Blockchain in Fintech: A Mapping Study: Sustainability

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Blockchain in FinTech: A Mapping Study
Simon Fernandez-Vazquez † , Rafael Rosillo *,† , David De La Fuente † and Paolo Priore †
Business Management Department, University of Oviedo, 33003 Asturias, Spain;
[email protected] (S.F.-V.); [email protected] (D.D.L.F.); [email protected] (P.P.)
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +34-985-18-26-57
† These authors contributed equally to this work.

Received: 13 October 2019; Accepted: 6 November 2019; Published: 13 November 2019 

Abstract: Blockchain is currently one of the most important topics in both the academia and industry
world, mainly due to the possible effects that the continuing application of this new technology could
have. The adoption of this technology by FinTech companies constitutes the next step towards the
expansion of blockchain and its sustainability. The paper conducts a mapping study on the research
topics, limitations, gaps and future trends of blockchain in FinTech companies. A total of 49 papers
from a scientific database (Web of Science Core Collection) have been analyzed. The results show a
deep focus in challenges such as security, scalability, legal and regulatory, privacy or latency, with
proposed solutions still to be far from being effective. A vast majority of the research is focused
into finance and banking sector, obviating other industries that could play a crucial role in the
further expansion of blockchain. This study can contribute to researchers as a starting point for their
investigation, as well as a source for recommendations on future investigation directions regarding
blockchain in the FinTech sector.

Keywords: blockchain; FinTech; mapping study; technological challenges; cryptocurrency

1. Introduction
Blockchain is one of the most talked-about topics in the business and academic world. It was
presented for the first time with Bitcoin in 2008, as a peer-to-peer payment system for electronic
transactions which allowed different financial actors to send payments to one another without the
intermediation of a central agent (for example a central bank), preventing the double-spending
problem [1].
The chain of blocks, or blockchain, is a peer-to-peer network, connected by its nodes that form the
chain. Its properties are that of a distributed, transactional database. Once each node in the network
verifies the information, it is sent via their public keys to the rest of the nodes [2]. As shown in Figure 1,
each block has a unique identification hash that makes reference to its preceding block. Any user with
a public or private key can enter the network and have access to the information exchanged in the
system 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW
network. 2 of 25

Genesis block x+1 block x+2 block x+3

Header Header Header

Prev_Hash Timestamp Prev_Hash Timestamp Prev_Hash Timestamp
Tx_Root Version Tx_Root Version Tx_Root Version
... Nonce Bits Nonce Bits Nonce Bits

Transaction List Transaction List Transaction List

1. Blockchain network.
Figure 1.

One of2019,
Sustainability the11,
6366;important players in
the blockchain technology
doi:10.3390/su11226366 are its miners. Miners validate
the information in the network by solving cryptographic puzzles and attaining agreement. This
procedure makes the chain of blocks secure [5]. Every time one of the miners deciphers the puzzle, a
transaction is documented. Due to the reward approach of the blockchain and to incentivize its
Sustainability 2019, 11, 6366 2 of 24

Public and private key systems have been developed way before blockchain. In 1976, Diffie
and Hellman developed asymmetric cryptography, the first milestone into the development of the
key system. In a public key system, two parties are able to send information via a public network,
with public techniques and establish a connection that is secure. It works when one party sends the
other information enciphered in their respective public keys. In order to decipher the message, the
counterparty would use its private deciphering key [3].
The public and private pair of keys are interrelated, meaning that they can only be used in
combination. This is obtained through a mathematical algorithm that sets the exclusive relationship
between this pair of keys. Public keys can be shared with unlimited parties, whilst private keys must
be kept safe and secret [4].
One of the most important players in the blockchain technology are its miners. Miners validate the
information in the network by solving cryptographic puzzles and attaining agreement. This procedure
makes the chain of blocks secure [5]. Every time one of the miners deciphers the puzzle, a transaction
is documented. Due to the reward approach of the blockchain and to incentivize its miners, every time
a puzzle is solved Bitcoins are earned. Miners with the greatest resources will be more likely to solve
the puzzle first, thus earning the reward. The decentralized environment of Bitcoin is possible due to
this structure [6].
When a new miner has access for the first time to a blockchain, it has access to the whole chain,
from the genesis to the ultimate validated block [7]. The genesis, also known as the first block or root of
the chain, is hard-coded into the client software that supports the valid blockchain. Due to the fact that
miners need to solve puzzles, also called proof-of-work (PoW), a new transaction will only be valid
once a new block is created and added into the existing blockchain [8]. Blockchain is an asset-agnostic
technology. It is capable of storing, record-keeping and transferring all types of assets [9].
This paper introduces a mapping study which aims at comprehending the research topics,
limitations, gaps and future trends of blockchain technology in FinTech companies. It can serve
researchers as a starting point for their investigation, or as a source of information on future trends
regarding blockchain in the FinTech sector. The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2
provides a background on FinTech and smart contracts; Section 3 presents the materials and methods
used to conduct this study; Section 4 presents the results of the study; Section 5 discusses the limitations
of a systematic mapping study; and Section 6 presents the conclusions and recommendations derived
from this study.

2. Background

2.1. FinTech
Financial technology, also known as ‘FinTech’, denotes the use of computer programs or other
technology to assist the financial industry. The term was used for the first time at the beginning of the
1990s [10] and what started as a word related solely to the financial industry, it soon expanded into
other very diverse sectors. Since early 2014, the sector has started attracting the attention of regulators,
industry members, customers, and academics [11]. Blockchain in FinTech appeared for the first
time as the distributed ledgers of Bitcoin, but has recently attracted consideration from practitioners
and researchers [12]. Today, financial institutions and other market participants, mainly due to the
development of the blockchain technology, are approving the nature of FinTech and the necessity for
research in the academic world given the implications of this technology. Financial innovation is not
something new, as it has an extensive history. The development of FinTech throughout history can be
divided into three main eras [11].

i. Fintech 1.0 (1866–1967): In this early stage, finance started developing in agricultural states.
The use of money, with its main advantage being the transfer of its value, started facilitating
financial transactions. Developments in the 19th century of railroads and the invention of
Sustainability 2019, 11, 6366 3 of 24

the telegraph facilitated connections across borders. After the Great War, technology started
quickly developing, laying the foundations of the next FinTech era.
ii. Fintech 2.0 (1967−2008): This era is characterized by the rapid expansion of electronic payment
systems. In 1968, the Inter-Bank Computer Bureau was founded in the United Kingdom,
cementing what today is known as the Bankers’ Automated Clearing Services. Regulations
in the FinTech world started taking place, mainly due to the collapse in 1974 of Herstatt
Bank. The effects of the collapse of the stock market in 1987 (also known as Black Monday),
confirmed the suspicion that global markets were technologically linked. Throughout the 1990s,
technological advances were made in risk management systems and the development of online
consumer banking. The creation of digital banking (back then banks were the sole authorized
monetary institutions) attracted more attention by regulators as it created new risks.
iii. Fintech 3.0 (2008–present): The beginning of this era was characterized by the financial turmoil
of the years 2007–2008. Trust in the banking system started to be lost, and technological
firms started to operate through peer-to-peer networks outside the regulatory framework (in
China alone over 2000 platforms were developed). Today, these technological firms and many
start-ups are displacing banks at a pace never seen before. Flexible regulations that stimulate
entrepreneurship [13] are beginning to be adopted by some countries.

