Digital Communication
Digital Communication
Digital Communication
• To study about the basic elements or building blocks that constitutes a digital
communication system.
• To study about various types of digital communication channels.
• To study about the various types of signals.
• To study about data transmission.
The purpose of a communication system is to transmit information-bearing
signals from a source, located at one location, to a user destination, located at
another distant location. Based on the nature of signal processing applied to the
information-bearing signal, communication systems may be broadly divided into two
major systems. They are:
1) Analog Communication System
2) Digital Communication System
In an analog communication system, the information bearing analog signal is
continuously varying in both amplitude and time. It is used directly to modify some
characteristics of a high frequency sinusoidal carrier wave, such as amplitude, phase
or frequency. Speech signal, video signal, temperature signal, pressure signal etc.,
are some examples of analog signal.
In digital communication system, the information bearing digital signal is
processed such that it can be represented by a sequence of binary digits (discrete
messages). Then it is used for ON/OFF keying of some characteristic of a high
frequency sinusoidal carrier wave, such as amplitude, phase or frequency. If the
input message signal is in analog form, then it is converted to digital form by the
processes of sampling, quantizing and encoding. Computer data and telegraph
signals are some examples of digital signal. The key feature of a digital
communication system is that it deals with a finite set of discrete messages.
Digital communication systems are becoming increasingly attractive due to
the ever-growing demand for data communication. Because digital transmission
offers data processing options and flexibilities not available with analog transmission.
Further, developments in digital techniques have led to more and more powerful
microprocessors, larger and larger memory devices and a number of programmable
logic devices. Availability of these devices has made the design of digital
communication systems highly convenient.
Basics of Digital Communication
Basics of Digital Communication
2. Digital circuits are less subject to distortion and interference than analog
3. With digital techniques, extremely low error rates producing high signal
fidelity are possible through error detection and correction.
4. Digital circuits are more reliable and can be produced at a lower cost than
analog circuits.
10. Storage and retrieval of voice, data or video at intermediate points (in the
transmission path) is easy and is inexpensive in terms of storage space.
11. Signal processing and image-processing operations like compression of
voice and image signals, etc. can easily be carried out.
12. Adaptive equalization can be implemented.
13. Very powerful encryption and decryption algorithms are available for digital
data so as to maintain a high level of secrecy of communication.
14. Availability of powerful microprocessors, larger memory devices, and number
of programmable logic devices has made the design of digital communication
systems highly convenient.
Basics of Digital Communication
15. The mathematical theory of logic circuits called as switching theory is a very
useful concept in digital communication.
16. The effect of noise, temperature and parameter variations is very small in
digital circuits.
Basics of Digital Communication
Transmitter Section
Information Baseband
Source and input processor/
Formatter Source encoder Channel encoder Band pass
Synchronization Channel hc(t)
Basics of Digital Communication
1) Information source
The Source is where the information to be transmitted, originates. The
information / message may be available in digital form (eg: computer data, tele-type
data). If the information / message available is a non-electrical signal, (eg: video
signal, voice signal) then it is first converted into a suitable electrical signal using an
input transducer. Then the analog electrical signal is sampled and digitized using an
analog to digital converter to make the final source output to be in digital form.
2) Formatter
Formatting transforms the source information into binary digits (bits). The bits
are then grouped to form digital messages or message symbols. Each such symbol
(mi, where i = 1,2,3……M) can be regarded as a member of a finite alphabet set
containing M members. Thus for M=2, the message symbol m i is binary (it
constitutes just a single bit). For M>2, such symbols are each made up of a
sequence of two or more bits (M-ary)
3) Source encoder
The process of efficiently converting the output of either an analog or digital
source into a sequence of binary digits is called source encoding or data
compression. Source coding produces analog-to-digital (A/D) conversion for analog
sources. It also removes redundant (unneeded) information. By reducing data
redundancy, source codes can reduce a system’s data rate (ie., reduced bandwidth).
Formatting and source coding are similar processes, in that they both involve
data digitization. However, source coding involves data compression in addition to
digitization. Hence, a typical digital communication system would either use
formatter, (for digitizing alone) or source encoder (for both digitizing and
4) Channel encoder
The channel encoder introduces some redundancy in the binary information
sequence, in a controlled manner. Such introduction of controlled redundancy can
be used at the receiver to provide error correction capability to the data being
transmitted. This minimises the effects of noise and interference encountered in the
transmission of the signal through the channel. Hence channel coding increases the
reliability of the received data and improves the fidelity of the received signal.
Channel coding is used for reliable transmission of digital data.
Basics of Digital Communication
The communication channel is the physical medium that is used to send the
signal from the transmitter to the receiver. In wireless transmission, the channel may
be the atmosphere (free space). On the other hand, telephone channels usually
employ a variety of physical media, including wirelines, optical fibre cables, and
wireless (microwave radio).
The transmitted signal is corrupted in a random manner by a variety of
possible mechanisms, such as additive thermal noise generated by electronic
Basics of Digital Communication
devices, man-made noise, eg., automobile ignition noise and atmospheric noise, eg.,
electrical lightning discharges during thunderstorms.
As the transmitted signal Si(t) propagates over the channel, it is impacted by
the channel characteristics, which can be described in terms of the channel’s
impulse response hc(t). Also, at various points along the signal route, additive
random noise n(t) distorts the signal. Hence the received signal x(t) must be termed
as the corrupted version of the transmitted signal Si(t). The received signal x(t) can
be expressed as
x(t)= Si(t) hc(t) + n(t) i=1,2…..M
where * represents a convolution operation and n(t) represents a noise process.
1. Baseband decoder
The baseband decoder block converts back the line coded pulse waveform to
transmitted data sequence.
Basics of Digital Communication
3. Channel decoder
The estimates of the transmitted data symbols are passed to the channel
decoder. The channel decoder attempts to reconstruct the original information
sequence from knowledge of the code used by the channel encoder and the
redundancy contained in the received data. A measure of how well the demodulator
and decoder perform is the frequency with which errors occur in the decoded
sequence. This is the important measure of system performance called as
Probability of bit error (Pe).
4. Source decoder
The source decoder accepts the output sequence from the channel decoder.
From the knowledge of the source encoding method used, it attempts to reconstruct
the original signal from the source. Because of channel decoding errors and possible
distortion introduced by the source decoder, the signal at the output of the source
decoder is an approximation to the original source output. The difference of this
estimate and the original digital signal is the distortion introduced by the digital
communication system.
5. Deformatter
If the original information source was not in digital data form and the output of
the receiver needs to be in the original form of information, a deformatter block is
needed. It converts back the digital data to either discrete form (like keyboard
characters) or analog form (speech signal).
6. Information sink
If an analog output is needed in non-electrical form, the output transducer
converts the estimate of digital signal to the required analog output. The information
sink may be computer, data terminal equipment or an user.
7. Synchronization
Synchronization and its key element, a clock signal, is involved in the control
of all signal processing within the digital communication system. It actually plays a
role in regulating the operation of almost every block. Synchronization involves the
estimation of both time and frequency. Coherent systems need to synchronize their
frequency reference with the carrier in both frequency and Phase. For non-coherent
systems, phase synchronization is not needed.
Basics of Digital Communication
2. Baseband Signaling
Baseband signaling process involves generation of PCM waveforms or line
3. Bandpass signaling
During demodulation, when the references used are a measure of all the
signal attributes (particularly phase), the process is termed coherent. When phase
information is not used, the process is termed non coherent.
4. Equalization
An equalization filter is needed for those systems where channel induced ISI
(Intersymbol interference) can distort the signals.
5. Channel Coding
Waveform coding and structured sequences are the two methods of channel
coding. Waveform coding involves the use of new waveforms. Structured
sequences involve the use of redundant bits.
7. Spreading
Spreading is used in military applications for achieving interference protection
and privacy. Signals can be spread in frequency, in time, or in both frequency and
8. Encryption
Encryption and decryption are the basic goals, which are communication
privacy and authentication. Maintaining privacy means preventing unauthorized
persons from extracting information (eavesdropping) from the channel. Establishing
Basics of Digital Communication
9. Synchronization
Synchronization involves the estimation of both time and frequency. Coherent
systems need to synchronize their frequency reference with the carrier in both
frequency and phase. For non coherent systems, phase synchronization is not
The figure 1.2(b) shows the basic digital communication transformations.
Performance criteria
A digital communication system transmits signals that represent digits. These
digits form a finite set or alphabet, and the set is known a priori to the receiver. A
figure of merit for digital communication systems is the probability of incorrectly
detecting a digit or the probability of error (Pe).
Basics of Digital Communication
We can rewrite the noise power as N=NoB, where No is the noise power
spectral density. Hence, the theorem can be written as
C = B log 2 ( 1 + ) , bits/s (1.14)
𝑁𝑜 𝐵
(i) If the information rate R from the source is less than or equal to
channel capacity C (R ≤ C), then it is possible to achieve reliable
(error-free) transmission through the channel by appropriate coding.
(ii) If the information rate R from the source is greater than the channel
capacity C (R > C), it is not possible to find a code that can achieve
reliable (error-free) transmission through the channel.
Thus, Shannon established basic limits on communication of information and
gave birth to a new field that is now called Information Theory.
Basics of Digital Communication
The standard telephone channels occupy the frequency range of 300Hz to
3400Hz. Hence, the bandwidth is B=3400-300=3100HZ
𝑆 32
log10 (𝑁) = 10
= 3.2
= anti log(3.2) = 1584.89
Therefore, = 1585
Capacity of a channel, C = B.log 2 (1 + 𝑁)
On substituting the values of B and𝑁, we have
Formatting and Baseband Modulation
Formatting and Baseband Modulation
(iii) The restriction of fs≥ 2fm, stated in terms of the sampling rate, is known as
the Nyquist criterion. The Nyquist criterion is a theoretically sufficient
condition to allow an analog signal to be reconstructed completely from a
set of uniformly spaced discrete time samples.
Formatting and Baseband Modulation
X(t) fs Xs(t)
Formatting and Baseband Modulation
Let us choose Ts=2𝑓 , so that the Nyquist criterion is just satisfied. The circuit
simply consists of a switch. If we assume that the closing time ‘t’ of the switch
approaches zero, then the output xs(t) will contain only instantaneous value of the
input signal x(t). This instantaneous sampling gives a train of impulses of height
equal to the instantaneous value of the input signal x(t) at the sampling instant.
