7.automatic Side-Stand Slider Assembly
7.automatic Side-Stand Slider Assembly
7.automatic Side-Stand Slider Assembly
Abstract: In modern developing world, automobile which rests the motor bike on side stand. Thus we
plays important role especially two-wheeler i.e have a fully automated side-stand system for motor
(motorcycles& bikes) plays a major role. Even bikes.
though they are helpful there are some sad events Keywords: Intrusion Detection Systems, Data mining,
like accidents due to carelessness of rider. Major network, Vulnerable, Malicious, Authorization.
accidents occur due to forgetting of lifting side stand. I INTRODUCTION
To rectify this problem many advanced measures The most commonly used mode of transport by the
have been taken, but they are least helpful. So, to common public is a two wheeler. The two wheelers are
make a system that has a practical application which most prone to accidents due to their fragile nature. There
can be used on any type of two wheeler this project are various reasons for these vehicular accidents viz.
was undertaken. To reduce the mishaps, we have
Forgetting to lift side-stand
designed a new system with automatic stand
retrieval. Not maintaining the speed limit
The new system “AUTOMATIC SIDE-STAND Not obeying traffic rules
SLIDER SYSTEM” has been designed based on the
working principle of bikes. The system works on
electronic circuits in the bike with the help of One of the most common reasons amongst these is
electronic components such as Servo motor, motor people’s recklessness to slide their side-stands (lift up
driver, Arduino for the retrieval of stand and to the stand) on starting their bike. Hence, here we propose
apply it. an automated side-stand slider assembly which will lift
In this system we make a demonstration model with the side-stand once the user starts his/her bike.
a demo starter for bike and a frame used to hold In the project, a demonstration model is executed; this
starter, demo bike and side-stand in position. The model includes a demo starter for bike and a frame to
frame is used to mount bike upright using frame. Which a side-stand controlled by the servo motor is
The starter consists of a circuit used to monitor the attached. The frame is used to display the stand’s
starter and then operate the stand sliding position (stand on/stand removed).The model consists of
mechanism. The stand consists of a motorized system a microcontroller circuit that monitors the starter and
used to operate microcontroller the stand. The then operates the stand sliding mechanism. On
circuit monitors the starter, on starting the bike the switching on the bike’s ignition the side-stand assembly
side-stand is operated by the motor using a shaft to gets activated, as a result the side-stand operated by the
slide from a vertical position to a horizontal position. servo motor slides from vertical position to horizontal
On turning off the key in other direction to lock bike position (i.e. stand removed). On turning off the key the
the system moves the motorized stand shaft in side-stand assembly gets deactivated and functions in
opposite direction so as to move the stand in a vice versa manner (i.e. stand on). Thus, we have a fully
direction perpendicular to the bottom frame rod automated side-stand assembly for motor bikes.
|| Volume 5 || Issue 4 || April 2020 || ISSN (Online) 2456-0774
|| Volume 5 || Issue 4 || April 2020 || ISSN (Online) 2456-0774
frame and makes contact with the ground. It is generally During a study it was found that about 36% of the
located in the middle of the bike or towards the rear. accidents caused are due to riders negligence to retrieve
Some touring bicycles have two: one at the rear, and a the side-stand, 38% of the accidents are caused by not
second in the front. maintaining the speed limit, 22% of the accidents are
In the proposed model the team is going to present the caused by not obeying the traffic rules and 4% are
“AUTOMATIC SIDE-STAND SLIDER ASSEMBLY”. caused due to other reasons. As a fair share of accidents
The proposed project works on a Servo Motor, which is are caused due to forgetting to retrieve the stand. Thus
connected to the side-stand, and is controlled with the there is a need for a system that would help reduce the
help of embedded systems. A motor driver L293D is accidents caused by forgetting to retrieve stand.
used for actuation and speed control of the motor. TYPES OF STANDS
The earliest known side-stand was designed by Albert A side-stand style stand is a single leg that simply flips
Berruyer in 1869, and since then side-stands have been out to one side, usually the non-drive side, and the bike
independently reinvented many times. It was mounted then leans against it. Side-stands can be mounted to the
below the handlebars so was much longer than more chain stay sight behind the bottom bracket or to a chain
recent designs. A shorter model was patented by Eldon and seat stay near the rear hub. Side-stand mounted right
Henderson in 1926.In the 1930s, a "smaller, more behind the bottom bracket can be bolted on, either
convenient" side-stand was developed by Joseph Paul clamping the chain stays, or to the bracket between
Treen. In 1891, Pardon W, Tilling hast patented a design them, or welded into place as an integral part of the
for a stand which was mounted on the pedal, but folded frame.
