
gave me certificates in organizations or activities outside.
for perfect attendance They can show up in public and joins
and punctuality, plus with one and another without pressure
a French dictionary.“ of female is passive. Indeed, Midori
On the quotation above in proves that performativity action of a
chapter 4 line 560, it narrates a story girl who can be active and shine over
when Midori was in high school. She the males.
was a brilliant high school girl. She  Logical
was popular as a smart student who While most of female is
always got awards for her scores and stereotypic as the individual that
achievements. She never missed the always use their emotions instead of
attendance and performed in class their mind, here Midori comes with the
perfectly. She joined all classes most logical mind in every single word
and showed up to teacher with very she says. There are two supporting
great performances. That is why when quotations with the following analysis
Midori graduated, she got a certificate below.
for perfect attendance and a French Data 19 (Page 303-304)
dictionary as the compliment. "When you start at
Data 18 (Page 236) zero, you've got a lot
to learn." "I wouldn't
be surprised."
It comes to be wise and nice
actions done by a girl like Midori.

Indeed, she follows the rule of logic However, Midori’s formal
where being a zero person does not argument is to eat all those chocolates,
mean we are nothing. Yet it is the time the pains, and everything will be
to learn everything better than before. alright. Meanwhile, it is the philosophy
Her logic advices her friend named logic. Midori is sensible and logical.
Watanabe to stay cool to start While most of the girls at her age
everything from zero or back to the would not think about life wisely, they
very start to begin new life. used to get in tension and emotional,
Meanwhile, it is rare to know there is a Midori crosses the emotional
girl who is open-minded about this characterization of female and being
kind of thing where most of them love the best of herself.
bragging or complaining their problems  Cold-Hearted
out. Cold-hearted is a predicate for
Data 20 (Page 332) someone whose heart is as cold as ice,
"You know, they've do not really have feeling to feel and
got these chocolate love. This predicate is mostly close to
assortments, and you male. Male do not show off their
like some but you feeling, they are almost untouchable,
don't like others? And
and that is why they are so cold-hearted
you eat all the ones
you like, and the only person. In contrast, female have warm
ones left are the ones feelings to care and love each other.
you don't like as Meanwhile, being a cold-hearted
much? I always think person is never on every girls’
about that when dictionary, here is Midori tells another
something painful story. There are at least seven
comes up. "Now I just following quotations on how cold-
have to polish these hearted Midori is.
off, and everything'll Data 21 (Page 93-94)
be OK.' Life is a box “…She suffered from
of chocolates." beginning to end.
"I suppose you could Finally lost her mind;
call it a philosophy." had to be doped up all
"It's true, though. I've the time, and still she
learned it from couldn't die, though
experience." when she did it was
Further, the next Midori logical practically a mercy
words are she creates a sensible killing. It's the worst
comparison of chocolate box and this kind of death - the
life. Midori states that life is a box of person's in agony, the
chocolates. There are many chocolates family goes through
in a box and people only eat what they hell…”
love to eat firstly. Then, people leave First in chapter 4 line 987,
the dislike chocolates there in the box. Midori talks about the time when her
Meanwhile, it is Midori’s logical mind. mother dropped to hospital for weeks.
It is true. The fact is the chocolates that Instead of praying for her recovery, she
people do not want to eat is likely the wished her mother to die as soon as
painful things in life. possible so she could run on her things.

She adds that her mother’s pain was a childhood time. Meanwhile, what
mercy killing and the worst kind of Midori do is likely man’s habit. Indeed,
death. Indeed, Midori’s heart is very this is the lack of warmth from
cold when she is talking about her Midori’s unfeeling bleeding heart.
mother death like it was not a big deal Data 24 (Page 101-102)
for her. In fact, the natural daughter is "You know," she said,
really close to their mother that talking "when my mother
about the death would be the worst died..." "Yeah?"
sadness ever, yet it is not for Midori "I didn't feel the least
bit sad."
cold eyes.
Data 22 (Page 96) "And I didn't feel sad
"My mother's in her
when my father left,
grave. She died two
either." "Really?"
years ago." "Yeah, I
"It's true. Don't you
heard that part."
think I'm terrible?
Second in line 1056 of chapter Cold-hearted?" "I'm
4, from the quotation above explains sure you have your
that Midori have no warm feeling at all. reasons."
She mentions about her mother’s death Fourth, what a cold-hearted girl
two years ago as if the grave thingy is who do not feel sad when her mother
her mother’s real home. Typically, girls died! Midori do not even feel sad or
will cry a river to lose their lovely bad when her mother died and her
mother yet it is not for father left forever. She confess that she
daughter, naturally will get mellow and do not feel anything at all when they
in the worst pain when she flashbacks are gone. Midori loses her affection,
the stories of where her mother is now. love, and everything freezes her heart.
Midori do not even miss her mother. However, everyone has their own
Midori might be happy for the loss. reason to act oppositely from their
Meanwhile, Midori is heartlessly says gender or it is wisely to learn that
that her mother is in the grave now. gender is fluid. Male can be warm and
Data 23 (Page 98) female will cold, according their
"Do you like your tragedies in life.
father?" Midori shook Data 25 (Page 102)
her head. "Not
Third in line 1129 of chapter 4,
someone asks Midori if she likes her
father or not and she gives a bad
gesture that she do not love him. Her
father might do something real bad
until Midori do not love her. Yet, as a
daughter she must forgive him no
matter what. This is another cold-
hearted action that she care nothing at
all. Naturally, as a little girl Midori
should loving and nurturing her parents
even when they treat her unfair in the

