Dennis Geomorphology Term Paper

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COVER/TITLE PAGE………………………………………………………..1


1.0 INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………3

1.1 BACKGROUND OF STUDY…………………………………………….3-6

1.2 AIMS AND OBJECTIVE………………………………………………….6

1.3 STUDY AREA……………………………………………………………..6-7

2.0 METHODOLOGY…………………………………………………………8-11

3.0 RESULTS…………………………………………………………………..12-19

4.0 CONCLUSION…………………………………………………………….19

5.0 RECOMMENDATION…………………………………………………….20





Morphometric analysis, quantitative description and analysis of landforms as practiced

in geomorphology that may be applied to a particular kind of landform or to drainage basins and
large regions generally. Formulas for right circular cones have been fitted to the configurations
of alluvial fans, logarithmic spirals have been used to describe certain shapes of beaches, and
drumlins, spoon-shaped glacial landforms, have been found to accord to the form of the
lemniscate curve. With regard to drainage basins, many quantitative measures have been
developed to describe valley side and channel slopes, relief, area, drainage network type and
extent, and other variables. Attempts to correlate statistically parameters defining drainage
basin characteristics and basin hydrology, as in studies of sediment yield, are generally
designated as morphometric analyses. Morphometry represents the topographical expression of
land by way of area, slope, shape, length, etc. These parameters affect catchment streamflow
pattern through their influence on concentration time (Jones, 1999). Morphometric analysis of
drainage basins thus provides not only an elegant description of the landscape, but also serve as a
powerful means of comparing the form and process of drainage basins that may be widely
separated in space and time (Easterbrook, 1993).

The functional relationships among various network characteristics, including the relationships
between discharge on the one hand and drainage area, channel width, and length of main stem on
the other, encourage the continued exploration of streamflow in relation to basin geometry.
Attention has concentrated especially on peak flows, the forecasting of which is of practical
importance; and since many basins are gaged either poorly or not at all, it would be
advantageous to devise means of prediction that, while independent of gaging records, are yet
accurate enough to be useful.

A general equation for discharge maxima states that peak discharges are (or tend to be) power
functions of drainage area. Such a relationship holds good for maximum discharges of record,
but conflicting results have been obtained by empirical studies of stream order, stream length,
drainage density, basin size, basin shape, stream and basin slope, aspect, and relative and

absolute height in relation to individual peak discharges in the shorter term. One reason is that
not all these parameters have always been dealt with. In any event, peak discharge is also
affected by channel characteristics, vegetation, land use, and lags induced by interception,
detention, evaporation, infiltration, and storage. Although frequency-intensity-duration
characteristics (and, in consequence, magnitude characteristics) of single storms have been
determined for considerable land areas, the distribution of a given storm is unlikely to fit the
location of a given drainage basin. In addition, the peak flow produced by a particular storm is
much affected by antecedent conditions, seasonal and shorter-term wetting and drying of the soil
considerably influencing infiltration and overland flow. Nevertheless, one large study attained
considerable success by considering rainfall intensity for a given duration and frequency, plus
basin area, and main-channel slope expressed as the height-distance relationship of points 85 and
10 percent of stem length above the station for which predictions were made. For practical
purposes, the telemetering of rainfall in a catchment, combined with the empirical determination
of its response characteristics, appears effective in forecasting individual peak flows.

To empirical analysis of the morphometry of drainage networks has been added theoretical
inquiry. Network plan geometry is specifically a form of topological mathematics. Horton‟s two
fundamental laws of drainage composition are instances of growth laws. They are witnessed in
operation, especially when a new drainage network is developing; and, at the same time,
probability statistics can be used to describe the array of events and forms produced.

