Focus2 2E Review Test 4 Units1 8 Vocabulary Grammar UoE Reading GroupA

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Vocabulary, Grammar, Use of English and Reading

Name: ___________________________________ 3 Complete the text with the words in the box.
Class: ___________________________________ There are two extra words.
Total: _________/60 appetite bargains complaint diet
website identity refund dizzy

Vocabulary 0 You sometimes need your passport to prove your

1 Complete the sentences with the missing words. identity.
The first letters are given. 1 I’m sick and I don’t want to eat. I’ve lost my
0 You can buy fresh fruit and vegetables from ____________.
the new g r e e n g r o c e r ’ s in town. 2 Jack went on a ____________ and lost a lot of
1 Let’s go to the b _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ – I’m looking weight.
for the new novel by my favourite writer. 3 I picked up some great ____________ in the sales
2 This shop is great for e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ goods like last week.
mobile phones and computer screens. 4 This ____________ has all the information you
3 There’s a n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ’ _ at the station that need about pets.
sells great magazines. 5 My new phone was faulty, so the shop gave
4 Henry can’t eat anything with eggs in it me a ____________ .
because he is a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to them . /5
5 I feel hot. Can you check to see if I have
a t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, Mum?
4 Complete the text with the correct form of the
verb in brackets.
2 Match 1–5 with a–h to make sentences. There are
two extra options.
Last weekend I 0 was taken (take) by my
0 We can’t afford to spend a lot of money, so
we’re just going e grandparents to the theatre in London.
1 If you’re not feeling well, maybe you should lie I 1___________________ (never / go) there
before, so of course I 2____________________
2 I can’t return this dress as I didn’t keep ____
3 To get a job, you have to apply ____ (be) very excited! We travelled by train, and
4 Tom likes the T-shirt but wants to try ____ then we 3___________________ (drive) to the
5 Jerry’s been really busy, so now he’s taking ____
theatre by a very nice taxi driver – and arrived

a down. e window shopping. just in time! I really enjoyed 4 ______________

b it on first. f out about it. (watch) the play, and after it had finished, we
c the receipt. g for it first!
d some time off. h rid of it. had a pizza together. I liked it all so much, I’ve
decided I 5___________________ (see)
/5 another play next weekend! My friend said she
would buy the tickets.


© Pearson  2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 2 SECOND EDITION (A2+/B1)

Vocabulary, Grammar, Use of English and Reading

we went to a department store – it had 2 ____ that

5 Complete the sentences with the words in the Emma needed. She was so happy! After that we
box. There are two extra items. went to a sports shop. I needed new running shoes
because I had 3 ____ up jogging. Then we went on
some lots lot of much
how much few a few many to a clothes shop 4 ____ Lucy wanted to get some
new swimwear, but they didn’t have the right
____ for her. Then we felt a bit tired, so we went
0 There’s only some bread left. I’ll get some more.
into a café for a drink. It was a nice place, but none
1 ____________ cheese would you like on your pizza?
of the waiters 6____ attention, and we waited ages
2 I need a ____________ chocolate to make the cake.
to order our drinks. So because the 7 ____ was
3 Would you like _____________ sugar on your
really bad, we left and had a much 8 ____ drink at
4 There were very _____________ people in the
supermarket because it’s Sunday. 0 A went B did C had D made
5 I’ve put far too _____________ tomatoes in this 1 A succeed B stand C afford D cope
salad! 2 A nothing B anything
C something D everything
3 A kept B worked C taken D given
6 Rewrite the sentences in Reported Speech. 4 A which B where C who D that
0 ‘I’m not going out tonight,’ said Tom. 5 A size B brand C fit D quality
Tom said he wasn’t going out tonight. 6 A looked B paid C called D brought
7 A product B queue C sale D service
1 ‘I have a lot of homework to do,’ said Tess.
8 A nicer B nice C nicest D the nicest
Tess said that she _________________ a lot of
homework to do.
2 ‘I don’t like eating ice cream,’ said Mark.
Mark said that he _________________ eating ice
8 Complete the second sentence so that it has a
similar meaning to the first.
3 ‘I was at home all day,’ said Robin.
Robin said that he _________________ at home 0 My father drove me to school when I was small.
all day. My father used to drive me to school when I was
4 ‘I’m not fixing my bike now,’ said Sue. small.
Sue said she __________________ her bike then. 1 He thought his photos were a disappointment.
5 ‘My brother has just come back from the US,’ He was very ___________________ with his
said Melissa. photos.
Melissa said that her brother 2 Anna still needs to do her homework.
___________________ back from the US. Anna ___________________ her homework yet.
/5 3 Can you imagine losing your purse?
What ___________________ if you lost your
Use of English purse?    
7 Read the text and choose the correct answer, A, 4 I was inspired by my teacher to study art.
B, C or D. My teacher was the ___________________
Last Saturday, I 0 A shopping with my friends Emma inspired me to study art.
and Lucy. For once, I actually had some money, so I 5 Phil’s grandparents have taken him to Australia!
could 1 ____ to buy myself a few things. First of all,