"My reasons. Hmm. "My father died a few
Things were pretty minutes ago," Midori
complicated in this said in a small, quiet
house. But I always voice. I asked her if
thought, I mean, there was anything I
they're my mother could do. "Thanks,"
and father, of course she said. "There's
I'd be sad if they died really nothing. We're
or I never saw them used to funerals. I just
again. But it didn't wanted to let you
happen that way. I know." A kind of sigh
didn't feel anything. escaped her lips.
Not sad, not lonely. I "Don't come to the
hardly even think of funeral, OK? I hate
them. Sometimes I'll stuff like that. I don't
have dreams, though. want to see you
Sometimes my there."
mother will be glaring "I get it," I said.
at me out of the Sixth on chapter 7 line 1003,
darkness and she'll Midori’s father death and again she do
accuse me of being not feel something breaking her chest.
happy she died. But She tells about her father funeral as
I'm not happy she unimportant news to talk about. She
died. I'm just not very
already knows her father will die soon
sad. And to tell the
truth, I never shed a and she prepares it well. She do not let
single tear. I cried all anyone to come to pray or gives the last
night when my cat messages to her father. She do not let
died, though, when I her friends to come comforting her
was little." with loves. This is the opposite traits of
Fifth in line 1255, this point general girls. No girls are as cold as the
relate to the previous explanation. This frozen Midori.
is Midori’s reason of having no Data 27 (Page 292)
feelings to her parents. She wonders "Nah, a funeral's a
why she is not feeling sad at all. The piece of cake. We've
heart is totally frozen. Then, she had a had plenty of practice.
dream about her mother telling her if You put on a black
kimono and sit there
she is probably happy for the death.
like a lady and
The cold-hearted is really not working everybody else takes
to feel anything, not happy or sad. care of business - It's
Everything is just so flat and blank for a breeze. A picnic…”
Midori. However, her parents gone Last but not least in chapter 9
forever and she is just fine. She do not line 64, the funeral for Midori is just a
even shed a single tear while piece of cake. It is all about black outfit
traditionally loosing someone who only. There are no condolence flowers
close to us will cause a dozen packs of too but Midori’s unfeeling heart.
never ending sadness. Meanwhile, Midori do not even give the last kiss or
Midori is such a cold-hearted girl. speech to her father. Meanwhile, how
Data 26 (Page 261)

bad the situation is, a girl usually Girls are way too sensitive and
always have a warm feeling to deal boys are not. That is the stereotypes
with. They learn to love and forgive. and it might be true. There are many
Meanwhile, when it comes to girls get mad or in tension over a very
performativity, a girl can be anything simple issue. It says that female was
oppositely their sex or gender. It is made by a heart as soft as cotton and
because there is reason why girl can be that is why they are more sensitive than
cold-hearted like Midori that cannot be males. Unfortunately, it is not
judged only by what the gender thingy happening in Midori’s trait.
says. Data 29 (Page 100)
 Decisive Midori brought two
Decisive is the ability to take the floor pillows four
right decision without any doubts. cans of beer and a
However, decisive is a so men’s guitar from
downstairs. We drank
character as women portrays as the
and watched the black
indecisive ones. Meanwhile, Midori is smoke rising. She
on the boarding line indecisive. Midori strummed and sang. I
knows what she wants and what she asked her if she didn't
don’t. she has the power to not over think this might anger
thinking on things but to take a fine the neighbors.
final result for simple or big stuff in her Drinking beer and
life. singing while you
Data 28 (Page 81) watched a local fire
“That's why I'm from the laundry deck
taking German now. I didn't seem like the
didn't want to owe most admirable
this school anything. behavior I could think
I'm not kidding." of.
Further, the quotation above is "Forget it," she said.
from chapter 4, page 81, and line 571. "We never worry
about what the
That is how Midori settling on issues
neighbors might
for her future. She have a definite think."
reason when they gives questions of On the quotation above from
German or French to take in coming chapter 4 line 1201, it narrates a scene
semesters. She makes the choice to on how less sensitive to other’d
taking German subject in college feelings Midori is. However, there is a
confidently and quickly. She knows the very dangerous fire in Midori’s
purpose and her passion is in German neighbors but Midori do not have a
language, not French. She has no good reaction about it. She do not even
doubts and ready to take the risks. feel panic like the burning red fire is
Indeed, she is serious about what she not the thing to worry about. The
decides and it summarizes that she is a crowds, her neighbors, push the panic
decisive girl. alarm while the fireman try to handle it.
Indeed, Midori do not even think if
 Less Sensitive to Other’s someone may be killed or burned and
Feelings they lose their homes.