The train of impulses (sampling function) may be represented as
Where Ts is the sampling period and (t) is the unit impulse or Dirac delta
function. The sampled signal xs(t) is expressed as the multiplication of x(t) and x(t).
The spectrum X(f) of the sampled signal xs(t) is shown in the figure 2.2(f) for
fs=2fm. Using the frequency convolution property of the Fourier transform, we can
transform the time domain product x(t).x(t) of equation(2.6) to the frequency domain
convolution X(f)*X(f).
Therefore, Xs(f) = X(f) X(f)
= 𝑛=−∞ (𝑓 − 𝑛𝑓𝑠 )]
X(f) [ 𝑇 ∑∞
Xs(f) = ∑∞
𝑛=−∞ 𝑋(𝑓 − 𝑛𝑓𝑠 ) (2.7)
(i) From the figure, we infer that, if the sampling rate is chosen such that
fs = 2fm, then each spectral replicate is separated from each of its neighbours by a
frequency band exactly equal to fs Hertz. Therefore, the analog waveform can
theoretically be completely recovered from the samples, by the use of filtering.
Formatting and Baseband Modulation
(ii) If the sampling rate is chosen such that fs>2fm, the spectral replications will
move farther apart in frequency, as shown in Figure 2.3(a),
• The Nyquist rate, fs=2fm is the sampling rate below which aliasing occurs.
• To avoid aliasing, the Nyquist criterion, fs≥2fm must be satisfied.
X(t) Xs(t)
Here also, we choose Ts=2𝑓 , so that the Nyquist criterion is just satisfied.
The circuit simply consists of a switch. The pulse train xp(t) is applied to the switch.
Each pulse in xp(t) has width T and amplitude 𝑇. The multiplication of input analog
signal x(t) by the pulse train xp(t) can be viewed as the opening and closing of the
switch. The resulting sampled data sequence, xs(t) is shown in figure 2.4(e). It can
be represented as
This process is called natural sampling, since the top of each pulse in the
sampled data sequence retains the shape of its corresponding analog segment
during the pulse interval. We can express the periodic pulse train as a Fourier series
in the form
Formatting and Baseband Modulation
xp(t) = ∑∞
n=−∞ Cn e
j2πnfs t
1 𝑛𝑇 1
where Cn = 𝑇𝑠
sinc ( 𝑇 ), T is the pulse width and 𝑇 is the pulse amplitude.
xs(t) = x(t)∑∞
n=−∞ Cn e
j2πnfs t
Each pulse in the sampled data sequence has varying top according to signal
variation. During transmission, noise interferes the top of pulses. Then it becomes
difficult to determine the shape of top of the pulse at the receiver.
The spectrum of the naturally sampled signal is shown in Figure 2.4(f). The
transform Xs(f) of the sampled waveform is found as follows:
Xs(f) = ℱ{x(t).∑∞
n=−∞ Cn e
j2πnfs t
} (2.11)
Xs(f) = ∑∞
n=−∞ Cn X(f − nfs ) (2.12)
Equation (2.12) and Figure 2.4(f) illustrate that Xs(f) is a replication of X(f),
periodically repeated in frequency every fs Hertz. However, we see that Xs(f) is
weighted by the Fourier series coefficients (Cn) of the pulse train, compared with a
constant value in the impulse sampling.
Formatting and Baseband Modulation
x(t) C Xs(t)
Figure 2.5 Sample and hold circuit for flat top sampling
By applying a short
pulse to the gate G1, the
sampling switch is closed for
a very small period. During
this period, the capacitor ‘C’
is quickly charged upto a
voltage equal to the x(t) xg(t)
instantaneous sample value
of the incoming signal x(t).
The sampling switch is now
opened and the capacitor
holds the charge. The
discharge switch is then
closed by a pulse applied to
the gate G2 to discharge
capacitor to zero volts. The xs(t) = p(t) * [x(t) xg(t)]
discharge switch is then
opened and thus capacitor
has no voltage. After the
period of Ts, sampling
switch is closed to take new
Figure 2.6 Flat Top Sampling
sample. This periodic
gating of sample and hold
circuit generates a sequence of flat top samples as shown in the figure 2.6.
Formatting and Baseband Modulation
It may be noted that only starting edge of the pulse represents instantaneous
value of the baseband signal x(t). Sample and hold can be described by the
convolution of the sampled pulse train, [x(t)x(t)], with a unity amplitude rectangular
pulse P(t) of pulse width Ts. Hence, convolution results in the flat top sampled
The Fourier transform, xs(f), of the time convolution in equation (2.13) is the
frequency-domain product of the transform P(f) of the rectangular pulse and the
periodic spectrum of the impulse-sampled data. Therefore,
Xs(f) = P(f).𝑇 ∑∞
𝑛=−∞ 𝑋(𝑓 − 𝑛𝑓𝑠 ) (2.14)
Example 2.1: A continuous-time signal is given as x(t) = 8cos 200t. Determine the
minimum sampling rate ie., Nyquist rate required to avoid aliasing.
The continuous time signal,
x(t) = 8cos 200t
We have,
x(t) = A cos (2f)t = A cost
A cos (2f)t = 8cos 200t
Formatting and Baseband Modulation
Hence, the highest frequency component of the given continuous time signal
is fm=100Hz. Therefore, minimum sampling rate required to avoid aliasing is the
Nyguist rate given by
fs = 2fm = 2 x100 = 200Hz.
When a continuous-time band-limited signal is sampled at a rate lower than
Nyquist rate, fs<2fm, it is termed as undersampling. The spectrum of the sampled
signal is shown in the figure 2.7 and 2.8.
Formatting and Baseband Modulation
Formatting and Baseband Modulation
Flat Top
Parameter Ideal sampling Natural Sampling
1) Sampling It uses multiplication. It uses chopping It uses sample
Principle principle. and hold circuit.
2) Generation Figure 2.2g Figure 2.4g Figure 2.5
3) Sampling rate Sampling rate tends Sampling rate Sampling rate
to be infinite. satisfies Nyquist satisfies Nyquist
criteria. criteria.
4) Noise Noise interference is Noise interference Noise
interference maximum. is minimum. interference is
5) Feasibility This is not a This method can This method is
practically possible be used practically. used practically.
Formatting and Baseband Modulation
(iv) The format in Figure 2.11(d) may be viewed as the output of a sample and
hold circuit. When the sample values are quantized to a finite set, this format
can also interface with a digital system.
Formatting and Baseband Modulation
The process of representing a large (possibly infinite) set of values with a
much smaller set of values is called quantization.
Quantizer input Quantizer output
x y=Q(x)
Quantization noise
In a linear analog system, the transfer characteristic representing the relation
between the input and the output is a straight line. For a quantizer, the transfer
characteristic is staircase like in appearance
The quantizing process has a two-fold effect:
1) The peak-to-peak range of input sample values is subdivided into a finite set
of decision levels or decision threshold that are aligned with the “risers” of the
staircase, and
2) The output is assigned a discrete value selected from a finite set of
representation levels or reconstruction values that are aligned with the
“treads” of the staircase.
The combination of sampler and quantizer is called Analog-to-Digital(A/D)
converter or digitizer.
Formatting and Baseband Modulation
Formatting and Baseband Modulation
Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) with zero mean and Power spectral
density 2𝑜.
Formatting and Baseband Modulation
The source information is sampled and quantized to one of ‘L’ levels. Then
each quantized sample is digitally encoded into an l-bit codeword, where l=log 2 𝐿.
For baseband transmission, the codeword bits will then be transformed to pulse
waveforms. The essential features of binary PCM are shown in the Figure 2.14.
The Figure 2.14(a) illustrates an L-level linear quantizer for an analog signal
with a peak-to peak voltage range of Vpp=Vp-(-Vp) = 2 Vp volts. The quantized pulses
assume positive and negative values. The stepsize between quantization levels,
called the quantile interval, is denoted by q volts. When the quantization levels are
uniformly distributed over the full range, the quantizer is called a uniform or linear
quantizer. Each sample value of the analog waveform is approximated with a
quantized pulse. The degradation of the signal due to quantization is therefore
limited to half a quanitle interval, ± volts.
Figure 2.14(b) shows an analog signal x(t) limited in its excursions to the
range -4 to +4V. The stepsize between quantization levels has been set at 1V.
Thus, eight quantization levels are employed. These are located at -3.5,
-2.5,……+3.5V. Assign the code number 0 to the level at -3.5V, code number 1 to
the level at -2.5V, and so on, until the level at 3.5V, which is assigned the code
number 7.
Formatting and Baseband Modulation
Each code number has its representation in binary arithmetic, ranging from
000 for code number 0 to 111 for code number 7. The quantile intervals between the
levels should be equal. The ordinate in Figure 2.14(b) is labeled with quantization
levels and their code numbers. Each sample of the analog signal is assigned to the
quantization level closest to the value of the sample. There are four representations
of x(t) as follows: the natural sample values, the quantized sample values, the code
numbers, and the PCM sequence.
Here, each sample is assigned to one of eight levels or a three-bit PCM
sequence. Increasing the number of levels will reduce the quantization noise. If we
double the number of levels to 16, each analog sample will be represented as a four-
bit PCM sequence. But when there are more bits per sample, the data rate is
increased, and the cost is a greater transmission bandwidth. Thus, we can obtain
better fidelity at the cost of more transmission bandwidth.
Formatting and Baseband Modulation
values of the analog signal into discrete time values. The quantization process
converts the continuous amplitude values into a finite (discrete) set of allowable
values. This process is called “discretization” in time and amplitude. Here, we shall
study about the quantization process. Basically, quantization process may be
classified as follows:
Formatting and Baseband Modulation
(a) For the uniform quantizer of midtread type, the origin lies in the middle of a
tread of the staircase like graph.
(b) For the Uniform quantizer of midrise type, the origin lies in the middle of a
rising part of the staircase like graph.
Both the midtread and midrise types of uniform quantizers are symmertric
about the origin. Hence they are also called as symmetric quantizer. Companding
The non-uniform quantization is practically achieved through a process called
companding. Figure 2.16 shows a companding model. The compressor amplifies
weak signals and attenuates strong signals.
Input Output
Compressor Expander
This process is called compression. At the receiver, the expander does the
opposite function of compression. Thus the expander provides expansion.
Therefore, the compression of the signal at the transmitter and the expansion at the
receiver is combined to be called as companding.
