Questions 1
Questions 1
Questions 1
Explain, in your own words, the terms ‘audit scope’ and ‘audit criteria’ and give an example of each.
State four clauses of ISO 9001:2015 that relate to top management responsibilities or activities.
Explain, in your own words, the difference between ‘design verification’ and ‘design validation’.
In your own words and using examples as appropriate, briefly explain the difference between
‘monitoring’, ‘measuring’ and ‘measuring equipment’.
You are the audit team leader conducting the opening meeting of an external audit. The Managing
Director is very insistent that your audit team start the audit by watching a video of the company
history, followed by a short tour of the site to give you an understanding of the company. Outline
five issues you should consider before deciding whether or not to go ahead with their suggestion.
Briefly describe how an auditor would use it during the audit. Include at least four uses in your
List three subjects to include in a closing meeting and briefly describe the purpose of each.
1. Findings of an audit
2. Opportunities for improvement
3. Positive feedback
4. Thank all the auditee
5. Audit findings and reporting methodologies
6. Confirmation of the scope statement of the audit
7. Audit findings closure time line and closure action plan acceptance
8. Recommendation
You are conducting an external audit with ISO 9001:2015 as audit criteria. The next item is a meeting
with top management to audit the quality policy, quality objectives and management commitment.
Outline in a checklist how you will perform this audit by developing a series of ten audit checkpoints
that together cover these three areas. For each checkpoint, identify examples of the audit evidence
you would want to gather and give the appropriate ISO 9001:2015 reference.
1. Has the organization established the quality policy as per the context and strategy of the
organization? (Objective evidence – Quality Policy), Clause No: 5.2.1
ISO 9001:2015 suggests that: “The extent of documented information for a QMS can differ from one
organisation to another”.
c) ISO 9001:2015 includes specific requirements for the control of ‘documented information of
external origin’.
4. Contract/PO
You are conducting an ISO 9001:2015 audit of the Human Resource department. You ask the Human
Resource Manager how the organisation ensures that personnel performing work are suitably
competent. He replies that all personnel are qualified and trained. You then sample the records of
five people working in the customer service department. On each person’s record is a list of the
academic qualifications they hold, as well as a list of the in-house training courses they have
attended. You note that all five people have attended the same courses: an induction course, a
behavioural safety course, a managing people course and a basic IT course.
Whether the organization has determined the competence needed and assessed the competence of
the individual within the department and their roles and roles responsibilities.
b) Briefly describe four audit trails you would follow to determine conformity or nonconformity
to the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. For each, identify the applicable clause(s) of ISO
9001:2015 and any audit evidence you would gather.
Does organization determine the necessary competence of person(s) doing work under its
control that affects the performance and effectiveness of the quality management system?
Clause No. 7.2 a;
Has organization ensured that these persons are competent on the basis of appropriate
education, training, or experience;? (Clause No. 7.2b)
Whether organization has considered - where applicable, take actions to acquire the necessary
competence, and evaluate the effectiveness the actions taken;? (Clause 7.2 C)
Has organization retained appropriate documented information as evidence of competence?
(Clause No 7.2d).
Has the organization established the roles, responsibility and authority for all the positions
within the organization? (Clause 5.3)