2.2. Smart Contracts

The introduction of smart contracts has been key in the development of FinTech. During the last
decade, blockchain technology has been constantly evolving. Some of the most relevant products of
this evolution are smart contracts. These are not something new, as Nick Szabo introduced the concept
in 1994. Smart contracts can be defined as a computerized transaction procedure that performs the
terms of a contract. This means that all the contractual clauses are embedded in the computer of the
individuals performing the transactions [14]. As these contracts are automatically executed when
certain conditions are met (the codes in the algorithm that conform the smart contracts specify these
conditions), there is no need for a central authority or third-party support these transactions. As shown
in Figure 2, the blockchain is represented on the lower part. Parties involved in the transaction (for
example Party A sends units of currency Y to Party B and obtains units of currency Z) are represented
in the upper part. Parties exchange this information through their keys (public and private), and
consensus of this transaction is reached through mining. The transaction can only be completed with
Sustainability 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 25
the creation of a new block.


Party A Code

via Storage

Party B Public/Private keys

block x+1 block x+2 block x+3 block x+4

Header Header Header

Prev_Hash Timestamp Prev_Hash Timestamp Prev_Hash Timestamp
Tx_Root Version Tx_Root Version Tx_Root Version
N once Nonce Nonce New

Transaction List Transaction List Transaction List

Figure Smartcontract

3. Materials and Methods

A systematic mapping study was the research method used to conduct this study. The objective
of a systematic mapping study is to present an outline on an investigated area, establishing and

Party A Code

Sustainability 2019, 11, 6366 Transactions 4 of 24
via Storage

Party B Public/Private keys

There are many different languages in which smart contracts can be coded, Ethereum being one
of the most relevant to date. Ethereum has been proven to be extremely reliable when preventing
the double spending
block x+1 problem, although, in order to attain this,
block x+2 blockax+3
high level of difficulty isx+4
block added [15].
Currently, the platforms that support blockchain’s smart contract are Ethereum and Hyperledger [16].
Ethereum Header
uses its own language, Header
just as any other computerHeaderprogram. It has a consensus procedure
Prev_Hash Timestamp Prev_Hash Timestamp Prev_Hash Timestamp
that details
Tx_Rootthe Version
way in which theTx_Root
nodes forming
Version the network extend
Tx_Root the blockchain. A particularity of
N once Nonce Nonce New
Ethereum is that blocks are added based on the strength of the nodes that form the network, Block through
what is called a lottery. This means that nodes with a higher degree of computational strength have
Transaction List Transaction List Transaction List
more chances of winning this lottery than the ones with less computational strength. Malicious nodes,
which could access to win this lottery and add improper contract executions, are automatically removed
from the blockchain [17]. Figure 2. Smart contract system.

mapping study was
study wasthethe
research method
research method used to conduct
used this this
to conduct study. The objective
study. of a
The objective
systematic mapping
of a systematic study isstudy
mapping to present
is to an outlinean
present onoutline
an investigated area, establishing
on an investigated and quantifying
area, establishing and
research evidence on a subject. By performing a mapping study, gaps in the research
quantifying research evidence on a subject. By performing a mapping study, gaps in the research on on a certain topic
come to light,
a certain topicwhich
comecould be considered
to light, which could as be
weak areas or areas
considered as weakof future study.
areas or areasInoforder
futureto perform
study. In
this mapping
order study,this
to perform themapping
outlinedtheby Petersenoutlined
processes [18] andbyKitchenham
Petersen [18][19]and
been followed.[19]
The objective of this investigation is to carry out an investigation related to blockchain
have been followed. The objective of this investigation is to carry out an investigation related to technology
FinTech. This study provides
technology in indication
This studyofprovides
the area an
of research
indication of of
the area technology
of research inof
FinTech as of today. The Prisma Checklist is provided in Appendix A. Figure
blockchain technology in FinTech as of today. The Prisma Checklist is provided in Appendix 3 shows the systematic A.
mapping study process. It is comprised of five process steps (in the upper
Figure 3 shows the systematic mapping study process. It is comprised of five process steps part) with their respective
(in the
five outcomes
upper (in the
part) with lower
their part). five outcomes (in the lower part).

Figure Systematicmapping

3.1. Definition of Research Questions

3.1. Definition of Research Questions
A systematic mapping study is characterized by providing an outline or overview of the research
A systematic mapping study is characterized by providing an outline or overview of the
scope. It is a crucial link in the chain of evidence that extends from the academic research literature to
research scope. It is a crucial link in the chain of evidence that extends from the academic research
the practical application, considering that both practitioners and academics use journals as a source of
literature to the practical application, considering that both practitioners and academics use journals
information [20]. A well-executed, scientifically accurate mapping study on a clearly defined topic is
invaluable as it outlines current research, defines the limits of what has and has not been investigated
and shows the main gaps in the literature research. This analytical angle is extremely important and
serves as a highlight of relevant additional issues [21]. This study helps identify the amount and
types or research that have been done within the industry. Diverse attributes can be mapped, such as
Sustainability 2019, 11, 6366 5 of 24

publication date trends or the specific topics within the explored area. Research questions (RQs) can
help outline these topics more easily.
RQ1: What trends by publication year can be observed?
In order to analyze the trends of blockchain in the academic world, a study of the publication year
for the research papers is performed.
RQ2: What types of documents (articles, book chapter, reviews) are being published in blockchain?
Publication channels as a target of research give an idea of the kind of investigation that is being
developed within blockchain.
RQ3: What are the main research topics addressed in the current blockchain research?
In order to explore the main topics that have been studied in blockchain, a categorization has
to be made. This is one of the most important questions throughout the systematic mapping study
carried out, as it serves as a basis to create an overall understanding of the current areas of research.
This mapping study will assist researchers to have a wider understanding of this area and serve as a
milestone for further investigation.
RQ4: What are the main challenges/limitations in the current blockchain research?
In order to explore the problems and challenges that the development of blockchain in FinTech
is experimenting, the main issues will be categorized. By mapping the limitations of the technology,
further research can be conducted in a specific area of importance.
RQ5: What are the main gaps in the research in blockchain?
The identification of gaps can help investigators explore areas that have not yet been explored.
This will help find answers to questions that have not yet been solved regarding the blockchain
technology. Thus, a systematic mapping study provides information on research areas but also on
existing research gaps.
RQ6: Where is the blockchain technology moving in the near future?
The above five questions set the groundwork to establish possible future research directions. It is
of high importance to address this question in order to lay the groundwork for future research in
blockchain and the applications of this technology in the years to come.

