Practice Test 1 - Language Form and Meaning
Practice Test 1 - Language Form and Meaning
Practice Test 1 - Language Form and Meaning
In this section ofthe test, you will answer 42 questions found in seven different texts.
a horror
Lil of Within each text are boxes that contain iour possible ways to complete a sent€nce.
Choose the word or words in each box that correctly complete each sentence. Mark
are going the letter ofthe conect aDswer on your answer sheet. \
(A) cause
do next?
(B) causing
L While some forest fires (C) are caused by humans, most of them happen due to
The conect answer to Sample 1 is (C), "are caused." The iorrect answer to Sample 2
is (B), "endure."
', y./ !v\,v. r] n a ] m Petfect TOEFL .lLrnior ? ccli.e T:si 8co. I 19
t '
refer to the follo\ling email.
Dear Amy,
that \ou do not ha\,c anvthing serjous and that you I'i11 be able ro go back to school
(A) reseNed
(B) approved
2. ton, orrorv, The teachers
(C) requested
us a lot of honle\\'ork in all of our clesses
(D) assigned
lf -r'ou want to know about amthing, just rvrite me back. I would be glad to assisr yor.r so
that,vou can ger )our \!ork done on time. I can drop by your house the erening
(A) respond
(B) fcsponsc
4, if you want. Give me a
(C) responsive to lhis email $hene\er \ou get rhe chance,
Your friend.
refer to the follorving advertisement.
If you are looking for something fun to do this summet why dont you visir rhe communtn
(A) rvhat is locating
(B) which is located
hope 5. center? The community centet, at 49 Maple Street, is going to
(C) where the location
(D) how it was locared
ol be sponsoring numerous activities. For instance, there will be art, music, and ianguage
is going to sponsor a soccer league and a baseball league for students in middle school
(A) demand
(B) approve
Z and high school. we (C) invite
a1l young people to participate. we know that rhe
(D) consider
Tomorrow aftet lunch, all classes ate going to be cancelled. Instead of going to your
classrooms, students should report ro the school auditorium no latel than one
9, fifteen. The school is proud (c) will announce that Mayor Randolph Jefferson has
(D) to announce
accepted our offer to come and speak with the student body. Mayor Jefferson will bhat
(A) appropdate
(B) approximare
ll. Please wear
(C) apprcachable ciothing tomonow and be sure to
(D) approving
yesterday. I am so sorry that I looked in my textbook while I was raking the test.
(B) rcsearcnlng
14. I ieel rernble ;bolrr on the test. I knolv that this is not an
(c) practlcrng
Je5nons. (D) cheating
(A) accept
(B) acceptance
lt. (C) accepting
excuse, but I did not have enough time to study for the test because
(D) accepeble
I had a ba.ketbaLl Ba-ne rl_e nig_r before ir. | ,,\a. (o rhar.
,r'\.\,'/V. n na nllrViel.COm
(A) apparently.
-'-' el\. ,
1u) ilecisi\
17, (L,:,) . Inmedl.rlelt When I \\oke up. I remembered the test and tried lo stud]"
(D) clfamatically.
(A) consideration
(B) justification
18. stiLl, rhere is no for cheat ng. I rrlll rc.cpr
(C) ramificetion
lD) criticism
Peter 'Wrlson
refer to the follouing email.
Dear Nathaniel,
(A) host
(B) hoit5
24. enyway, I want you to know that my family is going to be
(C) hosted
(D) hosting
.1r,,\ rJ.rl T: rr tIr\r | in Pelfect TOEFL lunior i ..r.. Tlsi 3co< I 25
(A) invited me to my house.
(B) inviting to my house.
(C) will invite them to my house. We live on a farm, so rhere $'ill be plenty of roon-r
(D) are invited to my house.
for eve one. Just let me knou, il you can make it and who will be
(A) attending.
(B) graduating.
(C) My parents need to know how many people to expect.
(D) requesti
of room
One ofthe laEest and most luxurious Dalaccs in the world is rhe Palace of Ve$ailles.
(C) Having located near la ). F Jn(e. rte palJ.e hd. more thdn 2.000 room..
(D) Located near
every which
i;l all of which
are extravaeantlv decorated. Versailles was constiucted
(c) that are ali
(D) what all
symbols of the French monarchy, and it served as the royal court from 1682
(A) designed
(B) consaructed
J2, uas (c) rehabilitated lnto a nuseum Today' Venailles
(D) transfbrmed
(A) contaln
(B) contains
31, thousands of works of arq including paintings, drawings, engravings,
(c) is containing
(D) will contain
and sculprures. Due to its art and the beauty ofthe palace itse)1, it is a prime
touris! atrracrion at rhe piesent. As a resuit) millions of people visir the palace
(A) permanendy.
(B) consistently.
'-3,1 lC) conrinually.
(D) annuallv.
\4o.r birdr build ne.l) in $hi(h rhe) la\ .he;r egg\ but the emperor penguin has no need
(A) harsher
(B) the harshest
-it, ofthem. This bird lives in Antarctica
. ancl must endure
(C) as harsh as
(D) much of the harshest
gTavlnssl 16. uearher than an)$here el)e in rhe world. ln order ro that ns eggs
(c) recall
takes care of its eggs in a unique manner. An emperor penguin lemale lays a single egg.
*,"0 oi',. *. l
(B) with'its feet at the top.
J8, Once she lays the egg, the male penguin takes it and puts it (c) by the top foot.
(D) at the foot ofthe top.
rests above the egg. Since emperor pengr.rins lay their eggs right as winter
(A) basic
(B) significant
40, begins in Amarctica, it is that the eggs rcmain
(C) partial I
(D) vital
the males incubare the eggs until rhe chicks finally hatch. During rhis entire
(A) period,
(B) periods,
(C) the males look after rhe eggs while hardly even moving
(D) pe odically,