Cormorant Facts (From Environment Agency Website)
Cormorant Facts (From Environment Agency Website)
Cormorant Facts (From Environment Agency Website)
Numbers of cormorants have increased substantially in Britain since the 1970s, especially at inland water bodies. Fisheries and angling interests are concerned that this increase has threatened fish stocks and impacts upon the viability of fisheries. Conservation groups are worried that any widespread effort to control cormorant numbers could threaten the birds conservation status. This leaflet has been produced by a partnership of fisheries and conservation organisations to try to address these concerns and to answer some of the questions most often asked about cormorants. and the stocking of fish in these waters; overfishing of prey species around the coast; legal protection; and a reduction in pollutant levels.
Cormorant populations across Europe have been increasing for several decades, showing a marked recovery from a low point in the mid 20th century. It is estimated that there are about 200,000-250,000 pairs in Europe. Around 7,500 pairs nest in the UK, of which 1,500 p airs nest inland (though only four sites hold more than 100 pairs). About 25,000 cormorants winter in the UK, of which 10,000 winter inland. Recent studies suggest that there is sufficient food and habitat for numbers of inland breeding birds to continue to rise in England and Wales. The levelling off in numbers at some northern European colonies is thought to reflect their reaching the capacity that the local environment can support.
Cormorants, like all wild birds, are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. Birds cannot be killed, their eggs or nests (when in use or being built) taken or destroyed, except under licence. This Act implements the provisions of the EEC 1979 Birds Directive. Similar legislation protects birds throughout Europe. In England and Wales, anyone found guilty of an offence can be fined up to 5000, given six months imprisonment, or both. If cormorants are causing serious damage to a fishery or to wildlife conservation interests, the landowner or manager of a site can apply for a licence to shoot a limited number of the birds as an aid to scaring. See advisory leaflet Fisheries and the presence of cormorants, goosanders and herons (WM14) available from Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA). Full details of where to apply for this leaflet or a licence are shown on page 4.
Although cormorants are often perceived as seabirds, they are also birds of freshwater that breed and winter at sites throughout Europe. Birds of the sinensis race (see box), which is used to nesting in trees, visit the UK during the winter and a small but increasing number remain here to breed. Cormo rants have always been found inland in Britain, but numbers have been controlled since medieval times. In addition, birds of the coastal race carbo (see box) increasingly nest inland. It is not known why this has happened but possible reasons include the creation of many reservoirs and gravel quarries since the 1960s
Cormorants consume a wide variety of fish species, usually reflecting their availability at inland fisheries. In England and Wales, roach and perch are the most numerous prey items while rainbow and brown trout are consumed at putand-take trout fisheries. Cormorants commonly take fish between 5 and 15 cm (2 to 6 inches) in length, but have been recorded eating fish of over 40 cm (16 inches) and eels of over 60 cm (24 inches) long. Birds feed individually, or in flocks, sometimes working together to increase their efficiency. Cormorants eat only what they need to survive or to feed their chicks when they are in the nest. In some stocked waters, they can often do that in a short time, and will then loaf for the remainder of the day.
Cormorants can cause serious economic and ecological damage to a fishery - but are more likely to respond to fish numbers than to limit them. However, the mere presence of cormorants at a site where catches have declined does not prove that the birds are responsible. Serious damage is most likely to occur at stillwaters with high densities of fish, but it is difficult to derive quantifiable information which would identify when economic damage starts at any fishery. A recent investigation highlights some of the difficulties associated with assessing the impact of cormorants on a fishery. At Holme Pierrepont, Nottingham, low catches during the 1994 World Coarse Angling Championships were blamed on cormorant predation, but catches had been declining since before the birds arrived a few years previously. After 1994 catches rose again despite increased cormorant activity. Fishery scientists believe that several years of poor recruitment of juvenile fish contributed to the poor catches and the increased catches followed several years of good recruitment.
Cormorants can damage and scar fish, especially larger ones which they fail to catch properly. This can increase the risk of disease, mortality, stress and behavioural changes (fish become more difficult to catch). Anglers perceptions of cormorant damage at a fishery can result in a fall in income from permit sales and in the value of the fishery (regardless of whether a serious problem actually exists).