Tragically, Midori comes chance for them to work in companies
downstairs to bring two pillows, beer after graduate. Midori analyzes there is
cans, and guitar back to the rooftop. unfair things happened but none of
Her friend, Watanabe, asks if they have them care about it. Meanwhile, Midori
to run and rescue but Midori avoid it. is critiques and concern about the
She enjoys watching the fire from the political issues.
rooftop while drinking beers like she is Data 31 (Page 237)
watching a movie scene. Then, she “What the hell kind of
starts playing her guitar while singing revolution have you
her unpredictable song while plenty of got just tossing out
people are worrying about the fire that big words that
working-class people
could burn them out.
can't understand?
Moreover, Midori has a very What the hell kind of
less sensitive feeling to not think about social revolution is
the neighbors, she could make them that? I mean, I'd like
feel angry. That is not the most to make the world a
adorable behaviors done by Midori. better place, too. If
Heartlessly, Midori do not help them. somebody's really
She do not care at all. She is rather being exploited,
kissing Watanabe than send a help or a we've got to put a
pray to stop the brutal fire. Meanwhile, stop to it. That's what
as the wise sayings that the less you I believe, and that's
why I ask questions.
feel sensitive, the happier people are
Am I right, or what?"
and this is the performativity evidence
Moreover, Midori analyzes that
of female traditional traits.
social revolution is such a trap to kick
the working class people out of the
 Analytical world because they got no clues.
Data 30 (Page 236) Midori mentions the logical reasoning
"Does smashing the
about how she wishes this world to be a
complex mean we're better place for every single human
not supposed to work being out of the revolution thingy.
for a company after Midori believes that the best relating
we graduate?' And issue is to stop that kind of social
stuff like that. But revolution trap. Further, she is good at
nobody was willing to breaking problem or trying to solve
explain anything to them. Moreover, Midori is not afraid to
me. Far from it - they say the logical reasons of what she
got really angry. Can believes in. As a female, meanwhile,
you believe it?"
Midori is out of the stereotypes that say
From the quotation above on a woman is never being analytical. In
chapter 7 line 467, Midori analyzes the this case, being analytical is not about
educational-industrial complex issue. gender only, but is it about how
In fact, there is only few woman who someone is concerns about the life,
really want to talk about such a topic. society, or another things.
Midori learns that educational-
 Blunt
industrial complex will block the

Blunt is the word for the realest female is locked in the room and home-
person, but this word is always connect oriented. Indeed, it is another
to male behavior as female is a tactful stereotypes that female is belong only
one. Meanwhile, Midori is a blunt girl at home as they have so much to care
by the way she speaks what she means and protect. Worldly, in this case, is an
and never sugarcoats anything. impossible thing to be in every woman
Data 32 (Page 99-100) in the world. The society believes that
"Well, you must have woman is perfect in the kitchen set or
something you'd want cleaning the properties house.
to save - bankbooks, However, in this modern life woman
seals, legal papers, now is not and cannot be just home-
stuff like that. oriented, yet woman gets the same
Emergency cash."
chance to live the world. Indeed, there
"Forget it. I'm not
running away." are two quotations showing that Midori
"Even if this place is worldly.
burns?" Data 33 (Page 225)
"You heard me. I "Don't you think it
don't mind dying." would be wonderful
I looked her in the to get rid of
eye, and she looked everything and
straight at me. I everybody and just go
couldn't tell if she was somewhere where
serious or joking. We you don't know a
stayed like that for a soul? Sometimes I
while, and soon I feel like doing that. I
stopped worrying.” really, really want to
On the quotation above from do it sometimes. Like,
chapter 4 line 1180, the blunt trait suppose you whisked
me somewhere far,
evidence is when Midori really meant
far away, I'd make
the look of not wanting to save lots of babies for you
anything or anyone from the brutal fire. as tough as little
She do not even want to save herself bulls. And we'd all
from the burning reds. She has no live happily ever
willing to run away and it is serious. after, rolling on the
Meanwhile, the natural female will not floor.”
cause their self in such a trouble to get Basically, worldly is not only
caught by fire. Oppositely, Midori do about the places to visit but it is the
not mind if the place burns till she dies why Midori gets her mind and
there. On one hand, Midori is not afraid unlimited thoughts. The first quotation
and filled with good intentions even the above is Midori wants to go
situation is really dangerous and worst. somewhere far away from her small old
Meanwhile, Midori do not have city to get a new better happily life. It
feelings and she is way too blunt. implies that she wants to learn new
 Worldly things, new cultures, and new people to
Worldly represents the life of stick around. At the same time, she do
male. As male can go whenever they not want to trapped in the same old city
want without rules and warnings, but with all the sadness and dark light

