Course-Guide-Gender and Society
Course-Guide-Gender and Society
Course-Guide-Gender and Society
PHILOSOPHY: Tagoloan Community College upholds the premise that education is a success if and when the people live a decent and prosperous life through adherence to standards
of morality, employment in enterprises and competent practice of entrepreneurial skills
MISSION: Tagoloan Community College provides quality instruction, research and extension for a competitive and contented global workforce preferably as entrepreneurs with
passion and commitment to serve.
VISION: A premier community-based institution forming holistic individuals.
Outcomes – Based Teaching and Learning Plan in BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (BSIT)
Course Title GENDER AND SOCIETY Course Code GEE 7
Course Intended Learning At the end of this course, the students should be able to:
Outcomes (CILO)
1. Identify current gender issues in the country ;
2. Discuss the context of sex, sexuality and gender following the Philippine social norms;
3. Familiarize with the Philippine Laws concerning sex and gender;
4. Determine action plans to counter abuses or discriminations about gender; and
5. Analyze gender stereotypes and gender inequalities as experienced on the four levels of socialization: at home, in school,
in peer groups, and in mass media
6. Reinforce erroneous acts that shows disrespect towards the different genders;
7. Counter gender discrimination characterized in words and in actions;
8. Apply gender sensitivity by correcting inappropriate gender expressions;
9. Convey positive support on the different gender spectrum; and
10. Design a gender responsive platform for the whole campus.
1. Appreciate the differences of all gender representations;
2. Adopt respect for all genders;
3. Discern corrupted ideas against the different gender representations;
4. Rise for support for all genders; and
5. Be attentive to gender maltreatment regardless of one’s personal gender preference.
LEARNING OUTCOME To have an understanding and gender sensitive society
5–9 Demonstrate
understanding of the
What is sexuality, sex, Lecture and class Categorizing examples of
discussion on the characteristics either as male or
key concepts of sexuality and Lecture, Work with
psychosocial female
sexuality, sex and Psychosocial gender dimensions of appropriate computer Assignment
psychosocial of following the sexuality mathematical software.
Comment on the article: “Sex
gender Class discussions.
dimensions of Myths: It’s The Man’s
Responsibility to buy condoms.”. PowerPoint/ Video Quiz Test
9-14 Demonstrate Discuss the context of Lecture and class Explain how are genders
knowledge with key Sexual Harassment discussion on sexual portrayed in your environment. Lecture, Slide Deck
concepts of and Paraphilias sex, harassments and presentation, Class
sexuality, sexual sexuality and gender paraphilias List down words or phrases that discussions.
harassment and Assignment
What is Sexual (a) identify and (b) describe:
paraphilias. Discuss the context of -male, female, and transgenders. Video presentation
Philippine social Quiz Test
norms. Harassment sex, sexuality and
Identify current gender following the
Types of Sexual Philippine social Written exercises
gender issues in the norms Convey
Harassment country. positive support on the Computer exercises
Examples of Sexual different gender
Counter gender spectrum
Harassment (at home, Appreciate the
discrimination in
school/ workplace,
characterized in words differences of all
peer groups, and mass gender
and in actions media) representations
Examples of Adopt respect for all
How to counter
sexual harassment
What is Gender? Identify current Interview an individual who does
Demonstrate gender issues in the not identify his/her gender as Lecture, PowerPoint/ Video
knowledge with key Dimensions of country. male or female. Ask how he/she presentation
concepts on Gender is described in the community or
Convey positive
dimensions and
History of gender support on the environment. Ask how he/she
history of gender.
different gender discovered his/her gender
The Gender spectrum identity.
Spectrum Counter gender
discrimination . Write a personal experience
Gender and characterized in words of sexual harassment in any
Socialization and in actions environment and describe how
Apply gender you felt. What did you do or did
Agents of sensitivity by not do to counter the attack?
Socialization correcting Given another chance, how
At home inappropriate gender would you have protected
expressions yourself from the harassment?