up flat under the pedal when not in use. CENTER STAND
Side-stands on bicycles fell out of fashion in the 1970s, A centre stand side-stand is a pair of legs or a bracket
as the bicycles became lighter, and many riders were that flips straight down and lifts the rear wheeler off the
concerned about extra weight. ground when in use. Entre stands can be mounted to the
A side-stand is a device on a bicycle or motorcycle that chain stays right behind the bottom bracket or to the rear
allows the bike to be kept upright without leaning dropouts. &any motorcycles feature centre stands in
against another object or the aid of a person. A side- addition to side-stands. The centre stand is advantageous
stand is usually a piece of metal that flips down from the because it takes most of the motorcycle's weight off its
frame and makes contact with the ground. It is generally tires for long term parking, and it allows the user to
located in the middle of the bike or towards the rear. perform maintenance such as chain adjustments without
We may have witnessed motorcycle accidents because the need for a motorcycles, but are omitted on most high
of the surface hindrance of retracted positioned side- performance sport bikes to save weight and increase
stand. One of the most common problems that are ground clearance.
encountered in using the side-stand is negligence or The side-stand lock link relates to the field of
carelessness to kick back the side-stand. The negligence automobiles industry, especially for two wheeler
may be due to absence of mind, urgency, divergence in vehicles using side-stand apart from the aim centre stand
concentration and few other reas position released provided therein for the resting of the vehicle. The side-
position "failure to kick back the side-stand”, for any of stand lock link makes the contact with the gear lever
the reasons stated above may hit and lead to accident of there by indicating the person handling the vehicle about
the vehicle and riders involve in the accident, sometimes the unreleased side-stand when the rider tries to apply
fatal. To ensure safety of the rider, during absence of the gear in unreleased state of stand and prevents him
mind, negligence, urgency or carelessness the side-stand from being endanger or to have unsafe ride of mo t or c
lock link helps in knowing the state of side-stand prior yc l e . This prevents the rider as well the vehicle to lose
to movement of vehicle. the center of gravity by imbalance or surface hind range
|| Volume 5 || Issue 4 || April 2020 || ISSN (Online) 2456-0774
due to retracted position of side-stands and there by The side-stand detector includes an inductive sensor
saves life of the rider. The side-stand lock link is cheap, configured for attachment to the two-wheeler vehicle to
rugged and easier to install without traditional detect at least one position of the side-stand; and a
installations and fittings. The side-stand of a motor bike circuit connected to receive an output from the inductive
can be retracted automatically. sensor and to provide a signal that reflects the position
EXISTING METHODS of a side-stand.
To prevent accidents occur due this side-stand many (b)SPROCKET SIDE STAND RETRIEVE
side-stand sensor and mechanical project had been SYSTEM
found. In existing mechanical project many ideas had been
(a) SIDE-STAND SENSOR found to lift the side-stand automatically.
A two-wheeler vehicle includes a frame and a metallic Based on the working principle of two-wheeler ( i.e the
side-stand, rotatable within a bracket attached to the power is generated in the engine and it transmits power
frame. The metallic side-stand is rotatable between a to the pinion and makes it to rotate. The pinion transmits
first position that supports the two-wheeler vehicle power to the rear wheel pinion and makes the vehicle to
when parked and a second position substantially move). This is the basic principle followed in all type of
adjacent the frame. The two-wheeler vehicle also two-wheelers, based on this “automatic-side stand
includes an inductive sensor attached to the two-wheeler retrieve system” is designed because this system works
vehicle and connected to detect at least one position of by getting power from chain drive. This automatic
the metallic side-stand and a circuit connected to receive system consists of four components, which is assembled
an output from the inductive sensor and to provide a as two set up.
signal that reflects the position of the side-stand. The whole construction of this system is simple and
Embodiments use inductive sensors to determine efficient. The arrangement and position of components
whether the side-stand is properly stowed. Inductive makes the system to function. Each and every
sensors detect metal objects, so that the side-stand itself component has its own property and responsibility. The
can serve as the target. This allows the sensor to be power obtained from the chain drive is transmitted to
operable without adding an additional target to the side- the appropriate component without power loss. The
stand. The proposed side-stand sensor can be systematic design of system is made in order to
implemented in at least two ways: a) detecting the consume only very low amount of power initially for
presence or absence of the metallic side-stand adjacent few seconds to retrieve the stand. Then the power
the inductive sensor or b) detecting the strain in a spring consumption does not occur after retrieving the stand.
attached to the side-stand and translating that strain into Construction of the proposed “automatic side stand
a determined position. retrieve system” consists of four major components.