years from more. Midori, meanwhile, someone gives up with those gender
wants to get small city mindset out of stereotypes thingy, rebel is the greatest
her life as she wants to live heavenly action. In fact, the definition of rebel
somewhere better and happier. could be negative or positive
Data 34 (Page 292) depending on the situation. However,
“I took a trip," she Midori is a rebel girl. As Midori do not
said. "Just got back." follow those traditional gender
"Where'd you go?" stereotypes that tie her to be always
"South to Nara and elegant, beautiful, and behave feminine
north to Aomori." with all those old rules. Meanwhile,
"On the same trip?!"
Midori stands for herself and what she
"Don't be stupid. I
may be strange, but I believes in.
can't go north and Data 35 (Page 95)
south at the same "I am a lumberjack,"
time. I went to Nara Midori said,
with my boyfriend, scratching next to her
and then took off to nose. "I can never
Aomori alone." manage to be chic. I
The second quotation is written try it as a joke
sometimes, but it
on chapter 9 line 54. Midori loves
never sticks. Any
travelling to another city finding new more critiques for
escape and freedom. The scene is when me?"
Midori travels south to Nara and north The quotation above is from
to Aomori. Those cities are beautiful chapter 4, page 95 in line 1026. It
cities in Japan. Midori loves going out narrates if Midori is not afraid to be
by train as she nails Japan streets all the different with any other girls. Midori is
way. Indeed, when Midori travels to fine when people tag her as a
south to north gives much implication lumberjack girl. That is Midori being
that she is so worldly. the way she is. Indeed, she do not try to
In contrast, most women cannot be chick or wear that mask to be
go that far because they cannot take beautiful. She never lies to herself.
care their self, but Midori is not afraid Meanwhile, she cuts the ropes to free
to go outside and meet up with people herself and be what she wants to be.
in strange attitudes. Moreover, Midori Data 36 (Page 104)
can protect herself from the highway
crimes. She can survive even when she
is away from home. Meanwhile,
Midori spreads he wings and gets new
experiences to live the life better.
Midori represents a performativity
evidence of worldly. From south to
north, Midori is a worldly unbreakable
 Rebel
Rebel, this is the best point of
performativity evidence. When

"I've never met a girl “Here I am, drinking
who thinks like you." in the afternoon,
"A lot of people tell saying whatever pops
me that," she said, into my head: "I
digging at a cuticle. wanna dump
"But it's the only way everything and run
I know how to think. off somewhere.'
Seriously. I'm just What's the point of
telling you what I going to Uruguay?
believe. It's never All they've got there
crossed my mind that is donkey shit."
my way of thinking is This next evidence is about
different from other Midori’s rebels that are in contrast of
people's. I'm not female stereotypes. When woman is
trying to be different. not allowed to drink mostly in the
But when I speak out
afternoon time, Midori does it.
honestly, everybody
thinks I'm kidding or
Likewise, she says everything on her
play-acting. When mind without thinking it through. In
that happens, I feel fact, as the female stereotypes stand
like everything's such that woman cannot do such a thing.
a pain!" Women must be polite and in tracks of
Meanwhile, Midori’s friend good things. Oppositely, Midori against
name Watanabe tells that he have never the rules. Midori does what she thinks
met a girl like Midori before. As it is right to do, even when it is not.
Midori is unique and has a great Midori follows her mind even when it
personality, it impresses Watanabe. comes to be a negative rebellion.
Indeed, Midori steps the stereotypes to However, it is a cool thing that Midori
always have different thoughts than rises in gender stereotype opposition.
others. She do not follow another Data 38 (Page 299)
people as she stands for what she trust You're always so
in. Further, if she thinks the thing is damn sensible, you
true when people say it is not, she will ruin everything. I'm
drunk 'cause I wanna
continue and stays confident to believe
be drunk. What's
that it is true. Furthermore, Midori wrong with that? And
against the crowds and avoid the even if I am drunk, I
popular thingy. Another point to can still climb a tree.
consider is whew very body in her Shit, I'm gonna climb
college underestimate the female all the way to the top
power, she raises her hand and shares of a great, big, tall
her opinion about equality to shut their tree and I'm gonna
up. Meanwhile, Midori is a strange, pee all over
weird, and uncontrollable girl. everybody!"
Data 37 (Page 225) Rebel, is likely trying the best
to unlock the cage and feel the
freedom. It is about going out with no
worries to step out the rulers. Indeed,
that is what Midori always been.