Companding = Compressing + Expanding
The non-uniform quantizer characteristic is shown in the figure 2.17
Formatting and Baseband Modulation
a) -law b) A-law
Formatting and Baseband Modulation
1. NRZ – L is used
extensively in digital logic circuits. A binary one is represented by one voltage
level and a binary zero is represented by another voltage level. There is a
change in level whenever the data change from a one to a zero or from a zero
to a one.
Formatting and Baseband Modulation
2. With NRZ – M, the one, or mark, is represented by a change in level, and the
zero, or space, is represented by no change in level. This is often referred to
as differential encoding. NRZ – M is used primarily in magnetic tape
3. NRZ – S is the complement of NRZ – M. A one is represented by no change
in level, and a zero is represented by a change in level.
Formatting and Baseband Modulation
3) With bi--S, a transition also occurs at the beginning of every bit interval. A
one is represented by no second transition. A zero is represented by a
second transition one-half bit interval later.
4) With delay modulation, a one is represented by a transition at the midpoint of
the bit interval. A zero is represented by no transition, unless it is followed by
another zero. In this case, a transition is placed at the end of the bit interval
of the first zero.
‘q’ bits CRC
Codeword X
Baseband Coding Techniques
CRC checker
The CRC checking procedure is shown in the figure 3.9
• The same generator polynomial (divisor) used at the transmitter is also used
at the receiver.
Received codeword
Data Sequence CRC
If remainder is 0, then
Remainder there is no error
• We divide the received code word by the divisor. This is also a binary
• If the remainder is all 0s, then there are no errors in the received codeword,
and hence must be accepted.
• If we have a non-zero remainder, then we infer that error has occurred in the
received code word. Then this received code word is rejected by the receiver
and an ARQ signalling is done to the transmitter.
Example 3.5
Generate the CRC code for the data word of 1 1 1 0. The divisor polynomial
is p3 + p + 1
Data Word (Message bits) = 1110
Generator Polynomial (divisor) = p3 + p + 1
Divisor in binary form = 10 11
The divisor will be of (q + 1) bits long.
Here the divisor is of 4 bits long.
Hence q = 3. We append three 0s to the data word.
Baseband Coding Techniques
1 1 0 0
1 01 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 1
0 1 0 1 0
1 0 1 1
0 0 0 1 0 0
The remainder obtained from division is 100. Then the transmitted codeword
is 1 1 1 0 1 0 0.
Example 3.6
A codeword is received as 1 1 1 0 1 0 0. The generator (divisor) polynomial is
p3 + p + 1. Check whether there is error in the received codeword.
Received Codeword = 1110100
Divisor in binary form = 1011
We divide the received codeword by the divisor.
1 1 0 0
1 01 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0
1 0 1 1
0 1 0 1 1
1 0 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0
The remainder obtained from division is zero. Hence there is no error in the
received codeword.
Baseband Coding Techniques
10. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using error detection with
retransmission method or ARQ system?
• This method has lower probability of error.
• Selective repeat ARQ provides the best throughput efficiency.
• It is an adaptive method, since information is retransmitted only when errors
• The ARQ system is slow, because of large overall delay.
• Expansive input and output buffers are required.
• The implementation cost is high.
11. List the error detection codes and error correction codes.
I. Error detection Codes
1. Constant ratio Codes
2. Redundant Codes
3. Parity check Codes
4. Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) Codes
II. Error Correction Codes
A. Linear Block Codes
1. Hamming Codes
2. Cyclic Codes
3. Bose-Chauduri-Hocguenghem (BCH) Codes
4. Reed-Solomon (RS) Codes
B. Convolutional Codes
1. Self Orthogonal Codes
2. Trial and Error Codes
3. Recursive Systematic Codes
Baseband Coding Techniques
2. Burst Error: Burst errors are caused by impulse noise in the channel.
Impulse noise affects several consecutive bits and errors tend to occur in
There is a possibility that both the Gaussian noise and impulse noise will
affect the channel. Therefore, if there is a mixture of random and burst errors, then
such errors are called as compound errors.
Baseband Coding Techniques
If the block codes satisfy linearity property, then they are called as linear block
21. State the error detection and correction capability of linear block code or
Hamming code.
• Detect upto ‘s’ errors per codeword, dmin s+1.
• Correct upto ‘t’ error per codeword, dmin 2t + 1.
• For Hamming code, dmin = 3, s = 2, t = 1
• To know the Digital Modulation techniques
• To study about Coherent and Non-Coherent modulation schemes
• To learn about TDM frame structure
• To study about Coherent and Non-Coherent detection schemes
We have discussed Baseband pulse transmission in Unit II. In baseband
pulse transmission, the input data is represented in the form of a discrete PAM signal
(Line codes). The baseband signals have an adequately large power at low
frequencies. So they can be transmitted over a pair of wires or coaxial cables.
But, it is not possible to transmit the baseband signals over radio links or
satellites, since impractically large antennas would be required. Hence, the spectrum
of the message signal has to be shifted to higher frequencies. This is achieved by
using the baseband digital signal to modulate a high frequency sinusoidal carrier.
The modulated signals are transmitted over a band pass channel, such as
microwave radio link, satellite channel, optical fibre link etc. This process is called as
digital carrier modulation or digital passband communication.
Digital Modulation Techniques
M-ary Scheme:
In M-ary scheme, we can send any one of the M possible signals during each
signaling interval of duration Tb. Examples are
1. M-ary ASK
2. M-ary FSK
3. M-ary PSK
5. Quadriphase shift keying (QPSK) is an example of M-ary PSK with M=4. Both
MSK and QPSK are examples of quadrature carrier multiplexing system.
Digital Modulation Techniques
Modulator Design:
Let the set of coefficients {Sij}, j = 1, 2, … N operating as input. Then we may
use the scheme shown in Figure 4.1 to generate the signal S i(t), i = 1, 2, … M as per
equation (4.1).
2(t) Si(t)
Figure 4.1 Scheme for generating the signal Si (t)
It consists of a bank of N multipliers, with each multiplier supplied with its own
basis function, followed by a summer. This scheme is performing a similar role to
that of modulator in the transmitter.
Detector Design:
∫ 𝑑𝑡 Si1
S1(t) ∫ 𝑑𝑡 Si2
∫ 𝑑𝑡 SiN
Digital Modulation Techniques
Let the set of signals {𝑆𝑖 (𝑡)}, 𝑖 = 1, 2, … 𝑀, operating as input. We may use
the scheme shown in figure 4.2 to calculate the set of coefficients {𝑆𝑖𝑗 }, j = 1, 2, ….N
as per equation (4.3). This scheme consists of a bank of N product integrators or
correlators with a common input. Each multiplier is supplied with its own basis
function. This scheme is performing a similar role to that of detector in the receiver.
Digital Modulation Techniques
Input Binary
Inverter Summing Modulated
Amplifier PSK signal
180o Phase
In a coherent binary PSK system, the pair of signals, S1(t) and S2(t) are used
to represent binary symbols 1 and 0 respectively. They are defined by
S1(t) = √ 𝑇 𝑏 𝑐𝑜𝑠(2𝜋𝑓𝑐 𝑡) (4.4)
S2(t) = √ 𝑇 𝑏 𝑐𝑜𝑠(2𝜋𝑓𝑐 𝑡 + 𝜋)
= −√ 𝑇 𝑏 𝑐𝑜𝑠(2𝜋𝑓𝑐 𝑡) (4.5)
1(t) = √𝑇 𝑐𝑜𝑠(2𝜋𝑓𝑐 𝑡), 0 ≤ t ≤ Tb (4.6)
We have to represent the input binary sequence in polar form with symbols 1
and 0 by constant amplitude levels of √𝐸𝑏 and √−𝐸𝑏 , respectively. This binary wave
and a sinusoidal carrier 1 (t) are applied to a product modulator. The desired PSK
wave is obtained at the modulator output. An alternate method of generating binary
PSK is shown in Figure 4.3(b). In this method we use two balanced modulators as
mark and space switch. The input binary data is applied directly to mark switch and
after inverting to the space switch. The carrier signal 1 (t) is fed directly to mark
switch and 180° phase shifted to space switch. For binary input 1, the mark switch is
Digital Modulation Techniques
closed and PSK wave is generated. For binary input 0, the space switch is closed
and PSK wave is generated. The summing amplifier combines the output from mark
and space switches.
Wave forms:
The Figure 4.4 shows the waveforms for coherent binary PSK modulation.
Merits of BPSK:
• BPSK requires lower bandwidth than BFSK
• BPSK has the minimum value of probability of error. Hence it provides best
performance compared to BFSK and BASK schemes.
• It has very good noise immunity.
Demerits of BPSK:
In PSK, the information lies in the phase, and hence, it cannot be detected
Digital Modulation Techniques
Summing Binary FSK
Input binary
amplifier wave
1(t) Oscillator
Inverter Summing Modulated
Amplifier FSK signal
2(t) Oscillator
In a coherent binary FSK system, the pair of signals, S 1(t) and S2(t) are used
to represent binary symbols 1 and 0 respectively. They are defined by
S1(t) = √𝑇 𝑐𝑜𝑠(2𝜋𝑓1 𝑡) (4.7)
S2(t) = √𝑇 𝑐𝑜𝑠(2𝜋𝑓2 𝑡) (4.8)
2(t) = √𝑇 𝑐𝑜𝑠(2𝜋𝑓2 𝑡) (4.10)
Digital Modulation Techniques
Here 1(t) is applied to the upper product modulator (Also referred as Mark
Switch). 2(t) is applied to lower product modulator (Also referred as space switch).
The input binary data is applied directly to the mark switch and through an inverter to
the space switch. For binary input 1, the mark switch is closed and FSK wave S 1(t)
is generated. For binary input 0, the space switch is closed and FSK wave S2(t) is
generated. The summing amplifier combines the output from Mark and Space
switches. In BFSK, the frequency of the modulated wave is shifted with a continuous
phase, in accordance with the input binary wave. Hence phase continuity is always
maintained including the inter-bit switching times. Therefore BFSK is also referred
as continuous phase frequency shift keying (CPFSK).
The figure 4.6 shows the waveforms for coherent binary FSK modulation.
Merits of BFSK
• It is relatively easy to implement.
• It has better noise immunity than ASK.
Demerits of BFSK
• BFSK requires high bandwidth compared to BPSK and BASK.