They are:-
In one aspect, an embodiment of a two-wheeler vehicle
is disclosed. The two-wheeler vehicle includes a frame; Axle
a metallic side-stand, rotatable within a bracket attached Sprocket pinion
to the frame, the metallic side-stand rotatable between a
first position that supports the two-wheeler vehicle Lifting lever
when parked and a second position substantially Pushing lever
adjacent the frame; an inductive sensor attached to the
two-wheeler vehicle and connected to detect at least one Sprocket side stand retrieve system retrieves the side
position of the metallic side-stand; and a circuit stand sprocket ally if the rider forgets to lift the side
connected to receive an output from the inductive sensor stand while moving the bike. It works based on the
and to provide a signal that reflects the position of the working principle of the two-wheelers .every bikes
side-stand. transmit power from engine’s pinion to the rear wheel
|| Volume 5 || Issue 4 || April 2020 || ISSN (Online) 2456-0774
Pushing lever’s length can be changed according to type DRAWBACK OF EXISTING METHODS
of bikes and distance calculated between the side stand The side-stand sensor only signals the rider by a blip on
and chain drive. Closed coil helical spring which gets the speedometer interface and is ineffective when the
pulled, the coil of spring gets tensed during stand resting rider is not paying attention.
in ground .This is the condition of system during resting When we come across those mechanical projects we
stage. could note some drawbacks like wear out of gears,
RIDING CONDITION: making injuries in legs while actuating gears. Major
When two-wheeler is started, Engine’s pinion transmits drawback is it cannot be used in all types of two-
power to the rear wheel by the chain drive. The inciter wheelers.
assembly which is kept at the centre of the chain drive So, in order to solve this problem we designed
gets rotates as the sprocket gets engage with chain drive. “AUTOMATIC SIDE-STAND SLIDER ASSEMBLY”
So, when the sprocket rotates the lifting lever mounted this system can be attached in all type of two-wheelers
with axle rotates. hence the lifting lever lifts engaged the (mopeds, geared, non-geared, hand geared bikes). Since
pushing lever and therefore the pushing lever pushes the the assembly works on electronic components there is
side stand by clamping it with the C shaped clamp stand no wear in gears and no injuries in legs while actuating
holder and hence the spring tensed in the side stand get gears. So all the drawbacks of the earlier attempts made
compressed quickly as a result side stand get retrieves. to reduce the accidents can be overcome.
|| Volume 5 || Issue 4 || April 2020 || ISSN (Online) 2456-0774
III WORKING The two wheelers are installed with a Lithium Ion
The modern two wheelers do not require a kick-start to Battery. The whole assembly works on very low power
ignite their engines; rather they are installed with auto- and hence the battery of the two-wheeler can be used as
start or auto-ignition to perform this task as and when the power supply. The assembly works on 12V and
the key is turned on. For this installation to work, it is consumes very less battery.
powered by a battery. The Arduino is to take the input from the ignition key
We noticed and studied the working of the key ignition and hence the arduino is attached to the ignition key (i.e.
powered by the battery and used it to our advantage to starter). The ignition input is taken from the starter as it
automate the side-stand actuation. turns on or off, accordingly the arduino will give input
to the motor driver for the movement of the side-stand.
The “Automatic Side-Stand Slider Assembly” is an
assembly designed for minimizing the accidents caused Thus we understand that Automatic Stand Slider
due to forgetting to retrieve the side-stand when the Assembly works on a servo motor which is connected to
rider starts the two-wheeler. It works such that, as soon a motor driver. The motor driver is connected to the
as the vehicle rider switches on the ignition key of the microcontroller. The microcontroller takes signal from
two-wheeler the side-stand of the two- wheeler gets ignition system. When the rider inserts the key and
retrieved and when the ignition key is turned off the switches the ignition on or off, a signal is sent to the
side-stand gets into upright position automatically. microcontroller which takes the signal as an input and
processes whether it is on or off. The output signal is
The “Automatic Side-Stand Slider Assembly” contains
sent to the motor driver accordingly.
following electronic components:-
The motor driver receives an input signal from the
a) Servo Motor. microcontroller, which operates the servo motor. The
b) Motor Driver. motor Driver works as a regulator on the servo motor
and sends it the signal on when and up to what degree
c) Arduino ATMEGA328p
should it operate. The motor driver in turn sends a signal
d) Two Wheeler Battery to the servo motor.
