Mobile Application Development Past

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Mobile Application Development

What is Android?

Android is an open source mobile operating system based on the Linux operating system.It is available to
anyone who wants to adapt it to run their own devices.

What are advantages of android?

 Excellent software/application support.

 Frequent OS updates(for improving performance)
 Multitasking

What are disadvantages of android?

 Virus application
 Difficult to modify
 No standardization of application quality

Explain Architecture of Android using diagram?

What is implicit intent in Android?

Implicit Intent doesn't specifiy the component. In such case, intent provides information of available
components provided by the system that is to be invoked.

How to call another activity in android?

Using intent.

What is intent?

The “glue” that connects different activities.

What is activity?

Activity performs actions on the screen.If you want to do any operations, we can do with activity.
What is the service in Android?
The Service is like as an activity to do background functionalities without UI interaction.
What is the name of database used in android?
What is AAPT?
AAPT stands for Android Asset Packaging Tool and is included in the tools/directory of the SDK.This
tool allows you to view,create,and update Zip-compatible archives(zip,jar,apk).
What is View Group in Android?
View group is a collection of views and other child views, it is an invisible part and the base class for
What is fragment?
Fragments are “mini-activities” that can be added or removed from activities.
What is ADB?
It is acts as bridge between emulator and IDE, it executes remote shell commands to run applications on
an emulator.
What is NDK?
The NDK(Native Development kit) is a tool that allows you to program in C/C++ for Android devices.It’s
Intended to integrate with the SDK and used only for performance- critical portions of a project
What is SDK?

The SDK(software development Kit) is a set of development tools used to develop applications for the
Android platform that has become Apple’s biggest rival in the smartphone space.

What language does android support to develop an application?

Android applications has written using the java(Android SDK) and C/C++(Android NDK).
How to use intent object to link activities?

By creating intent object.

How to read and write file in internal and external storage?

By using stream.

What is Eclipse?

Eclipse is an integrated development environment used in computer programming.It contains a base

workspace and an extensible plug-in system for customizing the environment.

What is socket programming?

Use the Socket class to establish a TCP connection. Use the InputStream and OutputStream objects for
receiving and sending data, respectively.
What are picker views?
Views that enable users to select from a list, such as the TimePicker and DatePicker views.
Which company developed android?
How to listen for UI notifications?
Users interact with your UI at two levels:the activity level and the view level.
How to use the list views to display lists of items?
Views that display a long list of items, such as the ListView and the SpinnerView views.
Discuss How to send SMS messages programmatically from within your application?
Use the SmsManager class.
Android is based on which kernel?
Linux 3.6
What is JSON exception in android?
 Attempts to parse or construct malformed documents.
 Use of null as a name.
 Type mismatches on lookups.
How to display Google Maps in your Android Application?
 Table of contents.
 Download android studio.
 Install the Google play services SDK.
 Create a Google Maps project.
 Set up a Google Maps API key.
 Look at the code.The XML layout file.The maps activity java file.
 Connect an Android device.
 Deploy an run your app.
How to export your application as an APK file and sign it with a new certificate?
Use the Export feature of Eclipse to export the application as an APK file and then sign it with a self-
signed certifi cate.

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