ERFB Parts 1-4 RAO Generators2

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RFB # tender_14660

The following definitions are applicable to this RFB.

Unless otherwise specified in this RFB, capitalized words and phrases have the meaning
set out in the Form of Agreement (Part 2) to this RFB.

“Accessible” means that which can be easily reached or obtained; a facility that can be
easily entered; information that can be easily accessed; posing no obstacles to persons with

“Accessibility” means a general term which is used to describe the degree of ease that
something (e.g., device, service, and environment) can be used and enjoyed by persons
with a disability. The term implies conscious planning, design and/or effort to ensure it is
barrier-free to persons with a disability, and by extension, usable and practical for the
general population as well.

“Bid” means all documentation submitted by a Bidder in response to the RFB or in

respect of the RFB.

“Bidder” means the legal entity that submits a Bid in response to this RFB.

“Commercial Envelope” means Section 3 of the RFB, as set out on the Ontario Tenders
Portal eTendering System.

“Commercial Response” means all quoted pricing for the Deliverables as found in the
Bidder’s response to the Commercial Envelope and any related attachments.

“Deliverable(s)” means all goods and/or services and work to be provided or performed by
the Bidder, pursuant to the Agreement entered into, if any, pursuant to this RFB and includes
everything that is necessary to be supplied, done or delivered by the Bidder.

“OTP” and “Ontario Tenders Portal eTenderingSystem” means the Ontario Tenders
Portal electronic tendering system currently hosted by Jaegger.

"Preferred Bidder" means the Bidder (or Bidders in the case of a multiple vendor
opportunity) who has the lowest priced compliant Bid at the conclusion of the evaluation
process set out in the Qualification Envelope.”

“Qualification Envelope” means Section 1 of the RFB as set out on the Ontario Tenders
Portal eTendering System.

“Qualification Response” means the Bidder’s response to the Qualification Envelope, any
related attachments and includes the Form of Offer.

“RFB Closing Date and Time” means the Bid submission date and time as set out in the
RFB and as may be amended from time to time in accordance with the terms of the RFB.

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“RFB Contact” means the person listed in Section 1.1 – Procurement Details.

“Vendor” means the entity that is selected to provide goods or services to the Ministry.

[End of Definitions]

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RFB #tender_14660

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Her Majesty the Queen in right of Ontario
as represented by the Minister Transportation
[**insert Legal Name of Vendor**]

for Supply, delivery, unloading 30 & 50 kW Prime Diesel Powered

Gensets – MTO Thunder Bay

Effective Date: [**insert start date for the Term**]

Agreement No.: Tender_14660

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Agreement Index

Article 1 - Interpretation and General

Article 5 – Confidentiality and FIPPA
1.01 Defined Terms
5.01 Confidentiality and Promotion
1.02 No Indemnities from Ministry
1.03 Entire Agreement
5.02 OPS Confidential Information
1.04 Severability
5.03 Restrictions on Copying
1.05 Interpretive Value of Contract Documents
5.04 Injunctive and Other Relief
1.06 Interpretive Value of Headings
5.05 Notice and Protective Order
1.07 Force Majeure
5.06 FIPPA Records and Compliance
1.08 Notices by Prescribed Means
5.07 Survival
1.09 Governing Law
1.10 Currency
Article 6 - Intellectual Property
6.01 Ministry Intellectual Property
Article 2 – Nature of Relationship Between
6.02 Newly Created Intellectual Property
Ministry and Vendor
6.03 Vendor Intellectual Property
2.01 Vendor’s Power to Contract
6.04 Presumption Governing Intellectual
2.02 Representatives May Bind Parties
Property Ownership
2.03 Vendor Not a Partner, Agent or Employee
6.05 Vendor’s Grant of Licence
2.04 Responsibility of Vendor
6.06 No Restrictive Material in Deliverables
2.05 No Subcontracting or Assignment
6.07 Vendor Representation and Warranty
2.06 Duty to Disclose Change of Control
Regarding Third-Party Intellectual
2.07 Conflict of Interest
2.08 Contract Binding
6.08 No Use of Ontario Government Insignia
6.09 Ministry May Prescribe Further
Article 3 – Performance by Vendor Compliance
3.01 Commencement of Performance 6.10 Survival
3.02 Performance Warranty
3.03 Use and Access Restrictions
Article 7 - Indemnity and Insurance
3.04 Notification by Vendor to Ministry
7.01 Vendor Indemnity
3.05 Condonation Not a Waiver
7.02 Vendor’s Insurance
3.06 Changes By Written Amendment Only
7.03 Proof of Insurance
3.07 Vendor to Comply with Reasonable
7.04 Proof of W.S.I.A. Coverage
Change Requests
7.05 Vendor Participation in Proceedings
3.08 Pricing for Requested Changes
3.09 Non-Exclusive Contract, Work Volumes
3.10 Performance by Specified Individuals Only Article 8 - Termination, Expiry and Extension
3.11 Security Clearance 8.01 Immediate Termination of Contract
3.12 Accessibility Requirements 8.02 Dispute Resolution by Rectification
3.13 Ministry Rights and Remedies & Vendor Notice
Obligations Not Limited to Contract 8.03 Termination on Notice
8.04 Termination for Non-Appropriation
8.05 Vendor’s Obligations on Termination
Article 4 - Payment for Performance and Audit
8.06 Vendor’s Payment Upon Termination
4.01 Payment According to Contract Rates
8.07 Termination in Addition to Other Rights
4.02 Default Billing and Payment Process
8.08 Expiry and Extension of Contract
4.03 Hold Back or Set Off
4.04 No Expenses or Additional Charges
Article 9 - Occupational Health and Safety
4.05 Payment and Collection of Taxes and
9.01 Compliance with the Occupational
4.06 Withholding Tax
Health and Safety Act
4.07 Interest on Late Payment
4.08 Document Retention and Audit
Article 10 - Publication of Data and Consent

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10.01 Publication of Data and Consent

Schedule 1 (Mandatory Business and Technical Requirements, Description of

Deliverables, Rates and Supplementary Provisions)

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This Agreement (the “Agreement”), made in triplicate, for Supply, delivery, unloading 30 &
50 kW Prime Diesel Powered Gensets – MTO Thunder Bay is effective as of [**insert start
date for the Term**] ("Effective Date"),

Her Majesty the Queen in right of Ontario
as represented by the Minister of Transportation

(referred to as the “Ministry”)

[**insert Legal Name of Vendor**]

(referred to as the “Vendor”)

In consideration of their respective agreements set out below, the parties covenant and
agree as follows:

Article 1 – Interpretation and General Provisions

1.01 Defined Terms

When used in the Agreement, the following words or expressions have the following

“Authorities” and “Authority” means any government authority, agency, body or

department, whether federal, provincial or municipal, having or claiming jurisdiction
over the Contract;

“Bid” means all the documentation submitted by the Vendor in response to the RFB;

“Bidder” means the legal entity that submits a Bid in response to the RFB;

"Business Day" means any working day, Monday to Friday inclusive, but excluding
statutory and other holidays, namely: New Year's Day; Family Day; Good Friday;
Easter Monday; Victoria Day; Canada Day; Civic Holiday; Labour Day;
Thanksgiving Day; Remembrance Day; Christmas Day; Boxing Day and any other
day which the Ministry has elected to be closed for business;

“Client” means any entity falling within the Ontario Public Service;

“Conflict of Interest” includes, but is not limited to, any situation or circumstance

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(a) in relation to the RFB process, the Bidder has an unfair advantage or engages in conduct,
directly or indirectly, that may give it an unfair advantage, including, but not limited to (i)
having or having access to information in the preparation of its Bid that is confidential to
the Crown and not available to other Bidders; (ii) communicating with any person with a
view to influencing preferred treatment in the RFB process including the giving of a benefit
of any kind, by or on behalf of the Bidder to anyone employed by, or otherwise connected
with, the Ministry; or (iii) engaging in conduct that compromises or could be seen to
compromise the integrity of the open and competitive RFB process and render that
process non-competitive and unfair; or

(b) in relation to the performance of its contractual obligations in a Crown contract, the
Vendor’s other commitments, relationships or financial interests (i) could or could be seen
to exercise an improper influence over the objective, unbiased and impartial exercise of
its independent judgement; or (ii) could or could be seen to compromise, impair or be
incompatible with the effective performance of its contractual obligations;

“Contract” means the aggregate of: (a) the Agreement, including Schedule 1
(Mandatory Business and Technical Requirements, Description of Deliverables,
Rates and Supplementary Provisions), and any other schedule attached at the time
of execution; (b) the RFB, including any addenda and attachments; (c) the Bid; and
(d) any amendments executed in accordance with the terms of the Agreement;

“Deliverables" and "Deliverable” means everything developed for or provided to the

Ministry in the course of performing under the Contract or agreed to be provided to
the Ministry under the Contract by the Vendor or the Vendor’s Personnel, as further
defined, but not limited by Schedule 1, including, but not limited to, any goods or
services or any and all Intellectual Property and any and all concepts, techniques,
ideas, information, documentation and other materials, however recorded, developed
or provided;

"Direct Deposit" means the electronic transfer of funds by the Client to the financial
institution identified by the Vendor, in accordance with the Direct Deposit Protocols;

"Direct Deposit Protocols" means the protocols set out at [Doing Business with
Ontario], which may be amended from time to time as required by Ontario;

“Employer” means a person who employs one or more workers or contracts for the
services of one or more workers and includes a contractor or subcontractor who
performs work or supplies services and a contractor or subcontractor who
undertakes with an owner, contractor or subcontractor to performance work or
supply services.