e) Ignition key The servo motor is actuated after receiving the signal
from the motor driver. The servo motor is connected to
The servo motor is connected to side-stand with the help
the side stand. The servo motor rotates as per the signal
of coupling, for the operation of side-stand in desired
received from the motor driver. The actuation of the
manner. The servo motor works in stepped regulations
servo motor according to the signal received is as
and hence it is able to move the stand to any specific
desired angle as per the requirement of the user. The
servo motor is connected to the motor driver which i. Ignition ON – Rotates anticlockwise 90°. Side-stand
initiates its movement and regulates its motion. in rest position.
The motor driver is further connected to the controlling ii. Ignition OFF – Rotates clockwise 90°. Side-stand in
unit i.e. the microcontroller. The microcontroller used in upright position.
the assembly is Arduino ATMEGA328p. The rationale The microcontroller and the motor driver works on a
for using this microcontroller being, a high performance program(Refer Annexure – I) for actuation of the servo
low power controller with 8- bit and based on AVR motor. This program restricts and controls the
RISC architecture. It has 32 pins which has different movement of the stand according to the above ignition
function of input and output. The arduino takes the input condition.
from the ignition key of the bike and provides the output The following are the screenshots of the working from
accordingly to the motor driver as the input to actuate. the video taken while experimentation.
|| Volume 5 || Issue 4 || April 2020 || ISSN (Online) 2456-0774
Hence it is concluded that the AUTOMTIC
the safety of the rider and it also gives the two wheeler
aesthetic accessories.
Implementation Code
#include <Servo.h>
Servo myservo; // create servo object to control a servo
Figure 3.1:- Bike Stand in Ignition OFF Position const int key = 6;
(Upright) const int servo = 10;
int pos = 0; // variable to store the servo position
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
pinMode(key, INPUT);
myservo.attach(servo); // attaches the servo on pin 9 to
the servo object
Figure 3.2:- Bike Stand in Ignition ON Position (Rest) }
The above pictures show the upright (refer Fig void loop() {
3.1) and rest (refer Fig 3.2) position of the side-stand.
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
The side-stand position is upright when the ignition of
the bike is off and it is in rest position when the ignition if (digitalRead(key) == HIGH)
position is on. The ignition of the bike is on when the {
bike is in riding condition, hence the stand should be in myservo.write(110);
rest position and be in the upright position only when
the bike is not moving i.e. the ignition of the bike is off.
while (digitalRead(key) == HIGH);
The proposed project “AUTOMATIC SIDE-
STAND SLIDER ASSEMBLY” is cheaper than its delay(100);
mechanical alternatives. It requires minimum changes to while (digitalRead(key) == HIGH);
the two-wheeler meaning that it can be implemented to
if (digitalRead(key) == LOW)
any type of two-wheeler without the need for change in
its design. {
This work is not an individual contribution till
its completion. We take this opportunity to thank all for
bringing it close to the conclusion.
First of all we would like to thank our guide,
Prof. Dange M. M. for continuously assessing our work
providing great guidance by timely suggestions and
discussion at every stage of this work.
Thanks to, Prof. Gawade M. N. Head of
Department of Mechanical engineering for providing all
facilities without which this seminar work would not
have been possible. We sincerely thank to Prof.
Rohakale M. S. Principal, SKNSITS, Lonavala.
REFERENCES Figure 1: E.C. Henderson, U.S. Patent 1,584,096
Side-stands for bicycles and motorcycles have been
described in the patent literature since the 1800’s.
Examples include:
1891 – Fredrick G. Taylor and R.L. Granston “Bicycle
Support”, U.S. Patent 456, 347.
“The object of this invention is to provide a new and
useful device for supporting bicycles in an upright
position, which…can conventionally carried on a
bicycle in a position which will not interfere with the
movement of the rider.”
