Tube Well Design Project Solution

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Tube Well Design project solution


The expected discharge of the well is given equation

2 πKb( H−hw )
2.303 log 10 ( )

Therefore, the radius of the well becomes half of the given 20 cm diameter of the well and the radius of
the well becomes is r = 10cm

2 πKb(H−hw ) 2.72∗0.0003216∗45∗5 0.19

Q= = = =0.0475 m3 /s=0.05 m3 /s
R 1000 4
2.303 log 10 ( ) log 10( )
r 0.10


)( )
∗60 sec
0.05 m m3
¿ Q= (sec

= 3000l/min

Table 1.Diameter and thickness of housing pipes of the tube wells for different sizes of
turbines/submersible pumps

Table 2.Suggested Thickness of well casing pipe, mm

Table 3. Recommended Diameter of casing pipe and well screen

The design calculations for various components of the tube well assembly are given below


a) Draw the percent retained vs. size curve and compare it with the standard aquifer curves
As above table shown there two types of data given
 Per cent age retained
 Sieve size
Therefore, per cent age retained are then expressed as a percentage of the total weight of the
sample and a graph plotted through the cumulative per cent of the sample retained on a given
sieve and all the other sieves above it, versus the size of the given sieve, expressed in mm (Fig.1)
The percentage of the sample retained is plotted on the y-axis and the size of the sieve or ‘particle
size’ on the x-axis.
Fig 1. Typical sieve analysis curve aquifer material

Compare it with the standard aquifer curves VS. Given above Fig.1 Typical sieve analysis curve aquifer
Standard aquifer curves Given Typical aquifer curve
- The term ‘effective size’ is defined as - The term ‘effective size’ is defined as formation
formation particle size, where 10 per cent of particle size, where 10 per cent of the sand is finer
the sand is finer and 90 per cent coarser and 90 per cent coarser
- 90% sand grains > 0.25 - 90% sand grains > 0.1
- 10% sand grains <0.25 - 10% sand grains <0.1
- Therefore the effective size d10 = 0.25 - Therefore the effective size d10 = 0.1

b) Determine the effective grain size

Effective Size, d10

 The term ‘effective size’ is defined as formation particle size, where 10 per cent of the sand is
finer and 90 per cent coarser.

 The curve on Fig. 1 above shows that 90 per cent coarser sand of the sample consists of grains
larger than 0.1mm, or that 10 per cent finer sand is smaller than this size.

 Effective size of the formation material is (d10 = 0.1 mm).

c) Determine the uniformity coefficient

Uniformity coefficient, Cu

 This is a ratio expressing the variation in grain size of a granular material.

 It is usually measured by the sieve aperture that passes 60 per cent of the material, divided by the
sieve aperture that passes 10 per cent of the material.

 Thus, in above curve (Fig. 1), the uniformity coefficient is

d 60 ( 40 % retained ) 0.2
C u= = =2
d 10 ( 90 % reatained ) 0.1


a. Nominal Pump Diameter

For the above discharge of 3000 l/min, by using the diameter and thickness of the housing pipe (steel
pipe) are given in Table 1.

 The nominal diameter of the pump is 25 cm

b. Diameter of The Housing Pipe

Also by using the above discharge of 3000 l/min, by using the diameter and thickness of the housing pipe
(steel pipe) are given in Table 1 and the nominal diameter of the pump is 25 cm, therefore the
recommended diameter of housing pipe 30 cm

c. Depth of The Housing Pipe

Depth of housing pipe = Water table depth below ground level + Drawdown + Seasonal fluctuation +
Allowance for submergence of pump

Assuming the allowance for submergence to be 5.5 m and a clearance of 50 cm between pump and
bottom of housing pipe

So, the depth of housing pipe is D = 30 + 5 + 1 + 5.5 + 0.5 = 42 m


1. Design of Well Casing Pipe
a. Diameter well casing pipe

Assume the flow velocity to be 1.5m/s, for a discharge of 0.05 m3/sec (3000 l/min), the cross-sectional
area of the casing pipe

Q 0.05 m3 / s 2
Q=V ∗A=A= = =0.0333 m
V 1.5 m/s

Therefore, the cross-sectional area of the circular casing pipe becomes

π d2 4A 4A 4∗0.0333
⇒ d 2=
⇒ d=
√ √π
=0.206 m=20.6 cm say21 cm

However, referring to above table 3, the minimum diameter of casing pipe for a discharge of 3000 l/min
is 20 cm, which is lower than the calculated value. Hence, the recommended a plain pipe of 25-cm
diameter is selected

b. Thickness well casing pipe

So that, by referring to above table 2 for a 25-cm diameter and 85 m deep well

The thickness of a pipe is 2.78 mm, hence, a thickness of 3 mm is selected

2. Design of Well Screen

a. Diameter well Screen

Diameter of well screen: The diameter of the well screen is usually kept the same as that of the casing
pipe. Hence, it may be kept as 25 cm.

b. Thickness of well screen

Screen length: The effective area per meter length of the well screen is given by

Ao =π∗d∗15 % effective open area

Minimum length of screen , h=
AoV o


Q o Maximum expected discharge (m 3/min ⁡)

Ao Effective open area per meter length of the well screen(m2)
V o Entrance velocity at the screen(m/min)
Ao =πd x 15 % of open area=3.14∗0.2∗0.15=0.0942m 2
V o =0.025 m/sec∗(60 sec /min ⁡) =1.5 m/min
3000 m/min
Q o =3000l/ min= =3 m 3/min
Q 3
Then, h= = =21.2 msay 21 m
A o V o 0.0942∗1.5

The aquifer thickness is 45 m. Therefore, it is desirable to provide about 40 m length of screen, which is
more than 21 m and about 90 percent of the aquifer depth. The screen may be provided in the central
portion of the aquifer, leaving equal depths untapped at both ends

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