3.2. Conducting the Research

The second stage after the definition of the research questions is to conduct the search. A search
protocol, which will be followed, specifies the approaches that will be taken into account when
performing this systematic review. This protocol helps to mitigate the probability of researcher bias.
Without this protocol, for instance, it could be probable that the researcher expectations or pre-defined
conclusions would drive the selection of individual studies and not the other way around [19]. By this
means, an independent third-party (i.e., an independent peer reviewer) could follow this protocol and
achieve identical or very similar results.
This search has been performed during the January–March 2019 period. Once the protocol was
designed and tested, the search engine/database used was the Web of Science Core Collection (Clarivate
Analytics, Philadelphia, USA), which comprises over 1 billion cited reference indexed from journals,
books, and proceedings and 21,000 unique global journals covering 254 disciplines. This database
contains only high-quality, peer-reviewed papers from different sources.
Within the Web of Science Core Collection, the keyword ‘blockchain’ was used in the search
engine. Since the goal of this mapping study is to map papers related to the blockchain technology
in FinTech, no searches for specific terms such as Bitcoin or smart contracts were made. Within the
Core Collection, a search was firstly conducted for publications with the word ‘FinTech’ (or ‘financial
technology’) in the title, abstract or keyword. Also, in order to withdraw subjectivity from the search,
there was no manual search involved to retrieve papers or literature that were not contained in the
Web of Science Core Collection database (i.e., grey literature such as unpublished papers, Master’s or
PhD theses, documents not published as a scientific work, or Google Scholar).
FinTech, no searches for specific terms such as Bitcoin or smart contracts were made. Within the
Core Collection, a search was firstly conducted for publications with the word ‘FinTech’ (or
‘financial technology’) in the title, abstract or keyword. Also, in order to withdraw subjectivity from
the search, there was no manual search involved to retrieve papers or literature that were not
contained in the Web of Science Core Collection database (i.e., grey literature such as unpublished
Sustainability 2019, 11, 6366 6 of 24
papers, Master’s or PhD theses, documents not published as a scientific work, or Google Scholar).

3.3. Screening
Screening of
of Relevant
Relevant Papers
Papers for
for Inclusion
Inclusion or
or Exclusion
In order
order toto perform
perform aa screening
screening for
for the
the relevant papers to
relevant papers to be
be included
included in
in the
the systematic
systematic map,map, the
protocol defined
protocol defined by by Dyba
Dyba [22]
[22] was
was adopted.
adopted. During
During the
the first
first screening
screening phase,
phase, papers
papers were screened
were screened
based onon their
their titles
titles and
and abstracts.
abstracts. Papers
Papers that
that did
did not
not have
have appropriate
appropriate titles
titles for
for the
the study were
study were
excluded. In circumstances where it was not clear whether the title was appropriate,
excluded. In circumstances where it was not clear whether the title was appropriate, it was passed on it was passed
on to the
to the next
next phase
phase forfor further
further reading.During
reading. Duringthethesecond
all the
the papers
papers that
passed the first screening phase were read. In this phase, papers with the following
passed the first screening phase were read. In this phase, papers with the following characteristics characteristics
were rejected:
were rejected:
i.i. Papers where
Papers wherethethefullfull
text was
text notnot
was available;
ii.ii. Papers written in any other language
Papers written in any other language than English;
than and
English; and
iii.iii. Papers that had other relevance different from blockchain
Papers that had other relevance different from blockchain applications inin
applications FinTech.
Papers that fulfilled the criteria in both phases passed on to the next stage.
Papers that fulfilled the criteria in both phases passed on to the next stage.

3.4. Abstract
Abstract Keywording
Keywording search
search is
is aa very
very useful
useful way
way to
to reduce
reduce time
time needed
needed when
when classifying
classifying thethe results
performed and
performed andcertifying
all all studies
studies havehave
takentaken into account.
into account. Intoorder
In order to perform
perform a keyword a
keyword search, two steps must be performed. The first one is the reading of the abstract
search, two steps must be performed. The first one is the reading of the abstract and the identification and the
of key concepts ofthat
key reveal
conceptsthethat reveal theofcontribution
contribution the paper [18].of the
was Once this was
completed, completed,
a combination
aof keywords
combination fromofdifferent
keywords papersfromwasdifferent
in orderwas performed
to acquire in order to ofacquire
an understanding the naturean
understanding of the nature of the search. These keywords were used to form a
of the search. These keywords were used to form a set of categories in the mapping study. After theset of categories in
the mapping
categories study.
were Afterthe
shaped, theselected
categories werewere
papers shaped,
if apapers werewas
paper that read. Then, if
initially a paper
that was initially clustered under a specific category was more relevant under
under a specific category was more relevant under a new category, it was updated accordingly, a new category, it as
updated accordingly,
can be seen in Figure 4. as it can be seen in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Protocol for building the classification scheme.

Figure 4. Protocol for building the classification scheme.
3.5. Data Extraction and Mapping of Papers
Once the data was obtained from the Web of Science Core Collection database, as previously
described, it was sorted in an Excel spreadsheet with the following headers: author(s) name(s), title,
source (article, review, book), abstract, and publication year.

3.6. Paper Information

The search of results can be seen through the PRISMA diagram in Appendix B. The initial search
of the term blockchain in the Web of Science database gave 1,786 results. As it has been previously
Sustainability 2019, 11, 6366 7 of 24

described, the title and abstract keywording led to the selection of 52 papers. The reason for the
exclusion of a high number of papers was the absence of correlation between blockchain and Fintech.
A vast majority of the papers related to other scientific domains.
After this initial selection of 52 papers, the guidelines for the inclusion of the relevant papers
(Section 3.3) were followed. One paper was found to be duplicate, and two papers were eliminated
due to the low correlation to the study of blockchain from a FinTech perspective. This process resulted
in the final selection of 49 papers. The full list of the selected papers can be seen in Table 1.

Table 1. Publication channels

Journal Author(s)
IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics Communications and Computer Sciences [23]
Electrical Engineering in Japan [24]
Software Engineering and Algorithms in Intelligent Systems [25]
Accounting and Finance [26]
Journal of Economics and Business [27]
Production and Operations Management [28]
Quality-Access to Success [29,30]
European Business Organization Law Review [31]
NMIMS Management Review [9]
Strategic Change-Briefings in Entrepreneurial Finance [32]
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health [33]
Proceedings of The International Conference on Business Excellence [34]
Technological Forecasting and Social Change [35]
2018 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI) [36]
Journal of Investment Management [37]
Blockchain Technology: Platforms, Tools and Use Cases [38]
Handbook of Blockchain, Digital Finance, and Inclusion, Vol 1: Cryptocurrency, Fintech, Insurtech,
and Regulation
2018 9th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility, and Security (NTMS) [40]
Journal of Money Laundering Control [41]
Australian Feminist Studies [42]
Internet Science, INSCI 2017 [43]
Emerging Markets Finance and Trade [44]
Financial and Credit Activity-Problems of Theory and Practice [45]
2018 6th International Symposium on Digital Forensics and Security (ISDFS) [46]
Journal of Management Information Systems [47]
Journal of Risk Finance [48,49]
Review of International Business and Strategy [50]
International Journal [51]
Financial Innovation [52]
Business Horizons [53]
Enfoque UTE [54]
Computer [55]
Symmetry-Basel [56]
Sustainability 2019, 11, 6366 8 of 24

Table 1. Cont.