© Pearson  2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 2 SECOND EDITION (A2+/B1)

Vocabulary, Grammar, Use of English and Reading

Phil _______________________ to Australia by 2.5 million pounds. Each ticket won nearly half a
his grandparents!            million pounds. Derek and Dawn were naturally
6 I overslept so I was too late to catch my bus. delighted and excited – who wouldn’t be?
The bus ___________________ by the time I got Over the next few days, Derek and Dawn started
to the bus stop.            thinking about what they would do with their
/6 money. They decided not to make any quick
A week later, they had another surprise – Derek
9 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
found something in his wallet. It was another lottery
the words in CAPITALS.
ticket. At first he was rather confused, and then he
0 My grandfather is really passionate about
remembered! That Wednesday, he had bought not
photography. PASSION
one, but two tickets. The second one had been a
1 I found a great bike on eBay and the
mistake – he’d forgotten about the first one! That’s
________________ agreed to deliver it.
right – the second ticket had the same numbers as
the first ticket. Two tickets meant twice as much
2 My parents are ________________ of my
decision to start my own business. SUPPORT
The story was talked about everywhere. It was the
3 Cities in China have some of the worst air
first and only time anyone had bought two winning
________________ in the world. POLLUTE
tickets on the same day. They had now won almost a
4 Some of the ________________ had put a lot of
million pounds – enough money to change their
money into Peter’s business. INVEST
lives. However, Derek and Dawn told reporters that
5 Tom felt he got a good ________________ at his
they were not planning any big changes. They said
college. EDUCATE
they would spend some money on the house where
6 Every year, you have to tell the government
they lived, but that they were happy there and
what your ________________ were for the
didn’t want to move anywhere else. They also said
previous year. EARN
that they were planning a holiday, probably to New
/6 York, where Dawn had always wanted to go. What
about work? Derek, who was a driver, said he
Reading planned to stop soon and was looking forward to
10 Read the text. Choose the correct answer, A, B, spending more time at home with Dawn, who had
C or D. already retired.

One Thursday night Derek Ladner, 57, was watching

a film with his wife, Dawn, 60, when he remembered 1 The numbers Derek chose were
he hadn’t checked the lottery ticket which he’d A special to him.
bought the day before. He used to buy a ticket B changed regularly.
regularly, every Wednesday and every Saturday, and C shown on TV.
he played the same numbers – a combination of his D hard to remember.
birthday and his wife’s. When the film had finished,
he found the ticket and discovered that every 2 On Thursday night, Derek
number matched. He couldn’t believe it. He’d won! A thought about his birthday.
The next morning, they discovered that they weren't B celebrated a birthday.
the only people who had chosen the same numbers. C didn’t know about the other winners.
Altogether there were five winning tickets for almost D was happy to win 2.5 million pounds.

© Pearson  2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 2 SECOND EDITION (A2+/B1)

Vocabulary, Grammar, Use of English and Reading

3 Derek won nearly one million pounds because he

A wanted to buy two tickets for Wednesday.
B forgot about buying an earlier ticket.
C didn’t remember to buy a ticket.
D bought the usual number of tickets.

4 Derek and Dawn

A are not going to make any changes.
B are planning to buy a new house.
C are thinking of travelling.
D have already given up their jobs.

5 The writer seems to

A think Derek is very strange.
B think they should spend more money.
C admire Derek and Dawn.
D pay a lot of attention to the facts of the story.


© Pearson  2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 2 SECOND EDITION (A2+/B1)

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