Digital Modulation Techniques
In a coherent binary ASK system, the pair of signals S 1(t) and S2(t) are used
to represent binary symbols 1 and 0 respectively. They are defined by
S1(t) = √ 𝑇 𝑏 𝑐𝑜𝑠(2𝜋𝑓𝑐 𝑡) (4.11)
S2(t) = 0 (4.12)
1(t) = √𝑇 𝑐𝑜𝑠(2𝜋𝑓𝑐 𝑡) (4.13)
The binary wave and the sinusoidal carrier 1 (t) are applied to a product
modulator. The product modulator acts like a digitally controlled switch. For binary
input 1, the switch is closed and the carrier signal 1 (t) is obtained as output signal.
For binary input 0, the switch is open and hence there is no output signal. The
resulting output will be the ASK waveform. The modulator simply does the on-off
function. Hence BASK is also called as On-Off Keying (OOK).
Digital Modulation Techniques
Wave forms:
The Figure 4.8 shows the wave forms for coherent binary ASK modulation.
Merits of BASK:
• BASK is easy to generate and detect
Demerits of BASK:
• Bask is very sensitive to noise
Digital Modulation Techniques
Input Binary Logic Amplitude Product DPSK
Sequence Network level shifter Modulator Signal
Delay 1(t)
Digital Modulation Techniques
The differential encoding process starts with an arbitrary first bit, serving as
reference. Let {dk} denote the differentially encoded sequence with this added
reference bit.
(i) If the incoming binary symbol bk is 1, leave the symbol dk unchanged with
respect to the previous bit.
(ii) If the incoming binary symbol bk is 0, change the symbol dk with respect to
the previous bit.
The differentially encoded sequence {dk} thus generated is used to phase-shift
a carrier with phase angles 0 and 𝜋 radians representing symbols 1 and 0,
respectively. Table 4.2 illustrates the differential phase encoding process. Here, d k
is the complement of the modulo-2 sum of bk and dk-1.
{bk} 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1
{dk-1} 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1
Differentially encoded 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1
sequence {dk}
Merits of DPSK:
• DPSK scheme does not need carrier at the receiver end. Hence it has
reduced system complexity.
• The bandwidth required is less than that required for BPSK.
Demerits of DPSK:
• It has higher value of probability of error than that of BPSK.
• Noise interference is more.
• In DPSK, previous bit is used to detect next bit. Hence, there is possibility of
errors appearing in pairs.
Digital Modulation Techniques
where SI(t) is the in-phase component of the modulated wave, and S Q(t) is the
quadrature component. QPSK is a quadrature-carrier signaling technique, which is
an extension of binary PSK. MSK is a special form of continuous Phase Frequency
Shift Keying (CPFSK).
Digital Modulation Techniques
Where 0 ≤ t ≤ T
There are two orthonormal basis functions 1(t) and 2(t).
1(t) = √ cos(2𝜋𝑓𝑐 𝑡)
and (4.17)
2(t) = √ sin(2𝜋𝑓𝑐 𝑡)
The figure 4.9 shows the block diagram of QPSK transmitter.
1(t) +
Input binary
data Demultiplexer
level encoder Signal
Sequence +
The incoming binary data sequence is first transformed into polar form by a
non-return-to-zero (NRZ) level encoder. This binary wave is next divided by means
of a demultiplexer into two separate binary waves consisting of the odd-and even-
numbered input bits. These two binary waves are denoted by a 1(t) and a2(t).
These two binary waves a1(t) and a2(t) are used to modulate a pair of
quadrature carriers 1(t) and 2(t) respectively. The result is a pair of binary PSK
signals. Finally, the two binary PSK signals are added to produce the desired QPSK
Wave forms:
The figure 4.10 illustrates the sequences and waveforms involved in the
generation of a QPSK signal.
Digital Modulation Techniques
The Figure 4.11 shows the block diagram of coherent QPSK receiver.
In-phase Channel Threshold = 0
𝑇 x1
∫ 𝑑𝑡
0 device
Estimate of
Received Multiplexer transmitted
Signal sequence
Channel 𝑇 x2
∫ 𝑑𝑡 Decision
0 device
2(t) Threshold = 0
Digital Modulation Techniques
outputs of x1 and x2 are produced in response to the received signal x(t). They are
each compared with a threshold of Zero.
For the In phase channel, if x1>0, a decision is made in favour of symbol 1,
and if x1< 0, a decision is made in favour of symbol 0. Similarly, for the quadrature
channel, if x2> 0, a decision is made in favour of symbol 1 and if x2< 0, a decision is
made in favour of symbol 0. Finally, these two binary sequences at the in-phase and
quadrature channel outputs are combined in a multiplexer. This will reproduce the
original binary sequence at the transmitter input. The minimum average probability
of symbol error for QPSK is given by Pe = erfc[√𝑁𝑏 ].
The elements of the signal vectors, namely, si1 and si2 have their values
shown in Table 4.3.
Digital Modulation Techniques
Merits of QPSK:
• QPSK has very good noise immunity.
• More effective utilization of the available bandwidth of the transmission
• It has low error probability
Demerits of QPSK:
• The generation and detection of QPSK Is complex.
Digital Modulation Techniques
√ 𝑇 𝑏 𝑐𝑜𝑠[2𝜋𝑓1 𝑡 + 𝜃(0)]for symbol 1
S(t) = (4.20)
√ 𝑐𝑜𝑠[2𝜋𝑓2 𝑡 + 𝜃(0)]for symbol 0
{ 𝑇𝑏
where Eb →transmitted signal energy per bit and Tb→bit duration.
The phase (0) denotes the value of phase at time t=0. The frequencies f 1
and f2 are sent in response to binary symbols 1 and 0 appearing at the modulator
input respectively.
Another useful way of expressing the CPFSK signal S(t) is to represent it in
the form of an angle modulated signal as follows:
S(t) = √ 𝑇 𝑏 𝑐𝑜𝑠[2𝜋𝑓𝐶 𝑡 + 𝜃(𝑡)] (4.21)
where (t) is the phase of S(t). The phase (t) of a CPFSK signal increases or
decreases linearly with time during each bit duration of T b seconds, as shown by
(t) = (0) ± 𝑡, 0 ≤ t ≤ Tb (4.22)
ie., (t) = (0) + 𝑡 for sending symbol 1
and (t) = (0) - 𝑡 for sending symbol 0
Substituting equation (4.22) into equation (4.21), and then comparing the
angle of the cosine function with that of equation (4.20), we deduce the following pair
of relations:
fc + = f1 (4.23)
fc - = f2 (4.24)
Digital Modulation Techniques
Phase Trellis:
From equation (4.22), for sending symbol 1, we have
𝜃(t) = 𝜃(0) + 𝑇𝑏
At time t = Tb
𝜃(Tb) = 𝜃(0) + 𝑇𝑏
. 𝑇𝑏 𝜃(Tb) - 𝜃(0) = h
At time t = Tb
𝜃(Tb) = 𝜃(0) - . 𝑇𝑏 𝜃(Tb) - 𝜃(0) = - h
Digital Modulation Techniques
This plot is called as a phase trellis, since a “trellis” is a tree like structure with
remerging branches. Each path from left to right through the trellis corresponds to a
specific binary sequence input. The path shown in boldface in the figure 4.14
corresponds to the binary sequence 1101000 with 𝜃(0) = 0.
h = Tb (f1 – f2)
On substituting h =
1 1
= Tb (f1 – f2) f1 – f2 = 2𝑇𝑏
Since bit rate Rb= 𝑇 , we can write
f1 – f2 = 2
Hence the frequency deviation (f 1 – f2) equals half the bit rate. This is the
minimum frequency spacing that allows the two FSK signals representing symbols 1
and 0 as in equation 4.20 to be coherently orthogonal ie., they do not interfere with
one another in the process of detection. It is for this reason, a CPFSK signal with a
Digital Modulation Techniques
deviation ratio of h = 2
is referred to as Minimum shift keying (MSK). MSK is also
referred to as fast FSK.
The advantage of this method of generating MSK signals is that the signal
coherence and deviation ratio are largely unaffected by variation in the input data
rate. Two input sinusoidal waves, one of frequency f c= 4𝑇𝑐 for some fixed integer nc,
and the other of frequency 4𝑇 are first applied to a product modulator.
These two sinusoidal waves are separated from each other by two narrow
band filters, one centered at f1 and the other at f2. The resulting filter outputs are
linearly combined to produce the pair of quadrature carriers. The orthonormal basis
functions used as quadrature carriers are
2 𝜋
1(t) = √𝑇 cos (2𝑇 𝑡) 𝑐𝑜𝑠(2𝜋𝑓𝑐 𝑡), 0 ≤ t ≤ Tb (4.29)
𝑏 𝑏
2 𝜋
2(t) = √𝑇 sin (2𝑇 𝑡) 𝑠𝑖𝑛(2𝜋𝑓𝑐 𝑡), 0 ≤ t ≤ Tb (4.30)
𝑏 𝑏
Finally, 1(t) and 2(t) are multiplied with two binary waves a1(t) and a2(t)
having a bit rate equal to 2𝑇𝑏. The two binary waves a1(t) and a2(t) are extracted
Digital Modulation Techniques
from the incoming binary sequence. The two multiplier outputs are summed to get
the MSK signal output. We may express the MSK signal in the form of
s(t) = s11(t) + s22(t), 0 ≤ t ≤ Tb (4.31)
The Figure 4.16 shows the sequences and waveforms involved in the
generation of MSK signal for the binary sequence 1101000
Digital Modulation Techniques
The received signal x(t) is correlated with locally generated replicas of the
coherent reference signals 1(t) and 2(t). In both cases the integration interval is
2Tb seconds. Also, the integration in the quadrature channel is delayed by T b
seconds with respect to that in the in-phase channel.
The resulting in-phase and quadrature channel correlator outputs, x1 and x2,
are each compared with a threshold of zero.
• For the in-phase channel, if x1>0, then choose the phase estimate 𝜃̂(0) = 0. If
x1<0, then choose the estimate 𝜃̂(0)= .
• For the quadrature channel, if x2>0, then choose the phase estimate 𝜃̂(Tb)=- .
If x2<0, then choose the estimate 𝜃̂ (Tb) =
Digital Modulation Techniques
Table 4.4 presents a summary of the values of 𝜃(0) and 𝜃(Tb), as well as the
corresponding values of S1 and S2.
Coordinates of message
Transmitted Phase states (radians)
binary symbol
0 ≤ t ≤ Tb
(0) (Tb) S1 S2
1 0 +2 + √𝐸𝑏 -√𝐸𝑏
0 + - √𝐸𝑏 -√𝐸𝑏
1 - -√𝐸𝑏 +√𝐸𝑏
0 0 - +√𝐸𝑏 +√𝐸𝑏
Merits of MSK:
• MSK scheme has constant envelope (ie., there are no amplitude variations).