Journal Author(s)
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications [57]
Sustainability 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 25
2017 ITU Kaleidoscope: Challenges for a Data-Driven Society (ITU K) [58]

3.5. Data2017 IEEE II International Conference on Control in Technical Systems (CTS)

Extraction and Mapping of Papers [59]
2017 IEEE 1st International Conference on Cognitive Computing (ICCC 2017) [60]
Once the data was obtained from the Web of Science Core Collection database, as previously
2017 AEIT International Annual Conference [61]
described, it was sorted in an Excel spreadsheet with the following headers: author(s) name(s), title,
source (article, review, book), abstract, and publication year. [62]
2017 IEEE 13th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking, and
3.6. Paper Information Communications (WIMOB)
2017 13th European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC 2017) [64]
The search of results can be seen through the PRISMA diagram in Appendix B. The initial
search of theApplications, Markets in
term blockchain andthe
Finance Industry,
database Financecom 2016results. As it
gave 1,786 [65]
has been
Proceedingsdescribed, the title andConference
of The 6th International abstractonkeywording
Computing and ledInformatics:
to the selection of 52 papers. [66]
Embracing The reason
for the exclusion of a high number Eco-Friendly Computing
of papers was the absence of correlation between blockchain and
2017 IEEEA13th
majority ofSymposium
the papers on related to other
Autonomous scientific
Decentralized domains.
Systems (ISADS 2017) [67]
2017 After this initialConference
19th International selectiononof 52 papers,
Advanced the guidelines
Communications for the
Technology inclusion of the relevant papers
(Section 3.3) were followed. One Newpaper
Era Of was
Societyto be duplicate, and two papers were eliminated
due to the Developments
Recent low correlation to the Systems
in Intelligent study and
of blockchain from a FinTech
Interactive Applications perspective. This
(IISA 2016) [69] process
resulted in the final selection of 49 papers. The full list of the selected
Banking Beyond Banks and Money: A Guide To Banking Services in the 21st Century papers can be seen in Table 1.

4. Results
4. Results
4.1. RQ1
4.1. RQ1

4.1.1. Year
4.1.1. Yearof
Figure showsthetheyear
publicationof ofthe
articles. Due
Due to to the
the fact
fact that
that FinTech
FinTechin in
academia is a rather new subject (blockchain was introduced in 2008), it is not a
academia is a rather new subject (blockchain was introduced in 2008), it is not a surprise that onlysurprise that only
2.0% ofthe
publicationsare arefound
in the years 2017 (38.8%) and 2018 (53.1%). Finally, 6.1% of the selected articles in 2019
in the years 2017 (38.8%) and 2018 (53.1%). Finally, 6.1% of the selected articles in 2019 (as of march) (as of march)
discussed blockchainin inFinTech.
numberof ofpublications
publicationsin in2018
surpassed. This shows that blockchain in FinTech is a very recent research are and
surpassed. This shows that blockchain in FinTech is a very recent research are and that it is quickly that it is quickly
expanding. Thisincrease






2016 2017 2018 2019

Figure 5. Selected articles published by year.

Figure 5. Selected articles published by year.

4.1.2. Geographical Distribution

Regarding the geographical distribution for the selected papers, the main country of
publication was the USA with 21 papers (42.9%), followed by the UK with 11 papers (22.4%) and
Switzerland with 6 papers (12.2%). The rest of the countries two or less papers published (Figure 6).
This distribution shows that, although the publications are mainly concentrated in three countries,
Sustainability 2019, 11, 6366 9 of 24

4.1.2. Geographical Distribution

Regarding the geographical distribution for the selected papers, the main country of publication
was the USA with 21 papers (42.9%), followed by the UK with 11 papers (22.4%) and Switzerland
with 6 papers (12.2%). The rest of the countries had two or less papers published (Figure 6). This
Sustainability 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 25
distribution shows that, although the publications are mainly concentrated in three countries, there is
a high diversification amongst continents that are presently researching blockchain applications in
Sustainability 2019, the 25 PEER REVIEW
11, xglobe.
FOR 8 of 25
FinTech around






Figure 6. Selected papers geographical distribution.

4.2. RQ2 Figure 6. Selected papers geographical distribution.

Figure 6. Selected papers geographical distribution.
4.2. RQ2of Publication
4.2. RQ2
Source of Publication
Figure 7 shows the publication source for the selected papers. The results from the search show
that of Publication
Figure 7 of
55.1% the the
shows selected paperssource
publication wereforarticles (27), papers.
the selected 34.7% were proceedings
The results from thepapers (from
search show
that Figure
55.1% of 7and
the symposiums)
selected (17), source
the publication
papers were only 6.1%
articles of34.7%
(27), the papers
were being
papers. Thebook
proceedings chapters
results from
papers the(3)
(from and show
search 4.1%
and (2).
55.1% of the (17),selected papers
only 6.1% of the were
papersarticles (27), chapters
being book 34.7% were proceedings
(3) and 4.1% reviews papers
(2). (from
conferences and symposiums) (17), only 6.1% of the papers being book chapters (3) and 4.1%
reviews (2). 30






Article Proceedings Book Chapter Review
Figure Proceedings
7. Selected
Selected papers Book Chapter
papers source
source of Review
of publication.
Table 1 shows the publication channels for the selected papers.
Table 1 shows the publication channels for the selected papers.
Figure 7. Selected papers source of publication.

Table 1. Publication channels

Table 1 shows the publication channels for the selected papers.
Journal Author(s)
Table 1. Publication channels
IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics
and Computer Sciences Author(s)
Electrical Engineering in Japan
IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics [24]
Of Smart Society
Recent Developments in Intelligent Systems and Interactive
Applications (IISA 2016)
Banking Beyond Banks and Money: A Guide To Banking
Services in the 21st Century
Sustainability 2019, 11, 6366 10 of 24

4.3. RQ3
4.3. RQ3
Summary of the Topics
Summary of the Topics
Figure 8 shows the topics identified through the review of the final selected papers.
Figure 8 shows the topics identified through the review of the final selected papers.

Figure 8. Summary
Summary of
of the main topics and key challenges of the selected papers.

The results of the search performed show that banking and finance are the main topics of the
current research in blockchain applied to FinTech, being in 24.5% the main topic (12 papers). It is not
surprising that a wide spectrum of academic research has focused on the banking and finance sector, as
blockchain started precisely in these areas. The second most talked-about subject is blockchain and its
applications in a wide manner, from the introduction of the technology to the application of the ledger
technology to FinTech companies, with 16.3% (8 papers). The third and fourth topics with the highest
amount of interest are cryptocurrencies with 10.2% (5 papers) and blockchain software development,
with 8.2% (4 papers).

4.4. RQ4

4.4.1. Classification of the Main Challenges for the Selected Papers

This section presents the classification of the selected papers. Once the papers were read, a
classification based on the findings was made. Due to the fact that most of the challenges represented in
the papers were related to the classification presented by Treiblmaier [71], this classification was used.
The challenges included were: scalability, robustness, latency, legal and regulatory, cyber-risks, security,
and privacy. Additionally, a new classification type was identified: technology development. This is a
This section presents the classification of the selected papers. Once the papers were read, a
classification based on the findings was made. Due to the fact that most of the challenges
represented in the papers were related to the classification presented by Treiblmaier [71], this
classification was used. The challenges included were: scalability, robustness, latency, legal
Sustainability 2019, 11, 6366
11 of 24
regulatory, cyber-risks, security, and privacy. Additionally, a new classification type was identified:
technology development. This is a very important attribute as blockchain is a rather new technology
very importantdevelopment
and presents attribute as blockchain is aFinally,
challenges. rather new technology under
a classification and presents development
the name of ‘others’challenges.
was also
used. It comprises all the elements that cannot be classified in the aforementioned categories. that
a classification under the name of ‘others’ was also used. It comprises all the elements The
cannot be classified
classification is shown in the aforementioned
in Figure 9. categories. The classification is shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9. Classification of
9. Classification of the
the main
main challenges
challenges for
for the
the selected
selected papers.