In school/ workplace
Reinforce erroneous
With peer groups acts Reaction and reflection on the
that shows
following videos
disrespect towards the
Portrayed in mass Video: “The Origin of Gender”
different genders
Appreciate the
differences watch?v=5e12ZojkYrU
of all
gender Video: “My Gender Transition
representations Female to Male”
Lecture and class watch?v=RYuipbRGu5s
discussion on Gender Video: “Girl, Boy, Bakla o
and socialization Tomboy?”
Analysis on the
comparison of gender /watch/?v=382311055788900
and socialization Video: “Gender Identity: Being
between “then” and Female, Male, Transgender or
“now” from various Genderfluid
1. At home: traditional watch?v=W9YwOE8ndnc
husband and wife Video: “PrideMonth Special!
roles vs. Changing Let’s Talk
roles of wife and
2. In school: Gender Reports on the selected topics
Bias in the classroom
and Campbell’s Adopt respect for all genders
Gender Stereotypes in Discern corrupted ideas
Education vs. against the different gender
Breaking gender representations
stereotyping in the Rise for support for all genders
3. Within peers: “What Identify current gender issues
Kind of Girls Do Boys in the country.
Like?” by Frank
Convey positive support on the
Howard Richardson
different gender spectrum
(1954) vs. The Ideal
Counter gender discrimination
Mate. And Gender
characterized in words and in
Differences in
Relationships Apply gender sensitivity by
correcting inappropriate gender
Reinforce erroneous
14 – 18 Demonstrate Gender Discrimination Appreciate the Report and Reflect on the PowerPoint/ Video
knowledge with key and Inequalities differences of all Gender Discrimination and presentation
concepts on gender a. Machismo vs gender Inequalities
discrimination, marianismo mentality representations 1. At home
inequality and b. Misogyny and Adopt respect for all 2. In school/ workplace
misandry genders 3. Within peers
c. Gender inequality (or 4. Mass media
gender discrimination)
at home, in school, in Discern corrupted Quiz
your peer group ideas against the
d. Gender crimes different gender Reflection
and Physical Behaviors representations
Peer Discussion
among Adolescents in Rise for support for all
the Philippines genders Interviews
4. Mass media: Bomba
Queens and National
Development vs.
“Towards a Gender- Familiarize with the Discuss on the Laws Supporting
Fair Media.” Philippine Laws Sexuality and Gender
concerning sex and 1. RA 9710 Magna Carta of
Laws Supporting gender. Women
Sexuality and Gender 2. RA 6725
3. RA 7192 4. RA 7877
Be attentive to gender
Gender Sensitivity maltreatment
regardless of one’s
Gender personal gender
Responsiveness preference
Discuss on how to
apply gender
sensitivity in school, at
home, within peers
and mass media.
C. PRACTICAL SKILLS (Skills) Legal Basis of Sex, Sexuailty and History of Gender Discriminations,
Gender and psychosocial of Gender inequality and gender
Society gender representations
Introduction of the Basic concepts and
1. Apply computing tools to process
information effectively
2. Use current technology to assist
and facilitate learning and research
3. Negotiate the world of technology
4. Create solutions to problems in
various fields
5. Manage one’s knowledge, skills, and
values for responsible and X X X X
productive living
6. Organize one’s self for lifelong
As identified in the student handbook
Homework, Quizzes, Written Reports, Reaction Papers and Portfolio
Special Requirement
Proposal Defense
Grading System
Course Policies Allocation of Grade Percentage for Midterm and Finals
Quizzes - 40%
Term Exams - 40%
PRAA - 20%
Grade Computation
FINAL GRADE = (Midterm Equivalent Grade x 30%) + (Final Equivalent Grade x 70%)
Classroom Rules and Regulations
As defined in the student handbook
Homework, Quizzes, Assessment, Written Reports, Reaction/Technical Papers and Major Exams
Rating parameter on assessment, submitted reports and reaction/technical power
Content 35%
Experience 15%
Reflection 10%
Grading Parameters Application 15%
Evaluation 25%
TOTAL 100%
Rating parameter on the INDIVIDUAL and GROUP presentation/recitation