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1. Why did Arjuna tell Krishna to bring the chariot in between the both armies, because he _

a) had intention of peace negotiation

b) was the main hero of the battle
c) wanted to estimate the strength of the opposite army
d) was not confident of the victory
2. Why is Bhima known as Vṛkodara? *

a) was son of Vayu

b) could eat as voraciously as he could perform herculean tasks
c) was very fat
d) was husband of Hidimba
3. What is the purpose of the first chapter? *
a) answer to Dhritarashtra’s question
b) to observe the armies
c) the need for spiritual knowledge and Arjuna’s qualification to receive spiritual knowledge
d) none of the above
4. Why Arjuna called Krishna as Acyuta i.e. infallible? *
a) although Lord Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, out of His causeless mercy,
He was engaged in the service of His friend. He never fails in His affection for His devotees
b) as charioteer, He had to carry out the orders of Arjuna, and since He did not hesitate to do
c) his supreme position was never challenged
d) all of the above
5. How should one read Bhagavad Gita? *
a) Scrutinizingly, with the help of a person who is a devotee of Shri Krishna
b) Without any personal motivated interpretations
c) By strength of one’s own scholarship
d) a and b
6. Why Duryodhana is saying that ‘Our strength is immeasurable’? *
a) they have more army than Pandavas
b) they are specifically protected by most experienced General Bhisma
c) Pandavas are protected by less experienced General Bhima
d) b and c
7. What is the ultimate reason why Bhisma fought on the Kaurava’s side? *
a) Because of his vow and he lived on money of Duryodhana
b) Because he felt as Krishna was on the side of Pandavas, they were self-sufficient and did
not require his prowess
c) Lord wanted to demonstrate you can be strongest, but cannot win on side of adharma
d) all of the above
8. What is/are Arjuna's reason(s) for not fighting? *
a) compassion
b) enjoyment
c) sinful reaction
d) all of the above
9. Why is Arjuna is known as Gudakesha? *
a) he conquered the sleep
b) he conquered the ignorance
c) he has beautiful hairs
d) a and b

10. The reason of Arjuna's bow Gandiva slipping from his hand was due to: *
a) material fear namely, loss of life
b) fatigue
c) compassion
d) spiritual ecstasy
11. What is the significance of word ‘Dharma-kshetra’ used by the Dhritarashtra to
indicate the battlefield of Kurukshetra? *
a) It is a place of worship even for denizens of heaven
b) Dhritarashtra was confident of the victory of his own son
c) Dhritarashtra knew that this place will influence the sons of Pandu unfavorably
d) none of the above
12. Who is eligible to enter into the Sun globe _______ *
a) khsatriya who dies directly in front of the battlefield under Krishna's personal orders
b) person in the renounced order of life who is absolutely devoted to spiritual culture
c) person who dies on the Makar Sankranti on the battlefield
d) a and b
13. Which of the following is not an aggressor? *
a) one who sets fire to the house
b) one fights with great vigour for the protection of dharma
c) a poison giver
d) one who plunders riches

14. From the purport that was mentioned in class pertaining to heroes; every living
entity is a hero in two ways. What was descried as false heroic activities, and what was
described as great heroism? *
a) False heroic activities are described as material activities, great heroism is described as
being a devotee
b) False heroic activities are described as sense gratification, great heroism is described as
restraining the senses from material engagement
c) False heroic activities are described as sense gratification, great heroism is described as
being a devotee
d) False heroic activities are described as material activities, great heroism is described as
restraining the senses from material engagement
15. From the verse that was mentioned in class pertaining to friends and relatives, it was
stated that when one’s friends and relatives are properly situated there are three items
can offer one happiness. What are these three items that are being referred to? *
a) spirituality, economic development and sense gratification
b) religion, material advancement and sinful activity
c) religion, economic development and sense gratification
d) spirituality, economic development and sinful activity
16. A verse was mentioned in class pertaining to the five branches of irreligion. The first
two are irreligion and religious principles for which one is unfit. What are the
remaining three? *
a) conceited religion, analytical religion & cheating religion
b) pretentious religion, analytical religion & lying religion
c) pretentious religion, analogical religion & cheating religion
d) conceited religion, analogical religion & lying religion

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