1926 – E.C. Henderson, “Leaning Support for
Motorcycles”, U.S. Patent 1,584,096 (Figure 1)
“In my invention, I have pivoted a single support arm to
one side of the vehicle frame…while the rider is seated
thereon and balancing the vehicle in an upright
position…the operator uses one of the feet to start
moving the support bar back, and the tension spring
forces the said support bar into the final resting Figure 2: W.S. Harley & R. Constantine, U.S. Patent
position…” 1,675,551
The hazard associated with the sidestand is also Later examples are:
discussed in the patent literature. The earliest is: 1942 – Milton V. Andrews, “Automatic Motorcycle
1928 – W.S. Harley and R. Constantine assignors to Stand Retractor”, U.S. Patent 2,300,762“ Often the
Harley Davidson Motor Co. , Milwaukee, “Cycle cyclist neglects to move the stand to its raised position
Support”, U.S. Patent 1,675,551 (Figure 2) and when a banked turn is made the stand strikes the
“Should the operator forget to move the support or stand ground and causes the motor cycle to be thrown to the
to inoperative position, no difficulties could occur. For ground, generally with serious consequences to both the
the reason the said support or stand will automatically cyclist and the motorcycle.”
|| Volume 5 || Issue 4 || April 2020 || ISSN (Online) 2456-0774
1975 – Sato Minoru, et al assigned to Honda Giken removed from it, it returns automatically to a resting
Kyogyo Kabuwaki Kaisha, Japan, “Side Stand for position; or it must be placed in a resting position before
Motorcycle”, U.S. Patent3,918,743 the machine can be driven.
“It takes place very often that riders of motorcycle star Instructions to stow the side stand prior to riding, and
running their motorcycle without retracting or levelling warnings describing the describing the serious
the stand to its running position so that…at the time of consequences of failing to do so have appeared in
the motorcycle being inclinedby a sharp turn, etc. the manuals and other literature since the early seventies.
motorcycle inevitably overturns by the shock of the Kawasaki Owner’s Manuals have warned since 1973
touch.” that :
1978 – Yorio Yamazaki assigned to Kawasaki Jukogyo “Forgetting and leaving the side stand while riding
Kabushiki Kaisha, Japan, “Stand Device for a Two could cause an accident.”
wheeled Motor Cycle”, U.S. Patent 4,073,505 Suzuki Owner’s Manuals instruct owners of late
“In the event that the rider forgets to move the stand seventies models :
from its operative position to its inoperative position “Before starting off turn back the prop stand fully to its
when he starts the engine and brings the motorcycle to normal position.”
running condition there is the danger of impinging on Warnings and instructions are expected to reduce riders’
surface of the road by the forwardly tilted end of the forgetfulness by making them aware of the danger
stand, for example, which causes to overturn the associated with leaving the side stand in a parked
motorcycle and bring unexpected injury on the driver.” position.
Several International Standards address the side stand Following are other references taken to observe the
arrangement on motorcycles. accident pattern and the safety precautions and measures
U.S. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 123, taken to avoid causing these accidents
Everett, S.A., Shults, R.A., Barrios, L.C., Sacks, J.J.,
“Motorcycle Controls and Displays”, effective Sept. 1,
Lowry, R. and Oeltmann J., Trend and subgroup
1974, states that : “A stand shall fold rearward and differences in transportation related injury risk and
upwards if it contacts the ground when motorcycle is safety behaviours among high school students.
moving forward” Reeder, A.I., Chalmers,D.J. and Langeley, J.D. The
The German Traffic Regulation No. 734, “Stands for risky and protective motorcycling opinions and
Motorcycles without sidecars” (1976)*, contains a behaviours of young on road motorcyclist in New
section almost identical to the American version, and in Zealand
addition, it requires that powered motion of the
A journal paper ‘motorcycle accidents- case study and
motorcycle be able to occur only when the side stand is what do learn from them’ by Ecker, H. Viema
fully retracted unless the side stand is designed in such a University of Technology,
way, that when folded down, it does not generate any
safety risk. Hurt, H.H., Ouellet, J.V. and Thom, D.R. Motorcycle
The Swiss November 1976 Amendment of, “The accident cause factors.
Construction and Equipment of Road Vehicles.” *
States that motorcycles must be provided with a parking Grayson, G. and Hakkert, A. Accident analysis and
conflict behaviour.
stand which does not damage the road surface. The
stand must automatically fold backward when the In J. Rothengatter and R. de Bruin (eds) Road user
vehicle is driven. and traffic safety.
The November 1, 1978 revision of the Norwegian
Regulations Regarding Motor Vehicles, Section 34, Malaterre, G. Error analysis and in- depth accident
Chapter II, B* states that for new motorcycles, effective analysis.
January 1979, the parking support of a motorcycle must
Yin, R.K., case study research, Applied Social
be made so that when the weight of the motorcycle is
research Methods vol. 5. London Sage Publication.
|| Volume 5 || Issue 4 || April 2020 || ISSN (Online) 2456-0774
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