NCCDS 2021 Broucher
NCCDS 2021 Broucher
NCCDS 2021 Broucher
About GSSSIETW, Mysuru 10 . A grand felicitation of the finest E ducational institutions of Karnataka. The
H indu G roup felicitated the educationists on a common platform titled GSSS Institute of Engineering &Technology for Women
Geetha Shishu Shikshana Sangha (R) is the outcome of the v ision and (Affiliated to VTU, B elagavi, Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & Govt. of Karnataka)
"The DOYENS-G uardians of Know ledge" award in 2017.
initiative of Late Prof. B. S. Pandit, a former Professor fr om SJCE Mysuru. The th
Accredited with Grade ‘A’ by NAAC
11 . Secured 48 Position in top 100 P rivate E ngineering colleges in India, as Accredited Branches by NBA, New Delhi UG- ECE/CSE/IS E/TE
main vision of founder Secretary Late P rof B. S . P andit was to provide quality technical surv eyed by one of the esteemed newspaper The New Indian E xpress. (Validity: 01.07.2017 to 30.06.2020 & 01.07.2020 to 30-06-2023)
education to women. U nder the tree of GSSS (R), there are various institutions catering 12 . Best Accredited S tudent Branch Award by Computer S ociety of India for KRS Road, Metagalli, Mysuru- 570 016, Karnataka, India
to the education needs of pre-primary education to doctoral research. GSSS (R) is a tw o consecutive years 2016 & 2017.
non-profit organization focused towards value addition in terms of providing best of 13 . Ranked 9th position among Top-20 E merging E ngineering colleges in Under IQAC
infrastructure and services for the cause of education. India, inannual survey conducted by Higher Education Review Magazine -2016. 3 National Conference on
The main vision of the GSSS institute of E ngineering and Technology for
Women (GSSSIETW) is to become a recognized world class Women Educational
14 . Bagged 10th Rank in "Top-10 E merging E ngineering Colleges 2014" , by
H igher E ducation Review Magazine.
Communication and Data Science
Institution, by imparting professional education to the students, creating technical 15 . Outstanding Women Institute of IT in Karnataka from N ational Karnataka (NCCDS-2021)
opportunities through academic excellence and technical achievements w ith ethical E ducation S ummit & Awards 2014. 10th July 2021
values" . GSSSIETW believes in overall development of the students apart
pr ogram, all affiliated to VTU, Belagavi. The institution has established Research NIMAT and more than 1000 students are trained.
Centers in the department of E lectronics and Communication E ngineering, E lectrical
and E lectronics E ngineering, Computer S cience E ngineering, Information S cience About the Department of ECE
E ngineering, P hysics, Chemistry, M athematics and M BA. 31 faculty members of Dept. of Electronics & Communication E ngineering was established in the Year
GSSSIETW are hav ing Doctorate degree. The institution has been accredited w ith 2003.A t present it offers B.E . (ECE ) with an intake of 180 and that M. Tech in
GRADE “A ” by the National Accreditation Assessment Committee (NAAC). Digital Communication and N etwork w ith an intake of 18. Both B.E (ECE) & M .
All departments have professional forums like CSI, ISSA, IEEE, IETE , ISTE and ISOI. Tech. (DCN ) courses are affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological U niversity,
GSSSIETW has bagged the following accomplishment to its credit: Belagavi & approved by AICTE, N ew Delhi and G ovt. of Karnataka. The UG
1. The institution has been accredited w ith GRADE A by the N ational Accreditation program in ECE is accredited by NBA since July 2017 and validity is extended
Assessment Committee ( NAAC). up to June 2023. The ECE Department is one among the top performers in the
2. The 4 UG P rograms of the institute are accredited by National Board of A ccredi Mysore region producing consistent results. The department has 8 P h. D
tation, N ew Delhi. Degree holders and currently 10 are pursuing P h.D. degree. The department
3. The institute has been awarded S ilver medal in QS gauge in the Nationwide has produced 8th VTU rank during 2011 in UG and total 6 ranks in PG. The
Indian College and University ranking system. department has established “Advanced Communication Lab for Developing and
4. Recognized host institute by MSME, G ovt. of India, N ew Delhi, for supporting P rototy ping 2x2 MIMO systems” w ith the funds of Rs 12.54 Lakhs sanctioned
entrepreneurial and managerial development of SME s through incubator. by AICTE, Government of India, under the MODROB scheme. The department
5. Bagged 25 University Ranks till date. has signed M oU s with leading industries like UI-Path, KrutiBimb Concepts,
6. The Institute has successfully organized IEEE International Conference ICEECCOT Advanced E lectronics Sy stems, Kaayatech Inc, Kaynes Technology and RTTC -
In Association With
during 2016, 2017, 2018 & 2019 and S pringer International Conference on Adaptive BSN L. The department of ECE has recognized Research centre under VTU
Computational Intelligence during 2019 & 2020. Belagavi w ith 7 research guides and 13 research scholars. Till date 4 research
7. Established Instit ution I nnovati on Council in associ ation wit h A ICTE & M HR D, New scholars are awarded with P h.D. degree from ECE research centre of the
Del hi . institute. The department has also established P rogram Specific Labs namely
8. Recognized NI La bVI EW Academy Sc hool of Nati onal I nstr uments si nce Dec em ber Embedded Systems, IoT, Wireless C ommunication Lab under NI LabVIE W
2018. Academy S chool to support students for undertaking their project w ork and
9. Receiv ed Gol d and Bronze Medals in C SE and EEE discipli nes respectiv ely duri ng the also to upgrade their skill set leading to employability. The department has
NDRF Project aw ar ds in October 2018. also established IETE student’s forum (ISF ). Faculty members of ECE are
members of many professional bodies like IETE, ISTE, IEEE and other
professional bodies.
