Ceng 3601-Mid Exam

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Addis Ababa University

Addis Ababa Institute of Technology


CEng 3601- Open Channel Hydraulics Date: 3 December 2011

Mid-Semester Examination Time: 8:30 – 11:30 am
Semester I, 2011/2012 (2004 E.C.) A.Y.

Note: Examination is closed book.

Attempt all the four questions

Energy-Depth Relationship
1. A trapezoidal channel with 3m bottom width and 1.5 horizontal: 1 Vertical side slope carries
a discharge of 20m3/s.
a. Compute the critical depth (yc ) [5 pts.]
b. Draw a specific energy diagram for the depth range of y = 0.5 yc to y= 1.5yc [5 pts.]
c. Calculate the alternate depth 1.5m from specific energy diagram [5 pts.]

2. A 6.00 m wide rectangular channel is designed to transport 9.5 m3/s of water at 0.4m depth
of flow. It is required to reduce the channel width downstream of some section through a
smooth transition:
(a) Calculate the minimum reduced width that does not affect the flow condition
existing upstream of the transition. [5 pts.]
(b) Calculate the flow depth at the section of minimum width. [ 5 pts.]
(c) If the width is reduced to 3.00 m, does it change the upstream flow condition? If so,
find the change in channel bed level that just avoids the imposed change. [5 pts.]

Uniform flow
3. A rectangular channel 5.4m wide and 1.2m deep has a slope of 1 in 1000 and it is lined with
good rubble masonry, for which Manning’s n=0.017. It is desired to increase the discharge
of the channel to a maximum value by changing the channel width and depth and keeping
the wetted perimeter (amount of lining) the same as the previous case. Compute the new
channel dimensions and the resulting increase in discharge. [10 pts.]

Design of irrigation channel

4. A trapezoidal channel is planned to be excavated in hard soil at a slope of 0.001 and
transport water at the rate of 65 m3/s.

Design an efficient channel section starting with an appropriate b/y or R/y ratio and
satisfying the permissible velocity conditions for:
(a) A lined channel with concrete lining with side slope, m=1 and Manning’s roughness
coefficient, n=0.013 [10 pts.]
(b) An unlined non erodible channel with side slope, m=1.5 and Manning’s roughness
coefficient, n=0.020 [10 pts.]
Take: Maximum permissible Velocity: Vmax = 6 m/s (for lined channel)
Vmax = 1.1 m/s (for unlined channel)
Minimum allowable velocity: Vmin = 0.3 m/s (for both)

Examiners: Dr. Bayou Chane

Dr. Daniel Fekadeselassie

Ato Belete Berhanu

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