Introduction To Biochemistry Laboratory
Introduction To Biochemistry Laboratory
Introduction To Biochemistry Laboratory
Biochemistry is the branch of life science that deals with the study of
chemical reactions occurring in the living cells and organisms. The term
“Biochemistry” was first introduced by the German Chemist Carl Neuberg in 1903.
It considers the studies related to the nature of the chemical constituents of living
matter, their transformations in biological systems, and the energy changes
associated with these transformations. Biochemistry may thus be treated as a
discipline in which biological phenomena are analyzed in terms of chemistry.
If a fire breaks out, turn off all burners and remove solvents if time allows.
Carbon dioxide extinguishers are a must in the laboratory, their position and
operation should be known. Point the extinguisher at the base of the flames. Very
small fires can be put out with a damp towel by smothering. The priority should be
the safety of all than the mater of extinguishing the fire is considered. A few seconds
delay can result in very serious injury, so every person in the laboratory should plan
what he/she will do in case of such an emergency.
Chemical Accidents