Chapter 1. General Introduction

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Composed by Bui Thu Cao

July 2018
1. Concepts
2. Generalization of telecommunication systems
3. Standardizations in telecommunications
4. The organization of Vietnam Posts and
Telecommunications Group (VNPT)
 Signal, Communication
 Telecommunication (deals with conveying information
with electrical signals)
 Transfer (n,v)/transport (n/v)
 Media (plural) /medium(singular)
 PSTN (Publich switched telecommunications network)
 CATV (Cable television)
 LAN ( Local area network)
 Subscriber, end-user, node
tổng đài

 Exchange, trunk trung kế : đường dây truyền thông tin giữa các tổng đài

Simplex, Half-Duplex and Full-Duplex

đơn công

 One-way, two-way circuits
 Network topology, full-mesh, star network
đồ hình
◦ End-users: inputs to the network / recipients of network
◦ Node: a point or junction in a transmission system where
lines and trunks meet. (switching function)
◦ Connectivity: links an end-user to a node, and from there
possibly through other nodes to some final end-user
◦ Every subscriber has an unique number related to
physical location.

Subscriber loop

Call 447-8765 Route: look up trunk to 447

◦ Traffic concentrator → reduce the connection →
economic expedient
◦ Busy hour: period of maximum usage demand
◦ Grade of service = blocking probability
 B=1% : during busy hour, 1 in 100 calls can be expected to
meet blockage
◦ Simplex: one way operation; no reply channel
◦ Half-duplex: two-way service. Only one direction at a time
◦ Full duplex: two-way independent transmission (PSTN)

a) Two-way
b) One-way
c) Hybrid scheme

Định Mã hoá Mã hoá Mã hoá Ghép Điều Trải Đa truy
dạng nguồn bảo mật kênh kênh chế phổ nhập


Dòng Ê
bit Nhiễu N


Giải định Giải mã Giải mã Giải Tách Giải Ép Đa truy

dạng nguồn bảo mật mã kênh kênh điều chế phổ nhập
 International Telecommunication Union (ITU) based in Geneva,
Switzerland, which has produced literally over 2000 standards.
◦ CCITT standing for Consultative Committee for International
Telephone and Telegraph
◦ CCIR standing for Consultative Committee for International
 International Standardization Organization (ISO) that has
issued a number of important data communication standards.
 ETSI is the European Telecommunication Standardization
Institute, which is responsible for a principal cellular radio
specification, GSM (Global System for Mobile
communications) is a standard developed by ETSI to
describe the protocols for second-generation digital cellular
networks used by mobile devices such as cellphone, tablets
 Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)
 1. Explain the full meaning of the acronym:
 2. What are the subscribe loop and trunk?
 3. What are the different between simplex,
half-duplex and full-duplex modes?

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