4.4.2. Security
4.4.2. Security
Security was one of the most talked-about challenges in the selected papers, with eight papers
Security was one of the most talked-about challenges in the selected papers, with eight papers
addressing this issue. Different topics inside security were identified, such as 51% attack, wallet
addressing this issue. Different topics inside security were identified, such as 51% attack, wallet
security, cryptographic security, and other issues.
security, cryptographic security, and other issues.
•• 51%
51% attack:
attack:One Oneofofthe themost
recurrent topics identified
topics related
identified to security
related has been
to security has the
been51% theattack
to the network. This arises when an attacker has more than 50% of the mining
attack to the network. This arises when an attacker has more than 50% of the mining capability, capability, meaning
full control
meaning ofcontrol
full the blockchain. Whenever
of the blockchain. there is athere
Whenever fork is
fork blockchain (two different
in the blockchain miners
(two different
answering the puzzle
miners answering the at the same
puzzle at thetime),
samethe block
time), that
the is not
block selected
that by the rest
is not selected by of
thethe peers
rest in
of the
the network will become worthless. If an attacker has 51% of the mining
peers in the network will become worthless. If an attacker has 51% of the mining capacity in a capacity in a network,
and therefore
network, and full control,
therefore fullfalse transactions
control, can be included
false transactions in the blockchain.
can be included There are
in the blockchain. five
main steps
are five mainthatsteps
51% attack:
the 51% (i)attack:
publication of a mining
i) publication of asoftware
mining with bigger
software expected
with bigger
value; (ii) creation of a pool with stickiness (Ponzi scheme); (iii) creation
expected value; ii) creation of a pool with stickiness (Ponzi scheme); iii) creation of unwantedof unwanted coalitions;
(iv) assaultiv)
coalitions; of assault
other pools withpools
of other cannibalized pools; andpools;
with cannibalized (v) anand eventual
v) an switch
eventual to members
switch to
only [56]. Consensuses of the nodes regarding the transactions are
members only [56]. Consensuses of the nodes regarding the transactions are also concepts also concepts addressed by
other authors [34].
addressed by other authors [34].
•• Wallet
Wallet security: Regarding Bitcoin,
security: Regarding Bitcoin, there
there are
are numerous
numerous security
security issues
issues that
that are
are addressed.
Transactions in the Bitcoin world are created using
Transactions in the Bitcoin world are created using scripts, which scripts, which are codes in a programming
codes in a programming
language. An An extensively
extensively used used method
method thatthat includes
includes aa multiple signature process is called
‘multisig’. Even thoughthough the the creation
creationof ofscripts
solvea awide
varietyofof problems,
problems, there
there is
is a possibility that a transaction is not correctly configured as the complexity of the script rises.
When this occurs, the Bitcoin that uses an incorrectly configured script would be discarded, as it
would have no use since the unlocking script will not be able to be generated [56]. Humans that
run the mining nodes are responsible for choosing which network they want to join, affecting the
security of the blockchain. The bigger the amount of nodes in the network, the more secure it will
be. The decision to run a specific form of code, or the shifts in the changes in the performance
of the systems, have real-world outcomes, i.e. higher expenses on energy and CPU sequences
committed to solve proof-of-work encryptions [62].
• Cryptography: Key cryptography is another major topic within security. In the Bitcoin wallet,
information such as the personal key of the address used to generate the unlocking script is stored.
Having access to this information would mean leading to a potential loss of Bitcoins, as this
information plays a crucial part in the system. Consequently, the Bitcoin wallet is one of the central
issues when regarding hacking attacks on Bitcoin. One way to tackle this problem is by using
multisig for multiple signatures. Because of the particularities of multisig, which only allows a
transaction to be executed with multiple signatures, it can be used to configure the signature of
the Bitcoin owner in addition to the signature of the online wallet site. In the event of an attack,
Sustainability 2019, 11, 6366 12 of 24

withdrawal can be avoided since the owner’s personal key is not kept, even when the online
wallet site is being hacked [56]. Security breaches when using cryptographic tools, intrinsic to the
concept of blockchain could have a high operational impact. These same breaches could increase
costs for users in the network. For instance, arrangements in certain blockchain networks can lead
to alterations in the cost allocation amongst users. In a ledger where users contribute through the
maintenance and update of the network, some users, by operating certain nodes in an arranged
way, could contribute to a cost increase in the network derived from this arrangement [54].
• Other security threats: Some authors point out that operations through blockchain can lead to high
overhead traffic [38]. Other authors identify managed monitory services related to cybersecurity.
The main idea behind this is that processes are supervised in real-time and attacks are tackled
before they can make much damage. Nevertheless, since these monitoring resources are scarce,
it is necessary to sacrifice these resources to process those with the higher possibility of being
damaged [28]. For other authors, security improvements in the blockchain, especially those
between the participants in the logistics supply chain, would result in less cost (i.e., medicines) [33].

4.4.3. Scalability
One of the most important challenges concerning blockchain is its scalability. Today, improving
the network’s scale is not considered itself as a goal, but as a moving target. One of the main objectives
of cryptocurrencies is to be able to attain a similar rate of transactions per second as a centralize system
does while maintaining the core of its technology unchanged [38].
Some authors point out that the restrictions on a block’s data volume limit the amount of
transactions performed [24]. Because of its incapability of acting as an exchange mechanism, due
mainly to scalability (and speed), cryptocurrencies have been viewed as a source speculative trading [62].
In Bitcoin, another point of view regarding scalability is related to the technical extension of the
system. The non-scalable technical extension of the design of Bitcoin does not allow other features or
applications to be incorporated. For example, creators that want to incorporate the Bitcoin system to
smart contracts, find it extremely complicated. This is how other systems were born, Ethereum being
one of the most relevant examples today [63].
In the near future, blockchain can have an issue regarding storage capacity as transactional
histories are constantly added onto one another [54]. A solution to this could be the limitation in
the access to write information, and only grant permission to a central intermediary, which would
diminish consensus needs [9]. Other authors reflect on the necessity of designing a blockchain that
can cope with scalability and coming up with a number of computers, which would be necessary to
confirm each transaction [28].
Some of the papers that include scalability problems relate it with another common challenge that
will be later discussed: latency. In an experiment conducted by Raikwar et al. [40], the parameters
when creating a blockchain should be cautiously selected, as they have a direct impact on the
network’s latency.