“Expiry Date” means 60 days from the date of Award or, if the original term is
extended, the final date of the extended term;

“FIPPA” means the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O.
1990, c. F.31, as amended;

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“Fiscal Year” means the period running from April 1 in one calendar year to, and
including, March 31 in the next calendar year;

“Indemnified Parties” means each of the following and their directors, officers,
advisors, agents, appointees and employees: Ontario and the members of the
Executive Council of Ontario;

“Industry Standards” include, but are not limited to (a) the provision of any and all
labour, supplies, equipment and other goods or services that are necessary and can
reasonably be understood or inferred to be included within the scope of the Contract
or customarily furnished by Persons providing Deliverables of the type provided
hereunder in similar situations in Ontario and; (b) adherence to commonly accepted
norms of ethical business practices, which shall include the Vendor establishing, and
ensuring adherence to, precautions to prevent its employees or agents from providing
or offering gifts or hospitality of greater than nominal value to any person acting on
behalf of or employed by Her Majesty the Queen in right of Ontario;

“Intellectual Property” means any intellectual, industrial or other proprietary right of

any type in any form protected or protectable under the laws of Canada, any foreign
country, or any political subdivision of any country, including, without limitation, any
intellectual, industrial or proprietary rights protected or protectable by legislation, by
common law or at equity;

“Losses” means liabilities, costs, damages and expenses (including legal, expert and
consulting fees);

“Ministry Address” and “Ministry Representative” mean:

[**insert name of Ministry**]

[**insert Ministry branch**]
[**insert Ministry address**]

Ministry Representative: fill in

Telephone: fill in
Facsimile: fill in
E-mail: fill in

[**Insert Back-up Ministry Representative information, if available.**]

Back-up Ministry Representative:
Telephone: fill in
Facsimile: fill in
E-mail: fill in

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“Newly Created Intellectual Property” means any Intellectual Property created by the
Vendor in the course of performance of its obligations under the Contract;

“Ontario” means Her Majesty the Queen in right of Ontario;

“Ontario Public Service” and “OPS” means the ministries and other administrative
units of Ontario over which the ministers of Ontario preside and includes agencies,
boards and commissions.

“OPS Confidential Information” means all information of the Ontario Public Service
that is of a confidential nature, including all confidential information in the custody or
control of the OPS, regardless of whether it is identified as confidential or not, and
whether recorded or not, and however fixed, stored, expressed or embodied, which
comes into the knowledge, possession or control of the Vendor in connection with the
Agreement. For greater certainty, OPS Confidential Information shall:

(a) include: (i) all new information derived at any time from any such information
whether created by the OPS, the Vendor or any third-party; (ii) all information
(including Personal Information) that the OPS is obliged, or has the discretion, not
to disclose under provincial or federal legislation or otherwise at law; but

(b) not include information that: (i) is or becomes generally available to the public
without fault or breach on the part of the Vendor of any duty of confidentiality owed
by the Vendor to the OPS or to any third-party; (ii) the Vendor can demonstrate to
have been rightfully obtained by the Vendor, without any obligation of confidence,
from a third-party who had the right to transfer or disclose it to the Vendor free of
any obligation of confidence; (iii) the Vendor can demonstrate to have been
rightfully known to or in the possession of the Vendor at the time of disclosure,
free of any obligation of confidence when disclosed; or (iv) is independently
developed by the Vendor; but the exclusions in this subparagraph shall in no way
limit the meaning of Personal Information or the obligations attaching thereto
under the Contract or at law;

“Person” if the context allows, includes any individuals, firms, partnerships or

corporations or any combination thereof;

“Personal Information” means recorded information about an identifiable individual or

that may identify an individual;

“Proceeding” means any action, claim, demand, lawsuit, or other proceeding;

“Procurement Card” means the corporate charge card(s) used by the Ministry, as may
be changed from time to time;

“Procurement Card Protocols” means the manner in which the Vendor is required to
process any payments under the Contract that the Ministry elects to make by way of
Procurement Card, which shall include the requirement to: (a) collect the authorized
employee's name, the abbreviated Ministry name, the expiry date, and the
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employee's authorization; (b) contact the financial institution identified on the
Procurement Card each time the Procurement Card is used for payment; (c) receive
payment from the financial institution named on the Procurement Card once that
institution authorizes payment; and (d) bear the cost of any and all charges relating
to the use of the Procurement Card, including the financial institution's charges for
payment through the Procurement Card;

“Rates” and “Rate” means the applicable price, in Canadian funds, to be charged for
the applicable Deliverables, as set out in Schedule 1, representing the full amount
chargeable by the Vendor for the provision of the Deliverables, including, but not
limited to: (a) all applicable duties and taxes, excluding Ontario Harmonized Sales
Tax (HST); (b) all labour and material costs; (c) all travel and carriage costs; (d) all
permit, licence and approval costs (e) all insurance costs; and (f) all other overhead
including any fees or other charges required by law;

“Record”, for the purposes of the Contract, means any recorded information in the
custody or control of the Ministry, including any Personal Information, in any form: (a)
provided by the Ministry to the Vendor, or provided by the Vendor to the Ministry, for
the purposes of the Contract; or (b) created by the Vendor in the performance of the
Contract; and shall exclude any information specifically described in Schedule 1;

“Requirements of Law” mean all applicable requirements, laws, statutes, codes, acts,
ordinances, approvals, orders, decrees, injunctions, by-laws, rules, regulations,
official plans, permits, licences, authorisations, directions, and agreements with all
Authorities that now or at any time hereafter may be applicable to either the Contract
or the Deliverables or any part of them;

“RFB” means the Request for Bids, which includes the Qualification, Technical, and
Commercial Envelopes as set out on the Ontario Tenders Portal eTendering System,
as well as any addenda and attachments to it; dated [**insert date**] for Supply,
delivery, unloading 30 & 50 kW Prime Diesel Powered Gensets – MTO Thunder Bay,
reference number Tender_14660 issued by the Ministry for the Deliverables;

“Subcontractors” means in the case of each party, any contractor of that party or any
of its subcontractors at any tier of subcontracting;

“Vendor Address” and “Vendor Representative” mean:

[**insert name of Vendor**]

[**insert address of Vendor**]

Vendor Representative: fill in

Telephone: fill in
Facsimile: fill in
E-mail: fill in

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[**Insert Back-up Vendor Representative information, if available.**]
Back-up Vendor Representative: fill in
Telephone: fill in
Facsimile: fill in
E-mail: fill in

“Vendor’s Intellectual Property” means Intellectual Property owned by the Vendor

prior to its performance under the Contract or created by the Vendor during the Term
of the Contract, independently of the performance of its obligations under the

"Vendor's Personnel" includes the directors, officers, employees, agents, partners,

affiliates volunteers or Subcontractors of the Vendor;

“Term” means the period of time from the Effective Date up to and including the earlier
of: (i) the Expiry Date or (ii) the date of termination of the Contract in accordance with
its terms;

“Third-Party Intellectual Property” means any Intellectual Property owned by a party

other than Her Majesty the Queen in right of Ontario or the Vendor.

1.02 No Indemnities from Ministry

Notwithstanding anything else in the Contract, any express or implied reference in
any document (including subcontracts) related to the Deliverables under the Contract,
to the Ministry providing an indemnity or any other form of indebtedness or contingent
liability that would directly or indirectly increase the indebtedness or contingent
liabilities of Ontario, whether at the time of execution of the Agreement or at any time
during the Term, shall be void and of no legal effect.

1.03 Entire Agreement

The Contract embodies the entire agreement between the parties with regard to the
provision of Deliverables and supersedes any prior understanding or agreement,
collateral, oral or otherwise with respect to the provision of the Deliverables, existing
between the parties at the date of execution of the Agreement.

1.04 Severability
If any term or condition of the Contract, or the application thereof to the parties or to
any Persons or circumstances, is to any extent invalid or unenforceable, the
remainder of the Contract, and the application of such term or condition to the parties,
Persons or circumstances other than those to which it is held invalid or unenforceable,
shall not be affected thereby.

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1.05 Interpretive Value of Contract Documents
In the event of a conflict or inconsistency in any provisions in the Contract: (a) the
main body of the Agreement shall govern over the Schedules to the Agreement; (b)
the Agreement (including its Schedules) shall govern over the RFB and the Bid; and
(c) the RFB shall govern over the Bid.

1.06 Interpretive Value of Headings

The headings in the Contract are for convenience of reference only and in no manner
modify, interpret or construe the Contract.

1.07 Force Majeure

Neither party shall be liable for damages caused by delay or failure to perform its
obligations under the Contract where such delay or failure is caused by an event
beyond its reasonable control. The parties agree that an event shall not be
considered beyond one’s reasonable control if a reasonable business person
applying due diligence in the same or similar circumstances under the same or similar
obligations as those contained in the Contract would have put in place contingency
plans to either materially mitigate or negate the effects of such event. Without limiting
the generality of the foregoing, the parties agree that force majeure events shall
include natural disasters and acts of war, insurrection and terrorism but shall not
include shortages or delays relating to supplies or services. If a party seeks to excuse
itself from its obligations under the Contract due to a force majeure event, that party
shall immediately notify the other party of the delay or non-performance, the reason
for such delay or non-performance and the anticipated period of delay or non-
performance. If the anticipated or actual delay or non-performance exceeds fifteen
(15) Business Days, the other party may immediately terminate the Contract by giving
notice of termination and such termination shall be in addition to the other rights and
remedies of the terminating party under the Contract, at law or in equity.

1.08 Notices by Prescribed Means

Notices shall be in writing and shall be delivered by postage-prepaid envelope,
personal delivery, email or facsimile and shall be addressed to, respectively, the
Ministry Address to the attention of the Ministry Representative and to the Vendor
Address to the attention of the Vendor Representative. Notices shall be deemed to
have been given: (a) in the case of postage-prepaid envelope, five (5) Business Days
after such notice is mailed; or (b) in the case of personal delivery, email or facsimile,
one (1) Business Day after such notice is received by the other party. In the event of
a postal disruption, notices must be given by personal delivery, email or by facsimile.
Unless the parties expressly agree in writing to additional methods of notice, notices
may only be provided by the methods contemplated in this section.

1.09 Governing Law

The Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the
Province of Ontario and the federal laws of Canada applicable therein.

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1.10 Currency
All references to currency in the Agreement shall be to Canadian dollars.


