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1. The analogy of the lotus leaf being untouched by water is used for one who ________. *
a) performs his duty without attachment, surrendering the results unto Supreme Lord is
unaffected by sinful actions
b) renounces all the material activities
c) performs his duty by following the path of jnana-yoga
d) none of the above
2. He is not joyful in achieving something, nor does he lament in losing anything related to
his body, this steadiness of mind is called ________. *
a) renunciation
b) sthira-buddhi
c) knowledge
d) sthira person
3. What does chapter 5 explain? *
a) work in devotional service is better than dry mental speculation
b) become full in knowledge
c) renounce our activities
d) act like brahmachari
4. All living entities attain peace from the pangs of material miseries simple by understanding
Krishna as ________. *
a) ultimate beneficiary of all sacrifices and austerities
b) the Supreme Lord of all planets and demigods
c) the benefactor and well-wisher of all living entities
d) all of the above
5. The individual soul is conscious of ________ whereas the Supersoul is ________. *
a) all bodies, supremely conscious
b) his own body, conscious of all bodies
c) all bodies, conscious of his own body
d) matter, conscious of matter as well as spirit
6. ________ is a sign of self-realization. *
a) Equanimity of mind
b) Freedom from misery
c) Knowledge
d) none of the above
Correct answer
a) Equanimity of mind
7. BG 5.4: What is the aim of analytical study of the material world? *
a) become one with the Supreme
b) find the soul of the existence
c) understand creation of Lord
d) have better control over the world
8. Sankhya-yoga means ________ and devotional service means ________. *
a) detachment from matter, attachment to Krishna
b) union with Krishna, attachment to Krishna
c) attachment to Krishna, service to Krishna
d) detachment from Krishna, attachment to Krishna
9. BG 5.16: What is the last snare of nescience? *
a) mystic powers
b) material opulence
c) to think oneself to be God
d) heavenly pleasure
10. Why we should give up sense gratification? Because it ________. *
a) is very costly
b) leads to happiness
c) decreases the attachment
d) leads to misery
11. BG 5.24: One whose happiness is within, who is active and rejoice within, and whose aim
is inward is actually the perfect ________. *
a) mystic
b) person
c) human
d) devotee
12. Citing a verse that was mentioned in class pertaining to renunciation. Anyone whose
work is not meant to elevate him to religious life, anyone whose religious ritualistic
performances do not raise him to renunciation, and anyone situated in renunciation that does
not lead him to devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, must be
considered __________, although he is ___________. *
a) to be doing the wrong work, working hard
b) not sincere, appearing sincere
c) dead, breathing
d) a fool, intelligent

13. Citing a purport that was mentioned in class pertaining to 8,400,000 species. What is the
breakdown of these 8 400 000 species? *

a) there are 900k human species, 2 million quadrupeds (four-legged beasts), 1,1 million
species of insects and reptiles, 1 million species of birds, 3 million nonmoving living entities
such as trees and plants, and there are 400k species living in the water

b) there are 900k species of birds, 2 million nonmoving living entities such as trees and
plants, 1,1 million human species, 1 million species living in the water, 3 million insects and
reptiles, and there are 400k of quadrupeds (four-legged beasts)

c) there are 900k nonmoving living entities such as trees and plants, 2 million species living
in the water, 1,1 million species of birds, 1 million species of insects and reptiles, 3 million
human species, and there are 400k million quadrupeds (four-legged beasts)

d) there are 900k species living in the water, 2 million nonmoving living entities such as trees
and plants, 1,1 million species of insects and reptiles, 1 million species of birds, 3 million
quadrupeds (four-legged beasts), and there are 400k human species
14. Citing an excerpt of a verse that was mentioned in class pertaining to anger. What was the
verse reference? *
a) SB 4.11.31
b) SB 4.11.32
c) SB 4.11.33
d) SB 4.11.34

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