Exercise 1: Group A Vocabulary

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Vocabulary and Grammar

Group A 2 has: Have is a state verb when it is used with the

meaning of owning something.
3 Are you looking: Look is a dynamic verb when it is used
Exercise 1 with the meaning of searching for something.
1 short: Someone who is short is not very tall. 4 Are they having: Have is a dynamic verb when it is used
2 imaginative: Someone who is imaginative has a good with the meaning of experiencing something.
imagination, and can think of good ideas. 5 do you think: Think is a state verb when it is used to
3 reliable: Someone who is reliable can be trusted or relied express an opinion.
4 easy-going: Someone who is easy-going is calm and Exercise 5
doesn’t often get stressed. 1 look: Look is a state verb when it is used to describe
5 selfish: Someone who is selfish only thinks about someone’s appearance.
themselves. 2 I’m thinking: Think is a dynamic verb when it is used with
6 gorgeous: Someone who looks gorgeous looks very the meaning of considering something.
attractive. 3 belong: Belong is a state verb.
7 scruffy: Someone who looks scruffy looks untidy because 4 don’t believe: Believe is a state verb.
they are wearing old or dirty clothes. 5 Is she having: Have is a dynamic verb when it is used
with the meaning of doing something.
Exercise 2
1 sunglasses: You wear sunglasses to protect your eyes Exercise 6
from the sun. 1 have/’ve been writing: We use the present perfect
2 jeans: Jeans are a popular type of casual trousers. continuous to talk about actions that started in the past
3 high-heeled: High-heeled shoes have a high heel at the and continue in the present.
back. 2 has/’s been answering: We use the present perfect
4 coat: You wear a coat over other clothes, to keep warm continuous to talk about actions that started in the past
in the winter. and continue in the present.
5 tie: A man wears a tie around his neck, over a shirt, to 3 hasn’t seen: We use the present perfect simple to talk
look smart. about how many times something has happened.
6 trainers: You wear trainers on your feet when you play 4 have [you] sold: We use the present perfect simple to talk
sports and do exercise. about how many times something has happened.
7 bracelet: A bracelet is a piece of jewellery that you wear 5 have/’ve been looking for: We use the present perfect
around your wrist. continuous to talk about actions that started in the past
and continue in the present.
Exercise 3
1 out: If you fall out with someone, you have an argument Exercise 7
with them. 1 have/’ve seen: We use the present perfect simple to talk
2 there: If someone is there for you, they help and support about how many times something has happened.
you when you need them. 2 have/’ve been reading this book: We use the present
3 on: If you get on well with someone, you have a good perfect continuous to talk about actions that started in
relationship with them. the past and continue in the present.
4 out: If you hang out with someone, you spend time 3 has/’s been raining: We use the present perfect
relaxing with them. continuous to talk about actions that started in the past
5 relationship: If you have a good relationship with and continue in the present.
someone, you get on well with them. 4 have/’ve been living in this house for: We use the present
6 touch: If you lose touch with someone, you no longer perfect continuous to talk about actions that started in
have any contact with them. the past and continue in the present. We use for to refer
to a period of time.
5 has/’s known George since: Know is a state verb, so is
Grammar not used in continuous forms. We use since to refer to a
point in time.
Exercise 4
1 takes: We use the present simple for actions that happen

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Vocabulary and Grammar

Group B Exercise 5
1 don’t know: Know is a state verb.
2 is/’s listening: Listen is a dynamic verb, so is used in the
Exercise 1 continuous form to talk about actions happening now.
1 bald: Someone who is bald has no hair. 3 are/’re living: Live is a dynamic verb, so is used in the
2 fat: Someone who is fat has a large body. continuous form to talk about actions happening now.
3 cute: A cute child or animal looks attractive. 4 think: Think is a state verb.
4 popular: If someone is popular, a lot of people like them. 5 Do you want: Want is a state verb.
5 outgoing: Someone who is outgoing enjoys meeting new
Exercise 6
6 childish: Someone who is childish behaves like a child.
7 adventurous: Someone who is adventurous isn’t scared 1 have/’ve been trying: We use the present perfect
to try new things. continuous to talk about actions that started in the past
and continue in the present.
2 haven’t been waiting: We use the present perfect
Exercise 2 continuous to talk about actions that started in the past
1 scarf: You wear a scarf around your neck to keep warm. and continue in the present.
2 shorts: Shorts are short trousers. 3 haven’t finished: We use the present perfect simple to
3 boots: Boots are like shoes, but also cover part of your talk about a finished (or unfinished) achievement.
leg. 4 have [you] invited: We use the present perfect simple to
4 vintage: Vintage clothes are old clothes that are still answer questions with ‘how many’.
popular and fashionable. 5 have/’ve been watching: We use the present perfect
5 striped: Striped clothes have a pattern of lines on them. continuous to talk about actions that started in the past
6 leather: Leather is animal skin that is used to make and continue in the present.
clothes and shoes.
7 bangle: You wear a bangle around your wrist as Exercise 7
1 have/’ve been studying: We use the present perfect
continuous to talk about actions that started in the past
Exercise 3 and continue in the present.
2 have/’ve met: We use the present perfect simple to talk
1 with: If you socialise with someone, you spend time with
about how many times something has happened.
them outside school or work.
3 has/’s known her boyfriend: Know is a state verb, so it is
2 after: If you look after someone, you take care of them.
not used in continuous forms.
3 online: An online friend is a friend you only know on the
4 has/’s been working in London for: We use the present
perfect continuous to talk about actions that started in
4 get: If you get on well with someone, you enjoy being
the past and continue in the present.
with them and don’t have arguments.
5 have/’ve had: We usually use the present perfect
5 had: If you have an argument with someone, you
continuous to talk about actions that started in the past
disagree with them angrily.
and continue in the present, but have is a state verb, so
6 common: If you have a lot in common with someone, you
it isn’t used in continuous forms.
have the same interests as them.

Exercise 4
1 belongs: Belong is a state verb.
2 hates: Hate is a dynamic verb.
3 looks: Look is a state verb when it is used to talk about
4 is working: Work is a dynamic verb, so is used in the
continuous form to talk about actions happening now.
5 ’m enjoying: Enjoy is a dynamic verb, so is used in the
continuous form to talk about actions happening now.

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