DLL Sexual and Asexual

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PLAN TEACHER Roseben M. Montrey Science
February 23, 2021 QUARTER 2nd Quarter
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of reproduction being both asexual or
B. Performance Standard The learners should be able to employ appropriate techniques using the
compound microscope to gather data about very small objects
C. Learning Competencies/ Differentiate asexual from sexual reproduction in terms of:
Objectives 1. Number of individuals involved;
2. Similarities of offspring to parents
II. CONTENT Differentiating Asexual from Sexual Reproduction

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Materials Pages SLMs Science 7, pages 26-27
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Resources PowerPoint Presentation, Images, PDF Files

A. Reviewing previous How do you describe cell? Cell is the basic unit of life.
lesson or presenting
the new lesson How do you compare and contrast Animal and plant both contains mitochondria,
animal cell from plant cell in terms golgi bodies, nucleus, Endoplastic Reticulum,
of organelles? plasma/cell mebrane and lysosomes on the
other hand, centriole can only be found in animal
cell while cell wall which contains chloroplast
can only be found in plant cell.
B. Establishing a The teacher will let the students
purpose for the play 4PICS1WORD.A series of
lesson pictures will be presented.

C. Presenting examples/ The teacher will let the students

intances of the new match the terms whether under
lesson Sexual or Asexual Reproduction.

D. Discussing new The teacher will dicuss the

concepts and practicing following:
new skills #1
Microorganisms reproduce rapidly
due to its simple structure and They reproduce offsprings through mating of 2
size. But how do they reproduce? individual organism.

Reproduction is the process where

the offspring (new organism) was
created from a parent or parents.
The two types of reproduction are
asexual reproduction and sexual
reproduction. Asexual
Reproduction only involves one
parent, there are no gametes (sex
cells) produced and the offspring
are genetically identical to the
parent. There are types of asexual
namely: Binary Fission, Spore
Formation, Budding, and

Binary Fission-where a single

parent divide into two, the
daughter cell is totally identical to
the parent.
Spore formation- where
organisms reproduce by forming

Can you give example of which The bread mold which is fungi and fern in plant.
organism exhibits spore

Budding- a new organism is

formed from a bud which is an
outgrowth from the parent.
Fragmentation- physically splitting
the organism into segments and
these segments develop into new
organisms. Examples of
fragmentation are worms,
echinoderms, sponges, and

Let’s move on to sexual

reproduction. There are 2 gametes, from the male and female
How many gametes needed in organism.
sexual reproduction?

Among animals, the male

produces sperm cell and the
female an egg cell. Sperm cell and
egg cell are collectively called
gametes. When these gametes
unite the process is called
fertilization. A zygote (fertilized
egg) is the result of fertilization.
The zygote then develops and
becomes an embryo. It will
continue to develop until it reaches
maturity to be born

There are two types of fertlization

associated to sexual reproduction,
the internal and external
fertilization. Internal occurs when
fertilization takes place inside the
body of the female.
E. Discussing new
concepts and
practicing new skills
F. Developing mastery The teacher will instruct the
(leads to Formative students to do a concept map.

G. Finding practical Why is it important to know how It is important because it helps us realize that
applications of organisms reproduce? organisms does not exist only in just a blink, it
concepts and skills in underwent several steps which explains the
daily living. possible characteristics and origin of the new

H. Making How do you differentiate asexual Asexual reproduction involve 1 parent and have
generalizations and from sexual reproduction? an identical daugther cell while sexual
abstractions about reproduction involves 2 parents and the results
the lesson have genetic variation.

How are sexual reproduction

occurs? When two gametes get united, the egg cell will
be fertilized by sperm cell, forming a zygote later
on,an embryo will be developed.
Differentiate the different types of
asexual reporduction.
I. Evaluating learning The students will answer the
following questions: Answer Key:
1.It occurs when fertilization takes 1.Internal Fertilization
place inside the body of the 2. Budding
female. 3. Viviparity
2. A new organism is formed from 4. Pollen
a bud which is an outgrowth from 5. Spore Formation.
the parent.
3. It is when the embryo develops
inside the female body and
receives nourishment through a
4. It is the male gamete of a plant.
5.It is a type asexual reproduction
where organisms reproduce by
forming spores.
J. Additional activities List down at least 10 organisms
for application or that perform;
remediation A. Sexual Reproduction
B. Asexual Reproduction

A. No. of learners who earned

80% in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which mu
principal/supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other



Science Teacher

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