Drainage Basin is an area of land which is drained by a river and its tributaries. Drainage basin is
also known as the catchment area of a river. Morphometry is the quantitative evaluation -
measurement and mathematical analysis - of the configuration of the earth‟s surface, shape and
dimension of its landform. Drainage basin, also called catchment area, or watershed, area from
which all precipitation flows to a single stream or set of streams. The boundary between drainage
basins is a drainage divide: all the precipitation on opposite sides of a drainage divide will flow
into different drainage basins. A drainage basin provides a limited surface area within which
physical processes pertinent to the general hydrology may be considered. Drainage morphometry
is defined as a measurement of linear, areal and relief characteristics of any drainage basin
(Clarke 1966). Drainage morphometry was first initiated by Horton (1932). The drainage
morphometric characteristics are important to understanding the underlain structure,

geomorphological formations and hydrological characteristics of any basin (Morisawa 1985).
The relationship between drainage morphometric parameters to its underlain geology,
geomorphology and hydrological characteristics is established through the work of different
geologist and geomorphologist (Strahler 1952; Chorley et al. 1985). It also plays an important
role to characterize the soil erosion, flood condition and geomorphological processes (Chavare
and Potdar 2014). The evolutionary history of any basin can be best understood through the
implication of different relief morphometric measures of drainage basin (Sharma and
Sarma 2013). The different morphometric characteristics like linear parameters (stream order,
stream number, bifurcation ratio, strength length, mean stream length), areal or basin parameters
(circularity ratio, elongation ratio, drainage density, drainage frequency) and relief parameters
(dissection index, ruggedness index, hypsometric characteristics) are important for any river
basin management.

The climatic variables and the water and sediment discharge, water storage, and
evapotranspiration may be measured; from these measurements, denudation rates and moisture
and energy balances may be derived, each of which is useful in the consideration and
understanding of landscape formation.

Drainage morphometric parameters are important indicator to understand the hydrological and
morphological characteristics of any region. Present study aims to understand the hydrological
and morphological characteristics in two different morpho-climatic settings from drainage basin
morphometric parameters. Remote sensing and GIS have been used as efficient tools in
delineating and understanding of any drainage basin morphometry.

Some of the Basic terminologies related to Drainage Basin include;

 Catchment- The area contributing surface water to a point on a drainage or river system,
which may be divided in to sub-catchments.
 Gully- A structure to permit the entry of surface water runoff into a sewerage system. It
is usually fitted with a grating and a grit trap.
 Network- In the context of sewers, a collection of connected nodes and links, manholes
and pipes.

 Overland flow- The flow of water over the ground or paved surface before it enters some
defined channel or inlet, often assumed to be shallow and uniformly distributed across the
 Watershed - The edge of highland surrounding a drainage basin which marks the
boundary between two drainage basins
 Contributing area – A catchment area which contributes storm runoff to a sewerage
system directly.
 Flap gate – A gate which, when opened, releases water whilst also preventing it from
going back into the system.
 Gravity system – A sewerage system or a particular drain whereby flow occurs due to
the force of gravity. The pipeline is specifically designed to operate below its capacity
when required.
 Tributary - a stream or smaller river which joins a larger stream or river.


The aim of the study is to carry out a full analysis a delineated catchment using a Digital elevated
model image of Ibadan South East.

The objective of this study is to:

1. Generate a drainage river network from a delineated basin.

2. Generate a contour map and identify major landforms associated.
3. Develop a Digital Elevation Model for delineated basin.
4. Carry out full morphometric analysis on delineated basin


The study area in this investigation is Ibadan, the capital city of Oyo State in southwestern
Nigeria, using Ogunpa and Ogbere river basins as data collecting points. Ogunpa drainage basin
is located at the southeastern corner of Ibadan city between longitudes 30 52‟E and 30 36‟E and
between latitudes 70 22‟N and 70 26‟E while Ogbere drainage basins is located in the south-

western part of Ogunpa drainage basin between longitude 30 55‟E and 30 58‟E and between
latitude 70 19‟N and 70 27‟N. The basins are situated on a rugged relief) in the tropical rain
forest of Nigeria occupying an area of 40.75sqkm and 52.88sqkm respectively.