In some areas, stocked fisheries can provide an easy source of food for the birds. There is little hard evidence, but it is possible that this abu ndance of food will boost survival of cormorants and hence their number. It is recognised that most fisheries need some form of management, and conservation organisations believe that sensitive maintenance and restoration of wetland habitats by owners, occupiers and angling clubs can be an asset to freshwater biodiversity.
On average, an adult cormorant requires around 400g 500g (about one pound) of food each day although the weight of fish eaten on a particular day can vary considerably. While it may seem simple enough to calculate the weight of fish taken by cormorants at a site or across the country, such figures are of limited value in isolation. Losses need to be viewed in relation to the available fish stock, but these calculations are complex and need to take into account natural reproduction. Studies on a range of stillwater and riverine sites in England and Wales indicate wide variation in the losses to cormorants between sites and across time. Losses at stillwater fisheries show greater variability than on rivers.
Fisheries and angling interests and conservation organisations are concerned about declines in populations of eels and salmon, and about other species of fish, including allis shad, twaite shad, vendace and pollan, identified as threatened in the governments UK Biodiversity Action Plan. For all of these species, habitat or wider environmental factors are likely to be the main cause of decline or threat to their well-being, but if fish numbers fall to a very low level, predation by birds could become a factor in the survival of local populations.
How many cormorants will it take to cause a serious decline in fish stocks?
Cormorants may cause problems at specific fisheries, but the level at which p redation becomes serious differs at every site. This makes it impossible to find a simple means to determine whether cormorants are causing serious damage .
Yes. A range of measures can be employed to reduce the impact of predation by cormorants, but their effect will vary from one site to another. Disturbance by people is consistently effective, and visual or noise deterrents are most likely to work on stillwaters. These methods are less likely to be useful or effective on rivers. At any given site there may be potential to improve the fisheries habitat, offering fish greater chances of escape from attack, or to change fish stocking policies to make the food source less attractive to cormorants. Ultimately, good quality habitat will assist fish recruitment and survival. Fisheries and conservation interests are currently working with DEFRA to produce practical management advice for fishery managers. Some advice is contained in the DEFRA leaflet WM14.
Shooting cormorants as an aid to scaring can work, but its effectiveness varies. At some sites, shooting, to kill or to scare, appears to make little difference to the number of cormorants present at the site. At others, birds leave for a short while, but return after several weeks. Removing cormorants without reducing the attractiveness of a water body to the birds is a never-ending task. Shooting a few cormorants will create a vacuum for other birds to move into, so killing cormorants on a large scale, even if it were possible, does not necessarily reduce predation. For example, about 6,000 cormorants winter in Bavaria. During the winter 1996/97, over 6,000 birds were shot, but the average winter population was not reduced; culling the birds simply created a space that others moved into from surrounding areas. The cormorants in the UK are part of the European population. Any large-scale cull of cormorants here may simply create a gap for birds from elsewhere in Europe. To make any difference to the cormorant population, it is estimated that 30,000-60,000 cormorants would have to be killed every year throughout Europe. T is not his only impractical; it simply would not be acceptable to the general public.
What about the sites where deterrents and shooting cannot be used?
Inevitably, at some sites some deterrents will not be practicable and shooting is not possible. Examples of this are lakes in town parks or navigable canals or rivers in an urban area. In these cases, it has to be accepted that solutions will be limited to particular non-lethal deterrents.
Fisheries, angling and conservation organisations are committed to championing the conservation of freshwater habitats and the fish, birds and other wildlife, which depend upon them. We will work with Government and organisations across Europe to manage conflicts where they occur and try to find sustainable solutions to the problem that are acceptable to all.
Courtesy: RSPB
This information leaflet is a product of the Moran Committee and sponsored by:
Anglers Conservation Association Angling Trades Association Association of Stillwater Game Fishery Managers Atlantic Salmon Trust English Nature Environment Agency Institute of Fisheries Management National Association of Fisheries & Angling Consultatives National Federation of Anglers National Federation of Sea Anglers Royal Society for the Protection of Birds Salmon & Trout Association Specialist Anglers Alliance Welsh Federation of Coarse Anglers Ltd Welsh Salmon & Trout Association
For general advice on angling and cormorants please contact the National Angling Alliance on 020 7283 5838