2.01 Vendor’s Power to Contract
The Vendor represents and warrants that it has the full right and power to enter into
the Contract and there is no agreement with any other Person, which would in any
way interfere with the rights of the Ministry under the Contract.

2.02 Representatives May Bind the Parties

The parties represent that their respective representatives have the authority to
legally bind them to the extent permissible by the Requirements of Law.

2.03 Vendor Not a Partner, Agent or Employee

The Vendor shall have no power or authority to bind the Ministry or to assume or
create any obligation or responsibility, express or implied, on behalf of the Ministry.
The Vendor shall not hold itself out as an agent, partner or employee of the Ministry.
Nothing in the Contract shall have the effect of creating an employment, partnership
or agency relationship between the Ministry and the Vendor (or any of the Vendor's
Personnel) or constitute an appointment under the Public Service of Ontario Act,
2006, S.O. 2006, c. 35, Schedule A, as amended.

2.04 Responsibility of Vendor

The Vendor agrees that it is liable for its acts and those of the Vendor's Personnel.
This section is in addition to any and all of the Vendor’s liabilities under the Contract
and under the general application of law. The Vendor shall advise these individuals
and entities of their obligations under the Contract and shall ensure their compliance
with the applicable terms of the Contract. This section shall survive the termination
or expiry of the Contract.

2.05 No Subcontracting or Assignment

The Vendor shall not subcontract or assign the whole or any part of the Contract or
any monies due under it without the prior written consent of the Ministry. Such
consent shall be in the sole discretion of the Ministry and subject to the terms and
conditions that may be imposed by the Ministry. Without limiting the generality of the
conditions which the Ministry may require prior to consenting to the Vendor’s use of
a Subcontractor, every contract entered into by the Vendor with a Subcontractor shall
adopt all of the terms and conditions of the Contract as far as applicable to those
parts of the Deliverables provided by the Subcontractor. Nothing contained in the
Contract shall create a contractual relationship between the Vendor's Personnel and
the Ministry.

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2.06 Duty to Disclose Change of Control
In the event that the Vendor undergoes a change in control the Vendor shall
immediately disclose such change in control to the Ministry and shall comply with any
terms and conditions subsequently prescribed by the Ministry resulting from the

2.07 Conflict of Interest

The Vendor shall: (a) avoid any Conflict of Interest in the performance of its
contractual obligations; (b) disclose to the Ministry without delay any actual or
potential Conflict of Interest that arises during the performance of its contractual
obligations; and (c) comply with any requirements prescribed by the Ministry to
resolve any Conflict of Interest. In addition to all other contractual rights or rights
available at law or in equity, the Ministry may immediately terminate the Contract
upon giving notice to the Vendor where: (a) the Vendor fails to disclose an actual or
potential Conflict of Interest; (b) the Vendor fails to comply with any requirements
prescribed by the Ministry to resolve a Conflict of Interest; or (c) the Vendor’s Conflict
of Interest cannot be resolved. This section shall survive any termination or expiry of
the Contract.

2.08 Contract Binding

The Contract shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties and their
successors, executors, administrators and their permitted assigns.


3.01 Commencement of Performance
The Vendor shall commence performance upon receipt of written instructions from
the Ministry.

3.02 Performance Warranty

The Vendor hereby represents and warrants that the Deliverables shall be provided
fully and diligently in a professional and competent manner by Persons qualified and
skilled in their occupations and furthermore that all Deliverables will be provided in
accordance with: (a) the Contract; (b) Industry Standards; and (c) Requirements of
Law. If any of the Deliverables, in the opinion of the Ministry, are inadequately
provided or require corrections, the Vendor shall forthwith make the necessary
corrections at its own expense, as specified by the Ministry in a rectification notice
issued pursuant to Section 8.02.

3.03 Use and Access Restrictions

The Vendor acknowledges that unless it obtains specific written preauthorization from
the Ministry, any access to or use of OPS property, technology or information, that is
not necessary for the performance of its contractual obligations with the Ministry, is

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strictly prohibited. The Vendor further acknowledges that the Ministry may monitor
the Vendor to ensure compliance with this section. This section is in addition to and
shall not limit any other obligation or restriction placed upon the Vendor.

3.04 Notification by Vendor to Ministry

During the Term, the Vendor shall advise the Ministry promptly of: (a) any
contradictions, discrepancies or errors found or noted in the Contract; (b)
supplementary details, instructions or directions that do not correspond with those
contained in the Contract; and (c) any omissions or other faults that become evident
and should be corrected in order to provide the Deliverables in accordance with the
Contract and Requirements of Law.

3.05 Condonation Not a Waiver

Any failure by the Ministry to insist in one or more instances upon strict performance
by the Vendor of any of the terms or conditions of the Contract, shall not be construed
as a waiver by the Ministry of its right to require strict performance of any such terms
or conditions, and the obligations of the Vendor with respect to such performance,
shall continue in full force and effect.

3.06 Changes By Written Amendment Only

Any changes to the Contract shall be by written amendment signed by the parties.
No changes shall be effective or shall be carried out in the absence of such an

3.07 Vendor to Comply With Reasonable Change Requests

The Ministry may, in writing, request changes to the Contract, which may include
altering, adding to, or deleting any of the Deliverables. The Vendor shall comply with
all reasonable Ministry change requests and the performance of such request shall
be in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract. If the Vendor is
unable to comply with the change request, it shall promptly notify the Ministry and
provide reasons for such non-compliance. In any event, any such change request
shall not be effective until a written amendment reflecting the change has been
executed by the parties.

3.08 Pricing for Requested Changes

Where a Ministry change request includes an increase in the scope of the previously
contemplated Deliverables, the Ministry shall set out, in its change request, the
proposed prices for the contemplated changes. Where the Rates in effect at the time
of the change request:

(a) include pricing for the particular type of goods or services contemplated in
the change request, the Vendor shall not unreasonably refuse to provide
those goods or services at prices consistent with those Rates; or

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(b) are silent to the applicable price for the particular goods or services
contemplated in the change request, the price shall be negotiated between
the Ministry and the Vendor within a reasonable period of time;

and in any event, such change request shall not become effective until a written
amendment reflecting the change has been executed by the parties.

3.09 Non-Exclusive Contract, Work Volumes

The Vendor acknowledges that it is providing the Deliverables to the Ministry on a
non-exclusive basis. The Ministry makes no representation regarding the volume of
goods and services required under the Contract. The Ministry reserves the right to
contract with other parties for the same or similar goods and services as those
provided by the Vendor and reserves the right to obtain the same or similar goods
and services internally.

3.10 Performance by Specified Individuals Only

The Vendor agrees that, to the extent that specific individuals are named in the
Contract as being responsible for the provision of the Deliverables, only those
individuals shall provide the Deliverables under the Contract. The Vendor shall not
replace or substitute any of the individuals named in the Contract without the prior
written approval of the Ministry, which may not arbitrarily or unreasonably be withheld.
Should the Vendor require the substitution or replacement of any of the individuals
named in the Contract, it is understood and agreed that any proposed replacement
must possess similar or greater qualifications than the individual named in the
Contract. The Vendor shall not claim fees for any replacement individual greater than
the Rates established under the Contract.

3.11 Security Clearance

The Vendor shall, upon request from the Ministry, require those Persons providing
services under the Agreement to submit to security checks and the Vendor may be
required to obtain and pay for security clearance. Where such security checks are
required the Ministry will provide information on how the Vendor can obtain them.

The Vendor shall provide to the Ministry, upon request, the names, addresses, dates
of birth and consents of its Persons for whom security checks are required. The
Vendor shall designate a chief security officer as the contact for this purpose. Any
Person who is unable to obtain security clearance, or who refuses to consent to such
security checks, shall not be permitted to perform services under the Agreement.

Security clearance may be suspended or revoked if any Person fails to maintain

security clearance or security standards required pursuant to the Agreement. The
Vendor shall notify the Ministry of any personnel changes, behaviours, or
circumstances for which security clearance may require reconsideration.

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Security clearance is not awarded in perpetuity. The Ministry may perform, or re-
perform, security checks against any Person providing services under the Agreement
at any time, and will notify the Vendor of this requirement.

The Vendor shall be considered in default of the Agreement if it fails to comply with
the requirements of this section or if any security clearance results received by the
Ministry are found, in the sole discretion of the Ministry, to be incompatible with the
proper and impartial provision of the Deliverables in accordance with the terms and
conditions of the Agreement.

3.12 Accessibility Requirements

The Vendor's delivery of the Deliverables shall comply with all applicable
requirements, specifications and standards for accessibility established in
accordance with the Ontario Human Rights Code (HRC) R.S.O. 1990, CHAPTER
H.19, the Ontarians with Disabilities Act, S.O. 2001, CHAPTER 32, and the
Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, S.O. 2005, c. 11 (Integrated
Accessibility Standards), any regulations made thereto and any direction from the
Ministry. The Vendor must meet the Government of Ontario’s requirements on the
Government of Ontario’s schedule under the Integrated Accessibility Standards
Regulation as directed by the Ministry.

3.13 Ministry Rights and Remedies and Vendor Obligations Not Limited to
The express rights and remedies of the Ministry and obligations of the Vendor set out
in the Contract are in addition to and shall not limit any other rights and remedies
available to the Ministry or any other obligations of the Vendor at law or in equity.


4.01 Payment According to Contract Rates
The Ministry shall, subject to the Vendor’s compliance with the provisions of the
Contract, pay the Vendor for the Deliverables provided at the Rates established under
the Contract.

4.02 Default Billing and Payment Process

Unless the parties expressly set out an alternative billing and payment process in
Schedule 1, the following process shall govern:

(a) the Vendor shall provide the Ministry or Client with a monthly billing
statement no later than ten (10) Business Days after the end of each
month and that billing statement shall include: (i) the reference number
assigned to the Contract by the Ministry; (ii) a brief description of the
Deliverables provided for the relevant month; and (iii) taxes, if payable
by the Ministry, identified as separate items.