4.4.4. Legal and Regulatory

Throughout history, there has been a delay between early implementation and regulatory
acknowledgment when dealing with important market innovations. Legal compliance and regulation
by the authorities in each jurisdiction is a key requirement if blockchain wants to make its way into the
financial system. One of the common denominators after any financial crisis is regulatory belief on
stable and optimal rules. However, this framework, which relies on stable and predictable rules, could
be inadequate in many cases, especially when introducing a disruptive technology such as blockchain
in the equation. The proper nature of FinTech, which has diminished barriers to entry, increased access
to financial services and challenged the nature of the financial system, needs a regulation that adapts
accordingly. Some authors propose regulatory frameworks, whilst others explore the implications that
an unregulated system would have.
Sustainability 2019, 11, 6366 13 of 24

Regulators face a series of dilemmas when addressing blockchain law enforcements. On one
hand, the risks for policymakers for not incentivizing innovation through the adequate development of
an adapted regulation could mean a loss of a country’s competitive advantage. Some FinTech start-ups
may even end up moving to more favorable jurisdictions in other parts of the globe. On the other hand,
an unregulated situation may boost the creation of criminal organizations that would profit from the
lack of laws that govern these activities [51]. This deregulation and its consequences is precisely what
has been criticized by Stephan C. [34].
Some authors propose data monitoring as a technology driven regulation, which would make
financial systems more efficient and effective, protecting the end users’ rights. A dynamic and flexible
integration with access to the blockchain by the parties involved (i.e., institutions and regulators),
would improve real time oversight. This contrasts with the reforms introduced after the financial crisis
in 2008 (the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act in the US), at levels that were
not attained since the New Deal [44].
The appearance of initial coin offerings (ICOs), a means by which capitalists raise money in
the form of cryptocurrencies which can be then bought and sold to obtain services in exchange, is a
subject which has attracted the attention of many researchers. Due to the recent widespread increase of
cryptocurrencies, ICOs have become very relevant in the blockchain world. Deng et al. [31] suggest that
regulation for ICOs in China is necessary, but not to be banned. The authors explore the regulations that
have taken place in other countries and jurisdictions—such as the US, Australia, Canada, Singapore, or
Hong Kong—where ICOs have been regulated under the securities law. Adhami et al. [27], suggest that
ICOs favors innovation and could have substantial significance when funding decentralized groups
of developers.
In line with the need for regulation of ICOs, Gomber et al. [47] suggest that it is key for governments
and financial institutions to regulate electronic payment systems (i.e., transfer of funds) that are today
the leading target of the FinTech revolution. Regulation in other areas, such as in the supply chain of
medicines via blockchain when using the Gcoin system, is suggested by Tseng et al. [33].

4.4.5. Technology Development

Blockchain technology is far from having reached its maturity, with the technical implications that
this may have. Mills et al. [9], for instance, point out that although the blockchain system is regarded
with optimism, there is still a lot of room for the development of its applications as the technology is
still at an early stage. Although many industry actors are suggesting applications for this technology,
the idea is years ahead of the actual technological development.
In order for the distributed ledger technology to be implemented, widespread participation is
needed for it to be successful. Every time a new user is included, the whole community benefits. In
this case, and because of the characteristics intrinsic to blockchain, early adopters can be penalized
from the use of the technology without sufficient participants, which could lead to a withdrawal in the
use of blockchain [54].
Rodrigues et al. [38] warn about the possible consequences of investing in blockchain-based
start-ups. They point out that investors need to be sure that the technology used to develop the
applications is relevant in order to prevent financial losses. The challenges come from developing a
system that maintains the blockchain’s original properties (transparency and decentralization) without
diminishing others (i.e., performance or confidentiality).
Some authors have investigated into the application of the blockchain technology in sectors such
as energy and electric power. Through experiments, Sawa, T. [24] demonstrates that the use of this
technology remains limited in these areas. Nevertheless, these experiments may help others solve
issues relative to energy and provide new solutions that would help companies and customers integrate
their needs through blockchain.
Some authors have also addressed waste of resources connected to the early stage of the technology
development. One main problem of the proof-of-work system is that it serves no other purpose than
Sustainability 2019, 11, 6366 14 of 24

assuring the security inside the network. A higher computational power is needed when mining
takes place, which results in high-energy expenditure. Some studies suggest that by the end of 2020,
the energy consumption in assuring the blockchain’s PoW will be equivalent to that of Denmark.
Some recent attempts to reduce the energy consumed by the PoW (through the recycling of energy) are
far from solving this issue [55].
Today, some development models (Standards Development Organizations and National Standards
Organizations) are only open to users who have paid a subscription. This limits the number of users
that can make developments into a specific area. In order to overcome this situation, Marsal-Llacuna et
al. present a blockchain model for drafting with a token to administer open to sharing [35].

4.4.6. Cyber-Risks
Blockchain’s permissionless public systems can be used for unlawful purposes. This is due to the
fact that the system enables (occasionally completely anonymous) transactions across the globe without
the intervention of a central authority. The particularities of the permissionless public systems, which
cannot impose rules or obligations to its users in order to verify their identity, foster the development
of illegal activities [51].
In recent years, cryptocurrencies have gathered attention for being linked to the drug business,
money laundering, and financing of terrorism. These new currencies allow users to purchase any
kind of malicious items using, for example, Bitcoins. Ransomware attacks have also taken place, such
as WannaCry, which affected more than 300,000 computers in 150 countries. Users with infected
computers were asked to pay the sum of $300 in Bitcoins to be able to have access to their computers.
Investigating the traces of these attacks is a very complex and difficult assignment. Also, users in the
blockchain can undergo financial losses if their cryptographic keys or identifications are lost or stolen.
These losses are in most cases instant and irreversible without recourse [9].
Irwin et al. [41] point out that a solution could come from policies that would support data sharing
between different members from the law enforcement, intelligence entities, and organizations dealing
with cyber-security as well as the FinTech industry. The result would be the creation of behavioral
models and threat landscapes that could help recognize the identities behind the attacks. Other authors
point out for the need for a regulation in order to prevent fraud and money laundering activities [34].

4.4.7. Latency
Today, it takes around 10 minutes to create a new block using PoW. Roughly, seven transactions are
processed per second, which seems very far away compared to the performance of credit cards, which
perform around 2,500 transactions per second on average, peaking at 4,000 and even reaching 45,000
at its maximum (SAW 19) with only a fraction of the electrical power used by Bitcoin. The reasons
for this latency are mainly due to cryptographic verification and blockchain’s consensus algorithms,
which delay the amount of transfers that some systems need to function correctly [54].
Nowadays, Bitcoin block puzzles are solved at a minimum time of three seconds and a maximum
of more than 50 minutes. Decreasing the complexity of PoW would diminish the time spent, but could
lead up to blockchain forks if the block generation timeframe is very narrow [52]. Zook et al. [62] point
out that one of the solutions that some cryptocurrency exchanges and miners are coming up with is to
charge higher fees in order to process the transactions quicker, and even include charges to cover risks
that embrace slow exchange.

4.4.8. Privacy
One of the most important challenges of blockchain is privacy. Blockchain’s transparency, which
is one of the main assets of this technology, could turn to be a major issue. For instance, two companies
which have transactions with one another, could be reluctant to have this information tracked by a
third party, due to the commercial and client privacy implications that this may have [55]. Holders of
Bitcoin can be tracked by analyzing the transactions they perform, mainly through the use of the public
Sustainability 2019, 11, 6366 15 of 24

keys related to their payments. After the identification of a certain subject, a software tool can be used
to create a behavioral map based on the gathered information to have an idea of where that person
shopped, the amount spent and the frequency of the transactions. Even external third parties can have
access to and analyze this information.
Solutions to privacy issues are proposed by Del Rio, C. [54], where the author reflects on a notary
based blockchain system, in which no node in the system has the complete set of information, could
allow higher privacy as a trusted third party would assist in validating the transactions. The downturn
is that if the information in one or more nodes was fraudulent, the system would collapse as nobody
would have a full copy of the ledger and verification would not be possible. Bitcoin Fog or Dark Wallet,
which foster anonymity through a series of scripts, could be used as an alternative [41].

