SAD Objective Questions Answers

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MCQ of System Analysis and Design

Q. 1 …………………………. is an important factor of management information system.
A) System
B) Data
C) Process
D) All
Q.2 Which are the following is / are the level(s) of documentation?
A) Documentation for management
B) Documentation for user
C) Documentation for data processing department
D) All of the above
Q.3 ………………………….. level supply information to strategic tier for the use of top management.
A) Operational
B) Environmental
C) Competitive
D) Tactical
Q.4 In a DFD external entities are represented by a
A) Rectangle
B) Ellipse
C) Diamond shaped box
D) Circle
Q.5 …………… can be defined as data that has been processed into a form that is meaningful to the
recipient and is of real or perceive value in current or prospective decisions.
A) System
B) Information
C) Technology
D) Service
Q.6 Use the new system as the same time as the old system to compare the results. This is known as …
A) Procedure Writing
B) Simultaneous processing
C) Parallel Operation
D) File Conversion
Q.7 Decision making model was proposed by ………………….
A) Harry Goode
B) Herbert A Simon
C) Recon Michal
D) None of this
Q.8 A data flow can
A) Only emanate from an external entity
B) Only terminate in an external entity
C) May emanate and terminate in an external entity
D) May either emanate or terminate in an external entity but not both
Q. 9 …………… can be defined as most recent and perhaps the most comprehensive technique for
solving computer problems.
A) System Analysis
B) System Data
C) System Procedure
D) System Record
Q.10 SDLC stands for
A) System Development Life Cycle
B) Structure Design Life Cycle
C) System Design Life Cycle
D) Structure development Life Cycle
Q.11 ……………….. includes review of the existing procedures and information flow.
A) Feasibility Study
B) Feasibility report
C) System Design
D) System analysis
Q.12 A rectangle in a DFD represents
A) a process
B) a data store
C) an external entity
D) an input unit
Q.13 …………….. refers to the collection of information pertinent to systems Project.
A) Data transfer
B) Data gathering
C) Data Embedding
D) Data Request
Q.14 ………………….. means coordinated effort, to communicate the information of the system written
A) System documentation
B) Resource required
C) Development schedule
D) User Document
Q.15 MDP stands for
A) Master Development Plan
B) Master Design Program
C) Mandatory Database Program
D) Master Database Plan
Q.16 External Entities may be a
A) Source of input data only
B) Source of input data or destination of results
C) Destination of results only
D) Repository of data
Q.17 …………………. is a group of interested components working together towards a common goal by
accepting inputs and producing outputs in an organized transformation process.
A) System
B) Network
C) Team
D) System Unit
Q.18 To create vehicle of information to provide evidence in the development process and to monitor
the process. This is one of the objectives of
A) Analysis
B) Design
C) Development
D) Documentation
Q.19 A …………. System is no more than idea
A) Conceptual
B) Logical
C) Physical
D) All of the above
Q.20 By an external entity we mean a
A) Unit outside the system being designed which can be controlled by an analyst.
B) Unit outside the system whose behavior is independent of the system being designed
C) A unit external to the system being designed
D) A unit which is not part of a DFD

1. A) System 11. A) Feasibility Study
2. D) All of the above 12. C) an external entity
3. D) Tactical 13. B) Data gathering
4. A) Rectangle 14. A) System documentation
5. B) Information 15. A) Master Development Plan
6. C) Parallel Operation 16. B) Source of …… destination of results
7. B) Herbert A Simon 17. A) System
8. C) May emanate and ………entity 18. D) Documentation
9. A) System Analysis 19. A) Conceptual
10. A) System Development Life Cycle 20. C) A unit external …… being designed

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 MCQ of C++ with answer Set-2
 MCQ Questions of C++ With Answers set-3
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 Solved MCQ of Programming in C++ set-5