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(b) the Ministry or Client shall approve or reject the billing statement
within fifteen (15) Business Days of receipt of the statement and in the
event that the Ministry or Client rejects the billing statement, it shall so
advise the Vendor promptly in writing and the Vendor shall provide
additional information as required by the Ministry or the Client to
substantiate the billing statement;

(c) each billing statement is subject to the approval of the Ministry or

Client before any payment is released and payment shall be made
within thirty (30) Business Days of such approval;

(d) it is acknowledged and agreed that either the Client or Ministry may
require that the Vendor include additional information in the billing
statement, upon notice to the Vendor; and

(e) the Ministry or Client may, in its discretion, make payments under the
Contract by way of the following methods:

i. Direct Deposit and the Vendor shall accept and process any such
payments in accordance with the Direct Deposit Protocols; or,

ii. Procurement Card and the Vendor shall accept and process any
such payments in accordance with Procurement Card Protocols.

and any paragraph set out above, that is not expressly replaced in Schedule 1 with
an alternative provision, shall remain in full force and effect.

4.03 Hold Back or Set Off

The Ministry or Client may hold back payment or set off against payment if, in the
opinion of the Ministry or Client acting reasonably, the Vendor has failed to comply
with any requirements of the Contract.

4.04 No Expenses or Additional Charges

There shall be no other charges payable by the Ministry or Client under the Contract
to the Vendor other than the Rates established under the Contract.

4.05 Payment and Collection of Taxes and Duties

The Vendor shall pay or charge and remit, as required, all applicable taxes, including
excise taxes incurred by or on the Vendor's behalf with respect to the Contract.

4.06 Withholding Tax

The Ministry or Client shall withhold any applicable withholding tax from amounts due
and owing to the Vendor under the Agreement and shall remit it to the appropriate
government in accordance with applicable tax laws. This section shall survive any
termination or expiry of the Contract.

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4.07 Interest on Late Payment
If a payment is in arrears through no fault of the Vendor, the interest charged by the
Vendor, if any, for any late payment is subject to required approvals under the
Financial Administration Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. F-12 and shall not exceed the pre-
judgment interest rate established under Section 127(2) of the Courts of Justice Act,
R.S.O. 1990, c. C43, in effect on the date that the payment went into arrears.

4.08 Document Retention and Audit

For seven (7) years after the Expiry Date or any date of termination of the Contract,
the Vendor shall maintain all necessary records to substantiate (a) all charges and
payments under the Contract and (b) that the Deliverables were provided in
accordance with the Contract and with Requirements of Law. During the Term, and
for seven (7) years after the Term, the Vendor shall permit and assist the Ministry in
conducting audits of the operations of the Vendor to verify (a) and (b) above. The
Ministry shall provide the Vendor with at least ten (10) Business Days prior notice of
its requirement for such audit. The Vendor’s obligations under this section shall
survive any termination or expiry of the Contract.


5.01 Confidentiality and Promotion Restrictions
Any publicity or publications related to the Contract shall be at the sole discretion of
the Ministry. The Ministry may, in its sole discretion, acknowledge the Deliverables
provided by the Vendor in any such publicity or publication. The Vendor shall not
make use of its association with the Ministry without the prior written consent of the
Ministry. Without limiting the generality of this section, the Vendor shall not, among
other things, at any time directly or indirectly communicate with the media in relation
to the Contract, unless it has first obtained the express written authorization to do so
by the Ministry.

5.02 OPS Confidential Information

During and following the Term, the Vendor shall: (a) keep all OPS Confidential
Information confidential and secure; (b) limit the disclosure of OPS Confidential
Information to only those of the Vendor’s Personnel who have a need to know it for
the purpose of providing the Deliverables and who have been specifically authorized
to have such disclosure; (c) not directly or indirectly disclose, destroy, exploit or use
any OPS Confidential Information (except for the purpose of providing the
Deliverables, or except if required by order of a court or tribunal), without first
obtaining: (i) the written consent of the Ministry and (ii) in respect of any OPS
Confidential Information about any third-party, the written consent of such third-party;
(d) provide OPS Confidential Information to the Ministry on demand; and (e) return
all OPS Confidential Information to the Ministry before the end of the Term, with no
copy or portion kept by the Vendor.

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5.03 Restrictions on Copying
The Vendor shall not copy any OPS Confidential Information, in whole or in part,
unless copying is essential for the provision of the Deliverables. On each copy made
by the Vendor, the Vendor must reproduce all notices which appear on the original.

5.04 Injunctive and Other Relief

The Vendor acknowledges that breach of any provisions of this Article may cause
irreparable harm to the Ministry or to any third-party to whom the Ministry owes a duty
of confidence, and that the injury to the Ministry or to any third-party may be difficult
to calculate and inadequately compensable in damages. The Vendor agrees that the
Ministry is entitled to obtain injunctive relief (without proving any damage sustained
by it or by any third-party) or any other remedy against any actual or potential breach
of the provisions of this Article.

5.05 Notice and Protective Order

If the Vendor or any of the Vendor’s Personnel become legally compelled to disclose
any OPS Confidential Information, the Vendor will provide the Ministry with prompt
notice to that effect in order to allow the Ministry to seek one or more protective orders
or other appropriate remedies to prevent or limit such disclosure, and it shall co-
operate with the Ministry and its legal counsel to the fullest extent. If such protective
orders or other remedies are not obtained, the Vendor will disclose only that portion
of OPS Confidential Information which the Vendor is legally compelled to disclose,
only to such Person or Persons to which the Vendor is legally compelled to disclose,
and the Vendor shall provide notice to each such recipient (in co-operation with legal
counsel for the Ministry) that such OPS Confidential Information is confidential and
subject to non-disclosure on terms and conditions equal to those contained in the
Agreement and, if possible, shall obtain each recipient's written agreement to receive
and use such OPS Confidential Information subject to those terms and conditions.

5.06 FIPPA Records and Compliance

The Vendor and the Ministry acknowledge and agree that FIPPA applies to and
governs all Records and may require the disclosure of such Records to third parties.
Furthermore, the Vendor agrees:

(a) to keep Records secure;

(b) to provide Records to the Ministry within seven (7) calendar days of being
directed to do so by the Ministry for any reason including an access
request or privacy issue;

(c) not to access any Personal Information unless the Ministry determines, in
its sole discretion, that access is permitted under FIPPA and is necessary
in order to provide the Deliverables;

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(d) not to directly or indirectly use, collect, disclose or destroy any Personal
Information for any purposes that are not authorized by the Ministry;

(e) to ensure the security and integrity of Personal Information and keep it in a
physically secure and separate location safe from loss, alteration,
destruction or intermingling with other records and databases and to
implement, use and maintain the most appropriate products, tools,
measures and procedures to do so;

(f) to restrict access to Personal Information to those of the Vendor’s

Personnel who have a need to know it for the purpose of providing the
Deliverables and who have been specifically authorized by the Ministry
Representative to have such access for the purpose of providing the

(g) to implement other specific security measures that, in the reasonable

opinion of the Ministry, would improve the adequacy and effectiveness of
the Vendor's measures to ensure the security and integrity of Personal
Information and Records generally; and

(h) that any confidential information supplied to the Ministry may be disclosed
by the Ministry where it is obligated to do so under FIPPA, by an order of a
court or tribunal or pursuant to a legal proceeding;

and the provisions of this section shall prevail over any inconsistent provisions in the

5.07 Survival
The provisions of this Article shall survive any termination or expiry of the Contract.


6.01 Ministry Intellectual Property

The Vendor agrees that all Ministry Intellectual Property and every other right, title
and interest in and to all concepts, techniques, ideas, information and materials,
however recorded, (including images and data) provided by the Ministry to the
Vendor, shall remain the sole property of Her Majesty the Queen in right of Ontario
at all times.

6.02 Newly Created Intellectual Property

The Ministry shall be the sole owner of any Newly Created Intellectual Property. The
Vendor irrevocably assigns to and in favour of the Ministry and the Ministry accepts
every right, title and interest in and to all Newly Created Intellectual Property in the
Deliverables, immediately following the creation thereof, for all time and irrevocably
waives in favour of the Ministry all rights of integrity and other moral rights to all Newly
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Created Intellectual Property in the Deliverables, immediately following the creation
thereof, for all time.

6.03 Vendor Intellectual Property

Subject to Section 6.04, the Ministry agrees that all Intellectual Property and every other
right, title and interest in and to all concepts, techniques, ideas, information and materials,
however recorded, (including images and data) provided by the Vendor to the Ministry that
is not: (i) Ministry Intellectual Property; (ii) Newly Created Intellectual Property or, (iii) Third
Party Intellectual Property shall remain the sole property of the Vendor at all times.

6.04 Presumption Governing Intellectual Property Ownership

If the Vendor’s Intellectual Property or Third Party Intellectual Property forms any part
of the Deliverables, the Vendor shall notify the Ministry of such prior to the delivery of
the particular Deliverable containing any such Vendor Intellectual Property or Third
Party Intellectual Property. In the absence of any such notice, the presumption
governing the Contract shall be that the Ministry is the sole owner of any Intellectual
Property in any form contained in any of the Deliverables.

6.05 Vendor’s Grant of Licence

To the extent that the Deliverables contain, in whole in part, Vendor Intellectual
Property or Third Party Intellectual Property, the Vendor grants to the Ministry,
including each Client, a perpetual, world-wide, non-exclusive, irrevocable,
transferable, royalty free, fully paid up right and licence: (a) to use, modify, reproduce
and distribute, in any form, those Deliverables; and (b) to authorize other Persons,
including agents, contractors or sub-contractors, to do any of the former on behalf of
the Ministry or a Client, the total consideration for which shall be payment of the Rates
to the Vendor by the Ministry.

6.06 No Restrictive Material in Deliverables

The Vendor shall not incorporate into any Deliverables anything that would restrict
the right of the Ministry or of any Client to modify, further develop or otherwise use
the Deliverables in any way that the Ministry or the Client deems necessary, or that
would prevent the Ministry or any Client from entering into any contract with any
contractor other than the Vendor for the modification, further development of or other
use of the Deliverables.

