This product data sheet describes a visible light meter that measures visible light levels in foot-candles or lux. It has a permanently affixed sensor that measures visible white light between 400-760 nm. The digital readout can be adjusted to ranges of 20-2000 foot-candles or 200-20,000 lux and is accurate within +/- 5%. The meter meets various industry standards and specifications for non-destructive testing including fluorescent and magnetic particle inspections.
This product data sheet describes a visible light meter that measures visible light levels in foot-candles or lux. It has a permanently affixed sensor that measures visible white light between 400-760 nm. The digital readout can be adjusted to ranges of 20-2000 foot-candles or 200-20,000 lux and is accurate within +/- 5%. The meter meets various industry standards and specifications for non-destructive testing including fluorescent and magnetic particle inspections.
This product data sheet describes a visible light meter that measures visible light levels in foot-candles or lux. It has a permanently affixed sensor that measures visible white light between 400-760 nm. The digital readout can be adjusted to ranges of 20-2000 foot-candles or 200-20,000 lux and is accurate within +/- 5%. The meter meets various industry standards and specifications for non-destructive testing including fluorescent and magnetic particle inspections.
This product data sheet describes a visible light meter that measures visible light levels in foot-candles or lux. It has a permanently affixed sensor that measures visible white light between 400-760 nm. The digital readout can be adjusted to ranges of 20-2000 foot-candles or 200-20,000 lux and is accurate within +/- 5%. The meter meets various industry standards and specifications for non-destructive testing including fluorescent and magnetic particle inspections.
candles or Lux The Visible Light Meter accurately measures visible light in either foot-candles or lux and includes a permanently affixed visible light sensor specially constructed to measure visible white light in the range of 400-760 nm for non-destructive testing. The digital readout is adjustable with ranges of 20, 200, and 2000 foot-candles; or 200, 2000, and 20,000 Lux. Calibrated to +/- 5% accuracy, the Visible Light Meter meets NADCAP requirements. Meets the requirements for all penetrant and magnetic particle inspections: SPECIFICATIONS COMPLIANCE • Fluorescent inspections: Verification of • ASTM E2297 ambient light, maximum 2 ft-candles / • ISO 3059 20 lux • Visible inspections: Verification of For use with systems conforming to: inspection light, minimum 100 ft-candles • ASTM A275 / 1,000 lux • ASTM E165 • ASTM E709 FEATURES • ASTM E1208 / E1209 / E1210 / E1219 • 400-760 nm range for ASTM E2297 • ASTM E1220 / E1418 • +/-5% accuracy for NADCAP requirements • ASTM E1417 • Accurately measures visible white light • ASTM E1444 emission • ASTM E3024 • Adjustable digital readout ranges: 20, 200 & • ASME BPVC Section V 2,000 ft-candles or 200, 2,000 & 20,000 lux • ISO 3452 • ISO 9934 • ANSI / API 6A • NADCAP AC7114/1 • NADCAP AC7114/2
Revised: June 2018
Product Data Sheet
Spectral Range 400 to 760 nm
Range selection 0 to 2,000 Operation Range ft-candles / 0 to 20,000 lux +/-5% of full scale or 0.5 Accuracy ft-candles, whichever is greater Sampling Time 1 Second Sensor Cord 42 in / 107 cm Length Power Supply DC 9V Battery 5.7 x 2.9 x 1.4 in / 14.5 x 7.4 Dimensions x 3.6 cm Weight 0.4 lb / 0.2 kg