Midori stands up for her personal "Hey, do you have
opinion. As people say she cannot do classes this
things like drunk and climb, she is a afternoon?
stubborn who will shut it up and say "German and
she can. On the quotation above, her
"Can you skip 'em?”
friend limits her steps to not get drunk "Not German. I've got
and climbs the trees but she do not a test today.”
listen. No one can ever stop her to do "When's it over?"
things. On the other hand, she wants to "Two."
climb to the top of a great, big, tall tree "OK. How about
is a metaphor of she wants to be on the going into the city
top of the world even when people say with me after that
no. Meanwhile, Midori represents the some drinks?"
performativity that female has rebel "At two in the
sense to be on the top of the great afternoon?!"
"For a change, why
not? You look so
 Aggressive spaced. Come on,
Midori shows her aggression come drinking with
through her crush named Watanabe as me and get a little life
she always starts to do things. into you. That's what
Data 39 (Page 223) I want to do – drink
with you and get
some life into
From the first quotation above
from chapter 7 line 36, Midori is way
too aggressive asking Watanabe to go
out and drink together in afternoon.
The stereotypic is it must be a boy who
invites the girl, yet Midori is always
over Watanabe firstly. However,
showing aggression is a taboo action to
do by girls because it would be a bad
sign. Meanwhile, the performativity is
girls also have willing to attack or
confetti over the boys.
Data 40 (Page 291)
"Hey, Watanabe, are
you free now?"
Midori asked.
"I dunno, what’s
The next quotation is how
Midori showing the aggression to call
Watanabe first. Usually, girl just wait
the phone rings to not put herself down

over the boys. At the same time, “We couldn't even
Midori loves calling Watanabe first to cry. We didn't have
start the conversation like she really any tears left. Really.
wants him badly. Indeed, it is a bit Except, when you do
that, they start
aggressive to perform by a girl.
whispering about you:
Data 41 (Page 291) "Those girls are as
"Ueno Station. Why
cold as ice.' So then,
don't you meet me in
we're never going to
Shinjuku? I'll leave
cry, that's just how
the two of us are. I
We set a time and
know we could have
place and hung up.”
faked it, but we
The last quotation is Midori would never do
always finds the way to meet up with anything like that.
Watanabe. She gives an implicature The bastards! The
that she misses him real bad and cannot more they wanted to
live a day without Watanabe. see us cry, the more
Naturally, the average girls at her age determined we were
do not show that feeling and action. not to give them the
The average girls are shy and passive satisfaction. My sister
but Midori is not the average. On the and I are totally
different types, but
other hand, Midori is likely to shoot
when it comes to
him first and always have brilliant something like that,
ideas to impress and get his attention we're in absolute
through her badly aggression to sync."
Watanabe. Indeed, Midori and his sister do
 Rarely Cries not even shed a single tear in their
Crying is the action close to father funeral. It is so strange. The
female. As female loves using their deaths must create a ton of tears and
emotion to face every single thing, they fills with the scream of crying people,
usually cry. On one hand, male is but Midori’s father funeral goes flat
rarely cry because they mostly use their and blunt. As a daughter, Midori strong
logic and tough enough. However, enough to not let tears streaming down
Midori rarely cries following the her face or she pretends like she is
quotation above when her father died. tough. Likewise, people around her are
Data 42 (Page 292) confused why there is no tears
following her father way to heaven. It
implies her cold-iced heart as she just
do not want to look weak in public.
Hence, Midori knows that
crying will not take her father back.
Midori is not going to cry over things,
even a big storm like her father death.
Still, deep in Midori’s heart there is a
big hole filling with tears and sadness
losing her father yet she just do not

want to cry and make things worse. watching to many porn movies making
Meanwhile, Midori performs the her moving uncontrollable. That is why
perforamtivity if there is a rarely cries Midori’s mind full with dirty things
girl. every day. Again, Midori accepts it if
 Wild she really loves porn movies that gives
In the modern life, wild comes her naughty thoughts and ideas.
out not only for male behaviors. There Generally, women do not watch porn
are wild girls crossing the stereotypes movies. Not even watch it with boys.
and do what the other girls do not. Women do not even know what that is.
Indeed, Midori is one of the type of Meanwhile, Midori is a pretty wild girl
wild girl where she loves having fun wanting to watch porn with her friend.
for time to time. The way Midori talks Data 45 (Page 261)
is way too wild for general girls. "Will you really take
Further, Midori loves talking dirty talks me to a porno
such as watching porn flicks and filthy movie?" "Of course I
things. will."
"A really disgusting
Data 43 (Page 230)
"Tell me, Watanabe,"
"I'll research the
Midori said, looking
matter thoroughly."
up at the dorm
"Good. I'll call you,"
buildings, "do all the
she said and hung
guys in here wank -
"Probably," I said.
Hence, Midori obsesses with
Indeed, Midori is not shy to ask porn scenes. Midori tagged as a sexy,
the unusual topic about boy’s secret to divine, smart, and bossy girl. She has
a boy. For female, talking dirty about no worry to watch it with a boy as long
wank - rub-a-dub-dub is almost a big as it has so much fun. Naturally,
sin. Female must be picky and polite in talking about porn is likely talking
conversation even when it comes to about bad things. Men can watch it but
male best friends. However, that is one women cannot. When there is a women
of Midori wildest minds who is always who watch it, the opinion of her would
curious about male’s sexual life. go wrong and bad. However, Midori
Data 44 (Page 244) portrays as a wild girl.
"You've been seeing Data 46 (Page 296)
too many porno "Hey, why don't we
flicks," I said with a go now and see a
laugh. dirty film?" Midori
"You think so? I was suggested.
kind of worried about "A really filthy S&M
that. But I love porn one."
films. Take me to one Moreover, Midori invites
next time, OK?" Watanabe again to watch porn
The next evidence is from repeatedly. Midori loves discussing
chapter 7 line 719; her friend gives a about sexual and things like that.
sigh to tag Midori as a wild girl. He Midori goes wild and wilder. She even
concerns that Midori have been knows many porn genres like a real bad
girl. Oppositely, stereotypic girls are