6.07 Vendor Representation and Warranty Regarding Third-Party Intellectual

The Vendor represents and warrants that the provision of the Deliverables shall not
infringe or induce the infringement of any Third-Party Intellectual Property rights. The
Vendor further represents and warrants that it has obtained assurances with respect
to any Vendor Intellectual Property and Third-Party Intellectual Property that any
rights of integrity or any other moral rights associated therewith have been waived.

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6.08 No Use of Ontario Government Insignia
The Vendor shall not use any insignia or logo of Her Majesty the Queen in right of
Ontario except where required to provide the Deliverables, and only if it has received
the prior written permission of the Ministry to do so.

6.09 Ministry May Prescribe Further Compliance

The Ministry reserves the right to prescribe the specific manner in which the Vendor
shall perform its obligations relating to this Article.

6.10 Survival
The obligations contained in this Article shall survive the termination or expiry of the


7.01 Vendor Indemnity
The Vendor shall indemnify and hold harmless the Indemnified Parties from and
against all Losses and Proceedings, by whomever made, sustained, incurred,
brought or prosecuted, arising out of, or in connection with, anything done or omitted
to be done by the Vendor or the Vendor’s Personnel, in the course of the performance
of the Vendor’s obligations under the Contract or otherwise in connection with the
Contract. The obligations contained in this section shall survive the termination or
expiry of the Agreement.

7.02 Vendor’s Insurance

The Vendor hereby agrees to put in effect and maintain insurance for the Term, at its
own cost and expense, with insurers having a secure A.M. Best rating of B + or
greater, or the equivalent, all the necessary and appropriate insurance that a prudent
person in the business of the Vendor would maintain including, but not limited to, the

(a) commercial general liability insurance on an occurrence basis for third

party bodily injury, personal injury and property damage, to an inclusive
limit of not less than $2,000,000. per occurrence and products and
completed operations with the endorsements identified. The policy is to
include the following:

i. the Indemnified Parties as additional insureds with respect to liability

arising in the course of performance of the Vendor’s obligations under, or
otherwise in connection with, the Contract;
ii. contractual liability coverage;
iii. cross-liability clause;
iv. employers liability coverage (or compliance with the section below entitled
“Proof of W.S.I.A. Coverage” is required);
v. 30 day written notice of cancellation, termination or material change;

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vi. tenants legal liability coverage (if applicable and with applicable sub-
limits); and,
vii. non-owned automobile coverage with blanket contractual coverage for
hired automobiles; and,

7.03 Proof of Insurance

The Vendor shall provide the Ministry with certificates of insurance, or other proof as
may be requested by the Ministry, that confirms the insurance coverage as provided
for in Section 7.02, and renewal replacements on or before the expiry of any such
insurance. Upon the request of the Ministry, a copy of each insurance policy shall be
made available to it. The Vendor shall ensure that each of its Subcontractors obtains
all the necessary and appropriate insurance that a prudent person in the business of
the Subcontractor would maintain and that the Indemnified Parties are named as
additional insureds with respect to any liability arising in the course of performance of
the Subcontractor's obligations under the subcontract for the provision of the

7.04 Proof of W.S.I.A. Coverage

If the Vendor is subject to the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997, S.O. 1997,
c. 16, Schedule A (“WSIA”), it shall submit a valid clearance certificate of WSIA
coverage to the Ministry prior to the execution of the Agreement by the Ministry. In
addition, the Vendor shall, from time to time at the request of the Ministry, provide
additional WSIA clearance certificates. The Vendor covenants and agrees to pay
when due, and to ensure that each of its Subcontractors pays when due, all amounts
required to be paid by it/its Subcontractors, from time to time during the Term, under
the WSIA, failing which the Ministry shall have the right, in addition to and not in
substitution for any other right it may have pursuant to the Contract or otherwise at
law or in equity, to pay to the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board any amount due
pursuant to the WSIA and unpaid by the Vendor or its Subcontractors and to deduct
such amount from any amount due and owing from time to time to the Vendor
pursuant to the Contract together with all costs incurred by the Ministry in connection

7.05 Vendor Participation in Proceedings

The Vendor shall, at its expense, to the extent requested by the Ministry, participate
in or conduct the defence of any Proceeding against any Indemnified Parties referred
to in this Article and any negotiations for their settlement. The Ministry may elect to
participate in or conduct the defence of any such Proceeding by notifying the Vendor
in writing of such election without prejudice to any other rights or remedies of the
Ministry under the Contract, Agreement, at law or in equity. Each party participating
in the defence shall do so by actively participating with the other’s counsel. The
Vendor shall not enter into any settlement unless it has obtained the prior written
approval of the Ministry. If the Vendor is requested by the Ministry to participate in or
conduct the defence of any such Proceeding, the Ministry agrees to co-operate with
and assist the Vendor to the fullest extent possible in the Proceedings and any related
settlement negotiations. If the Ministry conducts the defence of any such
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Proceedings, the Vendor agrees to co-operate with and assist the Ministry to the
fullest extent possible in the Proceedings and any related settlement negotiations.
This section shall survive any termination or expiry of the Contract.


8.01 Immediate Termination of Contract
The Ministry may immediately terminate the Contract upon giving notice to the Vendor

(a) the Vendor is adjudged bankrupt, makes a general assignment for the
benefit of its creditors or a receiver is appointed on account of the
Vendor’s insolvency;

(b) the Vendor breaches any provision in Article 5 (Confidentiality and FIPPA)
of the Agreement;

(c) the Vendor breaches the Conflict of Interest paragraph in Article 2 (Nature
of Relationship Between Ministry and Vendor) of the Agreement;

(d) the Vendor, prior to or after executing the Agreement, makes a material
misrepresentation or omission or provides materially inaccurate
information to the Ministry;

(e) the Vendor undergoes a change in control which adversely affects the
Vendor’s ability to satisfy some or all of its obligations under the Contract;

(f) the Vendor subcontracts for the provision of part or all of the Deliverables
or assigns the Contract without first obtaining the written approval of the
Ministry; or

(g) the Vendor’s acts or omissions constitute a substantial failure of


and the above rights of termination are in addition to all other rights of termination
available at law, or events of termination by operation of law.

8.02 Dispute Resolution by Rectification Notice

Subject to the above section, where the Vendor fails to comply with any of its
obligations under the Contract, the Ministry may issue a rectification notice to the
Vendor setting out the manner and time-frame for rectification. Within seven (7)
Business Days of receipt of that notice, the Vendor shall either: (a) comply with that
rectification notice; or (b) provide a rectification plan satisfactory to the Ministry. If the
Vendor fails to either comply with that rectification notice or provide a satisfactory
rectification plan, the Ministry may immediately terminate the Contract. Where the
Vendor has been given a prior rectification notice, the same subsequent type of non-
compliance by the Vendor shall allow the Ministry to immediately terminate the
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8.03 Termination on Notice
The Ministry reserves the right to terminate the Contract, without cause, upon thirty
(30) calendar days prior notice to the Vendor.

8.04 Termination for Non-Appropriation

If the Contract extends into a Fiscal Year subsequent to its execution, continuation of
the Contract is conditional upon an appropriation of moneys by the Legislature of
Ontario (the "Legislature") sufficient to satisfy payments due under the Contract. In
the event that such moneys are not available as a result of: (i) non-appropriation by
the Legislature for the Fiscal Year in which payment becomes due; and (ii) the
payment being neither charged nor chargeable to an appropriation of the Legislature
for a previous Fiscal Year, the Ministry may terminate the Contract upon giving notice
to the Vendor. Termination shall become effective on the date of the beginning of the
first Fiscal Year for which funds have not been appropriated.

8.05 Vendor’s Obligations on Termination

On termination of the Contract, the Vendor shall, in addition to its other obligations
under the Contract and at law:

(a) at the request of the Ministry, provide the Ministry with any completed or
partially completed Deliverables;

(b) provide the Ministry with a report detailing: (i) the current state of the
provision of Deliverables by the Vendor at the date of termination; and (ii)
any other information requested by the Ministry pertaining to the provision
of the Deliverables and performance of the Contract;

(c) execute such documentation as may be required by the Ministry to give

effect to the termination of the Contract; and

(d) comply with any other instructions provided by the Ministry, including, but
not limited to, instructions for facilitating the transfer of its obligations to
another Person.

This section shall survive any termination of the Contract.

8.06 Vendor’s Payment Upon Termination

On termination of the Contract, the Ministry shall only be responsible for the payment
of the Deliverables provided under the Contract up to and including the effective date
of any termination. Termination shall not relieve the Vendor of its warranties and
other responsibilities relating to the Deliverables performed or money paid. In
addition to its other rights of hold back or set off, the Ministry may hold back payment
or set off against any payments owed if the Vendor fails to comply with its obligations
on termination.

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8.07 Termination in Addition to Other Rights
The express rights of termination in the Agreement are in addition to and shall in no
way limit any rights or remedies of the Ministry under the Contract, at law or in equity.

8.08 Expiry and Extension of Contract

The Contract shall expire on the original Expiry Date.


9.01 Compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act

The Vendor must ensure that any subcontractor hired by the Vendor works in
accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act R.S.O. 1990, CHAPTER
O.1 (OHSA) and its regulations and any applicable Ontario Public Service (OPS)
and site-specific health and safety requirements. The Vendor acknowledges that it
is the Employer of the subcontractor. The Vendor shall include in any of its
agreements with its subcontractors, the ability to terminate the subcontractor for
non-compliance with OHSA or its regulations, with the rules and policies of the
Vendor or for failing to protect the safety of its workers.

The Ministry may stop the work where the Vendor fails to comply with OHSA or its
regulations and an immediate danger to worker health and safety is observed.
Failure or refusal by the Vendor to correct the observed violation, or willful or
repeated non-compliance may, subject to Article 8 – Termination, Expiry and
Extension, result in termination of the Contract.