4.4.9. Robustness
When, after the aforementioned challenges, the blockchain network will display similar
characteristics to traditional economic networks, it will mean that the system has achieved its
robustness. Nevertheless, today, this technology confronts problems that need to be addressed.
Robustness looks precisely into higher availability (meaning no downtime) and a 24/7 service available
for transactions.
Some authors, like Matsuura [47], point out that many FinTech and emerging blockchain-based
applications lack of a solid service quality. Research is made towards the stabilization of the applications
with the help of token valuation interpretation function. The main challenge is to comprehend the
new necessities regarding blockchain’s software development products that startups need in order
to develop their business. Improvement in the software’s capacity for decision-making, allowing a
higher degree of automation, and even evolving traditional software engineering concepts to make
them adaptable to blockchain, are the key factors pointed out by Almeida et al. [25]. In line with this,
the optimization of smart contracts in the blockchain would certainly help the network achieve its
robustness [28].

4.4.10. Others
Other topics that have been found relevant when researching blockchain in FinTech are the dark
net, financial risks, and cryptocurrency volatility. We have previously analyzed some of the risks
associated with cyber-security, and talked about the problem of users being able to buy illicit items
with cryptocurrencies. However, the darknet goes beyond common users, as it has been estimated that
only one out of 3,000 web pages are visible to everyday search engines, and between 80% to 98% of
the information on the Internet resides in the darknet. The degree of security of this net, accessible
using, for example, a Tor Browser, is extremely high, and recurrent changes in the codes and the use of
techniques of indexing of search engines create a place for any kind of illegal activity [41].
In the blockchain, and when dealing with transactions between financial institutions, another
challenge that comes up is how the autonomous system would manage financial risks, such as credit
or liquidity risks. How the system handles these risks will have a direct impact on the counterpart’s
liquidity needs [9]. In line with this, financial players also need to address the handling of variables
such as the volatility of cryptocurrencies, which has experience in the last two years huge growth
accompanied with violent volatility [34]. The sophistication of the designed scripts in the network is
key when tackling these issues and will contribute to the expansion of blockchain in FinTech.

4.5. RQ5: What Are the Main Gaps in the Research in Blockchain?
By doing this mapping study, some major research gaps were identified. First of all, most of the
research is being done in sectors related to banking and finance. There is very little current research in
the application of blockchain for FinTech companies that do not relate to these sectors. For instance,
investigation of blockchain in sectors such as durable and non-durable manufacturing, retail and
wholesale trade, real estate, construction or utilities, is necessary as they represent the biggest industries
Sustainability 2019, 11, 6366 16 of 24

in the economy. Also, a more detailed focus on how blockchain technology could help FinTech’s supply
chain is needed.
A second major gap is the only focus on Bitcoin when exploring cryptocurrencies and its uses.
There are numerous other currencies, for instance, Ethereum, which has the importance of being used
in smart contracts. Another research gap can be found in these types of contracts, since they serve
as the basis for most of the transactions that will take place in the future of blockchain. If correctly
programmed, smart contracts will be able to execute thousands of transactions in an autonomous way.
Throughout the selected papers, there were no specific proposals of application development from a
smart contract perspective.
The third research gap was the absence of a technical literature. There were no mathematical
models for applications related to FinTech. Papers were mostly descriptive and lacked a technical
approach in the sense of developing real tools that would help the major challenges brought into light
to be overcome. A more thorough investigation is needed to be able to come up with solutions that
would help companies in the FinTech sector that want to start using blockchain technology.

4.6. RQ6: Where is Blockchain Technology Moving in the Near Future?

It is not clear where the future research of blockchain in the FinTech is going. Cryptocurrencies
such as Bitcoin have attracted interest in recent years, and platforms that trade these currencies are
growing in users every day. It is very probable that Bitcoin will continue to be one of the most
researched topics in the near future, from both business and technical perspectives. As we have pointed
out in the current research gaps, other currencies, such as Ethereum, will probably be of interest as
well, largely due to the application in smart contracts. Nevertheless, it seems that Bitcoin has taken the
lead in the research and we will have to wait for the irruption of other competitors in academic papers.
As more and more users in the real world start to make use of this technology, researchers will
start drawing their attention to these uses and applications. An increase in users means that challenges,
such as scalability or security, will have greater importance, and the development of applications that
tackle these and other issues will be subject of literature review. Even though blockchain has not
reached its maturity, we can observe a growth in the interest that will presumably continue until this
technology reaches its full capacity.

5. Discussion

5.1. Limitations of a Systematic Mapping Study

The most common limitations of systematic mapping studies are publication and selection bias,
inaccuracy in data collection and misclassification [72]. Publication bias refers to the issue that negative
results are less likely to be published, because it takes longer or are less cited, than positive results.
This issue was addressed by the use of the Web of Science Core Collection, which only contains
high-quality, peer-reviewed papers. Grey literature (i.e., unpublished papers, Master’s or PhD theses,
documents not published as a scientific work, or Google Scholar) was not considered as part of the
search. This could, to an extent, affect the validity of the findings. However, using a reputable database
ensures that the results of the study are of high quality.
Selection bias refers to the misrepresentation of a statistical analysis owing to the criteria used to
select publications. This issue was addressed by a careful design of a search protocol. Inclusion and
exclusion criteria were rigorously applied, and each selected paper answered the research questions.
Nevertheless, there is a possibility that papers that addresses the applications of blockchain in the
FinTech sector have been left out if they made little reference to the subject, and the terms FinTech (or
financial technology) was not included in the title, abstract or keyword. Based on pilot searches carried
out prior to the final search, we believe that the majority of relevant papers discussing the subject have
been included. Inaccuracy in data selection and misclassification refer to the possibility of a study’s
information being extracted in different ways by different reviewers. This issue was addressed by
Sustainability 2019, 11, 6366 17 of 24

asking three authors in the paper to extract and classify the results obtained. When discrepancies arose,
discussions were solved by consensus. This resulted in the final 49 papers that were selected.
Additionally, according to Centobelli [73] this mapping study is conducted using manual screening
and is based on the researcher’s analysis and interpretation of the literature. Their critical perspectives
unavoidably influence this process. This fact represents, without a doubt, the main strengths and
limitations of literature reviews. As a matter of fact, a certain degree of subjectivity is an essential
requirement to develop a mapping study and provide thorough understanding of qualitative aspects.

5.2. Future Research

The findings of this paper may be useful for future research. The gaps that have emerged
from this mapping study highlight that, although in recent years there is an increasing number of
articles published on blockchain, the knowledge framework in the discipline is still scattered and a
vast majority of subjects and research directions are still substantially unexplored. Nonetheless, the
principal outcomes of the mapping study show that interest in the topic is mounting and its framework
is in expansion. Since this mapping study provides a conceptual framework, it sets the grounds to
future empirical research and improves the awareness in the field of blockchain in the FinTech sector.
Recommendations on the research directions of this technology would comprise:

• Further investigation from a technical perspective to attain solutions to the main challenges and
limitations that have been identified. If the issues are tackled in the blockchain network as a
whole, FinTech companies will soon be able to adapt and take onboard these solutions to today’s
problems. The recent interest in the technology (mainly since 2016) comprises many papers
dedicated to the explanation of blockchain in a broad manner, but there is a lack investigations
tackling its limitations with real solutions.
• Further research on issues such as privacy or latency. These are key issues that have not attracted
as much interest as security or scalability but that are fundamental to the development of
blockchain technology.
• Further development of smart contracts. If FinTech companies want to succeed in the adoption of
blockchain technology, smart contracts are the key to further unleashing its potential.
• Development of applications for FinTech companies outside the banking sector. Other industries
such as manufacturing, trade, real estate, construction, or utilities have the capacity to take
blockchain technology onboard and apply it for many uses. The introduction of blockchain in
the supply chain of these industries could foster even more the attention and interest towards
blockchain and help further investigate solutions to its main challenges.