• It has coherent detection performance equivalent to that of QPSK.
• The MSK signal has a continuous phase (ie., there are no phase changes in
the MSK signal)
Demerits of MSK:
Parameter QPSK MSK
2. Bandwidth fb 1.5 fb
Noise, n(t)
Figure 4.19 Two basic steps in digital receiver
Digital Modulation Techniques
The transmitted signal Si(t) is degraded by noise n(t) and impulse response of
the channel hc(t). Hence the received signal is given by
x(t) = Si(t) * hc(t) + n(t) (4.34)
On receiving the signal x(t), the digital receiver performs two basic functions
of demodulation and detection.
1. Demodulator
The demodulator is a frequency down conversion block. The function of the
signal demodulator is to convert the received waveform x(t) in to an N-dimensional
vector x=[x1, x2, … xN] where N is the dimension of the transmitted signal waveforms.
Signal demodulator can be realized in two ways. They are
A) Based on the use of signal correlators (product integrators)
B) Based on the use of matched filters.
2. Detector:
The function of the detector is to decide which of the M possible signal
waveforms was transmitted based on the vector x. The optimum detector is
designed to minimize the probability of error.
Demodulator Detector
Figure 4.20 Correlator receiver
Digital Modulation Techniques
Here the demodulators imply the use of analog hardware (multipliers and
integrators) and continuous signals. The mathematical operation of a correlator is
correlation; a signal is correlated with a replica of itself. The demodulator outputs
are sampled at the rate t=T to obtain the vector x=x1, x2, ….xN.
A decision device is used as a detector. The function of the detector is to
decide which of the symbols was actually transmitted. The decision rule for the
detector is to choose a symbol based on location of received vector x in the
particular decision regions of the signal space.
Digital Modulation Techniques
Matched Envelope x1
filter, 1 detector
Matched Envelope XN
filter, N detector
Sample at
Demodulator Detector
Received x1 𝑐ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑠𝑒 1 𝑖𝑓 𝑥1 > 0
∫ 𝑑𝑡 Decision
Signal x(t) {
𝑐ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑠𝑒 0 𝑖𝑓 𝑥1 < 0
0 device
Threshold = 0
The noisy BPSK signal x(t) received from the channel is applied to a
correlator. The correlator is also supplied with a locally generated coherent
reference signal 1(t). The correlator output, x1, is compared with a threshold of zero
volts. If x1>0, the receiver decides in favour of symbol 1. If x1<0, it decides in favour
of symbol 0. If x1 is exactly zero, the receiver makes a random guess in favour of 0
or 1. The average probability of symbol error or, equivalently, the bit error rate for
coherent BPSK is
1 𝐸
Pe = 2
erfc [√𝑁𝑏 ] (4.35)
Digital Modulation Techniques
Digital Modulation Techniques
less than the symbol time. Therefore, there must be atleast one sample per symbol.
In real systems, sampling is usually performed at a rate that exceeds the Nyquist
minimum by a factor of 4.
Shift Register
x(t) x(k)
-w 0 1
w= Sample at
t = kTb
y(k) = ∑𝑁−1
𝑛=0 𝑥(𝑘 − 𝑛)𝑐𝑖 (𝑛)
At the clock times of t = kTb, the samples are shifted into the register, so that
earlier samples are located to the right of later samples. Once the received signal
has been sampled, the continuous time notation t is changed to kT b, or simply to k.
Then the simple discrete notation is
Following the summer, a symbol decision will be made after N time samples
have entered the registers.
Digital Modulation Techniques
There is an important distinction between the matched filter and correlator.
Since the correlator yields a single output value per symbol, it must have side
information, such as the start and stop times over which the product integration
should take place. If there are timing errors in the correlator, then the sampled
output fed to the detector may be badly degraded.
On the other hand, the matched filter yields a time series of output values
(reflecting time shifted input samples multiplied by fixed weights). Then with the use
of additional circuitry, the best time for sampling the matched filter output can be
The noisy BFSK signal x(t) received from the channel is applied to the pair of
correlators. The two correlators are supplied with locally generated coherent
reference signals 1(t) and 2(t). The correlator outputs x1 and x2 are then subtracted
one from the other. The resulting difference, l is compared with a threshold of zero
volts. If l > 0, the receiver decides in favour of symbol 1. If l < 0, it decides in favour
of symbol 0. If l is exactly zero, the receiver makes a random guess in favour of
0 or 1. The average probability of symbol error for coherent BFSK is
1 𝐸
Pe = 2
𝑒𝑟𝑓𝑐 [√2𝑁𝑏 ] (4.39)
Digital Modulation Techniques
The distance between the two message points is equal to √2𝐸𝑏 . Now the
decision rule is
• If the received signal vector x falls in region Z1 (such that x1> x2), guess
that symbol 1 was transmitted.
• If the received signal vector x falls in region Z2 (such that x1< x2), guess
that symbol 0 was transmitted.
Digital Modulation Techniques
S2 (t) = √ 𝑇 𝑐𝑜𝑠(2𝜋𝑓2 𝑡) (4.41)
ie.,1(t). The filter in the lower path is matched to √ 𝑇 𝑏 𝑐𝑜𝑠(2𝜋𝑓2 𝑡) ie.,2(t).
x(t) Bandpass l 𝑐ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑠𝑒 1 𝑖𝑓 𝑙 > 0
∫ 𝑑𝑡 Decision
𝑐ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑠𝑒 0 𝑖𝑓 𝑙 < 0
Filter 0 device
The received DPSK signal plus noise is passed through a Bandpass filter
centred at the carrier frequency f c, so as to limit the noise power. The filter output is
delayed by one bit interval Tb. Both the filter output and its delayed version are
applied to a correlator.
The resulting correlator output is proportional to the cosine of the difference
between the carrier phase angles in the two correlator inputs. The correlator output l
is finally compared with a threshold of zero volts. The decision is taken such that
• If l > 0, the phase difference between the waveforms received during the
𝜋 𝜋
pair of bit intervals lies inside the range − to . The receiver decides in
2 2
favour of symbol 1.
𝜋 𝜋
• If l < 0, the phase difference lies outside the range − to , modulo 2. The
2 2
receiver decides in favour of symbol .
DPSK is a special case of non-coherent orthogonal modulation with T = 2T b
and E = 2Eb. The average probability of error for DPSK is given by
1 𝐸𝑏
Pe = 𝑒𝑥𝑝 (− ) (4.43)
2 𝑁𝑜
Digital Modulation Techniques
Multiplexing may be defined as the process of simultaneously transmitting two
or more individual signals over a single communication channel. Using multiplexing,
more information can be transmitted at a time. The typical applications of
multiplexing are in telemetry and telephony or in satellite communication. There are
three basic types of multiplexing.
Digital Modulation Techniques
Digital Modulation Techniques
1 Multiplexer Demultiplexer 1
2 2
3 3
MUX Transmission
Channel .
Figure 4.31 concept of digital TDM
Guard Time
Digital Modulation Techniques
1. Digital signals cannot be directly interleaved into a format that allows for their
eventual separation unless their bit rates are locked to a common clock.
Accordingly, provision has to be made for synchronization of the incoming digital
signals, so that they can be properly interleaved.
2. The multiplexed signal must include some form of framing, so that its individual
components can be identified at the receiver.
Hence the TDM system uses a frame structure for placing data in each time
slot following a synchronized pattern. The TDM frame structure is shown in Figure
4.33. The TDM system divides the data stream into frames which repeat indefinitely.
Each TDM frame is then divided into equal timeslots which are allocated to individual
message signal or user. The individual users then transmit or receive only in their
own time slot.
1 2 3 …… N
Single 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 Data
Guard time
The frame formats of synchronous and statistical TDM are shown in the
Figure 4.34.
Digital Modulation Techniques
F 1 2 3 …… N F Framing bit
1, 2, .... N Time Slots
(a) Synchronous TDM Frame
Field No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 3 2 1 0 to 246 1 2
Message length
The length of the message including only number of bytes in fields #2, #3, #4
and #5. It contains three characters between ‘006’ and ‘252’.
Slave Address
Two characters from ‘00’ to ‘99’. The instrument with address ‘00’ responds
to requests with any incoming address.
Message Type
One character representing the type of a host request. A list of message
types is shown in Tables 4.6 and 4.7.
Message Body
It contains the message parameters in ASCII representation. The data fields
vary in length depending on the data type, from 0 to 246.
Check sum
Arithmetic sum, calculated in a 2 byte word over fields #2, #3, #4 and #5 to
produce a one byte check sum in the range of 22to 7E (hexadecimal).
Two ASCII characters Carriage Return (CR) (ASCII 13) and Line Feed (LF)
(ASCII 10) are used.
Digital Modulation Techniques
Digital Modulation Techniques
The E1 framing data rate is 2.048 Mbps (full duplex). The frame is split into
32 time slots, each being allocated 8 bits. The timeslots are numbered from TSO to
TS31. The E1 frame repetition rate is 8KHZ.
The single PCM voice channel with data rate 64 Kbps is called as digital
signal at level zero (DSO). When 24 such PCM voice channels are multiplexed
using TDM, the multiplexed signal is the Digital signal at level one (DS1). Hence the
T1 carrier uses the DS1 signal at the line data rate of 1.544 Mbps. The format of T1
framing is shown in the figure 4.37.
Framing (1 bit)
F TS1 TS2 TS3 TS4 …………………. TS20 TS21 TS22 TS23 TS24
Digital Modulation Techniques
The T1 frame is split into 24 time slots each being allocated 8 bits and a
framing single bit at the start. The time slots are numbered from TS1 to TS24, each
representing a voice channel sample of 8 bits. The T1 frame repetition rate is
8 KHZ.
F bit
The frame synchronizing bit ‘F’ is used to provide synchronisation as well as
to indicate the start of a frame.
TS1 to TS24
These 24 time slots are used for carrying user data.
In T1 carrier, there is no dedicated time slot for channel associated signaling
(CAS). Instead ‘Robbed bit’ signaling is used. Using CAS, the signaling information
is transmitted by robbering certain bits, which are normally used for data. The
signaling is placed in the LSB of every timeslot in the 6th and 12th frame of every D4
super frame.