10.01 Publication of Data
It is Ontario’s intention, in accordance with the Open Data Directive and as part of its
commitment to open data, to publish and allow the public to use:

(i) procurement contract data, including the name of the Vendor and total contract
value; and,

(ii) data created or collected as an output of a contract,

except where Ontario chooses not to publish the data in accordance with the Open
Data Directive, such as for privacy, confidentiality, security, legal or commercially-
sensitive reasons.

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In Witness Whereof the parties hereto have executed the Agreement effective as of the date
first above written.

Her Majesty the Queen in right of Ontario

as represented by the Minister of Transportation

Signature: ______________________________

Name: _________________________________
Title: __________________________________

Date of Signature: _______________________

Pursuant to delegated authority

[**insert legal name of Vendor**]

Signature: ______________________________

Name: _________________________________
Title: __________________________________

Date of Signature: _______________________

I have authority to bind the Vendor.

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[To be completed after selection of the Preferred Bidder with the information set out in Part
3 – The Deliverables.]

A. Mandatory Business and Technical Requirements

A.1 Objectives

A.2 Background and History

A.3 Deliverables

A.3.1 Quality Standards

A.3.2 Performance Measures

A.3.3 Service Levels

A.3.4 Operating Expectations

A.3.5 Required Schedule with Milestones

A.3.6 Reporting Requirements

A.3.7 Occupational Health and Safety Requirements

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A.3.8 xxx xxx

[Insert other relevant Information pertaining to the Deliverables of the procurement.]

B. Rates and Reimbursements

B.1 Maximum Fee

Notwithstanding anything else in the Contract, the total amount payable by the Ministry to
the Vendor under the Contract shall not exceed a maximum amount of up to [**insert
maximum contract amount and applicable taxes**] $xxx.xx, plus $xxx.xx in applicable taxes

The total amount payable by the Ministry to the Vendor includes all disbursements (including
travel, meal and accommodation expenses) and applicable taxes.

B.2 Rates

The Rates for the Deliverables are set out below and shall remain fixed during the Term of
the Contract (including the [Insert extension option term or terms.] extension option):

B.3 Personnel

The following individuals are responsible for the provision of the Deliverables.

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1 THE DELIVERABLES .................................................................................................. 33

1.1 Objectives ................................................................................................................ 33

1.2 Background and History ........................................................................................... 33

1.2.1 Background ................................................................................................... 33

1.3 Deliverables ............................................................................................................. 33

1.3.1 Quality Standards .......................................................................................... 34

1.3.4 Operating Expectations ................................................................................. 34

1.3.5 Required Schedule with Milestones ............................................................... 34

1.3.6 Reporting Requirements ................................................................................ 34

APPENDIX A - GENERATOR SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................... 35

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This section of the RFB describes what is being procured.

The contents of this section will be in the final Contract if you are successful and you will
be expected to deliver and/or perform all requirements set out in this section for the price
you propose in the Commercial Envelope.

1.1 Objectives

Supply and deliver two (2) 30 Kw & one (1) 50kw Generator units to MTO’s Thunder Bay
yard, meeting the requirements of this contract.

Delivery Deadline 90 Calendar Days from Contract Award Notice

1.2 Background and History

1.2.1 Background

The Ministry requires generators for use at the Remote Northern Airports.

1.3 Deliverables

Supply, delivery, unloading of two (2) 30 Kw 1PF 120/240 volt 1 phase 60Hz output Prime
unit Diesel Generator and one (1) 50 Kw 1PF 120/240 volt 1 phase 60Hz output Prime unit
Diesel Generator.

MTO will arrange delivery of the Units from Thunder Bay MTO Mountdale yard to the
Airport sites.

Only the major details of a unit are listed. It is the supplier's responsibility to deliver a fully
equipped unit with compatible components to provide dependable efficient operating
service in severe Arctic conditions with ambient temperatures reaching -50 Degrees

Where minimums are given the unit must meet or exceed the capacity, size or
performance specified.

All shall be new, current year units. Non-current year or demo units will not be accepted.

Warranty as specified in the Specification Sheet.

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All manufacture warranties shall be transferred to the owner.

Tendered units must comply with the specifications listed in Mandatory Eligibility
Requirements (Section 1.3) within the Qualification Envelope.

Delivery Location

The delivery point of the Generating Plants is the Thunder Bay MTO Regional Complex,
Mountdale Yard at:

623 South James Street

Thunder Bay, Ontario
P7E 6P6

1.3.1 Quality Standards

Bids will not be considered if:

•The product on which a price is submitted does not meet ALL the requirements of
the specification sheet (Appendix A), or

•The bidder does not confirm compliance with all items outlined in the Mandatory
Eligibility Requirements (Section 1.3).

1.3.2 Operating Expectations

Delivery Deadline 90 Calendar Days from Contract Award Notice

1.3.3 Required Schedule with Milestones

Delivery Deadline 90 Calendar Days from Contract Award Notice

1.3.4 Reporting Requirements

Manuals, operating instructions, maintenance schedule, warranty documentation, and any

other applicable documentation shall be provided to the Ministry at or before the delivery

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APPENDIX A - Generator Specifications

50 Kw 1PF 120/240 volt 1 phase 60Hz output Prime unit Diesel Generator


• 50kW, 25kVA, 1 PF, 240 volt, 1 phase, 12 wire, 60HZ.

• 125 full load amps.
• 1800 RPM, revolving field type with amortisseur windings and direct connected brushless
• 105°C temperature rise per NEMA MG1-22.40 & MG1-22.84.
• Commercial RFI shielding, single bearing style, direct connected to the engine flywheel
through a semi-flexible coupling.
• PMG – No PMG included.
• +/- 1% Voltage regulation
• 100% Rated load application, single step.
• 5% Maximum Harmonic Content


• 4 Cycle, In-Line configured 4 cylinder.

• 50°C Unit radiator-cooling system with fan guard.
• Equipped for operation on diesel and complete with all necessary accessories to include
12 volt DC starting with charging alternator and regulator.
• JDEC, Electronic Isochronous Governor
• +/- 1% Speed Regulation
• Standard Duty Air Cleaners.
• EPA Tier 3


• Controller NFPA 110 Compliant and CSA Certified.

• Provides genset control. Complete with auto start.
• Provides genset metering, protection and programmable logic.
• Includes 4 Relay package
• Remote Emergency Stop – panel mounted.


• 150A, 100% Rated

• Unit mounted.


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• 1 Each – G31 batteries


• 10 Amp, 12 volt DC, 120 volt AC lead acid battery charger.

• Genset Mounted and Wired.


• 1500 watts, -20°F, 120 volt, 1 Phase

• Thermostatically controlled.
• Mounted and Wired


• Critical Grade – shipped loose

• Stainless steel flexible connector-shipped loose


• None included.

• None included. OPU configuration supplied.


• Genset to be wired 120/240V 1-phase.

• Unit mounted breaker to be installed for 240V operation.
• New battery to be supplied.
• Oil, oil filter and fuel filter change prior to shipping.
• Includes a PDI and 1 hour load test at 100% load prior to delivery.


• Generator Set – 1 year/2000 hour warranty upon first occurrence parts & labour at site.

30 Kw 1PF 120/240 volt 1 phase 60Hz output Prime unit Diesel Generator


• 30kW, 25kVA, 1 PF, 240 volt, 1 phase, 12 wire, 60HZ.

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• 104 full load amps.
• 1800 RPM, revolving field type with amortisseur windings and direct connected brushless
• 105°C temperature rise per NEMA MG1-22.40 & MG1-22.84.
• Commercial RFI shielding, single bearing style, direct connected to the engine flywheel
through a semi-flexible coupling.
• PMG – No PMG included.
• +/- 1% Voltage regulation
• 100% Rated load application, single step.
• 5% Maximum Harmonic Content


• 4 Cycle, In-Line configured 4 cylinder.

• 50°C Unit radiator-cooling system with fan guard.
• Equipped for operation on diesel and complete with all necessary accessories to include
12 volt DC starting with charging alternator and regulator.
• JDEC, Electronic Isochronous Governor
• +/- 1% Speed Regulation
• Standard Duty Air Cleaners.
• EPA Tier 3


• Controller NFPA 110 Compliant and CSA Certified.

• Provides genset control.
• Provides genset metering, protection and programmable logic.
• Includes 4 Relay package
• Remote Emergency Stop – panel mounted.


• 125A, 80% Rated

• Unit mounted.


• 1 Each – G31 batteries


• 10 Amp, 12 volt DC, 120 volt AC lead acid battery charger.

• Genset Mounted and Wired.


• 1500 watts, -20°F, 120 volt, 1 Phase

RFB #tender_14660 (eRFB – Part 1-4) Page 37 of 50

• Thermostatically controlled.
• Mounted and Wired


• Critical Grade – shipped loose


• None included.

• None included. OPU configuration supplied.


• Genset to be wired 240V 1-phase.

• Unit mounted breaker to be installed for 240V operation.
• New battery to be supplied.
• Oil, oil filter and fuel filter change prior to shipping.
• Includes a PDI and 1 hour load test at 100% load prior to delivery.


• Generator Set – 1 year/2000 hour warranty upon first occurrence parts & labour at site.