Q.1 ………… is a sort of blueprint of the system Development Effort.
Q. 2 Data store in a DFD represents.
A) a sequential file
B) a disk store
C) a repository of data
D) a random access memory
Q.3 …………… system consists of programs, data files and documentation
A) Conceptual
B) Logical
C) Physical
D) None of the above
Q.4 …………… is a good example of deterministic system.
A) Life cycle
B) Computer Program
C) Software Program
D) None of the above
Q.5 The main ingredient of the report documenting the ……………… is the cost benefit analysis.
A) System Analysis
B) Feasibility Study
C) System Analyst
D) System Design
Q.6 A data flow can
A) Only a data store
B) Only leave a data store
C) Enter or leave a data Store
D) Either enter or leave a data store but not both
Q.7 Changing the relationship with and services provided to customers in such a way that they will
not think of changing suppliers is called ………….
A) Lock in customers
B) Lock out customers
C) Lock in competitors
D) Lock out competitors
Q.8 …………… can be defined as data that has been processed into a form that is meaningful to the
recipient and is of real or perceived value in current or prospective decisions.
A) Information
B) Data collection
C) Internal data
D) Sample data
Q.9 Increased volume of sales is an example of ………….…. Benefit. Reduction of bad debts is an
example of ………..
A) Tangible, Intangible
B) Tangible, Tangible
C) Intangible, Tangible
D) Intangible, Intangible
Q.10 A data cannot flow between a store and
i) a store ii) a process iii) an external entity
A) i and iii
B) i and ii
C) ii and iii
D) ii
Q.11 The rate of ……………. Is always an important factor for management especially in relation to the
rate of return
A) Cost
B) Benefit
C) Sales
D) Investment
Q.12 Which of the following is / are the Characteristics of information?
A) Accuracy and Relevance
B) Form of information and Timeliness
C) Completeness and Purpose
D) All A, B & C
Q.13 The data Flow Diagram is the basic component of …………… system
A) Conceptual
B) Logical
C) Physical
D) None of the above
Q.14 State True or False.
i) Master Development Plan basically is a schedule of various applications to be comprised.
ii) It consists of start and finish dates of a system analysis, design implementation and maintenance
A) i-True, ii-True
B) i-False, ii-True
C) i-True, ii-False
D) i-False, ii-False
Q.15 The Key considerations involved in the feasibility analysis is / are ……………….
A) Economic
B) Technical
C) Behavioral
D) A, B, C
Q.16 Data cannot flow between two data stores because
A) it is not allowed in DFD
B) a data store is a passive repository of data
C) data can get corrupted
D) they will get merged

Q.17 …………………… is a schedule of various applications to be computerized.
A) Materials planning
B) Master development Plan
C) Manufacturing organization
D) None of the above
Q.18 ……………. Costs for a computer based information system include the salaries of the system
analysts and computer programmers. ………… costs for a computer based information system include
the salaries of the computer operator and other data processing personnel.
A) Development, Development
B) Development, Operating
C) Operating, Development
C) Operating, Operating
Q.19 The characteristics of well designed system are
a) Practical b) Effective c) Secure d) Reliable e) Flexible f) Economical
A) a, b, c and d
B) a, c, d and e
C) a, b, c, d and e
D) a, b, c, d, e and f
Q.20 …………….. gives defining the flow of the data through and organization or a company or series of
tasks that may or may not represent computerized processing.
A) System process
B) System flowchart
C) System design
D) Structured System

1. A) MDP 11. D) Investment
2. C) a repository of data 12. D) All A, B & C
3. C) Physical 13. B) Logical
4. B) Computer Program 14. A) i-True, ii-True
5. B) Feasibility Study 15. D) A, B, C
6. C) Enter or leave a data Store 16. D) they will get merged
7. A) Lock in customers 17. B) Master development Plan
8. A) Information 18. B) Development, Operating
9. D) Intangible, Intangible 19. D) a, b, c, d, e and f
10. A) i and iii 20. B) System flowchart

 Solved MCQ of System Analysis and Design Set-1

 Solved MCQ of System Analysis and Design Set-2
 Solved MCQ of System Analysis and Design Set-3
 MCQ of System Analysis and Design with answer set-4
 Solved Objective Questions of System Analysis and Design set-5
 MCQ of System Analysis and Design With Answer set-6

