Supplementary Activities in MAPEH 8 4th Grading

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Activity 2: Define the following categories of Kabuki plays:

a. Judaismono
- explain historical events
b. Seasamono
- It tells the story of everyday people's lives.
c. Shosagot
- Shosagoto, also known as dance or dance-drama, is a form of kabuki theater that's also
focused on dance. It is one of three kabuki genres, alongside jidaimono and sewamono.

Activity 3: Define the following main roles in Peking Opera:

a. Sheng
- In Chinese opera, the sheng is a role kind for refined and reputable male roles such as
Confucius academics, lords, or family leaders. They can be played by either man or
woman performers.
b. Dan
- Dan is the generic term for female leads in Chinese opera, and it is frequently used
to relate to starring roles. They can be performed by either men or women. All dan
parts in Peking opera were originally portrayed by males, although this custom is no
more widespread in any Chinese opera genres.
c. Jing
- In Chinese opera, the Jing is a position type for "tough" or "powerful" masculine
roles. This part necessitates extensive face painting in various genres (along with
Peking opera and Cantonese opera). As a result, it is sometimes referred to as
Hualian ("Painted face").
d. Chou
- In Chinese opera, the clown character is known as the Chou. The Chou is generally
cast in supporting roles in a troupe.

Activity 1: On a long bond paper, complete the table below.

Dance Costume Music Formation Count

Sakuting The girls wear Sakuting is Sakuting is a dance
'Balintawak' style actually a two- from the Abra
costume with stick Arnis province. Originally, it
'siesgo' [A-line exercise set to was an all-male dance
skirt]. The boys music. performance
wear 'kundiman' depicting a mock
[red] trousers and combat with sticks
"Barong Tagalog" between Ilocano
made of coarse, Christians and non-
cheap material Christians.
[e.g. sinamay from
abaca fibers].


Polkabal The female

dancers wear a
Maria Clara
costume while the
male dancers
wear Barong

Kadal Tajo
Activity 1: On a long bond paper, complete the chart below.

Fighting, bullying, threats with
weapons, and gang-related
violence are all examples of
youth violence. As a victim,
Description offender, or witness, a young
person might be involved in
Youth violence is defined as
youth violence.
violence between persons Prevention:
aged 10–29 years who are Make adjustments to the
unrelated and may or may not social and physical
know each other. It usually environments. Limit your
occurs outside of the house. It exposure to community-level
encompasses a wide variety of hazards. Changes in
behaviors, from bullying and community norms and street
physical fighting to more outreach
serious sexual and physical
assault and homicide.


Activity 1: On a clean sheet of intermediate paper, copy and answer Challenge 2 on

pages 340.

Prepared by: Mr. Jay-jay Pagalilauan Addatu

MAPEH 8 Teacher

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