Digital Modulation Techniques
III. Based on the performance of the modulation scheme and properties of the
modulated signal
1. Power efficient scheme / Bandwidth efficient scheme.
2. Continuous Phase (CP) Modulation / In phase – Quadrature Phase (IQ)
3. Constant Envelope Modulation / Non-constant Envelope Modulation.
4. Linear Modulation / Non-linear Modulation.
5. Modulation scheme with memory / Modulation scheme without memory.
Digital Modulation Techniques
Digital Modulation Techniques
Digital Modulation Techniques
• The generation and detection of QPSK is complex.
Digital Modulation Techniques
20. What are the two basic steps in a digital receiver? Explain
The two basic steps in a digital receiver are 1) Demodulation and 2) Detection
1. Demodulator:
The demodulator is a frequency down conversion block. The function of the
signal demodulator is to convert the received waveform X(t) into an N-dimensional
Digital Modulation Techniques
vector X = [X1, X2, ..... XN] where N is the dimension of the transmitted signal
2. Detector
The function of the detector is to decide which of the M possible signal
waveforms was transmitted based on the Vector X. The optimum detector is
designed to minimize the probability of error.
Digital Modulation Techniques
Spread Spectrum Techniques
In any digital communication system, the basic design factors are 1) efficient
utilisation of channel bandwidth and 2) minimizing the transmitted power.
Some of the major problems encountered in specific communication systems
1) Combating or suppressing the detrimental effects of interference due to
jamming, interference arising from other users of the channel, and self-
interference due to multipath propagation.
2) Hiding a signal by transmitting it at low power and making it difficult for an
unintended listener to detect the signal.
3) Achieving message privacy in the presence of other listeners.
These problems can be successfully solved by using a technique called
spread spectrum modulation. We shall discuss this modulation technique in detail in
this chapter.
Spread Spectrum Techniques
The channel encoder / decoder and the modulator / demodulator are the basic
elements of the digital communication system, we have already discussed. In
addition to these elements we have two identical pseudorandom pattern generators.
One interfaces with the modulator at the transmitting end. The second interfaces
with the demodulator at the receiving end. These pseudorandom pattern generators
generate a Pseudonoise (PN) binary-valued sequence which is impressed on the
transmitted signal at the modulator and removed from the received signal at the
Spread Spectrum Techniques
2) Multiple Access
Spread spectrum methods can be used as a multiple access technique in
order to share a communication resource among numerous users in a coordinated
manner. Interference from the other users arises in multiple access communication
systems in which a number of users share a common channel bandwidth. The
transmitted signals in this common channel spectrum may be distinguished from one
another by superimposing a different pseudorandom pattern, also called a code, in
each transmitted signal. Thus, a particular receiver can recover the transmitted
information intended for it by knowing the code or key, used by the corresponding
transmitter. This type of communication technique, which allows multiple users to
simultaneously use a common channel for transmission of information, is called
Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA).
Spread Spectrum Techniques
5) Message Privacy
Message privacy may be obtained by superimposing a pseudorandom pattern
on a transmitted message. The message can be demodulated by the intended
receivers, who know the pseudorandom pattern or key used at the transmitter, but
not by any other receivers, who do not know the key.
1) Balance Property:
In each period of the sequence, the number of 1’s is always one more than
the number of 0’s. This property is called the balance property.
2) Run Property:
Among the runs of 1’s and of 0’s in each period of the sequence, one-half the
runs of each kind are of length one, one-fourth are of length two, one-eighth are of
length three, and so on. This property is called the Run property. A run is defined
as a sequence of a single type of binary digit(s). The appearance of the alternate
digit in a sequence starts a new run. The length of the run is the number of digits in
the run.
3) Correlation Property
The autocorrelation function of a sequence is periodic and binary valued.
This property is called the correlation property.
Flip Flops
Feedback(𝑥1′ )
Modulo 2 adder
Spread Spectrum Techniques
N = 2m-1 (5.1)
where m is the length of the shift register. Here, m = 3 and so N = 23-1 = 7.
For the PN sequence generator of Figure 5.2, if we assume that the shift
register contents are initially 111, then with each clocking pulse, the contents will
change as shown in the following table 5.1
0 1 1 1
1 11=0 0 1 1
2 11=0 0 0 1
3 01=1 1 0 0
4 00=0 0 1 0
5 10=1 1 0 1
6 01=1 1 1 0
7 10=1 1 1 1
Spread Spectrum Techniques
1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1
-1 Sequence
Tc repeats
Tb = NTc
• The duration of every bit is known as the chip duration T c. The chip rate Rc is
defined as the number of bits (chips) per second.
1 1
Tc = (or) Rc = (5.2)
𝑅𝑐 𝑇𝑐
-Tc Tc
-NTc +NTc
Spread Spectrum Techniques
PN Sequence
X1 X2 X3 X4
Flip Flops
Feedback(𝑥1′ )
Modulo 2 adder
If the initial contents of the shift register are 0100, then with each clocking
pulse, the contents will change as shown in the following table 5.2.
Spread Spectrum Techniques
After 15 shiftings, the initial contents of the shift registers are once again
obtained. For further shiftings, the same cycle of events will repeat. Thus, the
length of one period of the PN sequence is, N = 2m – 1 = 24 – 1 = 15. Hence the
sequence is a maximal length sequence.
1) Balance Property:
The output PN sequence is given by 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1. There are
seven 0s and eight 1s in the sequence. Hence balance property is satisfied.
2) Run Property:
Consider the zero runs - there are four of them. One-half are of length 1, one-
fourth are of length 2. The same is true for the one runs. Hence run property is
3) As shown in Figure 5.4, the autocorrelation function R() will be a periodic
function of time and will be a two valued function. Hence the correlation property
is also satisfied.
4) For an m-stage linear feedback shift register the sequence repetition period in
clock pulses is
N = 2m - 1
Thus it can be seen that the sequence generated by the shift register
generator of Figure 5.5 is an example of maximum length sequence.
Spread Spectrum Techniques
Hence, spread spectrum systems are employed only for those applications
where security of transmission is our primary concern.
Direct sequence
spread spectrum
(DS-SS) system Frequency Time Chirp Hybrid
hopping hopping methods
The avoidance type systems reduce the interference by making the signal
avoid the interference over a large fraction of time. Some of the avoidance type
systems are Frequency Hopping (FH) system, Time hopping (TH) system, Chirp and
hybrid modulation system.
Spread Spectrum Techniques
DS-BPSK Transmitter
The Figure 5.7 shows the transmitter section of the Direct Sequence Spread
Spectrum with coherent BPSK.
The transmitter section uses two stages of modulation. In the first stage the
input data sequence is first converted into an NRZ sequence b(t) by the NRZ
encoder. This sequence b(t) is used to modulate a wide band pseudo-noise
sequence c(t) by applying these two sequences to the product modulator or
multiplier. Both sequences are in polar form. The product sequence m(t) = b(t) . c(t)
will have a spectrum which will be same as that of c(t). The modulated signal m(t) is
used to modulate the local carrier for BPSK modulation at the second stage. We can
also use QPSK modulation.
Product modulator
or Multiplier
Binary data
b(t) m(t)
sequence Polar NRZ BPSK S(t)
encoder modulator To Channel
PN Sequence
generator ~ Carrier
The second stage modulated output s(t) is thus a Direct Sequence Spread
binary phase shift keyed (DS | BPSK) signal. The phase modulation (t) of S(t) has
one of the two values, 0 and , depending on the polarities of the data sequence and
PN sequence, as shown in the Table 5.3.
+ -
+ 0
Polarity of PN
Sequence C(t) at time ‘t’
- 0
Spread Spectrum Techniques
Figure 5.8 illustrates the wave forms for the first stage of modulation.
Figure 5.9 illustrates the waveforms for the second stage of modulation for
one period of the PN sequence.
Spread Spectrum Techniques
DS-BPSK Receiver
The figure 5.10 shows the Receiver section of DS-BPSK system
Synchronous Detector
Received 1 if v>0
𝑇𝑏 v Decision
signal r(t)
LPF ∫ 𝑑𝑡 device 0 if v<0
Modulator 0
Local PN Threshold = 0
~ Local Sequence
Carrier generator
The receiver section consists of two stages of demodulation. In the first stage
the received signal r(t) is subjected to coherent detection using the locally generated
carrier signal. This carrier signal is arranged to be in phase and frequency
synchronism with the carrier used at the transmitter.
In the second stage, the output of the coherent detector is subjected to de-
spreading. It is multiplied with a locally generated PN sequence, which is in
synchronism with the one at the transmitter. After despreading, it is integrated over
a bit duration to get the observed random signal v. This is used for decision making,
which provides an estimate of the original data sequence.
Important Observation
• In practice, the transmitter and receiver of Figures 5.7 and 5.10 are followed.
In the transmitter spectrum spreading is performed prior to phase modulation.
Also phase demodulation is done first and then despreading is done second,
in the receiver.
• In the model of DS spread spectrum BPSK system used for analysis, the
order of these two operations are interchanged. In the transmitter, BPSK is
done first and spectrum spreading is done subsequently. Similarly, at the
receiver also, spectrum despreading is done first and then phase
demodulation is done second.
• This is possible, because the spectrum spreading and BPSK are both linear
Spread Spectrum Techniques
1) Processing Gain
The processing gain of a DS-SS system represents the gain achieved by
processing a spread spectrum signal over an unspread signal. It may also be
Spread Spectrum Techniques
defined as the ratio of the bandwidth of the spread spectrum signal to the bandwidth
of the unspread signal.
𝐵𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑤𝑖𝑑𝑡ℎ 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑 𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛𝑎𝑙
Therefore, Processing Gain (PG) = 𝐵𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑤𝑖𝑑𝑡ℎ 𝑜𝑓 𝑢𝑛𝑠𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑 𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛𝑎𝑙
• With reference to Figure 5.8, the bit rate of the binary data entering the
transmitter input refers to the bandwidth of unspread signal. It is given by
Rb = 𝑇𝑏
• Also, the chip rate of the PN sequence refers to the bandwidth of spread
spectrum signal. It is given by
Rc = (5.4)
• Also with reference to Figure 5.8, we note that T b = NTc. This can be rewritten
N = (5.6)
where N is the number of chips per information bit, and also called as the spread
• On comparing equations (5.5) and (5.6), we infer that both PG and N are
equal. Hence
PG = N = 𝑇𝑐
• The Processing Gain (PG) is also called as the bandwidth expansion factor
(Be) since it represents the advantage gained over the jammer that is obtained
by expanding the bandwidth of the transmitted signal.