Q.1 A ……………… system in no more than idea.
A) Conceptual
B) Logical
C) Physical
D) None
Q.2 Design Phase consists of …………………….
1. Identity the functions to be performed
2. Design the input/output and file design
3. Defining basic parameters for system design
A) 1 & 2
B) 2 & 3
C) 1 & 3
D) 1, 2 & 3
Q.3 A context diagram
A) Describes the context of a system
B) is a DFD which gives an overview of the system
C) is a detailed description of a system
D) is not used in drawing a detailed DFD
Q. 4 HIPO stand for
A) Hierarchy input process output
B) Hierarchy input plus output
C) Hierarchy plus input process output
D) Hierarchy input output Process
Q.5 Statement of scope and objectives, opportunities and performance criteria ………….
A) Problem definition
B) System analysis
C) System Design
D) Documentation
Q.6 Information can be categorized into …………….
1. Environmental information
2. Competitive information
3. Government information
4. Internal information
A) 1, 2 & 3
B) 1, 2 & 4
C) 2, 3 & 4
D) 1, 3 & 4
Q.7 System Development process is also called as ……………..
A) System Development Life Cycle
B) System Life Cycle
C) Both A and B
D) System Process Cycle
Q.8 The output of problem definition stage is ……………..
A) Master Development Plan
B) Terms of reference
C) Feasibility report
D) Final product
Q.9 Advantages of system flowcharts ………………….
A) Effective communication
B) Effective analysis
C) Queasier group or relationships
D) All A, B, C
Q.10 Based on the identification of objectives, input, output and file content, the vital document is
called …
A) System Definition
B) System Document
C) System Requirement Document
D) System Subject
Q.11 A context diagram is used
A) as the first step in developing a detailed DFD of a system
B) in systems analysis of very complex systems
C) as an aid to system design

D) as an aid to programmer
Q.12 Which of the following is/are the sources for project requests?
A) Request from Department managers
B) Request from senior executives
C) Request from system Analyst
D) All of the above
Q.13 DDS stands for …………………
A) Data Data Systems
B) Data Digital System
C) Data Dictionary Systems
D) Digital Data Service

Q.14 ………….. Phase is a time consuming phase and yet a very crucial phase
A) Feasibility Study
B) Requirement Phase
C) Analysis Phase
D) Testing Phase
Q.15 A DFD is normally leveled as
A) It is a good idea in design
B) It is recommended by many experts
C) it is easy to do it
D) It is easier to read and understand a number of smaller DFDs than one large DFD
Q.16 ………………. is responsible for all aspects of data processing, operation research, organization and
method, system analysis and design investments.
A) Management Services Director
B) Data Processing Manager
C) Computer Manager
D) Both B and C
Q.17 ……………… is a tabular method for describing the logic of the decisions to be taken.
A) Decision tables
B) Decision tree
C) Decision Method
D) Decision Data
Q.18 In ……………… system the interaction between various subsystems cannot be defined with
A) Open System
B) Closed System
C) Deterministic System
D) Probabilistic System
Q. 19 State True or False.
1. Term of reference is the final output of Feasibility Study
2. Design specification report is the final output of System Analysis
A) 1-true, 2-true
B) 1-false, 2-true
C) 1-true, 2-false
D) 1-false, 2-false
Q.20 The key considerations involved in the feasibility analysis is include
i) Economical ii) Technical iii) Behavioral iv) Personal
A) i, ii, iv
B) i, ii, iii
C) ii, iii, iv
D) All of the above

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 Solved MCQ of Computer Organization and Architecture set-2
 MCQ of Computer Organization and Architecture with Answer set-3
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 Computer Organization and Architecture Objective Questions set-5

1. A) Conceptual 11. A) as the first step ... DFD of a system
2. D) 1, 2 & 3 12. D) All of the above
3. B) is a DFD which .... of the system 13. C) Data Dictionary Systems
4. A) Hierarchy input process output 14. C) Analysis Phase
5. A) Problem definition 15. D) It is easier to ..... one large DFD
6. B) 1, 2 & 4 16. A) Management Services Director
7. A) System Development Life Cycle 17. A) Decision tables
8. B) Terms of reference 18. D) Probabilistic System
9. D) All A, B, C 19. A) 1-true, 2-true
10. B) System Document 20. B) i, ii, iii

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