shy and boring to touch that dirty topic. girls is way too easy to take or believe
On one hand, Midori has a real filthy in things just like the stereotypes of
mind and dirty looks to seduce boys. female, Midori is the only one who is
 Not Very Desirous in not easily influenced by others. She do
Security not trust in opinion, sweet things, black
Security is important for campaign, and gossip like that.
everyone, mostly for women because Meanwhile, this is the performativity
they portray as a weak figure looking evidence that gets Midori to think like
for self-guard. On the other word, men who are not easily influenced by
Midori is the girl who is not very others.
desirous of security. Thus, Midori Data 48 (Page 77-78)
knows how take care and protect "Let's get out of
herself from bad things inside and out. here," said Midori.
Data 47 (Page 302) I nodded and stood,
“Nah, we're going to and the two of us
sell it," said Midori. made for the door.
"We'll divide the The round man said
money and live on something to me at
our own for a while that point, but I
without anybody's couldn't catch it.
"protection'…” Midori waved to him
The quotation above is from and said, "See ya
chapter 9 line 404. It narrates about
The quotation above is the part
how Midori’s life going with her sister
when Midori asks Watanabe to walk
on her own way. After her parents
out of the room and leave the subject
dead, Midori’s big family do not really
when their seniors start lecturing a
car her too and that is why she have to
black campaign to bring the revolution
live by her own feet. Without her
thingy to the college system. They are
family support, Midori do not afraid to
about to brainstorming Midori but this
survive without anybody to call or ask
thing is not working for her as she has
for help in this cruel world. Well, it is
a very solid mind. Midori do not like it
not the physical protection like when
and she takes it easily to not caring and
people need weapon to kill the thieves.
leave them with a wave. Meanwhile,
Meanwhile, it is the emotionally
this is the performativity evidence that
protection namely when Midori sad or
Midori is not easily influenced by
tired, she is not very desirous in
someone’s shoulder to protect her and
keep her warm. On one hand, this is the  Not At All Talkative
performativity evidence that there is a Most women are talkative and
girl who can be security for her own noisy. Women can talk for hours
self and soul. without a second space or break to
breathe. Women usually talk about
 Not Easily Influenced
simple things; the weather is too hot,
Midori is a stubborn girl. She
the eyebrows are not on fleek, or the
holds her pride and dignity tightly on
boys are not that hot. Women usually
every step she moves. She do not
talk about the topics that are not really
believe in rumors because she has her
important to talk about. Meanwhile,
own things to believe in. if the other

Midori is way too far from that habit. Midori but he gets no clue. Midori
Midori loves to keep her world in silent loves staying alone: no talks, no texts,
mood almost all the time. When the and no messages. Midori do not like
stereotypes of female are is they love blowing things or bragging about
spreading gossip or blowing u things, anything. Midori only says the words
Midori is the only female who have a that matter. Meanwhile, Midori is a
perfect secret and mystery. word picky and not at all talkative.
Data 49 (Page 261) 3. Manly Behaviors
“A week went by Being a women means they
without a word from have to deal with feminine thingy such
Midori. No calls, no as cooking in the kitchen, dancing
sign of her in the ballets, playing dolls, and cleaning the
lecture hall. I kept rooms. This is the basic of feminine
hoping for a message
definition and trait that have to follow
from her whenever I
went back to the by all women. On one hand, the
dorm, but there were performativity theory is women do not
never any.” have to be feminine like the stereotypes
From the first quotation above list. Woman is unlimited to do all the
on chapter 7 line 1014, it narrates a things they want even when it is not a
scene of Watanabe wondering about girly thing. Meanwhile, Midori brings
Midori. Midori disappears without a the manly behaviors through her daily
single word left for a week. Midori do life as her identity.
not even talk. She is gone without no  Plays Guitar
message like the world eats her Data 51 (Page 91)
existence. On one hand, this is the "We had a folk group.
opposite action of female behavior I played guitar."
where mostly women would be Data 52 (Page 101)
talkative to share her problems or “Midori put down her
guitar and slumped
everything they are thinking about.
against my shoulder
However, Midori loves keeping her like a cat in the sun.”
things for herself only and no one Playing guitar, music
really knows. instrument in generally, is always
Data 50 (Page 290) men’s job. As men play music and
“There was no sign of
women just sit and listen. However, it
Midori at the next
day's lecture, either. is not in Midori’s ideology because she
What had happened knows how to play guitar so well.
to her? Ten days had Midori have one old guitar that she
gone by since we last always play to cheer her up with her
talked on the phone. I adorable songs. Meanwhile, it is rare
thought about calling for a little girl like Midori to have an
her, but decided interest in guitar where other girls
against it. She had prefer to walk their self for shopping of
said that she would learn ballet. Indeed, girl-playing guitar
call me” is a bit strange, but in today’s world is
Further, the next quotation is not the same anymore as music
still about Watanabe trying to reach knowledge is not about gender, but it is