Conference Theme: Submitted papers will be rev iewed and the contents will be v erified
Chief Patrons
against any sort of plagiarism. Once manuscript is selected for Dr . Jagannath Shenoi M President, GSSS( R), Mysuru.
The Conference is an id eal forum for researchers to share their findings
publication, the authors must submit the copyright transfer
and thoughts with their fellow researchers. This conference will serv e as a Smt. V anaja B Pandit Hon. Secretary, GSSS( R) , Mysuru.
document. At least one author registration is compulsory for each
platform for fruitful interaction among Research Scholars, Scientists,
accepted papers. Patrons
Academicians and members in the Industry . The main objectiv e of this Sr i Bharath R K Member & CEO , GSSS( R), Mysuru.
Registration can be made through any Digital mode
conference is to create awareness and to prov ide a perfect platform for the
(NEFT/RTGS/BheemApp/Googlepay /pay tm/Phonepay etc.) and copy Smt Anupama B Pandit AO, GSSSIETW, Mysur u.
participants to upgrade their k nowledge and experience and to discuss on
the way s to disseminate the awareness of the latest dev elopments and of the transaction along with full length paper should be sent to the General Chair
prov ided Google form link Dr . Shivakumar M Principal, GSSSIET W, Mysuru.
adv ances in the field of Engineering & Technology . This conference reflects BH54mT6
the current focus of global research, recent dev elopments, challenges and Organizing Chair
emerging trends in the field of Information, Communication & Embedded Dr . Rajendra R Patil Professor & Head, Dept. of ECE
PRESENTATION: Online-Google Meet
Conference Conveners
Call for Papers: Dr . Parameshachar i B D Professor, Dept. of ECE
Extended Last Date for Paper 05-07-2021
Dr . Padmashree S Professor, Dept. of ECE
Papers are inv ited in the following areas of interest, but not limited to: Submission a nd Re gistration
Organizing Committee
Communication Engineering Dr G Manjula Assoc. Prof, Dept. of ECE
Conference Date 10-07-2021
Data Science Dr . Rajeshwari Devi D V Assoc. Prof, Dept. of ECE
Data Mining Dr . Sushma S J Assoc. Prof, Dept. of ECE
UG/PG Students Rs. 500/-
Signal and Image Processing for Communication Conference Committee
Faculty /Research scholar Rs. 1000/- Dr . Jayanth J Assoc. Prof, Dept. of ECE
Wireless Communication and Network ing
Dr . Archana B Asst. Prof, Dept. of EC E
Mobile Communication Smt. Asha M Asst. Prof, Dept. of EC E
Machine Learning and Deep Learning Smt. Anitha K Asst. Prof, Dept. of EC E
Beneficiary N ame: GSSSIETW Smt. Shyamala C Asst. Prof, Dept. of EC E
Internet of Things
Smt. Thilagavathy R Asst. Prof, Dept. of EC E
Remote Sensing & GIS Bank N ame: Canara Bank
Smt. Bharathi R Asst. Prof, Dept. of EC E
Embedded Sy stems and VLSI Design Branch: Siddarthanagar, Mysuru Sr i Raghavendra Y M Asst. Prof, Dept. of EC E
Best of selected & presented papers will be submitted to BJIT- Professor & Head, Ph: +91-9886211981 Sr i. Aravind R Asst. Prof, Dept. of EC E