[End of The Deliverables]

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1 TERMS AND CONDITIONS ....................................................................................... 41

1.1 Bidder Representations and Warranties .............................................................. 41

1.2 General Instructions and Requirements ............................................................... 41

1.2.1 Bidders to Follow Instructions ................................................................... 41

1.2.2 Conditional Bids May be Disqualified ........................................................ 41

1.2.3 Bids in English ............................................................................................. 42

1.2.4 Ministry’s Information in RFB Only an Estimate ....................................... 42

1.2.5 Bidders Shall Bear Their Own Costs ......................................................... 42

1.2.6 No Guarantee of Volume of Work or Exclusivity of Contract .................. 42

1.2.7 RFB Terms ................................................................................................... 42

1.2.8 Accessibility Obligations ............................................................................ 42

1.2.9 Trade Agreements ....................................................................................... 43

1.3 Communication after Issuance of RFB ................................................................. 43

1.3.1 All New Information to Bidders by way of Addenda ................................. 43

1.3.2 Post-Deadline Addenda and Extension of RFB Closing Date and Time . 44

1.3.3 Ministry May Verify Information or Seek Clarification and Incorporate

Response into Bid .................................................................................................... 44

1.4 Bid Process Requirements ................................................................................... 44

1.4.1 Bids must be submitted on time and in the Ontario Tenders Portal
eTendering System................................................................................................... 44

1.4.2 Bid Irrevocable after RFB Closing Date ..................................................... 45

1.4.3 Bidders to Review RFB ............................................................................... 45

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1.4.4 No Incorporation by Reference by Bidder ................................................. 45

1.4.5 Amending or Withdrawing Bids Prior to RFB Closing Date and Time .... 45

1.4.6 Bid to be Retained by the Ministry ............................................................. 45

1.5 Execution of Agreement, Notification and Debriefing ........................................... 46

1.5.1 Selection of Bidder ...................................................................................... 46

1.5.2 Failure to Enter Into Agreement ................................................................. 46

1.5.3 Notification to Other Bidders of Outcome of Procurement Process....... 46

1.5.4 Debriefing ..................................................................................................... 46

1.5.5 Bid Dispute................................................................................................... 46

1.5.6 Prohibited Bidder Communications........................................................... 46

1.5.7 Bidder Not to Make a Public Statement or Communicate With Media .... 47

1.5.8 Confidential Information of Ministry .......................................................... 47

1.5.9 Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act............................ 48

1.6 Reserved Rights and Governing Law ................................................................... 48

1.6.1 Reserved Rights of the Ministry ................................................................. 48

1.6.2 Governing Law of RFB Process ................................................................. 49

1.7 Supplementary Terms and Conditions ................................................................. 50

1.7.1 Occupational Health and Safety Requirements ........................................ 50

1.7.2 Publication of Data and Consent ............................................................... 50

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General Terms and Conditions

1.1 Bidder Representations and Warranties

By submitting a Bid for consideration, the Bidder in each case, agrees, confirms or
warrants as follows:

(i) to be bound to their Bid;

(ii) that to its best knowledge and belief no actual or potential Conflict of Interest exists with
respect to the submission of the Bid or performance of the contemplated contract other
than those disclosed in the Form of Offer indicated in the Qualification Envelope.
Where the Ministry discovers a Bidder’s failure to disclose all actual or potential
Conflicts of Interest, the Ministry may disqualify the Bidder or terminate any contract
awarded to that Bidder pursuant to this procurement process;

(iii) that it has accepted the provisions of this RFB and has prepared its Bid with reference
to all of the provisions of the RFB including the attached Form of Agreement and has
factored all of those provisions, including the insurance requirements, into its pricing
assumptions and calculations and into the proposed costs indicated in the Commercial
Envelope; and

(iv) that its Bid was arrived at separately and independently, without conspiracy, collusion
or fraud. See the Competition Bureau of Canada for further information.

1.2 General Instructions and Requirements

1.2.1 Bidders to Follow Instructions

Bidders should structure their Bids in accordance with the instructions in this RFB. Where
information is requested in this RFB, any response made in a Bid should reference the
applicable section numbers of this RFB where that request was made.

1.2.2 Conditional Bids May be Disqualified

A Bidder who submits conditions, options, variations or contingent statements to the terms
set out in the RFB, including the Form of Offer and Form of Agreement, either as part of its
Bid or after receiving notice of selection, may be disqualified. The Ministry acknowledges
the need to add transaction-specific particulars to the Form of Agreement, but the Ministry
will not otherwise make material changes to the Form of Agreement.

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1.2.3 Bids in English

All Bids are to be in English only. Any Bids received by the Ministry that are not entirely in
the English language may be disqualified.

1.2.4 Ministry’s Information in RFB Only an Estimate

The Ministry and its advisors make no representation, warranty or guarantee, as to the
accuracy of the information contained in this RFB, issued by way of addenda or contained
in a modification to the RFB. Any quantities shown or data contained in this RFB or
provided by way of a modification or addenda are estimates only and are for the sole
purpose of indicating to Bidders the general size of the work.

It is the Bidder's responsibility to avail itself of all information necessary to prepare a Bid in
response to this RFB.

1.2.5 Bidders Shall Bear Their Own Costs

The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with or incurred in the preparation and
presentation of its Bid including, but not limited to, if applicable, costs incurred for
interviews or demonstrations.

1.2.6 No Guarantee of Volume of Work or Exclusivity of Contract

The Ministry makes no guarantee of the value or volume of work to be assigned to the
successful Bidder. The Agreement executed with the successful Bidder will not be an
exclusive contract for the provision of the described Deliverables. The Ministry may
contract with others for the same or similar Deliverables to those described in this RFB or
may obtain the same or similar Deliverables internally.

1.2.7 RFB Terms

All rights and obligations that apply to this procurement process are found only in the RFB.
For greater clarity, no other documents are to be read into this RFB or used to interpret or
understand its terms or establish any rights or obligations related to this procurement.

1.2.8 Accessibility Obligations

The Province of Ontario is committed to the highest possible standard for accessibility.
Vendor(s) are responsible for complying with the requirements under the Ontario Human
Rights Code, the Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2001 and Accessibility for Ontarians with
Disabilities Act, 2005 (“AODA”) and its regulations. In circumstances where Vendors are
providing a service to the public on behalf of the Ministry, they may need to follow Ministry
direction to ensure Ministry compliance with the AODA and its regulations (such as the
Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation). The vendor is responsible for applying
Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation and effective dates and timelines as they
pertain to the Government of Ontario, as directed by the Ministry.

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1.2.9 Trade Agreements

Bidders should note that procurements falling within the scope of:

(a) Chapter 5 - Government Procurement of the of the Canadian Free Trade Agreement

(b) Chapter 9 – Public Procurement of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement between
Ontario and Quebec ("OQTCA");

(c) The World Trade Organization’s (WTO) Revised Agreement on Government

Procurement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United
States of America ("GPA"); or

(d) Chapter 19 – Government Procurement of the Canada-European Union

Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (“CETA”)

are subject, respectively, to that chapter or those agreements. For further reference,
please see: (for the CFTA) the Internal Trade Secretariat website; (for Ontario/Quebec) the
Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, and Job Creation and Trade website; (for the
GPA) the WTO website; and (for CETA) the Global Affairs Canada website.

1.3 Communication after Issuance of RFB

1.3.1 All New Information to Bidders by way of Addenda

This RFB may only be amended by the Ministry by an addendum through the Ontario
Tenders Portal eTendering System in accordance with this section. If the Ministry, for any
reason, determines that it is necessary to provide additional information relating to this
RFB, such information will be communicated to all Bidders through Addenda to the RFB by
way of the Ontario Tenders Portal eTendering System. Each Addendum shall form an
integral part of this RFB.

Each Addendum may contain important information including significant changes to this
RFB. The onus remains on the Bidder to make any necessary amendments and to re-
submit its Bid based on the Addenda. The Ministry may also be issuing Addenda included
in the RFB as an attachment, which will contain responses to Bidders’ questions. Bidders
are responsible for obtaining all Addenda issued by the Ministry.

If the Ministry makes any changes to the RFB after a Bidder has submitted its Bid, the Bid
will be invalidated on the Ontario Tenders Portal eTendering System and the Bidder will
need to re-submit its Bid. The Bidder will be required to update any new or modified
sections of the RFB by way of the Ontario Tenders Portal eTendering System and re-
submit its Bid.

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1.3.2 Post-Deadline Addenda and Extension of RFB Closing Date and Time

The Ministry may, at its discretion, issue Addenda after the Deadline for Issuing Addenda
and may also then extend the RFB Closing Date and Time for a reasonable amount of

1.3.3 Ministry May Verify Information or Seek Clarification and Incorporate

Response into Bid

The Ministry reserves the right, but is not obliged, to verify or seek clarification and
supplementary information relating to the verification or clarification from Bidders after the
RFB Closing Date and Time including those related to an ambiguity in a Bid or in any
statement made subsequently during the evaluation process. The response received by
the Ministry from a Bidder shall, if accepted by the Ministry, form an integral part of that
Bidder's Bid. However, Bidders are cautioned that any verifications or clarifications sought
will not be an opportunity either to correct errors or change their Bids in any substantive

Verifications or clarifications under this subsection may be made by whatever means the
Ministry deems appropriate and may include contacting,

(a) any person identified in the Bid; and

(b) persons or entities other than those identified by any Bidder.

In submitting a Bid, a Bidder is deemed to consent to the Ministry's verification or

clarification rights.

In the event that the Ministry receives information at any stage of the evaluation process,
which results in earlier information provided by the Bidder being deemed by the Ministry to
be inaccurate, incomplete or misleading, the Ministry reserves the right to revisit the
Bidder’s compliance with the mandatory requirements and/or adjust the scoring of rated

1.4 Bid Process Requirements

1.4.1 Bids must be submitted on time and in the Ontario Tenders Portal eTendering

Bids must be submitted by the RFB Closing Date and Time through the Ontario Tenders
Portal (“OTP”) eTendering System. The OTP will not allow a Bidder to submit a Bid after
the RFB Closing Date and Time. Any Bid submitted in any other manner will be
disqualified and returned to the Bidder, if applicable. For the purpose of calculating time,
the OTP electronic time-stamp on the submission shall govern.

Please note: Any Bids (or sections of a Bid) submitted through the OTP online messaging
function will not be accepted.

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1.4.2 Bid Irrevocable after RFB Closing Date

Bids shall remain irrevocable in the form submitted by the Bidder for the period set out in
Section 1.1 - Procurement Details of this RFB running from the moment that the RFB
Closing Date and Time has lapsed.