2) Probability of Error
• The probability of error Pe for a coherent BPSK system is given by
1 𝐸
Pe = 2
𝑒𝑟𝑓𝑐 √𝑁𝑏 (5.8)
where Eb is the energy per bit and 2
is the power spectral density of white noise.
Spread Spectrum Techniques
= 𝐸𝑏
= (𝐸𝑏 ) (5.13)
𝑃𝑠 ⁄𝑁 ⁄𝑁
𝑜 𝑜
Since we know that PG=
• This ratio 𝑃𝑠
is called as the jamming margin. Therefore, the jamming margin
may be defined as the ratio of average interference power J and the average
signal power Ps.
• If the jamming margin and the processing gain are both expressed in
decibels, equation(5.13) can be written as
(Jamming margin)dB = (Processing gain)dB - 10log10 ( 𝑏 ) (5.14)
𝑁𝑜 𝑚𝑖𝑛
where( 𝑏 ) is the minimum bit energy-to-noise density ratio needed to support a
𝑁𝑜 𝑚𝑖𝑛
Spread Spectrum Techniques
Important observation:
From the above example, we infer that the information bits at the receiver
output can be detected reliably, even when the noise or interference at the receiver
input is up to 409.5 times the received signal power. Clearly, this is a powerful
advantage against interference (jamming), which is obtained by the use of spread
Spread Spectrum Techniques
Basic Principle
In a FH-SS communication system the available channel bandwidth is
subdivided into a large number of contiguous frequency slots. In any signalling
interval, the transmitted signal occupies one or more of the available frequency slots.
The selection of the frequency slot(s) in each signalling interval is made
pseudorandomly according to the output from a PN generator. The figure 5.11
illustrates a particular FH pattern in the time-frequency plane.
Spread Spectrum Techniques
Figure 5.12 shows the block diagram of a slow-frequency hopping FH-MFSK
First, the incoming binary data are applied to an M-ary FSK modulator. The
resulting M-ary FSK modulated signal is applied to a Mixer. The Mixer consists of a
multiplier followed by a band pass filter (BPF).
Binary data Signal
M-ary FSK Band Pass
Modulator Filter
PN code
The other input to the mixer block is obtained from a digital frequency
synthesizer. The frequency synthesiser is controlled by a PN code generator. Hence
the M-ary FSK modulated signal is again modulated by a carrier produced by the
Spread Spectrum Techniques
frequency synthesizer. The Mixer produces two outputs of the sum frequency and
the difference frequency. The band pass filter that follows the mixer selects only the
sum frequency signal, which is the FH-MFSK signal. This signal is then transmitted.
• Using the M-ary FSK system, M symbols can be transmitted, where M=2 K.
Here k is the number of bits of the input binary data that form one symbol.
• The M-ary FSK modulator will assign a distinct frequency for each of these M
• The output bits of the PN generator change randomly. Hence the synthesizer
output frequency will also change randomly.
• Each frequency hop is mixed with the MFSK signal to produce the transmitted
Figure 5.13 shows the block diagram of a slow-frequency hopping FH-MFSK
Received Estimate of
signal binary data
Band Pass M-ary FSK
Filter detector
Local PN code
Spread Spectrum Techniques
• The received signal is applied as input to the Mixer. The other input to the
mixer is obtained from the digital frequency synthesizer.
• The frequency synthesizer is driven by a PN code generator. This generator
is synchronized with the PN code generator at the transmitter.
• Therefore, the frequency hops produced at the synthesizer output will be
identical to those at the transmitter.
• The mixer produces two outputs of the sum frequency and the difference
frequency. The band pass filter selects only the difference frequency, which
is the MFSK signal. Thus the mixer removes the frequency hopping.
• The MFSK signal is then applied to a non-coherent MFSK detector. A bank of
M, non-coherent matched filters are used for non-coherent MFSK detection.
Each matched filter is matched to one of the tones of the MFSK signal.
• An estimate of the original symbol transmitted is obtained by selecting the
largest filter output.
• For an FH/MFSK system,
where k = log 2 𝑀
Bandwidth of Spread signal
(iv) Processing gain, PG = Bandwidth of unspread signal
Spread Spectrum Techniques
• The frequency is hopped once per symbol. Hence the hopping rate is
• In the time-bandwidth plane of the figure, the abscissa (x-axis) represents
time and the ordinate(y-axis) represents the hopping bandwidth.
• A set of 8-ary FSK symbol-to-tone assignments is given. f0 refers to centre
frequency of the data band, which is not fixed.
1 1
• The tone separation is f = 𝑇 =20𝑚𝑠= 50Hz.
• A typical binary data sequence is given at the top. Since the modulation is 8-
ary FSK, the bits are grouped three at a time to form symbols.
• A single-sideband tone (offset from fo) would be transmitted according to
symbol-to-tone assignment.
• For each new symbol, f0 hops to a new position in the hop bandwidth. For the
first symbol in the data sequence 011, f o+25Hz assignment is done. In the
Spread Spectrum Techniques
figure, fo is shown with a dashed line and the symbol tone f o+25Hz is shown
with a solid line.
• Likewise, for the second symbol 110, f o - 125Hz assignment is done. For the
third symbol 001, fo + 125Hz assignment is done. For each symbols, the
centre frequency fo hops to a new position.
Spread Spectrum Techniques
• During each 20ms symbol interval, there are now four columns,
corresponding to the four separate chips to be transmitted for each symbol.
• Now, each symbol is transmitted four times. For each transmission, the
centre frequency f0 is hopped to a new region of the hopping band.
𝑇𝑠 20𝑚𝑠
• The chip interval is Tc = 𝑁
= 4
= 5ms.
𝑅 150 𝑥 4
• The hopping rate is Rh= log𝑏 8 . N = 3
= 200 hops/s.
• Hence, the resulting transmissions yield a more robust signal than that without
such diversity.
Spread Spectrum Techniques
To overcome the jammer, the transmitted signal must be hopped to a new carrier
frequency before the jammer is able to complete the processing of these two
For data recovery at the receiver, non-coherent detection is used. However,
the detection procedure is different from that used in a slow FH-MFSK receiver. The
Figure 5.16 shows a typical fast FH-MFSK demodulator.
First, the signal is dehopped using a PN generator identical to that used in
transmitter. Then, filtering is done with a low pass filter having a bandwidth equal to
the data bandwidth. The filtered signal is demodulated using a bank of ’M’ envelope
Each envelope detector is followed by a clipping circuit and an accumulator.
The clipping circuit serves an important function in the presence of an intentional
jammer or other strong unpredictable interference. The demodulator does not make
symbol decisions on a chip-by-chip basis. The energy from the N chips are
accumulated. After the energy from the Nth chip is added to the N-1 earlier ones, the
demodulator makes a symbol decision by choosing the symbol that corresponds to
the accumulator with maximum energy.
Spread Spectrum Techniques
1. More than one symbols are More than one frequency hops are
transmitted per frequency hop. required to transmit one symbol.
2. Chip rate is equal to symbol rate. Chip rate is higher than Symbol
3. Symbol rate is higher than hop rate. Hop rate is higher than Symbol
5. A jammer can detect this signal if A jammer cannot detect this signal
the carrier frequency in one hop is because one symbol is transmitted
known. using more than one carrier
Slow hopping and fast hopping performance may also compared by the
following two examples:
1) Figure 5.17 shows chip in the context of an FH-MFSK system.
Spread Spectrum Techniques
Spread Spectrum Techniques
5.10.1 Need for Synchronization
The process in which the locally generated carrier at the receiver must be in
frequency and phase synchronism with the carrier at the transmitter is called
synchronization. In spread spectrum communication systems, there should be
perfect alignment between the transmitted and received PN codes, for satisfactory
(i) Carrier frequency as well as the PN clock may drift with time.
(ii) If there is relative motion between the transmitter and receiver, as in the
case of mobile and satellite spread spectrum systems, the carrier and PN
clock will suffer Doppler frequency shift.
Hence, synchronization of the PN sequence of the receiver with that of the
transmitter is essential.
2) Tracking: Once the received spread spectrum signal has been acquired, the
second step, called tracking, takes over for fine alignment.
Both acquisition and tracking make use of the feedback loop.
5.10.3 Acquisition:
Acquisition schemes can be classified into three types. They are
1) Serial search acquisition
2) Parallel search acquisition
3) Sequential search acquisition
Spread Spectrum Techniques
Figure 5.19 Direct Sequence spread spectrum systems – Serial Search Acquisition
Spread Spectrum Techniques
Figure 5.20 shows the serial search scheme for frequency hopping spread
spectrum systems.
Spread Spectrum Techniques
5.10.4 Tracking
Once the signal is acquired, the initial search process is stopped and fine
synchronization and tracking begins. The tracking maintains the PN Code generator
at the receiver in synchronism with the incoming signal. Tracking includes both fine
chip synchronization and, for coherent demodulation, carrier phase tracking.
Spread Spectrum Techniques
synchronization is not exact, the filtered output from one correlator will exceed the
other. Hence the VCO will be appropriately advanced or delayed. At the equilibrium
point, the two filtered correlator outputs will be equally displaced from the peak
value. Then the PN code generator output will be exactly synchronized to the
received signal that is fed to the demodulator.
Although initial acquisition has been achieved, there is a small timing error
between the received signal and the receiver clock. The BPF is tuned to a single
intermediate frequency and its bandwidth is of the order of 𝑇 , where Tc is the chip
interval. Its output is envelope detected and then multiplied by the clock signal to
produce a three-level signal. This drives the loop filter.
Suppose that the chip transitions from the locally generated sinusoidal
waveform do not occur at the same time as the transitions in the incoming signal.
Then the output of the loop filter will be either positive or negative, depending on
whether the VCO is lagging or advanced relative to the timing of the input signal.
This error signal from the loop filter will provide the control signal for adjusting the
VCO timing signal so as to drive the frequency synthesizer output to proper
synchronism with the received signal.
Spread Spectrum Techniques
Spread Spectrum Techniques
( 𝐽𝑏 ) ( 𝐽𝑏 )actually required
𝑜 𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑑 𝑜
Spread Spectrum Techniques
Spread Spectrum Techniques
Spread Spectrum Techniques
to a base station (reverse link or channel). The signals transmitted in both the
forward and reverse links are DS Spread spectrum signals having a chip rate of
1.288 x 106 chips per second (Mchips/s).
