Centre For Distance Learning Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management (Gitam)
Centre For Distance Learning Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management (Gitam)
Prof. T.Srinivas
Director, CDL Dt. 02 -07-2018
Dear Learner:
Greetings from CDL! This is to inform to all learners of MBA (General) and MBA(HRM)
that in their Final semester of the programme they have to undergo practical training in any
organization for a minimum period of eight weeks and submit a Project Report thereon along
with a practical training certificate obtained from the organization that they have successfully
completed training in that organization.
In this connection, guidelines for project work are herewith enclosed. You are hereby
instructed to go through the guidelines and submit Project Proposal as per the proforma
enclosed. You are advised to send the project proposal on or before 16th August, 2018.
To :
Dr. G.V.Satya Sekhar, Associate Professor, Centre for Distance Learning, GITAM CITY OFFICE
Third Floor, Balaji Metro Plaza, Dondaparthi Main Road, Visakhapatnam-530 016
You are advised to work on the Project after your proposal is approved by us. For more details,
please log on to www.gitam.edu/cdl for information.
With best wishes,
Yours sincerely,
(T. Srinivas)
For any queries regarding Projects contact:
1. Last date for submission of project proposal along with synopsis: 16th Aug, 2018
2. Last date for submission of FINAL PROJECT-HARD COPY: 15th Nov, 2018.
3. For supplementary candidates they have to pay examination fee towards project work
and viva (two papers) through online before 10th October, 2018.
Learners of MBA Programme will have to work on a project in the third year of their program.
1. The purpose of the project work is primarily to demonstrate the application skills acquired
during the study, by analyzing selected aspects in the work situation in a systematic manner
and suggest solutions to the problem(s).
2. The topic of project may be taken from any one of the following areas:
Project Proposal:
3. The Project Proposal (Synopsis) should be prepared in consultation with the guide and it
has to be sent to the program Co-coordinator, MBA Program. The proposal should
clearly state the significance, objectives, methodology, statistical techniques to be used
and limitations, if any.
4. Project Guide may be chosen from any one of the following institutions/industry.
Learners are advised to select their guides who are either teachers or active
Professionals in the relevant area of the selected topic.
Learners are instructed to send their project proposal (synopsis) and Biodata of the
Guide (in case of ii and iii above) duly singed by the guide to the program Coordinator. If
the proposed guide is not accepted by the Centre for Distance Learning, the learner shall
be advised accordingly and in such a case, the learner shall change the guide before the
proposal is considered for approval. Similarly, if a learner wants to change his/her guide
after starting the project work, he/she would be required to submit a new project
proposal along with the signature of the new guide on the new project proposal.
5. The Project Proposal shall be sent in the given proforma along with one copy of synopsis
and bio-data of the guide to the program Coordinator for approval. Incomplete
proposals in any respect will straightway be rejected. Learners are advised to retain a
copy of the synopsis with them.
i) The structure of the Project Report and the contents are herewith attached.
ii) The length of the report shall be from 40 to 60 pages, typed with double space
on A4 size (excluding appendix and Exhibits). The report is to be submitted in a
bound volume.
9. One typed copy of the project report is to be submitted to the program Coordinator
before the due date as communicated in the Academic Calendar. One copy of the report
is to be retained with the learner and produced at the time of Viva-Voce Exam. The copy
sent to the CDL will not be returned.
10. Programme coordinator - Dr. G.V.Satya Sekhar, Associate. Professor, Centre for
Distance Learning, Third Floor, Balaji Metro Plaza, Dondaparthi Main Road,
Visakhapatnam-530 016.
Tentative Dates:
1. Last date for submission of project proposal along with synopsis: 16th Aug, 2018
2. Last date for submission of FINAL PROJECT-HARD COPY: 15th Nov, 2018.
3. For supplementary candidates they have to pay examination fee towards project work
and viva (two papers) through online before 10th October, 2018.
1) Title Page
2) Company Certificate
3) Declaration by Learner
4) Certificate by Guide
6) Contents
7) List of Tables
10) Bibliography
11) Annexure(s)
Chapter 1: Theoretical Framework / Conceptual Framework
a. Main subject
b. Topic related concepts
c. Review of Literature
a. Industry Profile
b. Organization Profile
c. Topic Profile in the Organization
a. Findings
b. Suggestions
c. Conclusions
Annexure – Questionnaires
Books: - Author name, year of publication, Title of the book in italics, place of publication, name of the
Ex: Aguilar, Francis J. 1994 Managing Corporate Ethics. London: Oxford University Press.
Articles: - Author name, year of publication, Title of the article in Inverted commas, journal title in italics,
Vol. No, PP number.
Ex: Adelman. H. 1991 Morality and Ethics in Organizational Administration. Journal of Business Et/lics
10(9). 665-678.
(Declared as Deemed to be University, Estd. u/s 3 of UGC Act, 1956)
Visakhapatnam | Hyderabad | Bengaluru
Accredited by NAAC with A+ Grade
Gandhinagar Campus, Rushikonda, Visakhapatnam-530 045, A.P., India
Phones: +91-891-2866455 / 2797499 / 8179681900, E-mail: cdl@gitam.edu, Website: cdl.gitam.edu
E-mail ID : ______________________________________
Note: Enclose the Synopsis of the Project and Bio-data of the guide
(For office use only)
Synopsis Supervisor
Approved Approved
Not Approved Not Approved