Chapter 3

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Professional Practices

“Finance and
• The need for capital
• Sources of funds
• Budgeting and monitoring
• Sales and order intake
• Costing
• Pricing
• Annual statements
• Capital and its maintenance
• Auditing
Finance and Accounting
• Any organization can not be successful unless
its finances are soundly managed.
• In this chapter, those aspects of finance and
accounting with which the newly graduated
software engineer is most likely to come into
contact are emphasized.
The need for capital
• It is not uncommon for recent graduates in
computing to start their own company that
provide software services.
– Contract hire services
– Develop packages
• They will be in need of some money to start
the venture.
The need for capital
• Capital will be needed for
– Salaries
– Rents and bills
– Equipments
– Costs of advertising
– Miscellaneous expenses
– Interests on any money borrowed
The need for capital
• Present a business plan to potential funders.
This plan should include
– Description of what the company will be doing,
together with information to show that it is
technically feasible and founders of the company
have the necessary expertise.
– Assessment of the size of market and competition
– Prediction of financial performane of the campany
Sources of Funds

Sources of Funds

Sale of
Grant Loan
Sources of Funds
• A grant is a sum of money given to the
• Company is obliged to demonstrate that it has
been used for the purposes for which it was
• Grant is never paid back to the organization
which gave it.
Sources of Funds
• A loan is a sum of money lent to the company.
• Interest is payable on it, at a rate that may be
fixed or variable.
• Loan is usually for a fixed period.
• The company is liable to pay back the loan,
and if company dissolves, the lender is
entitled to recover the loan from the sale of
company’s assets.
Sources of Funds
• Equity capital is money paid to the company
in exchange for a share in the ownership of
the company.
• Advantge/ disadvantage
Budgeting and monitoring
• A budget is a financial plan for a defined period
of time, usually a year.
• It is an estimation of revenue and expenses over
a specified future period of time; it is compiled
and re-evaluated on a periodic basis.
• Budgets can be made for a person, a family, a
group of people, a business, a government, a
country, a multinational organization or just
about anything else that makes and spends
Budgeting and monitoring
• A budget is a prediction of the future financial
position of an organization covering usually
the current or the next financial year.
• A complete budget includes prediction for all
of the annual financial statments, but the
most concerned aspect of budgeting is income
and expenditure budget.
Budgeting and monitoring
• Budgeting is an iterative process.
• First version of the budget is likely to show
expenditure exceeding income.
• Adjustment are made repeatedly until a
situation is reached where sales exceed
expenditure with a reasonable profit margin.
Budgeting and monitoring
• Budget is mostly used as a basis for monitoring
the organization’s performance.
• The figures in the budget are split into monthly or
weekly figures.
• When the actual figures of a month become
available, they are compared with the budgeted
• If real expenditure of any field exceeds the
budgeted value, reason is determined quickly and
remedial action is taken.
Sales and Order Intake
• A sale is a transaction between two parties
where the buyer receives goods, services, and
assets in exchange for money.
• Order intake is a measure of company
production in terms of customer offers to buy
products or services, it refers to receiving or
processing a customer's order.
Sales and Order Intake
• A company’s cost, its pricing and the level of
overheads that it can afford, all depends
critically on the level of sales.
• Monitoring the level of sales is therefore a
very important managerial activity.
• The price at which an organization decides to
sell a product or a service depends on
– The cost of producing and providing it
– Market conditions
• Price and availablity of competing products
• Elasticity of demand
Raw materials
and bought-in

Cost of
overheads COST equipment

Direct labour
• Materials which are bought by a campany and
processed as part of the campany’s
manufacturing process are called raw
• Brought-in items are those items that are
bought by a company and incorporated into
their products, as it is (unchanged).
• The cost of equipment for a company is
simply how much the company paid for the
• The cost of labour is the sum of all wages paid
to employees.
• Overheads are the costs that cannot be
directly associated with specific products or
services but must still be covered by the total
• Examples are marketing costs, manager’s costs
and costs related to preparation of bids.
• Departmental overheads are associated with
specific parts of the organization and should
be covered by the revenue earned by those
• Corporate overheads are associated with the
whole organization.
• Pricing is the method of determining the value
a producer will get in the exchange of goods
and services. Simply, pricing method is used to
set the price of producer’s offerings relevant
to both the producer and the customer.
• The price that a company charges for its
products and services is constrained by the
fact that revenue must exceed the cost of
those products.
• Software companies are typically faced with
pricing in three contexts
– Pricing a bid to provide services, such as
consultancy, design or programming, with
payment based of effort supplied.
– Pricing a bid for a contract to supply be spoke
software at a fixed price.
– Pricing a software product which they have
Annual Statements
• All limited companies are required to produce
annual accounts.
• Company accounts should include
– The balance sheet
– A profit and loss account
– The auditor’s report
Annual Statements
Annual Statements
• A balance sheet is a snapshot of financial
state of an organization at a single instant,
normally at the end of an organization’s
financial year.
• It shows the values of organization’s assets
and its liabilities.
• Normally a balance sheet also shows the
twelve months previously position for
comparison purpose.
Annual Statements
• As the name suggests....a balance sheet must
balance: the total assets and total liabilities
should be equal.
• To achieve this a balancing item is added on
one side or the other.
Annual Statements
Annual Statements
• A profit and loss account records the money
received and money spend.
• It is also called an income and expenditure
account in case of non-profit making
Annual Statements
Contribution from Parents 1,000.00
Income from Summer Job 1,851.35
Total Income 2,851.35
Course Fees 1,025.00
Hall Fees 1,980.00
Transport 125.78
Food 1,203.40
Entertainment 1,261.33
Depreciation 30.00
Total Expenditure 5,600.51
Capital and its Maintenance
• The concept of capital maintenance has
important practical consequences.
• The capital of a company is usually taken as a
gurantee that the company will be able to
meet its obligations.
• A lender also takes into account a campany’s
capital, when deciding whether or not to give
a loan.
Capital and its Maintenance
• To maintain capital
– A company is not allowed to issue shares at a
discounted value.
– A company cannot pay back to the shareholders
any of their original contributions.
• Financial auditing is the process of examining an
organization's financial records to determine if
they are accurate and in accordance with any
applicable rules , regulations, and laws.
• The company accounts should be accompanied
by an auditor’s report.
• Purpose of the report is to provide members of
the company and public with an assurance that
accounts give a “true and fair view” of the state
of the affairs of the company.
• It is not practicable for auditors to check every
financial transaction.
• They work by
– Examining the adequacy of the company’s final
– Making detiled checks on a small sample of
transactions and assets.
• The primary resposibility for preventing and
detecting fraud lies with the directors of the
company, not with the auditors.
• However auditors are also expected of finding
anything seriously misleading in the financial
• If they find evidence of fraud , they have a
duty to report it to directors.

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