Source coding
The speech (source) coder is a code-excited linear predictive (CELP) coder.
It generates data at the variable rates of 9600, 4800, 2400 and 1200bits/s. The data
rate is a function of the speech activity of the user, in frame intervals of 20ms.
Channel coding
The data from the speech coder is encoded by a rate 1⁄2, constraint length
K = 9 convolutional code. For lower speech activity, the output symbols from the
convolutional encoder are repeated. If the data rate is 4800 bits/s, then the output
symbols are repeated twice, so as to maintain a constant bit rate of 9600 bits/s.
Spread Spectrum Techniques
Block interleaver:
The encoded bits for each frame are passed through a block interleaver. It is
needed to overcome the effects of burst errors that may occur in transmission
through the channel. The data bits at the output of the block interleaver occur at a
rate of 19.2kbits/s.
Symbol scrambler
The data bits from the block interleaver are scrambled by multiplication with
the output of a long code (period N=242-1) generator. This generator is running at
the chip rate of 1.288M chips/s, but the output is decimated by a factor of 64 to 19.2
kchips/s. The long code is used to uniquely identify a call of a mobile station on the
forward and reverse links.
Hadamard Sequence
Each user of the channel is assigned a Hadamard (or Walsh) sequence of
length 64. There are 64 orthogonal Hadamard sequences assigned to each base
station. Thus there are 64 channels available.
One Hadamard sequence is used to transmit a pilot signal. The pilot signal is
used for measuring the channel characteristics, including the signal strength and the
carrier phase offset. Another Hadamard sequence is used for providing time
synchronization. Another one sequence may be used for messaging (paging)
service. Hence there are 61 channels left for allocation to different-users. The data
sequence is now multiplied by the assigned Hadamard sequence of each user.
The resulting binary sequence is now spread by multiplication with two PN
sequences of length 215 and rate 1.2288 Mchips/s. This operation creates in-phase
and quadrature signal components. Thus, the binary data signal is converted to a
four-phase signal. Then, both I and Q signals are filtered by baseband spectral
shaping filters.
Different base stations are identified by different offsets of these PN
sequences. The signals for all the 64 channels are transmitted synchronously.
Finally, heterodyning of a carrier wave with BPSK modulation and QPSK spreading,
is done. The summed output is the CDMA signal.
Spread Spectrum Techniques
Mobile receiver
At the receiver, a RAKE demodulator is used to resolve the major multipath
signal components. Then, they are phase-aligned and weighted according to their
signal strength using the estimates of phase and signal strength derived from the
pilot signal. These components are combined and passed to the Viterbi Soft
decision decoder.
In the reverse link, the signals transmitted from various mobile transmitters to
the base station are asynchronous. Hence, there is significantly more interference
among users. Also the mobile transmitters are usually battery operated and
therefore, these transmissions are power limited. We have to design the reverse link
in order to compensate for these two limitations.
Source coding
The reverse link data may also be at variable rates of 9600, 4800, 2400 and
1200 bits/s. The data rate is a function of the speech activity of the user, in frame
intervals of 20ms.
Spread Spectrum Techniques
Channel coding
The data from the speech coder is encoded by a rate 1⁄3, constraint length
K=9 convolutional code. This coder has higher coding gain in a fading channel. This
compensates for the above mentioned limitations.
For lower speech activity, the output bits form the convolutional encoder are
repeated either two, or four, or eight times.
Block interleaver
The encoded bits for each frame are passed through a block interleaver. It is
needed to overcome the effects of burst errors. For each 20ms frame, the 576
encoded bits are block-interleaved. However, the coded bit rate is 28.2 kbits/s.
Hadamard sequence
The data is modulated using an M=64 orthogonal signal set using Hadamard
sequences of length 64. Thus, a 6-bit block of data is mapped into one of the 64
Hadamard sequences. The result is a bit (or chip) rate of 307.2 kbits/s at the output
of the modulator.
Symbol scrambler
To reduce interference to other users, the time position of the transmitted
code symbol repetitions is randomized. Hence, at the lower speech activity,
consecutive bursts do not occur evenly spaced in time.
The signal is also spread by the output of the long code generator running at
a rate of 1.2288 Mchips/s. This is done for channelization (addressing), for privacy,
scrambling, and spreading.
The resulting 1.2288 Mchips/s binary sequence at the output of the multiplier
is then further multiplied by two PN sequences of length N=2 15 with rate 1.2288
Mchips/s. This operation creates in phase and quadrature signals. Both the I and Q
signals are filtered by baseband spectral shaping filters.
The Q-channel signal is delayed in time by one half PN chip time relative to
the I-channel signal prior to the base band filter. The signal at the output of the two
baseband filters is an offset QPSK signal. Finally, the filtered signals are passed to
quadrature mixers. The summed output is the CDMA signal.
Spread Spectrum Techniques
Spread Spectrum Techniques
Spread Spectrum Techniques
12. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Direct Sequence Sprtead
Spectrum (DS-SS) system
1. This system combats the intentional interference (jamming) most effectively.
2. It has a very high degree of discrimination against the multipath signals.
Therefore the interference caused by the multipath reception is minimized
3. The performance of DS-SS system in the presence of noise is superior to
other systems.
1. The PN code generator output must have a high rate. The length of such a
sequence needs to be long enough to make the sequence truly random.
2. With the serial search system, the acquisition time is too large. This makes
the DS-SS system be slow.
Spread Spectrum Techniques
14. What are the performance parameters of Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum
DS-SS) system?
The important performance parameters of Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum
(DS-SS) system are 1) Processing gain 2) Probability of error and 3) Jamming
15. Define Processing Gain.
The processing gain of DS-SS system represents the gain achieved by
processing a spread spectrum signal over an unspread signal. It may also be
defined as the ratio of the bandwidth of the spread spectrum signal to the bandwidth
of the unspread signal.
Bandwidth of Spread Signal
Processing gain (PG) =
Bandwidth of Unspread Signal
Also , PG = , where Tb bit duration, Tc Chip duration
21. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Frequency Hopping Spread
Spectrum (FH-SS) System?
1. The processing gain PG is higher than that of DS-SS system.
2. Synchronization is not greatly dependent on the distance.
3. The serial search system with FH-SS needs shorter time for acquisition.
1. The bandwidth of FH-SS system is too large (in GHz)
2. Complex and expensive digital frequency synthesizers are required.
Spread Spectrum Techniques
Spread Spectrum Techniques
28. List the design options for an Antijam (AJ) communication System
1. Frequency diversity by the use of direct sequence and frequency hopping
spread spectrum techniques.
2. Time diversity by the use of time hopping.
3. Spacial discrimination by the use of a narrow beam antenna.
29. Define 𝑺 Ratio
The ratio ( ) is a figure of merit that provides a measure of how
𝑆 𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑑
Spread Spectrum Techniques
where ( 𝐽𝑏 ) ( 𝐽𝑏 ) actually received
𝑜 𝑟 𝑜
( 𝐽𝑏 ) ( 𝐽𝑏 ) actually required
𝑜 𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑑 𝑜
Time : 3 Hours
Maximum Marks : 75
[N.B: (1) Answer any FIVE questions in each PART-A and PART-B, Q.No..8 in
PART-A and Q.No.16 in PART-B are compulsory.
(2) Answer division (a) or division (b) of each question in PART-C.
(3) Each question carries 2 marks in PART-A, 3 marks in PART-B and
10 marks in PART-C]
1. Define Information Capacity.
2. What is aliasing?
3. What is Retransmission?
4. What are linear block codes?
5. Define digital modulation.
6. Define DPSK.
7. Mention the beneficial attributes of spread spectrum systems.
8. What is NRZ waveform?
9. Define periodic and non-periodic signals.
10. Define Sampling theorems.
11. Explain the types of errors.
12. What is CRC code? Mention two of its applications.
13. What are the merits and demerits of MSK?
14. What are the major applications of DS-SS system?
15. Define Jamming Margin.
16. Define sampled matched filter.
17. (a) Draw the typical block diagram of Digital Communication System and
Explain in detail.
(b) What is Data Transmission? Explain about synchronous and
asynchronous transmission.
18. (a) With neat sketches explain the various sampling techniques.
(b) With neat sketches explain the PCM waveform types.
19. (a) Explain in detail about the error control coding methods.
(b) Explain about Hamming codes with a suitable example.
20. (a) With neat sketches explain about BPSK. What are its merits and
(b) Explain about (i) ASCII framing (ii) T1 framing for telephone.
21. (a) With neat sketches explain in detail about the Direct Sequence Spread
Spectrum Systems.
(b) With a neat block diagram, explain the Working of Forward link in CDMA
Digital Cellular System.
Time : 3 Hours
Maximum Marks : 75
[N.B: (1) Answer any FIVE questions in each PART-A and PART-B, Q.No..8 in
PART-A and Q.No.16 in PART-B are compulsory.
(2) Answer division (a) or division (b) of each question in PART-C.
(3) Each question carries 2 marks in PART-A, 3 marks in PART-B and
10 marks in PART-C]
1. Define Unit Impulse Function.
2. Define PCM Wordsize.
3. List the error detection codes and error correction codes.
4. What is E1 framing for telephone?
5. List the various types of digital modulation techniques.
6. Define synchronization.
7. What are randomness properties?
8. What is forward error correction method?
9. Mention the advantages of digital communication over analog communication.
10. What is quantisation noise?
11. Discuss the rationale for coding.
12. Define code rate and hamming distance.
13. Mention the design goals of digital communication system.
14. Draw the TDM frame structure.
15. Compare slow hopping and fast hopping systems.
16. What is Jamming? List the design options for an Antijam (AJ) communication
17. (a) Explain in detail about the various channels for digital communication.
(b) What is Data Transmission? Explain about serial and parallel
18. (a) What is PCM? Explain about uniform and non-uniform quantization.
(b) (i) Briefly explain about the spectral attributes of PCM waveforms.
(ii) Write short notes on M-ary Pulse Modulation Waveforms.
19. (a) Explain the principles of linear block codes with a suitable example.
(b) (i) Explain about CRC Code
(ii) Explain about convolution code.
20. (a) With neat block diagrams, explain the working of MSK transmitter and
(b) (i) Explain about sampled matched filter.
(ii) Explain about the Non-coherent detection of binary differential PSK.
21. (a) With neat sketches explain in detail about Slow Frequency hopping
Spread Spectrum Systems.
(b) With neat sketches explain any one method of acquisition and tracking.