Fig.1 Map of the study area; (a) Nigeria and (b) Ibadan South-East Local Government Area.

Fig.2 Rivers Ogunpa and Ogbere Drainage Basins

Source: Prepared from Federal Surveys (1967)



This work was based on drainage analysis carried out on morphometric parameter using Digital
elevation model image extracted from USGS (United States Geological Survey) titled
n08_e004_1arc_v4 dated 2014. This image n08_e004_1arc_v4 covers the South East of the
topographical view of Ibadan. Situated within several popular rivers; such as River Ogunpa,
River Ogbere, River Aspan, and River Oba. Data were analyzed in ArcGIS 10.5 software, and
was also used to generate the DEM (Digital Elevation Model), elevation map, watershed map,
drainage map, slope map; land use map, flow accumulation and flow length, basin area,
perimeter, length and length of streams were calculated with ArcGIS 10.1 and every required
parameter for this study.

The choice of morphometric variables that were examined in this study was based on the result
obtained from previous studies, which have been found to correlate highly with peak discharge,
runoff volumes and sediment delivery. Some of the objectives of this study will be explained
clearly below;

The first objective of this study was to generate a drainage river network from a delineated basin.
This was achieved using ArcGIS 10.5, to import our downloaded DEM (digital elevation model)
from the USGS (United States Geological Survey) website. The DEM was downloaded in four.
Representing the whole Oyo state, but for this study, the mosaic DEM was disintegrated and the
South East region was extracted using functions on the ArcGIS software interface. The
procedures are expressed below;





The river network delineation will be done using an ArcGIS extension called ARC HYDRO
after we have gotten the clipped image of our new basin from the downloaded SRTM DEM. Arc

Hydro is an application in the GIS application that is used for calculating hydrologic parameters.
Such as stream flow, stream density etc. It can be used for hydrologic disaster management and
assessment. The arch hydro operates by manipulating a DEM imagery to bring out results that
cannot be seen ordinarily, it can be a tedious process but quite direct and efficient.

Arc Hydro is a set of data models and tools that operates within ArcGIS to support geospatial
and temporal data analyses. Arc Hydro is used to delineate and characterize watersheds in raster
and vector formats, define and analyze hydro geometric networks, manage time series data, and
configure and export data to numerical models. It is a geographic data model for storing
geospatial and temporal water resources data in ArcGIS.

The following tables summarize the requirements (ArcEditor/ArcInfo and Spatial Analyst) for
each function in Arc Hydro. They includes DEM Reconditioning, Assign Stream Slope, Burn
Stream Slope, Build Walls, Sink Prescreening, Sink Evaluation, Depression Evaluation, Sink
Selection Fill Sinks, Flow Direction, Flow Direction with Sinks, Adjust Flow Direction in Lakes,
Flow Accumulation, Stream Definition, Stream Segmentation, Flow Direction with Streams,
Combine Stream Link and Sink Link, Catchment Grid Delineation, Catchment Polygon
Processing, Drainage Line Processing, Adjoint Catchment Processing, Drainage Point
Processing, Longest Flow Path for Catchments, Longest Flow Path for Adjoint Catchments and

Terrain Preprocessing uses DEM (digital elevation model) to identify the surface drainage
pattern. Once preprocessed, the DEM and its derivatives can be used for efficient watershed
delineation and stream network generation. The steps in the Terrain Preprocessing menu should
be performed in sequential order, from top to bottom. The processes to use depend on the type
and quality of the initial DEM. Processing must be completed before Watershed Processing
functions can be used.

It straight forward when generating a contour map using the clipped DEM. Using the Search
icon, type CONOUTOUR. Click on it, insert the required parameter which is the Clipped basin
file, choose storage and select a value, this value may be as low as 5. Depending on the range of
the DEM. Using low figure will make visible even the lowest contour line. For this study, the
contour value was toggled between 5, 30, 50 and 45 till an appropriate extent was reached, 5.