all about taste and feeling. Even a girl means is she wants to climb to be on
can play rock music or any instrument the top of the world where she is not
that has been always men’s thing. It is scared at all to jump down and would
now the performativity evidence that take all the risk to fall and bleed.
proving if gender and sex have nothing  Picks Up A Boy
to do with someone’s behavior in daily Data 55 (Page 227)
life. "I'll pick you up at
 Climbs Trees your dorm Sunday
Data 53 (Page 229) morning. I'm not sure
“Midori and I exactly what time,
wandered around for though. Is that OK?"
a while. She said she "Fine," I said. "No
wanted to climb a problem."
tree, but unfortunately On the quotation from chapter 7
there were no line 179, Midori offers a boy that she
climbable trees in will pick him up in Sunday morning. It
Shinjuku, and the is an opposite action as a girl used to
Shinjuku Imperial stay home and wait for the boy to come
Gardens were closing. over picking her up. Nevertheless,
"Too bad," said Midori do not wait to be that spoiled
Midori. "I love
girl. Picking someone it is now not
climbing trees."
only about female or male, it is about
Data 54 (Page 299) who Midori cares. Again, Midori
“Midori said she shows the performativity evidence that
wanted to climb a girls can also do the things male used
tree. do.
"There aren't any  Pays A Bill
trees around here," I Data 55 (Page 228)
said. "And even if “We left the bar after
there were, you're too five rounds of vodka
wobbly to do any and tonic. When I
climbing." tried to pay, Midori
What a girl loves climbing slapped my hand and
trees! On this quotations, Midori tells paid with a brand-
Watanabe several times that she really new #10,000 note she
wants climbing trees at the time. In took from her purse.
fact, climbing trees is a bit strange to "It's OK," she said. "I
just got paid, and I
do by girls and even no boys want to
invited you. Of
do it. Furthermore, it implies that course, if you're a
Midori is a brave, unafraid, and card-carrying fascist
unbreakable girl because climbing tress and you refuse to let a
is not that easy. When someone wants woman buy you a
to climb a tree, it means that person drink. .."
must have a very great brig adrenaline "No no, I'm OK."
to not fall down to the cold hard The natural thing is when girl
ground. Moreover, climbing tress is a and boy want to hang out together to
metaphor. For Midori, what she really drink and chill, it must be the boy who

pays the bills in order to be a Smoking is a bad habit that
gentleman to impress the girl. On the usually done by men. Smoking is the
contrary, Midori avoid when Watanabe way poisoning body in a very fun way,
wants to pay the bills. Midori slaps his yet this activity becomes a popular
hand and one more brave time Midori style to cheer people from their hard
proves the performativity thingy. weeks. However, Midori is female and
However, Midori shows her she is a bad smoker. Midori knows the
power to pay the bills like a real good bad effect of nicotine for her body but
dominant girl. Midori adds that she she keeps it as lifestyle days and nights.
invites him there and that is why she Indeed, there are at least three
takes the responsibility to pay all. performativity evidences done by
Indeed, what Midori does is way too Midori through her smoking habit.
far from what girls always been. There Data 56 (Page 94)
is a girl who beg the boys to pay her “… brought out a box
stuff and that is what makes girl of Marlboro, put one
position becomes weak and unclassy. in her mouth and lit
On one hand, Midori gives the up with a match.”
performativity evidence for female out The first quotation happens on
there to bring the power on. It is okay the storyline explaining how Midori
to pay the bills in order to show that smokes Marlboro and lit it up. Hence,
female is not always spoiled, weak, and smoking girls tagged as bad girl with
underrated. no rules and being intimidated by
4. Easy and Spoilt public society. Indeed, girls are forced
Girls who smoke and drink are to always look good no matter what.
consider as easy and spoilt. As drink They cannot do things like smoking,
and smoke will give bad affect to body but in today’s world where the level of
but when it comes to smoking and pressure is getting high by the time,
drinking girls, it will give a bad affect smoking is no more about men only.
to their characters too. People, in Data 57 (Page 94)
“Chin in hand, she
general stereotypic, will give label to
smoked half her
the smoking and drinking girls as a bad cigarette, then
girl. However, when it comes to crushed it out in the
smoking and drinking boys, the world ashtray. She rubbed
will be just okay to accept them as the her eyes as if smoke
symbol of success and independent. had got into them.”
Oppositely, smoking girls are Data 58 (Page 95)
symbolizes as easy, spoilt, and slutty. It
puts such a gap symbol of gender
equation with cigarettes and beers.
Meanwhile, smoking and drinking are
not the parameter of badness or
goodness through female or male. In
fact, smoking and drinking effects
everybody’s health nor female or male.
 Smoking