1.4.3 Bidders to Review RFB

Bidders shall promptly examine all of the documents comprising this RFB and:

(a) shall report any errors, omissions or ambiguities; and

(b) may direct questions or seek additional information,

through the Ontario Tenders Portal eTendering System online messaging function on or
before the Bidder’s Deadline for Questions to the RFB Contact set out at Section 1.1 -
Procurement Details of this RFB. The time stamp on questions submitted by Bidder’s
through the OTP online messaging function shall be used to determine if the question was
received on or before the Bidder’s Deadline for Questions. No such communications are to
be directed to anyone other than the RFB Contact or designate. The Ministry is under no
obligation to provide additional information but may do so at its sole discretion.

It is the responsibility of the Bidder to seek clarification from the RFB Contact on any
matter it considers to be unclear. The Ministry shall not be responsible for any
misunderstanding on the part of the Bidder concerning this RFB or its process.

1.4.4 No Incorporation by Reference by Bidder

The entire content of a Bid should be submitted in a fixed form and the content of web
sites or other external documents referred to in the Bid will not be considered to form part
of its Bid.

1.4.5 Amending or Withdrawing Bids Prior to RFB Closing Date and Time

At any time prior to the RFB Closing Date and Time, a Bidder may amend or withdraw a
submitted Bid. The right of Bidders to amend or withdraw includes amendments or
withdrawals wholly initiated by Bidders and amendments or withdrawals in response to
subsequent information made through an addendum to the RFB.

1.4.6 Bid to be Retained by the Ministry

The Ministry will not return any Bid, sample or accompanying documentation submitted by
a Bidder including amended or withdrawn Bids.

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1.5 Execution of Agreement, Notification and Debriefing

1.5.1 Selection of Bidder

The Ministry anticipates that it will select a Bidder within the irrevocable period. Notice of
selection by the Ministry will be in writing. The Preferred Bidder shall execute the
Agreement in the form attached to this RFB and satisfy any other applicable conditions of
this RFB within the period of time set out to do so in Section 1.1 - Procurement Details of
this RFB. This provision is solely to the benefit of the Ministry and may be waived by the
Ministry at its sole discretion.

Bidders are reminded that there is a question and answer period available if they wish to
ask questions or seek clarification about the terms and conditions set out in the Form of
Agreement. The Ministry will consider such requests for clarification in accordance with its
right to do so under this RFB.

1.5.2 Failure to Enter Into Agreement

In addition to all of the Ministry’s other remedies, if a selected Bidder fails to execute the
Agreement or satisfy any other applicable conditions within the period of time set out to do
so in Section 1.1 - Procurement Details of this RFB following the notice of selection, the
Ministry may, in its sole discretion and without incurring any liability, rescind the selection
of that Bidder and proceed with the selection of another Bidder.

1.5.3 Notification to Other Bidders of Outcome of Procurement Process

Once the successful Bidder and the Ministry execute the Agreement, the other Bidders will
be notified by the Ministry in writing of the outcome of the procurement process, including
the name of the successful Bidder, and the award of the contract to the successful Bidder.

1.5.4 Debriefing

Unsuccessful Bidders may request a debriefing after receipt of a notification of award. All
requests must be in writing to the RFB Contact and must be made within sixty (60) days of
notification of award. The intent of the debriefing information session is to aid the Bidder in
presenting a better Bid in subsequent procurement opportunities. Any debriefing provided
is not for the purpose of providing an opportunity to challenge the procurement process.

1.5.5 Bid Dispute

Bidders are advised that a formal bid dispute process is available, the details for which are
available from the RFB Contact.

1.5.6 Prohibited Bidder Communications

Bidders shall address all questions and requests for clarification with respect to their Bids,
or the RFB documents or the RFB process only to the RFB Contact set out at Section 1.1 -
Procurement Details of this RFB.
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Bidders shall not contact or make any attempt to contact:

(a) any Ontario government employee or representative, other than the RFB Contact; or,

(b) any other Bidder;

with respect to a Bid, the RFB documents, or the RFB process, at any time during the RFB

Without limiting the generality of the above, Bidders, shall not contact or attempt to

(a) any member of the Ministry evaluation team for the RFB;

(b) any expert or advisor assisting the Ministry evaluation team;

(c) any staff of the Premier of Ontario’s office or the Ontario Cabinet Office;

(d) any Member of the Ontario Provincial Parliament or his or her staff or advisors; or

(e) any Member of the Ontario Provincial Cabinet or their staff or advisors;

on matters related to their Bids, the RFB documents, or the RFB process at any time
during the RFB process.

1.5.7 Bidder Not to Make a Public Statement or Communicate With Media

A Bidder may not at any time directly or indirectly make a public statement or communicate
with the media in relation to this RFB or any contract awarded pursuant to this RFB without
first obtaining the written permission of the Ministry. Where a Bidder makes a
communication contrary to this section the Ministry may disclose such information
necessary to correct any inaccuracy of information.

1.5.8 Confidential Information of Ministry

All information provided by or obtained from the Ministry in any form in connection with this
RFB either before or after the issuance of this RFB:

(a) is the sole property of the Ministry and must be treated as confidential;

(b) is not to be used for any purpose other than replying to this RFB and the performance
of any subsequent Contract;

(c) must not be disclosed without prior written authorization from the Ministry; and

(d) shall be returned by the Bidders to the Ministry immediately upon the request of the

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1.5.9 Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.F.31, as
amended, applies to information provided to the Ministry by a Bidder. A Bidder should
identify any information in its Bid or any accompanying documentation supplied in
confidence for which confidentiality is to be maintained by the Ministry. The confidentiality
of such information will be maintained by the Ministry, except as otherwise required by law
or by order of a court or tribunal. Bidders are advised that their Bids will, as necessary, be
disclosed on a confidential basis, to the Ministry’s advisers retained for the purpose of
evaluating or participating in the evaluation of their Bids.

By submitting any Personal Information requested in this RFB, Bidders are agreeing to the
use of such information as part of the evaluation process, for any audit of this procurement
process and for contract management purposes. Where the Personal Information relates
to an individual assigned by the successful Bidder to provide the Deliverables, such
information may be used by the Ministry to compare the qualifications of such individual
with any proposed substitute or replacement. If a Bidder has any questions about the
collection and use of Personal Information pursuant to this RFB, questions are to be
submitted to the RFB Contact in accordance with the Bidders to Review RFB Section

1.6 Reserved Rights and Governing Law

1.6.1 Reserved Rights of the Ministry

The Ministry reserves the right to:

(a) make public the names of any or all Bidders; the name of the selected Bidder(s); and,
the total price for the contract awarded;

(b) request written clarification or the submission of supplementary written information in

relation to the clarification request from any Bidder and incorporate a Bidder’s response
to that request for clarification into the Bidder’s Bid;

(c) assess a Bidder’s Bid on the basis of:

(i) a financial analysis determining the actual cost of the Bid when considering factors
including transition costs arising from the replacement of existing goods, services,
practices, methodologies and infrastructure (howsoever originally established);
(ii) information provided by references;
(iii) the Bidder’s past performance on previous contracts awarded by the Government of
(iv) the information provided by a Bidder pursuant to the Ministry exercising its
clarification rights under this RFB process; or
(v) other relevant information that arises during this RFB process;

(d) waive non-compliance where, in the Ministry's sole discretion, such non-compliance is
minor and not of a material nature, or to accept or reject in whole or in part any or all
RFB #tender_14660 Page 48 of 50
Bids, with or without giving notice. Such minor non-compliance will be deemed
substantial compliance and capable of acceptance. The Ministry will be the sole judge
of whether a Bid is accepted or rejected;

(e) verify with any Bidder or with a third party any information set out in a Bid;

(f) check references other than those provided by any Bidder;

(g) disqualify any Bidder whose Bid contains misrepresentations or any other inaccurate or
misleading information;

(h) disqualify any Bid or rescind any contract award where the Bidder either: fails to
disclose; or, is determined to have an actual or perceived unfair advantage or Conflict
of Interest determined to be material by the Ministry;

(i) disqualify any Bidder or the Bid of any Bidder who has engaged in conduct prohibited
by this RFB;

(j) make changes, including substantial changes, to this RFB provided that those changes
are issued by way of a modification in the manner set out in this RFB;

(k) select any Bidder other than the Bidder whose Bid reflects the lowest cost to the
Ministry or the highest score;

(l) cancel this RFB process at any stage;

(m)cancel this RFB process at any stage and issue a new RFB for the same or similar

(n) accept any Bid in whole or in part; or

(o) reject any or all Bids;

and these reserved rights are in addition to any other express rights or any other rights
which may be implied in the circumstances and the Ministry shall not be liable for any
expenses, costs, losses or any direct or indirect damages incurred or suffered by any
Bidder or any third party resulting from the Ministry exercising any of its express or implied
rights under this RFB.

By submitting its Bid, the Bidder authorizes the collection by the Ministry of the information
set out under (e) and (f) in the manner contemplated in those subparagraphs.

1.6.2 Governing Law of RFB Process

This RFB process shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the
Province of Ontario and the federal laws of Canada applicable therein.

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1.7 Supplementary Terms and Conditions

1.7.1 Occupational Health and Safety Requirements

Vendor(s) are required to comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Act (“OHSA”)
and regulations and applicable OPS and site-specific health and safety requirements.
Vendor(s) are responsible for meeting all of the ‘employer’ obligations under the OHSA
and shall ensure that all work is carried out safely. The Vendor shall ensure that all
subcontractors (hired by the Vendor) work in accordance with the OHSA and its

1.7.2 Publication of Data and Consent

It is Ontario’s intention, in accordance with the Open Data Directive and as part of its
commitment to open data, to publish and allow the public to use:

(i) procurement contract data, including the name of the Preferred Bidder and total
contract value; and,

(ii) data created or collected as an output of a contract,

except where Ontario chooses not to publish the data in accordance with the Open Data
Directive, such as for privacy, confidentiality, security, legal or commercially-sensitive

Each Bidder, by submitting a Bid, expressly consents to the above and agrees that, if it
becomes the Preferred Bidder, it will not object to the above being incorporated into its

[End of Terms and Conditions]

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