After successfully creating contour indicator by the ArcGIS, move to the properties of the
contour shapefile and turn on label for the contour elevation lines to show. This contour
elevation lines indicated low and high land which is used to identify land forms.

Fig.4 Contours

Contour lines help visualize surface topology by creating line connecting points with an equal
elevation above or below a standard level. This is useful in identifying suitable locations for
projects, such as estimating water storage capacity, or approximating the volume of excavation
work. In ArcGIS Pro, existing tools and functions can be used to create contour lines, depending
on the input and the desired output data. The table below lists the tools and functions to create a
contour layer.

Fig.5 Triangulated Irregular Network

A triangular irregular network (TIN) layer is commonly an elevation surface that represents
height values across an extent. TINs are a digital means to represent surface morphology. TINs
are a form of vector-based digital geographic data constructed by triangulating a set of vertices
(points). The vertices are connected with a series of edges to form a network of triangles. The
edges of TINs form contiguous, non-overlapping triangular facets and can be used to capture the
position of linear features that play an important role in a surface, such as a ridge line or stream

A full morphometric analysis was carried out after deriving necessary data using Arc Hydro
extension. A substantial amount of studies had attempted identifying the relationship between
basin morphometric parameters and stream/river basin. Stream ordering is the method of
assigning number to the individual stream or part of it and to determine the hierarchical position
of the streams in the drainage network. Junction, Interior and exterior link are important terms
associated with this topological or linear network study. A junction is the point where two
channels meet.

Strahler‟s is the most common type of stream ordering. In the Strahler‟s method, all links
without any tributaries are assigned an order of 1 and are referred to as first order. The stream
order increases when streams of the same order intersect. Therefore, the intersection of two first-
order links will create a second-order link, the intersection of two second-order links will create a
third-order link, and so on. The intersection of two links of different orders, however, will not
result in an increase in order. For example, the intersection of a first-order and second-order link
will not create a third-order link but will retain the order of the highest ordered link. The
Strahler‟s method is the most common stream ordering method. However, because this method
only increases in order at intersections of the same order, it does not account for all links and can
be sensitive to the addition or removal of links.

The Advantages of Strahler's ordering is that Strahler's stream order is it has a good
mathematical background. All catchments with streams in this context are directed graphs,
oriented from the root towards the leaves. The disadvantage of that method is the lack of
distinguishing a main channel which may interfere with the analytical process in highly
elongated catchments.



From the basin that has been developed, the calculated area of the basin is 2494.45sq km. this
suggests a drainage basin of average size. With 291km been the basin perimeter. The total length
of the basin is 91km, while the total stream length is 1543.86km. Five Stream orders were
observed from the generated basin.


1 762.01 49.35
2 411.32 26.64
3 181.49 11.7
4 127.34 8
5 61.7 3.9
TOTAL ∑=1543.86 99.59
Fig. 6

From fig.6, it is observed that the dominant stream order is the first order, meaning the river in
this basin has many tributaries.

In this aspect of contour analysis, a contour map was developed using the already clipped SRTM
n08_e004_1arc_v4 imagery. The contour lines represented the different landforms by showing
elevation technically using topographical contour line numbers, ranging from 100m to 600m.
The dominant contour line represented is the 200m contour line. Therefore, it can be stated that,
the study is average lowland with high and lows but majorly lows as the 100m contour line
sequentially follows the 200m as the next dominant contour lines. However, there are significant
highlands in the area, but these highlands make up only 11.24% of the entire elevation. See fig. 7
and 8 for the summary and contour analysis.

Fig.7 Contour summary


100 13095 26.07
200 22091 43.98
300 13930 27.73
400 994 1.97
500 110 0.22
600 8 0.02
TOTAL 50228 99.99%
Fig.8 Contour Analysis

From the developed Digital Elevation Model (DEM) using Triangulated Irregular Network
(TIN), the highlands seen in the contour maps are evidence in the TIN image, but they are
represented in different color palette ranging from white, grey, brown, reddish brown, green, to
blue. The dominant elevation height is also the 200m and 300m as observed with the contour
map. 21 variables were used to carry out the morphometric analysis, and the results produced a
vivid understanding of the catchment area of study.