"What's the “What're you
difference? One tastes drinking?" I asked.
as bad as another." "Tom Collins."
She turned the red Drinking now is not only men’s
Marlboro packet over habit, but also female does. In some
and over in her hand. traditional cultures, drinking beer is
"I started smoking almost sin. Drinking, no matter who
last month. It's not as
does it, is a wrong thing. Mostly, when
if I was dying for
tobacco or anything. I
it comes to drinking girl, they will be
just sort of felt like tag as unladylike. However, Midori
it." "Why's that?" I drinks a lot. Midori drinks beers in
asked.” high-level alcohol composition to get
Moreover, it is called a wrong high. Midori knows it is bad, for girl,
habit because smoking will give a risk people will throw rocks at her for the
for female’s body, mostly when they drinking stuff. Indeed, she finds a great
will pregnant and have babies. That is way to feel better by drinking too
why people will roll their eyes when much. Midori realizes that drinking
they see a girl smoking. However, beers will not solve her problems, yet it
Midori started smoking a month ago. It is the only one to forget her problems
is not about she gets addicted with even just for a minute.
nicotine or tobacco, but it is one way to Meanwhile, smoking and
escape from her terrible days. drinking are bad for not only female or
As long as Midori knows, male. It is bad for all genders as it
smoking Marlboro is the only way that function is to destroy bodies. Indeed,
could cheer her up. It is the only one let us be wise not to put it as the
thing left to do for her to feel okay standard of something good or bad. In
again. Smoking, now is people’s habit. this time in the world, some equality
Meanwhile, smoking girls is one of the has nothing to do with gender or sex.
gender trouble examples when female Female, cannot be stereotypic to
crosses their stereotypes list that people always be good or always do good
tag on her and does what male does. things. Indeed, smoking and drinking
 Drinking girls sometimes is not the bad ones.
Data 59 (Page 224) Somehow, gender is fluid and
"I come here once in performativity is growing.
a while," she said. CONCLUSION AND
"They don't make you SUGGESTION
feel embarrass to be
Based on the statements of the problem
drinking in the
and the finding and analysis, there are
"Do you drink in the several conclusions from this study.
afternoon a lot?" Firstly, gender stereotypes found in
"Sometimes," she Norwegian Wood Novel through
said, rattling the ice in Midori life. Gender stereotypes is the
her glass.” way generalize someone based on
Data 60 (Page 291-292) gender and sex. Meanwhile, Midori is a
little girl who is forced to follow those
female traditional gender stereotype

lists. As a female, Midori is treated to performativity are two
always look beautiful and elegant different theories, yet it has
following the feminine look such as coloration through
having long hair and wearing all pink someone’s character.
outfits. Moreover, gender stereotypes 2. The reader must read the
happen to Midori’s life all the way novel at least three times
making her feel bad to express herself before analyzing it. Divide
as the traditional gender stereotype is the characterization that
female must always behave good and includes to gender
sweet. Moreover, this kind of stereotypes and
stereotype tends to be negative as what performativity phenomena.
happened in Midori’s experiences 3. Norwegian Wood novel by
where the male students at her college Haruki Murakami is a
creating such as gender gap and sex perfectly wonderful novel
discrimination. and there are many literary
Secondly, performativity criticism that could be apply
evidences found through Midori in the study, not only about
characters. While the stereotypes of gender stereotypes and
female are weak, kind, passive, performativity theory.
submissive, dependent, emotional, not
aggressive, and cries a lot, the
performativity is the opposite traits.
Meanwhile, Midori performs the
performativity actions where she is
tough, cruel, active, dominant,
independent, less sensitive, aggressive,
wild, rarely cries, and even performing
the masculine look and behavior such
as smoking and drinking. On this
novel, Midori’s character is so different
from the general female stereotypes
and that is what performativity means.
On this opportunity, based on
the explanation of the study the writer
would give suggestion to the next
students who want to analyze gender
stereotypes and performativity theory
or use the same object of the study.
1. For the readers, it would be
better to learn about gender
stereotypes and
performativity deeply
before apply it on the
literature objects. Gender
stereotypes and


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