6. Conclusions
Blockchain is a decentralized network environment with a shared ledger, in which all transactions
are publicly available to its users. Throughout a set of protocols and cryptographic techniques, it
provides privacy, security, transparency, and anonymity. Nevertheless, these benefits also set up a list
of challenges and limitations that need to be explored. In order to comprehend the academic literature
available on blockchain, a systematic mapping study was carried out. The objective of this mapping
study was to scrutinize the current status, topics and challenges and limitation of blockchain technology
in FinTech companies. A total of 49 papers from the Web of Science Core Collection database were
examined. The results show a deep focus in challenges such as security, scalability, legal and regulatory,
privacy, latency, cyber-risks, or technology development. Although these issues are identified, the
proposed solutions are still far from being effective.
In relation to the specified research questions, the present mapping study aims to pinpoint the
main research areas of blockchain in the FinTech sector, the main publication trends and the main gaps
in academic literature. This mapping study also offers an extensive understanding of blockchain in the
financial technology sector. It highlights that companies willing to adopt this technology should deal
Sustainability 2019, 11, 6366 18 of 24

with upcoming challenges and shows the importance of the efforts in understanding and tackling the
aforementioned issues. Although blockchain is currently far from being the solution to problems in
numerous sectors, its characteristics set hopes for a greater importance in forthcoming years.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, S.F.-V., R.R., D.D.L.F., and P.P.; Methodology, S.F.-V., R.R., D.D.L.F.,
and P.P.; Formal analysis, S.F.-V., R.R., D.D.L.F., and P.P.; Investigation, S.F.-V., R.R., D.D.L.F., and P.P.; Resources,
S.F.-V., R.R., D.D.L.F., and P.P.; Data curation, S.F.-V., R.R., D.D.L.F., and P.P.; Writing—original draft preparation,
S.F.-V., R.R., D.D.L.F., and P.P.; Writing—review and editing, S.F.-V., R.R., D.D.L.F., and P.P.; Supervision, S.F.-V.,
R.R., D.D.L.F., and P.P.; Project administration, S.F.-V., R.R., D.D.L.F., and P.P.; Validation, S.F.-V., R.R., D.D.L.F.,
and P.P.; The authors contributed equally to this work.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Appendix A

Table A1. PRISMA checklist.

Reported on
Section/Topic # Checklist Item
Page No.
Title 1 Identify the report as a systematic review, meta-analysis, or both. 1
Provide a structured summary including, as applicable:
background; objectives; data sources; study eligibility criteria,
2 participants, and interventions; study appraisal and synthesis 1
methods; results; limitations; conclusions and implications of key
findings; systematic review registration number.
Describe the rationale for the review in the context of what is
Rationale 3 1–4
already known.
Provide an explicit statement of questions being addressed with
Objectives 4 reference to participants, interventions, comparisons, outcomes, 4–8
and study design (PICOS).
Indicate if a review protocol exists, if and where it can be accessed
Protocol and
5 (e.g., web address), and, if available, provide registration 4–8
information including registration number.
Specify study characteristics (e.g., PICOS, length of follow-up)
Eligibility criteria 6 and report characteristics (e.g., years considered, language, 4–8
publication status) used as criteria for eligibility, giving rationale.
Describe all information sources (e.g., databases with dates of
7 coverage, contact with study authors to identify additional 4–8
studies) in the search and date last searched.
Present full electronic search strategy for at least one database,
Search 8 4–8
including any limits used, such that it could be repeated.
State the process for selecting studies (i.e., screening, eligibility,
Study selection 9 included in systematic review, and, if applicable, included in the 4–8
Describe method of data extraction from reports (e.g., piloted
Data collection
10 forms, independently, in duplicate) and any processes for 4–8
obtaining and confirming data from investigators.
List and define all variables for which data were sought (e.g.,
Data items 11 PICOS, funding sources) and any assumptions and simplifications 4–8
Describe methods used for assessing risk of bias of individual
Risk of bias in
studies (including specification of whether this was done at the
individual 12 4–8
study or outcome level), and how this information is to be used in
any data synthesis.
Sustainability 2019, 11, 6366 19 of 24

Table A1. Cont.

Reported on
Section/Topic # Checklist Item
Page No.
Summary State the principal summary measures (e.g., risk ratio, difference
13 -
measures in means).
Describe the methods of handling data and combining results of
Synthesis of
14 studies, if done, including measures of consistency (e.g., I2 ) for 4–8
each meta-analysis.
Specify any assessment of risk of bias that may affect the
Risk of bias
15 cumulative evidence (e.g., publication bias, selective reporting 18
across studies
within studies).
Describe methods of additional analyses (e.g., sensitivity or
16 subgroup analyses, meta-regression), if done, indicating which -
were pre-specified.
Give numbers of studies screened, assessed for eligibility, and
Study selection 17 included in the review, with reasons for exclusions at each stage, 6–8
ideally with a flow diagram.
For each study, present characteristics for which data were
18 extracted (e.g., study size, PICOS, follow-up period) and provide 6–8
the citations.
Risk of bias Present data on risk of bias of each study and, if available, any
19 18
within studies outcome level assessment (see item 12).
Results of For all outcomes considered (benefits or harms), present, for each
individual 20 study: (a) simple summary data for each intervention group (b) 4–18
studies effect estimates and confidence intervals, ideally with a forest plot.
Synthesis of Present results of each meta-analysis done, including confidence
21 4–18
results intervals and measures of consistency.
Risk of bias Present results of any assessment of risk of bias across studies (see
22 18
across studies Item 15).
Additional Give results of additional analyses, if done (e.g., sensitivity or
23 -
analysis subgroup analyses, meta-regression (see item 16)).
Summarize the main findings including the strength of evidence
Summary of
24 for each main outcome; consider their relevance to key groups 18–19
(e.g., healthcare providers, users, and policy makers).
Discuss limitations at study and outcome level (e.g., risk of bias),
Limitations 25 and at review-level (e.g., incomplete retrieval of identified 18
research, reporting bias).
Provide a general interpretation of the results in the context of
Conclusions 26 18–19
other evidence, and implications for future research.
Describe sources of funding for the systematic review and other
Funding 27 support (e.g., supply of data); role of funders for the systematic -
From: [74].
Sustainability 2019, 11, 6366 20 of 24

Sustainability 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 21 of 25

Appendix B
Appendix B

Records identified through database Additional records identified

searching through other sources

(n = 1,786) (n = 0)

Records after duplicates removed

(n = 51)

Records screened Records excluded

(n = 51) (n = 2)

Full-text articles assessed Full-text articles excluded,

for eligibility with reasons
(n = 49) (n = 0)

Studies included in
qualitative synthesis
(n = 49)

Studies included in
quantitative synthesis
(n = 49)

Figure A1. PRISMA Flow diagram.

Figure A1. PRISMA Flow diagram. From: [74].
From: [74].
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