Morphometric parameters Description
DRAINAGE DENSITY (Dd) Drainage density has been identified as a vital
parameter to indicate the linear scale of
landform elements in stream eroded terrain.
Technically Dd of a basin is the total length of
all stream segment divided by the basin area
and it is measured in km/km2. Dd gives an
idea about the spacing closeness - of the
streams, thereby providing a quantitative
measure of the average length of drainage
channel per km2 unit area in the basin under
study. Low Dd values (usually less than 5
km/km2) often associate with largely spaced
streams as a result of the presence of less
resistant materials (i.e. permeable rocks),
gentle slope and low rainfall; high Dd values
(5 km/km2 and above) on the other hand,
characterize environments with high rainfall,
steep slope and poor infiltration or
impermeable rocks.
BIFURCATION RATIO (Rb) Bifurcation means dividing in two and the term
bifurcation ratio is defined as the ratio of
number of stream segments of a given order (u)
to the number of stream segments of next
higher order. It is expressed as: 𝑅𝑏 = 𝑁𝑢/𝑁𝑢+1
Where, Nu + 1 is the number of stream
segments of next higher order than the order
„u‟. The bifurcation ratio lies between 3.0 and
5.0 for those watersheds in which geological

formations do not distort the drainage pattern
of the watershed. A high „Rb‟ is expected in
the regions of steeply dipping rock strata,
where narrow valleys are confined between the
ridges. Basin shape is an important determinant
of Rb. An elongated basin is normally found to
have higher „Rb‟ than the normal basin.
LENGTH OF OVERLAND FLOW (Lo) Logic and physiographic development of
watershed. Though it is similar to the concept
of „surface runoff‟, but these two are quite
different hydrological phenomenon. Length of
overland flow is actually that flow of
precipitated water which moves over the land
surface leading to the stream channels whereas
the channel flow reaching to the outlet of
watershed is referred as the surface runoff. The
overland flow is significant in the smaller
watersheds, but runoff is in bigger watersheds.
The length and depth of overland flow are
small. The flow characteristics of overland
flow are in laminar condition.
STREAM FREQUENCY (Fs) This is also known as drainage frequency. It
could be expressed as the total number of
streams in a basin per unit area. Fs indicate the
drainage network distribution in a basin.
Generally, the value of the perimeter has been
found to range from less than 1 to 6 or more
based on the basin rock type.
CIRCULATORY RATIO (RC) Circulatory ratio is the ratio of basin area to the
area of a circle which has same perimeter as
the basin perimeter. It was established that the

higher the value of Rc, the more circular shape
of the watershed and a lower value indicate an
elongated basin with permeable lithology.
TEXTURE RATIO (Tr) Texture ratio is defined as ratio of the total
number of stream segments in the first order of
the basin to the basin parameter [HORTON]. T
is a dependent of the underlying lithology
(rock type) terrain relief, soil type, infiltration
capacity, vegetation and rainfall in the
concerned basin.
ELONGATION RATIO (Re) Elongation ratio expresses the ratio between
the diameter of the circle of the same area as
the drainage basin in question and the basin
length. The significance of Re is in the analysis
of basin shape and it provides idea about the
hydrological character of the watershed. The
values of Re typically range from 0.6 to 1.0,
according to Strahler‟s AN.
COMPACTNESS COEFFICIENT ( Cc ) This is also known as Constant of channel
maintenance of a basin. Schumm gave the
explanation of the parameter as the extent of
the drainage area that is needed to sustain or
maintain one kilometer of drainage length in
the concerned watershed. It is mathematically
defined as the reciprocal of the drainage
FORM FACTOR (FF) Form factor is a numerical expression used to
represent basin shapes. It is defined as the ratio
of the basin area to the square of basin length.
A value of 0.7584 was given by Horton as the
apex Ff value, which represents the value of a

perfectly circular basin thus Ff value would
always be less than 0.7584. The less the value
the more elongated is the watershed in
SHAPE FACTOR (Rs) This expresses the relation between the
perimeters of the circle of watershed area to
perimeter of watershed. This is quantitatively
expressed as: Rs = 𝑃𝑢/ 𝑃𝑐
Where, Pu = Perimeter of circle of watershed
area, Pc = Perimeter of watershed.
SHAPE INDEX (Sw) Shape index can be expressed as the square of

the basin length divide by the area of the basin,

which can be quantitatively expressed as: Sw =

𝐿^2/𝐴 Where; L^2= Basin length

A = Area of basin

COMPACTNESS COEFFICIENT ( Cc ) This is also known as Constant of channel

maintenance of a basin. Schumm gave the
explanation of the parameter as the extent of
the drainage area that is needed to sustain or
maintain one kilometer of drainage length in
the concerned watershed.
RELIEF RATIO (Rr) It is given by dividing R by the basin length.
Schumm expressed that Rr is a numerical
representation of the overall steepness within a
river basin and thus it indicates the intensity of
erosion within a basin. Rr of the basin under
study is 0.03, a low value.
CONSTANT CHANNEL MAINTENANCE Schumn (1956) used the reciprocal of drainage
(C) density to define the constant of channel

maintenance; which is expressed in square
km/km. since it represents the drainage to
maintain one unit of channel length, hence it is
a measure of basin erodibility. It is
quantitatively defined as: C = 1/𝐷
where; D = Drainage Density of the basin
BASIN WIDTH (km) This was calculated by dividing the area of the
basin by the length. It is quantitatively
expressed. BW = 𝐴/𝐿𝑏
Where: BW is the basin width
A is the area of basin
Lb is the length of basin.
BASIN AREA (km SQ) This is calculated through the use of spatial
analyst extension in the ArcGIS, in which the
method of length and breadth of rectangle was
used. i.e. Area = L X B
BASIN LENGTH This is referred to the axial length and it is
represented symbolically as Lb. This is
measured manually using the Measure Tool in
BASIN PERIMETER This is the distance measured round the shape
of the basin. It was determined using the
„Calculate Geometry‟ in feature attribute table.
MEASURE OF SLOPE (I) Measure of slope measures the difference
between the maximum and minimum slope
over the area of the basin. Slope also has a
direct relationship with magnitude of flood.
BASIN RUGGEDNESS NUMBER (Rn) Strahler (1968) describes ruggedness number
as the product of maximum basin relief (R) and
drainage density (Dd). It usually combines

slope steepness with its length. Extremely high
values of ruggedness number occur when
slopes of the basin are not only steeper but
long, as well. The formula is - 𝑅𝑛 = 𝑅 ∗ 𝐷𝑑
River basin with high ruggedness number
indicates higher drainage frequency with high
channel gradient which lead to more erosion.
Level of dissection is also very in such basin.



The study has demonstrated the influence of catchment morphometric parameters on hydro-
geomorphic process of drainage basin. This influence is however encouraged by other basin
characteristics such as climate, soil characteristics and landuse pattern which acts as contributory
factors to flooding in the drainage basins. Efficient basin management techniques therefore calls
for understanding of the combined roles played by all the catchment controlling variables; as this
action represent the best option towards reducing rates of catchment degradation in the basins.
Specific management practices that can however be adopted in the basins includes;

Controlled urban development by government agencies, such as the town planning authority
through promulgation of edicts and laws. This is to reduce both the magnitude and frequency of
flood being experienced in the basins. In this light, buildings already erected on floodplains can
be pulled down while areas yet to be built-up can be zoned for future development.



More research should be carried out in the study area with well updated digital elevation model
imagery from the satellite, to create awareness on environmental and equally to compare and
contrast the differences on various landforms within the land surfaces. People should be educated
on how to acquire credible data for analysis and interpretation of landforms in the study area.


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